Saturday, June 22, 2019

Lysol Click Gel Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Ocean Fresh, 4ct

Lysol Click Gel Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Ocean Fresh, 4ct

Lysol Click Gel Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Ocean Fresh, 4ct

Getting rid of limescale in the toilet

Probably, each of us faced with such a problem as limescale in the toilet. It is not easy to remove it, especially if it has already managed to enter the enamel surface.
There are ways to help you get rid of the problem and to keep the whiteness of the plumbing for a long time.
Means for removing limescale in the toilet
Liquid toilet cleaners are easy to use.
In our apartments comes not too clean water. The raid, which settles on the walls of the toilet, can inform you that the water in the aqueduct is very hard or rust has appeared on the pipes.
Most often, in the fight against lime deposits use special tools, a huge range of which is presented in hardware stores. Cleaning compositions are of the following types:
Abrasive detergents (powders). It is difficult enough to clean the toilet to shine, they have to spend a lot of time and effort on it. In addition, solid particles damage the enameled plumbing surface, it will become rough, and the patina will appear much faster. It is better to use powders less often or not to use them.
Alkali based detergents. Such a composition will remove urinary stone deposits in case they have appeared recently; it is more difficult to dissolve old contaminants with an alkaline agent. To clean the surface of the substance should be applied for a long time, preferably at night, then the effect will be much better.
Acidic formulations. Such a tool is more effective than alkali or abrasive, and copes well even with long-standing bloom. And you can also use the acid in its pure form, for example, hydrochloric and orthophosphoric. They are suitable to remove the most ingrained lime scale on the toilet. Remember that hydrochloric acid destroys plastic and rubber, and if the sewer pipes in your house are made of these materials, this method should be discarded.
Acid is the most aggressive, but also the most effective remedy against lime scale.
For effective cleaning, you will need to pour 1/2 cup of acid into the toilet and wait 10 minutes, and then flush the chemical with water from the tank.
Put the gloves on before using the limescale on the toilet with acids. This will protect you from chemical burns.
Chlorine based products. Such compositions perfectly cope not only with bloom on the walls of the toilet, but also disinfect the surface. The action of the substance is quite gentle, it does not spoil the enamel, after the chlorine-based products no roughness or scratches are formed. But they have one major drawback - a very sharp and heavy smell, after such processing it is almost impossible to enter the toilet for some time, you have to wait until the room is ventilated, and when cleaning it is better to protect the respiratory organs with a medical mask.
Liquid battery electrolyte. It is an excellent tool to combat any sediment. It is a mixture made from distilled water and sulfuric acid. In order to get rid of deposits with its help, it is enough to apply the agent on the surface and hold for 10 minutes. Then you need to clean the toilet brush and rinse with water. But it should be remembered that sulfuric acid is a very caustic substance, therefore, this method of cleaning should be applied only in extreme cases, and all possible precautions should be observed.
When working with purchased products is very important to follow the instructions for use. Otherwise, you risk damaging the enamelled plumbing surface.
Basic rules of work

Any tool must first be applied to the surface of the toilet, and wait a certain time.
To effectively perform the cleaning of plumbing, and not to damage it at the same time, as well as not to damage your health, you must adhere to the following rules:
Wear rubber gloves before cleaning the toilet to remove limescale. This is necessary in order to protect your hands from aggressive cleaning products with which you will work. And, of course, for reasons of hygiene, since the toilet is not the cleanest place in the apartment, and you should not touch it with your “bare” hands.
It is advisable to wear protective goggles and a respirator, since many detergents can corrode the mucous membranes.
Before you remove plaque, you need to scoop all the water from the toilet. This can be done using a disposable plastic cup, and dry the bottom with a cloth.
Before cleaning the toilet bowl it is necessary to remove water from it.
After the toilet is ready for use, use the tool you have chosen. If it is a scouring powder it is not enough just to put it on the walls of the toilet bowl. You will need to apply a brush or a stiff brush (but not metal, so as not to spoil the enamel). Intensively clean the walls, paying special attention to the places where there is a strong patina. If necessary, pour in the process of working fresh powder. Then flush the toilet several times.
If you have chosen a liquid agent, apply it on the walls and leave it for several hours (for usage time, see the instructions for the cleaning composition). Since a liquid agent has the ability to flow along the walls, it will have to be applied repeatedly.
If you follow all the subtleties of cleaning, you can easily get rid of plaque and lime deposits.
Home remedies for lime scale in the toilet

If you do not have special formulations, the question arises, how can you clean the toilet from limescale with the help of folk remedies. They are good because they are always at hand and relatively inexpensive, and if the pollution is not very strong and old, they can handle it no worse than the store supplies.
What else can clean the toilet from lime? Try one of these tools.
Lemon acid

This substance effectively fights against such sediments, which have not yet managed to “firmly” settle on the walls of the toilet bowl.
In order to clean the toilet using citric acid, you need to take 3-4 sachets of powder, put on the places you want to clean, and leave for 5-6 hours, and even better - overnight. Then you need to carefully treat the surface with a brush and rinse the toilet, rinse the water several times. Perhaps, to achieve the desired effect, the procedure will have to be repeated.
Acetic acid

Vinegar acts on the same principle as the "lemon". To clean the toilet you need 250 grams of 9% of the composition, heated in a sealed container to 45-50 degrees. Pour the product into the toilet (for best effect, you can add 3 teaspoons of baking soda to vinegar). Close the lid and leave overnight.
In the morning, clean the walls with a brush and rinse off the product by flushing the toilet several times.
Oxalic acid

Recently, the tool is undeservedly forgotten, and it can be found less and less in hardware stores. However, oxalic acid is very good at combating pollution, and can easily restore the whiteness of your toilet bowl.
In order to clean off the plaque, abundantly apply the substance on the wall of the toilet, paying particular attention to the most contaminated areas. After cleaning the toilet brush and rinse the acid with water.
Baking soda

This product is in the kitchen of any hostess, it is considered to be a multifunctional tool. Soda perfectly dissolves mineral deposits, as well as disinfects the surface, and it can be used both in pure form and as an enhancer of the action of citric and acetic acids.
To clean the walls of plaque with soda, you need a whole pack of powder. Treat the toilet and leave overnight. In the morning you will only need to clean the walls with a brush and rinse off the soda with water.
Coca Cola

To get rid of plaque in the toilet will help Coca-Cola, this is an unusual, but very effective method of purification. In soda there are acidity regulators such as citric and orthophosphoric acids, this explains the ability of cola to dissolve deposits.
How to get rid of plaque using this drink? Just pour it overnight in the toilet, it is better to take a 2-liter bottle. In the morning, wash the soda with water from the tank, if necessary, perform additional cleaning with a brush.
Cleaning the toilet - not the most pleasant homework. But with regular care, your plumbing will always remain perfectly clean and snow-white.
Read more:
How to clean the toilet at home from clogging
How to clean the urinary stone toilet at home
How to clean the toilet from rust
The best cleaning products for the toilet
Preventing limescale

Special tools for a toilet bowl prevent lime scale deposits.
In order to prevent the formation of a strong raid, the following measures should be taken:
Ensure that the water from the flush cistern is not constantly flowing down the toilet. This will prevent the formation of limescale and, importantly, reduce water consumption.
Do not throw leftover food into the toilet. This can cause the formation of plaque on its walls, as well as blockage in the pipes.
Use purchased means for the prevention of plaque, today in the shops you can find such substances that are added directly to the tank. And there are also devices that are attached under the rim of the toilet bowl, and emit cleaning fluid with each flush of water.
Dispose of dirt regularly. After each use, clean the bowl with a brush.
Following these rules, you will be much less likely to think about how to remove plaque from the plumbing surface.
