Bad Blood Circulation | Causes, symptoms and treatment
Poor blood circulation is a problem that affects a large part of the population, the reasons can be very different from an excess in the consumption of salt as well as a lack of hydration. But always an ailment that we must treat due to the serious consequences that it can have. On our page today we wanted to dedicate this article to the Bad Circulation | Causes, symptoms and treatment , knowing all the risks and how to avoid them, is fundamental. Let's start if you lose more time !.
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What is poor circulation
Perhaps before understanding what is bad circulation we should know what is a correct flow of blood or what we know as good circulation. That the blood flows correctly through the organism is essential, since it is responsible for transporting the nutrients and all the necessary and required substances to the different organs, tissues, muscles, etc.
Then a good blood circulation means having good highways through which to circulate the blood flow. Good blood flow will allow oxygen to better reach cells, muscles, tissues, etc. That our defenses act immediately circulating through channels, wide, wide and clear. This is good circulation.
What happens when due to elements such as cholesterol, dehydration, etc. the walls of our arteries and veins begin to narrow , the answer you know, poor blood circulation and therefore, neither our cells will receive the necessary oxygen supply nor our defenses reach the place of infection in time.
Therefore, poor blood circulation can lead to serious health problems, it is considered one of the main causes of deaths worldwide.
Causes of poor circulation
Poor circulation is largely due to a poor diet, high-fat meals, junk food so fast to prepare and so much trouble. The consumption of fats can cause the cholesterol ends by closing the pathways where the blood flows even cutting the total flow. Free radicals and cell destruction cause serious damage when the body is weak enough to fight against these effects.
A good diet is as important as performing some kind of physical activity, a simple walk of 30 minutes a day is a simple and pleasant way to get our blood circulation in shape. The lack of physical activity will suppose a deterioration of the circulatory system.
Poor blood circulation can have serious consequences for the organism, as we have already mentioned, cardiovascular problems that can cause cardiac arrest, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, hypertension, besides being affected all the organs that intervene in these failures such as the kidneys, pancreas , etc.
We could conclude by saying that bad circulation will weaken and extinguish the energy of each organ , will do it little by little, until we decide to remedy because otherwise they will end up going out.
Symptoms of poor circulation
It is important to be alert to the first symptoms that can indicate that our circulation is deficient and therefore our organs are possibly suffering. Knowing what the symptoms are and being alert to them may save your life.
- The members become inflamed . When poor circulation has reached the kidneys, the first obvious symptoms are the extremities especially hand and feet swollen.
- Blue color on the skin . It is called cyanosis and it is a bluish hue that acquires the skin. The blood circulation is responsible for oxygenate all parts of the body, when the concentration of oxygen in blood decreases, it does not reach well to the skin cells, so it adopts this bluish color especially at the tips of the fingers, lips and feet.
- Cold extremities. Bad circulation sends us different notices that something is not right, one of them is the cooling of the extremities. When the circulation works properly, the blood arrives with a constant flow, helping our body maintain its natural warmth. With poor blood circulation, certain parts of the body, where there are more nerve endings such as the hands and feet, can lose heat due to the difficulty of the blood reaching the endings.
- Nails and brittle hair. When we notice that the nails and hair have become more brittle, it will be a sign that the nutrients are not coming in properly, which causes breakage and weakening.
- Wounds. Strange injuries may appear, as if they were chafing on the legs, feet and ankles. These wounds are caused by the dryness of the skin, if the blood does not reach the superficial layers of the skin, it flakes off producing the spots or wounds that we have just commented. Something similar happens to smokers, the effects of nicotine cause the blood endings to become thinner, providing less oxygen to the upper layers of the skin.
Varicose veins. Varicose veins can appear for different reasons, but without a doubt this is one of them, bad circulation. With the valves of the weak heart, the blood that pumps out accumulates in the veins, so they bulge and often hurt.
These we can say are the obvious and remarkable symptoms, but there are other symptoms that are not seen and those are:
Failure in the immune system. When a lot of apparent reason you get sick and this happens every so often or if the wounds take a long time to heal, are all symptoms that the white blood cells are taking too long to arrive, the blood is unable to transport them at a speed due. Our defenses can not arrive in time so that viruses, bacteria and any other microorganism, can attack us almost if resistance.
Fatigue. Move a little and already be suffocated, this is a symptom of lack of nutrients. The reason is always the same, the blood is unable to pump fast so nutrients, oxygen, salts, vitamins, etc. They are slower to reach the muscles or tissues, causing exhaustion.
Tingle. Certain parts of our body can feel a tingling sensation similar to the one we feel when we are in a certain position for a long time, the lack of oxygen, as always is responsible.
- Memory loss. It may be difficult for you to concentrate and you often lose your attention, your movements are slower than usual and if you also lose memory, it may be a symptom that the blood is not reaching the brain correctly. Most memory losses refer to short-term memory but also, if we do not put the remedies, can affect the long-term memory.
- Sexual problems Erectile dysfunction is in men in symptom or more usual disorder, being difficult to maintain sexual relations. Regarding women, the main symptomatology is the lack of sexual interest.
Treatment for poor circulation
To end the problems of circulation, there is some other treatment for poor circulation, among which the herbal medicine and supplements for poor circulation.
Phytotherapy for the purpose of improving circulation is based on a series of plants with circulatory, vasotonic and diuretic properties , as well as a series of foods with circulatory benefits. Plants with circulatory purposes stand out for facilitating blood flow, which is why they are formed mainly by fluidifiers that have anticoagulant properties. On the other hand, the plants with vasotonic ends help in the defense of the blood vessels and in their flexibility. Likewise, diuretic plants help in the cleaning and purification of infectious agents (toxins) of our organism and, as a result, achieve a better circulation in terms of purity and fluidity.
Among the different supplements that have benefits in the blood flow, acting as vasodilators, we find the following:
Treatment for poor circulation of wheat germ oil
Wheat germ oil , rich in vitamin E, has antioxidant properties, so it is usually one of the recommended foods to try to increase good cholesterol and improve circulation. To become aware of the power that wheat germ oil can have on our bodies, with only one spoonful included in our diet, we will get 190% of vitamin E recommended by experts. It should be noted that to achieve such results should be consumed cold, just open it. So that the components are not affected, it is recommended to consume it with an ingredient that has antioxidant powers, such as a glass of juice squeezed with water. It is very important that we remember that it should be eaten raw, since any type of cooking could destroy the vitamin properties of this food. Therefore, keep it in the refrigerator during the indicated period.
Treatment for bad circulation horsetail
Horsetail is another diuretic food with antioxidant properties for our body. To achieve the desired effects, we can add 100 grams of horsetail in a liter of water and heat for an estimated time of 30 minutes. This diuretic product is sold in pharmacies and even in large supermarkets.
Cat's claw helps improve blood circulation, thanks to the fluidifying benefits, which helps in the prevention of blood clots. If the doctor detects that your blood is very thick, it is very likely to recommend this diuretic product.
And finally, the black currant helps in strength and capillary elasticity and, as a result, helps to promote blood flow and in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases derived from poor blood circulation.
Home remedies for poor circulation
There are a number of foods that have properties that promote blood circulation . This type of treatment is called home remedies for poor circulation. Among the foods with this type of properties, the following stand out:
Home remedies for poor circulation garlic
Garlic , known scientifically as allium sativum, contains alliin and ajoene, which has antithrombotic properties, that is, it prevents the formation of clots in blood vessels. Therefore, it helps in improving blood circulation. In order to achieve all the benefits, we can incorporate half a gram of garlic into our diet. The important thing is that the product is consumed raw. Some ideas to incorporate this powerful ingredient of flavor can be consumed directly in raw or in salads.
Home remedies for bad ulmar circulation
Another of the food products that work as home remedies for poor circulation is ulmaria , known scientifically as filipendula ulmaria, which helps in the prevention of thrombosis (accumulation of fats in blood vessels) and, in addition, has antioxidant properties. To achieve all the benefits of this product, it is best to consume three herbal infusions per day.
Another of the home remedies for poor circulation is ginko . This extract is one of the most effective remedies for poor circulation, since it dilates blood vessels and allows greater blood circulation. This type of actions, moreover, allows fat to not accumulate in the blood vessels and, therefore, the appearance of thrombosis and other more serious cardiovascular diseases is prevented.
Home remedies for poor circulation ginger
Ginger , a spice that has become popular today, has anticoagulant properties and, as a result, helps in the prevention of thrombi and reduces blood pressure in the arteries. It can be consumed as food and in pills. With a consumption of 3 tablets of 250 mg a day, it improves considerably the blood circulation.
Home remedies for bad circulation lemon and lemon
The lime or lemon , thanks to the contribution in vitamin C, helps reduce cholesterol levels and, therefore, improve blood circulation. Also, these products have antioxidant properties, which helps to eliminate the body's infectious agents from the body. Take a lime or lemon juice twice a day and enjoy the properties of lemon in poor circulation.
Home remedies for bad circulation argan
And, finally, argan is a product with great properties of improving blood circulation. It is not easy to introduce argan in a diet, but we recommend that you consume it raw, so you will not lose the properties. To do this, prepare a salad and add a little argan and enjoy its benefits.
Consequences of poor circulation
The consequences of poor blood circulation can become very serious, since they directly affect the cardiovascular system. Poor blood circulation leads to the accumulation of fat in the arteries ( cholesterol ) and, as a result, can lead to heart attacks (heart attacks ), strokes caused by poor blood circulation, hypertension, diabetes, cancer or arthritis. . If you perceive that some muscular part of your body becomes numb, immediately go to a doctor to assess your case.
Consequences of poor circulation myocardial infarction
The list of consequences of bad circulation is immense since the problems derived from the blood flow affect the whole organism and its functioning . It is very important to remedy the problems of blood circulation, since a bad treatment can cause each of the organs of the body to go out.
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