Monday, March 11, 2019

Naipo Back and Neck Massager Shiatsu Massage Chair Seat Cushion with Heat Rolling Kneading Vibration for Pin-Point Full Body at Office, Home & Car

Combats poor blood circulation and water retention in summer

Follow the tips that will help you combat poor circulation and water retention in summer.

Who does not like summer? It is the favorite season of many people because it is synonymous with holidays, free time, it's time to travel and enjoy the good weather, ... but for others it means having to deal with the eternal feeling of tired legs , tingling and various itching, varicose veins, swelling and fluid retention in feet and legs , pain and discomfort. The high summer temperatures do not get along well with circulatory problems, which manifest themselves more moderately the rest of the year but worsen significantly at this time of year.

Fight bad circulation These discomforts affect women more often than men and are due to problems in the return blood circulation , in which the veins carry blood from the organs and tissues to the heart. During the summer the symptoms get worse because the higher temperatures provoke the dilatation of the walls of the veins. In the event that these walls are not elastic enough, the return circulation will become slower and more problematic, giving rise to the annoyances that we have cited.

Naipo Back and Neck Massager Shiatsu Massage Chair Seat Cushion with Heat Rolling Kneading Vibration for Pin-Point Full Body at Office, Home & Car
Naipo Back and Neck Massager Shiatsu Massage Chair Seat Cushion with Heat Rolling Kneading Vibration for Pin-Point Full Body at Office, Home & Car

The causes are diverse and may be due to hereditary factors, hormonal changes, overweight, lack of exercise, spending a lot of time in the same position, either standing or sitting, a poor diet with excess sodium, sugar and fat, lack of vitamin E , abuse toxic substances such as alcohol and tobacco and even wear tight clothes or uncomfortable shoes with a high heel.

Here are some tips that will help reduce the discomfort caused by poor circulation in summer, especially fluid retention.

  •     Avoid sitting or standing for many hours in a row. Our workday forces us to spend many hours sitting in the same position in front of the computer or to be standing all day. It is advisable to change your posture with some regularity, take a short walk and move your legs. It is not advisable to cross the legs while sitting because this position hinders circulation.
  •     Fight bad circulation Drink 2 liters of water a day.
  •     Control salt intake because it increases fluid retention. Caffeinated beverages are also not recommended because their excess also causes that effect. Substitute coffee for green tea, which is a powerful antioxidant and natural diuretic.
  •     Do not expose your legs directly to the sun and avoid the hottest hours. If we do not want to give up sunbathing on the beach or in the pool try to cool your legs often, even cover them with a sarong.
  •     Avoid tobacco Tobacco is extremely harmful to the organism, and directly influences the deterioration of the circulatory system. Your circulatory discomfort will improve greatly if you decide to quit this habit. If you decide to continue smoking, try to minimize the number of cigarettes consumed throughout the day, delay as much as you can the time of the first cigarette of the day and stop associating it with the table and take it with other potentially addictive substances such as coffee and alcohol..
  •     Fight bad circulation Move. As tired as we feel we have to make an effort and practice some kind of moderate intensity exercise that forces us to move our legs: bicycle, elliptical, walking at a good pace ... It is not necessary to train for a marathon, you just have to put on March and move your legs regularly. Soon we will notice how our circulation improves and the discomfort decreases.
  •     Avoid tight clothing and uncomfortable shoes. Very tight clothing, shoes with heels or very tight strips can be very fashionable, but they hinder circulation and increase fluid retention by pressing tissues. In these cases it is better to opt for comfort
  •     Sleep and rest with your legs up, supported on a cushion to facilitate the return of blood to the heart.
  •     Fight bad circulation Finish the shower with a cold water massage on the legs , directing the water jet with ascending movements starting with the feet. In the market we will find gels and special lotions for tired legs, with refreshing formulas and stimulants of circulation. A massage with any of these products after the shower, upon arrival from work or before going to sleep will provide relief and rest. If we keep the lotion in the refrigerator the feeling of relief will increase.
  •     Consume foods rich in antioxidants , such as tomatoes and green leafy vegetables, and also in polyunsaturated fatty acids , which will help make blood more fluid and reduce the risk of thrombus formation. A great source of these fatty acids is flax oil, which we can incorporate into our diet to dress our dishes, but always cold, because if it is heated it loses its beneficial properties. Blue fish and nuts are also a good source of fatty acids. We must also give priority in our pantry to foods with diuretic properties, such as asparagus, artichokes, cucumber, cabbage, apples and pineapple.
  •     Fight bad circulation In addition to adopting these measures we can also resort to natural food supplements to improve these discomforts. Among the plants that stand out for their beneficial qualities we highlight:
  •         Ginkgo Biloba: Its flavonoid content makes it a powerful vasodilator. Stimulates circulation and improves coagulation. It reduces the risk of thrombus formation and contributes to greater oxygenation of the brain, which is why it is also used in treatments against arteriosclerosis, senile dementia, concentration difficulties and headaches caused by poor circulation .. It is particularly indicated in the case of swelling of legs, reduces cramps, and its vasodilator effect is also useful to relieve menstrual discomfort, as long as the menstruation is not excessively abundant, since this plant fluidifies the consistency of the blood and that would increase the bleeding. For this reason it is recommended to consult a specialist before taking it if he has hemophilia or is being treated with anticoagulants. Gingko Biloba is also present in topical treatments, such as anti-hemorrhoidal creams or those formulated to relieve discomfort caused by varicose veins.
  •         Fight bad circulation Red vine combined with Ginkgo: Another plant rich in flavonoids, with vasodilating, hemostatic and venotonic properties. Due to its vitamin P content it strengthens the walls of the capillaries and decreases the permeability of the veins, which prevents the formation of painful edemas and considerably relieves the feeling of tired legs and improves the appearance of cellulite. Another of its effects is to favor the muscular contraction of the blood vessels, which facilitates the return of blood accumulated in the legs to the heart. It is very suitable in the treatment of circulatory problems: varicose veins, hemorrhoids, poor circulation in legs and feet, arteriosclerosis, phlebitis ...
  •         Horsetail: We often confuse fluid retention caused by poor circulation with overweight. The clothes squeeze us, the shoes leave a mark and the rings resist to leave, we feel swollen and with a huge sensation of discomfort. But possibly it is not an increase in real weight, but accumulation of fluids in the tissues. The horsetail is our great ally, since it is one of the most diuretic plants that exist, increasing diuresis up to 30%. Its consumption reduces fluid retention and provides noticeable relief to tired and swollen legs, helping to feel lighter. Its flavor in infusion is not particularly pleasant, so taking it in tablets may be the best option.