Saturday, June 22, 2019

Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Toilet Care, Sapphire Waters, 50 Gram

Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Toilet Care, Sapphire Waters, 50 Gram

Soft Scrub 4-in-1 Toilet Care, Sapphire Waters, 50 Gram

How to clean the toilet from plaque and rust

A good housewife bathroom always shines with cleanliness. However, despite all efforts, the inner surface of the toilet can periodically become stained and rust.
Why is this happening? Often the cause is corrosion of metal parts of the sewer system, as a result of which rusty particles settle on the white surface of the toilet bowl. And it also happens that the works are new, but the point is the quality of water.
How to clean the toilet from rust? What kind of gel or powder to use? Is it possible to solve the problem with the help of available tools? How to clean complex dirt? The answers to these questions will be given below.
How to clean the toilet from rust at home

How to remove rust from the toilet? Regardless of what means you are going to use, you must follow the rules of cleaning:
Before you start work, remove the water from their toilet bowl. It can be just scooped up, and the remains wet with a piece of cloth.
Distribute the cleaner evenly over the surface, paying particular attention to problem areas.
Do not use the cleaned toilet for 8–10 hours to allow chemicals to dissolve contamination.
Carefully wipe off any plaque and rusty stains with a brush.
Rinse the water several times to remove the cleaning agent from the surface without a trace.
Follow a simple rule: cleaning the toilet from rust should be done regularly, until it “ingrained” into the material.
How to wash the rust in the toilet

How to clean the rust from the toilet at home? To restore cleanliness in the bathroom, you can use a number of inexpensive tools that each hostess has. Traditional methods are not inferior in efficiency to publicized household chemicals, and are safer.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

The method is effective with a slight rust plaque. You need a solution of ammonia and peroxide, prepared in a ratio of 1: 5. The resulting tool is applied to stains and drips for half an hour, after which it is necessary to remove rust from the toilet brush. Then take a few times to flush the water.

This method is suitable for "point" effects. How to flush the toilet in this way? Moisten a piece of soft cloth in vinegar in vinegar and place a cloth on the stain. After 1–2 hours, when the acid corrodes rust, remove any residual contamination with a brush and flush.
Acetic Essence or Citric Acid

With these tools, you can effectively clean the toilet, and remove the old heavy pollution. Moisten the toilet bowl surface with an essence or citric acid solution (2 sachets per 1 liter of water). After 2–3 hours, use a brush to remove rusted stains and several times wash the plumbing with water from the tank.

Soda and Vinegar

It is better to clean this way overnight so that the rust is under the influence of cleaning agents for a long time. Prepare a solution in the ratio of 1 cup of vinegar to 1 tablespoon of soda, and moisten the surface with plenty of water. In the morning, remove any rust residue with a brush and flush water several times.
In a similar way, you can put in order the toilet, the Bay at night "Belize".
Coca-Cola or Sprite

These carbonated drinks are quite capable of coping with a slight touch of rust, as well as remove lime deposits.
Liberally moisten surfaces with soda and leave for 10–12 hours. After this, perform cleaning with a brush and flush the toilet with water.

Battery Electrolyte

Use this tool with caution, it is an aggressive chemical. It is possible to use electrolyte only in houses or apartments with plastic sewage pipes.
Fill the electrolyte into the toilet, evenly distributing it with a brush. The rust will dissolve right before your eyes, after which you need to clean the remnants of stains and wash the plumbing.
Oxalic acid

No less effectively and quickly you can cope with stains with the help of dry oxalic acid. Pour the product onto a damp cloth or foam sponge and rub the dirt. Cleaning the plumbing, do not forget about gloves, otherwise you risk getting burned.
Hydrochloric acid

For heavy pollution use hydrochloric acid. Pour the product on the drips, leave for 3-5 minutes, then proceed to the active cleaning with a brush.
To remove the acid, you will need to drain the water 3-4 times.
Remedies for rust in the toilet (chemistry)

In the shops you can buy ready-made tools for cleaning plumbing. They have a strong effect and even cope with complex contaminations in a short time. There are several types of chemicals:
Based on alkali. Such means include the well-known "Domestos". Active substances affect rust, softening it and without harming the plumbing surfaces. It is enough to apply alkaline agent on the spots and leave for 10–15 minutes, and the problem is solved. You will put the toilet in order without any special effort, but this is possible in cases where there is not so much pollution.
Drugs with acid. With the help of acids dissolves everything that can be soluble in principle, and rust will disappear in a matter of minutes. As well as alkaline, acidic agents are applied to surfaces for 10–15 minutes, and then washed off with plenty of water. However, cleaners with acids can only be used on porcelain and earthenware surfaces; enamel cannot be treated with this tool.
Abrasives. These tools are designed for "mechanical" cleaning: they are applied to a rag and rubbed off contamination until the rust marks and plaque disappear. It takes a lot of time and effort, besides the surface is covered with small scratches, which will be clogged with dirt.
When using chemicals, you must follow the instructions in order not to harm your own health and effectively clean the plumbing.

Inside the tank no less than in the "bowl" of the toilet bowl accumulates plaque and rusty deposits. If you do not clean the tank, to maintain cleanliness will not work, because the toilet will be constantly washed with rusty water.
How to clean the toilet bowl? Removing pollution requires compliance with the following algorithm:
Remove the water from the tank.
Apply the selected agent, evenly spreading on the inner surface.
Soak the cleaning compound for the required amount of time.
Remove residual dirt.
Flush the tank with water.
In order to remove rust from the tank, you can use the tools from the range of shops of household chemicals, or use the popular recipes. In this case, the same tools that clean the rusty traces of the bowl of the toilet bowl will help to cope with the problem.
Read more:
Than to clean the clog in the pipes at home
Effective means for cleaning the toilet bowl
How at home to clean the joints between the tiles in the bathroom
Bath cleaners
How to clean the urinary stone toilet at home
How to prevent rust stains

Get rid of the need to clean the toilet from rust, if the house is old metal pipes, will not work. But you can significantly reduce the amount of sediment by applying these little tricks:
When buying plumbing, give preference to models that have a water-repellent coating.
If the tank leaks, immediately repair the damage.
The problem of the appearance of deposits due to poor quality water can be solved with the help of a filter or special means for the tank (tablets or powders) that neutralize rust and other deposits.
Reduce water use by adjusting the tank.
Remove rust immediately after the appearance, with fresh dirt cope much easier.
If you follow these recommendations, you can keep your toilet in perfect condition.
