Saturday, June 22, 2019

Lysol Power & Fresh 6 Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Atlantic Fresh, 1ct

Lysol Power & Fresh 6 Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Atlantic Fresh, 1ct

Lysol Power & Fresh 6 Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, Atlantic Fresh, 1ct

Urinary stone: how to clean the toilet and save

Today I propose to find the answer to the question of how to clean the toilet from urinary stone at home. First, let's look at what a urinary stone is and where it comes from.

The answer is very simple: such plaque is formed due to the mineral composition of human urine and the untimely cleaning of the toilet bowl.

How to clean
If the toilet is covered with a touch of urinary stone, nothing remains but to find a quick and effective way of cleaning.

Method number 1
How to clean the toilet from urinary stone (photo:

This method will tell you how to deal with the problem with the usual "Whiteness". To use it you need:

wipe the toilet seat from the inside with a rag to dry faience from moisture;
pour "whiteness" on problem areas: the more the better. Leave for 12 hours;
after "otkysaniya" plaque, wash off the remnants of the means with warm water.
Method number 2
This method will show how to clean the urine stone toilet with vinegar. For this you need:

measure one glass of table vinegar and pour it into the pan;
put on fire and heat to 40 degrees;
add two teaspoons of soda;
Pour the solution on problem areas and leave for 8 hours;
wash off with remnants and solution of warm water.
If not all the stone has departed at one time - repeat the procedure.

Method number 3
Coca-Cola can not only drink (photo:

The third way to clean the urinary stone toilet is Coca-Cola:

take 4 liters of drink;
fill this amount of sediment and leave it "otkisat";
After 4 hours, clean and polish the earthenware brush.
Method number 4
For cleaning, you can try to use oxalic acid, which powder is commercially available. To use you need:

wear gloves and apply powder on a damp sponge or cloth;
wipe problem areas;
leave the applied powder for one hour;
rinse with water and brush.
Method number 5
Citric acid kills a urinary stone (photo:

Many housewives are wondering how to clean the toilet from urinary stone with citric acid. For this you need to buy a few bags of tools. You can also use essence.

To use this tool you need:

pour the powder or pour the essence on the deposits;
close the toilet lid and leave for two hours;
open the lid and wash off the residue with water and a brush.

Running case
In especially neglected cases, when all the above methods do not help, you can use liquid from the battery. This is the most radical and effective way, but it is also the most dangerous.

If you watch the video on how to clean the urinary stone from the urinary stone with electrolyte, you will see how effectively the acid dissolves plaque. But with the same success battery fluid will leave chemical burns on your skin.

Therefore, to work with this tool you need to comply with security measures. Be sure to use a rubberized apron and thick rubber gloves. Protect your eyes with special glasses or visor. For respiratory safety, use a respirator.

So, after you are prepared, you can start cleaning:

Carefully pour electrolyte onto deposits of plaque, avoiding any splashing;
leave the toilet flush for 15 minutes;
wash the electrolyte with residues of plaque and sediment with plenty of water.
