Saturday, June 22, 2019

Instant Power 1806 Toilet Tank Cleaner, 16 oz

Instant Power 1806 Toilet Tank Cleaner, 16 oz

Instant Power 1806 Toilet Tank Cleaner, 16 oz

How to clean the toilet from lime scale, rust, urinary.

Day by day, hostesses are fighting for cleanliness, trying to make the house perfect. Cleaning the apartment, you need to pay special attention to the plumbing, because a dirty toilet can make an "indelible" impression on guests. The drips of rust and dirty limescale found in the toilet can ruin the look of the most beautiful interior.

Lime deposits can form even if you are clean. Cleaning the toilet has a number of features, which we describe in this article
Particularly annoying is that persistent pollution can accumulate, even if you give enough attention to cleanliness. How to rid the toilet of the omnipresent plaque and keep it clean? First you need to understand the specifics of pollution of this item plumbing.

Why is the toilet soiled
In addition to its intended use, the toilet is subjected to additional loads. Often there wash off the remnants of food, pour dirty water. A large amount of pollution, many hard-to-reach areas and the constant presence of water contribute to the proliferation of bacteria and the appearance of plaque.

Yellow drips under the drain occur if the metal elements located in the tank are rusted. Very often, the old and obsolete plumbing behaves
Hard water contributes to the pollution of the toilet. Formed after each flush limescale is not visible on the white faience. However, if it is not permanently removed, it will absorb other pollution, gradually increasing and becoming harder and harder. The more salts contains water, the faster this process will take place.
A characteristic problem of toilet bowls is the urinary stone. It usually forms in hard to reach places, as a result of accumulations of minerals that make up human urine. If you do not flush the water immediately after going to the toilet, a stone may form in the knee. To clean the toilet from such contamination is extremely difficult, because it literally grows to the surface.
How to clean the toilet from plaque, rust or urinary stone? First of all, it is worth referring to ready-made products that can be purchased at the store.
Do not forget to wear protective gloves before you start cleaning.

Purchased cleaning products
All funds that can be purchased in the store are divided into several groups:
Gels, creams and liquids that contain bleach. They well bleach the surface of the earthenware and disinfect it. The disadvantage of such funds is an unpleasant odor.
Liquid solutions that create an alkaline environment.

Best suited for splitting fats and removing various organic contaminants. Gently affect the surface of the toilet, have a pleasant smell.
Powders containing abrasive particles. It is possible to clean the toilet by means of completely emptying the bowl of water and using a hard sponge. With frequent use of faience will be damaged, and in the future minor scratches will absorb more and more dirt.
The strongest cleaning effect is found in products containing various acids, for example, oxalic, orthophosphoric, formic. They are able to cope with the most old and persistent pollution, as well as plaque and stone. It is necessary to use the solutions with great care so that the fumes do not get into the respiratory tract, and the agent itself is on the skin and mucous membranes. With frequent use, such liquids can harm even ceramics, gradually eroding the top layer of glaze.

If you regularly clean the toilet 1-2 times a week, abrasives and strong acids will not have to be used
There are pills for the cistern that soften hard water and prevent the formation of plaque. Special capsules can be attached under the rim of the toilet bowl, which not only refreshes the air, but also disinfects the surface and prevents the accumulation of contaminants. Cover and toilet seat, yellowed as a result of prolonged use, can be treated with a chlorine-containing gel.
Under the rim of the toilet bowl, you can attach special capsules (sticky, liquid, on plastic hooks, etc.) that not only refreshes the air, but also disinfects the surface.
For frequent use, sparing agents in the form of gels, sprays or creams are best suited. If you take preventive measures in time and constantly clean the toilet, abrasives and strong acids will not have to be applied.
In addition to the above tools, you can clean the toilet and folk methods.

Folk remedies
There are many folk remedies that will help to quickly clean the toilet from urinary stone, rust and plaque. Before surface treatment, it is better to remove all liquid from the toilet and the tank itself. Make it easy: you can just scoop out the water or push it with a plunger into the sewer. You can use an empty plastic bottle, squeezing it, releasing a maximum of air, and then lower the neck into the toilet and draw water into the bottle.
Before surface treatment, it is better to remove all water from the toilet and tank.
A question, than to clear a toilet bowl from limy raid, many are set. The best known is acetic acid. It is better to take concentrated essence rather than 9% vinegar. The solution is carefully applied to the dirt and left for approximately one hour. Then the rubbed places rubbed brush.
But 9% vinegar also finds application in the fight against stubborn stains. To prepare an effective remedy, you need to heat a glass of solution to +50, and then add a spoonful of salt and a couple of drops of iodine to it. The resulting tool is poured into the bowl of the toilet and leave to act overnight.

The most famous folk remedy for cleaning plumbing - acetic acid
A safe way to deal with limescale is treatment with soda. The powder is applied with a thick layer to problem areas, left for 10 hours, and then cleaned with a hard sponge or brush. Soda does not leave behind an unpleasant smell and does not damage the enamel.

The safest way to deal with pollution in the toilet - soda
Citric acid will help to get rid of unpleasant yellowness. The powder is poured into the plumbing and left for a few hours, and then washed off.
Whiteness helps to flush the toilet. For processing will need 1-1.5 liters. After the fluid stays inside all night, the toilet becomes white again.
Strange as it may seem, Coca-Cola carbonated drink has similar properties. After it is easy to remove rust and urinary stone, simply rubbing them with a brush or a hard sponge.
Do not despair if, after the first application of the popular methods of plumbing did not become perfectly clean. To achieve a full result, the procedure sometimes needs to be repeated 2 or even 3 times.
If the toilet is old, with stubborn stains and deposits of stone that have accumulated over the years, more serious means will help to clean it at home.
Remove fresh dirt immediately (it is convenient to use not a sponge or a rag, but toilet paper, which you can immediately throw away), use a brush. Teach all households to do this.

Specially started cases
Before you begin to scrub the petrified deposits, you need to destroy their structure with a solution of strong acid. In this case, the usual store supplies will not help to clean the toilet - the concentration of the active agent in them is too small.
Work with industrial chemistry should observe precautions. Such solutions are dangerous in contact with eyes, mucous membranes and skin, and also easily corrode any tissue. If you are not careful, you can get a serious chemical burn. Therefore, in addition to rubber gloves should stock up on a respirator, rubber apron and goggles.
Careless handling of industrial cleaners can cause severe burns; protect yourself with rubber gloves, goggles (if possible, a respirator and an apron)
One of the most potent substances that will help clean the toilet is oxalic acid in the form of a dry powder. The powder is applied to a hard sponge, which is then treated with stone and bloom.
In hardware stores you can buy liquid electrolyte, which is poured into acid batteries. Such a tool is inexpensive, and the action is unique. The solution is poured into the toilet and left for several hours, then washed. Additional processing is usually not required. The only limitation is that the tool can not be used in homes with plastic sewer pipes.
It is safe for plastic pipes orthophosphoric acid. It not only cleans the toilet bowl, but also removes scale and rust inside the cistern.
Hydrochloric acid is known to many as a remedy that can easily irritate the skin. It is also merciless to old sediments, and it is used in the same way as electrolyte.
In the veterinary pharmacy, you can also find a means to combat the annoying dirt - iodine monochloride. It cannot be used in homes where plumbing or pipes are made of cast iron or aluminum. Stone and rust after treatment with this tool dissolve on the eyes.
Abuse of acids to clean the toilet, it is not necessary, they can quickly damage the enamel. In addition, the use of such funds there is a serious risk of burns or poisoning. It is best to keep your bathroom clean with daily care.
When cleaning the toilet bowl should not be abused acids, they can quickly damage the enamel

How to maintain cleanliness
Simple preventive measures will help not to wrestle with how to clean the toilet from annoying stains:
monitor the condition of the cistern;
install a water softener in an apartment or house;
remove contamination as they occur and do not let them soak into the surface;
Use special tablets to soften the water and disinfect the toilet bowl.
In addition to caring for the toilet, do not forget that the walls and the floor in the toilet room, the paper and brush holders, the flushing buttons, and other plumbing equipment should be subjected to regular cleaning.
Keep the toilet and other plumbing clean, and let your home be perfect!
