Tuesday, June 25, 2019

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Increased testosterone levels in athletes

Every man has heard about the importance of testosterone for his body. But few of them really realize the role of this hormone for the normal life of a man. Testosterone is one of the most important hormones in the male body.
Testosterone is especially important for people who play sports.

This is due to the fact that testosterone is actively involved in muscle growth, in the activity of an athlete, his strength, as well as in the psychological state of the athlete. But what to do when the body does not produce enough of this hormone? To help him! How? We will tell you what you need to know and how to bring testosterone levels back to normal.
What to consider when increasing testosterone?

Before working on increasing testosterone in the blood, an athlete must consider a number of factors that affect the production of sex hormone:

weight of the athlete. Being overweight is a huge problem for testosterone synthesis. Therefore, if you want to increase testosterone levels, you will have to lose a few extra pounds and go in for sports.
age of the athlete. If an athlete is 35-40 years old or more, testosterone is produced worse by age. Athletes, aged 20-30 years, very rarely have problems with lack of testosterone, as this hormone in young people produces better
class time in the gym. Consider that testosterone levels change throughout the day. In the morning - high, and after dinner - the level of testosterone falls. If you exercise in the evening, it will help increase the percentage of testosterone in the afternoon
level of sports training athlete. People who are not physically prepared for heavy loads will not immediately achieve the result. You will see the first successes only a few weeks later. Athletes in excellent physical condition, to increase the level of testosterone is much easier

10 easy ways to increase testosterone

Training Testosterone and muscle growth are interrelated. There will be no testosterone - there will be no muscle! Remember that the exercises should be focused on heavy loads. In this case, the more approaches you take, the better. Duration of rest - no more than 2 minutes. Training should last more than an hour and occur 4-5 times a week. Testosterone rises immediately after performing heavy physical exercise and the hormone lasts throughout the day.
Cardio load. We agree that cardio exercises are important for the proper functioning of the heart, but with this kind of stress you need to be extremely careful, because they can cause a decrease in the testosterone level in the blood. The optimal number and time of training: 4 times a week for 30-50 minutes.
Foods high in protein. To increase testosterone and muscle growth, eat protein foods: sour-milk products, meat, eggs.
Vegetables and oils. Besides the fact that vegetables have an effect on the growth of muscle tissue, there are products that increase the level of testosterone at times: cabbage (Peking, Brussels, kohlrabi, broccoli and watercress), spinach, greens. Fat types of fish (sea bass, salmon, trout, herring and sardines), as well as rapeseed or olive oil are excellent for raising the level of testosterone.

Testosterone boosters. Today, manufacturers of sports nutrition create a variety of drugs to stimulate the production of testosterone in the blood of an athlete. Such supplements are called testosterone boosters. Conducting a healthy lifestyle, playing sports and eating dietary supplements to raise testosterone, you will bring the level of this hormone back to normal, and this will significantly improve your athletic performance.
Alcohol say “No!” . Alcoholic beverages - not assistants in the development of testosterone! Drinking alcohol dramatically reduces testosterone levels. Especially, beer is the No. 1 enemy for any man! If your body really requires something alcoholic, you can drink a glass of dry red wine. Just do not abuse!
Herbs for the production of testosterone hormone. As you know, in various supplements that increase the potency there are herbs such as ginseng and fenugreek. Not for nothing, because it is decoctions of these herbs that actively contribute to the development of sex hormone in men.
Sleep. This item is very important, because a full and healthy sleep (especially for an athlete) is a guarantee of rest and recovery of muscle tissue, as well as an increase in the amount of testosterone in the athlete’s blood. Night sleep should last at least 8 hours.
We rest. Let's take a break from your workout. Muscles must recover. We would recommend you to relax in the fresh air.
Sex. Sex should be regular, and abstinence, on the contrary, significantly reduces the amount of testosterone in the body of a man.

With the help of our recommendations, you will raise the level of the most important hormone in the body of a man - testosterone.

Especially this should be followed by athletes who are engaged in strength sports, because the muscles directly depend on testosterone, and he - from the muscles of an athlete. Therefore, to gain muscle mass and improve not only your sex life, but also your health, follow our recommendations.


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How to increase testosterone in men?

Testosterone is the main hormone of the male body. It is this substance that is responsible for the regulation of spermatogenesis, and therefore the male sexual functions. However, few people know that testosterone and stimulates the muscles, physical activity, ensuring the safety of a person under stress.

Testosterone deficiency in men affects not only sexual desire, but also the emotional state of the representatives of the strong half of humanity, and their physical well-being. Is it possible to increase the level of testosterone in the body? Sure you may.
Why is testosterone reduced?

Increasingly, representatives of the strong half of humanity are thinking about how to increase testosterone levels, but do not think about the reasons for such an unpleasant imbalance. The male hormone is most often reduced due to factors such as:

Age. As a rule, after 40 years, the level of testosterone in men decreases. These changes are an irreversible process, however, androgen deficiency can be slowed down or stopped with the help of hormone therapy.
Improper nutrition. If the diet of a man does not contain the necessary vitamins and minerals, the level of testosterone will inevitably decrease.
Excess weight directly suppresses the production of male hormones, triggering the active production of estrogen, female hormones, in it. Estrogens, in turn, suppress testosterone production even more.
Bad habits, such as alcohol abuse, smoking, taking drugs, dozens of times accelerate the process of reducing testosterone in the body of a man.
Lack of physical activity. Moderate training 3-4 times a week, including physical education and exercise with weights, are necessary to increase testosterone levels.

What can low testosterone cause?

Low testosterone levels not only lead to a decrease in sexual desire and erectile dysfunction. This hormone also has an anabolic action, responsible for muscle strength and growth. A man with a low level of testosterone in the blood has increased irritability, his excess fat is deposited faster, as his metabolism slows down. Reduced sex hormone levels also lead to a decrease in hairline, and in advanced cases - to gynecomastia, breast growth in men.
Increase testosterone naturally

To raise the level of testosterone, you can take special supplements to sports nutrition. These drugs have no side effects and are not even reflected in blood tests and effectively and quickly allow you to cope with hormone problems.

However, in order to maximize the effect of supplements, it is important for men to reconsider their lifestyle.
1. Improve sleep

In the deep sleep phase, a significant portion of sex hormones are released. If a man constantly wakes up in the middle of the night, goes to bed late, gets up early and does nothing to improve the quality of sleep - all attempts to normalize testosterone levels will be in vain.

It is important to sleep daily for 7-8 hours, to keep well-being and vigor when lifting. Of course, waking up without an alarm would be ideal. You need to sleep in complete darkness and silence, in a well-ventilated room - such conditions are favorable for maximum testosterone production.
2. Review nutrition

A full balanced diet is vital for the production of hormones. After all, in order to increase the level of testosterone, it is necessary to adjust the work of all organs and systems.

To start the mechanism it is important to supply it with the necessary substances. To make a testosterone fire, the diet should include:

Minerals The most important mineral for the synthesis of testosterone is zinc. To increase the level of the hormone, a man should eat more seafood, such as squid, crab, oyster. Zinc is found in significant amounts in fish, it is worth including carp, anchovy, and herring in the diet. The element is also included in sunflower and pumpkin seeds, as well as in nuts - almonds, pistachios, peanuts and walnuts.
Vitamins. Vitamin C, which inhibits the production of cortisol, plays a key role in increasing testosterone levels. Vitamin E, an important antioxidant that helps lower blood sugar, also helps men. Enhances calcium absorption of vitamin D; With this element, estrogen takes a weaker form. An essential part of testosterone biosynthesis is omega-3 and omega-6, and B vitamins are important, because these substances are involved in thousands of biochemical reactions. A man needs to consume more berries, citrus, fish oil, vegetables, nuts.
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are necessary for any person. Without these elements, no biochemical process in the body is possible. For example, fat is a source of cholesterol, the basis for testosterone molecules. It is important for men to balance the diet as much as possible in order to get all the necessary substances.
Water. A man should drink about 1.5 liters of water per day. If a representative of a strong half of humanity plans to strengthen training, it is important to drink more than 2 liters per day. Do not forget that juices, soda, tea are not water.

Wanting to increase the level of testosterone in the body and normalize hormones, a man should be excluded from the diet:

Fast carbs. Banned - pastries, buns, chocolate, sweets and white bread.
Fatty foods. It is necessary to exclude from your life fatty meat, lard, ham, butter.
Soda does not lead to anything good. These drinks contain a lot of destructive sugar.
For substances that reduce testosterone also include caffeine, salt, alcohol. It is desirable to minimize their consumption.

3. Normalize weight

As we have said in men suffering from overweight decreases and testosterone levels. To come to a normal form, it is better to maintain normal physical activity. The best way to increase testosterone levels in men is weight training. When performing exercises, you should follow several simple rules:

Do not exercise for more than an hour, take 10-15 for a warm-up and 45-50 minutes for the workout itself.
You should not visit the gym more often 3 times a week, between workouts you need to take a break of at least one day. These 24 are needed for muscles to return to normal.
Pay special attention to large muscles - chest, legs, back. In the training program you need to include basic exercises to increase testosterone. The key are squats, bench press standing and lying down.
Pick the optimal weight of the projectile. It is important that the weight allows you to make 8-10 repetitions, so that the latter requires maximum effort.

Proper training of large muscle groups will increase testosterone levels. This indicator increases with any exercises with dumbbells, barbells and weights. However, the maximum effect, in the opinion of athletes, is given by squats and deadlifts. On the technique of performing these exercises we will talk further.

Stand in the starting position - feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other. The athlete needs to get up about 10 centimeters from the barbell.
Lean forward, grabbing shoulder-width grip and knees. In this case, the back should be kept in an even position, having flexed the thoracic region forward.
Slowly lift the barbell. Weight should be carried on the front surface of the legs.
Stay at the top for a couple of seconds.
Slowly lower the barbell down.

When performing deadlifts, it is important to keep your back straight without bending it back at the top. Remember that the entire emphasis falls on the heels. In no case should not throw the bar abruptly when lowering. Be sure to use a weightlifting belt. Do not forget, hands are necessary for holding the bar, and not for lifting.

Stand in the starting position: feet shoulder-width apart, feet parallel to each other. Keep your back should be straight, chest bend forward.
The bar is located at the top of the trapezoid.
Bend the legs and sit down so that the upper surface of the thigh was parallel to the floor.
To rise slowly, straightening your knees.

When doing squats with a barbell, make sure that the back during the whole exercise is straight, you can only bend it a little in the lower back. It is important not to tear the heels off the floor, do not twist your head around the sides. It is better that the head was slightly raised up and forward.
Drugs to increase testosterone

In the Olympicbody online store you will find many assistants who, subject to the instructions described above, will speed up the process of increasing testosterone levels several times. Our catalog includes such well-known supplements such as:

DAA Polyhydrate with D-aspartic acid, which is considered the most effective testosterone enhancer. The drug not only increases physical and sexual stamina, but also protects muscles from destruction, accelerating skeletal muscle hypertrophy. In just a few days, testosterone levels will increase by 40%.
Genetic Test with DL-alpha hydroxy citric acid. The drug increases efficiency, helps to improve the tone of sexual activity and increase muscle mass and strength.
ZMA Sleep Max for reliable stimulation of deep and effective sleep of athletes and active people.
Anabolic Triad is a balanced complex that increases the amount of testosterone and stimulates anabolic processes. The main components are bulbin extract, laxogenin, DHB.
Testogen-XR . One dose of the drug contains the optimal amount of D-aspartic acid, agmatine and AstraGin.

We have listed only some of the additives of our store. Look at the range of Olympicbody, you will definitely find a reliable assistant in increasing testosterone levels.


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How To Increase Testosterone

This article is entirely devoted to increasing testosterone levels. After reading this article, you will learn how to raise testosterone levels in men, can this be done at home, and what is needed for this? We will also tell you what folk remedies exist, and drugs to increase testosterone, and what will happen to a man after 40 if he does not take care of his health.
Testosterone, being the main male sex hormone, largely determines how a man looks and how he behaves. It is difficult to overestimate the role of this hormone in a man’s life, and even more so in an athlete’s life. Testosterone affects the power indices, stimulates muscle growth, increases bone density, burns extra subcutaneous fat, provides a full function of sexual organisms, and, being a steroid hormone, guarantees the formation and renewal of cells and muscle structures.

Causes of Testosterone Drop
So, we found out that testosterone is a very important substance for the normal functioning of the body of any man. So what is the reason for the drop in the level of this hormone? There are several factors that, according to experts, can provoke a decrease in testosterone:
Psychological factor. Life in the metropolis in one way or another is associated with constant stress. And as we remember, it is stress that is one of the fattors that trigger the production of adrenaline, and cartesol - substances that have a very negative effect on the entire hormonal synthesis, and, accordingly, on the production of testosterone.
Age factor As it is not regrettable, but the nature of our body is arranged in such a way that anyone, even an absolutely healthy man, at the age of 28-30, begins to experience a decrease in the level of sex hormone secretion (testosterone). Upon reaching this age, testosterone is naturally reduced every year by 1 -1.5%.
Not proper nutrition. The systematic consumption of not correct, and frankly harmful products, supplemented with excessive consumption of salt, sugar, caffeine, as well as alcohol and effervescent beverages is directly related to the rapid decline in testosterone levels. If you want to know what products you need to eat, so that your testosterone level grows on the contrary, go here.
Passive lifestyle. Low physical activity provokes a decrease in the level of sex hormones, obesity, and, in principle, cannot lead to anything good.
Steroid use. The course of anabolic tseroids usually implies additional testosterone infections, which suppress the body’s production of its own hormones.
Bad sleep. This factor in principle can also be attributed to stress factors. Testosterone is produced in the male body at night, respectively, poor sleep disrupts this natural process.

How to increase testosterone levels?
Actually, in order to maximize the natural level of testosterone produced by your body, you just need to eliminate the negative factors listed above. In other words, if the drop in your testosterone level is not associated with any particular disease, then it is possible to adjust and restore its production. And make it pretty easy if you want.
To do this, you need to repost your diet, using the tips described in the article: "Products that increase testosterone", be sure to add physical activity to your life (preferably exercises with weights aimed at improving blood circulation in the pelvic organics). Be sure to normalize the rhythms of your sleep (for example, thanks to melatonin), avoid stress, as well as observe other important nuances.
The simplest and most affordable way to raise your own, natural testosterone level is, among other things, adding to your diet sports nutrition, in the form of additives to raise testosterone, or as they are also called - testosterone boosters. These supplements are of natural origin, and are based on natural plant components known to people since ancient times.
One of the most popular and frequently used plants of this type is Tribulus (lat. Tríbulus terréstris) - a perennial herb that grows in temperate climates. The principle of action on the body of this herb is as follows - saponins (the active ingredient of tribulus), mainly protodioscin, affect the production of luteinizing hormone, the increased concentration of which is directly related to the increase in testosterone. Usually, athletes receiving tribulus are combined with the use of a zinc containing supplement called ZMA. This combination is due to the fact that zinc taken in sufficient dosage is able to suppress the body's production of the female sex hormone estrogen, which, as you know, is the main antagonist of testosterone. The last, and in my opinion the most effective drug to increase testosterone levels is complex testosterone boosters that combine all the ingredients listed above, and contain many more herbal extracts, roots and powders of natural origin, whose sole purpose is to increase your testosterone.

How to raise testosterone at home?
As you probably already understood, in order to maximize the entire level of testosterone, it is not at all necessary to run to the nearest pharmacy for some dubious drugs. If you are firmly set to rectify the status quo, this is what you need to do:
We are bringing our sleep back to normal.
As we mentioned above, it is in a dream (the phase of deep sleep, more specifically) that testosterone is released in the body. This means that if you lose sleep on a regular basis, then absolutely all your efforts to increase testosterone are doomed to failure, and will simply be reduced to zero. A sound, healthy sleep is considered to be 7-8 hours of sleep. However, in addition to the duration, your well-being after waking up is equally important. Ideally, you should wake up even a little earlier than your alarm clock, and at the same time, feel cheerful, and feel completely refreshed.
Melatonin is an excellent preparation for adjusting sleep-waking cycles. Melatonin is a natural substance produced by our body independently (in small quantities), which is popularly called the sleep hormone. Remarkably, melatonin being a substance of natural origin, does not have a hypnotic effect on the body. In addition to the regulation of sleep, it strengthens the bones, rejuvenates the organs, interferes with the aging process, and is a strong antioxidant.

Normalize food.
I understand that the rhythm of modern life is such that eating properly is quite difficult. Moreover, now even entering a large supermarket can be difficult to find something really healthy. However, if you are firmly focused to increase your testosterone, then you will succeed. Moreover, it is the determination to act in spite of everything that is one of the signs of a man with a high level of testosterone.
In any case, neglecting the power you can simply forget about your testosterone. The fact is that the production of hormones is, as you understand, a rather complicated matter, which implies the complex and full-fledged work of very many organs and systems of our body. And to start this process, our internal environment must be as clean as possible, and the body must be provided with all the necessary nutrients.
The food you eat should be rich:
1) Minerals. Ideally, to maximize the synthesis of testosterone by the body, the mineral composition of the food you eat must necessarily contain calcium, selenium, magnesium, and especially natural zinc. This trace element is extremely important for the production of testosterone, as it among other things contributes to the suppression of the female hormone estrogen.
2) Vitamins. Of course, for the full health and functioning of the body a person needs a full range of vitamins and minerals that can be easily found in multivitamin complexes. However, the most important role in the production of testosterone is played by vitamins of group B, vitamin C, vitamin D, as well as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which are an essential component in the synthesis of male sex hormones.
3) BZHU. Proteins, fats and carbohydrates taken by us as food - this is the basis of our food, causing the livelihoods, and all the biochemical processes occurring in our body, including the synthesis of testosterone, of course. For example, it is the fats, or rather cholesterol, entering into our body along with the food consumed, become the basis for the production of testosterone. That is why, even while on the strictest diet, it is not recommended to completely eliminate fats from your diet (especially egg yolks and pork rich in cholesterol).
4) Water. Not drinks, namely, clean drinking water. A healthy adult should, depending on weight, consume at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

Physical activity.
It is important to understand that in order to normalize and subsequently stimulate the synthesis of testosterone in the body, you must first normalize your actual weight. Of course, the first two points, which we have listed earlier, will greatly contribute to this process. However, in addition to this, you should maximize your everyday activity, and add physical exercises with weights, aimed at improving the blood supply to the pelvic organs (for example, squats).

Normalization of body weight plays a decisive role in the process of testosterone production. The thing is that it is the excess fat in our body that stimulates the increase in the production of the female sex hormone - estrogen, and suppresses testosterone production. In other words, the more excess fat you carry on yourself, the lower the weight of testosterone will be.

Now a few words about training:
1) Since we disassemble methods of increasing testosterone at home, as a burden for doing the exercises, you can use improvised means, from filled oil pads with water to a child planted on shoulders, the main thing is to warm up your muscles well before training, and to do exercises correctly (observing the technique). The ideal option of course would be training at the gym, under the guidance of a coach, who will explain the technique of execution.
2) Your training should take no more than 1 hour. In other words, you warm up carefully for 15 minutes and then work intensively for 45 minutes
3) Observe the number of workouts. You should be engaged 3 times a week, taking breaks of at least 1 day to maximize your body's recovery.
4) In training, give preference to exercises aimed at training large muscle groups (legs, chest, back). Be sure to include in your workout the maximum number of basic exercises, such as squats, bench press and sitting, deadlift, as well as pull-ups on horizontal bars and parallel bars with additional weight (you can use a backpack with sand or stone, for example).
5) The weight of your burden should be such that you can do a maximum of 10-12 repetitions in the approach, while the last two repetitions should cause you maximum muscular effort.

Frequently asked Questions
Folk remedies for raising testosterone
In fact, after a good search on the Internet, you can really find some old-fashioned recipes, the so-called "male dishes", which require stewed dog meat to spice up with turtle blood (I really stumbled upon a similar recipe).
However, we are civilized people, and I think we have long grown out of such primitivism. Take my word for it, if you do not suffer from a specific disease, then faithfully performing the above complex will be more than enough for your testosterone to fully normalize.
Preparations for increasing testosterone levels in men
Quite often our managers ask a question. I hasten to disappoint all applicants of pharmacological hormonal support, we do not trade in such drugs. Such substances as: Testosterone propionate, Nebido, Sustanon 250, and others - are strong pharmacological drugs to adjust the hormonal system, and can only be prescribed by a doctor.
As for sports nutrition, there is a special section in our store, completely dedicated to vitamin supplements, and testosterone boosters, which are based on completely natural, natural ingredients.


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Why increase testosterone levels?

For many men, testosterone is low. Often this is due to a bad lifestyle: the abuse of bad habits, such as smoking and drinking alcohol, unbalanced diet, insufficient amount of sleep, minimal physical activity, etc. Hence the health problems and the production of sex hormones.

Why increase testosterone levels?

In order to answer this question, let's look at how low testosterone will affect the male body:

decrease in sexual desire;

decrease in muscle mass and strength;

lack of secondary sexual characteristics;

decrease in tonus and vital energy;

fatigue and irritability;


reduced ability to concentrate;

decrease in mental abilities, memory;

delayed metabolism, which leads to an increase in fat deposits.

And now the same list, only with accuracy on the contrary in men with normal and elevated testosterone levels. After this, there is no doubt that testosterone is the most important hormone for a man!

How to increase testosterone in natural ways:


Without a normal diet, you can forget about testosterone in general. Let's see why. The production of hormones is a complex process involving the work of many organs. In order to start this process, you need to provide the body with the necessary substances. This can be compared with a fire: to make a big fire, you need a lot of wood - without them there will be no fire. The same applies to the production of androgens.

Include in the diet

Control the intake of essential substances for the synthesis of testosterone:

Minerals The main building material for the testosterone molecule is zinc. Without this trace element, testosterone synthesis is not possible, therefore, first of all, you should take care of a sufficient amount of zinc in the body of a man . Zinc is found in seafood (squid, anchovy), fish (salmon, trout, saury), nuts (walnut, peanut, pistachio, almond) pumpkin and sunflower seeds. Other essential minerals involved in testosterone biosynthesis are selenium, calcium, and magnesium;

Vitamins. Of course, for the full health of the body needs all the vitamins. But vitamin C, E, F (omega-3 and omega-6) and group B vitamins play a special role in the synthesis of testosterone. Vitamin C, F, and B are involved in the synthesis of testosterone, and vitamin E protects the testosterone molecule from decay. These vitamins are found in citrus fruits, dog rose, black currant, fish oil, avocado, nuts;

Proteins, fats, carbohydrates are the basis of human nutrition and life, without which there is not a single biochemical process, including the synthesis of testosterone. For example, fats are sources of cholesterol, which is necessary for the synthesis of testosterone. Therefore, it is imperative for men to include meat in their diet. But it should be noted that it is necessary to eat non-fatty meat;

Drink plain clean water. Depending on the weight of your body, you should drink at least 2 liters of ordinary purified water. Increased water intake is necessary if you are actively involved in sports. And note, water is not - soda, store juices, sugary drinks and more.

On the basis of the above, you can make a list of products useful for men: seafood, nuts, beef, eggs, fruits and vegetables, fish.

Exclude from the diet

However, not all food will work for you. Try to exclude from the diet:

Fast carbohydrates (pastries, buns, white bread, chocolate, sweets, sweet products);

Greasy food. Such food contains excess fat, which is actively deposited by our body as a reserve, forming excess weight;

Fizzy and carbonated drinks. They contain a lot of sugar and are generally harmful to health.

Here, see the full list of products that reduce the production of sex hormones.

Weight normalization

Overweight men have a lower sex hormone level and this is a proven fact. If you see a man with a strong overweight - it can be argued that he has a low percentage of hormones, even tests are not needed.

The fact is that in the adipose tissue is the transformation of male sex hormones into female estrogens, and the more estrogens, the less testosterone. In general, obesity and testosterone is the topic of a separate article that can be read here. The main idea you should learn is: "The more excess weight, the less testosterone."

Physical activity and weight training

It has long been proven that moderate exercise with a burdening increase testosterone. What has always distinguished the male from the female? It is an ordinary man's power, compared to the female, that has always been a man's priority. Therefore, competent exercises with burdening will increase the male hormone. But the main thing is not to overdo it, because you can get the exact opposite result.

Basic rules for weight training to maximize testosterone:

The duration of the workout should not exceed an hour. Those. like this: 10-15 minutes warm up, 45-50 minutes training with weights. Why so, we analyze below;

The number of workouts should not exceed 2-3 per week. Between workouts, you must take a break of at least one day to restore the muscles and strength of the body;

Train large muscles: back, legs, chest. Be sure to include in the training program basic strength exercises to increase testosterone, such as squatting, bench press lying and standing, deadlift, etc .;

The weight of the projectile must be such that you can do as much as 8-10 repetitions. And the last repetition should cause the maximum effort.

These 4 main criteria must be met if you want to keep your hormones at a maximum. These rules are not something made up - they are confirmed by research. For example, the duration of training should not exceed a predetermined time interval, because after 45-50 minutes of training, the catabolic hormone cortisol, which is an antagonist of testosterone, begins to be produced. Until that time, testosterone is actively produced in training.

A substantial increase in the hormonal background is carried out by training large muscle groups. If you believe that active training of biceps, triceps, calves, press and forearms will give you the desired level of hormone, then you are greatly mistaken. Only training large muscle groups is capable of this.

Sample exercise program in the gym

Workout 1:

Traction T-rod.

Traction behind the head of the upper unit sitting.

Bench barbell or dumbbell lying.

Divorce dumbbells to the sides on the bench or flattening hands on a butterfly simulator.

French bench press lying.

Workout 2:


Straightening the legs on the simulator.

Bench press, standing (army bench press).

Dumbbell bench press sitting on the bench.

Lifting dumbbells or barbell for biceps.

Practice by following the basic rules listed above. Take care of proper nutrition after exercise.

Eliminate bad habits

When alcohol enters the body, it converts testosterone molecules into estrogen. In addition, it causes systemic damage to the entire body, which can not but affect the production of hormones for the worse. Moreover, the degrees of alcohol do not matter in its negative effect on the body. For example, beer contains analogues of female sex hormones, which catastrophically affects the hormonal background. An exception may be natural wine , a couple of glasses a week which will not make a destructive contribution to your health.

However, if you completely refuse to take hot drinks does not work, at least try not to abuse them.

Normalization of sleep

It is in the phase of deep sleep that most of the sex hormones are produced, and if you constantly lack sleep, then all measures taken to increase testosterone will be reduced to zero. Healthy sleep should last more than 8 hours and should take place in complete silence and darkness. Therefore, it is important to provide sleep conditions for maximum testosterone production.

Additional recommendations to increase hormone levels

Try to be sexually active. Moderate sexual contacts increase the production of sex hormones. But do not overdo it in your sexual impulses, otherwise you will get the opposite result. Simple communication with the fair sex also raises the level of the hormone;

Avoid stressful situations, often stay in a good mood. When stress is actively produced cortisol, which reduces the level of the male sex hormone. When a man has an increased level of androgens, this entails an increase in mood. You can recreate the situation, starting from the opposite end, i.e. good mood entails an improvement in hormonal levels;

Monitor the level in the body of testosterone antagonist hormones - estrogen and cortisol, which are above the norm in the body, reduce the production of male hormones;

Try to win. Victory boosts the male hormone! No wonder testosterone is called the winners hormone. Even the smallest and insignificant victory increases testosterone levels for a while.


At the beginning of therapy, it is necessary to get rid of the factors that lower the production of the sex hormone, and then focus on increasing it. The issue of increasing testosterone must be approached in a comprehensive manner, then the effectiveness of treatment and prevention of androgen deficiency will be much higher.


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Testosterone : how to determine the increase and decrease its level

Oddly enough, but an increased level of testosterone also affects the quality of life of a man. This may be not only an independent dysfunction of the hormonal system, but also a consequence of other diseases.

Marker of what pathological conditions in the male body can be testosterone going off scale, which is signaled by such a roll over and what can be done to level out the hormonal status, knows Denis Panfilov, andrologist of the Harmony of Health network.
On the increased level of testosterone say

Irritability and mood swings

A large amount of testosterone increases the level of stress hormones adrenaline and cortisol in the body. That is why a man starts up with a half-turn, including in a completely harmless situations.

Thick "vegetation"

An increased level of androgens leads to more hair on the body, or the number of hairs does not change, but they become thicker.


A jump in testosterone upsets the balance of the hormonal system, resulting in, among other things, the active work of the sebaceous glands.

Heart pain, hypotension or hypertension

A high level of adrenaline (as mentioned above, which is a consequence of stably increased testosterone levels) affects the elasticity of the blood vessels, thickens the blood and impairs the functioning of the heart muscle. This affects blood pressure (it can both increase and decrease), can cause tachycardia, arrhythmia, pain in the heart. In some cases, due to these pathologies, a heart attack develops.

Inability to conceive a child

Increased testosterone increases libido. And more frequent sex (compared to how it was before) impairs the function of the prostate gland, because its resources are limited. As a result, the sperm gets worse.
A decrease in its level is signaled.

Liver impairment

If the liver functions are impaired, it is "cheaper" for testosterone not to be fully produced, but to turn part of the male hormones into estradiol, a testosterone antagonist, the level of which, respectively, decreases.

Frequent colds

Androgens are also produced by the adrenal glands. They are a link in the development of immune factors. Thus, if the adrenal function is impaired, then, firstly, the level of testosterone decreases, secondly, the body’s defenses deteriorate, and they simply stick to ARVI men.

High blood sugar

Decreased testosterone production occurs when the pancreas deteriorates. Therefore, a decrease in the level of the male hormone can give out attacks of pancreatitis and jumps in blood sugar.

Flabby skin and atherosclerosis

Metabolic syndrome is another reason for a decrease in testosterone levels, and the result is a deterioration in the quality of the skin, since epidermis cells are poorly renewed, fat balance is disturbed and atherosclerotic plaques appear in the future.

Chronic fatigue and depression

Reduced testosterone leads to a deterioration or loss of erection. Of course, the man is discouraged, and how! In a depressed state, chronic fatigue occurs and brain functions are impaired, in particular, concentration and memory deteriorate.

Hormone will say thank you

Whatever the reason for the deterioration of the hormonal status of a man, it is not superfluous to follow daily a number of testosterone-friendly rules.

For sport

Exercise levels the level of stress hormones in the body. An important condition is that after class you should feel light, have a little euphoria, and fatigue should be pleasant.

For butter and meat

The health of the vascular system will support 2 tbsp. l unrefined vegetable oil and a piece of salted sea fish. A complete synthesis of testosterone is impossible without cholesterol, and it contains only animal protein. Therefore, a quarter of the daily ration should be meat plus dairy products.

For early ascents

The fact is that from 5:00 to 9:00 testosterone production is physiologically maximal. So, the man in the greatest tone and will be able to successfully resolve issues. Their implementation will improve your mood, motivate new victories and strengthen the male-type worldview. Together with a positive effect on the brain, the pituitary gland will stimulate the production of a balanced amount of hormones.

For quitting smoking and sausages

As well as margarine, abuse of sugar, salt and alcohol. All of these substances and products impair the function of the prostate gland, causing its swelling and / or inflammation in its tissues, worsening the condition of the vascular system. Directly or indirectly, these disorders affect the hormonal status of men.


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Eight testosterone boosting products

The hormone can be increased without medicines, drugs and other "chemistry".

Recently, Finnish scientists have said that the use of chicken eggs has a positive effect on men's health and contributes to testosterone production. However, eggs are not the only products that increase the level of this hormone.

Doctors say that with age, the level of testosterone in the strong half of humanity decreases by 1-2% annually. But in order to provide men with sexual function and healthy fertility, this sex hormone must be maintained at a certain level. In addition, testosterone is responsible for the desired muscle mass and bone strength.

Fortunately, testosterone can be increased without medicines, drugs and other "chemistry." Experts called eight products that contribute to the development of "male." These are ginger, pomegranate, onions, products with zinc, products with magnesium, products with vitamin D, as well as olive oil and healthy fats.

There are studies that men benefit from daily consumption of ginger for three months. During this time, testosterone levels increase by an average of 17.7%.

If you regularly use pomegranate, the level of testosterone in men can increase by 24%. In addition, it has a number of other beneficial effects. For example, pomegranate helps prevent the accumulation of tumor cells in the prostate.

Onion juice increases luteinizing hormone levels. He is responsible for producing testosterone in the testes. In addition, onions have a positive effect on the production of spermatozoa.
Zinc products

Red meat, poultry, clams, beans. These products are rich in zinc, as well as other beneficial substances. Zinc deficiency in the male body can lead to sexual dysfunction and impotence.
Magnesium products

Low levels of magnesium are associated with elevated levels of subcutaneous fat. It inhibits the synthesis of testosterone in men. In order to prevent this from happening, it is worth eating foods rich in this trace element. These are beans, lentils, chocolate, nuts, green leafy vegetables, seeds, and whole grains.
Vitamin D Products

Vitamin D is one of the most important substances for men's health. Its presence in the androgenic glands is necessary for testosterone to be released. In addition, it inhibits the excessive production of "female" hormone estrogen. Leaders in vitamin D are tuna, beef liver, sardines and herring.
Olive oil

The use of olive oil, like onion juice, contributes to the development and increase in the concentration of luteinizing hormone. He, in turn, simulates ovarian cells to produce testosterone.
Healthy fats

For full synthesis of testosterone, cholesterol is needed, which comes from healthy and healthy fats. That is why men need to eat foods that are rich in the "right" fat, scientists say. Its lack of diet indicates that testosterone levels will decrease.

In addition to these products, doctors advise you to give up alcohol, exercise regularly and follow sleep patterns. It is also desirable to be less stressed and have more sex.




How to increase testosterone levels

A high testosterone level is associated with sexual activity, reproductive function, muscle mass, hair growth, aggressiveness, defiant behavior, and other such things.
Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by most men in the testicles and adrenal glands. High testosterone levels are associated with sexual activity, reproductive function, muscle mass, hair growth, aggressiveness, defiant behavior and other such things. Testosterone levels tend to peak at the age of 40, and then slowly decrease. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to increase testosterone, so if you feel that your testosterone level needs to be increased, then you have come to the right place.

1. Proper nutrition

1.1 Change your eating habits. The amount of testosterone produced depends on the diet, so it is very important to understand what exactly you eat. A good testosterone diet includes a large amount of healthy fats, green leafy vegetables, proteins and cholesterol (this is not so bad!). Low-fat diets should be avoided when trying to increase testosterone.

For example, minerals such as zinc and magnesium help start testosterone production, while healthy cholesterol levels allow Leydig cells to actually produce testosterone.

In addition, vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage, reduce the level of estrogen (female hormone) in the body, thereby increasing testosterone levels.

1.2 Enter in the diet nuts. Including one or two handfuls of walnuts or almonds in your daily diet is a simple and great way to increase testosterone levels.

Also, try switching to Brazil nuts, cashews, peanuts and other nuts with a high content of monounsaturated fats, because men who regularly consume these fats have a higher level of testosterone than men who do not.

Sunflower seeds and sesame seeds also provide high levels of monounsaturated fats in addition to protein, vitamin E and zinc, which also increase testosterone levels.

The healthiest way is to eat nuts and seeds, unflavored and unsalted.

1.3 Eat oysters and other foods rich in zinc. Zinc is one of the most important minerals the body needs to make testosterone. In fact, by increasing your intake of zinc rich foods, you can significantly increase your testosterone levels in as little as six weeks.

If you expect a quick result, then six oysters are all that your body needs to increase testosterone production, since oysters contain a lot of zinc.

But if you don’t like clams, you can increase your zinc intake by including protein and meat and fish, as well as non-processed dairy products such as milk and cottage cheese, which contain a lot of zinc.

If you find it difficult to increase your zinc intake with a diet (especially vegan), you can take zinc supplements. The recommended dose for adults is no more than 40 mg per day.

1.4 Start the day with oatmeal. The health benefits of oatmeal are well known - it's high-fiber, low-fat cereal - but now there is another reason to start your day with a plate of oatmeal: a 2012 study showed that oatmeal is associated with an increase in testosterone levels.

Research has shown that compounds in oatmeal are called Avenacosides, which can limit the level of globulin that binds the sex hormones in the system, thereby increasing testosterone levels.

Oatmeal has also been recommended to improve sexual performance. It contains a lot of L-arginine, amino acids that react with nitric oxide to relax blood vessels. When the blood vessels dilate, the blood flow increases dramatically.

1.5 Eat eggs. Eggs are a super testosterone product. Their yolks contain high levels of cholesterol - HDL (also known as "good" type of cholesterol), which forms the building blocks for testosterone production.

In addition, eggs have a high protein content, and they contain a lot of zinc - two more elements needed for testosterone production.
Do not worry about your arteries - “good” cholesterol will not increase blood cholesterol (as opposed to “bad” cholesterol, such as triglycerides), so you can eat up to three whole eggs per day without compromising your health.

1.6 Eat a headed cabbage. Cabbage (along with other leafy green vegetables such as spinach and kale) can do wonders with your testosterone levels. It contains a phytochemical component called indole-3-carbinol (IC3), which has the double effect of increasing the male hormones, reducing the female ones.

In particular, a study at the Rockefeller University Hospital showed that in men who took 500 mg of IC3 per week, the level of estrogen was reduced by 50%, thus making testosterone levels higher.
The most effective way to increase IC3 levels at home is to eat a lot of cabbage. So try to cook soup, cabbage rolls, cabbage juice, etc.

1.7 Reduce sugar intake. Scientists have found that obese men are 2.4 times more likely to have low testosterone levels than non-obese ones. It is therefore very important that you try to lose those extra pounds in order to increase testosterone. The fastest way is to reduce the consumption of sugar in your diet as much as possible.

If you are an avid lover of carbonated drinks, then this is the first thing that should be reduced in the diet. Carbonated drinks are filled with processed sugar and empty calories, which lead to insulin resistance and weight gain. Due to the daily reduction in the number of drunk carbonated drinks you can get rid of a lot of calories.

Fructose is a type of sugar that is found in groceries and fruit juices. It is considered one of the main factors contributing to modern obesity. To reduce the consumption of fructose, eliminate from the diet groceries and carbonated drinks, as well as refined carbohydrates, which are in breakfast cereals, bagels, pretzels, waffles, etc.

1.8 Try taking Vitamin D3. This is technically a hormone, but it is really important in this matter. Studies show that people who regularly take D3 supplements actually have a higher level of testosterone.

1.9 ... but beware of the rest. Although they may be popular, they certainly do not help produce more T. These are the things you should keep away from:

Vitamin C. If you do not have diabetes, then you will not get much benefit from taking this supplement to increase testosterone. Although, it can be useful for increasing testosterone in diabetic rats; it is scientifically proven. You are most likely getting enough vitamin C in your diet.
Zma. ZMA is a mixture of zinc, magnesium and vitamin B6. Recent studies have shown that ZMA has absolutely no effect on testosterone production in men. Stay away from it, unless you know that you have a lack of any of these components.
Do your research. Examine supplements that are said to help raise testosterone levels. If you are not sure, protect yourself and make an informed decision. Only the fact that they are on the Internet does not make them effective.

2. Exercise

2.1 Develop a set of exercises and stick to it. If you hope to increase testosterone levels, consider not only diet. Exercise is an equally important part of increasing testosterone levels, which is why you must develop an effective set of exercises that will increase testosterone production. For two reasons:

Number one: certain types of exercise, such as weightlifting, actually cause the body to produce more testosterone.

Number two: training, you reduce the chances of gaining excess weight and, as mentioned above, overweight can adversely affect the level of testosterone.

If you do not know where to start, then a good idea is to use the services of a personal trainer who can develop a set of exercises with regard to the current level and the desired result.

2.2 Start lifting the barbell. If you want to increase testosterone, you should start lifting the barbell, since in weightlifting it is the most effective exercise to increase testosterone production. However, for best results, you will need to lift a heavier barbell with fewer repetitions, and it’s probably best to avoid power trainers in general. Take the barbell and follow the instructions below:

Swing large muscle groups. Studies show that lifting large muscle groups, which requires complex, complex movements, is much more effective for producing testosterone than when only one or two small muscles work. For this reason, you should stick to exercises with weights, such as bench press, squats, deadlift and shoulder pressure.

Try to work with a heavy load. The set of exercises that you do will not mean anything if you do not have enough load. You must do at least 3-4 times of each difficult exercise. Using the barbell, you can lift only 5 times per set. The load on the training is determined by the following formula: the number of repetitions for one approach x number of sets x bar weight = load. However, when it comes to choosing between more repetitions or more approaches, you should always choose more approaches.

Focus on high intensity. Do your best at the gym - just pushing yourself to your physical limit will maximize your testosterone production. Increase the intensity by performing each exercise more slowly and resting no more than two minutes between sets.

2.3 Try high intensity interval training. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is another set of exercises that can quickly raise testosterone levels in addition to improving physical fitness and speeding up the metabolism.

HIIT includes performing the exercise for a short period of time and with high intensity, and the exercise following it is easier, designed to restore physical strength after exercise. This process is repeated several times during the workout.

This type of training can be suitable for most types of exercises - you can perform HIIT on a treadmill, elliptical trainer (orbitrek), in the pool, etc. Just use the following formula: perform a high intensity exercise for 30 seconds, then, for about 90 seconds, a slow exercise to restore physical strength. Repeat this 7 more times for best results.

Even 20 minutes of this type of exercise can reap huge benefits - so lack of time is no excuse.

2.4 Do cardio exercises. Although cardio exercises will not have a huge effect on testosterone production, they can have a positive effect on overall testosterone levels. As a result, you should try to include jogging, swimming, cycling or other aerobic exercises in your fitness plan.

Cardio exercises are one of the best ways to burn fat, so including running or swimming in your weekly exercise plan will help you lose those extra pounds. This is good news, as overweight can negatively affect testosterone.

When you are tense, your body produces a chemical called cortisol, which, among other things, suppresses testosterone production. Cardio exercises are also an excellent form of stress relief, so they can reduce the production of cortisol in the body, thereby increasing testosterone levels.

However, cardio exercises should be practiced in moderation - there is no need to become a long-distance runner. In fact, a study at the University of British Columbia showed that male runners who ran more than 65 kilometers a week had lower testosterone levels than short-distance runners.

2.5 Allow the body to recover between workouts. Despite the importance of exercise, it is imperative that you give your body time to recover between workouts. Otherwise, exercise regimen can negatively affect testosterone levels.

A study at the University of North Carolina showed that an excess of workouts can reduce male testosterone levels by 40%. It is therefore very important that you take at least two days off a week and do not train the same muscle groups for two consecutive workouts.

In those days when you are not doing intensively, just try to be more active than usual. Take the stairs instead of the elevator, get to work on foot or by bike, do not sit all day. These small changes will help keep the body in motion, which will increase testosterone levels.

3. Changes in lifestyle

3.1 Get enough sleep. Sleep is a very important factor when it comes to testosterone levels. This is because the body uses the time when you sleep to produce more testosterone. Therefore, you should do everything to sleep at least 7 - 8 hours a day.

A study at the University of Chicago showed that men who spent less than 5 hours sleep for 7 nights in a row produced 10-15% less testosterone compared to the time they were fully rested.

In addition to reducing testosterone production, lack of sleep contributes to an increase in the amount of cortisol (stress hormone) in the body, and high levels of cortisol adversely affect the level of testosterone.

Lack of sleep also affects growth hormones, which can interfere with muscle building when you exercise.

You should also try to improve sleep quality by turning off all computers and electronics an hour before bedtime, avoid caffeinated beverages late in the evening and take a hot shower before bed.

3.2 Avoid stress. Many experts believe that stress is one of the main factors contributing to the decline in testosterone levels in men today. This is because the hormone that causes stress - cortisol, is in inverse proportion with testosterone.

In other words, when cortisol is high, testosterone is low, and vice versa. It is believed that cortisol, which puts your body in a “fight or flight” survival mode, conflicts with testosterone-related behaviors, such as aggression, defiant behavior, etc. That is why they cannot coexist harmoniously.

To maximize testosterone levels, it is important to minimize stress by any means. Try deep breathing techniques, meditation, yoga, or visualization.

3.3 Reduce the amount of alcohol you drink. Alcohol can have a negative effect on testosterone production. Drunkenness can negatively affect the endocrine system, which, in turn, prevents the testes from producing testosterone.

In addition, alcohol increases cortisol levels and inhibits the growth of hormones - this has a very negative effect on testosterone production.
Unfortunately, beer is the worst kind of alcohol when it comes to healthy testosterone. This is because hops used to make beer contain a lot of estrogen (female hormone). Thus, you should drink vodka instead of beer.

When you drink, it is best to limit yourself to two / three servings. This will limit the damage to testosterone levels.

3.4 Reduce caffeine intake. Caffeine should be consumed in moderation, otherwise it can produce cortisol, which adversely affects the level of testosterone.

In addition, consuming too much caffeine at the end of the day can disrupt sleep patterns — and shorter sleep means lower testosterone levels.

However, recent studies have shown that pre-workout caffeine consumption can actually increase productivity - so if you really crave a cup of coffee, drink one before carrying iron.

3.5 Do not deny yourself things that you like. Fortunately, an increase in testosterone does not mean that you need to constantly train. There are some nice things you can do to increase your T.

See more sports programs. Researchers at the University of Utah found that testosterone levels of sports fans are associated with the performance of their favorite team. The testosterone levels of study subjects increased by 20% when their team won, but decreased by the same percentage when their team lost. Therefore, you should watch more sports programs - if only you know that your team will win!

Have more sex. You probably know that testosterone is the fuel of male sex drive, but did you know that it also works the other way around? Sex can actually increase testosterone levels. And not only that - just the fact of having an erection or arousal from an attractive woman is already increasing testosterone.

Enjoy the fresh air. Being outside and enjoying the sun can raise testosterone levels. In fact, taking vitamin D through the sun just 15-20 minutes a day, you can increase testosterone levels by as much as 120%. If you can sunbathe nude, the results will be even higher. Just do not get caught.

3.6 Check blood pressure levels. Studies have shown that people with high blood pressure are 1.8 times more likely to have low testosterone levels.

There are certain diets that you can start in order to reduce high blood pressure and improve testosterone levels.

Other factors, such as reducing stress, reducing alcohol and maintaining a healthy weight, can all help reduce blood pressure.

And if all else fails, then blood pressure medications can help keep hypertension under control. Consult your doctor to determine the best course of treatment for you.

3.7 Avoid xenoestrogens. Xenoestrogens are chemicals that mimic the action of estrogen in the body, which lowers testosterone levels. Unfortunately, xenoestrogens (like other endocrine disruptors) have penetrated almost every part of everyday life and it is impossible to avoid them completely. Here are some ways you can limit their consumption:

Avoid heating food in plastic containers. If you are heating food, make sure to move it to the plate before crackling in the microwave. Most plastic containers contain phthalates (a type of xenoestrogen) that can be passed on to food when the plastic is heated. If possible, store food in glass containers.

Limit the effects of TTO pesticides and gasoline. They contain xenoestrogens, so try to limit their effects as much as possible. If you are in contact with any of them, wash your hands thoroughly.

Eat organic foods. Inorganic products are often sprayed with pesticides and pumped with hormones that mimic the action of estrogen in the body. If possible, eat organic foods, or at least wash fruits and vegetables thoroughly before eating, and avoid meat and dairy products that come from animals that were given hormones.

Use natural products for body care. Items such as shampoos, soaps, toothpastes and deodorants can introduce xenoestrogen into the body, so consider switching to more natural versions of these products.

3.8 Consult a doctor. If you think you may suffer from a condition in which you have a low testosterone level, consult your doctor. Your doctor will prescribe a medicine that will help your body produce more super hormone.


Avoid situations where you are wrong. Discussion of topics that you are not familiar with and pretending to know them, later forcing you to admit that this is not so, which, in turn, reduces the level of testosterone. If you are discussing something not familiar, it is better to just listen and learn.
Before puberty, testosterone levels are very low. Testosterone levels continue to rise in adulthood, until they reach a maximum at around 40 years of age, and then gradually decrease.
If you are planning to take supplements, first conduct a study and consult your doctor.


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Men! Increase your testosterone levels regularly!

“I don’t even want to do it myself,” the next patient shares with the doctor, “but the wife sticks, says: it’s not normal to have sex every quarter. Why do I need more? Already 46 years old, after all, his “rebounded” ...

- You throw it! A real man should want, and most importantly, be able to have sex always, everywhere, and to his last breath, the urologist cuts out. And then he adds that the lost desire can be easily returned.

The fact is that domestic scientists have developed unique methods of maintaining “passion in the blood” among men until death. The leading researcher of the Department of Urology and Andrology of the Ecological Research Center of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, member of the scientific committee of the European Society for Andropause Svetlana Kalinchenko told about this “MK-Sunday”.

What is the waist of a real man?

Russian men have passed in recent years. And so that the country turned out to be a record holder in the number of men with a disorder of potency: erectile dysfunction (that is, impotence) today suffers every second person between the ages of 30 to 60 years .

On the other hand, Russian men grow old very quickly (already at 50 they often look like decrepit old people) and die early (their average life expectancy is ... 58 years old!). In short, a difficult case. However, scientists are convinced that all these ills one source - an insufficient amount of testosterone. This main male hormone affects almost all the processes that occur in the body of representatives of the strong half of humanity. Little testosterone - a man does not want, very little - can not. Well, if it is not at all, things are so bad that, in principle, you can begin to plan your own funeral.

“In men under 30 years old, the level of testosterone in the blood must be normal,” Svetlana Kalinchenko explains. - But, alas, we also have 20-year-old patients who have very little of it. This is a very dangerous pathology. It can be caused by various endocrine diseases. But most often it turns out that the young man took drugs (in fact, all of them, including cocaine and heroin, reduce the level of testosterone), antidepressants and alcohol. It happens that the cause of obesity. If you see a very fat young man, you can most likely say that he has problems with testosterone. And definitely - if the waist circumference of a man (of any age!) Is greater than 94 cm, his hormone is catastrophically low. So I recommend all men to measure their waist.

- And after 30 years of all men testosterone decreases?

- Unfortunately yes. Moreover, an average of 1-2% per year. This process cannot be stopped at all, but it is possible not to aggravate it. First and foremost, you need to monitor your weight. In men over 30, obese, every year in the blood of testosterone is reduced by 10-20%.

In addition, adipose tissue is a trap, even for those sex hormones that are produced: they settle in it. At the same time, it translates the male hormone into the female. Therefore, in men with obesity feminization develops - the figure becomes feminine (the buttocks crawl, the chest grows, the hair disappears in those places where it used to be).

- Does the level of hormone decrease too active sex life?

- In no case. Just the opposite - it stimulates the production of testosterone. But the longer a person abstains, the less he will have a hormone.

Do not be sad without reason

- And how else can you understand that testosterone is not enough?

- If a man decided to take care of himself (usually this happens at the age of 50-55, when he had already made a career, raised children, and he had free time), went to a fitness club and saw that his sporting achievements did not correspond to the efforts made. He does everything right, as the coach says, but there are no results. The stomach does not decrease, the biceps are not pumped. This is a sure sign of a lack of a hormone.

After all, testosterone is the main anabolic, which is responsible for muscle strength and mass. If it is not enough, you cannot achieve good physical success. Athletes are well aware of this. With reduced testosterone exercise hard to carry. A man notices that if earlier he could, say, catch up with a bus without knocking down his breath, now for him it is almost unreal.

Another obvious sign is depression, a feeling of depression. Testosterone is the main endogenous antidepressant. You can say this is the hormone of happiness for men. Patients who have little of it often say that the paints are gone - life has become black and white. It seems there is no reason to despond (a high-ranking official, gets good money, his family is wonderful), and the person is sad. He is nothing in joy, he notices that often want to cry for no reason.

- Women during menopause often throws into heat. And men with a hormone deficiency of this misfortune are also susceptible?

- Sure. In addition, they have increased sweating. They do not get enough sleep and get up tired. But most importantly - reduced sexual desire and deteriorating erection. It is noteworthy that during sexual intercourse, the volume of ejaculate decreases. And sometimes it is not at all.

- Does it affect orgasm?

- Still would. A man experiences an orgasm at the moment of ejaculate passing through the urethra. If the volume of fluid has decreased, the brightness of the orgasm decreases. If she stopped doing at all, then there would be no orgasm at all. But this is not the worst. A decrease in testosterone production leads to hypertension, diabetes, and it all ends with a stroke and a heart attack. If a man has an erection, this is an important clinical symptom of vascular problems. This usually happens 3-5 years before a stroke.

- Could it be that a man's testosterone is all right, but there are no vessels?

- Of course. And this is even worse. In this case, the man will experience sexual desire, but will not be able to have sex. When testosterone is not enough, and the vessels are diseased, it does not want, and cannot.

Rejuvenation from chimps

Thousands of years ago, doctors prescribed bovine eggs to patients who had problems with potency. Yes that there is antiquity, and today they resort to such treatment in some countries, especially in Spain.

“Alas, I must disappoint the lovers of this delicacy,” says Svetlana Kalinchenko. - Animal testicles are not a source of sex hormones. Although the latter are synthesized in the testicles, they quickly leave the blood stream from there. When testosterone was first extracted from a bull's testicles, it took several tons of testicles to produce several hundred milligrams that make up the daily need of a man for testosterone. Therefore, consuming bovine eggs to replace testosterone is meaningless.

“And if these are chimpanzee testicles?” I heard that some Russian scientists even inject themselves an extract from them in order to become more courageous.

- Right. In the 20s of the last century, the St. Petersburg physician Voronov used a chimpanzee testicle extract. He believed that in this way it was possible not only to increase potency, but also to rejuvenate. By the way, it was Voronov who served as the prototype for Professor Preobrazhensky in Bulgakov’s novel “The Heart of a Dog”. But the Petersburg doctor could not achieve any serious results.

- And how then can you raise the level of testosterone and reverse the aging process?

- There are two ways. The first one is classic, when patients are given ready-made hormone. This is the so-called replacement therapy. The second, fundamentally new method, we developed at the Department of Andrology at the Center for Endocrinology, Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. It is aimed at stimulating the production of your own testosterone. This was made possible thanks to a series of discoveries that we made.

For example, our studies have shown that the nature of male menopause is fundamentally different than that of women. If in women there is an irreversible death of the testicles, then in men the testes do not die with age and are able to respond to stimulating therapy. The patient needs to prescribe drugs that will launch the production of their own testicles and, accordingly, the production of their testosterone.

But, of course, this is not suitable for all patients. In some cases, hormone replacement therapy is indispensable. However, it is not necessary to be afraid of it. Some people do not want to take hormones, because it is believed that the body in this case, as it were, learns to develop its own. This is not true for all hormones. Even if a man is forced to take testosterone for life, there’s nothing terrible about it. Three months after he stops drinking the drug, he will have the same level as before the treatment. Testicles, I repeat, do not die.

This feature is used to create male contraceptives. While a man drinks a contraceptive drug, he does not produce testosterone (and for normal spermatogenesis you need your own hormone). But as soon as he stops taking the drug, everything is restored. In general, the male reproductive system is very stable. If it could easily be irreversibly incapacitated, people would simply cease to multiply.

Another way to increase testosterone levels is to win regularly. Not by chance, it is also called the winners hormone. The level of testosterone in the blood rises after a successful solution of problems, winning in any competition (even in the home competition for the fastest dishwashing). At this point, there is a release of a large amount of hormone, which leads a man into a state of euphoria.

I note that the feeling of joy that encompasses the winner, moreover, slows down the formation of stress hormones. And, by the way, you can start to increase the level of testosterone with victories on the ... love front.


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5 ways to increase testosterone levels

Do you know that a lack of testosterone can cost you health and life? In addition to loss of muscle mass, bone density, decreased sexual desire, a new study shows that low testosterone levels may also increase the risk of prostate cancer, heart disease, and even death. Follow these simple steps to raise your testosterone levels and prolong your life.

1. Lose weight

As your waist size increases, testosterone levels decrease. It turns out that a 4-point increase in body mass index — about 30 kilograms per man at 178 cm — can accelerate the age-related decrease in testosterone by 10 years. Conclusion - if you have excess weight, to stay courageous, you need to lose weight.

2. Swing your biceps.

Finnish researchers recently discovered that people who regularly lift weight experience a 49 percent increase in free testosterone levels. “When you strengthen your muscles, the amount of testosterone your body produces increases,” says David Zawa, Ph.D. You need to “carry iron” only twice a week to see the benefits.

3. Eat the right fats.

Reducing fat in the diet can help you stay thin, but the elimination of all fats can cause testosterone levels to plummet. A study published in the International Journal of Sports Medicine shows that men who consumed the “right” fats had the highest testosterone levels. To protect your heart and keep your hormone levels normal, eat foods high in monounsaturated fats, such as fish and nuts.

4. Drink less alcohol.

Frequent hop parties can damage the hormone of masculinity. In a recent study by Dutch scientists, men who drank moderate amounts of alcohol daily for 3 weeks experienced a 7 percent decrease in testosterone levels. Limit alcohol to one or two glasses of beer or wine to avoid falling testosterone levels.

5. Say “Stop!” To stress and anxiety.

Mental or physical stress can quickly reduce testosterone levels. "Stress causes a surge in the hormone cortisol, which inhibits the body's ability to produce testosterone and use it in tissues," says Dr. Zava. Cardio training can be a great way to relieve stress, if you do not overdo it. Injuries and fatigue are signs that your workout is more likely to lower hormone levels than to raise it.


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Nugenix Testosterone Booster - Twin Pack

The harshest ways to increase the level of male hormone (testosterone)

The main male hormone is testosterone. Without him, a man is not a man, and even his popularity among women depends to some extent on the amount of this hormone.

If you believe the latest research scientists who argue that the level of testosterone depends on what part of the world a man was born and what nationality he belongs to, then everything becomes more interesting.

So, here are the harshest and craziest methods for you to increase testosterone from different nations.

The Japanese are rather frail, petty men. And this is due to the fact that they have much less testosterone than men of other nationalities.

And if the Japanese feel that he needs to raise the level of the hormone, then first of all he includes radish in the diet. Radish, as it turned out, has the ability to increase the level of the male hormone. And yes, our traditional beet has the same properties.

Well, or sumoists who came up with a very interesting, but harsh way to temporarily increase testosterone levels: they do not bathe before competitions (usually a day or 2). According to them, this method helps not to relax and train a little more, respectively, to increase the level of the hormone.

Italians are a people of temperamental men. They have everything in order with testosterone, and its level is much higher than that of the average Japanese.

To temporarily increase the level of the hormone, the Italians resort to the insane method - they shout during erotic adventures. And it helps, because when he screams, an instant surge of testosterone occurs in the body. And if this is not enough, he begins to insult his partner with the most lousy words, and he does it loudly.

And one more life hacking from Italians: they are tanning naked. According to them, this method perfectly increases the potency and level of the male hormone.

Ancient Russia was also famous for its harsh and even insane methods. One of them is the beaver stream. The point is to get the beaver's sexual organ, dry it and do something. It is not clear to use or spread somewhere. And also it is not clear which beaver is: a female or a male. Only fragments of this method have reached us.

Our modern and harsh men also have their trump cards to increase testosterone. For example, some during bath adventures like to lie on the snow and insist that the method improves testosterone well. Well, or dive into a cool lake / pool. Here you have our harsh way!

But the best and most reliable method is victory. Win anywhere, over anything, over anyone. Nothing increases testosterone levels better than a sense of superiority. Because victory gives strength, energy and self-confidence!

Just set yourself a small goal and achieve it! The effect will surprise you.


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Top 5 Testosterone Boost Products

Testosterone is the main male hormone. It enhances a sense of well-being, helps build muscle mass, increases libido and is responsible for sexual pleasure.

Your body needs certain nutrients to get enough testosterone. It works together with other hormones to maintain your health.

The rating of products that will help increase the level of the male hormone was made by the urologist, andrologist Lychagin Andrey.

1. Foods rich in protein. Contrary to popular belief, not marine, but animal protein is the most effective for increasing testosterone levels. Therefore, all types of meat and egg yolk significantly contribute to the normalization of hormonal levels.

2. Seafood. They contain "building material" for the male sex hormone. Especially valuable: salmon, shrimp, oysters, trout and crab.

3. Products containing minerals, vitamins and androsterone: eggplant, zucchini, cabbage, celery, carrots.

4. Kashi . They help to improve blood circulation in the pelvic area and thereby regulate the work of the testes, which produce testosterone.

5. Fruits and berries . They contain lutein, which has a positive effect on the production of testosterone: watermelon, persimmon, grapes, raspberries, dried apricots.
