Saturday, June 22, 2019

Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Gel Toilet Cleaning Stamp, Citrus, Dispenser with 6 Stamps

Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Gel Toilet Cleaning Stamp, Citrus, Dispenser with 6 Stamps

Scrubbing Bubbles Fresh Gel Toilet Cleaning Stamp, Citrus, Dispenser with 6 Stamps

How to eliminate clogs in the sink in the kitchen or in the bathroom

The situation when the water from the sink does not go to the drain is not new. She will not take you by surprise if you prepare in advance. To decide what to do to quickly remove the problem at home, you will be prompted by experts and those who have repeatedly encountered it. Having received proven advice over the years on how to eliminate clogging in the sink, you will not get lost when faced with such a situation, as you will know exactly how to act.

Causes of shell clogging
The drainage system in the houses consists of pipes of small diameter, so they easily accumulate debris, dirt and grease, forming a plug that prevents the passage of water. The drain in the kitchen sink is blocked for the following reasons:
fatty deposits
leftover food
The situation when the water does not leave the sink often has other reasons:
animal hair,
a pile of clothes
Why there is a blockage in the sink sink, we figured out, now we will determine what to do to get rid of it. There are several ways to choose from. Which one of them to try in practice first is up to you.
Removing a blockage with a plunger

To pierce a cork formed with the help of a plunger is the first thing that comes to mind when such a problem arises. The action plan is as follows:
Fill the sink half with water (preferably hot).
Cover the lower wide part of the plunger drain hole.
We press on the handle of the plunger with a force of two or three times.
This method works in such a way that pressure is created in the pipe and a strong stream of water is sent to the drain, which washes the litter. It is possible to clean the clogged sink with a plunger in most cases, but not in all. What to do if the method did not work, you will be prompted by the following tips.
Mechanical siphon cleaning

If the sink clogged, try to unscrew the siphon and clean it with a rag and water.
You can do it in another way: pour hot water into it and shake it in your hands, having previously closed the hole on one side with cellophane. At the same time, flush the corrugated plastic pipe to clean the sink to the end.
Pipe cleaning with a metal cable

How to eliminate clogging in the sink with a metal cable, every plumber knows. You can clean the drain yourself at home if you own such a tool and know how to use it.
It is necessary to run the end of the cable into the hole of the pipe under the corrugated pipe and gently push it deep into the blockage.
Turning the control handle cable will help him easier to pass in places bending pipes.
Increase the pressure on the tool when it hits the stopper. Perform with this rotational movement of the handle.
Experts recommend not to stop at this, and push the cable as far as possible so that the blockage does not remain in the pipe. The destruction of a traffic jam is the main goal to be achieved.
Folk remedies: soda, vinegar, boiling water

Pipe cleaning with folk remedies is a popular way to eliminate the clogging of a sink without a plunger and cable. Try to do it with soda and vinegar, which you will probably find in the house. This composition eats away fat, so it is often recommended to use it if the sink in the kitchen is clogged.
Pour 3 tablespoons of soda into the drain and then pour a glass of vinegar into it. After that, wait 10–15 minutes for a chemical reaction to occur between the soda and vinegar. Together with the soda, try pouring or pouring the same amount of dishwashing liquid or laundry detergent into the sink.
Another way to remove blockage in the sink sink with improvised means is boiling water. To enhance the effectiveness of the first is to fall asleep in the drain two or three spoons of soda. Pour water into the drain and wait 3–4 minutes for the pipe to clear. Water after such a cleaning always goes to the drain as it should, if the main reason for clogging the sink was the accumulation of fat.
Cleaning pipes with special means

In the case of an unsuccessful attempt to remove the blockage using soda with vinegar or hot water, try using a tool specifically designed to combat blockages in the pipes.
In the department of household chemicals you will find a wide range of such compounds: "Mr. Muskul", "Mole", "Tiret", "Flup", "Bagi Pothan". With their help, you can quickly clean the drain at home.
But if the water does not go away because of a bundle of hair or wool, then against such clogging of the sink such a tool is useless.

Chemical means for cleaning the drain pipes are aggressive. They have a damaging effect on the rubber gasket and the pipes themselves (especially plastic). Therefore, they are recommended to use only in extreme cases.
Before you clean the clog in the sink using household chemicals, carefully read the instructions. The correct procedure is indicated by the manufacturer on the packaging. There you will find information about how long after pouring funds into the drain you need to flush the pipes with a stream of clean cold water.
Do not exceed the recommended period of exposure, as this can seriously damage the drain system.
Now you know that if the sink is clogged at home, the problem can be solved without causing plumbing. Before taking action, think carefully about what caused the blockage. A plug of hair, wool, food, or debris will help eliminate mechanical cleaning.
Read more:
Means for clearing pipe blockages
What to do if the toilet is clogged
Toilet Cleaners
How to break a pipe at home
What to do if the kitchen sink is clogged
Soda vinegar, boiling water or special household chemicals destroy the accumulation of grease and dirt in the pipes that prevent water from passing freely. If none of these methods helped to clean the sink at home, call the plumber.
