Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Pure Encapsulations - Magnesium (Glycinate) - Supports Enzymatic and Physiological Functions* - 90 Capsules

Pure Encapsulations - Magnesium (Glycinate) - Supports Enzymatic and Physiological Functions* - 90 Capsules
Pure Encapsulations - Magnesium (Glycinate) - Supports Enzymatic and Physiological Functions* - 90 Capsules

Magnesium deficiency in pregnant women

In pregnant women, the need for minerals and vitamins increases many times. All are important, but magnesium has a special place. What is this element, what it is for and what its shortage can turn into, a specialist says.

Magnesium is one of the most important macronutrients necessary for harmonious work of the whole organism. This mineral substance is an integral part of all cells and tissues and at the same time is a universal regulator of biochemical and physiological processes in the body. With his participation, proteins are absorbed, carbohydrate metabolism is regulated, energy is produced in cells and the body’s immune defense is maintained. Without magnesium, it is impossible to maintain body temperature, transmit nerve impulses. It affects the formation of bone tissue and teeth.
How much to hang in grams?

The norm for non-pregnant women is the blood magnesium level of 0.66–1.03 mmol / l. The normal level during gestation is 0.8-1.05 mmol / l. And it is precisely in this period, especially in the second and third trimester, that magnesium is manifested, because he actively participates in many processes occurring in the body of both the expectant mother and her unborn child. So, if at the usual time the daily dose of this trace element is about 300 mg, then during pregnancy it, according to nutritionists, should increase to 400-500 mg.
We lose it

The need for magnesium increases not only when carrying a child, but also during physical and psycho-emotional stress. So if the expectant mother often becomes nervous too much, the loss of magnesium in the body can lead to a real shortage of it. Therefore, first of all, a pregnant woman should avoid nervous and mental overloads.

Losses of this macroelement can also trigger trips to the sauna and steam room, high body temperature during illness, alcohol, and excessive enthusiasm for tea or coffee — that is, drinks that are rich in caffeine.
Bananas are a good source of magnesium and potassium. 3-5 bananas eaten throughout the day provide the daily requirement for magnesium and vitamin B6. True, we must take into account the side effects of passion for bananas, in particular, they are caloric and have a laxative effect. Apricots, strawberries, peaches, raspberries, rabbit meat and potatoes are also rich in magnesium. True, the last vegetable is not the most reliable source of the desired macrocell, since it is subjected to heat treatment.

Unbalanced nutrition can also interfere with the absorption of magnesium. Suction of the beneficial mineral is hampered by an overabundance of “fast food” fats. In addition, enhanced heat treatment of fast food products leads to the fact that the magnesium content in them is sharply reduced. Some drugs can reduce the absorption of a useful macroelement or increase its elimination from the body. The first are antacids, which are used to combat heartburn, the second - diuretic drugs. The lack of physical activity also adversely affects: hypodynamia reduces the amount of magnesium in the body.
Manifestations of deficiency

Unfortunately, the lack of magnesium does not have bright and specific signs. Often the symptoms of a shortage of this mineral are observed in other conditions. In principle, it is even easy to write them off simply to an “interesting position.” Nevertheless, the expectant mother should consult a doctor if she gets tired quickly, feels constantly tired, her physical activity decreases, and after a night's rest she feels “broken”, her body temperature, “cold” hands and feet are lowered. The increased loss of hair, brittle nails and the deterioration of the condition of the teeth should also alert.

Lack of concentration, memory loss, headaches, dizziness, irritability and anxiety, tearfulness may also indicate a lack of magnesium. The “calls” signaling impending deficiency are convulsions of the gastrocnemius muscles, twitching of the eyelids, pain during exertion, and squeezing of the muscles.

Increased heartbeat, increased or decreased blood pressure, meteosensitivity, abdominal cramps, frequent constipation or diarrhea can also occur with a lack of magnesium.

Toxicosis of pregnant women, threats of miscarriage and premature birth are also associated with a deficiency of this important element in the body.
Magnesium is closely related to calcium. The ideal ratio in the menu of calcium and magnesium is 2: 1. The balance must be observed, because if it is violated, it is more difficult for the body to absorb both trace elements.
Discover and help

Often, magnesium deficiency is combined with vitamin B deficiency (they are necessary for normal functioning of the nervous system and are involved in metabolic processes, including protein synthesis). When hypomagnesemia disrupts the production of enzymes that are formed with the participation of pyridoxine, or vitamin B6 - an active participant in the synthesis of such essential amino acids as lecithin. With its lack of disrupted the process of regulating the level of cholesterol, which is needed for the production of sex hormones. This can lead to hormonal imbalance.

Unfortunately, diagnosing a lack of magnesium in the body is not as easy as it might seem at first glance. The usual blood test, which is done in antenatal clinics and clinics, does not give an idea of ​​the content of this mineral in the body, since the deficit is first compensated by the release of magnesium from the bones and muscles of the expectant mother into the blood and delaying its elimination from the body through the kidneys. So in most cases, the doctor focuses on the health and complaints of pregnant. A blood test for micro- and macronutrients is rarely done, since their level in the blood rarely reflects the true state of affairs. It is not correct to judge how much minerals are accumulated in the tissues and muscles.
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For an objective diagnosis of magnesium deficiency, a combination of additional methods will be indicative: ECG (the heart is one of the most “interested” organs in this element), myography (registration of bioelectric potentials when muscle fibers are excited), bone densitometry (study of bone mineral density). Also carried out quantitative studies of magnesium in whole blood, red blood cells, plasma, serum, saliva, urine, nails and hair. Since such a survey is very expensive and time consuming, it is used only for scientific purposes.

In practice, all pregnant women during the observation at the obstetrician-gynecologist must be sent for a consultation to the therapist, and each of them carries out an ECG. Sometimes the result of electrocardiography allows you to identify changes that help to suspect a magnesium deficiency in the heart muscle. Then, in order to avoid trouble, after consulting with your doctor, they resort to taking magnesium preparations, multivitamins and dietary supplements.
How to replenish stocks

In plant cells, magnesium is part of the green pigment - chlorophyll. Therefore, it is believed that the most reliable source of this macrocell is green vegetables and greens: celery, parsley, dill, lettuce, coriander, basil, cauliflower and white cabbage. Moreover, coriander, sage and basil contain approximately 690 mg of this mineral per tablespoon. It is not necessary to neglect the use of greens, but it is also not recommended to get too carried away with it: some herbs, including dill and parsley, in large quantities contribute to uterine contractions. It is enough just to eat green vegetables and some greens every day.
It is believed that sunflower and pumpkin seeds, sesame, nuts (almonds, cashews) are very rich in magnesium. But there is an opinion that the abundance of such a substance as phytin in them makes it difficult to assimilate this macrocell.

The source of magnesium can also be bran, sprouted grains, buckwheat and oatmeal, seaweed and fish. “Soft” water rich in magnesium salts, as well as legumes such as soybeans, beans, lentils and peas will help replenish the reserves of an important element. Some legumes provide up to 150 mg of this trace element per serving.
In order

If the doctor advised you to take additional magnesium preparations, you need to take into account several important nuances.

Preparations of magnesium and iron are not recommended to take at the same time. This leads to a decrease in the absorption of both micronutrients and the effect of taking drugs decreases. Therefore, the interval between taking these remedies should be at least two hours.
Magnesium absorption improves with moderate physical exertion and decreases with a sedentary lifestyle.
Try not to take magnesium supplements after eating - they neutralize the acidic environment of the stomach. When night cramps calf muscles, it is recommended to take such funds at night.
