Saturday, June 22, 2019

Better Life Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 Ounces, 24212

Better Life Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 Ounces, 24212

Better Life Natural Toilet Bowl Cleaner, 24 Ounces, 24212

How to clean the toilet from the urinary stone inside where there is water

After a long use of the toilet bowl, if it is not properly cleaned and cleaned, sediments in the form of urinary stone appear on its walls and rim and drain hole of the toilet bowl. It also occurs when the tank is incomplete or not regularly drained, often in families with small children. As a result, mineral deposits are formed on the walls and on the bottom of the toilet bowl. Over time, it only increases, thickens, its thickness increases, which narrows the lumen of the outlet, often leading to blockages and a source of bad smell from the toilet bowl. Remove such a urinary stone with a brush or a more radical means of cable will not work. Toilet bowl cleaners are more suitable for removing limescale, which is formed due to the high hardness of the water supplied to the water pipes.
A preventive measure against the formation of urinary stone can be recommended regular cleaning of the toilet bowl, use special toilet tablets that throw after washing, various mounted cleaners. According to the manufacturers of these tablets, they not only dye the water but also eliminate the unpleasant odor, clean and protect from the formation of urinary plaque.

The formation of limescale and urinary stone also contributes to improper installation of plumbing pipes, defects and microcracks on the toilet itself, defective products.
If it is wrong to operate the toilet, do an incomplete drain, pour out the fatty liquid remains of soup, pour boiling water, which leads to microcracks and the formation of urinary stone.

To clean the toilet from the urinary stone at home will help simple folk remedies. To get rid effectively of the urinary stone inside, where there is water it is necessary, first of all, to remove water from the water trap.

How to clean the toilet from the urinary stone inside, where there is water

To remove water inside the toilet, you can use the old scoop, a small container with a handle. Wear rubber gloves, remove the liquid from the neck of the toilet bowl with a container, soak the remaining liquid with a cloth or an old washcloth. Fill the necessary cleaning liquid and leave for 1-2 hours depending on the degree of contamination, it may take more time.
Syringe for pumping water from the toilet
A syringe for changing the oil in a car can help pump out water from a hydraulic seal.
To pump out the liquid from the toilet, you can buy a liter syringe in the auto store and pump it out. This is often done when replacing a toilet bowl so that the liquid inside does not spill onto the floor or when the toilet is stored in a country house in winter when it is not used, at low ambient temperatures so that the freezing water does not destroy the toilet.
How to get rid of urinary stone

Option number 1
Remove water from the bottom of the toilet bowl using one of the methods described above. Take the usual whitening product "Whiteness", pour it into the neck. Leave the "otkisat" hours at 12, you can increase the time, trying to stick, whether the urinary stone breaks away. After removing the stone, rinse well with warm water. Be careful not to damage the wall of the toilet!
The water in the neck of the toilet bowl protects against the penetration of unpleasant odors. After removal of water from the water seal, fetid odors may penetrate from the sewage into the toilet room.
Option number 2

You can dissolve the urinary stone in the toilet and use it with a simple and affordable means of vinegar and soda.
Pour 50 - 60 grams of edible soda or caustic soda into the neck. Take vinegar 9% 200 gr. glass and slightly heat it on low heat to 40 degrees Celsius and fill it into the toilet. There will be a chemical reaction with the release of heat and foam. Leave it all overnight for 8 hours.
Rinse off residues with warm water, if necessary repeat the process.

Video: How to clean the toilet from a horrendous lime scale and urinary stone

Option number 3

Cleaning the toilet from the simple layering of urinary stone Coca-Cola
The composition of Coca-Cola includes a weak solution of orthophosphoric acid capable of cleaning pans from soot and clean from lime and urinary stone. You will be pleasantly surprised how much she is able to clean. Can be used as a prophylactic agent.
Take a bottle of 1.5 liters of drink and fill it in the neck. After about four, five hours, you can polish the earthenware and remove the plaque with a simple touch with a toilet brush.
Video: How to clean Cola

Option number 4

Removal with oxalic acid.
On sale is the powder of oxalic acid, which can be successfully used to quickly clean the toilet from urinary stone.
To do this, you must take all precautions when working with acids: wear safety glasses, rubber gloves, a respirator. Apply the powder to a damp cloth and wipe contaminated areas, and walls with lime or urinary stone. Don't touch it all for one hour or two. Clean the surface with a brush and rinse with water.
Method number 5

How to wash plaque from urinary stone with citric acid.
Citric acid for toilet has long been used by housewives and in everyday life in general. Take two small sachets of citric acid, essence can be used instead of citric acid.
Pour the powder onto the problem areas and rub it with a water brush. Close the lid and leave for 2 hours. Rinse again with a brush and rinse with water.
If you are using a porcelain toilet, do not use metal brushes and powder for cleaning containing abrasives. Porcelain is very fragile and deteriorates. Some case, do not pour boiling water, it leads to damage and microcracks. Use liquid substances and gels.
Liquid acids and alkalis
To get rid of urinary stone, especially on fragile porcelain toilet bowls, cleaning agents containing phosphoric acid will help. Take 100 grams of this substance and apply on the urinary stone. This is a quick remedy for stone; in 15 minutes it will be possible to wash everything off with water, washing it with a brush.
Always wear rubber gloves to protect your skin from orthophosphoric acid irritation.

Hydrochloric acid (HCL) application in everyday life for cleaning the toilet bowl from urinary stone
The 33% percent hydrochloric acid solution is widely used in everyday life, in particular for cleaning the toilet bowl from urinary stone. This is the most effective remedy for deposits on porcelain and faience. You need to work only in eye and skin protection.
One cup of acid is enough to remove all deposits from the surface and walls of the toilet bowl.
If the deposits are eaten, then treat everything with a brush, as if rubbing it all inwards.
Fifteen minutes later, rinse thoroughly with water, flushing everything down the drain.

Where orthophosphoric acid is used
Food supplement (E 338),
Drink Pepsi Cola and Coca Cola (immerse raw meat in Coca Cola and you will see how it turns white. This is the effect of acid!
Used in the food industry as an additive in sausages, processed cheese, bread baking
Stainless Steel Tin Flux
In rust cleaners
The main advantage of this tool is that orthophosphoric acid does not destroy rubber and plastic products.
Video of the best tool "Silit Bang" for cleaning of urinary stone
My year the toilet is not rubbed and not cleaned, formed urinary plaque or as it is called urinary stone. I rubbed the toilet for 2 hours with different chemicals in the evening, I also filled it with chemicals for the night, I rubbed it in the morning for 2 hours and eventually wiped it only in the middle. Began at random to pour all the chemicals in a row that came across in the kitchen and in the bathroom. And one worked! The toilet I wiped completely to white. Surprisingly, the enamel was not scratched, because I rubbed it with a pemolux for a long time.
