Monday, March 11, 2019

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10 foods that improve blood circulation

Maintaining a good flow of blood circulation is vital for the health in general, especially for the heart and the brain. Know the 10 foods that can make the blood lighter and protect you against heart disease and stroke.

The vascular system
It is the network of blood vessels. It includes arteries, veins and capillaries that carry blood. The arteries can swell and become stiff, or a clot can form that blocks the flow of blood and travels through the body, causing serious problems; hence the importance of caring for circulation.

NURSAL Shiatsu Heated Massage Seat Cushion, 3D Shiatsu Deep Kneading, Pressing, Rolling and Vibrating - Massage Full Back, Upper Back, Lower Back, Sitting Area or Pinpoint Precise Massage Spot
NURSAL Shiatsu Heated Massage Seat Cushion, 3D Shiatsu Deep Kneading, Pressing, Rolling and Vibrating - Massage Full Back, Upper Back, Lower Back, Sitting Area or Pinpoint Precise Massage Spot

10 foods that improve blood circulation -

1. Apple
Researchers at Florida State University found that apples are truly "miraculous" fruits. In addition to its high fiber content, they contain pectins and polyphenols that protect cardiovascular health, reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and other harmful compounds in the blood.

2. Chiles
They are rich in capsaicin, with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and very beneficial for the heart and circulatory system: it helps reduce cholesterol levels, and blocks the action of a gene related to the narrowing of blood vessels, according to the Chinese University in Hong Kong

Very loved in Mexican cuisine and in almost all of Latin America, these vegetables provide other health benefits. Experts warn that eating chili alone is not a solution to cardiovascular problems, but that it helps, and that it should be part of a balanced diet, avoiding falling into excesses.

3. The orange
A study conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. He showed that the citrus peel, like oranges or tangerines, as well as in the juice of these fruits, contains a substance known as polymethoxylated flavones that reduces the bad cholesterol in the blood.

4. Blueberries and strawberries
Eating three or more servings of blueberries and strawberries a week can help women reduce their risk of heart attack by up to a third, thanks to their flavonoids, which help dilate arteries and provide cardiovascular benefits. Source: Magazine "Circulation".

5. Water
Caring for the circulation and the heart: people who drink more than 5 glasses a day have less risk of dying from heart attacks or heart disease compared to those who only drink 2 glasses, as found in a study at the University of Loma Linda , in California. .

How much should be taken?
Health experts recommend drinking between 1 and 2 liters of water a day to keep the body hydrated and maintain the level necessary for nutrients to be transported to organs and tissues. The body loses water constantly when urinating, sweating and even breathing.

6. Ginger
This popular ingredient of confectionery that we like so much in biscuits, cookies and desserts, is appreciated all over the world. In addition to being tasty, it has been proven to improve circulation by dilating blood vessels and has an anti-cholesterol LDL or "bad" effect preventing the formation of platelets.

7. Garlic
An essential ingredient in Latin cuisine, garlic helps cleanse the blood and prevents the accumulation of plaques. According to Natural Standard, the inhibition of platelets in the blood has been reported with frequent consumption, and there may be cardiovascular benefits, although the evidence is still preliminary.

What are platelets?

They are small fragments of blood cells, their function is to coagulate blood to heal wounds and stop bleeding. Problems arise when you have too few or too many platelets. If the blood contains them in excess, blood clots can form. (National Library of Medicine)

8. Nuts
They have always been linked to good health. Our grandmothers already consumed and recommended it, and the most important and long study on this wonderful dry fruit, carried out by Harvard University and sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, endorsed all its benefits.

Result of the study
People who ate nuts regularly were less likely to die from heart disease, and researchers do not know the cause, but it could be because their unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and other nutrients lower cholesterol and inflammation, and reduce other circulatory problems.

9. The tomato

He recently added a new talent in favor of health: Japanese scientists from Kyoto University discovered that it has a substance that prevents vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, a risk factor for stroke, by preventing the formation of fat in the blood.

10. Turmeric

"It has a substance called curcumin, which prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, preventing them from becoming narrow and rigid, which would reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis and other problems such as stroke," said Dr. Maria Ramírez, of the University of Granada, in Spain.