Saturday, June 22, 2019

Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets with Bleach - 2 Count

Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets with Bleach - 2 Count

Clorox Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner Tablets with Bleach - 2 Count

How to clean the toilet?

Permanent commercials with scary monsters that live in our toilets, force us to pour in liters of tools for cleaning and disinfecting the toilet. We are told that in order for the toilet to become really clean, you need to have heavy artillery in the assortment, such as toilet blocks, gels, powders, which often harm our health, polluting the environment, and when inhaled they settle on the lungs. However, you can always use alternatives, for example, folk methods of cleaning the toilet bowl, since they are more environmentally friendly.
Types of pollution

The main problem faced by people in their bathrooms and toilets is the yellowness of plumbing and its sloppy appearance. It also forms ugly mud leaks, a crust of lime, corrosion and biological contaminants.

Do not cease to regularly clean up and do not leave the plumbing in disrepair, otherwise you will have to work very hard to get rid of many problems. Sometimes plumbing just has to be thrown away.

Prolonged operation of the toilet entails the formation of lime and urinary stone, which are extremely difficult to remove. Therefore, in the arsenal of combating urinary stone you always need to keep several effective ways to remove such contaminants.

Fortunately, modern plumbing pleases its customers with new technologies, becoming ergonomic, aesthetic and simple. Not so long ago, the plumbing market won the "smart plumbing" with an infrared sensor and autowash. But unfortunately, even these innovations are not insured against problems with pollution and stone formation.

The limescale, like the stone, is associated with exploitation and does not manifest itself immediately. Only at the end of a long time under the rim of the toilet bowl and in places where water is drained, an unesthetic plaque becomes noticeable. Therefore, it is important to clean the toilet bowl as often as possible , this will save you from many years of accumulation of plaque, and the removal of the urinary stone will not be so problematic.

Urinary stone accumulates over the entire surface of the toilet bowl due to salt deposits. Over time, it becomes impossible to clean it with a conventional brush or brush. Lime deposits on the walls of the toilet, an unpleasant odor - a consequence of the rare cleaning of the toilet and its unsanitary conditions. Therefore, in order to avoid unnecessary expenses and to keep the plumbing clean, you should first get rid of deep problems:

Repair any leaks from the flush tank. To avoid overflowing the tank capacity, you just need to adjust the float. And in some cases, you need a complete replacement of the tank with a new one.
Adding water softener tablets to the flush tank will help to avoid further problems with odor and urinary stone.
At least once a week it is necessary to clean the toilet with an antibacterial agent. It will be enough to put it on the wall of the toilet, a little brush and rinse with water.

Some owners prefer not to wage a “war” with similar problems and decide to buy a new toilet. But fortunately, there are many ways that will easily remove the raids and save the family budget. Each method of cleaning the toilet bowl must correspond to the degree of contamination.
What can be washed?

Domestos or “Toilet Duck” will be able to easily and quickly cope with ordinary pollution only when they are used regularly. In order to avoid the appearance of traces of urinary stone, the toilet should be cleaned of yellow bloom with his own hand at least once every seven days.

Take care of your toilet and wipe the plumbing with a washcloth and a special detergent or ordinary laundry detergent.

We list several options available:

To clean the toilet will help ordinary vinegar . It must be poured into water and left for about 3 hours. After that, you just need to press the drain button. Such a simple and affordable way will get rid of a slight accumulation of urinary stone after the first use.
Citric acid is another component that allows you to remove the urinary stone and lime deposits without the expense of time and money. Two bags of citric acid are poured into the toilet and left there for 3-5 hours. After that, the tool is washed off with water, and the remnants of the raid are scrubbed with a brush. If after the first cleaning the expected result is not achieved, you should repeat this simple procedure.
“Whiteness” is far from a harmless remedy, however, it is quite effective in the fight against urinary stone. The plunger removes all the water from the knee of the toilet bowl, after which the bottle of “Whiteness” is poured, the toilet is closed with a lid and left overnight. In the morning, wash the product several times and evaluate the result. If desired or unsatisfactory, you should repeat the procedure again.

33% saline solution is used when cleaning the toilet bowl only if the plumbing is not made of plastic. Removal of the urinary stone with acid should be performed only in protective gloves, thereby protecting the skin from a possible chemical burn. Dry walls of the toilet bowl poured with acid, then leave for half an hour. Before washing, clean the places of contamination with an unnecessary brush and wash it several times with clean water. The method, although quite toxic, is extremely effective.
Electrolyte is another method that is prohibited if you have plastic pipes. However, the electrolyte is the most radical and effective when cleaning the toilet bowl from urinary stone. The electrolyte is simply poured into the toilet, left there for a couple of hours and washed off with water.
Perhaps, in every home you can find oxygen bleach , which can also be useful when getting rid of urinary stone. The product is poured onto the urinary stone, then this place is intensively rubbed with a stiff brush and rinsed with clean, warm water.

Abrasive cleaners such as Domestos, Komet. The method of application is simple, although not pleasant. From the toilet all the water is scooped out, the walls are filled with means and rub with a rag or sponge to a crystal whiteness. The disadvantage of this method is only that the glossy surface of the toilet bowl can become rough due to the formation of scratches after cleaning with similar means. And scratches, in turn, contribute to the rapid accumulation of plaque and urinary stone on the walls of the toilet.
Dry oxalic acid is used more often in the chemical industry for cleaning the surface before the enamel coating procedure. But a small amount of such acid can successfully cope with the elimination of pollution in the toilet. For this, the substance is applied to the cloth (use of gloves is obligatory), with the help of which the places of contamination are wiped. Even easier - it is to pour the acid into the water, clean the ruff and rinse with water.
Carbonated drinks , such as "Cola", "Sprite". Although the purpose of these drinks does not imply the cleaning of toilet bowls, but as practice has shown, they cope with this task quite well. Only after that it becomes scary for what these drinks can do with a person's stomach. A couple of bottles of sparkling water is poured into the toilet. Due to the content in the drink citric acid plaque corrodes extremely quickly.

It must be remembered that the new and expensive toilet is much easier and more profitable to keep clean. Do not forget about prophylactic agents that can clear the drain from all sorts of raids and sediments.

You do not need to pour and throw down the remains of food, garbage in the toilet, thereby reducing the life of the drainage system and the toilet in general, and sometimes it is fraught with blockage in the general sewer system.

How to get rid of a blockage?

If you notice that the toilet has become reluctant and problematic to flush even a small amount of household waste, then, most likely, it is simply clogged, and you risk flooding the neighbors from the bottom. Water from the drain can rise from the inside to the rim of the toilet and pour onto the floor of the toilet. Water, of course, will contain particles of feces, wet wads of toilet paper, etc.

What to do in such an emergency? Do not write with the findings and do not panic. It is not necessary to immediately contact the housing office. First try to do all the dirty work yourself, for example, with the help of a good old air vent.

It was used even when no one heard about imported Tiret or Komet products. A clump of garbage just pushed deep down the drain.

Nowadays a different method is much more effective. With the help of the acid, a clump of garbage is dissolved, and thus the blockage is eliminated. He will independently go into the sewer with a water stream.

Pump out the water, but not to the end. Let there be still a bit inside. Pour half a pack of baking soda into the sink. With the help of the pushes of the air vent we push the baking soda further down the drain and pour in one glass of table vinegar.

The pipes, tired of clogging, will only be happy for such a “cocktail”. The chemical reaction lasts about twenty minutes. Then you need to pour about one and a half to two liters of boiling water into the toilet drain. The result is guaranteed.

You can remove the blockage with household cleaning products for cleaning various pipes, for example, it may be the Mole familiar from childhood. Foreign "Tiret Turbo", "Debucher" are also good. Sometimes, when the blockage is small, it will be enough to pour 2 liters of Coca-Cola into the drain. True, it is not always at hand.

Nevertheless, all means are good in a difficult fight against a blockage. At home, correctly and quickly get rid of the blockage can be applied using our recommended tools.

Cleaning methods

There are several effective ways to wipe off contamination:

Bring the kitchen vinegar to forty degrees, then pour the kitchen soda into it, mix well. Apply the gruel, which is the result, on the dirt and leave it for ten hours. Cleaning spend at night.
Citric acid has long been successfully used by many housewives to successfully clean their toilets and bathrooms. Take a couple of sachets of this acid, sprinkle contaminated areas. Make sure that citric acid is completely contaminated. After two hours, wash and rinse the toilet with plenty of hot water.
Pour ethanedioic acid on urinary stone and limescale. Wait two hours. Then you need to wash the toilet with warm water.
Siphon all the water out of the toilet. Then pour a few liters of Coca-Cola into it. Leave the sweet water overnight in your toilet. Just do not immediately drain the water! This will have to be done in the morning. Then, at the same time, wash the walls of the toilet with a brush.
Simple baking soda will help you remove the limescale. Take a pack of soda, put it in the toilet and leave for 30 minutes. Then pour there vinegar. You will see a chemical reaction between substances. Then wipe the toilet with a brush.

The result will pleasantly surprise you. Be sure to regularly wash and clean the bathroom and toilet in your apartment. Then they will remain in excellent condition for many years.

Tips and tricks

In order not to encounter every day the problem of getting rid of the urinary stone, lime scale, unpleasant smell in the toilet, you need to monitor its cleanliness. Remove all deposits in the cistern. This procedure should be carried out at least once every six months.

Here are some tips to help keep your toilet clean:

Use for cleaning gels that have whitening and disinfecting properties.
Wash the toilet not only from the inside, but also from the outside. To clean the toilet, use a special brush. Keep the toilet brush in perfect cleanliness. As contamination buy a new store.
You can easily clean the toilet in hard to reach places with your old toothbrush. The lid and toilet seat wiped with paper napkins or a piece of dry toilet paper.
Pour the neck of the toilet with a special washing gel and leave it there for half an hour. This should be done in order to get rid of all the dirt. Then wipe the dirt with a toilet brush. Clean the drain with a special gel. Always wear rubber gloves, this will keep your hands skin.
For external cleaning of the toilet, use paper napkins or paper towels. Pour the required amount of disinfectant, dip the towel and wipe the walls of your toilet bowl.

The tank can be covered with bloom. This can worsen the drainage and functionality of your toilet bowl. Rust appears in the form of untidy red strips, and pieces of lime violate the tightness of the valve, which is why the tank begins to leak. To clean the inner surface of the tank, remove its cover.

To relieve the tank from different dirt will help you the tools that are used to clean the toilet: gels, vinegar, ethanedioic acid, Coca-Cola, a variety of liquids for cleaning pipes. Drain water. Pour special gel to the bottom of your tank, wait until the tank is filled with water, and leave for ten hours.

Using a washcloth, apply a special agent (liquid, powdery, gel, a mixture of vinegar and baking soda) on the walls, bottom, parts of the drain and wait a while. Then wash the tank with warm water, flush it out and fill the tank again.

For ease of care in the toilet, you can always keep a pack of wet wipes. Clean and wipe your toilet every day. Paying enough time and effort to this work, you will no longer face the problem of sediment, lime scale and rust.

It is always necessary to clean the toilet in a timely manner, only then the pollution will not be disturbed by its “indecent” look and smell. Timely cleaning of sanitary equipment is a guarantee of the health of the whole family.
