Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Natural Vitality Calm Gummies The Anti-Stress Gummies, A Relaxing Magnesium Supplement, Raspberry Lemon, 120 Count Gummies

Natural Vitality Calm Gummies The Anti-Stress Gummies, A Relaxing Magnesium Supplement, Raspberry Lemon, 120 Count Gummies
Natural Vitality Calm Gummies The Anti-Stress Gummies, A Relaxing Magnesium Supplement, Raspberry Lemon, 120 Count Gummies

Magnesium deficiency in the body: symptoms and prevention

The role of magnesium for humans is great: this mineral is involved in more than 300 biochemical processes occurring in our body. However, only a few know that by reducing the level of magnesium, the body replenishes its reserves from its own reserves - the liver and bone tissue, and a strong deficiency of the trace element can cause serious health problems. Why does magnesium deficiency occur in the body and how to determine it? What is the daily intake of magnesium for humans and in which products is it the most?

Magnesium is responsible for many functions of the human body: it is necessary for the stable operation of the nervous system, health of teeth, hair, bones, muscles. Magnesium is equally important for the heart and blood vessels, as it regulates blood pressure and glucose levels. A sufficient level of magnesium in the body contributes to the balance of electrolytes and the active release of energy in the process of metabolism. If your life is constantly present physical and mental stress, as well as stress and fatigue, make sure that your body received a sufficient amount of magnesium - with food or special supplements bought at a pharmacy (only as prescribed by a doctor!). How much magnesium does an adult need? Magnesium consumption for men is about 350 mg per day, for women - 300 mg.

Magnesium is especially needed during pregnancy: at this time, the mother's body actively supplies the unborn child with all the necessary substances, and magnesium is involved in the process of cell division and the formation of proteins (a building material for organs and tissues). Magnesium also has a beneficial effect on the development of the placenta and protects the pregnant woman from leg cramps, uterine hypertonia and the threat of miscarriage. The daily intake of magnesium for pregnant and lactating women is 450 mg. Magnesium is also important in the period of menopause , in the presence of premenstrual syndrome, hormonal imbalance and metabolic disorders.

The need for mineral increases during the period of intensive growth: magnesium is no less important for children than other macro- and microelements, since it directly affects the functioning of the nervous system and psycho-emotional state. The lack of trace elements in the diet of children is one of the risk factors for the development of ADHD, autism, dyslexia, and deviant behavior. The daily intake of magnesium for children under 1 year is 70 mg, from 1 to 3 years old - 150 mg, from 4 to 6 years old - 200 mg, from 7 to 10 years old - 250 mg.

Magnesium is a substance that is not synthesized in the human body and must come from the outside. However, over the past 100 years, the average consumption of magnesium decreased by more than 2 times: experts attribute this to the industrialization of agriculture and the appearance of processed food. It is also known that sugar, carbonated drinks, fast food, convenience foods, alcohol and smoking contribute to the removal of magnesium from the body.

Magnesium deficiency is quite often observed in individuals taking certain medications. For example, in 37% of patients with chronic heart failure taking diuretics, a microelement deficiency is detected during the examination. Taking oral contraceptives can also affect the level of magnesium in the body: in 40% of women taking hormonal contraceptives, mineral deficiency occurs as early as 3 months after the start of administration.

The most common symptoms of magnesium deficiency are chronic fatigue, decreased performance, frequent headaches, sleep disturbances or insomnia , irritability or aggression, mood swings, and rapid heartbeat. If you have cramps (for example, legs are cramped at night), muscle aches, cramps, nervous tics, "flies" before your eyes, there is a feeling of a lump in your throat or lack of air, they can also indicate a lack of magnesium in the body. The least obvious symptoms of a lack of magnesium include the appearance of a strong craving for coffee, chocolate, salty foods and sweets.

It is believed that the more accurately determine the level of magnesium in the body by using serum and urine tests. But since this element is contained mainly in the bone tissue, the indicators of laboratory forms do not provide sufficient information.

If you decide to compensate for the lack of mineral in the body with the help of such magnesium preparations as magnesium sulfate, magnesium chloride, magnesium hydroxide, etc., consult your doctor, do not self-medicate! Any uncontrolled intake of even such seemingly innocuous food supplements can cause poisoning.
