Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Nature Made? High Potency Magnesium 400 Mg, 60-Count

Nature Made? High Potency Magnesium 400 Mg, 60-Count
Nature Made? High Potency Magnesium 400 Mg, 60-Count

Can magnesium preparations reduce the risk of urolithiasis recurrence?

Magnesium ranks fourth among the body cations and second after potassium among intracellular cations. The total magnesium of the body is approximately 2000 meq or 25 g. Similarly, calcium contains only a small portion of magnesium (about 1%) in extracellular fluid. Approximately 60% of the total magnesium of the human body is found in bone tissue, where most of it is associated with apatite crystals. A significant amount of magnesium in bone tissue is represented as ions that can actively exchange with serum ions.

Approximately 360 mg (15 mmol) of magnesium is supplied daily with food. A significant portion of magnesium is supplied by green vegetables. The minimum intake of magnesium in an amount of 0.3 mEq / kg body weight is necessary to maintain magnesium balance in humans. Approximately one third of the total magnesium ingested with food is excreted in the urine, the rest is excreted.

Thus, when on a normal diet containing about 360 mg of magnesium, 30-40% of the magnesium ingested with food is absorbed mainly in the small intestine. A small amount of magnesium, about 40 mg (1.7 mmol) is secreted in the gastrointestinal tract in the composition of the digestive juices and about 20 mg (0.8 mmol) is absorbed back into the large intestine [1].

Absorption of dietary calcium from the gastrointestinal tract is an active process, whereas magnesium is absorbed mainly due to ionic diffusion, and also due to a simple reverse flow of water, without the participation of cellular ionic pumps and membrane transport proteins. Hypermagnesemia inhibits the production of parathyroid hormone, and acute hypomagnesemia stimulates the secretion of this hormone, which increases the absorption of magnesium from the gastrointestinal tract [1].

At the same time, clinical observations show that the majority of patients with chronic magnesium deficiency, manifested by hypomagnesemia and hypocalcemia, have normal or slightly reduced levels of parathyroid hormone, indicating an inadequately low parathormone secretion under conditions of chronic magnesium deficiency [24].

The kidneys filter approximately 2 g of magnesium per day, about 100 mg is excreted in the urine. Unlike other ions, magnesium reabsorption in the kidneys does not occur in the proximal tubules, but in the thick ascending portion of the loop of Henle, where up to 60-70% of magnesium is reabsorbed [5, 6].

Thus, most of the filtered magnesium is reabsorbed and only about 5% of it is excreted in the urine. In a state of magnesium deficiency, the kidneys are able to reduce the amount of magnesium excreted in the urine to 0.5% or less of the filtered amount. On the other hand, during the infusion of magnesium or in patients with advanced renal failure, the kidneys are capable of removing 40-70% of the filtered amount of magnesium. The concentration of magnesium in the blood plasma is the main physiological regulator of its excretion in the urine [5, 6].

Hypermagnesemia inhibits the renal reabsorption of magnesium (and calcium) in the loop of Henle, while hypomagnesemia stimulates this process, thereby preventing the loss of magnesium from the body. In turn, hypercalcemia also inhibits the reabsorption of magnesium (and calcium), leading to hypermagniuria and hypercalciuria. It is noted that metabolic alkalosis increases, and metabolic acidosis, hypokalemia and phosphate loss inhibit magnesium reabsorption in the kidneys [5].

The amount of excreted urine calcium is under the regulatory influence of a whole complex of factors. These include calciotropic hormones, the volume of extracellular fluid, the state of acid-base balance, the concentration of various ions in the urine and blood plasma [7].

Hypercalciuria, as one of the main risk factors for urolithiasis, is found quite often in patients with urolithiasis and patients with osteoporosis [8].

The concentration of magnesium ions in the urine, as well as the acidity of urine, can affect the excretion of calcium in the urine. However, the mechanisms explaining this relationship are still poorly understood.

The first description of the effect of magnesium on calciuria was made back in 1909 by Mendel and Benedict [9]. They found an increase in calcium excretion and a decrease in its concentration in the intestinal contents during the parenteral administration of magnesium to various types of experimental animals. Similar results were later obtained in the treatment of magnesium sulfate in women with preeclampsia and in healthy individuals after the administration of this drug [10, 11]. Moreover, as was shown, the calciuric effect is associated not with sulfate, but with magnesium ion [12].

Experimental studies have confirmed increased calciuria after intravenous administration of magnesium solutions in dogs with normal and impaired renal function [13]. The use of micro-puncture technique in an experiment on rats treated with infusions of magnesium chloride made it possible to establish the involvement of the loop of Henle in the development of calciuria induced by magnesium ions [14, 15].

Another important metabolic factor that can affect calcium excretion is urine pH. It is known that a large amino acid load caused by a high intake of animal protein in food decreases the urine pH and increases calcium excretion [1618]. In contrast, alkalinization of urine with potassium preparations (bicarbonate or potassium citrate) reduces urinary calcium excretion [19, 20].

There are data indicating that an increase in urinary acidity increases the excretion of calcium in the urine due to proton inhibition of the calcium channels of the renal epithelium TRPV5 and TRPV6, which are responsible for the reabsorption of calcium in the distal nephron [21, 22]. Magnesium ions are believed to act on the same links in the regulation of calcium excretion. It is noted that micromolar concentrations of magnesium are also able to inhibit the activity of calcium channels TRPV5 [23, 24].

The possibility of the clinical use of magnesium preparations in calcium urolithiasis continues to be discussed.

Some literature data indirectly indicate a possible protective effect of magnesium against calcium urolithiasis. So, it is known that magnesium is able to form complexes with oxalates in the intestinal lumen and urine [25-28], inhibit the formation of calcium oxalate crystals in vitro [25, 29, 30] and increase the excretion of citrates with urine, in the case of magnesium in the form of citrate salts [31].

This, apparently, can explain the confidence of many clinicians that magnesium is an effective means of preventing the formation of calcium urinary stones in patients with urolithiasis. For example, some authors suggest using the ratio of urinary concentrations of magnesium and calcium (Mg / Ca index) as an indicator of the risk of stone formation and stone recurrence [32-34]. In their opinion, the concentration ratio in the urine Mg / Ca below 0.7 indicates an increased risk of stone formation.

However, when examining 155 patients with non-infectious recurrent oxalate urolithiasis, no decrease in magnesium excretion in the urine was found [35]. Similar data were obtained in the study of the concentration of magnesium in the urine of healthy individuals and patients with recurrent form of calcium urolithiasis [36].

In addition, the results of a survey of 2147 patients with stones represented by pure calcium oxalate showed that only 11% of patients had reduced daily excretion of magnesium, whereas in the remaining 89% of patients this indicator was within normal values. At the same time, the frequency of recurrence of stones in the group of patients with hypomagniuria showed only a weak statistically insignificant tendency to increase compared with the group of patients with normagniuria [37]. As a result, a positive clinical effect, depending on the concentration in the urine of magnesium, was not achieved.

Thus, there is no convincing evidence that magnesium deficiency is one of the main reasons for the development of calcium oxalate urolithiasis.

Particularly noteworthy is the analysis of the results of 17 clinical trials to study the efficacy of magnesium and potassium salts using the Urolithiasis Registry Database of the Southwestern Medical Center of the University of Texas [19, 25, 26, 38-46].

Healthy volunteers and patients with urolithiasis who had no signs of magnesium deficiency, hypomagnemia, acid-base balance disorders, pathologically altered levels of potassium and blood calcium participated in the tests. In a group of 4 clinical trials (group I, average observation time 2 weeks, 47 people), patients who took magnesium oxide (MgO) or magnesium citrate (Mg 3 Citrate 2 ), high excretion of urine calcium, magnesium with a slight change the pH of urine (table 1). In a group of 8 clinical trials (group II, average observation time 2 weeks, 89 people), patients took potassium bicarbonate (KHCO 3 ) or potassium citrate (KB 3 Citrate). At the same time, the opposite dynamics was observed: pronounced alkalinization of urine, the absence of increased excretion of magnesium and a marked decrease in hypercalciuria. In a group of 5 clinical trials (group III, average follow-up time 2.6 weeks, 102 people), patients took the combined drug potassium magnesium citrate (K 4 MgCitrate 2 ). Taking the drug increased the excretion of magnesium in the urine, but less pronounced than in group I of the tests and caused alkalinization of the urine to the same extent as was observed in group II of the tests. Increased calcium excretion was not statistically significant.

These data suggest that magnesium preparations in the form of magnesium oxide (MgO) or magnesium citrate (Mg 3 Citrate 2 ) are capable of inducing hypercalcemia in patients with urolithiasis, while potassium citrates have the opposite effect. Experimental studies have shown that the calciuric effect of magnesium is associated with inhibition of calcium reabsorption in the distal convoluted nephron tubules, possibly due to inhibition of the apical calcium channels TRPV5 and not dependent on the effect of parathyroid hormone [47].

Obviously, the use of magnesium or its citrates can not be recommended as monotherapy for recurrent calcium urolithiasis.While co-administration of magnesium and potassium citrates significantly reduced the incidence of calcium-oxalate urolithiasis recurrence, as was shown in a 3-year randomized study in 64 patients [48].

Idiopathic recurrent calcium urolithiasis is a disease with unclear etiology and pathogenesis. The role of magnesium in stone formation in these patients remains poorly understood. The results of a simultaneous examination of 284 patients (cross-sectional study) with idiopathic recurrent calcium urolithiasis (IRKU) showed that increased magnesium excretion is associated with increased excretion of calcium, potassium, sodium, protein, and, to a lesser extent, citrates. At the same time, in patients with hypermagniuria, there was a higher urinary supersaturation in hydroxyapatite and a clinically more active form of recurrence of urolithiasis [49]. Thus, increased excretion of magnesium in the urine is not a protective factor in relation to the development of calcium urolithiasis.

In another work [50], it was noted that in 12 men with IRKU, serum levels of total magnesium and its fractions (free, ionized and bound to proteins) did not differ from healthy men in the control group. At the same time, in patients the level of serum albumin and magnesium in erythrocytes was lower than in the control, and the indices of excretion of magnesium in the urine corresponded to those of the control group. The ratio in the urine magnesium / creatinine in patients also did not differ from healthy individuals. However, the urine of patients had higher concentrations of protein, glucose and pH.

It should be noted that urinary supersaturation with respect to calcium oxalate in patients with IRKU was lower (1.5 vs 2.2), and with respect to hydroxyapatite it was higher (3.3 vs 1.8) than in healthy individuals. The latter deserves attention in the aspect that hydroxyapatite crystals are able to induce heterogeneous nucleation of calcium oxalate crystals [51], thereby promoting further crystal growth and stone formation. This indicates the involvement of other pathogenesis mechanisms of the IRKU, which are not directly related to the concentration of magnesium in the urine.

It is believed that with IRKU, the role of urine Mg deficiency as a risk factor for the formation of calcium stones can be questioned or completely denied. However, the noted link between intracellular Mg deficiency and tubular functional disorders, in the form of impaired glucose reabsorption, proteins and urine acidification, indicates the need for further study of this issue.

To increase the excretion of magnesium in the urine is usually used such drugs as magnesium oxide or hydroxide, potassium magnesium citrate and magnesium aspartate. Increasing the concentration of magnesium in the urine leads to a decrease in the value of the product of the ionic activity of calcium oxalate, inhibition of the growth of calcium phosphate crystals, reducing the risk of formation of brushite [52].

However, according to the latest Urolithiasis Guidelines, adopted in 2011 by the European Urological Association, there is currently no convincing evidence to recommend magnesium preparations as monotherapy to prevent the formation of calcium stones [52]. In most of the studies on the clinical use of magnesium preparations, physicochemical and biochemical changes in the urine of patients with urolithiasis were investigated [25, 29-31] without evaluating long-term results in the form of stone recurrence rate.

There are only two randomized controlled studies of the clinical effect of magnesium in urolithiasis. One study used magnesium hydroxide versus a control group that received a placebo [53]. In another study, magnesium oxide was used in comparison with a control group that did not receive any treatment [54]. None of these studies showed a statistically significant effect on the formation of urinary stones, despite the long observation period of 4 and 3 years, respectively.

The positive effect of magnesium was described in earlier studies [55, 56], but is not confirmed in controlled studies in recent years [57].

In these works, magnesium was used as an oxide or hydroxide. Obviously, the absence of a visible anti-relapse effect of these drugs suggests that magnesium itself cannot be used as a monotherapy for calcium stones. Recently, it has been increasingly used in the form of citric acid salts — magnesium citrate (K 3 Citrate) or potassium magnesium citrate (K 4 MgCitrate 2 ), given the pronounced inhibitory effect of citrate ion on calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate crystal formation [ 29-31].

Experimental laboratory tests conducted in vitro in artificial or human urine show that magnesium exhibits its inhibitory properties with respect to the formation of calcium oxalate crystals only at high concentrations significantly different from physiological values ​​[37, 5863]. Moreover, it has been shown that the inhibitory effect of magnesium citrate on the formation of calcium oxalate crystals is due only to citrate, and not to magnesium ions [64].


The results of clinical trials indicate an increase in calciuria under the influence of magnesium preparations (magnesium oxide, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium citrate) used as monotherapy without potassium citrates. However, simultaneous alkalinization of urine can reduce the undesirable effect of hypercalciuria [46]. It can be assumed that for the prevention of recurrence of calcium stones, magnesium preparations should be used not as monotherapy, but in combination with pyridoxine, potassium alkaline citrates and / or thiazide diuretics. This should be the goal of further clinical trials.


Solgar Magnesium Citrate, Highly Absorbable, Promotes Healthy Bones, Non-GMO, Suitable for Vegans, 120 Tablets

Solgar Magnesium Citrate, Highly Absorbable, Promotes Healthy Bones, Non-GMO, Suitable for Vegans, 120 Tablets
Solgar Magnesium Citrate, Highly Absorbable, Promotes Healthy Bones, Non-GMO, Suitable for Vegans, 120 Tablets

Is magnesium a vital mineral?

Do you know that magnesium is the second element after vitamin D , the lack of which is observed in most people, and this is in developed countries!

This is very regrettable, given that magnesium is associated with many biochemical and enzymatic processes. He takes part in more than 300 enzymatic reactions, for example: the transfer of important genetic information, the assimilation of essential vitamins and minerals, the activation of amino acids and others. Energy production, regulation of blood pressure, glucose levels, the work of muscles and nerves - all this relates to the sphere of functioning of magnesium.

Experts say that in adults who consume magnesium in smaller amounts (than the daily daily dosage provides for) in quantity, symptoms of inflammation appear more often. In turn, health problems arise - diseases of the cardiovascular system, diabetes and cancer. Also, a low level of magnesium in the body can lead to osteoporosis.
Why does magnesium deficiency occur?

Nearly 80% of people suffer from a shortage of vital minerals - in particular magnesium. Excessive cultivation of agricultural products and the use of pesticides affect the soil. As a result, the soil becomes poorer and loses important minerals. During heat treatment at high temperatures, products lose their nutritional value.

It is difficult for modern man today to get magnesium, but it is very easy to waste. Stress, alcohol, coffee, excess sweets, antibiotics, diuretics, laxatives, heart medications, a lack of vitamin E. All this leads to the removal of magnesium from the body.
The most visible signs of magnesium deficiency in the body are:

cramps in the legs - painful cramps, the so-called. "Goosebumps" on the hands and feet,
muscle tension in the body
twitching century,
constant fatigue and nervousness.

In addition, caries, slowing the growth of the jaw, which is not enough space for the teeth. Muscle relaxation and growth also depend on magnesium.
Magnesium Sources

The best sources of natural magnesium are whole grains, nuts, lettuce and sprouts.

300 mg of magnesium is contained, for example, in:
* 60 g cocoa powder,
* 65 grams of wheat bran,
* 110 g almonds,
* 165 g hazelnuts,
* 450 grams of milk chocolate
* 1.3 kg broccoli
* 1.4 kg of lettuce and iceberg,
* 2 kg of Chinese cabbage.
The relationship of the nervous system and magnesium

Other symptoms may indicate a lack of magnesium in the body. They are related to the functioning of the nervous system:

anxiety, panic attacks, irritability;
agoraphobia (fear of open large spaces and squares);
fatigue and exhaustion;
headaches and migraines;
depression, excessive sensitivity to light and loud sounds;
restless legs syndrome;
constipation, high blood pressure, arrhythmia and palpitations;
any sleep disorders.

The best forms of magnesium and their absorption by the body

On the Estonian version of the Vitamiini ABC website and English-language resources comparing various forms of magnesium and their characteristic properties, citrate, gluconate and lactate (glycinate) are considered the best from the point of view of absorption. For clarity, I will give here the other names of magnesium glycinate : magnesium diglycinate, magnesium bisglycinate, magnesium bisglycinate chelate. All names actually mean the same thing. The Vitamiini ABC page states that 1 g of magnesium glycinate contains 100 mg or 10% of elemental magnesium. When the drug with magnesium glycinate contain up to 14% elemental magnesium, it is considered high-quality. Ecosh magnesium glycinate products have an absolute magnesium content of 18%, which is considered to be a very high percentage.

Magnesium oxide / oxalate is the worst absorbed material, which is a very inexpensive raw material and the content of elemental magnesium in it is quite high - 58%, but only 4% of this amount can be absorbed by the body. In addition, prolonged use of magnesium oxide pollutes the kidneys. In pharmacies in Estonia, predominantly magnesium oxide preparations are presented. They can also cause diarrhea. The citrate form also has a laxative effect due to the addition of citric acid.
What elements contribute to the absorption of magnesium?

Although magnesium is also absorbed by itself, some vitamins or minerals can contribute to this. Such elements are vitamins of group B , in particular vitamins B6, C and D, as well as calcium, potassium, sodium, etc. Therefore, it is better to take magnesium with food so that all other necessary substances are also available. Vitamin B6 helps determine how much magnesium is absorbed by the cells. Bioactive forms of vitamins, such as pyridoxine hydrochloride (B6) and L-magnesium ascorbate ( vitamin C ) were added to the magnesium glycinate Ecosh supplement for better absorption of magnesium.

There is no data on magnesium overdose, but according to the literature, high doses are safe. The recommended dosage for therapeutic purposes is from 800 to 3000 mg per day. For example, the ratio of magnesium to calcium in the body should be 8: 1, or at least 4: 1. The inverse ratio is promoted when there should be more calcium in the body. By the way, without magnesium, calcium doesn't even reach the bones. In addition, it clogs arteries and tissues. Daily intake of magnesium should be 375 mg.
The body needs magnesium to:

bones (about 70% of the magnesium found in the body is in the bones);
protein production;
release muscle energy;
body temperature adjustments;
exchange of calcium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc and sodium;
better digestibility of vitamins of groups B , C, D and E;
regulate heartbeat;
regulating blood circulation to work the heart muscles;
releasing energy and working muscles and nerves
at least 300 basic enzymatic reactions,
effects on carbohydrate metabolism and activation of amino acids.

According to studies , magnesium glycinate is very well suited to those with intestinal disorders (eg, diarrhea) or an operation to reduce the intestinal tract. The reason for this is its good digestibility in different parts of the intestine.


Magnesium gluconate and magnesium glycinate are considered the best forms to use in the event of a serious magnesium deficiency. Magnesium glycinate soothes, relaxes muscles, provides good sleep (makes drowsy). Poetmu, glycinate magnesium is better to take before going to bed for 30 min -1 h.


Natural Vitality Natural Calm Anti Stress Drink 30 count Raspberry Lemon flavor

Natural Vitality Natural Calm Anti Stress Drink 30 count Raspberry Lemon flavor
Natural Vitality Natural Calm Anti Stress Drink 30 count Raspberry Lemon flavor

The Importance of Magnesium-B6 to Human

Magnesium B6 with benefits for your health and nervous system
The human body contains many chemicals that can ensure its smooth operation. A major contribution to the normal functioning of all systems and organs is made by such an important macro element as magnesium.

He is directly involved in processes such as protein synthesis, energy production, regulation of cholesterol levels.

In addition, it is responsible for the normal functioning of the heart muscle and circulatory system, and also ensures the absorption of calcium.

Magnesium enters the body with food, but in the conditions of modern life it is not always possible to eat properly, and thereby maintain the optimal amount of nutrients.

Constant stress, bad habits, hard physical and mental work - all this can cause a deficiency of this macrocell, which is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

• increased fatigue;
• Irritability, anxiety and other nervous disorders;
• Dizziness and severe headaches;
• Heart arythmy;
• Muscle weakness, convulsions;
• Gastrointestinal dysfunction;
• Insomnia;
• High blood pressure.
• Painful periods in women;
• Worsening of hair, brittle nails.

If you have the above symptoms, it makes sense to think about taking special vitamin complexes, among which Magne B6 forte is considered the most useful.

A bunch of magnesium and vitamins B6 - benefits to the body
Magne B6 pills or capsules are an excellent supplement, thanks to which you can completely compensate for the lack of this macro element.

Vitamin B6 contributes to a better absorption of the macro element Mg and enhances its action, moreover, it is extremely positive effect on the nervous system and metabolic processes.

The question of taking such vitamin-mineral complexes most often arises in such conditions as:

• Heart failure;
• High blood pressure;
• High cholesterol;
• Unreasonable mood swings;
• Nervous irritability;
• Cardiopalmus;
• Constant fatigue;
• Muscle cramps.

Supplements such as magnesium b6 forte or magnesium b6 anti-stress can benefit both women and men. Representatives of the strong half of humanity must monitor the level of this substance in the body and, if necessary, resort to additional intake, because its deficiency is the cause of the decrease in the main male hormone - testosterone. This, in turn, can lead to a significant deterioration in men's health.

Products magnesium B6 can bring tangible benefits and women's health. They will help alleviate the symptoms of PMS, menopause, as well as the pronounced symptoms of toxicosis during pregnancy. Often, future mothers learn about magnesium deficiency when they experience nighttime cramps. This element is able to provide a safe course of pregnancy. But, in this position, self-treatment should be avoided and before taking any dietary supplements it is best to consult with a gynecologist.

The daily need for macronutrient in adults usually ranges from 300 to 350 mg, in some cases it can be increased.

If you have decided to take fortified complexes, such as Magnesium b6 antistress or other similar drugs, then it is best to drink them in courses. These supplements are able to improve the physical and emotional state and return the person to a normal life.
How is Magne B6 useful in sports and bodybuilding?
Due to its unique properties, Magne B6 is one of the most sought-after sports supplements. In bodybuilding and any other sport, the element Mg is valued for the fact that it stimulates the synthesis of proteins, and also contributes to the development of a large amount of energy. Athletes taking magnesium-containing drugs have noted an increase in muscle mass, an increase in strength and endurance, and an increase in the effectiveness of the training process.

In addition, professional athletes claim that such vitamin-mineral complexes help to get rid of muscle cramps, which often occur in athletes exposed to serious physical exertion.
During the preparation for the competition and during their holding, such additives allow the athlete to successfully cope with numerous stressful situations.

They normalize sleep, which usually plays an important role in the recovery process, and also reduces irritability and prevents the development of chronic fatigue syndrome.
The role of magnesium-containing complexes in combination with B6 cannot be overestimated, since they allow the athlete:
• Improve muscle contractility;
• Significantly increase energy levels and endurance;
• Speed ​​up the recovery process after a workout;
• Faster muscle building.

The most popular magnesium-containing complexes from the best brands.

To date, the choice of such products is quite wide. But how not to be mistaken with the choice and purchase really high-quality products?
If you decide to buy Magne B6 for yourself, you should pay attention to the following products:
• Chela-Mag B6 Forte Olimp Nutrition is a highly effective product from a well-known Polish manufacturer, the main component of which is an amino acid magnesium chelate in the dosage of 1390 milligrams in one capsule. It has a high rate of absorption and is ideal for people with excessive needs for this macrocell.

The composition of the product is supplemented with pyridoxine or vitamin B6, which enhances the action of the main component and plays an important role in metabolic processes. Package contains 60 capsules.

• Magne-100 Sport Trec Nutrition is another unique complex from a popular Polish brand, thanks to which you can easily meet the daily need for these two vital substances.

Available in the form of capsules, which are easily and quickly absorbed in the body. The product is ideal for athletes, people leading an active lifestyle, as well as all those who need an additional intake of magnesium-containing vitamins.

• Solgar's Magnesium with Vitamin B6 is a dietary supplement in the form of tablets that combines two natural ingredients that play a key role in maintaining the overall health of the whole body. Does not contain gluten, wheat and dairy products. Ideal for vegans and vegetarians.

Thanks to this complex, you will be able to maintain the normal functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, as well as to increase the level of energy necessary to maintain all the vital functions of the body. This product is of first-class quality and high efficiency.


NaturalSlim Anti Stress Drink - Pure Magnesium Citrate Powder with Organic Strawberry and Lime Flavor - Natural Aid to a Slow Metabolism, Constipation & Sleeping Difficulties - 8 oz (Solo Pack)

NaturalSlim Anti Stress Drink - Pure Magnesium Citrate Powder with Organic Strawberry and Lime Flavor - Natural Aid to a Slow Metabolism, Constipation & Sleeping Difficulties - 8 oz (Solo Pack)
NaturalSlim Anti Stress Drink - Pure Magnesium Citrate Powder with Organic Strawberry and Lime Flavor - Natural Aid to a Slow Metabolism, Constipation & Sleeping Difficulties - 8 oz (Solo Pack)

22 Problems Caused by Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is a mineral used by every organ in your body, especially your heart, muscles, and kidneys.

If you suffer from unexplained fatigue or weakness, unstable heartbeat, or even muscle spasms and cramps, you can blame low levels of magnesium, writes Healthy Holistic Living .

If you have recently done a blood test, you may want to ask if you have a magnesium deficiency. But only 1% of the magnesium in your body is distributed to your blood, in this case making a simple blood test is not very useful.

Most of the magnesium is stored in your bones and organs, where it is used for many biological functions.

However, it is possible that you have a deficiency , but you don’t even suspect it, so the magnesium deficiency has been called the “invisible deficiency.”

Magnesium is often considered primarily a mineral for your heart and bones, but far from it. Researchers have found 3.751 links of magnesium to human health , which indicates that its role may have been significantly underestimated.

Magnesium is also found in more than 300 different enzymes in your body and plays a role in detoxification processes.
Magnesium is needed for:

Works muscles and nerves;
Create energy in the body by activating adenosine triphosphate (ATP);
Digestion of proteins, carbohydrates and fats;
Works as a building block for the synthesis of RNA and DNA.

Dr. Dean has been studying and writing about magnesium for over 15 years. The latest addition to his book “The Miracle of Magnesium” appeared in 2014, and in it you can learn about 22 problems that are caused by magnesium deficiency , all of which have been scientifically proven.

Anxiety / Panic;
Trouble breathing;
Thick blood;
Bowel disease;
Heart disease;
High blood pressure;
Kidney disease;
Liver disease;
Problems with bones and muscles;
Problems with nerves;
Gynecological problems;
Raynaud's syndrome;
Tooth loss.

Early signs of magnesium deficiency include loss of appetite, headache, nausea, fatigue, and weakness. Persistent magnesium deficiency can lead to more serious symptoms, including:

Numbness and tingling;
Muscle contractions and cramps;
Personality changes;
Abnormal heartbeat;
Coronary spasms.

The role of magnesium in diabetes, cancer and much more.

Most people do not think about magnesium when thinking about how to prevent chronic illness. And in vain.

For example, there have been several significant studies on the role of magnesium in the efficient functioning of your metabolism - especially with regards to insulin sensitivity, glucose regulation and protection against type 2 diabetes.

Higher magnesium intake reduces the risk of glucose and insulin metabolism and slows the progression of diabetes.

Numerous studies have also shown that higher magnesium intake is associated with higher bone mineral density in both men and women, and studies from Norway even found a link between drinking water magnesium and a lower risk of hip fractures.

Magnesium may even help reduce the risk of cancer, and a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that a higher level of magnesium intake was associated with a lower risk of developing colorectal tumors.
Tips to increase magnesium levels.

One way to actually increase magnesium levels, as well as many other important plant nutrients, is to make juice from green vegetables.

It is necessary to drink a glass of fresh green vegetable juice every day - this is one of the main sources of magnesium. Organic foods can have more magnesium if grown in nutrient-rich soils.

If you prefer supplements, keep in mind that there are a large number of magnesium supplements on the market, but in many cases they are mixed with other substances. There is simply no such thing as a 100 percent magnesium supplement.

The substance used in any given compound may affect the absorption and bioavailability of magnesium and may give slightly different results.
Although supplements can be helpful, they are bad because:

You may have difficulty swallowing;
They have low bioavailability;
Intolerance is possible.

In any case, it is best to consult a doctor whom you trust and are confident in his competence! Take this process seriously.

Have you encountered such problems?


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Pure Encapsulations - Magnesium (Glycinate) - Supports Enzymatic and Physiological Functions* - 90 Capsules
Pure Encapsulations - Magnesium (Glycinate) - Supports Enzymatic and Physiological Functions* - 90 Capsules

Magnesium deficiency in pregnant women

In pregnant women, the need for minerals and vitamins increases many times. All are important, but magnesium has a special place. What is this element, what it is for and what its shortage can turn into, a specialist says.

Magnesium is one of the most important macronutrients necessary for harmonious work of the whole organism. This mineral substance is an integral part of all cells and tissues and at the same time is a universal regulator of biochemical and physiological processes in the body. With his participation, proteins are absorbed, carbohydrate metabolism is regulated, energy is produced in cells and the body’s immune defense is maintained. Without magnesium, it is impossible to maintain body temperature, transmit nerve impulses. It affects the formation of bone tissue and teeth.
How much to hang in grams?

The norm for non-pregnant women is the blood magnesium level of 0.66–1.03 mmol / l. The normal level during gestation is 0.8-1.05 mmol / l. And it is precisely in this period, especially in the second and third trimester, that magnesium is manifested, because he actively participates in many processes occurring in the body of both the expectant mother and her unborn child. So, if at the usual time the daily dose of this trace element is about 300 mg, then during pregnancy it, according to nutritionists, should increase to 400-500 mg.
We lose it

The need for magnesium increases not only when carrying a child, but also during physical and psycho-emotional stress. So if the expectant mother often becomes nervous too much, the loss of magnesium in the body can lead to a real shortage of it. Therefore, first of all, a pregnant woman should avoid nervous and mental overloads.

Losses of this macroelement can also trigger trips to the sauna and steam room, high body temperature during illness, alcohol, and excessive enthusiasm for tea or coffee — that is, drinks that are rich in caffeine.
Bananas are a good source of magnesium and potassium. 3-5 bananas eaten throughout the day provide the daily requirement for magnesium and vitamin B6. True, we must take into account the side effects of passion for bananas, in particular, they are caloric and have a laxative effect. Apricots, strawberries, peaches, raspberries, rabbit meat and potatoes are also rich in magnesium. True, the last vegetable is not the most reliable source of the desired macrocell, since it is subjected to heat treatment.

Unbalanced nutrition can also interfere with the absorption of magnesium. Suction of the beneficial mineral is hampered by an overabundance of “fast food” fats. In addition, enhanced heat treatment of fast food products leads to the fact that the magnesium content in them is sharply reduced. Some drugs can reduce the absorption of a useful macroelement or increase its elimination from the body. The first are antacids, which are used to combat heartburn, the second - diuretic drugs. The lack of physical activity also adversely affects: hypodynamia reduces the amount of magnesium in the body.
Manifestations of deficiency

Unfortunately, the lack of magnesium does not have bright and specific signs. Often the symptoms of a shortage of this mineral are observed in other conditions. In principle, it is even easy to write them off simply to an “interesting position.” Nevertheless, the expectant mother should consult a doctor if she gets tired quickly, feels constantly tired, her physical activity decreases, and after a night's rest she feels “broken”, her body temperature, “cold” hands and feet are lowered. The increased loss of hair, brittle nails and the deterioration of the condition of the teeth should also alert.

Lack of concentration, memory loss, headaches, dizziness, irritability and anxiety, tearfulness may also indicate a lack of magnesium. The “calls” signaling impending deficiency are convulsions of the gastrocnemius muscles, twitching of the eyelids, pain during exertion, and squeezing of the muscles.

Increased heartbeat, increased or decreased blood pressure, meteosensitivity, abdominal cramps, frequent constipation or diarrhea can also occur with a lack of magnesium.

Toxicosis of pregnant women, threats of miscarriage and premature birth are also associated with a deficiency of this important element in the body.
Magnesium is closely related to calcium. The ideal ratio in the menu of calcium and magnesium is 2: 1. The balance must be observed, because if it is violated, it is more difficult for the body to absorb both trace elements.
Discover and help

Often, magnesium deficiency is combined with vitamin B deficiency (they are necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system and are involved in metabolic processes, including protein synthesis). When hypomagnesemia disrupts the production of enzymes that are formed with the participation of pyridoxine, or vitamin B6 - an active participant in the synthesis of such essential amino acids as lecithin. With its lack of disrupted the process of regulating the level of cholesterol, which is needed for the production of sex hormones. This can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Unfortunately, diagnosing a lack of magnesium in the body is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The usual blood test, which is done in antenatal clinics and clinics, does not give an idea of ​​the content of this mineral in the body, since the deficit is first compensated by the release of magnesium from the bones and muscles of the expectant mother into the blood and delaying its elimination from the body through the kidneys. So in most cases, the doctor focuses on the health and complaints of pregnant. A blood test for micro- and macronutrients is rarely done, since their level in the blood rarely reflects the true state of affairs. It is not correct to judge how much minerals are accumulated in the tissues and muscles.
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Meteorological dependence in pregnant women

For an objective diagnosis of magnesium deficiency, a combination of additional methods will be indicative: ECG (the heart is one of the most “interested” organs in this element), myography (registration of bioelectric potentials when muscle fibers are excited), bone densitometry (study of bone mineral density). Also carried out quantitative studies of magnesium in whole blood, red blood cells, plasma, serum, saliva, urine, nails and hair. Since such a survey is very expensive and time consuming, it is used only for scientific purposes.

In practice, all pregnant women during the observation at the obstetrician-gynecologist must be sent for a consultation to the therapist, and each of them carries out an ECG. Sometimes the result of electrocardiography allows you to identify changes that help to suspect a magnesium deficiency in the heart muscle. Then, in order to avoid trouble, after consulting with your doctor, they resort to taking magnesium preparations, multivitamins and dietary supplements.
How to replenish stocks

In plant cells, magnesium is part of the green pigment - chlorophyll. Therefore, it is believed that the most reliable source of this macrocell is green vegetables and greens: celery, parsley, dill, lettuce, coriander, basil, cauliflower and white cabbage. Moreover, coriander, sage and basil contain approximately 690 mg of this mineral per tablespoon. It is not necessary to neglect the use of greens, but it is also not recommended to get too carried away with it: some herbs, including dill and parsley, in large quantities contribute to uterine contractions. It is enough just to eat green vegetables and some greens every day.
It is believed that sunflower and pumpkin seeds, sesame, nuts (almonds, cashews) are very rich in magnesium. But there is an opinion that the abundance of such a substance as phytin in them makes it difficult to assimilate this macrocell.

The source of magnesium can also be bran, sprouted grains, buckwheat and oatmeal, seaweed and fish. “Soft” water rich in magnesium salts, as well as legumes such as soybeans, beans, lentils and peas will help replenish the reserves of an important element. Some legumes provide up to 150 mg of this trace element per serving.
In order

If the doctor advised you to take additional magnesium preparations, you need to take into account several important nuances.

Preparations of magnesium and iron are not recommended to take at the same time. This leads to a decrease in the absorption of both micronutrients and the effect of taking drugs decreases. Therefore, the interval between taking these remedies should be at least two hours.
Magnesium absorption improves with moderate physical exertion and decreases with a sedentary lifestyle.
Try not to take magnesium supplements after eating - they neutralize the acidic environment of the stomach. When night cramps calf muscles, it is recommended to take such funds at night.


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Magnesium deficiency in the body: symptoms and prevention

The role of magnesium for humans is great: this mineral is involved in more than 300 biochemical processes occurring in our body. However, only a few know that by reducing the level of magnesium, the body replenishes its reserves from its own reserves - the liver and bone tissue, and a strong deficiency of the trace element can cause serious health problems. Why does magnesium deficiency occur in the body and how to determine it? What is the daily intake of magnesium for humans and in which products is it the most?

Magnesium is responsible for many functions of the human body: it is necessary for the stable operation of the nervous system, health of teeth, hair, bones, muscles. Magnesium is equally important for the heart and blood vessels, as it regulates blood pressure and glucose levels. A sufficient level of magnesium in the body contributes to the balance of electrolytes and the active release of energy in the process of metabolism. If your life is constantly present physical and mental stress, as well as stress and fatigue, make sure that your body received a sufficient amount of magnesium - with food or special supplements bought at a pharmacy (only as prescribed by a doctor!). How much magnesium does an adult need? Magnesium consumption for men is about 350 mg per day, for women - 300 mg.

Magnesium is especially needed during pregnancy: at this time, the mother's body actively supplies the unborn child with all the necessary substances, and magnesium is involved in the process of cell division and the formation of proteins (a building material for organs and tissues). Magnesium also has a beneficial effect on the development of the placenta and protects the pregnant woman from leg cramps, uterine hypertonia and the threat of miscarriage. The daily intake of magnesium for pregnant and lactating women is 450 mg. Magnesium is also important in the period of menopause , in the presence of premenstrual syndrome, hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders.

The need for mineral increases during the period of intensive growth: magnesium is no less important for children than other macro- and microelements, since it directly affects the functioning of the nervous system and psycho-emotional state. The lack of trace elements in the diet of children is one of the risk factors for the development of ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and deviant behavior. The daily intake of magnesium for children under 1 year is 70 mg, from 1 to 3 years old - 150 mg, from 4 to 6 years old - 200 mg, from 7 to 10 years old - 250 mg.

Magnesium is a substance that is not synthesized in the human body and must come from the outside. However, over the past 100 years, the average consumption of magnesium decreased by more than 2 times: experts attribute this to the industrialization of agriculture and the appearance of processed food. It is also known that sugar, carbonated drinks, fast food, convenience foods, alcohol and smoking contribute to the removal of magnesium from the body.

Magnesium deficiency is quite often observed in individuals taking certain medications. For example, in 37% of patients with chronic heart failure taking diuretics, a microelement deficiency is detected during the examination. Taking oral contraceptives can also affect the level of magnesium in the body: in 40% of women taking hormonal contraceptives, mineral deficiency occurs as early as 3 months after the start of administration.

The most common symptoms of magnesium deficiency are chronic fatigue, decreased performance, frequent headaches, sleep disturbances or insomnia , irritability or aggression, mood swings, and rapid heartbeat. If you have cramps (for example, legs are cramped at night), muscle aches, cramps, nervous tics, "flies" before your eyes, there is a feeling of a lump in your throat or lack of air, they can also indicate a lack of magnesium in the body. The least obvious symptoms of a lack of magnesium include the appearance of a strong craving for coffee, chocolate, salty foods and sweets.

It is believed that the more accurately determine the level of magnesium in the body by using serum and urine tests. But since this element is contained mainly in the bone tissue, the indicators of laboratory forms do not provide sufficient information.

If you decide to compensate for the lack of mineral in the body with the help of such magnesium preparations as magnesium sulfate, magnesium chloride, magnesium hydroxide, etc., consult your doctor, do not self-medicate! Any uncontrolled intake of even such seemingly innocuous food supplements can cause poisoning.


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Why does magnesium need cyclists and what products does it have

Magnesium deficiency adversely affects muscles, worsens sleep, deprives of energy ... There is no way without it. Is it possible to replenish stocks of an element without resorting to medical preparations?

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Can. By eating certain foods. Although magnesium is found in different types of food, as shown by WHO research, almost 65% of people will not get it enough. This can become dangerous, as magnesium deficiency causes muscle problems and leads to insomnia , and also reduces the ability to absorb information , “ sucks ” energy and even increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases .

But there is no reason to panic. Small changes in diet will fix the situation!
Why does magnesium need cyclists?

The recommended dose for adults is up to 320 mg of magnesium daily . Athletes need up to 420 mg . By the way, magnesium deficiency is difficult to detect by blood tests, because it is found in bones and other body tissues. The easiest way to analyze is whether it is enough in a regular diet.

According to a certified nutritionist, a triathlon trainer, Chrissie Carroll , magnesium is very important for athletes: he is involved in energy metabolism and muscle contraction . “ Because magnesium helps regulate the functioning of muscles and nerves when you are not getting enough, the excitability of nerve endings can increase, causing muscle twitching, spasm or cramps ,” explains another sports nutrition specialist and another certified nutritionist Angie Ash .

" It is believed that the consumption of a sufficient amount of magnesium helps to recover from physical exertion ," adds Carroll . “ Some studies show that magnesium can improve athletic performance, but so far this is under discussion, have not yet reached a common conclusion .” Finally, any cyclist knows that a good night’s rest is a must.

According to some studies, magnesium can improve athletic performance.

Magnesium content champions

To increase your intake of magnesium without the use of dietary supplements, include these foods in your diet.
1. Pumpkin seeds (172 mg per 30 g)

These useful in all respects seeds can be eaten just like that or added to salads and breakfast cereals. “ In pumpkin seeds there is an excellent balance of carbohydrates, proteins and healthy fats. This is a pleasant and healthy snack to curb hunger after a workout , ”says Carroll .
2. Beet tops (49 mg in 1/2 cup)

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Athletes value beets for their dietary properties and benefits, but beet greens are also saturated with nutrients, for example, half of a glass contains 11% of daily needs for magnesium and about 14% for potassium . You can try replacing tops with spinach in any recipe. There are recipes and especially for beet leaves.

Half a cup of beet tops = 11% of the daily need for magnesium and 14% for potassium

Source: depositphotos.com

3. Cashews (87 mg in 30 g)

Cashew - just a storehouse of nutrients. But we must remember that those who want to lose weight, any nuts or seeds should not eat more than 30 grams per day .
4. Prunes (71 mg in 1 glass)

This dried fruit is rich in magnesium and fiber . In addition, only 5-6 prunes per day can help prevent bone loss.
5. White beans (61 mg in 1/2 cup)

With white beans you can arrange a “ day without meat ”, with it you get a considerable portion of magnesium , proteins and fiber .
6. Avocados (39 mg in 1 avocado)

Salad with avocado and shrimps - this is gorgeous. Do not love? Eat guacomole. With it, you also get magnesium and other nutrients: healthy fats , vitamin E , potassium and antioxidants . “ I like to add avocados to my salads, put them on toast or in a burrito after a workout ,” says Ash .

Avocados are rich in beneficial fatty acids. And not a single gram of cholesterol!

Source: pinterest.com

7. Almond (80mg in 30g)

“ Only one serving of almonds covers about 20% of the daily magnesium requirement ,” says Ash . - My favorite snack: almonds with fruit. Not to mention the fact that it serves as a source of unsaturated fats, proteins, fiber, vitamin E, calcium, riboflavin and niacin . "
8. Chickpea (35 mg in ½ cup boiled chickpea)

Magnesium-rich chickpeas serve as the basis for hummus or falafel, goes to soups, salads, curries ...
9. Bitter chocolate 70% (65 mg per 30 g)

Chocolate lovers can rejoice, because 15 g of dark chocolate accounts for 15% of the daily need for magnesium.


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Magnesium through the eyes of a neurologist

The name "magnesia" is found already in the Leiden papyrus X (III century AD). It comes probably from the name of the city of Magnesia in the mountainous region of Thessaly. The magnesian stone in ancient times was called magnetic iron oxide, and magnes - magnet. Interestingly, the original name "magnesium" was preserved only in Russian thanks to the Hess textbook, and at the beginning of the 19th century in a number of manuals other names were suggested - magnesia, magnesia, and bitter soils.

The total magnesium content in humans is about 25 grams. It plays an important role in the formation of more than three hundred enzymes. Magnesium takes part in energy and electrolyte metabolism, acts as a regulator of cell growth, is necessary at all stages of the synthesis of protein molecules. Particularly important is the role of magnesium in membrane transport processes. Magnesium helps to relax muscle fibers (muscles of blood vessels and internal organs). The most important value of magnesium is that it serves as a natural anti-stress factor, inhibits the processes of excitation in the central nervous system and reduces the body's sensitivity to external influences.

It is believed that in 25-30% of the population magnesium is insufficiently supplied with food. This may be due to modern processing technologies and the use of mineral fertilizers in growing vegetables, leading to a magnesium deficiency in the soil.

Chronic magnesium deficiency is often noted in patients with diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis, epilepsy, osteoporosis, etc. A number of physiological states are known that are accompanied by an increased need for magnesium: pregnancy, breastfeeding, a period of intensive growth and maturation, old and old age, hard physical labor and physical exercise in athletes, emotional stress, frequent and long-lasting (more than 30-40 minutes per session) stay in the sauna, lack of sleep, air travel and the intersection of time zones. Magnesium deficiency occurs when taking caffeine, alcohol, drugs and some drugs, such as diuretics, which help remove magnesium from the urine.

Our nervous system is sensitive to the level of magnesium in the body. Its lowered content can cause anxiety, nervousness, fear, as well as insomnia and fatigue, decreased attention and memory, in some cases - convulsive seizures, tremors and other symptoms. Often people complain of "gratuitous" headaches.

Magnesium (especially in combination with vitamin B6) has a normalizing effect on the state of the higher parts of the nervous system during emotional stress, depression, and neurosis. This is not by chance. Stress (physical, mental) increase the need for magnesium, which is the cause of intracellular magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium deficiency worsens with age, reaching a maximum in people over 70 years old. According to the European epidemiological study of cardiovascular diseases, plasma magnesium levels below 0.76 mmol / l are considered as an additional risk factor for stroke and heart attack (for example, for arterial hypertension). The imbalance of Ca2 + and Mg2 + ions is one of the serious reasons for the formation of blood clots in the vessels. The use of magnesium preparations helps to reduce the tendency to form a blood clot. Magnesium, for example, enhances the antithrombotic effect of aspirin.

It is believed that magnesium plays a positive role, slowing down the process of atherosclerosis.
Considering the latest data on the prevalence of magnesium deficiency among residents of large cities, its content in the blood is determined in neurological patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as in depression and asthenia. Normally, the content of magnesium in the blood serum in children varies from 0.66 to 1.03 mmol / l, in adults from 0.7 to 1.05 mmol / l.

In healthy people, the daily need for magnesium is 350-800 mg. When magnesium deficiency requires its additional introduction at the rate of 10-30 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. In addition to dietary correction, medicinal preparations are also used. The saturation time of tissue depots during magnesium therapy is 2 months or more. The choice of drugs for correction is well known - these are inorganic and organic salts of magnesium. The first generation of magnesium-containing preparations included inorganic salts. However, in this form magnesium is absorbed by no more than 5%, stimulates intestinal motility, which often leads to diarrhea. Magnesium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract increases lactic, pidolovaya and orotic acids, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), some amino acids.

The second generation of magnesium-containing drugs is much better absorbed and does not cause dyspepsia and diarrhea. Magne-B6 is a modern combination drug.

Magne-B6's anti-anxiety effect allows it to be included in the complex therapy of depression (together with antidepressants), convulsive states (in combination with anticonvulsants), sleep disorders (together with hypnotics), and also to use the drug as an additional means for preventing and leveling the lungs effects of brain metabolism activators. Magnesium therapy is quite a promising direction in the treatment of night sleep disorders of various origins, especially in patients with asthenic and anxiety states. The vasodilating effect of magnesium ions allows the use of Magne-B6 in combination with antihypertensive agents. However, a decrease in blood pressure in response to the administration of magnesium is achieved only in patients with magnesium deficiency.

Magne B6 is usually well tolerated without causing any side effects. Normalization of the magnesium level in the human body in combination with other drugs allows to achieve success in many diseases of the nervous system, it is now considered as a classic metabolic therapy.


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Zinc and Magnesium for Muscles

Vitamins with zinc and magnesium
Nutritionists around the world are sounding the alarm - only 25% of people in developed countries get the necessary amount of magnesium from food (1). Most people simply do not know the importance of this mineral to maintain optimal metabolism and its effect on the effectiveness of strength training.

Speaking of strength training, it should be noted that many athletes have a zinc deficiency against the background of magnesium deficiency. This mineral is critical to men for testosterone synthesis and muscle growth. But how to recognize the deficiency of magnesium and zinc, and what products are there to eliminate it?
Natural methods and drugs to increase testosterone levels in men - what supplements really work?
The role of magnesium in metabolism
Magnesium is responsible for the energy metabolism of cells - it regulates carbohydrate metabolism, activates the formation of proteins, promotes the release of energy during physical training, and regulates various processes in the brain and in the central nervous system (2).

The body's need for magnesium increases during exercise and strength sports. It is also important that “drying cycles” and various non-carbohydrate diets accelerate the removal of this mineral from the body, causing chronic magnesium deficiency in athletes.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency
The most noticeable symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body are muscle spasms and cramps (especially in the calf), increased blood pressure, accelerated heartbeat, regular headaches, sleep problems, fatigue and a tendency to depression.
Lack of magnesium accelerates the aging process due to a violation of collagen synthesis - as a result, not only the skin of the face and body, but also the tissues of various internal organs lose their elasticity. The bone structure is gradually disturbed and their flexibility decreases, leading to the development of osteoporosis.

Magnesium: norms and content in products
The daily intake of magnesium for adult men is 400-450 mg / day, for women - 310-320 mg / day. This rule takes into account the fact that about 30% of the mineral is absorbed from ordinary food. The upper limit of magnesium consumption is about 600-700 mg / day (3).
In total, the body of an adult is about 22-26 grams of magnesium, most of which is stored in the bones, approximately 20% in the muscles and in the intercellular fluid. That is why the loss of fluid (including excessive sweating and diarrhea) leads to a sharp loss of magnesium.
Table of magnesium rich foods
Magnesium content per 100 g Percent of daily value

Chia Seeds 350 mg 300 mg Cashew Nuts
260-300 mg Pine nuts
250-270 mg Almond
200-280 mg Pumpkin Seeds
200-280 mg Dark Chocolate
200-260 mg Buckwheat

200-230 mg Quinoa
200-230 mg Soybeans
220 mg Peanut Butter
150 mg Oatmeal
150 mg Tuna
100-120 mg Mackerel

100 mg 100 mg Brown rice 90-100 mg Green vegetables (spinach and tp)
60-80 mg Bananas
20-25 mg The role of zinc in metabolism

Zinc, like magnesium, is necessary for the body for a large number of metabolic processes. Since zinc is part of more than 400 different enzymes, its shortage is capable of disrupting metabolism in a complex way, while immunity and the synthesis of sex hormones suffer the most.

We note in particular that strength training significantly increases the body's need for zinc, since this mineral is necessary for the synthesis of amino acids in muscles, their effective work and subsequent recovery. Lack of zinc also reduces testosterone and growth hormone levels.
Rating of the most effective sports nutrition for weight gain and a quick set of muscle mass.

Zinc: norms and content in products
The recommended daily intake of zinc for men is about 10-11 mg, for women - 7-8 mg. Athletes need about 15 mg of zinc per day, and the upper limit is 40 mg per day. However, the symptoms of zinc deficiency are not as pronounced as the symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
Most zinc is found in nuts, meat and legumes. However, in order to get enough of this mineral, you need to eat 250-350 g of beef or 700-1000 g of chicken meat every day - which is a high enough number for ordinary people, not to mention vegetarian.
Table of Zinc Rich Foods
Zinc content per 100 g Percent of daily value

Pumpkin seeds
10 mg Sunflower Seeds
4-5 mg 40-45%
3-4 mg 30-40%
Beef liver

Beef meat
3-8 mg 30-80%
Chicken meat
1-4 mg 10-40%

Soya beans
Hard cheese 3-4 mg 30-40%
Bamboo shoots
Most vegetables
0.3-0.5 mg Most fruits

0.15-0.05 mg How to take magnesium and zinc?

Carefully read the above tables of magnesium and zinc in food - if you do not get 100% of the daily value, you are recommended to take these minerals in tablets. In this case, you will notice a significant increase in strength. Testosterone levels may also increase.
The main rule of the use of supplements with zinc and magnesium is that it is important to avoid their joint intake with calcium - in this case, the percentage of absorption of all three minerals is reduced. It is usually recommended to take magnesium and zinc immediately before breakfast, on an empty stomach.
Strength training increases the body's need for zinc and magnesium - however, most people do not get enough of them with regular food. Taking these minerals as supplements will help improve sports metabolism and normalize testosterone levels.


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Choosing the right nutritional supplements: magnesium

Provide an adequate level of magnesium in order to improve the composition of the body - do not allow its deficiency to slow down the burning of subcutaneous fat and build muscle! Magnesium is necessary for the body during exercise to exercise muscle contractions, for tissue restructuring during protein synthesis, and for combating inflammatory processes. Lack of magnesium will not allow you to get the most from work in the gym.

Magnesium deficiency impairs the body's ability to build muscle and restore tissue, because this mineral activates the enzymes in the body. In addition, as you know, magnesium is necessary for the implementation of muscle contraction, so its lack reduces athletic performance and reduces the level of maximum strength. Studies show that by increasing the level of magnesium, you can increase the increase in strength as a result of training.

A few additional required points to get acquainted with obtaining an adequate level of magnesium in the fight for an optimal body composition:

- Low magnesium levels are also associated with a high risk of cardiovascular disease, sudden cardiac death, bone loss, and osteoporosis. It is known that this mineral allows vitamin D to function, so a low level of magnesium will negatively affect the level of this vitamin.

- Magnesium has a calming effect on the central nervous system, which in turn helps reduce the level of the stress hormone cortisol, whose increased concentration causes the accumulation of abdominal fat.

- By simply providing an adequate level of magnesium in the body, high blood pressure can be reduced, which is a natural and natural way. One large-scale scientific review showed that consuming 486 milligrams of magnesium per day allows hypertensive patients to significantly lower blood pressure, and this method is more effective than taking special medical preparations.

- Most people consume additional magnesium in the multivitamins that contain it in the form of magnesium oxide. Meanwhile, this form is of low quality, which affects the absorption of the mineral. Choose magnesium bound compounds such as glycinate, orotat, taurate, threonate or fumarate.

Try to maintain a balance in the intake of magnesium and calcium and take only high-quality magnesium supplements. Achieving an adequate level of magnesium will help eliminate obstacles such as chronic mild inflammatory processes, insulin resistance and poor metabolism on the path to fat burning. Many people get good results by consuming an additional 500 milligrams of magnesium in combination with what regular food gives us. Increase the dosage gradually so that the body has managed to adapt to the calming effect of this mineral.


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Life Extension Magnesium 500mg, 100 Vegetarian Capsules

15 signs of magnesium deficiency that 90% of people do not know about

Signs and symptoms of magnesium deficiency are many. Some of them are light, while others can cause serious health problems, writes Active Beat .

Many people do not even know about them , and some health problems associated with something else or even leave without explanation.

You may have a magnesium deficiency if your diet does not have enough nutrients, or if your body does not absorb it when it passes through your body.

Magnesium plays an important role in heart, kidney and muscle health. It also regulates nutrient levels and strengthens bones.

Since this mineral is extremely important, read about these 15 warning symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
1. Fatigue.

Fatigue and a sense of lethargy are not uncommon. Fatigue can be easily attributed to stress at work or a busy schedule, lack of sleep, or raising children.

But one of the most common and early symptoms of magnesium deficiency is fatigue. Because almost everyone feels tired at some point, and the reasons may be varied, it is difficult to come to the correct diagnosis on their own.

Unfortunately, fatigue will not disappear until your body gets the right amount of magnesium.

Because magnesium helps produce and transport energy, insufficient levels can easily lead to fatigue and weakness. However, before buying any medicines or vitamins, talk to your doctor.
2. Muscle cramps and cramps.

Muscle cramps and cramps can be not only uncomfortable, but also very painful. They are uncontrollable and unpredictable, and it is impossible to ignore them.

While athletes often suffer from muscle cramps due to a lack of stretching exercises, dehydration, excessive tension and lack of proper nutrition, many other people suffer from them due to completely different reasons.

If you suffer from regular cramps and cramps, this can be a warning sign of low magnesium levels.

You can try to alleviate your suffering by stretching and massaging the affected muscles. Vitamin D, E, and B complex also plays a role in preventing muscle spasms, so make sure you get the recommended daily dose of these vitamins.
3. Arrhythmia.

Magnesium plays a vital role in overall heart health. This is necessary for proper muscle contraction, and a low level of magnesium can affect the most important muscle in your body, the heart.

Arrhythmia is an irregular heartbeat, and magnesium directly helps maintain a normal heart rhythm. Some studies have shown that normal levels of magnesium can even prevent certain heart conditions.

Although there are no guarantees, since no heart is the same, doctors still confirmed the positive effect of magnesium on the cardiovascular system.

Some experts even prescribe magnesium for patients who are at risk for arrhythmias.
4. Dizziness.

Sometimes you start to feel dizzy when you abruptly get out of bed. This can happen due to magnesium deficiency. If so, unfortunately, it will not disappear by itself.

Just as in a situation with fatigue, it may be difficult for your doctor to diagnose a problem, because many diseases can cause dizziness.

Low levels of magnesium may cause dizziness. If the magnesium level continues to fall, dizziness will worsen.

Because of this, it will be very difficult to perform daily work. If you encounter such a problem, you should visit your doctor.
5. Nausea and vomiting.

Like dizziness, you may experience nausea and even vomiting.

Those who suffer from regular nausea and / or vomiting should consult a doctor. Another possible cause of nausea and vomiting is excessive magnesium levels.
6. Numbness.

Magnesium is one of the most common and important minerals in your body. He is responsible for more than 300 biochemical reactions, so it is easy to believe that the deficiency can greatly affect the overall health.

Because magnesium affects your nervous system, tingling and numbness can be warning signs.

An insufficient amount of magnesium in the body can interfere with the action of nerve and muscle functions and the correct response.

Usually these symptoms are felt on your face, legs and hands.

Numbness is not something that can be put off until later. It is important to consult a doctor and find out the reason.
7. Personality changes.

This may seem strange, but believe it or not, personality changes are a warning sign of magnesium deficiency.

Significant personality changes, including confusion and irritability, may simply appear from nowhere. Simple things can seem overwhelming and make you feel ill at ease.

You may probably notice a change, but you don’t know how to fix it.

In addition to these personality changes and periodic mood swings, lack of sleep, which we will discuss later, can cause a change in mood.

If this happens often, in the end it will affect your personal and professional relationships.
8. Anxiety and panic attacks.

Each of us at least once in our life experienced anxiety or panic. You can immediately blame it on everyday stress, but you must take into account the role of magnesium deficiency in causing anxiety and panic attacks, especially if you are a calm enough person.

Unfortunately, if you suffer from anxiety, stress can deplete magnesium levels.

There are many different symptoms of a panic attack, some of which include shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, chest pain, a strong attack of fear or confusion, tingling in the body and trembling.

Usually it lasts only a few minutes, but every second can feel like an eternity! Talk to your doctor if you come across this problem, especially if it happens often.
9. Insomnia.

The presence of magnesium deficiency can cause insomnia. As we mentioned earlier, low levels of magnesium can lead to muscle spasms.

This causes restless leg syndrome, a condition that causes the legs to involuntarily shudder at night.
10. High blood pressure.

In a study published in the American Journal of Hypertension , an experiment was conducted that analyzed the relationship between blood pressure and magnesium intake.

The results showed that people with the healthiest blood pressure had the highest levels of magnesium. And vice versa: people with low magnesium levels had high blood pressure.

Experts say that drinking magnesium-rich foods (about 100 mg per day) reduces the risk of stroke by 8%.
11. Diabetes type II.

This symptom sounds strange, but do not rush to draw conclusions. Magnesium plays an important role in metabolism, and since type II diabetes develops on the basis of a person's diet, magnesium deficiency can play an important role in the development of the disease.

Eating nuts, whole grains, leafy vegetables, and beans can prevent any potential risk of type II diabetes.
12. Osteoporosis.

Magnesium deficiency can also increase the risk of developing bone problems such as osteoporosis, "a disease characterized by low bone mass and deterioration of bone tissue, which can lead to an increased risk of fracture . "

Low mineral levels can lead to bone loss. Another reason is that magnesium deficiency can reduce the level of calcium in the blood, and calcium is essential for maintaining healthy bones.
13. Migraine.

Most people periodically experience headaches. However, if you suffer from them regularly, consider visiting your doctor instead of painkillers.

Experts say that magnesium deficiency can cause headaches "due to the expansion of blood vessels", as well as migraines.

A blood test will help you confirm the cause, and the doctor in turn will provide appropriate treatment options.
14. Constipation.

There are many reasons why you may experience constipation, from stress to under-consumption of fiber or consumption of too much dairy products.

Of course, having a magnesium deficiency is not the first thing that comes to mind.

Magnesium has a relaxing effect on many parts of the body, including the digestive tract. Due to the lack of magnesium, the bowels work is very difficult, which leads to constipation.
15. Acid reflux.

As mentioned earlier, magnesium plays a key role in the body.

However, if you have a magnesium deficiency, food and stomach acid return to the esophagus. This leads to a burning sensation, which we call acid reflux or heartburn.

Unfortunately, if magnesium deficiency is the cause of acid reflux, doctors say that most over-the-counter drugs can actually worsen the symptoms.

So do not forget to talk to your doctor, so as not to hurt yourself even more.
