Saturday, June 22, 2019

Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush Flushable Refills, Citrus 20 CT

Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush Flushable Refills, Citrus 20 CT

Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Brush Flushable Refills, Citrus 20 CT

How to clean the toilet: step by step instructions

Knowing how to properly clean the tank and the toilet from lime deposits and urinary stone, you remove even the most complex sediments, giving the plumbing a whiteness and cleanliness. Use soda, vinegar, coca-cola, oxalic acid, citric acid or whiteness. In particularly difficult cases, use automotive electrolyte or hydrochloric acid, provided that the sewer system is made of metal. Remove water from the toilet bowl, clean the surface and leave for 20 minutes (or more, depending on the cleaning method chosen). Then rub thoroughly with a brush and rinse off the water from the tank.

The bathroom is a favorable place for the development of microorganisms. In addition, a urinary stone and calcareous deposits are deposited inside the toilet bowl, spoiling the appearance of plumbing. Knowing how to clean the toilet, you will improve sanitary conditions and restore plumbing, but the main thing is to approach the procedure correctly, because the wrong effect will permanently ruin the enamel.
Causes of urinary stone and lime scale

If dirt and deposits appear in the toilet, take immediate action to avoid unpleasant odors and accumulation of sediment.

Dirty toilet

Inside the toilet these types of pollution are formed:

The urinary stone is the result of the laziness and carelessness of the owners. Most often, yellow nondescript stains form on the plumbing of people who forget to wash off after themselves. Initially, urine drops dry out and form a subtle hymen. With repeated absence of washing, a more durable film is formed - urinary stone. You can get rid of it only by special methods, but it is better to prevent its occurrence by conducting prophylaxis.
Limescale - minerals contained in water (well or river, water). The more often you wash away behind you, the more actively the film is formed. It is necessary to get rid of limescale regularly, because over time it clogs the holes that feed water into the toilet, which leads to the plumber to a complete malfunction.

Enameled plumbing is less prone to the formation of plaque that cannot be removed, but on rough surfaces it appears more frequently and more intensely.
How to restore the whiteness and freshness of the toilet folk remedies

If going to the toilet became unpleasant, because there were visible spots and an unpleasant smell inside, try cleaning the toilet with a brush. If you are not pleased with the result, go to more serious cleaning methods. Folk remedies are well suited for cleaning minor and old deposits in private houses and apartments that have a plastic pipe or a local sewer / sewage system.
How to clean the toilet from a strong limescale vinegar

With prolonged exposure, vinegar is able to dissolve the hard chide of urinary stone and lime without damaging the surface of the toilet.
Vinegar against plaque

Vinegar against plaque

To flush the toilet:

Clean the sewer system with a plunger and pump water out of the toilet bowl.
Dry the areas requiring treatment.
Moisten the napkin liberally with vinegar and apply to the bloom.
After 6 hours, wash the toilet and remove residual plaque with a non-metallic scraper.

To enhance the effect, you can use heated acetic essence or acetic soda solution (for 1 tbsp of acid 1 tbsp of soda). The processing mechanism is the same as when washing with pure vinegar.

How to wash the old urinary stone in the toilet knee with vinegar, see the video:

Laundered oxalic acid

Cleaning a dirty toilet or cat toilet with oxalic acid is not difficult. It is better to use technical crystallized agent. Treat them to the inside of the rim and leave for 5-6 hours. Remove old contaminants by diluting oxalic acid in alcohol and processing according to the same algorithm.
Citric acid

Citric acid is a budget tool that allows you to clean the toilet from urinary stone / lime and household equipment from scale of varying complexity for 3–12 hours.

Lemon freshness

Apply it, like oxalic, but the more pollution, the more need sachets with crystallized acid. Lemon is able to clean even the most difficult of pollution for 2-3 processing.

Note ! Treat the toilet carefully, despite the safety of these products. Accidental splashes can get into the eyes .
Wipe the toilet with special tools (household chemicals)

Modern chemicals clean enameled plumbing from limescale , sediment, urinary stone, black and rust. To clean the bathroom, purchase a product in the household department or via the Internet, read the instructions for use and process it according to safety precautions: wear rubber protective gloves and a respiratory mask to protect the respiratory tract.
Coke cleaning

It is easy to wash off the urinary stone from the bottom and the toilet bowl with Coca-Cola.

Cola cleans the toilet

Its components effectively corrode contaminants that fall into the zone of prolonged contact. Therefore, many housewives buy this inexpensive drink for cleaning kettles and plumbing:

Remove the water by pushing it into the drain in sharp movements.
Pour 1.5–2 l. Coca-Cola down the toilet.
After a couple of hours, wipe off the dissolved contaminants with a toilet brush.

Given the liquid consistency of the drink, the removal of intense dirt under the rim is almost impossible. Therefore, housewives use Coca-Cola as a prophylaxis against urinary stone and lime deposits.

Wash the toilet from the whitewash "Belize" is simple, because chlorine is opposed to many types of stains and persistent dirt.

White for toilet

The disadvantage of this tool is an unpleasant smell, but it is inexpensive, so it is used by many housewives.

Using "Whiteness" to clean the toilet in steps:

Remove from the toilet bowl a maximum of water.
Pour “Whiteness” onto a brush or contaminated enamel. To enhance the effect, add any thick consistency cleaner to clean the toilet.
Actively rub the toilet bowl, paying special attention to problem areas.
After 2–3 hours, clean with a brush and remove residual deposits with a non-metallic scraper.

Note ! When cleaning a pronounced lime scale, you can use an old blade. Gently scrape them, and the scaled deposits will lag, but carry out the procedure carefully so as not to scratch the enamel .
Hydrochloric acid

Using this tool, be sure to adhere to safety rules, so as not to damage the skin and lungs! Dip the toilet bowl with hydrochloric acid, rub with a brush and close the lid. After 15–20 minutes, repeatedly rub the dirt and wash away the acid. Do not use if the drain is made of plastic pipes.
Automotive electrolyte

Electrolyte for cars helps against stone, corrosion and plaque, returning the bathroom to its original whiteness, shine.

Electrolyte wash away contamination

Additionally, the tool will clear the sewer from blockages and eliminate red rusty streams. The treatment principle is the same as with hydrochloric acid, but use this method as little as possible so as not to damage the enamel.

Note ! Also, for cleaning plumbing, use special tools, for example, "Silite" or a toilet duck, and avoid powders, abrasives that can scratch the enamel. Damaged coating is even more exposed to lime deposits .
How to tidy up the toilet bowl

The condition of the tank affects the drainage system and the frequency of lime occurrence, so clean it as often as the toilet bowl.

Tidy tank

Due to the dirtyness of the drain tank, rusty streams appear in places where water is drained, and white deposits affect the tightness of the valve, which can cause the tank to leak unnoticed, causing additional costs to pay for water.

To clean the tank, remove its cover:

old tanks have a loose, easily removable cover;
Vertical rod designs are more complicated. Pull the stem up, twist the thread and remove the cover;
on button toilets, press the button and twist the shiny part left under your fingers to the left. When it moves away from the cover, there is no need to hold the button, twist it to the end and pull it out together with the threaded body.

To clean the inside of the tank, you can use folk or household tools. If the drain system has plastic parts, stop using automotive electrolyte and hydrochloric acid.

The most popular methods of cleaning the drain tank:

turn off the water, pour some household chemicals into the tank, turn on the liquid supply again and fill the tank. Do not use the toilet for the next 8-12 hours so that the funds have time to corrode the hardened deposits;
turn off the water and treat the internal surfaces with acids, soda, Coca-Cola or other means for cleaning the toilet bowl from lime and urinary stone. Wait for some time (from 3 hours, depending on the intensity of pollution), rinse.

Vinegar instead of water

After treating the cistern, the water jet will intensify. If you regularly carry out processing by folk methods, you will increase the service life of the toilet bowl parts, and it will begin to flush better.

Features of cleaning the lid and stool
Vinegar, soda and Coca-Cola are good for cleaning the lid and sitting. They do not cause allergic reactions and chemical burns (like chlorine and stronger acids). The cleaning process is as follows:

Prepare the solution using the recipes above.
Dampen a cloth in it.
Rub all problem areas and the outer part of the plumbing.

To clean the toilet toilet seat, loosen the bottom screws, remove the seat and wash it in the shower / bath tray with a self-made solution.
Means to prevent the formation of plaque in the toilet

The easiest way to avoid lime deposits on plumbing is to prevent contamination of the drain system.

Anti-Pill Tablets

For this special tablets are invented. Additionally, they have a good prophylactic effect on urinary stone.

Buy special pills in the department of household chemicals.
Place 1 pc. in the drain tank.
Close the lid.

Over time, the tablet will dissolve by staining the water. If after 7–10 days the liquid began to discolour, then it’s time to put a new one in the tank.
Littered toilet bowl - what to do

If you notice that the toilet is long and badly flushes, it means that the sewage system is clogged . The first is used plunger, pushing them pollution into the drain pipe. If this does not help, use a means of blockages in the pipes :

"Mister Muscle";

Drain the water from the toilet bowl, pour in the product and rinse by pressing a button on the tank.

Cleaning chemistry

Folk remedies are no less effective: ½ pack of soda pour 1 tbsp. water (pre-scoop water from the toilet). After 15–20 minutes, pour in a kettle of boiling water there to dissolve blockages into a sewer or street cesspool.

If there is a problem, than to clean the contaminated toilet, use special or folk remedies. To aggressive, like hydrochloric acid and auto electrolytes, use in extreme cases, because they are dangerous for the drain system.
