Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Magnesium Oil Spray - LARGE 8oz Size - EXTRA STRENGTH - 100% Pure for Less Sting - Less Itch - Natural Pain Relief & Sleep Aid - Essential Mineral Source

Magnesium Oil Spray - LARGE 8oz Size - EXTRA STRENGTH - 100% Pure for Less Sting - Less Itch - Natural Pain Relief & Sleep Aid - Essential Mineral Source
Magnesium Oil Spray - LARGE 8oz Size - EXTRA STRENGTH - 100% Pure for Less Sting - Less Itch - Natural Pain Relief & Sleep Aid - Essential Mineral Source

Zinc and Magnesium for Muscles

Vitamins with zinc and magnesium
Nutritionists around the world are sounding the alarm - only 25% of people in developed countries get the necessary amount of magnesium from food (1). Most people simply do not know the importance of this mineral to maintain optimal metabolism and its effect on the effectiveness of strength training.

Speaking of strength training, it should be noted that many athletes have a zinc deficiency against the background of magnesium deficiency. This mineral is critical to men for testosterone synthesis and muscle growth. But how to recognize the deficiency of magnesium and zinc, and what products are there to eliminate it?
Natural methods and drugs to increase testosterone levels in men - what supplements really work?
The role of magnesium in metabolism
Magnesium is responsible for the energy metabolism of cells - it regulates carbohydrate metabolism, activates the formation of proteins, promotes the release of energy during physical training, and regulates various processes in the brain and in the central nervous system (2).

The body's need for magnesium increases during exercise and strength sports. It is also important that “drying cycles” and various non-carbohydrate diets accelerate the removal of this mineral from the body, causing chronic magnesium deficiency in athletes.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency
The most noticeable symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body are muscle spasms and cramps (especially in the calf), increased blood pressure, accelerated heartbeat, regular headaches, sleep problems, fatigue and a tendency to depression.
Lack of magnesium accelerates the aging process due to a violation of collagen synthesis - as a result, not only the skin of the face and body, but also the tissues of various internal organs lose their elasticity. The bone structure is gradually disturbed and their flexibility decreases, leading to the development of osteoporosis.

Magnesium: norms and content in products
The daily intake of magnesium for adult men is 400-450 mg / day, for women - 310-320 mg / day. This rule takes into account the fact that about 30% of the mineral is absorbed from ordinary food. The upper limit of magnesium consumption is about 600-700 mg / day (3).
In total, the body of an adult is about 22-26 grams of magnesium, most of which is stored in the bones, approximately 20% in the muscles and in the intercellular fluid. That is why the loss of fluid (including excessive sweating and diarrhea) leads to a sharp loss of magnesium.
Table of magnesium rich foods
Magnesium content per 100 g Percent of daily value

Chia Seeds 350 mg 300 mg Cashew Nuts
260-300 mg Pine nuts
250-270 mg Almond
200-280 mg Pumpkin Seeds
200-280 mg Dark Chocolate
200-260 mg Buckwheat

200-230 mg Quinoa
200-230 mg Soybeans
220 mg Peanut Butter
150 mg Oatmeal
150 mg Tuna
100-120 mg Mackerel

100 mg 100 mg Brown rice 90-100 mg Green vegetables (spinach and tp)
60-80 mg Bananas
20-25 mg The role of zinc in metabolism

Zinc, like magnesium, is necessary for the body for a large number of metabolic processes. Since zinc is part of more than 400 different enzymes, its shortage is capable of disrupting metabolism in a complex way, while immunity and the synthesis of sex hormones suffer the most.

We note in particular that strength training significantly increases the body's need for zinc, since this mineral is necessary for the synthesis of amino acids in muscles, their effective work and subsequent recovery. Lack of zinc also reduces testosterone and growth hormone levels.
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Zinc: norms and content in products
The recommended daily intake of zinc for men is about 10-11 mg, for women - 7-8 mg. Athletes need about 15 mg of zinc per day, and the upper limit is 40 mg per day. However, the symptoms of zinc deficiency are not as pronounced as the symptoms of magnesium deficiency.
Most zinc is found in nuts, meat and legumes. However, in order to get enough of this mineral, you need to eat 250-350 g of beef or 700-1000 g of chicken meat every day - which is a high enough number for ordinary people, not to mention vegetarian.
Table of Zinc Rich Foods
Zinc content per 100 g Percent of daily value

Pumpkin seeds
10 mg Sunflower Seeds
4-5 mg 40-45%
3-4 mg 30-40%
Beef liver

Beef meat
3-8 mg 30-80%
Chicken meat
1-4 mg 10-40%

Soya beans
Hard cheese 3-4 mg 30-40%
Bamboo shoots
Most vegetables
0.3-0.5 mg Most fruits

0.15-0.05 mg How to take magnesium and zinc?

Carefully read the above tables of magnesium and zinc in food - if you do not get 100% of the daily value, you are recommended to take these minerals in tablets. In this case, you will notice a significant increase in strength. Testosterone levels may also increase.
The main rule of the use of supplements with zinc and magnesium is that it is important to avoid their joint intake with calcium - in this case, the percentage of absorption of all three minerals is reduced. It is usually recommended to take magnesium and zinc immediately before breakfast, on an empty stomach.
Strength training increases the body's need for zinc and magnesium - however, most people do not get enough of them with regular food. Taking these minerals as supplements will help improve sports metabolism and normalize testosterone levels.
