Wednesday, March 13, 2019

NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch 14ct Twinpack, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 14 Count (Pack of 2)

Quit smoking or reduce the number of cigarettes?

Tobacco addiction is both physical and psychological. When we consider that it affects our health, we must decide between reducing its consumption or leaving it.

Tobacco addiction is both physical and psychological. All smokers know how difficult it is to stop smoking or even reduce consumption. Reducing the number of cigarettes is a start and is always better than nothing, but the ultimate goal should be to abandon it altogether. Many ex-smokers can corroborate that it is possible! Physical addiction occurs because many smokers are addicted to nicotine and other substances in the cigarette . Addiction can cause a true withdrawal syndrome if consumption is reduced or abandoned. Psychological addiction occurs because the fact of smoking becomes part of the daily routine of the smoker and because he refuses to do without the pleasure that the habit produces. This means that if you want to reduce or stop smoking, you will have to make a clear decision and change your habits.

NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch 14ct Twinpack, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 14 Count (Pack of 2)
NicoDerm CQ Nicotine Patch 14ct Twinpack, Clear, Step 1 to Quit Smoking, 21mg, 14 Count (Pack of 2)

  •     Quit smoking with nicotine substitutes
  •     Change of habits to stop smoking
  •     Pharmacological treatment to stop smoking
  •     Tips to quit smoking effectively
  •     Does quitting smoking make you fat?
  •     Tips to stop smoking and not to return
  •     Stop smoking vs "light" brands

Quit smoking with nicotine substitutes

Experience has shown that the use of nicotine-de-habitating treatments such as nicotine patches or gum can reduce smokers' cigarette consumption. There is, however, a slight risk that the body will get used to this new form of nicotine supplement, so it is important to maintain adequate vigilance about the use of these substitutes.

Change of habits to stop smoking

There are several methods that can help smokers break the psychological addiction:

  •     Decide how you want to leave it, if gradually reducing or cutting the root habit.
  •     Make a list of the reasons why you want to leave it and take it with you at all times. Take out your list and read it when the urge to smoke arises, will help you strengthen your decision.
  •     Choose the date you want to leave it and commit to it. Tell your family and friends, so you will have to keep the date and help you in fulfilling your purpose.
  •     Look for someone to support you, such as a family member, a friend or your own doctor.
  •     When the appointed day arrives, take action without regard: throw away your cigarettes and get rid of ashtrays, lighters and matches.
  •     Indulge in things you like, such as going to the movies or shopping, trying to escape as much as possible of the memory of tobacco.
  •     Look for something different to do when you used to smoke a cigarette.

Pharmacological treatment to stop smoking

There are currently two pharmacological treatments that can be of great help to achieve quitting tobacco . It is an antidepressant called Bupropion (Zyntabac), which has as its main effect the inhibition of appetite for tobacco. In a very considerable percentage of addicted smokers this drug gets the habit off forever, but requires proper medical control because, in a small percentage of predisposed people, it can favor the appearance of seizures. The other is varenicline, marketed in Spain as Chámpix. It must also be prescribed by a doctor.
If you believe that this type of help may be necessary in your case, you should consult with your doctor accordingly.
Tips to quit smoking effectively

You are not the only one that has happened to you. The chances of success increase each time you try to leave. Most people addicted to tobacco need three or four attempts to finally get it. If you do not succeed, consider it simply an essay that, although it has not gone well, will have placed you closer to the possibility of leaving it forever.

  •     Call a friend
  •     Chewing gum without sugar or eating something healthy
  •     Go for a walk
  •     Brushing teeth
  •     Take a shower
  •     Inspire deep and try to relax
  •     Write a letter
  •     Use your hands to do something, such as sewing, do-it-yourself, etc.

Does quitting smoking make you fat?

After a few days the need to smoke diminishes, and two to four weeks later it may have completely disappeared.

You may quit smoking for weight gain, but do not let that discourage you. In some people the weight is somewhat increased after quitting, but, in general, over time the body stabilizes again in the previous weight; In addition, this small complication is not relevant compared to the health benefits of quitting. Avoid dieting unless your doctor tells you to, as this will increase your cravings for smoking. If you snack between meals, choose healthy and low-fat products. Be more active, and burn extra calories with regular exercise.
Remember, above all, that quitting smoking brings countless benefits .
Tips to stop smoking and not to return

Quitting smoking is not an easy task. There will be times when you are tempted to smoke. It will be time to put into practice a series of tips:

  •     Keep referring to the list you wrote with the reasons for leaving it.
  •     Add new reasons that may have occurred to you.
  •     Avoid sharing more time between smokers and try not to be tempted.
  •     Feel proud of yourself and be sure to celebrate every week, month and year after leaving it.
  •     Avoid consuming drinks that induce you to smoke, such as alcohol and coffee.
  •     Do not allow yourself a single drag to ruin your plan to leave it.

Quit smoking vs "light" brand

Even banned, 'light' brands remain in the market. In fact it has been shown that 'light' smokers inhale practically the same amounts of smoke, and therefore, the same harmful products.
Tar and nicotine are just two of the more than 400 toxic substances that cigarettes contain. The tar holds the other toxic substances together and is one of the main causes of lung cancer . The less tar a smoker sucks, the less risk of acquiring this and other diseases. By comparing tobacco and cigarette brands you can see the amounts of tar and nicotine that each contains.

  •     More than 20 mg is a high level of tar per cigarette.
  •     An average level of tar is between 15 and 20 mg per cigarette.
  •     A low tar level means less than 15 mg per cigarette.

However, even if a smoker switches to "light" cigarettes, they will still be at risk of acquiring a large number of tobacco-related diseases.

Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid, Step 1 (21 mg), 14 Patches

Tips on how to quit smoking

There are many ways to quit smoking. There are also resources to help you. Your family, friends and co-workers can serve as support. But to be successful, you really must have the desire to stop smoking. The following can help you get started.

Most people who have been able to quit successfully tried it at least once without success in the past. Try not to see past attempts to stop smoking as failures. See them as learning experiences.

Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid, Step 1 (21 mg), 14 Patches
Habitrol Nicotine Transdermal System Stop Smoking Aid, Step 1 (21 mg), 14 Patches

Quitting smoking or quitting using smoke-free tobacco is difficult, but anyone can do it.

Know what symptoms you should expect when you stop smoking. These are called withdrawal symptoms. Common symptoms include:

  • An intense desire for nicotine
  • Anxiety, tension, restlessness, frustration or impatience
  • Difficult to focus
  • Drowsiness or trouble sleeping
  • Headaches
  • Increased appetite and weight gain
  • Irritability or depression

The intensity of the symptoms will depend on how long you smoke. The amount of cigarettes you smoked will also influence.


First set the date to start. This is the date on which you will stop smoking completely. Before that date, you can start to reduce your cigarette consumption. Remember, there is no safe level of tobacco use.

Make a list of the reasons why you want to quit. Include the benefits in both the short and long term.

Identify the times when you are most likely to smoke. For example, do you tend to smoke when you are stressed or depressed? When do you go out at night with friends? When are you drinking coffee or alcohol? When are you bored? When are you driving? Immediately after a meal or having sex? During a break at work? While watching TV or playing cards? When are you with other smokers?

Tell all your friends, family and co-workers about your plan to stop smoking. Tell them the date you will do it. It can help that they know what you are going to be going through, especially when you are grumpy.

Get rid of all your cigarettes just before the date you are quitting. Clean everything that smells like smoke, like clothes and furniture.


Plan what you are going to do instead of smoking at times when you are more likely to smoke.

Be as specific as possible. For example, if in the past you smoked while drinking a cup of coffee, now drink tea. Tea may not trigger the desire for a cigarette. Or, when you feel stressed, take a walk instead of smoking a cigarette.

Get rid of the cigarettes in the car. Instead, place cookies or candy.

Find activities that occupy your hands and your mind, but that are not exhausting or fattening. Computer games, solitaire, knitting, sewing and doing crosswords can help.

If you normally smoke after eating, find other ways to finish a meal. Eat a piece of fruit. Get up and make a call. Take a walk (a good distraction that also burns calories).


Make other changes in your lifestyle. Change your daily schedule and habits. Eat at different times, or eat several small meals instead of three large ones. Sit in a different chair or even in a different room.

Satisfy your oral habits in different ways. Eat celery or other low-calorie snack. Chew gum without sugar. Suck a cinnamon stick. Pretend you smoke using a straw in your mouth.

Get more exercise. Walk or ride a bicycle. Exercise helps relieve the urge to smoke.


Set goals to quit smoking in the short term and reward yourself when you achieve them. Every day, put in a jar the money you normally spend on cigarettes. Then, spend that money on something you like.

Try not to think about all the days that await you when you need to avoid smoking. Take things one day at a time.

Just a smoke or a cigarette will make the desire for cigarettes stronger. However, it is normal to make mistakes. So even if you smoked a cigarette, you do not need to smoke the next one.


Enroll in a smoking cessation program. Hospitals, health departments, community centers and workplaces often offer programs. Learn self-hypnosis or other techniques.

Ask your health care provider about medications that can help you quit nicotine and tobacco and prevent you from falling. These include nicotine patches, chewing gum, medicated candy and sprays. Prescription medications such as varenicline (Chantix) and bupropion (Zyban, Wellbutrin) can help decrease cravings for nicotine and other withdrawal symptoms

Monday, March 11, 2019

Massage Chair Recliner, S-track Zero Gravity Full Body Shiatsu Luxurious Electric Massage Chair with Stretched Tapping mode Heating back and Foot Rollers Black (Black) (Black)

How, the blood circulation, regenerates your joints

A good blood circulation, is vital for the functioning of the body, provides nutrients, oxygen and products for its functioning and regeneration in all parts of the body, collecting metabolic waste that is subsequently eliminated by the kidneys. A bad blood circulation, you can cause your death.

What is the bad Blood Circulation?

To a wrong diet and sedentary lifestyle or lack of exercise, advising the Mediterranean Diet, getting the right weight, if you eat the necessary, that is, eat according to the energy expenditure you make.

The sedentary lifestyle , favors bad blood circulation, walking 45 minutes a day, is the easiest and simplest solution to improve blood circulation.
What problems does it give me, bad blood circulation?

Massage Chair Recliner, S-track Zero Gravity Full Body Shiatsu Luxurious Electric Massage Chair with Stretched Tapping mode Heating back and Foot Rollers Black (Black) (Black)
Massage Chair Recliner, S-track Zero Gravity Full Body Shiatsu Luxurious Electric Massage Chair with Stretched Tapping mode Heating back and Foot Rollers Black (Black) (Black)

They can be very serious, mainly in the heart hypertension, favoring high blood pressure, cancer, strokes, stroke, osteoarthritis, arthritis, kidneys ..., etc. etc.,

Poor blood circulation, reduces the energy in each of the organs of the body, if you do not remedy, you lack health and your life is in danger.
My poor blood circulation, how to treat it?

It is not difficult to treat it, it is mainly necessary to change the customs,

The quality of life, you will get it, with a healthy diet, eating foods that provide antioxidants, physical activity to be able to be daily, stimulating the flow of blood, quitting smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages ..., red wine helps if not Antioxidants are exaggerated, according to their origin.

If we want to regenerate Arthrosis or Arthritis, we need blood circulation, which provides the materials needed for regeneration, movements facilitate blood circulation, that is, the opposite of sedentary lifestyle.

You have to do blood tests to know if there are missing the necessary metals: Copper, Magnesium and zinc, or the need to provide vitamins A, B2, C, D and E, continuously,

The contribution of the products that we need in the joints for their regeneration, is carried out through the blood Circulation, being necessary to facilitate its circulation, with soft exercises in the affected parts.

A healthy diet is low in saturated fats and rich in natural products, to be able to be uncooked to avoid the destruction of vitamins, and if you have to cook them uses the steam system.

What symptoms indicate poor blood circulation?

  •  Swelling in the limbs, it is common to notice our bulging extremities, feet and hands above all
  •  Cyanosis on the skin. It is a slight bluish coloration on the skin
  •  Cold extremities. It is one of the main symptoms in poor circulation.
  •  A correct path of the blood helps our body to maintain it at a suitable temperature.
  •  In the nerve endings such as hands and feet heat will be lost, blood is hard to reach, a balanced diet is the best option.
  •  Consume fruits and vegetables, watermelon, tomatoes, strawberries and oranges are the best options for the lycopene they have, prevents the accumulation of sclerotic artery in the vessels.
  •  Eliminates trans and saturated fats, alcohol and simple sugars.
  •  Increase the consumption of vitamin B3 that helps the movement of the blood, most nuts and tuna or bonito contain it.
  •  Fish is better than meat.
  •  Reduce the amount of salt in the meals, promote hypertension.
  •  On an empty stomach, drink two glasses of water and drink two liters a day.
  •  Increase the consumption of garlic and onions while increasing oral hygiene.
  •  Go at least 45 minutes every day.
  •  Regular aerobic exercise is very beneficial,
  •  Encourage you to change your lifestyle.

After a couple of months you will notice yourself with more energy, rested and with less swollen limbs, -your heart will thank you.

If for any reason it is not possible to provide vitamins or metals, with food, it is convenient to take "food supplements" at meals, so that the blood can provide during its journey through the body what the cells need ,
Blood circulation , it should be controlled, to provide the joints with the elements they need to ... "Stop their deterioration" and then start their recovery.

VON RACER Massage Reclining Gaming Chair - Ergonomic High-Back Racing Computer Desk Office Chair with Retractable Footrest and Adjustable Lumbar Cushion (Black)

Foods that improve blood circulation

Cellulitis and varicose veins , night cramps or the habitual coldness of the feet and hands are recognized symptoms of inadequate blood circulation. The walls of the blood vessels may become saturated or lose elasticity (and, therefore, fluidity) due to foreign factors, such as heat, although food is a common source of circulatory disorders. For this reason, it is convenient to take care of it.

The positive consequences of a balanced diet affect the whole organism, including the blood flow itself.

  •     Eating and living are two merged concepts that must be taken into account beyond one's own nutritional need.

The ingestion of edibles has a transcendental effect on health, so it is better to know the positive and negative properties of each one.

Thus, it is convenient to differentiate between suitable foods and others that are not so good or can be harmful.

VON RACER Massage Reclining Gaming Chair - Ergonomic High-Back Racing Computer Desk Office Chair with Retractable Footrest and Adjustable Lumbar Cushion (Black)
VON RACER Massage Reclining Gaming Chair - Ergonomic High-Back Racing Computer Desk Office Chair with Retractable Footrest and Adjustable Lumbar Cushion (Black)

Foods detrimental to circulation

donuts Saturated fats are the main obstacle to healthy circulation. The cream, the butter, the sausage, the industrial confectionery or the precooked products contain sufficient doses so as not to commit excesses. They are dispensable for an optimal diet.

Salt in large quantities, coffee, alcohol and tobacco are also substances recognized as harmful in cases of poor circulation. It is advisable to monitor, at least, its consumption in order to reduce the hypothetical viscosity of blood in a person with circulatory rates. Salt, in particular, is the source of many disorders.

Foods beneficial for circulation

Fortunately, there are more recommended food options than vetoes of ingestion. If saturated fat plays the role of enemy here, polyunsaturated fat promotes circulation without artifice, reducing cholesterol.

Nuts , blue fish and seed oils (sunflower or soybean, for example) are very beneficial in preventing blockages in blood vessels. Vegetables, vegetables, fruits, cereals and legumes , all products rich in potassium, are equally benevolent to improve a circulatory problem.

As important as the absence of salt in the diet is the presence of liquids. It is a good way to guarantee the elimination of toxins. Water is essential, although it can be ingested by infusions (red tea promotes circulation), fruit juices or vegetable broths.

Improve blood circulation: Tips

Assuming these tips in a continuous and rigorous, diet can serve as a quick solution to specific problems. Accompanying it with some exercise will have an even more positive impact on any organism. Walking, running or swimming helps the flow of blood flow more smoothly.

Quitting smoking, performing hydrotherapies, not spending a lot of time standing and raising your legs from time to time, maintaining balanced cholesterol levels or controlling hypertension are also guidelines to be taken into account if we want to improve blood circulation.

There are certain supplements for circulation such as Ginkgo Biloba, Omega-3 essential fatty acids, B vitamins, magnesium, pomegranate extract or coenzyme Q10 among others.

Folding Shiatsu Massage Chair with Heat - Back Neck and Shoulder Massager - Adjustable Deep Kneading Rollers Self-Massager Seat with Vibration, Electric Full Body Massage, Relieve Muscle Pain, Home

Tricks to improve blood circulation of heavy legs
Poor circulation and the feeling of heavy legs are common even among athletes, especially women. The Association Cuida tus Veas proposes some tricks to prevent the problem:

01. Move in the office

Of little use to train an hour a day if afterwards you spend all day sitting without moving. Get up frequently and sit without crossing your legs.

Improving office health does not have to be mission impossible: we leave you some simple tricks, start by changing your chair with backing by a fitball, it's what we do in Sport Life, it allows us to maintain an active position in which we even work abdominal and in which the back seeks the straight line, so we force it to work. No need to start incorporating the fitball in your full day, start 5 minutes the first day and go increasing 5 minutes every other day until you do not even realize you're on a ball, working muscularly without finding out!

Folding Shiatsu Massage Chair with Heat - Back Neck and Shoulder Massager - Adjustable Deep Kneading Rollers Self-Massager Seat with Vibration, Electric Full Body Massage, Relieve Muscle Pain, Home
Folding Shiatsu Massage Chair with Heat - Back Neck and Shoulder Massager - Adjustable Deep Kneading Rollers Self-Massager Seat with Vibration, Electric Full Body Massage, Relieve Muscle Pain, Home

02. Avoid high heels and very tight clothes ...

Because they hinder venous return.

In fact, according to a Danish study walking with high heels can increase the risk of osteoarthritis 6 times. In addition to the usual problems of overload on the fingers that can cause deformations and bunions, another study has found that the "heels" cause your knees to support 200% more stress, damaging the cartilage and increasing the risk of arthritis. In addition, the heels cause an arch of the back to compensate for the forward position. If you wear them every day, they also shorten your cufflinks and can stunt your natural way of walking barefoot.

03. A cold shower ...

Relieves the heaviness of legs at the end of the day. Keep in mind that cold water also has a "brown effect" , increases alertness, stimulates hormones that act against depression and also accelerates metabolism and helps burn fat. To make matters worse is a natural firming skin, stimulates defenses and prevents colds, do you need more reasons?

04. Follow a balanced diet, rich in fiber and low in salt

Intestinal problems negatively influence blood circulation. Here guide by common sense, that your diet is varied, in the monotony is the danger, look for natural foods and flee from the processed, better if it is from home and reduces the salt content, remember that the spices give a wonderful touch and tasty without harming your health.

05. Keep exercising

Activates circulation immediately and improves it in the medium term. In addition, it combats overweight, which accentuates circulatory problems.

06. A gentle massage upwards

Helps eliminate swelling and improve venous return. Use an anti-varicose cream to enhance the effect.

Giantex Back Massager Chair Portable Neck Massage, for Home Office Muscle Relax 3D Deep Shiatsu Kneading with Hand Controller, Vibration Seat Adjustable, USB Port, Folding Massaging Chairs with Heat

Improve blood circulation of your legs with these exercises

Circulation problems can appear at any time of life, although they increase with age, and usually affect the legs regularly. According to Nora Cardona González, a dietitian and fitness teacher at the Arian Gym in Madrid, her symptoms are pain, varicose veins and other difficulties that diminish the quality of life of those who suffer from it. "Normally," the specialist tells us, "occurs due to the inability of the veins to return the blood to the heart, since from the legs the weight of gravity interferes with the upward flow of blood circulation. And this pressure that exerts the gravity increases with the years and affects mainly the women. Although, he adds, we can suffer from poor circulation both men and women from very early ages. "

Giantex Back Massager Chair Portable Neck Massage, for Home Office Muscle Relax 3D Deep Shiatsu Kneading with Hand Controller, Vibration Seat Adjustable, USB Port, Folding Massaging Chairs with Heat
Giantex Back Massager Chair Portable Neck Massage, for Home Office Muscle Relax 3D Deep Shiatsu Kneading with Hand Controller, Vibration Seat Adjustable, USB Port, Folding Massaging Chairs with Heat

In addition to walking 20 minutes a day and follow a proper diet to promote blood flow and strengthen the blood vessels Nora Cardona recommends the following exercises at home to, in just a few minutes, improve our circulation and relieve the discomfort that this produces .

Bicycle lying down

With the back resting on the ground, the exercise consists of performing a simulation of pedaling as if we were riding a bike. This movement, which involves elevating and moving the legs, favors the circulation of blood, since we manage to flow in the opposite direction to the usual one. Perform 20 pedals with each leg in alternate movements.

Elevation and flexion of legs

In the same position, stretch your legs completely so that your heels are facing the ceiling. Take a breath through your nose and let it out through your mouth, bending your knees. This exercise, in addition to promoting the return of blood flow, tones the muscles of the legs. Toning is very important because the contraction of the muscle helps to clean the veins. Perform 20 repetitions.

Leg separation

Hold the previous position and elevate the legs separating one from the other. From there, cross them and turn them to separate until doing 20 repetitions on each side. Alternate the cross in each repetition. The advantage of this exercise is that it helps, because of the type of movement that needs to be done, so that the blood returns to the whole body, not just the legs.

Leg rotation

Lying as you are, bend one leg and keep it still at hip height. Stretch the other leg and, with your foot on tip, make circular movements in both directions with your ankle. Make 20 turns to the right and 20 to the left. Perform the exercise identically with the other leg. This movement produces an immediate impulse of blood flow.

Standing flex

This exercise can be done sitting and take advantage of those moments that you are either working, or at home watching TV. From this position, perform flexion and extension of both feet, alternating the tip and heel facing upwards. This movement improves your circulation even if you do not have high legs. Perform 20 repetitions.

Etekcity Shiatsu Back Neck Massager with 8 Heated Rollers, Deep Tissue Kneading Shoulder Back Foot Electric Massage Pillow, Adjustable Intensity with Heat, Relaxation Gifts for Dad,Mom, FDA Approved

Four natural ways to improve blood circulation

The blood circulation is vital for good health, so they are then shared four natural remedies to improve their functioning.

Blood circulation plays a fundamental role in the body, among other things because it is responsible for supplying oxygen and all the essential nutrients required by organs, cells and the entire organism itself.

Generally disorders in blood flow are caused by poor diet, excess cholesterol and the harmful effects of free radicals. This can cause hardening and blockage in the arterial walls that do not allow blood to circulate properly, harming all of our organs. If left untreated poor circulation can influence the development of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and liver and kidney damage.

Etekcity Shiatsu Back Neck Massager with 8 Heated Rollers, Deep Tissue Kneading Shoulder Back Foot Electric Massage Pillow, Adjustable Intensity with Heat, Relaxation Gifts for Dad,Mom, FDA Approved
Etekcity Shiatsu Back Neck Massager with 8 Heated Rollers, Deep Tissue Kneading Shoulder Back Foot Electric Massage Pillow, Adjustable Intensity with Heat, Relaxation Gifts for Dad,Mom, FDA Approved

Just as some foods such as junk food, for example, have the ability to cover our arteries, others have the ability to cleanse the body and specifically to favor blood flow.

Here are four natural ways to improve circulation:

Infusion of ginger: the root of ginger is a food with anti-inflammatory and anticoagulant properties that favor the proper circulation of blood. Ginger is available to the body in various ways and can be included in many foods and smoothies, but a good way to get all its properties is preparing an infusion with it. For that we need a spoonful of grated ginger root and a cup of water, this is boiled and then left to rest. It is recommended to take it once a day, every day.

Orange juice with garlic: garlic is one of the foods that most protect the heart, is rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that help cleanse the blood eliminating the accumulation of lipids and toxins. While orange juice is a source of vitamin C and fiber, two key nutrients to strengthen the arteries and prevent their hardening. Therefore, consuming them together acts as a great natural remedy to improve our circulation. For a juice of five oranges you need two cloves of garlic that are added bine crushed, you can also liquefy everything together so that it is well incorporated and then drunk on an empty stomach.

Cayenne pepper: it is rich in antioxidants and has great ability to expel excess lipids, clean the blood and promote blood flow. To get all its benefits you can add 1/4 teaspoon of pepper in a glass of warm water and wait for it to be diluted. This natural remedy is also recommended for fasting.

Infusion of rosemary: rosemary is a great ally when it comes to eliminating toxins from the body and preventing the formation of thrombi in the circulatory system. Prepare an infusion of rosemary to drink every day will promote our circulation.

NURSAL Back Massager Shiatsu Massage Seat Cushion with Heat Function, Deep Kneading Self-Massager with Vibrations - Helps Relieve Muscle Soreness for Back and Neck

Exercises to promote blood circulation

Blood is a vital component for our body. We show you some exercises to promote blood circulation and improve your well-being.

Blood fulfills essential tasks for the functioning of our body and our well-being. To be able to do it efficiently, it is essential that it arrives in the right way in every corner of our body. However, this does not always happen. For that reason, there are exercises to promote blood circulation that can help solve this deficit.

People who suffer from hypertension or diabetes are commonly those who have problems with blood circulation. This can cause damage to the brain, legs, heart and other organs important to the human being.

NURSAL Back Massager Shiatsu Massage Seat Cushion with Heat Function, Deep Kneading Self-Massager with Vibrations - Helps Relieve Muscle Soreness for Back and Neck
NURSAL Back Massager Shiatsu Massage Seat Cushion with Heat Function, Deep Kneading Self-Massager with Vibrations - Helps Relieve Muscle Soreness for Back and Neck

What can generate bad circulation?

The functions of the blood are several: transport nutrients and oxygen throughout the body, discard waste that is eliminated by the urine and air we exhale, intervene in the body's defenses and participate in the regulation of temperature.
Running is a good way to promote blood circulation.

Therefore, any alteration in its flow can cause problems related to the non-compliance of these tasks, such as inflammation of the extremities, blue-colored skin (usually occurs first in the fingers, lips and feet), cold extremities , brittle and unhealthy hairs and nails, appearance of varicose veins or tingling, among others

    "Poor circulation can cause significant damage to the brain, legs, heart and other organs important to the human being"

Some exercises to promote blood circulation:

  •     Walk every day: you can start with 10 minutes each day and then increase the duration of the walks. This will stimulate blood flow to the heart.
  •     Do intense exercises: it can be jogging, running or practicing a sport. It is important that this activity generates an intense activity to favor circulation.
  •     Swimming : it is one of the most complete sports that exists. In addition to being a very intense aerobic exercise, swimming is a way to develop all parts of the body in a harmonious way and with low risk of injury, since it is not an impact sport (like running) nor is there physical contact .
  •     Cycling: Another sport with high aerobic load and little impact. Cycling is an ideal option for those who like to spend time outdoors .
  •     Other intensity exercises: in general, all physical activity will have a positive effect on the blood circulation, since the muscular and respiratory requirement to supply the body with air and energy will cause the blood to flow. You can try dancing classes, skating or doing artistic gymnastics, among other options.

Other exercises to facilitate blood circulation:

In addition to those previously mentioned, there are other types of exercises to promote blood circulation. The ones listed below are simple exercises that you can perform at home that will be beneficial for your circulatory system:

  •     Walk barefoot on a natural surface: it can be dirt, grass, grass or sand. Yoga and meditation instructors recommend this kind of activities for at least 10 minutes a day.
  •     Stimulate the sacrum bone: give gentle blows to the sacrum (on the front of the hip) with open hands. In turn, move the pelvis from front to back.
  •     Bounce the heels: raise the heels of the floor while inhaling air. Then, let yourself fall exhaling at the same time and let your heels bounce on the floor about 12 times per repetition.
  •     Make circles with the knees: another of the exercises to promote blood circulation. Place your hands on the knees, which should be together in a standing position. Then, draw large circles on both sides. Perform 12 laps for each side.
  •     Make circles with your waist: as in the previous exercise, but with the feet placed parallel to the width of the shoulders and arms in a jar. Also, 12 laps for each side.

At the end, caress and massage your muscles and perform stretching exercises.
One of the exercises to promote blood circulation is jumping rope.

Tips to improve blood circulation

It is important to follow a healthy diet . Try to eat lots of fruits and vegetables and avoid fats, salt and sugars. As for meats, fish and poultry, these are the best option. In addition, it is essential not to smoke and not drink alcoholic beverages. On the contrary, drink at least two liters of water per day.

Do not forget as much as possible to avoid stress , excessive nervousness and strong emotions; taking the corresponding breaks during the day and sleeping at least 8 hours a day is a good way to be relaxed.

Massage Chair, Back Massager for Chair, Sotion Shiatsu, Kneading, Tapping Massage Seat Pad with Heat and Height Adjustment for Pain and Stress Relief of Neck, Back, Shoulder, Thighs and Hips

How to improve poor blood circulation

The poor circulation of blood is mainly due to dietary factors. The lack of fiber in our diet, the excess of salt and drinking little water are the main causes of poor circulation.

It is also related to heart problems and hypertension.

The poor blood circulation, is characterized by a tingling sensation or grit, in the extremities especially in the arms and legs. These are the ones who suffer the most, because in addition to not circulating blood well for them, they are forced to endure our weight and walk.

It is typical that poor circulation favors the appearance of varicose veins and spider veins.

Massage Chair, Back Massager for Chair, Sotion Shiatsu, Kneading, Tapping Massage Seat Pad with Heat and Height Adjustment for Pain and Stress Relief of Neck, Back, Shoulder, Thighs and Hips
Massage Chair, Back Massager for Chair, Sotion Shiatsu, Kneading, Tapping Massage Seat Pad with Heat and Height Adjustment for Pain and Stress Relief of Neck, Back, Shoulder, Thighs and Hips

It is characterized by cold hands and feet, this is because blood does not reach easily.

Symptoms of poor circulation
If you want to know if you have poor circulation, here is a list with the most common characteristics of poor circulation:

  • Numbness of legs and arms, notes like grit inside them and numbness
  • Cramps especially at night, in the twins
  • Edema of the legs
  • Difficulty of scarring in feet and hands, nutrients and oxygen do not reach the extremities and their healing is slower
  • Brittle nails
  • Migraines
  • Peak
  • Lack of strength
  • Pain while walking
  • Dizziness when you wake up.
  • Practice some sports
  • The poor circulation of blood is also related to sedentary lifestyle. Performing cardiovascular activities causes our blood to be in constant movement. No need to sign up for a gym, if you have a dog, you have the excuse of going out with him for a walk, a walk to the Sun for half an hour will go very well for you both.

If after going for a walk you have stiffness, visit the following link: How to fight laces

Take care of your diet

Put aside junk food, carbonated drinks and salt, this should not only do so if you have poor circulation, as they are foods that do not bring any positive effect to our body.

Consume more Vitamin C:

Vitamin C present in citrus fruits and other fruits helps us improve poor circulation for the following reasons:

  • Strengthens veins and capillaries
  • Avoid over-accumulation of fat in the blood
  • Reduces hypertension and cholesterol
  • Purify our body
  • Improve our defenses


This root has its place in the traditional medicine recipe for its benefits for our body, and that is that ginger helps us improve blood circulation thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties.

If you consume it raw improves the absorption of nutrients and blood oxygenation.

Pumpkin seeds

If you buy a pumpkin do not get rid of the seeds, you can use them to improve circulation:

They are a good source of Vitamin E, this fat-soluble vitamin has the ability to give elasticity and flexibility to our blood vessels.
They help prevent the formation of blood clots.

The eye is a bulb that is well known and appreciated in Mediterranean countries for its exceptional flavor.

In addition this bulb has healing properties for our circulatory system.

To improve poor circulation take a clove of garlic fasting.

If you want to know more about garlic, visit the following article: garlic benefits

If the taste of garlic you do not like or even the smell, there are dietary supplements of garlic deodorized so that you have all its benefits, without enduring the smell or taste.

Sweet and refreshing is the quintessential fruit of summer. It is diuretic and rich in lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that facilitates blood circulation to the lower body train.

It is a typical spice of oriental medicine, it has multiple properties and uses. Among them, it stands out:

  • It is a powerful antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant
  • Help the blood to flow more easily
  • Reduces the pain and pressure exerted by poor circulation in our legs

Apple vinager

Apple cider vinegar must be present in our pantry, due to its multiple properties. To improve poor circulation and the appearance of spider veins you just have to soak a rag and rub through the affected area.

  • Natural remedies to improve circulation
  • Rub aloe vera on the extremities that you notice numbness
  • Massage with lavender essential oil, diluted in coconut oil, perform ascending movements in circles.
  • Infusions of horsetail, passionflower, ginger, thyme or rosemary have very positive effects on blood circulation.
  • Dip your feet in hot water with pepper to improve circulation.
  • Onion baths: put onions to boil, with the tempered liquid perform baths in the affected areas
  • Sleep with your legs slightly elevated with a cushion.
  • Routine to improve blood circulation.
  • The vast majority of people like to shower with hot water, but this does not go very well for our circulation. If you have the habit of showering with hot water, when finished, cold water passes through your legs. This temperature contrast will make your circulation better.

Get yourself a good cream specially designed for tired legs, not only will you notice immediate relief, but some will improve the appearance of spider veins and bruises that appear with poor blood circulation.

Final tips
Wear loose clothing that does not go too tight
Watch that the underwear rubbers do not squeeze too much
If you work a lot of time sitting, take small walks every hour or get a stool to support your feet.
If you spend the day standing, change the leg on which you lean to promote circulation in both.

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10 tips to improve leg blood circulation

Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is the disability of the veins
to make the proper return of blood to the heart, this lack of
circulation causes its accumulation in the legs, leading to
different symptoms and problems.

   According to data from the Spanish Phlebology Chapter, the symptoms of
IVC affect 30 percent of Spanish adults, which means
that it has about 15 million people, of whom it is estimated
that 60 percent of cases are not diagnosed.

   The incidence of this pathology * increases with age *, so that
After 50 years, half of the population suffers. Many times,
it is the patient who underestimates it, since it usually does not represent
a serious problem for health. However, this vascular pathology
can greatly reduce the quality of personal and professional life of
the people who suffer it and is a problem
sanitary of the first magnitude.

INTEY Shiatsu Massage Chair Pa
INTEY Shiatsu Massage Chair Pa

   Precisely, on the occasion of the publication of the results of the II
CinfaSalud study, dedicated to the 'Perceptions and habits of
Spanish women in relation to the health of their legs and the IVC ',
performed by Cinfa, the company's medical expert, Dr. Eduardo
González Zorzano, makes a decalogue of advice to improve the
venous circulation and relieve your symptoms.

   "There are some habits or tips that, incorporated into the day to day,
can help alleviate the pain and symptoms inherent in the
IVC, allowing, in this way, lead a fuller and healthier life
and gaining in quality of life, "he recalls.

     The report, endorsed by the Spanish Chapter of Phlebology and
Lymphology (CEFyL) of the SEACV, highlights that although the factors
triggers can not be controlled (genetic causes, pathologies,
age), many others can be prevented with an appropriate lifestyle,
through diet, exercise, and healthy habits.


* 1. * * Avoid standing, standing or sitting for long periods of time
weather*. When for work reasons or long trips by car, plane or
bus, you must stay a long time, it is recommended not to
Cross your legs and use a footrest. Whether you are sitting or
standing for long periods, you have to move your feet frequently and
Legs and take short walks.

*2. Legs up*. To improve the functioning of the veins and
after long periods of sitting or standing, it is advisable to lie down and raise
the legs above the level of the heart. In the case of
Pregnant, in addition, you should sleep reclining on the left side
and, for comfort, it is recommended to place a pillow between

*3. Use therapeutic measures *. The doctor or pharmacist will value
the degree of compression and size most suitable for each person.

*4. Follow a balanced diet and low in salt *. Both overweight
As constipation can affect the circulation. To prevent them,
a diet rich in fiber, fruits, vegetables and cereals is key; as well as
minimize the consumption of salt to retain less liquids

*5. Hydration, inside and out. * Drink between 1.5 or 2
liters of water daily. In addition, it is advisable to moisturize the
epidermis with specialized products (creams, etc.) to maintain
elastic skin and activate the blood circulation of these areas.

* 6 The sport, fundamental *. It is advisable to practice exercise
moderate physicality on a regular basis. Sports such as swimming or walking
daily, even dancing, gymnastics and the bike, help activate
the blood circulation. There are also exercise routines
singles specifically indicated for the IVC.

* 7 After the day, activate the irrigation with a shower and a massage *. To the
finish the daily shower, we will apply cold water to the calves in
ascending sense to relieve the feeling of heaviness. They also help
the massage with cold gels, from the foot to the knee in the
ascending, to activate the blood return.

* 8 Footwear and clothes, better broad *. The clothes very
adjusted are not advisable, as they can hinder the return
venous from the legs to the heart. Likewise, the use of
wide and comfortable footwear, without an excessive heel.

* 9 Avoid heat *. Since high temperatures favor
dilation of the veins, it is important to avoid sources of heat
directed directly at the legs: you should not sunbathe on the
prolonged legs, or waxed with hot wax, or use
braziers or saunas.

* 10 Consult with the health professional: * The doctor, or
Pharmacist can guide about food supplements, gels
for tired legs and specific medications to promote
venous return


  The report highlights that the first symptoms that usually appear
and which are indicative signs of suffering from this disease are:

- * Pain, tingling, heaviness and habitual fatigue in the legs *.
"These discomforts can be distinguished from others because they become more acute
be at rest and with heat, and on the contrary decrease to
lift your legs and with the cold, "says Cinfa's report.

- * Swelling of the lower legs and ankles *,
especially after prolonged periods of standing.

- Night cramps or what is known as' * legs syndrome
restless * ', which can make it difficult to reconcile the dream and the

- * Feeling of heat *, redness, dryness and constant itching in the
skin, which may be due to excess blood retained causes
an increase in temperature.

- Vascular spiders or telangiectasias and reticular varices

- Varicose veins or varicose veins, which is the best known clinical sign.

- Cutaneous skin disorders caused by poor circulation:
dermatitis, eczema, hyperpigmentation, etc.

- Venous ulcers, which represent the most advanced stage of the

- And, as the disease progresses, swelling may occur in
the ankles and legs (edema), clots in varicose veins
(varicoflebitis), or hemorrhage due to rupture of varicose veins (varicorrhagia).

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How to improve your blood circulation

 Having good blood circulation is key to having good health. There are some activities that we can carry out in the gym that will help us. For this reason, we have contacted the personal trainer and Sport Manager of Illes Centros de Fitness, Juan Morro.

Having high blood pressure is one of the most common reasons for poor blood circulation. An aspect that can be due to several reasons, such as an unhealthy lifestyle, work stress (or the stress generated by day to day) or the specific genetics of each individual. We want to offer you some keys and exercises that can ostensibly improve your circulation.

Naipo Back Massage Seat Cushion with Heat for Chair, Deep Kneading Rolling and Vibrating - Full Back Massager for Home Office Car Use
Naipo Back Massage Seat Cushion with Heat for Chair, Deep Kneading Rolling and Vibrating - Full Back Massager for Home Office Car Use

In response to our request, Juan Morro lists a series of changes that are easy to carry out and which can significantly improve our blood circulation: lose weight (especially in the case of being overweight), exercise regularly, eat a healthy diet and do not smoke or drink alcoholic beverages. These changes, which in Morro's words "are summarized in leading a healthy life", should already bring us a significant transformation. And, according to the personal trainer, "maintaining a healthy lifestyle through a balanced diet and exercising is essential in improving our blood circulation." That is, the essential goal of this article.

Within each gym, we will find many and varied training systems that will allow us to improve this circulation gradually. As with all physical activity, what counts is constancy rather than intermittency. A very high initial volume and then stop exercising would not do anything for our purposes.

In this way, we must gradually implement the activities recommended by the Sport Manager of Illes Centros de Fitness and we will also prosper gradually in our state of health. And it warns: "the minimum exercise of three times per week will cause that the sanguineous flow increases towards the heart and this will be key in our process of improvement".


And, we asked Morro, what kind of exercises should they be, any? Well, no, "to increase blood flow we need to perform cardiovascular exercise." In this sense, he recommends activities such as cycling and the walkin g . In both cases, the "main benefit of these activities -in the specific case to which we refer- is that the cardiovascular training that they entail will cause an increase in blood flow".

Apart from this type of directed classes, there are individual activities of another nature that can be equally useful for the desired objective. In the case of Illes Fitness Centers, Morro points out that "in our fitness rooms, as in most gyms, customers have treadmills and several models of ellipticals with which they can also exercise in cardiovascular training" . Even in the case of this center, they organize a collective class of land under the name of TIT (Total Illes Training). In it, "we work both at the cardiovascular level and strength," he says.

Personalized training

In addition to everything that has been mentioned before, if we want to have a more personalized treatment and exercise in a specific way under the supervision of an expert, Juan Morro suggests hiring the services of a personal trainer. "With his exercises and knowledge, he will help us achieve the desired purpose of, in this case, regenerate our blood circulation and lower our blood pressure." With all this "we will avoid problems and diseases in the heart and in our health, especially in view of the future". "In addition to preventing these possible cardiac complications, we will also avoid the appearance of varicose veins," says Juan Morro to close the issue.