Saturday, June 22, 2019

Kaboom BowlBlaster Toilet Bowl Cleaner for Hard Water, 24.0 oz

Kaboom BowlBlaster Toilet Bowl Cleaner for Hard Water, 24.0 oz

Kaboom BowlBlaster Toilet Bowl Cleaner for Hard Water, 24.0 oz

How to clean the toilet from urinary stone and limescale

The condition of the toilet depends on the care of its use. Such plumbing needs special care, so you must follow all the rules of operation, so as not to worry about how to clean the toilet from lime and urinary stone.

Causes of sediment

Because of the rare cleaning of the toilet bowl, a urinary stone appears on the rim and drain hole. Another reason for this phenomenon is irregular discharge , which is observed in families where there are small children. Due to untimely flushing of urine mineral deposits are deposited on the walls of the toilet bowl. Its density is constantly increasing, resulting in a urinary stone. Remove it with the brush will not succeed. Ordinary household chemicals are also unlikely to help get rid of the stone.

Too hard water with a specific chemical composition leads to limescale. To avoid the formation of plaque, it is necessary from time to time to clean the toilet using special tools. It is also important to take care of water softening.

One of the causes of lime and urinary stone are damage to the plumbing surface. Such defects are formed due to improper operation. So, it is enough to pour hot liquid into the toilet, so that small cracks appear there, where the build-up will increase.
Cleaning and coating type

Many people do not think about the type of coverage in the care of plumbing. In fact, when creating such modern products , glaze is used with various coatings , including antibacterial, anti-mud and water-repellent. This material has its drawbacks. So, when used for washing a hot liquid, the coating will crack, which will spoil the appearance of the toilet bowl and become a source of bacteria. Although this material is resistant to external factors, it may suffer from exposure to certain acids. Accordingly, hard scouring pads and abrasive powders should not be used to clean stone or plaque.

In advanced cases, when the layer of contamination is very large, it is worth considering whether to flush the toilet using expensive tools. Perhaps a more rational option is to buy a new plumbing. If you still decide to start cleaning, first study the composition and instructions for the selected detergent.
Proper toilet cleaning

To clean the plumbing from sediment, you must first remove the water . For this purpose, suitable plunger or a glass with a handle. After that you should use detergents. They are applied to the walls and leave at least an hour. If necessary, the composition is re-poured, and then clean the coating with a brush. In the presence of old sediments will need more serious means.
Household chemicals

Abrasive powders , namely “Pemolux”. The principle of application of such compounds is very simple. It is necessary to scoop up water from the plumbing, put on gloves, distribute the powder over the surface and then rub the product until the surface becomes snow white. This occupation is quite tedious. Also the disadvantage of this method is the loss of smoothness of the walls of the toilet bowl, as a result of which microcracks appear on the faience coating. As a result, dirt will accumulate here.
Alkaline products , including "Whiteness" and "Domestos". They contain caustic soda solution. It easily dissolves the urinary stone, the remnants of which can be removed from the walls with the help of water and an ordinary brush. You must first drain the water and then apply the solution to the contaminated areas and wash it off after 30 minutes. If necessary, the procedure is repeated twice. The alkali completely dissolves the urinary stone and limescale. When using such compounds, it is necessary to close the tank even with a slight flow.
Acid-based detergents , namely “Silit”. Such household chemicals work in the same way as alkaline compounds.

Folk remedies

Ordinary vinegar will help remove the stone from the toilet. A glass of this liquid is heated to 35–40 ˚ C, and some baking soda and iodine are added to the container. The mixture is poured into the toilet and left overnight, so that the stone is completely dissolved.
You can remove plaque and stone with citric acid. For this procedure, enough 2 packs of powder. The tool is poured into the toilet, and then close the lid. After 2–3 hours, the stone will dissolve. To completely remove it, you need to repeat the procedure several times.
For cleaning the toilet bowl is often used technical oxalic acid , which is sold in powder form. Before using it, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the instructions and observe the safety measures, namely to wear rubber gloves. The powder is applied to a damp cloth and wipe her fate, covered with urinary stone or bloom. If desired, you can dissolve the acid in the toilet, and then leave it for an hour. In this case, you need a lot of powder. After cleaning, plumbing equipment is thoroughly washed.
Remove plaque or stone from the toilet bowl using an electrolyte. This is the most effective method of removing old stains. When performing the procedure, you must wear a respirator, rubber gloves and goggles. It is necessary to pour out electrolyte very carefully, so as not to splash it. Such an effective tool will not work in the presence of plastic pipes.

Preventive measures

As mentioned earlier, plaque in the toilet is due to irregular cleaning. To avoid or reduce the likelihood of stone formation, you can use simple tools and tips .

First of all, it is necessary to eliminate the leakage of water from the drain tank. In some cases, it is sufficient to slightly adjust the float. Sometimes it is necessary to replace or repair valves.
If desired, you can use tablets designed for the cistern. Thanks to them, deposits will not form, and the plaque on the walls will partially dissolve.
Once a week should clean the toilet with special means. Gels are applied to the surface and washed off after 30 minutes.

Simple preventive measures are very important, because to clean the layer of plaque or stone with a thickness of 1-2 cm is not easy. In order not to encounter such a troublesome event, it is sufficient to regularly use special detergents and not to forget about flushing after each use of the toilet.
