Saturday, June 22, 2019

Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush Flushable Refills, Citrus 20 CT

Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush Flushable Refills, Citrus 20 CT

Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush Flushable Refills, Citrus 20 CT

How to clean the toilet: step by step instructions

Knowing how to properly clean the tank and the toilet from lime deposits and urinary stone, you remove even the most complex sediments, giving the plumbing a whiteness and cleanliness. Use soda, vinegar, coca-cola, oxalic acid, citric acid or whiteness. In particularly difficult cases, use automotive electrolyte or hydrochloric acid, provided that the sewer system is made of metal. Remove water from the toilet bowl, clean the surface and leave for 20 minutes (or more, depending on the cleaning method chosen). Then rub thoroughly with a brush and rinse off the water from the tank.

The bathroom is a favorable place for the development of microorganisms. In addition, a urinary stone and calcareous deposits are deposited inside the toilet bowl, spoiling the appearance of plumbing. Knowing how to clean the toilet, you will improve sanitary conditions and restore plumbing, but the main thing is to approach the procedure correctly, because the wrong effect will permanently ruin the enamel.
Causes of urinary stone and lime scale

If dirt and deposits appear in the toilet, take immediate action to avoid unpleasant odors and accumulation of sediment.

Dirty toilet

Inside the toilet these types of pollution are formed:

The urinary stone is the result of the laziness and carelessness of the owners. Most often, yellow nondescript stains form on the plumbing of people who forget to wash off after themselves. Initially, urine drops dry out and form a subtle hymen. With repeated absence of washing, a more durable film is formed - urinary stone. You can get rid of it only by special methods, but it is better to prevent its occurrence by conducting prophylaxis.
Limescale - minerals contained in water (well or river, water). The more often you wash away behind you, the more actively the film is formed. It is necessary to get rid of limescale regularly, because over time it clogs the holes that feed water into the toilet, which leads to the plumber to a complete malfunction.

Enameled plumbing is less prone to the formation of plaque that cannot be removed, but on rough surfaces it appears more frequently and more intensely.
How to restore the whiteness and freshness of the toilet folk remedies

If going to the toilet became unpleasant, because there were visible spots and an unpleasant smell inside, try cleaning the toilet with a brush. If you are not pleased with the result, go to more serious cleaning methods. Folk remedies are well suited for cleaning minor and old deposits in private houses and apartments that have a plastic pipe or a local sewer / sewage system.
How to clean the toilet from a strong limescale vinegar

With prolonged exposure, vinegar is able to dissolve the hard chide of urinary stone and lime without damaging the surface of the toilet.
Vinegar against plaque

Vinegar against plaque

To flush the toilet:

Clean the sewer system with a plunger and pump water out of the toilet bowl.
Dry the areas requiring treatment.
Moisten the napkin liberally with vinegar and apply to the bloom.
After 6 hours, wash the toilet and remove residual plaque with a non-metallic scraper.

To enhance the effect, you can use heated acetic essence or acetic soda solution (for 1 tbsp of acid 1 tbsp of soda). The processing mechanism is the same as when washing with pure vinegar.

How to wash the old urinary stone in the toilet knee with vinegar, see the video:

Laundered oxalic acid

Cleaning a dirty toilet or cat toilet with oxalic acid is not difficult. It is better to use technical crystallized agent. Treat them to the inside of the rim and leave for 5-6 hours. Remove old contaminants by diluting oxalic acid in alcohol and processing according to the same algorithm.
Citric acid

Citric acid is a budget tool that allows you to clean the toilet from urinary stone / lime and household equipment from scale of varying complexity for 3–12 hours.

Lemon freshness

Apply it, like oxalic, but the more pollution, the more need sachets with crystallized acid. Lemon is able to clean even the most difficult of pollution for 2-3 processing.

Note ! Treat the toilet carefully, despite the safety of these products. Accidental splashes can get into the eyes .
Wipe the toilet with special tools (household chemicals)

Modern chemicals clean enameled plumbing from limescale , sediment, urinary stone, black and rust. To clean the bathroom, purchase a product in the household department or via the Internet, read the instructions for use and process it according to safety precautions: wear rubber protective gloves and a respiratory mask to protect the respiratory tract.
Coke cleaning

It is easy to wash off the urinary stone from the bottom and the toilet bowl with Coca-Cola.

Cola cleans the toilet

Its components effectively corrode contaminants that fall into the zone of prolonged contact. Therefore, many housewives buy this inexpensive drink for cleaning kettles and plumbing:

Remove the water by pushing it into the drain in sharp movements.
Pour 1.5–2 l. Coca-Cola down the toilet.
After a couple of hours, wipe off the dissolved contaminants with a toilet brush.

Given the liquid consistency of the drink, the removal of intense dirt under the rim is almost impossible. Therefore, housewives use Coca-Cola as a prophylaxis against urinary stone and lime deposits.

Wash the toilet from the whitewash "Belize" is simple, because chlorine is opposed to many types of stains and persistent dirt.

White for toilet

The disadvantage of this tool is an unpleasant smell, but it is inexpensive, so it is used by many housewives.

Using "Whiteness" to clean the toilet in steps:

Remove from the toilet bowl a maximum of water.
Pour “Whiteness” onto a brush or contaminated enamel. To enhance the effect, add any thick consistency cleaner to clean the toilet.
Actively rub the toilet bowl, paying special attention to problem areas.
After 2–3 hours, clean with a brush and remove residual deposits with a non-metallic scraper.

Note ! When cleaning a pronounced lime scale, you can use an old blade. Gently scrape them, and the scaled deposits will lag, but carry out the procedure carefully so as not to scratch the enamel .
Hydrochloric acid

Using this tool, be sure to adhere to safety rules, so as not to damage the skin and lungs! Dip the toilet bowl with hydrochloric acid, rub with a brush and close the lid. After 15–20 minutes, repeatedly rub the dirt and wash away the acid. Do not use if the drain is made of plastic pipes.
Automotive electrolyte

Electrolyte for cars helps against stone, corrosion and plaque, returning the bathroom to its original whiteness, shine.

Electrolyte wash away contamination

Additionally, the tool will clear the sewer from blockages and eliminate red rusty streams. The treatment principle is the same as with hydrochloric acid, but use this method as little as possible so as not to damage the enamel.

Note ! Also, for cleaning plumbing, use special tools, for example, "Silite" or a toilet duck, and avoid powders, abrasives that can scratch the enamel. Damaged coating is even more exposed to lime deposits .
How to tidy up the toilet bowl

The condition of the tank affects the drainage system and the frequency of lime occurrence, so clean it as often as the toilet bowl.

Tidy tank

Due to the dirtyness of the drain tank, rusty streams appear in places where water is drained, and white deposits affect the tightness of the valve, which can cause the tank to leak unnoticed, causing additional costs to pay for water.

To clean the tank, remove its cover:

old tanks have a loose, easily removable cover;
Vertical rod designs are more complicated. Pull the stem up, twist the thread and remove the cover;
on button toilets, press the button and twist the shiny part left under your fingers to the left. When it moves away from the cover, there is no need to hold the button, twist it to the end and pull it out together with the threaded body.

To clean the inside of the tank, you can use folk or household tools. If the drain system has plastic parts, stop using automotive electrolyte and hydrochloric acid.

The most popular methods of cleaning the drain tank:

turn off the water, pour some household chemicals into the tank, turn on the liquid supply again and fill the tank. Do not use the toilet for the next 8-12 hours so that the funds have time to corrode the hardened deposits;
turn off the water and treat the internal surfaces with acids, soda, Coca-Cola or other means for cleaning the toilet bowl from lime and urinary stone. Wait for some time (from 3 hours, depending on the intensity of pollution), rinse.

Vinegar instead of water

After treating the cistern, the water jet will intensify. If you regularly carry out processing by folk methods, you will increase the service life of the toilet bowl parts, and it will begin to flush better.

Features of cleaning the lid and stool
Vinegar, soda and Coca-Cola are good for cleaning the lid and sitting. They do not cause allergic reactions and chemical burns (like chlorine and stronger acids). The cleaning process is as follows:

Prepare the solution using the recipes above.
Dampen a cloth in it.
Rub all problem areas and the outer part of the plumbing.

To clean the toilet toilet seat, loosen the bottom screws, remove the seat and wash it in the shower / bath tray with a self-made solution.
Means to prevent the formation of plaque in the toilet

The easiest way to avoid lime deposits on plumbing is to prevent contamination of the drain system.

Anti-Pill Tablets

For this special tablets are invented. Additionally, they have a good prophylactic effect on urinary stone.

Buy special pills in the department of household chemicals.
Place 1 pc. in the drain tank.
Close the lid.

Over time, the tablet will dissolve by staining the water. If after 7–10 days the liquid began to discolour, then it’s time to put a new one in the tank.
Littered toilet bowl - what to do

If you notice that the toilet is long and badly flushes, it means that the sewage system is clogged . The first is used plunger, pushing them pollution into the drain pipe. If this does not help, use a means of blockages in the pipes :

"Mister Muscle";

Drain the water from the toilet bowl, pour in the product and rinse by pressing a button on the tank.

Cleaning chemistry

Folk remedies are no less effective: ½ pack of soda pour 1 tbsp. water (pre-scoop water from the toilet). After 15–20 minutes, pour in a kettle of boiling water there to dissolve blockages into a sewer or street cesspool.

If there is a problem, than to clean the contaminated toilet, use special or folk remedies. To aggressive, like hydrochloric acid and auto electrolytes, use in extreme cases, because they are dangerous for the drain system.


Instant Power 1806 Toilet Tank Cleaner, 16 oz

Instant Power 1806 Toilet Tank Cleaner, 16 oz

Instant Power 1806 Toilet Tank Cleaner, 16 oz

How to clean the toilet from lime scale, rust, urinary.

Day by day, hostesses are fighting for cleanliness, trying to make the house perfect. Cleaning the apartment, you need to pay special attention to the plumbing, because a dirty toilet can make an "indelible" impression on guests. The drips of rust and dirty limescale found in the toilet can ruin the look of the most beautiful interior.

Lime deposits can form even if you are clean. Cleaning the toilet has a number of features, which we describe in this article
Particularly annoying is that persistent pollution can accumulate, even if you give enough attention to cleanliness. How to rid the toilet of the omnipresent plaque and keep it clean? First you need to understand the specifics of pollution of this item plumbing.

Why is the toilet soiled
In addition to its intended use, the toilet is subjected to additional loads. Often there wash off the remnants of food, pour dirty water. A large amount of pollution, many hard-to-reach areas and the constant presence of water contribute to the proliferation of bacteria and the appearance of plaque.

Yellow drips under the drain occur if the metal elements located in the tank are rusted. Very often, the old and obsolete plumbing behaves
Hard water contributes to the pollution of the toilet. Formed after each flush limescale is not visible on the white faience. However, if it is not permanently removed, it will absorb other pollution, gradually increasing and becoming harder and harder. The more salts contains water, the faster this process will take place.
A characteristic problem of toilet bowls is the urinary stone. It usually forms in hard to reach places, as a result of accumulations of minerals that make up human urine. If you do not flush the water immediately after going to the toilet, a stone may form in the knee. To clean the toilet from such contamination is extremely difficult, because it literally grows to the surface.
How to clean the toilet from plaque, rust or urinary stone? First of all, it is worth referring to ready-made products that can be purchased at the store.
Do not forget to wear protective gloves before you start cleaning.

Purchased cleaning products
All funds that can be purchased in the store are divided into several groups:
Gels, creams and liquids that contain bleach. They well bleach the surface of the earthenware and disinfect it. The disadvantage of such funds is an unpleasant odor.
Liquid solutions that create an alkaline environment.

Best suited for splitting fats and removing various organic contaminants. Gently affect the surface of the toilet, have a pleasant smell.
Powders containing abrasive particles. It is possible to clean the toilet by means of completely emptying the bowl of water and using a hard sponge. With frequent use of faience will be damaged, and in the future minor scratches will absorb more and more dirt.
The strongest cleaning effect is found in products containing various acids, for example, oxalic, orthophosphoric, formic. They are able to cope with the most old and persistent pollution, as well as plaque and stone. It is necessary to use the solutions with great care so that the fumes do not get into the respiratory tract, and the agent itself is on the skin and mucous membranes. With frequent use, such liquids can harm even ceramics, gradually eroding the top layer of glaze.

If you regularly clean the toilet 1-2 times a week, abrasives and strong acids will not have to be used
There are pills for the cistern that soften hard water and prevent the formation of plaque. Special capsules can be attached under the rim of the toilet bowl, which not only refreshes the air, but also disinfects the surface and prevents the accumulation of contaminants. Cover and toilet seat, yellowed as a result of prolonged use, can be treated with a chlorine-containing gel.
Under the rim of the toilet bowl, you can attach special capsules (sticky, liquid, on plastic hooks, etc.) that not only refreshes the air, but also disinfects the surface.
For frequent use, sparing agents in the form of gels, sprays or creams are best suited. If you take preventive measures in time and constantly clean the toilet, abrasives and strong acids will not have to be applied.
In addition to the above tools, you can clean the toilet and folk methods.

Folk remedies
There are many folk remedies that will help to quickly clean the toilet from urinary stone, rust and plaque. Before surface treatment, it is better to remove all liquid from the toilet and the tank itself. Make it easy: you can just scoop out the water or push it with a plunger into the sewer. You can use an empty plastic bottle, squeezing it, releasing a maximum of air, and then lower the neck into the toilet and draw water into the bottle.
Before surface treatment, it is better to remove all water from the toilet and tank.
A question, than to clear a toilet bowl from limy raid, many are set. The best known is acetic acid. It is better to take concentrated essence rather than 9% vinegar. The solution is carefully applied to the dirt and left for approximately one hour. Then the rubbed places rubbed brush.
But 9% vinegar also finds application in the fight against stubborn stains. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to heat a glass of solution to +50, and then add a spoonful of salt and a couple of drops of iodine to it. The resulting tool is poured into the bowl of the toilet and leave to act overnight.

The most famous folk remedy for cleaning plumbing - acetic acid
A safe way to deal with limescale is treatment with soda. The powder is applied with a thick layer to problem areas, left for 10 hours, and then cleaned with a hard sponge or brush. Soda does not leave behind an unpleasant smell and does not damage the enamel.

The safest way to deal with pollution in the toilet - soda
Citric acid will help to get rid of unpleasant yellowness. The powder is poured into the plumbing and left for a few hours, and then washed off.
Whiteness helps to flush the toilet. For processing will need 1-1.5 liters. After the fluid stays inside all night, the toilet becomes white again.
Strange as it may seem, Coca-Cola carbonated drink has similar properties. After it is easy to remove rust and urinary stone, simply rubbing them with a brush or a hard sponge.
Do not despair if, after the first application of the popular methods of plumbing did not become perfectly clean. To achieve a full result, the procedure sometimes needs to be repeated 2 or even 3 times.
If the toilet is old, with stubborn stains and deposits of stone that have accumulated over the years, more serious means will help to clean it at home.
Remove fresh dirt immediately (it is convenient to use not a sponge or a rag, but toilet paper, which you can immediately throw away), use a brush. Teach all households to do this.

Specially started cases
Before you begin to scrub the petrified deposits, you need to destroy their structure with a solution of strong acid. In this case, the usual store supplies will not help to clean the toilet - the concentration of the active agent in them is too small.
Work with industrial chemistry should observe precautions. Such solutions are dangerous in contact with eyes, mucous membranes and skin, and also easily corrode any tissue. If you are not careful, you can get a serious chemical burn. Therefore, in addition to rubber gloves should stock up on a respirator, rubber apron and goggles.
Careless handling of industrial cleaners can cause severe burns; protect yourself with rubber gloves, goggles (if possible, a respirator and an apron)
One of the most potent substances that will help clean the toilet is oxalic acid in the form of a dry powder. The powder is applied to a hard sponge, which is then treated with stone and bloom.
In hardware stores you can buy liquid electrolyte, which is poured into acid batteries. Such a tool is inexpensive, and the action is unique. The solution is poured into the toilet and left for several hours, then washed. Additional processing is usually not required. The only limitation is that the tool can not be used in homes with plastic sewer pipes.
It is safe for plastic pipes orthophosphoric acid. It not only cleans the toilet bowl, but also removes scale and rust inside the cistern.
Hydrochloric acid is known to many as a remedy that can easily irritate the skin. It is also merciless to old sediments, and it is used in the same way as electrolyte.
In the veterinary pharmacy, you can also find a means to combat the annoying dirt - iodine monochloride. It cannot be used in homes where plumbing or pipes are made of cast iron or aluminum. Stone and rust after treatment with this tool dissolve on the eyes.
Abuse of acids to clean the toilet, it is not necessary, they can quickly damage the enamel. In addition, the use of such funds there is a serious risk of burns or poisoning. It is best to keep your bathroom clean with daily care.
When cleaning the toilet bowl should not be abused acids, they can quickly damage the enamel

How to maintain cleanliness
Simple preventive measures will help not to wrestle with how to clean the toilet from annoying stains:
monitor the condition of the cistern;
install a water softener in an apartment or house;
remove contamination as they occur and do not let them soak into the surface;
Use special tablets to soften the water and disinfect the toilet bowl.
In addition to caring for the toilet, do not forget that the walls and the floor in the toilet room, the paper and brush holders, the flushing buttons, and other plumbing equipment should be subjected to regular cleaning.
Keep the toilet and other plumbing clean, and let your home be perfect!


Lysol Power & Fresh 6 Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Atlantic Fresh, 1ct

Lysol Power & Fresh 6 Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Atlantic Fresh, 1ct

Lysol Power & Fresh 6 Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Atlantic Fresh, 1ct

Urinary stone: how to clean the toilet and save

Today I propose to find the answer to the question of how to clean the toilet from urinary stone at home. First, let's look at what a urinary stone is and where it comes from.

The answer is very simple: such plaque is formed due to the mineral composition of human urine and the untimely cleaning of the toilet bowl.

How to clean
If the toilet is covered with a touch of urinary stone, nothing remains but to find a quick and effective way of cleaning.

Method number 1
How to clean the toilet from urinary stone (photo:

This method will tell you how to deal with the problem with the usual "Whiteness". To use it you need:

wipe the toilet seat from the inside with a rag to dry faience from moisture;
pour "whiteness" on problem areas: the more the better. Leave for 12 hours;
after "otkysaniya" plaque, wash off the remnants of the means with warm water.
Method number 2
This method will show how to clean the urine stone toilet with vinegar. For this you need:

measure one glass of table vinegar and pour it into the pan;
put on fire and heat to 40 degrees;
add two teaspoons of soda;
Pour the solution on problem areas and leave for 8 hours;
wash off with remnants and solution of warm water.
If not all the stone has departed at one time - repeat the procedure.

Method number 3
Coca-Cola can not only drink (photo:

The third way to clean the urinary stone toilet is Coca-Cola:

take 4 liters of drink;
fill this amount of sediment and leave it "otkisat";
After 4 hours, clean and polish the earthenware brush.
Method number 4
For cleaning, you can try to use oxalic acid, which powder is commercially available. To use you need:

wear gloves and apply powder on a damp sponge or cloth;
wipe problem areas;
leave the applied powder for one hour;
rinse with water and brush.
Method number 5
Citric acid kills a urinary stone (photo:

Many housewives are wondering how to clean the toilet from urinary stone with citric acid. For this you need to buy a few bags of tools. You can also use essence.

To use this tool you need:

pour the powder or pour the essence on the deposits;
close the toilet lid and leave for two hours;
open the lid and wash off the residue with water and a brush.

Running case
In especially neglected cases, when all the above methods do not help, you can use liquid from the battery. This is the most radical and effective way, but it is also the most dangerous.

If you watch the video on how to clean the urinary stone from the urinary stone with electrolyte, you will see how effectively the acid dissolves plaque. But with the same success battery fluid will leave chemical burns on your skin.

Therefore, to work with this tool you need to comply with security measures. Be sure to use a rubberized apron and thick rubber gloves. Protect your eyes with special glasses or visor. For respiratory safety, use a respirator.

So, after you are prepared, you can start cleaning:

Carefully pour electrolyte onto deposits of plaque, avoiding any splashing;
leave the toilet flush for 15 minutes;
wash the electrolyte with residues of plaque and sediment with plenty of water.


Seventh Generation Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Emerald Cypress & Fir Scent, 32 oz

Seventh Generation Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Emerald Cypress & Fir Scent, 32 oz

Seventh Generation Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Emerald Cypress & Fir Scent, 32 oz


Rust on the plumbing may appear due to leakage of the tank, high iron content in the water, water pipes made of non-galvanized metal. Whatever the reason, it is better to remove the yellow stains from the sanitary ware or ceramics immediately.

Remember that contaminants are organic and inorganic. To clean the latter, which includes rust, you must use specialized tools. Here are some tips on how to clean rust or plaque from a toilet bowl.

Before treatment, turn off the water, otherwise it will wash away the cleaning agent and you will not be able to remove the dirt. It is also recommended that you first clean the plumbing with a brush with a small amount of any detergent to remove surface contamination.

To get rid of rust and plaque, use any of the following options:

apply powder detergent, wipe with a rag or brush and rinse with water. The disadvantage of the method is that powder granules scratch the plumbing surface, making it more susceptible to dirt;
take advantage of folk remedies. It can be vinegar, citric acid and even cola;
Use a cleaning cream or gel for plumbing. They contain active ingredients that make it easy to clean the toilet from rust at home. For example, Domestos Anti-rust Anti-rust cleansing gel simultaneously removes rust, limescale and microbes.
To obtain a visible effect, it is enough to apply the agent under the rim of the toilet bowl and leave it for half an hour. In the case of complex contamination is recommended to leave at least 1 hour. If the contaminants are not immediately cleaned, rub them with a brush, and then flush the water out of the tank. Cleaning cream and gel are recommended to be used at least once a week. Also, to prevent rust and plaque, use Domestos universal cleaning products. For example, gel "Lemon freshness", "Crystal purity" or "Freshness of the Atlantic."

How to clean the toilet bowl from rust
Disassemble the tank and rinse every detail, otherwise after a couple of days after cleaning the plumbing can again form yellow spots due to metal corrosion. Before you clean the toilet tank from rust and limescale from the inside, do not forget to turn off the water.

To remove dirt, all the tools described above are suitable.

Tip! Before cleaning the tank and the toilet from lime or rust, try the tool in a small area. Then the consequences will be virtually invisible with an unforeseen reaction of sanitary ware or ceramics.

To prevent the formation of plaque, you can use special cubes. For example, cubes for the cistern Domestos. They will not cope with strong pollution, but will help to keep cleanliness of bathroom equipment after cleaning longer.


Clorox ToiletWand Disposable Toilet Cleaning Kit - 2 pk

Clorox ToiletWand Disposable Toilet Cleaning Kit - 2 pk

Clorox ToiletWand Disposable Toilet Cleaning Kit - 2 pk

How to clean the toilet from the stone: household chemicals and household recipes

Did you move to the apartment where the previous owners were not ranks, did they rent a room in the hostel - this juicy problem will be relevant for you
So - how to clean the toilet from urinary stone?

Causes of
Before deciding how to remove the urinary stone in the toilet, let's analyze the reasons for its occurrence.
Contrary to the name, the stone is not dried on the walls traces of visiting the toilet. Rather, it consists not only of them.
First of all, it is calcareous deposits, inevitable where water is taken from artesian wells or from river intakes. That is, in essence, everywhere. Dried, forgive, urine is only a spicy seasoning for lime.

So why does the urinary stone begin to grow?

Why do we have to look for, than to clean the toilet from the stone?
A fixed amount of water contains a very specific amount of dissolved minerals. The more water passes through the toilet, the more lime is deposited on its walls.
Moreover, most of the water often flows through the toilet not during unavoidable visits, but as a result of an unregulated cistern. The water in it goes for the first time, and the contents of the toilet bowl is constantly updated.
Accelerates the formation of deposits porous or rough surface of the toilet. The less unevenness, the less dirt is collected on the surface.
This applies to rust, and to limescale, and to urinary stone.
Pay attention: the surface of glazed toilets from sanitary ware is smoother and they have to be cleaned less often.
The ideal option is china, it is even smoother. But this is a slightly different price category.
By the way, porcelain toilet bowls are often very unusual in appearance.

Methods to prevent stone deposits
Are there any preventive measures? How to prevent the formation of plaque with an unpleasant smell?
What to do, so as not to look, than to dissolve thick deposits?
Eliminate leaks from the toilet bowl. It is often enough to simply adjust the float so that the toilet does not overflow. Less often it may be necessary to repair the valve or even replace it completely.
Get pills for the cistern. They prevent the formation of deposits and even slowly, but help dissolve existing ones. In addition, they give the water a pleasant color and smell.
Do not forget to clean the toilet at least once a week. Apply any cleaner and rinse off in half an hour easily.
Looking for how to remove a stone in the toilet, if it has been accumulating for years is tiring. No tool will remove a centimeter-thick stone in five minutes.

Getting rid of existing sediments
We go to the store
How to remove a urinary stone in the toilet, if it has already grown in a few years of use?

What can modern household chemicals offer us?
Abrasive scouring powders. For example, Pemolux. The principle is clear: put on gloves, scoop up all the water from the toilet bowl, pour in the product and three rags until a snow-white surface appears from under the layer of dirt.
Extremely tiresome; unpleasant; besides, the inner surface of the toilet bowl will become rough after cleaning. Abrasive will leave microscratches on glaze or faience. If so - it will collect pollution faster.
Alkaline cleaners. From import - "Domestos", from domestic - "Whiteness". As a rule, the basis of the product is caustic soda solution.
It dissolves the urinary stone, after which the remnants of the deposits are washed away with a brush and water.
How to clean the toilet from the stone with alkali? Again, draw out water and apply it to pollution. After half an hour, rinse, if necessary, repeat several times. “Whiteness”, however, can simply be poured in place of water - its cost is ridiculously small.
Tip: if the tank goes down a little - before cleaning, turn off the water on the tank, rinse and allow the remaining water to drain.
Otherwise, the alkali will quickly be washed away, without having managed to dissolve at least some of the sediments.
Acid cleaning products. For example, "Sillit". The principle of operation of such means for cleaning the sewage system is the same as for alkalis, it is applied in exactly the same way.
However, acids dissolve stone and other deposits much more efficiently.

Folk remedies
Something tells us that grandmothers and mothers had to deal with cleaning toilet bowls and sewage systems long before imported household chemicals appeared in stores. How to clean the toilet of urinary stone, if the store with cleaning products far?
Let us think: what affects the urinary stone in the most effective preparations? Acid, right?
Once we understand this, we just need to find in any available place a fairly concentrated solution of any acid.
Dry oxalic acid is used in the chemical industry for etching surfaces before applying enamels.
If you have some amount of this white substance - it will be useful to you.
How to clean the urinary stone in the toilet using dry oxalic acid? Either put it on a damp cloth and wipe it off, or dissolve a fair amount of it right in the toilet.
After application, wash it off and clean the surface with a brush. Don't forget the gloves.
If you sell - you can buy. This package will last for several years.
Battery electrolyte is also an acid. Apply and rinse after 15 minutes, repeat if necessary.
Almost in any refrigerator there will be acetic essence or packets of citric acid. In this case, of course, the toilet will have to drain. Do not forget about the sharp smell of vinegar, do not inhale its evaporation.
Another popular recipe was born recently. In the toilet just poured a bottle - another Coca-Cola or sprite.
Citric acid in them quickly corrodes deposits. Which, by the way, makes you wonder whether it is worth to drink these drinks without worrying about your teeth.

Relatively new folk remedy. Interestingly, the manufacturer in the know?
As you can see, there are lots of ways, with some means for fighting stone you will find at home. Good luck in cleaning!


Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, Rain Clean - 24 Ounces (Pack of 12)

Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, Rain Clean - 24 Ounces (Pack of 12)

Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, Rain Clean - 24 Ounces (Pack of 12)

How to clean the clog in the toilet?

Clogging the toilet is a fairly common problem that visits every apartment house without much demand. And, of course, for the first time we can get rid of the blockage with the help of skilled plumber’s hands, but, what to do second, third times? Everyone understands that calling home specialists is extremely expensive and impractical. After all, not always the plumber can come in the evening or even at night. In this case, we are faced with the question of how to clean the blockage in the toilet on our own?

Experts say that it is quite easy and simple to break through the garbage in the toilet if you are familiar with the typical sewage system. It will be useful to have on hand tools that will help remove the blockage. Do not forget that the blockage cannot be left for later, for tomorrow, or “suddenly it will pass by itself”. If the toilet is clogged, then the problem is solved immediately.

The main causes of

Are you sure that before you have clogged the toilet, it was used for its intended purpose? Remember, perhaps you threw in it the remnants of soup, onion peel, candy wrappers, or sausages? And what are you doing with personal care products? Do they always get into the trash can or do you sin by washing them in the toilet? In most cases, people flush wet wipes, diapers, toilet paper, rubbish, etc. into the toilet.

If you also carry out all the described manipulations, then do not be surprised that the sewer drain in your house so quickly clogged up. And at this moment, the blockage does not allow to accept all those products of human life activity, which should be in the sewage system, based on its direct purpose. Professional plumbers are advised to put on the toilet a small net that would catch all the garbage that you throw away.

Of course, you will not be able to solve the problems with clogging yourself, if a common riser is huddled in your house. But, here to solve the problems with the sewer system, which arose through your fault is quite possible.

Methods of struggle

How to eliminate the blockage in the toilet on their own? What do you need to do? The first thing you can do is put on gloves, a mask (if you smell bad) and remove large debris by hand. The second most popular method among all housewives is the use of special chemicals to eliminate blockages. Such preparations contain a large number of various polymeric compounds that are able to break through any blockage in the toilet.

In particular, such means as Domestos, Mr. Muscle, Tofiks and Tiret are widely known. The only difference is the cost, and the effectiveness of the drugs is absolutely identical. With the help of household chemicals can eliminate clogging in almost all types of pipes, and they will also help get rid of the old unpleasant odor. If your house has old sewer pipes, then in this case only one remedy for clogging the toilet will suit you - Mole. This powder is inexpensive, economical and effective.

If enough debris has accumulated in the pipe, then additionally arm yourself with a ruff and a chimney sweep. Before using household chemicals, be sure to read the instructions for use. This must be done, as some alkaline compounds corrode enamel plumbing. In order not to spoil the toilet, ask - how to use such tools.

If you have clogged sewer drain and at the same time you urgently need to take any measures so that all the garbage does not go in the opposite direction, that is, to your house. To do this, there are several effective methods of the so-called "first aid".

To punch a small blockage in the toilet, you can use boiling water. Heat 10 liters of water (standard bucket) and pour the liquid into the toilet at a right angle. This method helps to effectively eliminate small blockages in the form of toilet paper and small garbage.
Flush a pack of regular baking soda into the toilet and leave for one hour. Active alkali can dissolve the remnants of human life, as well as garbage in the form of food and other minor blockages.
Coca-Cola is a popular tool that “advanced” housewives do not use at all for their primary purpose. If you have a sewer riser clogged up, then shake the Coca-Cola bottle well and pour it into the toilet. You will not believe your eyes, but after 10-15 minutes the pipe will be cleared. This action can be explained by the fact that the drink contains a large number of chemicals, as well as citric acid, which together work quite effectively on any blockage.

Cleaning tools

In addition to the so-called chemical method, there is another method of cleaning sewer pipes - mechanical. That is, in this case, it will be necessary to apply a plunger or its various analogs.

With the help of a rubber plunger, you can remove excess water and then with your hands (with gloves) remove all the debris that has affected pipe flow.

If your home has a flexible plumbing cable, presented in the form of a rigid metal axis with a rotating handle, then using this device you can remove the most complicated blockage in the sewer pipe in just 30 minutes. In order not to resort to such methods of cleaning the toilet bowl, it is advisable to carry out preventive cleaning of pipes with the help of Mole once every two weeks.

You can also purchase a special tool of the domestic manufacturer "Prevention", designed specifically for this purpose.


FLUSH N SPARKLE Fluidmaster 8302P8 Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System Refills, Bleach

FLUSH N SPARKLE Fluidmaster 8302P8 Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System Refills, Bleach

FLUSH N SPARKLE Fluidmaster 8302P8 Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaning System Refills, Bleach

How to clean the toilet and clean the toilet?

Sometimes, starting to clean the toilet, it turns out that the water in the toilet is badly washed off and remains in the bowl along with sewage. Plumbers in this case do not want to cause, and therefore there are several questions at once: how to clean the toilet with your own hands, and what cleaning products after that clean the toilet.

Preparatory work

Clogging can be caused by various reasons. Sometimes a cork arises due to too hard water or urea, the sediment of which is deposited inside the pipes and blocks the passage. Often the blockage occurs due to the fault of the owners, who pour the remnants of food, fermenting canned food into the bowl, sometimes rags or other objects that do not dissolve in water and get caught on some ledge, get stuck, creating a cork.

Before you start cleaning the toilet or cleaning the sewer pipes, you need to wear long waterproof rubber gloves, a rubberized apron, get a gauze bandage: the smell will not be pleasant. Used cleaning products contain a lot of toxic and unpleasant substances that can cause poisoning.

Also, when cleaning the toilet and cleaning the pipes, you will need a sponge, toilet brush, disinfectants and antibacterial cleaners for sanitary ware, gels, soap, brush, and a basin for water. Starting to clean the toilet, you need to determine the sequence of actions. If the water goes badly into the sewer pipe, the first thing is to clean it.
How to clean the toilet

Before deciding which cleaning agent to clean the toilet, it is necessary to determine the cause of the congestion: a common standpipe may be blocked, and then plumbers will have to be called. It is quite simple to do this: it is enough to open the water in the sink, if the water does not go down the drain, then the problem is most likely in the general riser. If the water is little by little, but leaves, then the toilet is clogged and the problem can be solved on its own.

If a foreign object has fallen into the sewer drain, and this is known, it is necessary to determine where it is located. To do this, scoop up water in the toilet, put on a long rubber glove, apply a gauze bandage on the face (the smell will not be the most pleasant), reach into the drain hole and determine whether it is possible to reach the object using a probe method. If it is a rag or a soft object, it can be pulled out easily, if something is hard, then in order to get it out of the toilet bowl, you need to push it with a wire, making a hook at its end.

If the cause of the cork is unknown, you will have to use various cleaning products for the toilet, mainly gels and powders.


The easiest way to clean sewage pipes is to rinse them with water. To remove the blockage, you need to pour into the toilet ten buckets in a row of hot water (not more than 60 ° C). It is necessary to pour it in different ways: fill it from different sides of the bowl, jerking, with a powerful stream.

You can also connect a hose to the hot water tap, direct the other end as far as possible to the drain and open the maximum head. If this method does not help, and almost no water will leave the bowl, stop cleaning with this method, otherwise the toilet will overflow, the water will be on the floor.

Air eliminators

You can try to clean the toilet using a plunger whose rubber suction cup is larger in diameter than the drain hole. This method will help get rid of the cork, if it is formed in the siphon or pipe, which leads to a common riser. Yielding to the pressure of air and water, the tube will move, fall into a large pipe and go down.

Before starting work, tightly close the drain holes in the bathroom and in all sinks, then pump the water with a plunger with sharp movements. If the water is gone, it must be poured out of a bucket or cistern and continue pumping until it starts to leave at its usual speed.
Soda and vinegar

If water and plumbing do not cope with the cleaning of sewage, the clog can be removed with soda and vinegar. To do this, scoop out almost all the water from the toilet bowl, leaving a small amount below, pour half a pack of soda, and completely drown it in the remaining water, pushing it as far as possible.

After that, pour in a glass of vinegar, and wait for the end of the chemical reaction (about twenty minutes). Next, pour boiling water into the bowl, if the connecting corrugation is made of thin plastic - confine yourself to hot water (up to 60 ° C), otherwise it may burst.

If it was not possible to remove the cork with simple methods, gels or powders designed to eliminate blockages in the drain pipes (Mole, Sanoks) are capable of removing it. They are able to eat away all that has accumulated inside the sewer pipes - mineral sediment, hair, grease, and salt. If the pipes are heavily overgrown, the maximum effect will not work, but they will be able to break through the blockage.

In order not to bring the sewer system to such a state, it is advisable to clean the pipes at least once a month with cleaning products for plumbing.

Sewer cable

If the blockage does not break through at all, you need to purchase or ask your friends for a flexible sewer cable. They need to clean the toilet, making rotational movements with a handle so that the coward can safely go through all the bends of the pipe, and also hesitates and smashes all the deposits and blockages that caused the cork.

When pulling the cable from the toilet after finishing the cleaning, you should immediately put it on a rag previously laid on the floor, and then wipe it with antibacterial liquid soap or dishwashing detergent: otherwise, the cable will stain everything. Having finished cleaning the toilet, take off the gloves and carefully wash your hands with antibacterial soap.

Toilet cleaning

When the toilet is completely clean, the bowl, as well as the space around it, must be washed. To do this, take away all the things near the toilet bowl so that they do not interfere with cleaning or do not fall into the bowl and do not clog the sink. If the means intended for cleaning the toilet bowl gets on objects, they can deteriorate and they should be thrown out.

Put on gloves again, take a rag or sponge, soak in soapy water, wipe the toilet and leave for half an hour: dirt under the influence of soap and water will take off and it will be easy to clean. After that, soak the washcloth in hot water and wash the bowl well from the outside.

Using water, soap, cleaning products for the toilet, it is good to wash the inside of the toilet bowl from lime, rust, stains. Judging by the reviews, Sanoks cleaner does a good job with this, but you have to be careful with it. For example, the gel of this company contains oxalic acid, which is able to corrode thin enamel or marble, so you should not pour a lot, and you should read the instructions before use.

The tool is first applied to the inside of the toilet and leave for some time. After this brush clean the top of the bowl, removing dirt and rust, then wash the bottom well. After finishing work, flush the water out of the tank and rinse the inside of the toilet bowl using the brush (this must be done several times).

After that, wash the lower and upper parts of the seat (using a different brush so that microbes from the toilet bowl do not cross over them), using antibacterial gel, soap, powder and other means.

It is also necessary to wash the toilet bowl on the outside with a disinfecting gel, as well as the tank and the handle with which water is drained. When you have finished washing the bowl, wipe the toilet with a soft cloth, removing the remnants of the antibacterial agent.

After washing the toilet, sweep up the floor rubbing, then use flooring and tile around the bowl with a solution of soap or a disinfecting gel to wipe the floor with a rag.

At the final stage of cleaning, wash with a disinfecting gel and wipe all the things that are in the toilet (to do this, put on gloves that are not intended for cleaning the toilet bowl). At the end of the work, take off the gloves and wash hands and face using antibacterial soap.


Iron OUT Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 1 Pack, 6 Tablets

Iron OUT Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 1 Pack, 6 Tablets

Iron OUT Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 1 Pack, 6 Tablets

How to clean the toilet: cleaning tools

How to clean the toilet at home?

Nobody canceled the hygiene rules of the bathroom and at least no matter how it would be improper to talk about defecation, urination, etc., this will have to be done. As practice shows, cleaning the toilet - this is quite a hot topic for everyone, because it is not always possible to clean the bathroom to shine and perfect whiteness.

Moreover, to clean the toilet at home depends on the general condition of the plumbing, service life and the initial degree of contamination of the toilet. How to clean the toilet yourself using chemical means or the so-called folk methods?

Why is the toilet dirty?

Cleaning the toilet is not such a problem. Here it is important to know about the reasons for the formation of urinary stone and not to clean it constantly, but to do preventive cleaning after each trip to the toilet room.

Stone formation has two primary causes: lime deposits and directly human urine. If you regularly use the toilet, then the appearance of urinary stone is inevitable, as it will gradually increase under the influence of extraneous factors.

In addition, the water contains a large amount of minerals that are deposited on the walls of plumbing. A toilet drain that does not hold water may also cause the formation of a urinary stone. Therefore, do not forget to periodically open the tank and check the drain.

So that you rarely ask questions about how to clean the toilet, it is sometimes necessary to carry out preventive measures to prevent the formation of urinary stone and rust.

. It is possible to get rid of a raid and an unpleasant smell by means of regular cleaning. It is not necessary to buy expensive cleaning products to wash the plumbing.

Just once a day for the night fill in a tank a little washing for dishes or usual laundry detergent. Directly in the toilet pour a chlorine-containing substance and the same detergent. All this will need to be washed off only in the morning. You can be sure if you find 5 minutes for these procedures, the plumbing will start to sparkle.

Be sure to check if the tank is working properly. The drain for the toilet in some cases can be adjusted independently. If the armature is broken, be sure to repair it. If the water drains uncontrollably into the toilet, then as a result, a raid will appear on the plumbing equipment in a few days. By the way, you can put tablets in the tank, which not only disinfect water, but also prevent the formation of urinary stone.
Prevention measures

If you have a toilet clogged, then try to remedy the situation with the help of a plunger. When getting rid of the blockage with this method does not work, then use special chemicals, for example, Mole.

How to clean the toilet, if you only have vinegar and baking soda? Pour a glass of soda and half a glass of vinegar into the toilet and wait until the chemical reaction has passed. Clean the toilet and get rid of the old plaque and rust is recommended Coca-Cola. This drink is able to wash plumbing, eliminate rust and odor due to the high content of citric acid in the composition.

How to clean sewer pipes if there is no plunger on hand? Use the following method. Pour 2 bags of citric acid down the toilet, and pour vinegar into the tank. Wait 5 minutes for the interaction to occur and wash away. So you can get rid of a minor blockage in the pipe.

Caustic soda or otherwise alkali will remove a strong blockage without a plunger. This is the perfect tool that will help you if the toilet is clogged. You can clean the toilet without plunger, sewer cable and extra effort.

Caustic soda is sold in household chemicals stores and it costs pennies. If you periodically pour it into the tank and flush the toilet, it will be a good prevention of clogging.

Ideal toilet bowl surface

How to rid the toilet of urinary stone, and the tank from rust cleaning powders, and which of them should pay attention when buying? In fact, there is no particular difference between a tool called "Whiteness" and "Domestos". The principle of their work is identical and the chemical composition differs only in a fragrance.

Cleaning the toilet begins with protective measures for the skin of the hands, that is, with the donning of rubber gloves. After that, you can safely open the tank and bail out all the water. The same must be done with the toilet. Pour the abrasive substance on the toilet wall and carefully rub it with a brush.

No one will argue with the fact that this is not a very pleasant procedure, but otherwise nothing. Help to get rid of urea "Domestos", which is composed of caustic soda, effectively dissolving this substance. It is enough to leave the product for several hours, and then clean the toilet with a brush.

If you do not want to clean the toilet walls yourself, then you can pour the usual whiteness (100-200 ml per day) into the tank for a week, and drain this water. The cost of this chlorine-containing remedy is extremely low, so for 7 days you will clean the toilet to shine. So, how to clean the toilet? Use such tools as baking soda, vinegar, Coca-Cola, "White" and caustic soda. It is desirable that this kit was always at hand.


Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets with Bleach - 2 Count

Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets with Bleach - 2 Count

Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets with Bleach - 2 Count

How to clean the toilet?

Permanent commercials with scary monsters that live in our toilets, force us to pour in liters of tools for cleaning and disinfecting the toilet. We are told that in order for the toilet to become really clean, you need to have heavy artillery in the assortment, such as toilet blocks, gels, powders, which often harm our health, polluting the environment, and when inhaled they settle on the lungs. However, you can always use alternatives, for example, folk methods of cleaning the toilet bowl, since they are more environmentally friendly.
Types of pollution

The main problem faced by people in their bathrooms and toilets is the yellowness of plumbing and its sloppy appearance. It also forms ugly mud leaks, a crust of lime, corrosion and biological contaminants.

Do not cease to regularly clean up and do not leave the plumbing in disrepair, otherwise you will have to work very hard to get rid of many problems. Sometimes plumbing just has to be thrown away.

Prolonged operation of the toilet entails the formation of lime and urinary stone, which are extremely difficult to remove. Therefore, in the arsenal of combating urinary stone you always need to keep several effective ways to remove such contaminants.

Fortunately, modern plumbing pleases its customers with new technologies, becoming ergonomic, aesthetic and simple. Not so long ago, the plumbing market won the "smart plumbing" with an infrared sensor and autowash. But unfortunately, even these innovations are not insured against problems with pollution and stone formation.

The limescale, like the stone, is associated with exploitation and does not manifest itself immediately. Only at the end of a long time under the rim of the toilet bowl and in places where water is drained, an unesthetic plaque becomes noticeable. Therefore, it is important to clean the toilet bowl as often as possible , this will save you from many years of accumulation of plaque, and the removal of the urinary stone will not be so problematic.

Urinary stone accumulates over the entire surface of the toilet bowl due to salt deposits. Over time, it becomes impossible to clean it with a conventional brush or brush. Lime deposits on the walls of the toilet, an unpleasant odor - a consequence of the rare cleaning of the toilet and its unsanitary conditions. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary expenses and to keep the plumbing clean, you should first get rid of deep problems:

Repair any leaks from the flush tank. To avoid overflowing the tank capacity, you just need to adjust the float. And in some cases, you need a complete replacement of the tank with a new one.
Adding water softener tablets to the flush tank will help to avoid further problems with odor and urinary stone.
At least once a week it is necessary to clean the toilet with an antibacterial agent. It will be enough to put it on the wall of the toilet, a little brush and rinse with water.

Some owners prefer not to wage a “war” with similar problems and decide to buy a new toilet. But fortunately, there are many ways that will easily remove the raids and save the family budget. Each method of cleaning the toilet bowl must correspond to the degree of contamination.
What can be washed?

Domestos or “Toilet Duck” will be able to easily and quickly cope with ordinary pollution only when they are used regularly. In order to avoid the appearance of traces of urinary stone, the toilet should be cleaned of yellow bloom with his own hand at least once every seven days.

Take care of your toilet and wipe the plumbing with a washcloth and a special detergent or ordinary laundry detergent.

We list several options available:

To clean the toilet will help ordinary vinegar . It must be poured into water and left for about 3 hours. After that, you just need to press the drain button. Such a simple and affordable way will get rid of a slight accumulation of urinary stone after the first use.
Citric acid is another component that allows you to remove the urinary stone and lime deposits without the expense of time and money. Two bags of citric acid are poured into the toilet and left there for 3-5 hours. After that, the tool is washed off with water, and the remnants of the raid are scrubbed with a brush. If after the first cleaning the expected result is not achieved, you should repeat this simple procedure.
“Whiteness” is far from a harmless remedy, however, it is quite effective in the fight against urinary stone. The plunger removes all the water from the knee of the toilet bowl, after which the bottle of “Whiteness” is poured, the toilet is closed with a lid and left overnight. In the morning, wash the product several times and evaluate the result. If desired or unsatisfactory, you should repeat the procedure again.

33% saline solution is used when cleaning the toilet bowl only if the plumbing is not made of plastic. Removal of the urinary stone with acid should be performed only in protective gloves, thereby protecting the skin from a possible chemical burn. Dry walls of the toilet bowl poured with acid, then leave for half an hour. Before washing, clean the places of contamination with an unnecessary brush and wash it several times with clean water. The method, although quite toxic, is extremely effective.
Electrolyte is another method that is prohibited if you have plastic pipes. However, the electrolyte is the most radical and effective when cleaning the toilet bowl from urinary stone. The electrolyte is simply poured into the toilet, left there for a couple of hours and washed off with water.
Perhaps, in every home you can find oxygen bleach , which can also be useful when getting rid of urinary stone. The product is poured onto the urinary stone, then this place is intensively rubbed with a stiff brush and rinsed with clean, warm water.

Abrasive cleaners such as Domestos, Komet. The method of application is simple, although not pleasant. From the toilet all the water is scooped out, the walls are filled with means and rub with a rag or sponge to a crystal whiteness. The disadvantage of this method is only that the glossy surface of the toilet bowl can become rough due to the formation of scratches after cleaning with similar means. And scratches, in turn, contribute to the rapid accumulation of plaque and urinary stone on the walls of the toilet.
Dry oxalic acid is used more often in the chemical industry for cleaning the surface before the enamel coating procedure. But a small amount of such acid can successfully cope with the elimination of pollution in the toilet. For this, the substance is applied to the cloth (use of gloves is obligatory), with the help of which the places of contamination are wiped. Even easier - it is to pour the acid into the water, clean the ruff and rinse with water.
Carbonated drinks , such as "Cola", "Sprite". Although the purpose of these drinks does not imply the cleaning of toilet bowls, but as practice has shown, they cope with this task quite well. Only after that it becomes scary for what these drinks can do with a person's stomach. A couple of bottles of sparkling water is poured into the toilet. Due to the content in the drink citric acid plaque corrodes extremely quickly.

It must be remembered that the new and expensive toilet is much easier and more profitable to keep clean. Do not forget about prophylactic agents that can clear the drain from all sorts of raids and sediments.

You do not need to pour and throw down the remains of food, garbage in the toilet, thereby reducing the life of the drainage system and the toilet in general, and sometimes it is fraught with blockage in the general sewer system.

How to get rid of a blockage?

If you notice that the toilet has become reluctant and problematic to flush even a small amount of household waste, then, most likely, it is simply clogged, and you risk flooding the neighbors from the bottom. Water from the drain can rise from the inside to the rim of the toilet and pour onto the floor of the toilet. Water, of course, will contain particles of feces, wet wads of toilet paper, etc.

What to do in such an emergency? Do not write with the findings and do not panic. It is not necessary to immediately contact the housing office. First try to do all the dirty work yourself, for example, with the help of a good old air vent.

It was used even when no one heard about imported Tiret or Komet products. A clump of garbage just pushed deep down the drain.

Nowadays a different method is much more effective. With the help of the acid, a clump of garbage is dissolved, and thus the blockage is eliminated. He will independently go into the sewer with a water stream.

Pump out the water, but not to the end. Let there be still a bit inside. Pour half a pack of baking soda into the sink. With the help of the pushes of the air vent we push the baking soda further down the drain and pour in one glass of table vinegar.

The pipes, tired of clogging, will only be happy for such a “cocktail”. The chemical reaction lasts about twenty minutes. Then you need to pour about one and a half to two liters of boiling water into the toilet drain. The result is guaranteed.

You can remove the blockage with household cleaning products for cleaning various pipes, for example, it may be the Mole familiar from childhood. Foreign "Tiret Turbo", "Debucher" are also good. Sometimes, when the blockage is small, it will be enough to pour 2 liters of Coca-Cola into the drain. True, it is not always at hand.

Nevertheless, all means are good in a difficult fight against a blockage. At home, correctly and quickly get rid of the blockage can be applied using our recommended tools.

Cleaning methods

There are several effective ways to wipe off contamination:

Bring the kitchen vinegar to forty degrees, then pour the kitchen soda into it, mix well. Apply the gruel, which is the result, on the dirt and leave it for ten hours. Cleaning spend at night.
Citric acid has long been successfully used by many housewives to successfully clean their toilets and bathrooms. Take a couple of sachets of this acid, sprinkle contaminated areas. Make sure that citric acid is completely contaminated. After two hours, wash and rinse the toilet with plenty of hot water.
Pour ethanedioic acid on urinary stone and limescale. Wait two hours. Then you need to wash the toilet with warm water.
Siphon all the water out of the toilet. Then pour a few liters of Coca-Cola into it. Leave the sweet water overnight in your toilet. Just do not immediately drain the water! This will have to be done in the morning. Then, at the same time, wash the walls of the toilet with a brush.
Simple baking soda will help you remove the limescale. Take a pack of soda, put it in the toilet and leave for 30 minutes. Then pour there vinegar. You will see a chemical reaction between substances. Then wipe the toilet with a brush.

The result will pleasantly surprise you. Be sure to regularly wash and clean the bathroom and toilet in your apartment. Then they will remain in excellent condition for many years.

Tips and tricks

In order not to encounter every day the problem of getting rid of the urinary stone, lime scale, unpleasant smell in the toilet, you need to monitor its cleanliness. Remove all deposits in the cistern. This procedure should be carried out at least once every six months.

Here are some tips to help keep your toilet clean:

Use for cleaning gels that have whitening and disinfecting properties.
Wash the toilet not only from the inside, but also from the outside. To clean the toilet, use a special brush. Keep the toilet brush in perfect cleanliness. As contamination buy a new store.
You can easily clean the toilet in hard to reach places with your old toothbrush. The lid and toilet seat wiped with paper napkins or a piece of dry toilet paper.
Pour the neck of the toilet with a special washing gel and leave it there for half an hour. This should be done in order to get rid of all the dirt. Then wipe the dirt with a toilet brush. Clean the drain with a special gel. Always wear rubber gloves, this will keep your hands skin.
For external cleaning of the toilet, use paper napkins or paper towels. Pour the required amount of disinfectant, dip the towel and wipe the walls of your toilet bowl.

The tank can be covered with bloom. This can worsen the drainage and functionality of your toilet bowl. Rust appears in the form of untidy red strips, and pieces of lime violate the tightness of the valve, which is why the tank begins to leak. To clean the inner surface of the tank, remove its cover.

To relieve the tank from different dirt will help you the tools that are used to clean the toilet: gels, vinegar, ethanedioic acid, Coca-Cola, a variety of liquids for cleaning pipes. Drain water. Pour special gel to the bottom of your tank, wait until the tank is filled with water, and leave for ten hours.

Using a washcloth, apply a special agent (liquid, powdery, gel, a mixture of vinegar and baking soda) on the walls, bottom, parts of the drain and wait a while. Then wash the tank with warm water, flush it out and fill the tank again.

For ease of care in the toilet, you can always keep a pack of wet wipes. Clean and wipe your toilet every day. Paying enough time and effort to this work, you will no longer face the problem of sediment, lime scale and rust.

It is always necessary to clean the toilet in a timely manner, only then the pollution will not be disturbed by its “indecent” look and smell. Timely cleaning of sanitary equipment is a guarantee of the health of the whole family.


Method Antibacterial Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Spearmint, 24 Ounce

Method Antibacterial Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Spearmint, 24 Ounce

Method Antibacterial Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Spearmint, 24 Ounce

How to clean the toilet, impeccable cleanliness of sanitary ware

The cleanliness of a housewife is easy to determine just by looking quickly through the toilet and assessing the condition of the sanitary ware. No air freshener helps when the toilet itself is cleaned carelessly. Of course, if the plumbing is cleaned fairly faithfully and regularly, then a few drops of any cleaning agent will be sufficient to maintain cleanliness and shine. But even with careful care, not everything depends on the cleaning woman. On the glittering faience, stains of rust are formed, limescale builds up, deposits of urinary stone appear ... What a countless number of bacteria and microbes quite comfortably and rapidly multiply in the heat and moisture of the toilet bowl, is not even worth reminding. It is impossible to completely eliminate their appearance on the toilet, due to its specific and unique function. But to make so that the number of harmful microorganisms was minimal, and complicate their ability to reproduce - it is within the power of every diligent mistress.

Finding the answer to the question "how to clean the toilet" begins with an assessment:
- identify the most contaminated sites;
- determine the type of pollution;
- selection of an appropriate cleaning agent.

The times when the mistress could use only one banal bleach had sunk into oblivion. We will not consider means specializing in “breaking through” blockages , this is a separate topic for conversation and the range is rather narrow. Usually blockages occur in cases when the question of regular cleaning of the toilet bowl is approached with extreme neglect or use the toilet bowl instead of the trash can. Choosing detergents for cleaning toilet bowls is much more difficult. Today, the chemical industry puts on sale a myriad of proposals, some of which provide a successful fight against one particular type of dirt, while others claim to be a loud universal. The hostess can only decide how to wash the toilet. Nowadays there are many ways and opportunities to choose the best toilet cleaner. You can try everything, and using the "spear" to determine the best for yourself. You can trust in advertising. And you can spend some time and explore this issue in more detail with the help of the Internet, advice from experienced friends or on special journals. Then you can learn that toilet cleaners are produced in a variety of compositions and in any form, trying to make the application as convenient and safe as possible. In order not to get lost in such a variety and choose the most effective means for cleaning the toilet bowl, it is worthwhile to elaborate on several of the most common ones.

Why and what we clean the toilet

Normal flushing does not provide the necessary cleanliness in the toilet. The elementary rules of hygiene require that the toilet be cleaned and disinfected regularly, as a place where the potential microorganisms are concentrated. The quality of water in our homes is often unimportant, in many regions its rigidity is very high. Not always perfectly fitted seals in the tank. As a result, the water saturated with lime and rust seeps through the toilet, painting it with fancy, but extremely unattractive drips. A negligent attitude towards the obligatory descent of water after the departure of need leads to a gradual increase in sediment, known as urinary stone. Even on the new toilet can appear unpleasant rust "tracks" and gray stains. And then you have to make constant efforts to clean the toilet from rust and raids. My own toilet bowl Therefore, any attentive and caring hostess will sooner or later have a question: how to clean the toilet from the yellow bloom? How qualitatively, and most importantly, how to clean rust in the toilet ? The easiest way is to go to the nearest hardware store and buy a toilet cleaner with your own hands.

Most often, these are adapted universal remedies that help in a complex to get rid of both urinary stone and plaque. The fact that at the same time, harmful microbes are destroyed, is meant by itself, because disinfectants are included in most formulations, in addition to aggressive acids and alkalis. At the same time, it is necessary to purchase thick rubber gloves and a respirator (if you have to work with bleach or acids). Any toilet cleaner mostly consists of surface-active substances (surfactants), to which the manufacturer adds chlorine, alkali or acid. The surfactant cleaves contaminants, facilitating their separation and removal. Acids, alkalis and bleach multiply the effect of surfactants. In addition, each of the additional components has its own function. Alkalis cope better with fats, and acids - with rust and bloom. Chlorine is cracking down on both of them, along with disinfecting the surface. That is, you first need to understand what exactly the struggle will be with, and then decide what is the best toilet cleaner to choose. What is the point of taking a compound that fights well with urinary stone, but is ineffective against rust. It is also important in what form the product is produced, sometimes the effectiveness of the effect of the composition directly depends on it. By texture, such agents are divided into powders, gels and liquids. Abrasive (powder) is the most inexpensive and fairly effective method. The cleaning powder is simply applied to the brush and the surface is carefully rubbed. But it will have to be done for quite a long time, making considerable efforts. And such a toilet cleaner leaves quite noticeable scratches on the surface, in which, over time, signs of rust or plaque appear more and more noticeable. Abrasive powders often include bleaching powder. To know chlorine-containing agents is not difficult by a very characteristic odor. Pure bleach is used less frequently today, mainly in medical institutions, kindergartens and schools.

This powder detergent for washing and disinfecting toilet bowls is incredibly aggressive and has a strong suffocating odor, equal to the effects of toxic substances. Therefore, working with such means only with gloves and protecting the respiratory system. Bleaching is able to break down and fat, and plaque, and rust, but it is most effective as a disinfectant. However, over time, bleaching powder corrodes the surface, faience loses luster and smoothness. For everyday cleaning bleach is used in the form of a liquid solution, which is periodically treated toilet. And yet chlorine is gradually being replaced by more modern formulations. An inexpensive and highly effective oxalic acid is commercially available. It is sold as a powder. The only, but significant disadvantage of this tool is its high acidity, so you need to work with the use of personal protective equipment. In addition, it is necessary to strictly dose the time of exposure to the surface of the toilet bowl, since oxalic acid can eat it pretty hard.

But on the other hand, absolute cleanliness and whiteness of the toilet bowl are ensured, even if not chemically pure oxalic acid is used, but a means in which it is only one of the components. Gels and liquids are also quite effective for cleaning the toilet bowl. Without damaging the surface, they make it perfectly clean without much effort. It remains only to determine what specific composition will be required if the toilet is dimmed. Someone prefers to buy separate tools for cleaning toilet bowls from rust, for someone it is much more urgent to get an effective means for cleaning toilet bowls from urinary stone. Still others are interested only in the disinfecting properties of the composition. But it is wiser to find something universal in order to save time and money, as well as reduce the inevitable damage to the surface of the toilet bowl. Consider cleaning compounds in terms of chemical components. Alkaline and acidic agents are distinguished. This is determined by the acidity ratio, which can vary from 3 to 12. Alkaline means are considered, where the acidity coefficient is from 7 to 12. All that is lower is acidic. The processing of the toilet bowl by both types of compositions is identical. Water is drained from the tank, the surface is dried, and then the agent is applied. After about twenty minutes the tank is refilled and flushed.

An acidic cleaner for toilet bowls and urinals will help clean faience from all contaminants. Such a toilet bowl cleaner may include various active acids that do an excellent job with rust and lime deposits. As in the case of powders, they use ready-made products with acid and acid in a chemically pure form.

The choice is determined by the degree of contamination of the toilet. Very contaminated toilets are treated with acidic compounds. Cleanser toilet bowls with hydrochloric acid - one of the most powerful. Such a substance requires extreme caution, it is impossible to inhale the vapors and avoid contact with the skin. Hydrochloric acid will clean the most stubborn dirt, it is a very strong tool for cleaning toilet bowls. But due to its special aggressiveness, such a tool cannot be used if the toilet is connected to plastic pipes - the acid will simply corrode them. Constantly use such a composition is not worth it. But after the acquisition of such a tool, there will be no question what to wash the toilet at home with. By the way, hydrochloric acid can be used not only as part of a cleaning agent, especially old dirt is removed with pure technical hydrochloric acid, which is sold in the markets. It is enough to moisten the stain and lightly rub it. And it should be done in special anti-chemical gloves. In particularly "severe" cases, the acid is literally poured over the place of pollution, after which a hard scraper or knife is used. In the composition of the finished product and in pure form used citric and acetic acid. This is justified when it is decided how to flush the toilet from the stone. After all, vinegar and citric acid perfectly dissolves lime. It does not take long to rake the Internet to learn how to flush the toilet from limescale. Acids are poured into the toilet, give time to the pollution "otsokiso", after which the brush clean the bathroom equipment carefully. But acetic and citric acids cope with only small contaminants. Vinegar can be used already prepared by buying it in the store. Vinegar is also suitable for 9%, but it is better to purchase essence, its action is more effective.

The toilet cleaner citric acid is prepared on its own, for which the standard powder package, which can be purchased at any store, dissolves in a liter of water. Further plumbing is treated similarly to cleaning with vinegar. We clean the toilet inside But it is most logical to choose ready-made detergents for cleaning toilet bowls that have an acidity index below seven. These tools do an excellent job not only with lime. They are irreplaceable if there is a problem - how to wash the toilet from the urinary stone. These unsightly divorces are formed on the walls of the toilet, if we neglect flushing. When drying, the stains grow and merge into dirty gray spots, which literally dissolve before our eyes when toilet cleaners are used with acid. It remains only to thoroughly rinse the plumbing with clean water. Today, acid and alkaline compounds try not to include chlorine, as the most chemically dangerous element. A modern toilet bowl cleaner is capable of coping with all problems without bleaching powder. Perhaps, from the first time this is not always possible, but after repeated processing, the result usually pleases.

If nothing already helps

Not always unsightly view of the toilet - the fault of a lazy hostess. Sometimes we have to, driving into an apartment purchased on the secondary market, live with the old plumbing equipment for quite a long time, unwittingly accepting what is left “in the inheritance”. However, something can be done in this case.

The most powerful way to get rid of rust, plaque and urinary stone, even in the most neglected case, is considered automotive electrolyte - a solution of sulfuric acid and distilled water. This is actually the best tool for cleaning the toilet from the stone, although it is very caustic. It is necessary to work with it very carefully, dosing means strictly on places of special pollution. At the same time, it is necessary to protect the skin and respiratory organs as much as possible, to wear a rubber apron and boots. Electrolyte can not be cleaned plastic parts or pour inside the drain tank, as the composition almost instantly corrodes all seals and valves. We clean the outside - remember the inner space We clean the toilet outside The toilet is not only cleaned outside. Particular attention is paid to the question: how to clean the toilet inside. First of all, this is the space under the rim, the most inaccessible place. Than to launder a raid in a toilet bowl in this difficult place it is already written above, the special structure or means does not exist.

The only requirement is the special shape of the bottle nozzle with the means, the bend of which allows pouring the compound directly under the bezel. By allowing the tool to soften all the dirt and deposits, you can clean under the rim with a thin curved plate and flush the water several times from the tank. It is not bad to fix success with special plates that are placed under the bezel, interact with water at each descent and serve as a good preventive measure against dirt deposits.

Not only the toilet should be clean

In addition to the toilet should pay attention to the lid. Since it is our skin that comes into contact with it, it is better if the detergent for cleaning the wooden lid of the toilet bowl or plastic toilet seat is neutral, that is, it contains at least acids, chlorine or caustic alkali. There will not be suitable for cleaning toilet bowls from stone, rust, or, especially, bleach. Therefore, manufacturers of household chemicals are trying to offer all new and effective means for cleaning toilets without chlorine.

The effect of cleanliness and disinfection is achieved in such compositions due to the special selection of surfactants. When choosing what to wash the toilet lid, you need to carefully study the composition. This issue is especially relevant in families with small children, whose delicate skin is much more sensitive than the adult one. The toilet bowl also needs periodic cleaning. On its walls more rust is deposited coming through the pipes. It is cleaned, after completely flushing.

The toilet bowl cleaner can be liquid - this is for regular and serious tank cleaning, or hard, in the form of tablets - for the prevention of pollution. But you need to pick them up very carefully, because the tank fittings are often plastic, under the influence of strong acids or alkalis, it will simply collapse, as well as the rubber seals. In the cleaning process, the product is applied with a sponge on the walls and around the reinforcement, carefully washing it off later. To reduce the formation of rust, they prefer to use prophylactic agents, such as tablets in a special holder on the tank wall. They slowly dissolve, preventing contamination of the tank walls and preventing rust from entering the toilet, clogging the pipes.

Soda against chemistry

But not always purchased funds - the best way. Inquisitive folk mind, having noticed some "side effects" of the most familiar and everyday products, suggested original ideas to use them as a home remedy for cleaning toilet bowls. The most striking example is the sweet coca-cola squeezed by doctors. In many popular women's magazines under the heading of useful tips you can learn how to flush the toilet with Coca-Cola. Most often it is used to get rid of plaque and stone, with small pollution. Drink takes a lot, at least 4 liters, and the process takes about three to four hours.

But at the end of the hostess gets clean sparkling faience. Some flavored carbonated drinks have the same effect. In addition, they simultaneously work as flavors. Cleaning the toilet with folk remedies is not limited to soda. Toilets can be cleaned and disinfected even with banal hydrogen peroxide mixed with ammonia. Many housewives prefer old-fashioned laundry detergent to any newfangled products. So it is quite possible to clean the toilet using your own and home remedies. Than it is possible to clean a toilet any clever hostess will easily find out. There is nothing complicated about it.

There is no need to provide a complete list of modern cleaning products for toilets.It is enough just to understand which of them may be required for a particular toilet bowl. And there is no need to overly launch the process of targeting purity in such a delicate place, in order not to resort to the aid of “heavy artillery,” electrolyte or hydrochloric acid.

If the choice fell on chemical products, it will not be superfluous to remember the precautionary measures:

- bright colorful containers with means should be out of reach of children;
- it is necessary to work with any chemical agent in gloves and in a bandage;
- Before buying a good idea to find out if there is an allergy to the individual components of the product.


Scrubbing Bubbles Antibacterial Bathroom Flushable Wipes, Citrus Action, 28 count

Scrubbing Bubbles Antibacterial Bathroom Flushable Wipes, Citrus Action, 28 count

Scrubbing Bubbles Antibacterial Bathroom Flushable Wipes, Citrus Action, 28 count

How to clean the toilet inside of the urinary stone and how to wash

There are many ways to clean the urinary stone inside the toilet. There are people who have never done this, because they regularly clean the plumbing and fill the whiteness in the toilet for the night, and there are those who are trying to find tips on cleaning the one-year-old stone on the Internet. Cleaning the toilet from the urinary stone is the more difficult, the longer it accumulates. If at least once a week you spend a little time cleaning the toilet, you will not have to look for any complicated ways for this procedure.

1 How to avoid the need for such work?

The urinary stone, contrary to popular belief, is formed not only from compounds contained in the urine, but also from the usual lime that is present in tap water. Layered sediments from 2 liquids give an untidy look to a once-white surface, being at the same time a source of stench and microbes. Urine contains harmful substances that are eliminated from the body through the kidneys. The fact that they are deposited on the inner walls can cause them to get into the air during evaporation and on the hands, which can accidentally touch the rim, lifting the lid or draining it. Elementary preventive measures will help to avoid such troubles.

Probably, no one will like to stick their hands in the urine, and the calopriem, even if in rubber gloves, breathe chemical and simply fetid fumes, scrape the accumulated accumulations of negative substances. In order not to think about what to clean the toilet, neat mistress takes a few little tricks. She buys special tablets that not only flavor and stain water, but also dissolve lime in tap water, and places them in a drain tank.

In order not to think about how to clean the toilet, you need to buy special pills for the tank or gels to drain
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Or she acquires gels for draining with pleasant smells that are attached to the rim from the inside. Every day with a hedgehog for a couple of minutes, it cleans the inner surface, abundantly draining water. And she has almost no thoughts about how to remove plaque in the toilet. The time spent on the toilet is approximately equal to the time spent on the general otdraivaniya procedure. Acquired tablets and gels are not much more expensive than chemical products. But the health savings and the absence of negative emotions are not evaluated in any monetary units. And in such a toilet is never ashamed to let guests who need to go there.

Is the game worth the candle? If it is not a matter of long and tedious to get rid of toilet mud, bending down to face it, then it is worth it. Plus, the reputation of neatness, plus self-esteem, which rises from their own ingenuity. And the little secret that is in unconditional serviceability and functionality of toilet accessories. Stable equilibrium, in which water does not constantly flow from a faulty tank, but also does not leave a layer of urine unfused.

But knowing how to do it does not always mean that this is exactly what is being done. And, once there was a need for such advice, it means that the ideal is still far away. And the time has come when you need to clean the urinary stone in the toilet.
2 What are toilet bowls?

To date, the most common are 3 materials manufacturing toilet bowls:


And most of the advice given on how to clean a toilet bowl from urinary stone with chlorine, strong, active acids, and weak acids used in everyday life will not work for a plastic toilet bowl. And porcelain, although they are rarely found, because it is expensive, it is better to wash with the use of special products. Yes, and they are cleared out of quicker, because they have a beautiful, smooth surface.

Toilet bowl cleaning methods depend on the material and shape of the product.

The second problem that may interfere with giving universal recommendations is the shape of the toilet fixture. A bowl resembling a flat plate is difficult to wash off, because at its edge there is a small gap from the wall. With such a "plate" will have a long time to tinker. The habitual funnel can be based on the siphon principle, in which water is simply sucked into the drain pipe at a high speed, or it can be funnel-shaped, in which water rinses the inside surface under pressure. This can also help in laundering the walls. In the compact it is necessary to wash the drain pipe, and in the monolith it is practically absent. What and how to clean the toilet from limescale, you need to decide not just taking into account the design features, but certainly taking into account the material of manufacture.
3 Radical ways to destroy

Cleansing with radical means is the most effective, but by no means suitable for plastic. With all the practicality of this material in all respects it is impossible to apply to it means containing acid. Acids are the most aggressive of all existing methods, but they have one major drawback: they require certain knowledge of chemistry and difficult precautions. With the help of aggressive hydrochloric acid, even secular deposits of urine can be removed, but also chemical burns of the skin and respiratory tract can be obtained. Therefore, hydrochloric acid is increasingly coming out of use, and buying it in a simple sale is also unlikely, except in a chemical store.

Of the acidic remedies, citric acid is optimal.

Oxalic, citric acid, used car electrolyte from the battery is much safer, besides, you can apply acids, protecting only hands with rubber gloves, and leave them for a while, and then simply rinse with water using a brush. But citric acid is weak, and for significant contamination its application will have to be repeated several times, oxalic acid is also not currently sold in every hardware store, and the electrolyte is not always at hand.

Of the acidic remedies, citric acid is optimal, and with small layers of dirt one should not even doubt how to clean the faience or porcelain toilet.

There are household chemicals prepared with active acids, which somewhat reduce the possibility of injury, and they can always be accessed.
4 Folk or improvised means

How to get rid of the urinary stone by home or, rather, by improvised means? How to remove limescale in the toilet quickly and easily?

These are the reliable ways to which they resort to looking at night, when the hostess has attended to the state of the toilet, and it is already late to go to the store. A search on the shelves in the kitchen or bathroom will always give a whole range of simple features:

Soda, caustic, or even edible. Apply with the help of a sponge on the inner surface of the structure, leave it at night, in the morning wash it off with water
Borax Just pour a cup of powder inside, close the lid, wash it well in the morning with a brush or a brush.
Vitamin C. 2 large pills, abandoned in the water and left overnight in a closed drain device, enough, and in the morning you just need to complete the job.
Hydrogen peroxide with ammonia should be applied manually, using a sponge, and in the morning remove the lime dissolved layer with water.
Vinegar should be applied with a cloth moistened with it, which is applied to the pollution for 30 minutes, after which it is necessary to work with a brush.
Whiteness is simply poured on the inner surface, leaving until morning. But this tool should not be applied to plastic.

Instead of listening to tips on how to remove the lime layer using Coca-Cola or a sprite that contain intense dye and can spoil the plastic, use any kitchen dishwashing detergent with a weak chlorine concentration, causing it in the form of a film and leaving it to clean night. In the morning, the toilet will be pleasantly pleased with the purity and flavor, and you can wash it off with a sponge in gloves or a brush on a long handle without soiling your hands.

With the same purpose, a skilled hostess uses an inexpensive powder with bleach, washing soap, grated and diluted with warm water, any oxygen bleach or abrasive cleaner for kitchen surfaces.

As a cleaning agent, you can use an inexpensive bleach powder.

Abrasive cleaners in this situation are used in the most extreme cases, because they require time and effort to apply, and besides, they can scratch the surface of any toilet device. Abrasive products should not be used in cases where the toilet is already some kind of fildepersovy, made of natural stone or stone chips. In such cases, the cleaning effect with an abrasive powder can cause irreparable harm to the product.
5 Industrial chemicals

If the search for the means, how to clean the toilet, is not spontaneously undertaken, but deliberately, in the process of general cleaning or tidying up the rented apartment after leaving careless and slovenly tenants, then the entire hostile arsenal of effective and easy-to-use industrial cleaning products . It should not be discouraged by the high cost of good and effective and ineffective in the use of inexpensive and practical.

The Stupino plant produces the Chistin tool, which has an excellent reputation and excellent performance in the fight against toilet contamination. In the TOP 10 most used and budgetary funds, he entered not only because of the very favorable price, but also because he really gives a good result when used. Each housewife knows such means as Silit, Komet, Domestos, Toilet Duckling, Stork, Sarma gel, and if you go to the hardware store or supermarket and dig on the shelves with household chemicals, you can find a gel, and powder, and acid-containing, and abrasive, and even with Dead Sea minerals.

Finally, some tips. Do not beat a sledgehammer on a nail. If the contamination has not reached a high degree of old age, it is better to apply a remedy that does not cause harmful evaporation in the air. If you do not use products with an abrasive mechanism, it is possible not only not to damage the toilet, but also to avoid considerable physical effort, uncomfortable posture, and wearing rubber gloves that are tedious for hand skin. Well, if you follow the simple theses of an accurate hostess and pay little attention to the plumbing every day, even in the removal of minor pollution of extreme situations will not arise.
