Saturday, June 22, 2019

Clorox ToiletWand Disposable Toilet Cleaning Kit - 2 pk

Clorox ToiletWand Disposable Toilet Cleaning Kit - 2 pk

Clorox ToiletWand Disposable Toilet Cleaning Kit - 2 pk

How to clean the toilet from the stone: household chemicals and household recipes

Did you move to the apartment where the previous owners were not ranks, did they rent a room in the hostel - this juicy problem will be relevant for you
So - how to clean the toilet from urinary stone?

Causes of
Before deciding how to remove the urinary stone in the toilet, let's analyze the reasons for its occurrence.
Contrary to the name, the stone is not dried on the walls traces of visiting the toilet. Rather, it consists not only of them.
First of all, it is calcareous deposits, inevitable where water is taken from artesian wells or from river intakes. That is, in essence, everywhere. Dried, forgive, urine is only a spicy seasoning for lime.

So why does the urinary stone begin to grow?

Why do we have to look for, than to clean the toilet from the stone?
A fixed amount of water contains a very specific amount of dissolved minerals. The more water passes through the toilet, the more lime is deposited on its walls.
Moreover, most of the water often flows through the toilet not during unavoidable visits, but as a result of an unregulated cistern. The water in it goes for the first time, and the contents of the toilet bowl is constantly updated.
Accelerates the formation of deposits porous or rough surface of the toilet. The less unevenness, the less dirt is collected on the surface.
This applies to rust, and to limescale, and to urinary stone.
Pay attention: the surface of glazed toilets from sanitary ware is smoother and they have to be cleaned less often.
The ideal option is china, it is even smoother. But this is a slightly different price category.
By the way, porcelain toilet bowls are often very unusual in appearance.

Methods to prevent stone deposits
Are there any preventive measures? How to prevent the formation of plaque with an unpleasant smell?
What to do, so as not to look, than to dissolve thick deposits?
Eliminate leaks from the toilet bowl. It is often enough to simply adjust the float so that the toilet does not overflow. Less often it may be necessary to repair the valve or even replace it completely.
Get pills for the cistern. They prevent the formation of deposits and even slowly, but help dissolve existing ones. In addition, they give the water a pleasant color and smell.
Do not forget to clean the toilet at least once a week. Apply any cleaner and rinse off in half an hour easily.
Looking for how to remove a stone in the toilet, if it has been accumulating for years is tiring. No tool will remove a centimeter-thick stone in five minutes.

Getting rid of existing sediments
We go to the store
How to remove a urinary stone in the toilet, if it has already grown in a few years of use?

What can modern household chemicals offer us?
Abrasive scouring powders. For example, Pemolux. The principle is clear: put on gloves, scoop up all the water from the toilet bowl, pour in the product and three rags until a snow-white surface appears from under the layer of dirt.
Extremely tiresome; unpleasant; besides, the inner surface of the toilet bowl will become rough after cleaning. Abrasive will leave microscratches on glaze or faience. If so - it will collect pollution faster.
Alkaline cleaners. From import - "Domestos", from domestic - "Whiteness". As a rule, the basis of the product is caustic soda solution.
It dissolves the urinary stone, after which the remnants of the deposits are washed away with a brush and water.
How to clean the toilet from the stone with alkali? Again, draw out water and apply it to pollution. After half an hour, rinse, if necessary, repeat several times. “Whiteness”, however, can simply be poured in place of water - its cost is ridiculously small.
Tip: if the tank goes down a little - before cleaning, turn off the water on the tank, rinse and allow the remaining water to drain.
Otherwise, the alkali will quickly be washed away, without having managed to dissolve at least some of the sediments.
Acid cleaning products. For example, "Sillit". The principle of operation of such means for cleaning the sewage system is the same as for alkalis, it is applied in exactly the same way.
However, acids dissolve stone and other deposits much more efficiently.

Folk remedies
Something tells us that grandmothers and mothers had to deal with cleaning toilet bowls and sewage systems long before imported household chemicals appeared in stores. How to clean the toilet of urinary stone, if the store with cleaning products far?
Let us think: what affects the urinary stone in the most effective preparations? Acid, right?
Once we understand this, we just need to find in any available place a fairly concentrated solution of any acid.
Dry oxalic acid is used in the chemical industry for etching surfaces before applying enamels.
If you have some amount of this white substance - it will be useful to you.
How to clean the urinary stone in the toilet using dry oxalic acid? Either put it on a damp cloth and wipe it off, or dissolve a fair amount of it right in the toilet.
After application, wash it off and clean the surface with a brush. Don't forget the gloves.
If you sell - you can buy. This package will last for several years.
Battery electrolyte is also an acid. Apply and rinse after 15 minutes, repeat if necessary.
Almost in any refrigerator there will be acetic essence or packets of citric acid. In this case, of course, the toilet will have to drain. Do not forget about the sharp smell of vinegar, do not inhale its evaporation.
Another popular recipe was born recently. In the toilet just poured a bottle - another Coca-Cola or sprite.
Citric acid in them quickly corrodes deposits. Which, by the way, makes you wonder whether it is worth to drink these drinks without worrying about your teeth.

Relatively new folk remedy. Interestingly, the manufacturer in the know?
As you can see, there are lots of ways, with some means for fighting stone you will find at home. Good luck in cleaning!
