Saturday, June 22, 2019

Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, Rain Clean - 24 Ounces (Pack of 12)

Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, Rain Clean - 24 Ounces (Pack of 12)

Clorox Toilet Bowl Cleaner with Bleach, Rain Clean - 24 Ounces (Pack of 12)

How to clean the clog in the toilet?

Clogging the toilet is a fairly common problem that visits every apartment house without much demand. And, of course, for the first time we can get rid of the blockage with the help of skilled plumber’s hands, but, what to do second, third times? Everyone understands that calling home specialists is extremely expensive and impractical. After all, not always the plumber can come in the evening or even at night. In this case, we are faced with the question of how to clean the blockage in the toilet on our own?

Experts say that it is quite easy and simple to break through the garbage in the toilet if you are familiar with the typical sewage system. It will be useful to have on hand tools that will help remove the blockage. Do not forget that the blockage cannot be left for later, for tomorrow, or “suddenly it will pass by itself”. If the toilet is clogged, then the problem is solved immediately.

The main causes of

Are you sure that before you have clogged the toilet, it was used for its intended purpose? Remember, perhaps you threw in it the remnants of soup, onion peel, candy wrappers, or sausages? And what are you doing with personal care products? Do they always get into the trash can or do you sin by washing them in the toilet? In most cases, people flush wet wipes, diapers, toilet paper, rubbish, etc. into the toilet.

If you also carry out all the described manipulations, then do not be surprised that the sewer drain in your house so quickly clogged up. And at this moment, the blockage does not allow to accept all those products of human life activity, which should be in the sewage system, based on its direct purpose. Professional plumbers are advised to put on the toilet a small net that would catch all the garbage that you throw away.

Of course, you will not be able to solve the problems with clogging yourself, if a common riser is huddled in your house. But, here to solve the problems with the sewer system, which arose through your fault is quite possible.

Methods of struggle

How to eliminate the blockage in the toilet on their own? What do you need to do? The first thing you can do is put on gloves, a mask (if you smell bad) and remove large debris by hand. The second most popular method among all housewives is the use of special chemicals to eliminate blockages. Such preparations contain a large number of various polymeric compounds that are able to break through any blockage in the toilet.

In particular, such means as Domestos, Mr. Muscle, Tofiks and Tiret are widely known. The only difference is the cost, and the effectiveness of the drugs is absolutely identical. With the help of household chemicals can eliminate clogging in almost all types of pipes, and they will also help get rid of the old unpleasant odor. If your house has old sewer pipes, then in this case only one remedy for clogging the toilet will suit you - Mole. This powder is inexpensive, economical and effective.

If enough debris has accumulated in the pipe, then additionally arm yourself with a ruff and a chimney sweep. Before using household chemicals, be sure to read the instructions for use. This must be done, as some alkaline compounds corrode enamel plumbing. In order not to spoil the toilet, ask - how to use such tools.

If you have clogged sewer drain and at the same time you urgently need to take any measures so that all the garbage does not go in the opposite direction, that is, to your house. To do this, there are several effective methods of the so-called "first aid".

To punch a small blockage in the toilet, you can use boiling water. Heat 10 liters of water (standard bucket) and pour the liquid into the toilet at a right angle. This method helps to effectively eliminate small blockages in the form of toilet paper and small garbage.
Flush a pack of regular baking soda into the toilet and leave for one hour. Active alkali can dissolve the remnants of human life, as well as garbage in the form of food and other minor blockages.
Coca-Cola is a popular tool that “advanced” housewives do not use at all for their primary purpose. If you have a sewer riser clogged up, then shake the Coca-Cola bottle well and pour it into the toilet. You will not believe your eyes, but after 10-15 minutes the pipe will be cleared. This action can be explained by the fact that the drink contains a large number of chemicals, as well as citric acid, which together work quite effectively on any blockage.

Cleaning tools

In addition to the so-called chemical method, there is another method of cleaning sewer pipes - mechanical. That is, in this case, it will be necessary to apply a plunger or its various analogs.

With the help of a rubber plunger, you can remove excess water and then with your hands (with gloves) remove all the debris that has affected pipe flow.

If your home has a flexible plumbing cable, presented in the form of a rigid metal axis with a rotating handle, then using this device you can remove the most complicated blockage in the sewer pipe in just 30 minutes. In order not to resort to such methods of cleaning the toilet bowl, it is advisable to carry out preventive cleaning of pipes with the help of Mole once every two weeks.

You can also purchase a special tool of the domestic manufacturer "Prevention", designed specifically for this purpose.
