Friday, December 14, 2018

What is biotin for?

What is biotin for?

Biotin , better known as vitamin H, vitamin B8 or vitamin B7, is a component of enzymes of great importance in the human body, since it is mainly responsible for raising energy and caring for tissues such as skin, nails and hair, It also breaks down fats and carbohydrates and is recommended for the evolution in hemoglobin.

This vitamin can be found in vitamin supplement capsules or naturally in a variety of foods such as meats, egg yolks, brewer's yeast and certain cereals.

You want to know a little more about the contribution of Biotin in the body. Continue reading.

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Biotin 10,000 mcg High Potency | 310 Biotin Natural Melting and Dissolving Tablet Helps with Hair Growth,...

What is biotin used for and its most recommended uses

It is also recommended to improve moods, this because its components raise energy, allowing the person to be more awake and attentive, with a better disposition to face the day to day.

1. As a stress treatment

Stress and anxiety are part of everyday life, whether by study, work, or thousands of other reasons. This situation can end up being harmful to health, so it is important to consume some vitamin supplements such as biotin, which help to combat stress and reduce some states of depression, fatigue, etc.

2. As prevention of anemia

It helps and helps to adjust the levels of blood in the body, this reduces the risk of suffering from anemia and facilitates the obtaining of energy, as well as a regulation of blood glucose.

3. Strengthens nails and hair

Biotin is favorable for the health of hair and nails, avoiding dryness, strengthening and promoting growth.

As for the nails prevents brittle, if you have weak and rough nails, you may need to supply a greater amount of this vitamin to your body.

Among the most commented benefits of vitamin H, it gives shine and life to the scalp. It is used as a prevention of alopecia, so many aesthetic products and shampoos use it in its composition.

4. It favors the metabolism

It favors the metabolism of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. It is a vitamin that works in addition to others, such as vitamin B12. In addition, it improves intestinal function.

5. Biotin for skin health

It provides beneficial properties for the skin, especially to treat conditions such as dermatitis or dryness. However, it is necessary to control their consumption with the help of a doctor, since an excessive dose is related to acne problems on the face.

6. Analgesic for muscle pains

Relieves muscle pain, if you like to lead a fitness life you can take advantage of the analgesic properties of biotin, give you a feeling of well-being at the time of suffering some muscle pain or exercise.

Benefits of Biotin in hair

As mentioned above, vitamin B8 is used in order to achieve various results, including strengthening the nails and hair, as well as its rapid and adequate growth.

The vitamin not only provides greater resistance to our hair, but also allows it to stay bright. Because of this, many cream baths and hair treatments have included vitamin B8 in their components.

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However, a better result is generated by consuming the substance as a vitamin supplement instead of applying it to the hair in the presentation of a shampoo or other type of product. Of these hair cream baths, no true results have been proven that are comparable to the efficiency that is appreciated when consuming it through food or supplements.

As for the rest of our body, biotin helps to burn fats and carbohydrates easily, as well as maintain healthy and strong tissues to maintain a smooth skin without excess wrinkles.

How to consume Biotin

Biotin not only tends to take you alone, but with another set of supplements. For example, this vitamin is often mixed with collagen, which has become a very common component of vitamins, this because it helps to reduce wrinkles in the skin and prevents the joints from weakening.

Naturally you can get collagen in foods such as cheese and meat, as well as can be strengthened by the vitamin components. In the case of Biotin, adding collagen achieves a more effective result in the evolution of the strengthening of the tissues, as well as in the tendons and ligaments. It can be said that collagen improves the actions of biotin.

Who can take this vitamin?

Biotin is a necessary vitamin to acquire for all people at any age, however, the amount needed depends on the health status and age of each individual. In children younger than 11 years, it is recommended that it be ingested in a smaller amount than what adults consume.

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Pregnant or nursing women can also take vitamin H without any inconvenience. In fact, people older than 18 years (including pregnant women) are recommended to consume an amount of approximately 30 micrograms, while when the woman is breastfeeding, it is suggested to consume at least 5 micrograms more than normal.

Biotin 5000 mcg

Biotin 5000 mcg is a vitamin supplement that contains, as the name implies, an amount of 5000 micrograms of vitamin H or biotin. Its presentation is in capsules, pills or tablets and is only used when there is a serious lack or deficiency of this specific vitamin in the body, which makes it necessary to use an external factor to stabilize it.

These cases can arise when the person comes from a very strict diet, stress crisis, states of depression or has some kind of condition at the level of health that creates the problem in the absorption of vitamins.

Its main functions are the improvement of the skin, strengthening of the nails, decrease in hair loss (besides stimulating its growth), improve metabolism and mood.

Does Biotin get fat?

It has always been believed that biotin causes overweight in people, but it is totally false. Everything in excess is bad, and what happens in this particular case is that the excessive consumption of certain foods containing biotin can cause problems and imbalances in the diet, which leads to weight gain.

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This problem is generated only by ignorance and lack of care when managing the diet on a daily basis, because, on the contrary, this vitamin allows us to eliminate fats and carbohydrates more easily, in saying that its function really is generate the opposite effect, it helps you lose weight more easily.

What foods give us Biotin?

All the viscera, as well as the liver and egg yolk, contain biotin, and although it is very healthy to consume them to get the benefits of this vitamin, you have to take care of excessive feeding because, as with many other substances and foods, It may backfire.

In the case of vegetables, the best way to get a large amount of biotin is through brewer's yeast, but we can also obtain it from cereals such as wheat and oats, as well as in flours.

Other foods where this substance abounds are in fruits, such as avocado or apples. In meats, fish and nuts too, as well as mushrooms.

To maintain a healthy life, hand in hand with this and all the vitamins that offer food naturally, it is necessary to have a balanced diet, without excessive food or lack of others since all provide various benefits to the human body.

The recommended thing for this vitamin is to consume some of these foods daily, without mixing them together in the same meal, on the contrary, it is good to take them, one in each of the three basic meals, for example, receiving the necessary amount daily without major excesses .