Saturday, June 22, 2019

2000 Flushes Bleach Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 1.25 OZ

2000 Flushes Bleach Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 1.25 OZ

2000 Flushes Bleach Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 1.25 OZ

How to clean the toilet from urinary stone at home

Disorder in the bathroom will not leave indifferent any housewife. The catch phrase "The toilet - the face of the hostess" has not lost its relevance in our days.
Often one has to deal with the fact that even with regular care of plumbing the surface of the toilet bowl darkens, rust spots and traces of lime deposits appear on it. How to clean the toilet from dirt yourself? How to remove the urinary stone, plaque and rust? What cleaning solution or powder should be used to flush your toilet to shine and not damage the surface? First you need to understand how these or other types of deposits are formed.

Why is a raid in the toilet

The main "enemies" of cleanliness in the bathroom and impeccable type of plumbing include urinary stone, limescale and rust. Let's take a closer look at the problem:
The formation of urinary stone is a serious and intractable problem for those who do not know how to deal with it. Sediments form at the bottom, at the site of water accumulation. The urinary stone is a complex compound, the basis of which are mineral salts contained in human urine.
As a result, a persistent brown bloom forms at the bottom of the toilet bowl, and when there is a lot of deposits, it can lead to a decrease in the diameter of the drain hole. For this reason, you should dispose of the urinary stone immediately after its appearance.
The appearance of lime scale is due to calcium salts, which contains tap water. The more of these compounds, the higher the hardness of the water and the heavier the deposits.
Plaque is formed on the internal surfaces of the toilet, as well as in the tank. Limescale deposits are an ideal “base” for other types of pollution, and to avoid this, it must be removed immediately.
Rusty drips on plumbing appear due to poor water quality and poor condition of water pipes. If the system is old, and a large amount of rust has formed inside, its particles, along with water, fall onto the plumbing surface, forming orange-brown drips. It should be remembered that the “older” the stains, the harder it is to remove them, and to clean in a timely manner.
How to clean the toilet from urinary stone, rust stains and lime deposits? To cope with the pollution on the surface of the plumbing is not difficult if you know how to do it and act in accordance with the rules.

How to clean the toilet from urinary stone at home

Cleaning the toilet from plaque, rust and urinary stone will be most effective if you follow these guidelines:
Remove water from the toilet bowl. Simply scoop it up with a small mug, and the remnants can be “wetted” with a rag.
Protect your hands with gloves and your respiratory system with a medical mask.
Apply the selected cleaning agent to the surface and leave for the amount of time required by the instructions.
Clean the rim and walls with a brush. Brushes with a metal base is better not to use, it will lead to the formation of scratches on the surface.
After cleaning, rinse the toilet several times, flushing the water from the tank.
Be prepared for the fact that contamination may not disappear after the first cleaning. If necessary, the manipulation will have to be repeated several times.
How to remove the stone in the toilet folk remedies

If you need to tidy up the plumbing, you can use a number of tools that will help not only to remove plaque, urinary stone and rust, but also return the surface to the lost shine and whiteness.
Chemical cleaners

In the household chemical goods shops you can choose the necessary product, a variety of gels, liquids and powders are available in a wide range. How to flush the toilet store tool? All you need is a thorough observance of instructions, and the problem of cleanliness in the bathroom will be solved.
However, many housewives avoid the use of special tools. This is due to the high cost of chemicals, as well as strong toxicity. In such a case, there are a number of folk remedies that can be used without fear of harm to their health.
Baking soda

This tool copes with pollution on plumbing equipment and is suitable for cleaning the toilet from various contaminants. Pour a pack of soda in a pre-“dehydrated” toilet and leave overnight. You can spend these manipulations in the morning, before leaving for work. The main thing. To the toilet did not use 8-10 hours.
After the specified time, clean the dirt off with a brush, and rinse off the residues with water. Soda not only has the ability to eliminate various kinds of pollution, but also whitens the surface.

Warm Acetic Solution

Heat 1 cup of 9% vinegar and fill the toilet without water for 2–3 hours, then remove the stains from the surface. Vinegar is effective against lime scale, as well as dissolves urinary stone.
To achieve the maximum effect, you can make such a tool for the toilet with your own hands: add iodine, soda or salt to the vinegar solution (in proportion 1 tsp to the glass of vinegar). In this case, it is necessary to withstand the agent for at least 8 hours
Lemon acid

Empty the toilet bowl and pour 2–3 tablespoons of acid into it. Leave the product for 3 hours, then clean with a brush. The procedure will need to be repeated several times to get rid of plaque and urinary stone.
Citric acid will not only remove impurities, but also unpleasant odors. With it, you can prepare a toilet freshener with your own hands. Just dissolve a couple of tablespoons of powder in 1 glass of water and clean the surface.
Acetic Essence

If the acetic solution does not cope with contamination, you can apply 70% concentrate. Remove the water from the toilet bowl and pour the essence inside. After 3 hours, clean the surfaces with a brush and flush the water several times to wash off the remains of the caustic substance.

"Coca Cola"

Unsuitable for quenching thirst drink, however, is very useful in the household. It will help when cleaning the toilet.
Fill the toilet with a 1.5–2 liter of drink at night, during which time caustic substances “loosen” the plaque, and you can easily remove their residues with a brush.
These tools are effective, provided that the plumbing is cleaned regularly. But what to do with strong and old sediments? There are several "serious" means.
How to clean rust, bloom and old urine stone in the toilet

In the case when the sparing means were ineffective, you can use "heavy artillery" in the form of aggressive chemicals.
Iodine monochloride

This substance can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. Pour the solution on the dirt, and after 1-2 minutes, rinse with water from the tank. This time is enough to remove plaque, urinary stone or rust. If necessary, remove residual dirt with a brush.
It is important to know that the use of iodine monochloride is not recommended in cases where sewage pipes are cast-iron or aluminum.
Hydrochloric acid

Hydrochloric acid can be purchased at the plumbing store. Pour the liquid down the toilet and leave for 30–50 minutes. Wash the rest of the substance with water from the tank, and clean the toilet with a brush.
It is undesirable to use the tool if the works of the sewer system are plastic.

Electrolyte for acid batteries

Any unwanted stains and deposits will disappear if you use electrolyte. Apply the substance to the dirt, and leave for 1 hour. After a few times, flush the water to remove the residue and clean the surface with a brush.
This tool can cause significant damage to plastic pipes, so in homes where the system is made of this material, it is better not to use electrolyte for cleaning toilet bowls.
Dry oxalic acid

This substance is actively used by the chemical industry and is a fine powder. Removal of stains and plaque is carried out as follows: the acid is applied to a rag and the resulting impurities are wiped, then the remains are washed off with water.
You can do it another way: pour the dry acid into the toilet with water and leave for 20 minutes. Then flush and clean the surfaces with a brush.
When you work with these substances, be sure to protect your skin with gloves and wear closed clothing. You should also wear a medical mask or respirator, since toxic fumes can cause serious harm to your health. It is better to leave the door to the bathroom open and open the windows in the room closest to the toilet.
Read more:

How to clean the toilet from rust at home******
How at home to clean the sink from clogging
How to remove limescale in the toilet
How to clean the toilet from blockage at home
The best means for cleaning the toilet bowl
How to keep the toilet clean

The best way to solve a problem is to prevent it. Of course, it is impossible to avoid the appearance of deposits, but it is quite realistic to make their number and intensity of appearance significantly reduced. Use the following guidelines:
Systematically clean the plumbing with special or folk remedies and a brush.
Monitor the work of the cistern, with the slightest malfunction, eliminate the problem from the same cut.
Avoid "stagnating" urine in the toilet, flush after every use of the toilet.
Try to avoid severe contamination of plumbing, which entails the use of aggressive chemicals that damage the surface. It is better to regularly clean the plumbing using gentle means.
Do not allow an excess supply of water in the process of flushing, namely it contains substances that form deposits. The problem can be solved by placing a pair of 0.5-liter plastic bottles filled with water in a tank. This will save at least 2 liters of water with each flush.
Before cleaning, it is necessary to remove water from the toilet bowl, this will enhance the effect of the substances used.
If you decide to change the toilet, buy a version with the function of saving water, then tricks with plastic bottles will not be needed.
Implementation of these recommendations will allow to keep the plumbing clean without much difficulty.
