Monday, March 11, 2019

Gideon Shiatsu Back Massage Chair Seat Cushion with Six Programs and Heat Deep Kneading Back Massager for Car, Home or Office Use

Ways to Increase blood Circulation to the Scalp

Improve capillary circulation naturally is one of the main ways to promote healthy hair growth and ensure that your hair receives all the nutrients necessary to stay healthy and strong.

In addition, improving capillary circulation naturally helps prevent dandruff, psoriasis and other serious health problems that attack the scalp.


Consume foods that stimulate circulation .- Certain foods, especially those with a high content of zinc and iron, promote circulation. Therefore, it is necessary that you feed with vasodilators such as spinach, lettuce, beet, etc. these foods cause the veins to expand and the irrigation to the hair fiber is greater.

Gideon Shiatsu Back Massage Chair Seat Cushion with Six Programs and Heat Deep Kneading Back Massager for Car, Home or Office Use
Gideon Shiatsu Back Massage Chair Seat Cushion with Six Programs and Heat Deep Kneading Back Massager for Car, Home or Office Use

Cleans the scalp. - Dry skin and too tight skin causes blood circulation to decrease in this area.

To avoid this you should use natural cleansers such as vinegar and tea tree oil, they are ideal to clean the scalp very well and promote blood circulation in the area.

Take a cold shower. - Believe it or not, the cold water on the scalp is really beneficial for the mane. Many stylists tend to wipe and wash their hair with cold water after applying a hair treatment.

Brush your hair with a comb or massager brush. Brushing the hair not only stimulates hair growth, but also promotes blood circulation in the scalp. Even brushing your hair moderately will make the nutrients reach your head.

Do breathing exercises. - The breathing exercises and the practice of yoga, even other similar disciplines, not only improve the oxygenation of the system, but some positions and positions make the blood reach the scalp very easily.

Massage the scalp . Massaging the scalp is one of the most effective ways to improve and increase capillary circulation naturally. This has to be done gently, but you should feel your fingers.


The secret lies in minerals and vitamins that do not leave plaque buildup. In addition, they are important to dilate blood vessels safely, and keep blood clean.

Citrus If you consume foods that are rich in vitamin C such as tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, you will get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood, because vitamin C acts as a diluent.

Then you should try to regularly consume these delicious fruits to avoid the buildup of plaque and poor circulation of blood in the scalp.

Broccoli This food gives the hair follicle vitamins and its oils give the hair shine. Broccoli also contains vitamin C, even more than oranges.

Sunflower seeds Sunflower seeds have a large amount of vitamin E and antioxidants that prevent the formation of blood clots. If you do not like these seeds, you can change them for pumpkin seeds.

Watermelon Watermelon contains lycopene, an antioxidant that helps very well to increase blood circulation in the scalp, and as a result your hair will grow healthy and strong.

Garlic Garlic is really a 100% natural antibiotic, good enough to fight infections, strengthen the immune system and preserve the block plate of blood vessels.

Home Tips to Enhance Hair Growth

Potato water One of the best home remedies found in the group of natural hair treatments is potato water, it is a home remedy that helps to promote hair growth.

When cooking potatoes do not boil the water, rather store it and then apply it to your hair as a rinse.

The potatoes contain in their composition starch, a very effective ingredient for hair growth, and also adds volume to the hair.

Onion The onion does not have a rich smell, but it has sulfur components that help hair growth and nutrition.

To use it you should do the following: dice a small onion and throw it to your usual shampoo. Save the shampoo for fifteen days and then use it as a treatment.

Rosemary infusion The properties that you can find in the rosemary, are great to nourish and strengthen the hair, helping it to grow healthy. So, it is one of the ingredients for used in the cosmetic industry to make hair treatments.

To make rosemary infusion you should do this: throw a handful of fresh rosemary leaves in a bowl of boiling water, then turn off the heat and let it cool. Then use the liquid obtained to rinse your hair daily.

Ginger to make the hair grow. This remedy is extraordinary to increase circulation and promote hair growth. You can use it to get rid of a bad cut or to make your hair grow faster.

To use the ginger in the hair you must follow these steps: peel a piece of ginger very well and use a fork to scratch it until the piece of ginger becomes moist. Then use the piece of ginger to rub it on the scalp, especially in the areas where you want the hair to grow.

If you want this treatment to be more effective you should do the following: peel and grind the ginger with a little water, then use the mixture to apply it on the scalp with the help of a brush.

Supplement with Ginkgo Biloba. This is a traditional Chinese natural plant, which is very good to promote and improve blood circulation, not only of the scalp, but also of the whole organism.

Important : Water is a very important liquid in the health of the human body, not only it removes the thirst or serves to bathe, but it is also effective to have a healthy and radiant hair.

At least, during the day each person has to drink two liters of water, this way the organism will work properly and the hair will grow healthy.

Frequent questions

1.- How to take care of the health of the scalp?

When we want to have strong, long and healthy hair, we must start by taking good care of the scalp. In this case it is recommended to use natural masks that help you eliminate all types of toxins and stimulate blood circulation.

It is necessary that you apply a very thorough washing on your capillary leather, this only two or three times a week. Make use of a good conditioner and apply moisturizing masks.

2.- How to do Hair Massage?

Hair massages are unique to stimulate hair growth, through the hair follicles. To begin doing the massages, you must start relaxing your scalp.

You move through the hair leather from the top down, with your fingers together without moving them apart.

Add a few drops of natural oils to stimulate blood circulation.

3.- What benefits does ginger bring to the hair?

One of the main benefits of ginger for hair is that it helps to stimulate blood circulation.

A ginger treatment is ideal for growing hair, only applying it in the form of a mask with a little lemon.

4.- How does rosemary help to care for hair?

To take care of the hair with rosemary oil it is necessary that you do it with totally dry hair. In this case, you can apply a mask based on rosemary oil and honey. When this list, you apply on all your hair from the root to the tips, let it stand for 30 minutes and then rinse with enough cold water.

Rosemary oil along with honey, will give your hair more shine, strength, and a lot of softness.