Saturday, June 22, 2019

Scrubbing Bubbles Antibacterial Bathroom Flushable Wipes, Citrus Action, 28 count

Scrubbing Bubbles Antibacterial Bathroom Flushable Wipes, Citrus Action, 28 count

Scrubbing Bubbles Antibacterial Bathroom Flushable Wipes, Citrus Action, 28 count

How to clean the toilet inside of the urinary stone and how to wash

There are many ways to clean the urinary stone inside the toilet. There are people who have never done this, because they regularly clean the plumbing and fill the whiteness in the toilet for the night, and there are those who are trying to find tips on cleaning the one-year-old stone on the Internet. Cleaning the toilet from the urinary stone is the more difficult, the longer it accumulates. If at least once a week you spend a little time cleaning the toilet, you will not have to look for any complicated ways for this procedure.

1 How to avoid the need for such work?

The urinary stone, contrary to popular belief, is formed not only from compounds contained in the urine, but also from the usual lime that is present in tap water. Layered sediments from 2 liquids give an untidy look to a once-white surface, being at the same time a source of stench and microbes. Urine contains harmful substances that are eliminated from the body through the kidneys. The fact that they are deposited on the inner walls can cause them to get into the air during evaporation and on the hands, which can accidentally touch the rim, lifting the lid or draining it. Elementary preventive measures will help to avoid such troubles.

Probably, no one will like to stick their hands in the urine, and the calopriem, even if in rubber gloves, breathe chemical and simply fetid fumes, scrape the accumulated accumulations of negative substances. In order not to think about what to clean the toilet, neat mistress takes a few little tricks. She buys special tablets that not only flavor and stain water, but also dissolve lime in tap water, and places them in a drain tank.

In order not to think about how to clean the toilet, you need to buy special pills for the tank or gels to drain
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Or she acquires gels for draining with pleasant smells that are attached to the rim from the inside. Every day with a hedgehog for a couple of minutes, it cleans the inner surface, abundantly draining water. And she has almost no thoughts about how to remove plaque in the toilet. The time spent on the toilet is approximately equal to the time spent on the general otdraivaniya procedure. Acquired tablets and gels are not much more expensive than chemical products. But the health savings and the absence of negative emotions are not evaluated in any monetary units. And in such a toilet is never ashamed to let guests who need to go there.

Is the game worth the candle? If it is not a matter of long and tedious to get rid of toilet mud, bending down to face it, then it is worth it. Plus, the reputation of neatness, plus self-esteem, which rises from their own ingenuity. And the little secret that is in unconditional serviceability and functionality of toilet accessories. Stable equilibrium, in which water does not constantly flow from a faulty tank, but also does not leave a layer of urine unfused.

But knowing how to do it does not always mean that this is exactly what is being done. And, once there was a need for such advice, it means that the ideal is still far away. And the time has come when you need to clean the urinary stone in the toilet.
2 What are toilet bowls?

To date, the most common are 3 materials manufacturing toilet bowls:


And most of the advice given on how to clean a toilet bowl from urinary stone with chlorine, strong, active acids, and weak acids used in everyday life will not work for a plastic toilet bowl. And porcelain, although they are rarely found, because it is expensive, it is better to wash with the use of special products. Yes, and they are cleared out of quicker, because they have a beautiful, smooth surface.

Toilet bowl cleaning methods depend on the material and shape of the product.

The second problem that may interfere with giving universal recommendations is the shape of the toilet fixture. A bowl resembling a flat plate is difficult to wash off, because at its edge there is a small gap from the wall. With such a "plate" will have a long time to tinker. The habitual funnel can be based on the siphon principle, in which water is simply sucked into the drain pipe at a high speed, or it can be funnel-shaped, in which water rinses the inside surface under pressure. This can also help in laundering the walls. In the compact it is necessary to wash the drain pipe, and in the monolith it is practically absent. What and how to clean the toilet from limescale, you need to decide not just taking into account the design features, but certainly taking into account the material of manufacture.
3 Radical ways to destroy

Cleansing with radical means is the most effective, but by no means suitable for plastic. With all the practicality of this material in all respects it is impossible to apply to it means containing acid. Acids are the most aggressive of all existing methods, but they have one major drawback: they require certain knowledge of chemistry and difficult precautions. With the help of aggressive hydrochloric acid, even secular deposits of urine can be removed, but also chemical burns of the skin and respiratory tract can be obtained. Therefore, hydrochloric acid is increasingly coming out of use, and buying it in a simple sale is also unlikely, except in a chemical store.

Of the acidic remedies, citric acid is optimal.

Oxalic, citric acid, used car electrolyte from the battery is much safer, besides, you can apply acids, protecting only hands with rubber gloves, and leave them for a while, and then simply rinse with water using a brush. But citric acid is weak, and for significant contamination its application will have to be repeated several times, oxalic acid is also not currently sold in every hardware store, and the electrolyte is not always at hand.

Of the acidic remedies, citric acid is optimal, and with small layers of dirt one should not even doubt how to clean the faience or porcelain toilet.

There are household chemicals prepared with active acids, which somewhat reduce the possibility of injury, and they can always be accessed.
4 Folk or improvised means

How to get rid of the urinary stone by home or, rather, by improvised means? How to remove limescale in the toilet quickly and easily?

These are the reliable ways to which they resort to looking at night, when the hostess has attended to the state of the toilet, and it is already late to go to the store. A search on the shelves in the kitchen or bathroom will always give a whole range of simple features:

Soda, caustic, or even edible. Apply with the help of a sponge on the inner surface of the structure, leave it at night, in the morning wash it off with water
Borax Just pour a cup of powder inside, close the lid, wash it well in the morning with a brush or a brush.
Vitamin C. 2 large pills, abandoned in the water and left overnight in a closed drain device, enough, and in the morning you just need to complete the job.
Hydrogen peroxide with ammonia should be applied manually, using a sponge, and in the morning remove the lime dissolved layer with water.
Vinegar should be applied with a cloth moistened with it, which is applied to the pollution for 30 minutes, after which it is necessary to work with a brush.
Whiteness is simply poured on the inner surface, leaving until morning. But this tool should not be applied to plastic.

Instead of listening to tips on how to remove the lime layer using Coca-Cola or a sprite that contain intense dye and can spoil the plastic, use any kitchen dishwashing detergent with a weak chlorine concentration, causing it in the form of a film and leaving it to clean night. In the morning, the toilet will be pleasantly pleased with the purity and flavor, and you can wash it off with a sponge in gloves or a brush on a long handle without soiling your hands.

With the same purpose, a skilled hostess uses an inexpensive powder with bleach, washing soap, grated and diluted with warm water, any oxygen bleach or abrasive cleaner for kitchen surfaces.

As a cleaning agent, you can use an inexpensive bleach powder.

Abrasive cleaners in this situation are used in the most extreme cases, because they require time and effort to apply, and besides, they can scratch the surface of any toilet device. Abrasive products should not be used in cases where the toilet is already some kind of fildepersovy, made of natural stone or stone chips. In such cases, the cleaning effect with an abrasive powder can cause irreparable harm to the product.
5 Industrial chemicals

If the search for the means, how to clean the toilet, is not spontaneously undertaken, but deliberately, in the process of general cleaning or tidying up the rented apartment after leaving careless and slovenly tenants, then the entire hostile arsenal of effective and easy-to-use industrial cleaning products . It should not be discouraged by the high cost of good and effective and ineffective in the use of inexpensive and practical.

The Stupino plant produces the Chistin tool, which has an excellent reputation and excellent performance in the fight against toilet contamination. In the TOP 10 most used and budgetary funds, he entered not only because of the very favorable price, but also because he really gives a good result when used. Each housewife knows such means as Silit, Komet, Domestos, Toilet Duckling, Stork, Sarma gel, and if you go to the hardware store or supermarket and dig on the shelves with household chemicals, you can find a gel, and powder, and acid-containing, and abrasive, and even with Dead Sea minerals.

Finally, some tips. Do not beat a sledgehammer on a nail. If the contamination has not reached a high degree of old age, it is better to apply a remedy that does not cause harmful evaporation in the air. If you do not use products with an abrasive mechanism, it is possible not only not to damage the toilet, but also to avoid considerable physical effort, uncomfortable posture, and wearing rubber gloves that are tedious for hand skin. Well, if you follow the simple theses of an accurate hostess and pay little attention to the plumbing every day, even in the removal of minor pollution of extreme situations will not arise.
