Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Solaray Magnesium Glycinate Dietary Supplement, 400 mg per 4 Capsules, 120 Count

Solaray Magnesium Glycinate Dietary Supplement, 400 mg per 4 Capsules, 120 Count
Solaray Magnesium Glycinate Dietary Supplement, 400 mg per 4 Capsules, 120 Count

The role of vitamin D and magnesium in the prevention of osteoporosis

Everyone knows that calcium is one of the most important building blocks necessary for the formation of bone and dental tissue. Nevertheless, the composition of the bones, in addition to calcium, includes many other components. These include a very important element of magnesium, the deficiency of which is quite common. Vitamin D is necessary in order to ensure the delivery of calcium to the bones. Both of these vital elements are responsible for the absorption of calcium from food and its entry into bone tissue: without them, the musculoskeletal system cannot function properly. Calcium should always be deliberately taken in combination with magnesium and vitamin D to improve calcium absorption and ensure healthy bones and joints. Therefore, foods containing vitamin D and magnesium should be included in the diet to eliminate these important nutrient deficiencies. Medications with a high vitamin D content, shown to prevent and reduce the severity of osteoporosis, also have a beneficial effect.
What is osteoporosis?

Osteoporosis or bone loss is a disease characterized by a decrease in bone density and an increased risk of bone fractures. Clinical manifestations are observed when the ratio of synthesis and resorption of bone tissue changes in the direction of increasing resorption, while, for example, the process of formation of new bone tissue slows down, and, as a result, its destruction begins to predominate. Both mechanisms are involved in the process of regular remodeling of bone tissue, within which there is a continuous replacement of old bone tissue with a new one. Thanks to this, every seven to ten years the human skeleton is completely updated. The hormones estrogen and androgen prevent a decrease in bone mineral density. In women during menopause, the level of estrogen decreases, so women in older age are more likely to develop osteoporosis than men of the same age. In approximately 95% of cases, primary osteoporosis is detected. On the other hand, patients with diabetes due to other diseases, as well as patients who take drugs with cortisone or have hyperthyroidism, are at particular risk for the development of secondary osteoporosis. Especially often osteoporosis affects the vertebral bodies and the femoral neck, firstly, because they are quite fragile, and, secondly, because they have to take on a significant burden. It also increases the susceptibility of the remaining bones of the skeleton to fractures.
Magnesium and vitamin D deficiency as a possible factor of osteoporosis aggravation

In the absence of two biofactors that are important for the synthesis of bone tissue - vitamin D and magnesium - the course of osteoporosis can be aggravated. According to recently published data, magnesium also serves as a stabilizer in the formation of bone tissue. Without the stabilizing effect of magnesium in the process of synthesis of bone tissue, its density also decreases. The term "osteoporosis" means an insufficient amount of calcium in the bones, but it is not necessary that calcium is also absent in other organs and tissues. Calcium is removed from the skeleton and enters the bloodstream. It is at this stage that the inclusion of foods high in the healthy trace element magnesium and vitamin D in the diet can help retain calcium where it is most needed. Strengthening of bone tissue and increase its synthesis also contributes to regular physical activity. In addition, physical activity also provides muscle strengthening: due to flabby and weak muscles, an additional load on the skeleton is created, which adversely affects the bone mass. Even regular walks, dance classes and a small set of exercises contribute to the preservation of bone density: just choose what you like!
Why is vitamin D important for our bone structure?

Vitamin D is responsible for many important tasks in our body. This, for example, an indispensable biofactor for the proper functioning of our immune system! Another major task of vitamin D lies in the regulation of calcium in our body. It regulates the absorption of calcium from the diet. Therefore, vitamin D is often prescribed as a preventive measure against rickets. In this disease - also called "softening of the bones" - the bones need the necessary calcium, as a consequence of this is their violation of mineralization, which leads to shortening and curvature of the limbs. However, vitamin D deficiency can also exacerbate diseases, like osteoporosis.
What is vitamin D and how is it synthesized?

Vitamin D is one of the few vitamins that people can synthesize themselves. Thus, its name "vitamin" is not fully applicable, because it is in fact a prohormone. Vitamin D is activated when sunlight hits the skin. Vitamin D3 is synthesized from dehydrocholesterol. From the blood it enters the liver, where it is converted into a storage form.

A healthy Central European adult who goes daily for 20-30 minutes in the sun can fully satisfy the body's need for vitamin D. After about 30 minutes, 250 micrograms of vitamin D is synthesized on a summer day. The body then actually stops the synthesis in order to eliminate overdose. Vitamin D waste is stored in adipose tissue, which will be obtained and activated during the winter months when the sun emits not enough ultraviolet radiation to synthesize vitamin D. Therefore, it is important to get enough vitamin D in the summer!
Vitamin D is synthesized by the sun - is it that simple?

In order for the body itself to synthesize vitamin D, the skin is sufficiently exposed to the sun to begin its synthesis. Too much clothing and sunscreen with a high sun protection factor can interfere with the synthesis of vitamin D, because they prevent UV radiation. In this case, should we use less sunscreen? This is indeed a dilemma in times when there are more informed warnings about the dangers of skin cancer.

However, vitamin D3 deficiency can easily occur during the winter months. In Central Europe, the angle of incidence of the sun's rays is too flat, so the necessary UV - radiation cannot even reach us. North of the 42nd parallel (i.e., the approximate location of Barcelona or Boston), is the period from November to February; north of the 52nd parallel (i.e. north of Berlin or Edmonton), it is even from October to March. People with darker skin find it harder to synthesize vitamin D3, the darker the skin color, the slower the synthesis of vitamin D. In turn, dark skin is better protected from the harmful effects of sunlight, which allows you to sunbathe a little longer without risking to burn. But if you intend to spend a few hours outdoors, then never forget to apply sunscreen! Do not be exposed to the sun for too long according to your skin type.
Vitamin D in foods

Fortunately, vitamin D3 can be obtained from products, albeit in limited quantities. Vitamin D3 is in fish, eggs and dairy products. Older people need more vitamin D due to the higher risk of osteoporosis. They move less, therefore they spend less time outdoors. In addition, the synthesis in the skin slows down significantly with age. To eliminate vitamin D deficiency, you must take vitamin D extra.
The value of magnesium for bone health

Magnesium is best known for its role in maintaining muscle performance. Magnesium is necessary for muscles to relax after exercise. Therefore, magnesium deficiency manifests itself quite quickly in the form of night cramps, which reduce calf muscles, and arrhythmias, because the heart is also “just” muscle. For women, magnesium is especially important because it has an antispasmodic effect. The body can store magnesium, but not in adipose tissue, where vitamin D is deposited, but in bone and tooth. Approximately 60% of the 25 g of magnesium entering the body are subsequently bound to bone and dental tissue. Only about 1% of the total magnesium enters the bloodstream with proteins. The remaining proportion of magnesium is distributed in the muscles and soft tissues, where it is associated, for example, with ATP (adenosine triphosphate, the “fuel” of our cells) to perform its functions. Magnesium is not stored passively in the bones, but participates in the stabilization of bone tissue, as well as in the processes of growth and mineralization of the bones. With an insufficient amount of magnesium, it does not perform these important functions, as a result of which the course of such diseases as osteoporosis worsens. Therefore, both the considered mineral substances are necessary for the bone tissue cells. So, it is logical to assume that calcium and magnesium daily enter the body in sufficient quantities with food and drinks, for example, mineral water. If a deficiency is detected, appropriate preparations should be used. Finally, another equally important function of magnesium — the activation of vitamin D — should be mentioned. Vitamin D or, more precisely, calcitriol in turn regulates the absorption of calcium and magnesium in the small intestine. Thus, it can be argued that both biofactors have a direct and critical effect on their own absorption from food.
What is the need for bones in magnesium?

Since the average European citizen's diet includes foods with a relatively low magnesium content, a slight deficiency of this substance is quite common. Many other factors in our daily life force our bodies to use or remove large amounts of magnesium than usual.

For example, during exercise, magnesium is consumed during intensive muscle work, but it is also displayed along with sweat. In patients with chronic diseases such as diabetes, magnesium is also excreted in large quantities. According to the recommendations of the German Nutrition Society, depending on age and sex, a healthy person should receive from 300 to 400 mg of magnesium. Those at risk or experiencing a higher need for magnesium in connection with taking medications should consult a physician before increasing the dose of magnesium in order to prevent deficiency.
Foods that contain magnesium

The sources of magnesium are cereals, nuts and plant sprouts, for example, South American quinoa and amaranth plants, as well as pumpkin and sunflower seeds, sesame and almonds. Seaweed and, of course, some varieties of mineral water also contain magnesium. So, when buying mineral water, in addition to the calcium content, pay attention to the magnesium content per liter of water: with its help, you can easily cover your need for this mineral. Great news for chocolate lovers: 100 g of cocoa powder contain 420 mg of magnesium. Therefore, to strengthen the bones, you can often eat a small amount of dark chocolate, because depending on the cocoa content, the bitter chocolate contains about 292 mg of magnesium. Vegetarians find it easier to provide the body with magnesium than those who prefer meat - at least if they like tofu. Soy products contain about 260 mg of magnesium per 100 g.
Prevention of osteoporosis is not limited to calcium intake.

If we talk about osteoporosis, we should not limit only the effect on the bones and the need for calcium intake: for the proper course of complex processes in our body is not enough. Effective prevention of osteoporosis and calcium intake in those areas of the body where it is needed most are possible only with the right balance of magnesium and vitamin D. Do not forget to discuss preventive measures with your doctor, because even in this matter you should be guided by the individual characteristics of each individual person.


MagSRT Magnesium Malate Supplement (Jigsaw Magnesium w/SRT) - Premium, Organic, Slow Release Magnesium Tablets - Easy to Swallow - 120 ct

MagSRT Magnesium Malate Supplement (Jigsaw Magnesium w/SRT) - Premium, Organic, Slow Release Magnesium Tablets - Easy to Swallow - 120 ct
MagSRT Magnesium Malate Supplement (Jigsaw Magnesium w/SRT) - Premium, Organic, Slow Release Magnesium Tablets - Easy to Swallow - 120 ct


Quite often in my appointments to patients there are recommendations for increasing the consumption of magnesium-containing products and magnesium preparations. And this is not surprising. Magnesium is called the metal of life. It is one of the most abundant minerals in nature and is found, for example, in the oceans in the form of magnesium chloride, and in chlorophyll plants in the form of pure magnesium.
Magnesium plays an equally important role in our body than in the life of our planet. It is present in almost every cell of the body and participates in 300 biochemical processes that constantly occur in the body. It refers to 12 basic elements, which scientists call structure-forming, because they account for 99% of the weight of the human body.
The main role of magnesium in the body is in the regulation of enzymes that send chemical signals throughout the body. It is necessary for the normal functioning of ATP molecules, which are the source of energy in the human body. This element is involved in the construction of DNA of new cells, the assimilation of mineral substances and the preservation of bone tissue, the reduction of muscle oxen, and the regulation of glucose and cholesterol levels.
Magnesium affects the brain and neurotransmitters, on which our mood depends, provides the brain with the necessary amount of dopamine and other chemicals that cause feelings of satisfaction that counteract depression. Psychiatrists even put forward the theory that a significant prevalence of depression is associated with inadequate consumption of whole grains, a source of magnesium, in food.
The most important protective role of magnesium in the brain is that with a sufficient amount of it, the brain gets an opportunity to relax, relax, process information.
Magnesium helps to slow down or suppress the activity of the adrenal glands, protecting the body from excess stress hormones - cortisol, adrenaline. Lack of magnesium can cause chronic stress, and long-term stress in turn leads to a further decrease in magnesium levels.
Most often, magnesium deficiency is manifested by the following symptoms:

● muscle cramps and spasms
● unexplained mood swings, anxiety and irritability
● sleep disorders
● feeling of heartbeat, choking, coma in the throat
● pressure increase, arrhythmias
● weakness, fatigue during daily physical activity
Magnesium is vital for the functioning of the female reproductive system. With its level is associated the flow of menstruation, the ability to conceive and bear pregnancies. Women are more susceptible to magnesium deficiency, especially during periods when hormonal ratios change: during puberty, during pregnancy, the postpartum period, in menopause. The need for this element for non-pregnant women is 300-350 mg per day, 450 mg is required for expectant mothers.
Magnesium deficiency is detected in such pathologies of pregnancy as gestosis, spontaneous abortions, premature birth, placental insufficiency, fetal hypotrophy. The placenta is characterized by one of the highest levels of magnesium. She synthesizes more than 150 proteins, 70% of which are magnesium-dependent.
Long-term use of combined oral contraceptives leads to the loss of vitamins and minerals, the most vulnerable are B vitamins, zinc, selenium and magnesium. The deficiency of micronutrients is more acute if the beginning of the administration of COC was stratified on their initial deficiency.

Proved the role of magnesium in the development of premenstrual syndrome. With its lack of PMS flows more acutely (hence the increased attraction to chocolate these days). Normally, magnesium in the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle is relaxing and "anti-stress." He is able not only to improve the mood these days, but also to reduce fluid retention, to relieve discomfort.
The symptoms of menopausal syndrome are similar to the symptoms of magnesium deficiency: hot flashes, sleep disturbances, feeling of shortness of breath, paresthesia, muscle and joint pain, nervousness, fatigue. Experts note that the age-related decrease in ovarian hormones and magnesium deficiency are two parallel processes that aggravate the well-being of women during menopause. It has been established that not only calcium and vitamin D play an essential role in maintaining bone density, but also magnesium, with its sufficient level in bones, reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
And magnesium can be called a precious metal that can decorate any woman. When it is deficient, the complexion deteriorates, edema and bags under the eyes appear, and premature wrinkles appear.
The main causes of magnesium deficiency are:

● drinking soft filtered water with low magnesium content
● an increase in the share of foods with low magnesium content: enrichment of the soil with nitrogen, fluorine, calcium leads to a decrease in the proportion of this metal, which affects the composition of most foods
● chronic stress, excessive physical and mental stress
● alcohol and smoking
● abuse of coffee, junk food, sweets and carbonated drinks
● long-term intake of antibiotics, diuretics, hormonal drugs Magnesium deficiency is aggravated against the background of chronic diseases (diabetes, cardiac pathology, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract).
Every woman wants to be healthy, to preserve youth and beauty. Setting such goals, it is necessary to pay attention to the usefulness of food, drinking water, to reconsider their views on low-calorie diets, to give up bad habits.
To supplement magnesium with food, they recommend: cocoa, hazelnuts and walnuts, almonds, seeds, leafy greens, soy products, buckwheat, oats, barley, barley, bran, legumes, avocados, bananas.
In some cases, after evaluating the clinical symptoms and biochemical analyzes of the patient, in addition to eating foods rich in this element, the doctor will recommend taking magnesium in the form of pure salt or in combination with group B vitamins.
The role of magnesium in women's health is traditionally underestimated, it is often and completely undeservedly forgotten. And the causes of the annoying problems are explained incorrectly, the symptoms are eliminated one-time - sedative, hypnotics, caffeine. But there is an alternative to these measures - an appeal to a doctor for competent replenishment of the metal of life to an optimal level.
Be in balance, balance and harmony with a universal trace element - magnesium! May its deficiency never be the cause of your ailments and illnesses.


Natural Vitality Natural Calm Diet Supplement, Raspberry Lemon, 8 Ounce,Pack of 1

Natural Vitality Natural Calm Diet Supplement, Raspberry Lemon, 8 Ounce,Pack of 1
Natural Vitality Natural Calm Diet Supplement, Raspberry Lemon, 8 Ounce,Pack of 1

Magnesium oil. Why is it useful to everyone?

In today's article I will tell you about the amazing properties of magnesium oil and how to use it. And also leave a review on the famous Life-flo magnesium oil.

What is so useful magnesium oil?

Magnesium oil is essentially not oil. This is a highly concentrated solution of magnesium salts in water. The concentration is so high that when applied to the skin, it is not wateriness that is felt, but oiliness.

First of all, magnesium oil is used to replenish magnesium deficiency in the body. Studies show that more than half the people in the world have hidden magnesium deficiency. And it is natural. Constant stress, poor diet, poor ecology and poor-quality drinking water destroy magnesium. And problems with the gastrointestinal tract often do not allow to receive the required dose of magnesium with food and special additives.

Therefore, the transdermal method is considered an excellent alternative to replenishing magnesium in the body, since magnesium is completely absorbed through the skin. It is enough to put oil on the skin for 30 minutes and then wash it off. During this time, the body will have time to “absorb” the amount of magnesium it needs through the skin.
What else is the benefit of magnesium oil?
Helps with migraines

Magnesium is very useful in migraines. Some scientists even believe that magnesium deficiency is actually a risk factor for migraine. Studies have shown that those who suffer from migraines often have magnesium deficiency, although a direct causal link has not been fully established. Nevertheless, there is ample evidence that magnesium can positively influence the health of people suffering from migraine and severe headache. Those who have a migraine should try to spray magnesium oil on their shoulders, neck and upper back - and massage it into the skin.
Improves skin condition

Magnesium can even improve skin condition. When applied topically, magnesium oil breaks down fats and oils. This effect can reduce the oily skin. And this, in turn, can reduce the severity and frequency of acne. There is even evidence that magnesium helps with eczema and rosacea. Just spray 1-3 doses of magnesium oil into a handful once a day and rub it into the affected skin.
Helps with muscle and joint pain

Massage and compresses with magnesium oil help relieve tension in the muscles and prevent muscle and joint pain.
Helps normalize night sleep

Magnesium also works excellently as a means to normalize night sleep. Magnesium can relieve tension in the receptors of the nervous system in general and the brain in particular. This can help calm down and relax both the body and the mind. Such relaxation can cause sleep. In case of serious insomnia, when all other options have already been tried, you can turn to magnesium - before going to sleep, rub magnesium oil into your skin.
Relieves PMS symptoms

One of the most unexpected beneficial properties of magnesium oil is the fact that it can help in alleviating the unpleasant symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. It is proven that magnesium relieves pain and bloating, which often manifest as PMS symptoms. On sale you can find many chemicals that can alleviate the discomfort caused by PMS, but unlike them, magnesium is natural and beneficial to the body. Women who want to alleviate the symptoms of PMS can increase the magnesium content in their food - or rub some magnesium oil in their hands if they feel dizzy, irritated, bloated or cramped.
Reduces Stress

It is known that during stress, the body burns magnesium, so it is often spoken of in the context of reducing stress levels. This is one of those beneficial properties of magnesium that are currently not fully investigated; However, it is generally believed that magnesium actually helps to reduce stress and anxiety. If the goal is to help relieve stress or anxiety, magnesium oil can be sprayed onto the arms, legs or stomach - and gently rub into the skin so that it is completely absorbed. A bath or foot bath with magnesium chloride and essential oils can also have a significant relaxing effect.
Supports Diabetes

Diabetes is another serious problem that is often caused by poor nutrition. Many diabetics, especially with poor or absent treatment, have very low levels of magnesium. It has been suggested that diabetics may require a dosage of magnesium more than twice the usual recommendation, which is 350-400 mg per day. They may need to take both dietary supplements with magnesium orally and apply magnesium oil to the skin after a shower.
Natural deodorant

Magnesium has been used as a natural deodorant for many years. It is scientifically proven that it can minimize body odors. Many people like to add natural oils to magnesium, such as lavender, and thus prepare their own natural deodorant. Shop deodorants are often expensive and contain harmful chemicals, so you can use natural instead.
Hair care

You can rub magnesium oil into your scalp. This increases blood circulation, helps to reduce hair loss and new hair growth. You can mix magnesium oil with base oils (coconut, jojoba, etc.) and apply as a mask before washing your head
How to use magnesium oil:

To compensate for the magnesium deficiency , 1-2 times a day is enough to apply a couple of zilch oil on the skin. Leave at least half an hour to the required amount of magnesium had time to be absorbed. Then you can wash it off, or you can leave it on the skin.

If left on the skin, then after a while a whitish salt buildup forms - this is absolutely normal.
If the skin is sensitive, it is better to apply magnesium oil on the areas with a fat layer. Magnesium can give tangible tingling on thin skin, this reaction is normal and is not at all.
It is not necessary to apply magnesium oil on damaged and irritated skin areas - it will be tingling strongly.
When muscle and joint pain magnesium oil is used for massage, wrapping with hot towels. With prolonged use of magnesium oil, muscle cramps disappear.
To relieve tension and stress, it is recommended to massage the legs and legs with magnesium oil.

In short, magnesium oil is a versatile and incredibly useful product that, together, can help solve many health problems.


Natural Vitality Natural Calm Magnesium, Powder, Raspberry Lemon 16 Ounce 2-Pack

Natural Vitality Natural Calm Magnesium, Powder, Raspberry Lemon 16 Ounce 2-Pack
Natural Vitality Natural Calm Magnesium, Powder, Raspberry Lemon 16 Ounce 2-Pack

Magnesium in foods: the benefits of magnesium and which foods contain

Magnesium is an important element that we need for normal functioning. It produces energy and regulates blood sugar and chemical reactions in the body. Magnesium in foods helps maintain healthy levels of minerals such as calcium, potassium and zinc. Our heart, muscles and kidneys need magnesium to work properly. The element also helps maintain healthy teeth and bones. In general, we need magnesium. Some diseases can lead to magnesium deficiency, including:

gastrointestinal diseases such as irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease and celiac disease;
kidney disease;
gastric viruses that cause vomiting and diarrhea.

Regular consumption of too much alcohol or caffeine can also affect magnesium levels. And in the summer, with a shortage of this element, the blood thickens. This leads not only to convulsions, which in itself is felt not so hot. Magnesium deficiency can lead to the formation of blood clots, and they, in turn, can cause a stroke.
Daily intake of magnesium for humans

The World Health Organization recommends the following daily intake of magnesium:

Children 1-3 years: 80 mg
Children 4-8 years: 130 mg
Children 9-13 years: 240 mg
Teens 14-18 years old: boys 410 mg and girls 360 mg
Adults 19-30 years old: men 400 mg and women 310 mg
Adults 31+ years old: men 420 mg and women 320 mg

Magnesium is found in many products. The following 7 products are among the best natural sources of magnesium. Try to include more of these foods in your diet to increase the level of magnesium.
Dark chocolate

It is very rich in magnesium (64 mg in 30 grams) - this is 16% of the daily value of this element. Dark chocolate also contains a lot of iron, copper and manganese, prebiotic fibers that nourish healthy intestinal bacteria. Moreover, it is loaded with beneficial antioxidants. These nutrients that neutralize free radicals. They protect cells from oxidative processes. It helps prevent many diseases, including cancer. Antioxidants also prevent premature aging of the body.

Dark leafy greens are rich in nutrients, and spinach is no exception. One medium bunch of spinach contains 157 mg of magnesium. Not surprisingly, spinach is one of the main elements of green detoxifying smoothies.
Whole Grain Groats

Most whole grains are a good source of magnesium, but wheat flour contains 160 mg per cup. Use whole wheat instead of white flour for baking and buy whole grain bread in the store, and you will be healthy.

Avocado contains 58 mg of magnesium per fruit, which is 16% of the daily requirements for the element. Bonus - it has a lot of healthy fats that are good for brain health, and also for a flat stomach. The fruit also contains a huge amount of B vitamins, vitamin K, and it has more potassium than bananas. Therefore, avocado is one of the most useful products for preserving heart health.

Quinoa is cooked and eaten just like rice. Krupa is known for its health benefits and shape. Magnesium is needed to preserve health and beauty, and in quinoa this element is abundant. One cup of cooked cereal contains 118 mg of magnesium.
Almond, Cashew and Peanut

Almonds, cashews and peanuts are not only beneficial for the body, but also for health, as they contain magnesium. 30 g of almonds contain 80 mg of magnesium or about 20% of the recommended daily intake. Cashew contains 74 mg per 30 g, and 2 tablespoons of peanut butter contains 49 mg of magnesium. These nuts can be added to various dishes to add extra texture and flavor, or they can be used as healthy snacks. The second option is preferable if you watch your figure, as the nuts are quite high in calories and very nourishing.

Tofu is an excellent substitute for meat, whether you are a vegetarian or just want something easier for the digestive system. Half a cup of tofu contains 37 mg of magnesium, which is almost 10% of the daily value. Add tofu to pasta or salads to get the most out of one meal.


KAL? Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | Extra Value Size | 100 Servings | 200 Tablets

KAL? Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | Extra Value Size | 100 Servings | 200 Tablets
KAL? Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | Extra Value Size | 100 Servings | 200 Tablets

Magnesium during pregnancy, its role, lack of magnesium

Pregnancy - perhaps the most important period in the life of any woman. From the moment of pregnancy, the expectant mother is responsible not only for her life, but also for the health of the unborn baby. At this stage, the main task of the future mother is to create such conditions for the development of the child so that he does not feel the lack of any elements, since the lack of certain substances may adversely affect the formation of organs and systems of the little man growing inside her. Magnesium during pregnancy is one of the most important trace elements, the lack of which can cause late toxicosis, which is dangerous for life and health of both mother and child.
The role of magnesium

During childbirth, the body's need for magnesium increases one and a half times, as well as in the subsequent lactation period. During pregnancy it is necessary to increase the amount of all the vitamins and minerals entering the body, but in this article we will focus on Mg, as one of the most important trace elements.

It takes part in metabolic processes, helps in the formation of the skeleton, muscles, immune and nervous system. The element is also important for the normalization of the process of transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle tissue, for relaxing the muscles, relieving their tension. Invaluable effect of Mg on the activity of the nervous system.

Scientists have proven that this mineral helps in the transfer of genetic material from parents to children and is involved in the formation of the DNA molecule. That is why the reception of the mineral can be assigned to a woman before conception.

Even after the appearance of the embryo in the uterus, the action of magnesium is aimed at ensuring the normal functioning of the placenta, through which throughout the pregnancy the baby receives the necessary elements from the mother's body.

Other functions of Mg, which are important not only for pregnant girls, but also for children, women and men of all ages, experts call:

obstruction of the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys and gall bladder;
does not allow blood clots to form;
removal of toxins, cholesterol, bile and slags;
acceleration of tissue renewal processes;
excretion of the hormone adrenaline, intensively produced in stressful situations;
strengthening the nervous system;
stimulation of muscle growth;
activation of the bowels;
blood glucose control.

In addition, magnesium normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the heart muscle.

In the body of an adult, the concentration of the element can reach 29 grams, depending on body weight. Its greatest amount is contained inside the cells, in the bone tissue and teeth. The acute need for it is experienced by the cells of the brain, liver, kidneys, heart.
Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy

Magnesium deficiency in the body is expressed by a number of symptoms. You can not talk about the presence of hypomagnesemia (lack of Mg) in the presence of only one of the signs of pathology. Diagnosis is possible only on the basis of analyzes and the overall clinical picture.

Mineral deficiency can be expressed by the following symptoms:

regularly rising blood pressure;
cramps and muscle spasms;
fragility, brittle nails and hair;
deterioration of the teeth;
hormonal disruptions and disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system in women, painful PMS;
heart failure, pain and seizures;
pains appearing in the joints and muscles during an abrupt change in the weather.

Most of all, the lack of Mg is reflected in the normal functioning of the nervous system. A person suffering from hypomagnesemia, complains of depressive and anxiety, insomnia, headaches, loss of concentration, memory impairment, nervousness, irritability, fatigue, irascibility.

For women who are in an interesting position, pathology is more dangerous several times. The presence of such a diagnosis can provoke serious violations in the development of the fetus and, in the early stages, cause pathological changes in the formation of the heart and the musculoskeletal system. Also, a lack of Mg can trigger a miscarriage or cause premature labor.

If an insufficient amount of a mineral enters the body, then the body begins to fill the deficit as it can, taking the element from those organs where it is located most of all. These are bones and teeth. As a result, they become brittle and fragile. Therefore, often pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers, complain of tooth decay.

In the later stages of pregnancy, 30-40 weeks, hypomagnesemia can lead to preeclampsia. This complication can manifest itself in the form of high blood pressure, loss of protein during urination, edema, seizures.

Also, magnesium deficiency can cause complications in the process of delivery, as it has a negative effect on muscle activity. Muscles become less elastic, their normal contraction is disturbed, and therefore the risk of injuries during childbirth for both mother and child increases.
How to determine magnesium deficiency during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hypomagnesemia is manifested by abnormalities in the work of many organs and body systems.

Muscle cramps . This symptom often occurs in expectant mothers. It is expressed in pains in the lumbar region and legs, especially cramps in the calf muscles. As a rule, they occur at night, when a woman’s legs are in one position for a long time. Also not excluded complaints of discomfort in the cervical spine. In addition, involuntary contraction of the uterus muscles is possible, which is accompanied by lower abdominal pain. Increased uterine tone can lead to abortion in early pregnancy and premature delivery in the later stages.
Disorders of the nervous system . Mood swings are peculiar to any girl while the baby is waiting. This is due to changes in the hormonal background and experiences about the life and health of the child. Against the background of a lack of Mg, the psycho-emotional state of a woman is changing for the worse. Nervousness and tearfulness appear, working capacity decreases, memory and concentration deteriorates, sleep is disturbed.
Changes in the cardiovascular system . With a lack of Mg during pregnancy, problems such as high blood pressure, headaches and dizziness arise. Against this background, the fluid is retained in the body of the expectant mother, and swelling of the legs appears. Arrhythmias and soreness in the heart area are also possible. It is not excluded the violation of the vessels, as a result of which the blood flow to the extremities slows down.
Effects on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract . Hypomagnesemia is almost always accompanied by disorders in the digestive system. Therefore, problems with the chair and flatulence - constant satellites are pathologies.

During pregnancy, the element plays a large role in the body of the future mother. In addition, he is involved in the formation of the placenta, Mg is necessary for the structure of protein structures in the body of the baby, the creation of its nervous system. Mineral increases the stress resistance of the woman herself and participates in the regulation of uterine tone.

Consequences of hypomagnesemia may be premature maturation of the placenta, gestational diabetes mellitus, disturbances in the process of childbirth, the threat of miscarriage and premature birth.

During pregnancy, the uterus and placenta become the organs with the highest magnesium content.
Daily dose of magnesium for pregnant women

Depending on the age, a person needs a different dose of magnesium. For adult women and men, the daily dosage is 300-350mg of the element. A pregnant woman, as mentioned above, the need for a trace element increases by half. That is, the expectant mother should receive 450-500 mg of the substance daily. Mothers who are breastfeeding need the same amount.
Ways to get magnesium

The expectant mother should receive most of the necessary substances during pregnancy from natural products, that is, from water and food.

The leader among products with a high content of Mg is food of plant origin. But women carrying a child should be careful about using them. Some of them can lead to disruptions in the digestive system. In addition, they all contain a large number of calories. This can lead to weight gain, which will be difficult to get rid of after the birth of a child. Also, some products are not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
Wheat bran.
Roasted sesame seeds.
Peanuts and nuts (almonds, cashews, pine nuts, hazelnuts).
Oat and cornflakes.
Cocoa powder.
Sea Kale
Bitter chocolate.
Brown rice
Red caviar

When consuming foods with a high content of trace elements, it is worth remembering that excess Mg is also harmful to the body, as well as its lack. Therefore, you need to be careful and at least approximately control the amount of incoming substance.
Magnesium mineral water

This element is contained in any mineral water, but in different quantities. In any case, ordinary mineral waters, regardless of whether they are medicinal, medicinal or table, contain Mg in a fairly low concentration. To compensate for the lack of minerals in the body, such water is indispensable.

But recently mineral water of the newest development “Magnium” appeared on the Russian market. The uniqueness of its composition lies in the emphasis on magnesium. It is produced in accordance with GOST and has all the necessary certificates of conformity. The main component of water is magnesium citrate. Clinical studies have shown that this is the most digestible form of the substance. Once in the body, citrate Mg decomposes into water and carbon dioxide, providing better absorption of the beneficial trace element.

The positive effects of receiving such water experts include:

absorption of vitamin B and calcium;
normalization of the nervous system;
help with the breakdown of glucose and insulin absorption;
blood pressure regulation;
reduction of pain during menstruation;
removal of toxins, slags, cholesterol;
relief of menopause.

An adult to take a daily dosage of magnesium should be consumed 2-3 bottles per day. In a pregnant woman, the need increases to 4 bottles of Magnium water. But it is worth remembering that women in the position is not recommended to use more than 1.5 liters of water per day, this can cause edema. Therefore, the intake of water "Magnium" during pregnancy should be combined with the use in food of products enriched with mineral.

Mineral water "Magnium" has no contraindications with the exception of hypermagnesia, that is, the excessive content of the considered element in the body.
Mineral Complexes

Most often, doctors, after identifying the pathology of hypomagnesemia, prescribe vitamin and mineral supplementation. The reason for this is the presence in the complex of a certain set of elements that are also necessary for a pregnant woman in the process of carrying a child.

But the intake of such drugs can not be permanent, since their prolonged use can trigger the appearance of an excess in the body of a substance.

Magne B6 is prescribed to increase the concentration of Mg in the body. But, like any such means, it has contraindications. These are sensitivity to the drug and its components, renal failure, fructose intolerance, lactation period, age up to 1 year. In addition, Magne B6 has possible side effects: abdominal pain, bowel disorder, allergic reaction.

All methods of obtaining magnesium have their pros and cons, indications and contraindications. The most safe method of saturation of the body with this substance is the use of water "Magnium" in combination with natural products enriched with this mineral.


Cardiovascular Research Magnesium Taurate Capsules, 180 Count

Cardiovascular Research Magnesium Taurate Capsules, 180 Count
Cardiovascular Research Magnesium Taurate Capsules, 180 Count

Magnesium is one remedy for many diseases.

During my work, I had a fairly clear understanding that most of the acquired cardiac pathology is related to magnesium deficiency.
In foreign countries, serious studies of the role of magnesium in thousands of patients have been carried out; governments (for example, Finland) have implemented magnesium deficiency prevention programs, the implementation of which has given a very serious decrease in the incidence (the number of heart attacks in Finland has halved in the 15 years of the program); pharmaceutical companies are producing more and more different products containing this metal. Unfortunately, in the Russian national recommendations on cardiology, the use of magnesium is specified in only a few cases.
At present, it is scientifically proven that a very wide range of pathological conditions is caused precisely by a magnesium deficiency in the body. I will try to outline this circle:
Cardiology : high blood pressure, rapid or irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (and, as a result, coronary heart disease with its terrible complication - heart attack), tendency to thrombosis, pain in the heart (cardialgia), mitral valve prolapse.
Psychoneurology: irritability, poor sleep, impaired thinking, depression, fatigue, vascular dystonia (including panic attacks and hyperventilation syndrome), muscle cramps and spasms (including nocturnal cramps and women muscles), risk of muscle cramps (including women with cramps, women), risk of a spasm of muscles (including nocturnal cramps and women,), a risk of muscle spasms (including night cramps and women with a panic syndrome), risk of muscle cramps brain feeding vessels.
Pulmonology: bronchospasm (difficulty breathing out).
Gastroenterology: constipation or diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain due to impaired gastrointestinal motility.
Urology: oxalate kidney stones or a tendency to stone formation.
Gynecology and obstetrics: premenstrual syndrome, miscarriage, increased pressure and convulsions during pregnancy.
Endocrinology: hyperaldosteronism (fluid retention in the body).
Rheumatology, cosmetology : connective tissue diseases and skin aging as problems of collagen metabolism.
Oncology (although the information is still scarce and poorly verified): - magnesium deficiency leads to an increase in the number of cancer.
Narcology: a very significant part of the origin of the "hangover syndrome" is due to the fact that alcohol expels magnesium from the body. Hence the use of magnesium preparations for the prevention and treatment of withdrawal symptoms.
Accordingly, all these states are corrected (understandably, in different degrees and at different times) by saturating the body with magnesium.
The need for magnesium increases significantly during physical and emotional stress, alcohol abuse, pregnancy and feeding, chronic fatigue syndrome, eating certain foods (coffee), and taking medicines.
[Magnesium deficiency can occur with diarrhea, kidney disease, diuretic treatment, with estrogen and contraceptives, folic acid. The adrenaline released during stress increases the excretion of magnesium through the kidneys. Low levels of magnesium in the blood can also be observed during fasting, toxicosis, and diabetes. Since then, magnesium is excreted from the body in insignificant amounts, although with excessive sweating, losses can increase significantly]
Is magnesium deficiency determined by blood tests?
99% of magnesium in the human body is inside the cells, so the content of metal ions in the blood plasma reflects the state of the remaining one percent. The blood test in this case has a much lower accuracy than your state of health. I will quote from the official website of the Invitro Laboratory: "The level of magnesium in serum can be maintained within normal limits even with a decrease in the total amount of magnesium in the body by 80%." The determination of magnesium in red blood cells, as well as in hair and nails, is considered more reliable. Accordingly, if in the blood test the content of magnesium is below normal, then its real deficiency in the body is huge.
How does the body get the right amount of magnesium?
Daily requirements for magnesium in the literature are 350 mg for women and 450 mg for men. Tables of magnesium content in food products are widely represented on the Internet. The only problem is that far from all the magnesium contained in food is perceived by the body, and, according to the general opinion of the doctors dealing with this issue, it is practically impossible to “eat” the normal amount of magnesium. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide the body with well-digestible magnesium in adequate quantities.
[Most magnesium in wheat bran and wheat grains. Quite a lot of magnesium in buckwheat, legumes: beans and peas. Magnesium is plentiful in hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews and almonds.
Modern food processing methods reduce magnesium content. Even from magnesium-rich foods, it is lost if the products are soaked in water, but do not use broths or infusions for food. Due to the abundant use of chemicals in agriculture, magnesium is worse absorbed by plants, especially on calcareous soils. Fat and fiber foods interfere with the absorption of magnesium].

Can magnesium be poisoned?
It is possible, if a patient with severe kidney pathology who is on hemodialysis, EXTREMELY magnesium is infused. In other cases, the excess magnesium intake of IN will be removed by the intestine (by varying the degree of relaxation of the chair). Specialists working in the field of stopping binge drinking, according to the standard scheme, inject patients intramuscularly to a gram of magnesium, and everything superfluous is eliminated by the kidneys during the day. So our attempts to poison the body with a maximum of five hundred milligrams INSIDE will never be successful.
What magnesium preparations are on the Russian market?
Let's see what is sold in pharmacies. I do not consider network marketing products, as well as drugs of particularly “shy” (or boorish?) Russian producers that do not print the amount of magnesium in instructions, for example, Motherwort Forte, Sea Calcium or Calcid Magnesium ( You do not need to know, “lope hang in grams?”, And these show great “respect” to you).
Dear authors dealing with the absorption of magnesium, note that calcium significantly impairs the absorption of magnesium, so I dismiss all combinations of magnesium and calcium for myself. In addition, different salts have a different degree of digestibility: maximum - citrate, smaller - organic salts (lactate, pidolat, asparaginate), minimum - inorganic compounds (oxide, sulfate). It is also described that tablet preparations are absorbed by 60 percent at best.
Therefore, a little about the "liquid" drugs that are absorbed much better. There are only three of them (without calcium): Magnesium Plus, Magne B6 in ampoules, Natural Calm. Now I describe my personal feelings and conclusions. Magnesium Plus - I haven’t tried it personally yet, with four tablets (glasses of solution), in principle, you can get an almost full daily dose. I didn’t like Magne B6 with the sweet caramel obsession and the need to take four ampoules a day. And one drug is taken as a hot solution (half a glass in the morning and evening), which speeds up and improves absorption.
As a result, Natural Calm and MagneV6 Forte preparations of citrate of magnesium are suitable for serious saturation, for an average saturation with minimal expenditures of money - Doppelherz actives: Magnesium + B vitamins and Magnesium + Potassium. Everything else is a matter of taste.
[Natural Calm - powder containing magnesium carbonate (extracted from the ocean) and citrate (obtained from beets).
From reviews about the Natural Calm supplement, the liquid form of magnesium (citrate) is well absorbed, but it is difficult to find the right dosage. Half a teaspoon of powder already causes diarrhea. The normal single dose is about a quarter of a teaspoon.
It is expensive: with delivery - about $ 30 for 453 g:
In the case of a single dose of magnesium, it is better to take magnesium in the evening (sleep will improve).
How long to take magnesium preparations?
If you feel the effect of the reception and the drug does not cause you side effects - you can (and should) take LIFE. Some breaks are possible, but after about a week the state of magnesium balance in the body returns to its original state (as before taking the medications).
Let me remind you that the excess magnesium intake is rapidly excreted by the body, and it is almost impossible to “eat up” the normal concentration. So it’s up to you to choose which “pay tribute” pharmaceutical company to improve your condition.
You have every right to say that the doctor is trying to "plant" you to take magnesium. I agree, but you have long and firmly sit on the "needle" of water, oxygen, food, salt and other delights. Magnesium is not a drug, I assure you.
Magnesium is the most important mineral on the diet against hypertension
Source: http://lechenie-gipertonii.info/lechenie-gipertoni...o-li-obojtis-bez-lekarstv.html
Physicians should prescribe medicines and dietary supplements containing magnesium to each patient with hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately, due to their ignorance, they still rarely do it. If you have hypertension, then you lack magnesium with a probability of 80-90%. In order to bring your blood pressure to normal, be sure to fill this gap. Eliminating magnesium deficiency in your body is a simple and effective measure to reduce blood pressure and significantly improve your well-being.
Magnesium on a diet for hypertension
Magnesium plays a huge role in the human body, it is useful not only for the heart. For example, magnesium maintains salts in the urine in a dissolved state, prevents them from precipitating and thus prevents the formation of sand and kidney stones.
Magnesium relieves vasospasm and relaxes the central nervous system, so for hypertensive crises, patients often receive magnesia injections — a solution of magnesium sulfate. These injections quickly alleviate the condition of patients. Doctors have successfully used magnesium to relieve hypertensive crises, but, unfortunately, they are not yet used to using it in “regular” therapy for hypertension. Few people know that magnesium preparations can be considered natural analogues of drugs for hypertension of the calcium channel blocker group, but without their harmful side effects.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body:
high blood pressure
cardiac arrhythmia
muscle cramps and cramps
chronic fatigue
in women - severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
A diet for hypertension should include foods rich in magnesium. These include: black bread, legumes (beans, peas), cereals, bran, nuts, beets, parsley, dried apricots, sesame. The daily intake of magnesium for an adult is 300-600 mg. To get this amount of magnesium from food is almost impossible. For this, I would have to eat 1.5-2 kg of meat or drink 3-4 liters of milk.
Magnesium Deficiency and Hypertension
If potassium preparations can be used only in extreme cases and under strict medical supervision, then with magnesium it is the opposite. Nutritional supplements and pharmacy magnesium preparations are excellent sources of this mineral. They effectively lower blood pressure, and as “side effects” they will relieve you of other manifestations of magnesium deficiency, which we have listed above.
To eliminate the magnesium deficiency in the body, you do not need to contact the manufacturers of dubious food additives. It is likely that in the nearest pharmacy you will find magnesium preparations that are produced by large and reputable pharmaceutical companies. Ask the pharmacy Magnicum, Magvit or Magne-B6. These are excellent preparations that contain magnesium in easily digestible form, as well as vitamin B6.

Add a few words for patients who already have severe renal failure. They usually already know that they should be wary of any new pills, including to reduce the pressure. However, they can also try to take magnesium, but only under the supervision of a physician. It is best to do this in a hospital, where you will be continuously monitored for biochemical blood parameters and kidney function, and in the event of a crisis, they will quickly and effectively take action.
From comments:
"Look ... you are 31 years old, the systolic pressure, as you write, does not rise above 140. In such a situation, I would crawl out of my skin, if only I did not have to“ sit down ”on beta-blockers from my youth. If you do not have additional health problems !!! (for example, diabetes, kidney failure, heart disease), then I suggest you do the following. With your input data (31 years old, pressure not higher than 140), if you postpone taking a beta-blocker for 3 weeks, then nothing bad will happen .
If you have any of the above complications, then without a doctor’s control, don’t do what I’m writing about below.
It is highly likely that you will be able to cure hypertension without medication. I recommend you to do the following. Do not swallow the beta blocker yet. Instead, go to the pharmacy and buy 3 boxes of any of the magnesium preparations that are discussed in the article. That is, Magnicum, Magvit or Magne B-6. They are all the same in essence - take the one that is cheaper. Each of them contains 48 mg of magnesium and 5 mg of vitamin B6 in one tablet; you will read about this in the instructions.
The daily intake of magnesium for an adult is 300-600 mg. Take 8 tablets per day in 3 doses. This will be 8 * 48 = 394 mg of magnesium and 40 mg of vitamin B6 per day. Before meals or after - as you like. The main thing - 8 tablets per day, no less. It is completely harmless, on the contrary is very useful. A lower dose may not work quickly.
If you add fish oil and / or taurine here, it will be good, but it is not necessary. These are food additives “for perspective”, they do not give effect immediately. And I hope you will feel the normalization of pressure from significant doses of magnesium quickly.
3 * 50 = 150 tablets. Taking them 8 pieces a day is 19 days. During this period, along with the intake of magnesium should be the maximum limit salt in the diet, as well as sweets and baking.
And let us hope that you will quickly see how the indicators of the tonometer tend to go down to 120/80, as well as experience an improvement in your well-being.
If everything turned out, then you will no longer need beta blockers :), but you will need the following packages of medicines containing magnesium and everything else that we are talking about here. If it didn’t work out, it means you don’t lose that much.
What can be side effects? First, magnesium enhances intestinal peristalsis. If there is diarrhea - the dose of magnesium will have to be reduced, then you cannot get anywhere. But if you have constipation, then it turns out an extra bonus :). Secondly, vitamin B6 in this dosage can cause mild numbness in the fingertips. For it to pass, you need to take other B vitamins together with B6, or reduce the dose of B6. If this numbness starts, please do not reduce the number of tablets per day, take 3 packs of the drug for 19 days. Normalization of blood pressure is worth it to suffer this numbness. Try not to pay attention to him.
Divide the daily dose of magnesium by 2-3 times.
If suddenly you take calcium supplements, it is better to do it separately from magnesium. It is believed that calcium and magnesium impair the absorption of each other. Try, for example, calcium for the night, and magnesium in the morning and at lunch. Just in case, I specify that calcium, for all its merits, does not help from hypertension.

Pro magnesium deficiency and how to deal with it

We do with our own hands a nutritious magnesium solution, cheap and cheerful :-)
As a child, I remember that I was "found" to have an irregular heart rhythm, at night I had cramped muscles in my legs. Our valiant orthodox medicine treated me in the hospital, stabbing me with penicillin. Because they couldn’t think anything smarter :-), although only then I learned from other doctors that the whole thing was a deficiency of magnesium in the body. How simple! This is due to the fact that I, like many others, eat “peeled”, “civilized” - white sugar, white flour, white pasta, polished rice, boiled potatoes, meat, etc. In general, the products are poor in trace elements, and they are contained in the peel, bran. Soft Moscow water is also poor in magnesium.
Magnesium deficiency may be due to the following factors:
• Inadequate food intake: poor nutrition, low-calorie diet, drinking alcohol, eating soft water, chronic or prolonged diarrhea, eating refined foods — white sugar, polished rice, white flour, etc.
• Increased need: for example, during growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding; with intense physical exertion, in situations of stress and increased mental stress; during the period of rehabilitation after serious illnesses and injuries.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency:
The first symptom is usually fatigue, a tendency to depression. Other manifestations include twitching of the eyelids, feeling of tension, memory impairment, disturbed sleep or insomnia, night cramps, sometimes numbness, dizziness, irritability, palpitations, "interruptions" in the heart, feeling short of breath, "lump" in the throat. When magnesium deficiency can occur a vicious circle: the lack of this mineral contributes to the development of stress, which in turn increases its insufficiency. A more pronounced lack of magnesium can lead to the development of cardiovascular (arrhythmia) and gastrointestinal disorders.
Therefore, the question arose of replenishing the magnesium deficiency in the body. Rummaged through the Internet, well-known magnesium preparations, which I found, were expensive for long-term use:
Magnerot - in a package of 20 tablets of 0.5 g of magnesium orotate, in which the active substance of magnesium is only 32.8 mg here - http://www.voed.ru/magnerot.htm Therefore, it is recommended to take 2 tablets three times per day, and it can be calculated that the packaging of Magnerot, costing 130-160 rubles, "leaves" in 3-4 days. In the month it costs almost a thousand and a half wooden.
Magne B6 - 50 tablets per pack. The active ingredient is magnesium lactate (48 mg of pure magnesium), with a price of 330 rubles. per pack. Recalculating the cost, we get about 1200 rubles per month.
Asparkam is a combination of magnesium and potassium asparaginate at 0.175 g. The disadvantage of the drug is that when it is low in magnesium, it is necessary to use it in large quantities in order to get the required daily dose of 350 mg, which at the same amount of potassium in this drug can lead to hyperkalemia - potassium poisoning.
Magnesium Plus - 10 effervescent tablets, each containing 15% of the daily dose of magnesium, that is, you need to take 7 tablets per day, which approximately costs 60 rubles. per day or 1800 rubles. per month.
I concluded that replenishing the magnesium deficiency, based on the recommended daily need of 350 mg http://www.kwd.ru/magnii.htm costs more than 1000 rubles per month per person, which in terms of the whole family turns out decently. Therefore, magnesium preparations decided to do CAM.
The basis was taken sold everywhere in the pharmacy "magnesium sulphate" powder. Package 25 g (or 10 g) package price - 5 (five!) Rubles. The chemical formula MgSO4 * 7H2O, recalculating the atomic masses of the elements, we find that 25 grams bag of magnesium sulfate contains ~ 11% or about 2.6 g of pure magnesium, which is almost 8 full daily doses. That is, the monthly dose will cost less than 20 rubles per person.
It is known that inorganic magnesium compounds are poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and magnesium sulfate is not absorbed at all and therefore is officially used as a laxative.
Organic magnesium compounds are well absorbed, and some organic salt, such as citrate (citric acid salt) or acetate (acetic acid salt) of magnesium, must be obtained from sulfate. But magnesium sulphate does not react with citric acid or vinegar. And you have a little "pokoldovat", remembering chemistry.
1. Pour in a completely cleaned enameled small pan two glasses of water, put it on the stove, bring to a boil and add 2 full teaspoons of baking soda with a hill (NaHCO3). Boil a minute or two, stirring well, until the bubbles come out. Soda (sodium bicarbonate) is decomposed with the release of carbon dioxide and sodium carbonate. NaHCO3 -> Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O
2. Separately, in a glass of hot water, dissolve 2 teaspoons full with a slide of magnesium sulfate powder purchased at the pharmacy, stir until completely dissolved.
3. Slowly pour this solution out of the glass into a pot of soda boiling on the stove and stir. The solution will become white as milk, and bubbles of carbon dioxide will flow again. We continue to boil the solution, stirring well with a spoon, for another couple of minutes.
4. Remove the pan from the stove and pour it into a liter bottle (we care about the white precipitate formed). Add boiled water to the full bottle and set for an hour, so that the sediment settles on the bottom. Then, carefully pour the clear solution, it is possible through a tube, so as not to lose the precipitate. And topping up the bottle again to the top with clean boiled water, and again let it settle, drain the water from the sediment. We washed the precipitate.
5. Now we have at the bottom of the bottle a white purified milk thin slurry of magnesium carbonate basic MgCO3 (OH) 2. Now we add a glass of hot water there and start to add 6% of vinegar in a tablespoon of apple table vinegar and stir vigorously, wait a minute until the gases come out. The precipitate will begin to dissolve with each new spoon of vinegar and the solution will brighten. We try periodically to taste - the solution should be only slightly sour, and transparent, the precipitate dissolves. Vinegar leaves a few tablespoons.
Done!Now you end up with a bottle of about one-third filled with a clear solution of a slightly sour taste. This is a solution of magnesium acetate with a slight excess of unreacted vinegar.
If we need magnesium citrate (the best digestible magnesium compound!), We should add an aqueous solution of edible citric acid or just lemon juice instead of apple cider vinegar to the white precipitate obtained in paragraph 5. Apple cider vinegar was taken because it contains many micronutrients, (besides acetic acid), which is so necessary for our body and is useful in itself.


High Absorption Magnesium for Leg Cramps and Sore Muscles, Restless Leg Syndrome Relief (RLS), Muscle Relaxer with Vitamin B6, D and E, 380mg Magnesium Oxide Monohydrate, 60 Servings

High Absorption Magnesium for Leg Cramps and Sore Muscles, Restless Leg Syndrome Relief (RLS), Muscle Relaxer with Vitamin B6, D and E, 380mg Magnesium Oxide Monohydrate, 60 Servings
High Absorption Magnesium for Leg Cramps and Sore Muscles, Restless Leg Syndrome Relief (RLS), Muscle Relaxer with Vitamin B6, D and E, 380mg Magnesium Oxide Monohydrate, 60 Servings

The role of magnesium in the human body

Surely many have heard how important mineral magnesium (Mg) is for the heart to work. But myocardial health is not limited to its role. This macro element is the basis of the flesh of all living things, so it belongs to the nutrient minerals.

Science treats magnesium dependence on most biochemical processes by the fact that in the era of the initial birth of life, the environment of the world ocean had a chloride-magnesium chemical composition. Only after millennia, it gradually turned into sodium chloride, but Mg is still present in the composition of sea salt (0.13%). Therefore, the biological need for a valuable substance for the Earth’s fauna and flora has been preserved.

The metal was obtained in the 19th century from white magnesia, known to pharmacists much earlier as laxative salt. Since ancient times it was obtained by simple drying of mineral water. And in 1695 he gave the world pure magnesia, isolated by an Englishman from the waters of a mineral spring near the city of Epsom, known as Epsom salt. Magnesium metal received the name due to spectacular burning.

Mineral magnesium compounds accumulate in animal tissues (bones, internal organs, blood) and plant organisms (chlorophyll). Used in metabolic reactions, protein production, energy supply of cells, the work of nerves, muscles, blood vessels.
What is the role of the element magnesium for the human body

Inside the human body, magnesium is responsible for a lot of vital tasks and reactions. Its share in the cellular space is inferior only to potassium. Magnesium compounds, together with sodium, calcium and potassium, make up the main group of macronutrients in our body.

Man satisfies the natural need for magnesium compounds with food and drink. Once inside, Mg is bound by protein molecules, then it is deposited in bones, kidneys, brain, liver, and blood.

The physiological role of magnesium is to provide:

enzymatic reactions;
cell division;
energy supply;
assimilation of glucose, vitamins;
building protein molecules, their transport;
growth of bone tissue, muscle corset;
neural communication;
flow of metabolism;
output of decay products;
myocardial work;
normalization of pressure on the vascular wall.

Magnesium promotes bowel emptying, muscle relaxation, removal of vascular spasms, respiratory tract, and smooth muscles. Normalizes blood pressure, heart rate.
The positive effect of magnesium compounds on the body

Organic magnesium is an indispensable part of biochemical, neurochemical and electrolytic reactions that occur continuously inside our body. The mineral element is actively involved in the regulation of virtually all metabolic, regenerative, cellular and intercellular processes, as well as for the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Thanks to the magnesium mineral, our body receives:

growth, formation, strength of the bone skeleton;
adequate rate of myocardial contraction;
muscle work;
healthy metabolism;
sufficient production of protein;
optimal absorption of nutrients, energy;
cell growth, regeneration;
nervous activity;
brain support;
normal vascular tone;
regulation of blood formation, blood coagulation;
work digestion.

Organic matter helps break down, absorb, transform vitamins, then integrate them into the body's work.
Magnesium daily intake

The element magnesium in natural formulas is partially absorbed by our body, at 40% of the intake from food and water, provided that vitamin D is adequate. Therefore, it is important to have a diet saturated with magnesium salts to cover the physiological norm.

Magnesium daily rate

WHO indicates the specific amount of magnesium element (mg / day) that a person needs, as well as the upper tolerable level:

male sex - from 400 to 420 (770);
female sex - from 310 to 320 (670);
a pregnant woman - from 350 to 400 (750);
breastfeeding women - from 310 to 360 (710);
young man - 410 (760);
girlfriend - 360 (710);
teenager - 240 (590);
child - from 80 to 130 (240);
baby - from 30 to 75.

The weighted average need for a mineral is 0.05% of body weight, and its normal level in the blood of a healthy person ranges from 0.7 to 1.2 mmol / l. The total mass of accumulated magnesium is close to 25 grams, of which 60% are Mg 2+ cations, the rest is magnesium salts associated with protein molecules.
Natural Sources of Magnesium

Nature has provided an external and internal way to saturate the body with organic magnesium. External sources - minerals (bischofite), waters of the seas, oceans, lakes, thermal, mineral springs. Domestic - food and drinking liquid, especially mineral water.

Magnesium minerals externally penetrate through the skin, then they are carried by the bloodstream. Baths, rubbing, saline compresses, powders contribute to this. Internal magnesium compounds, once ingested, are absorbed and incorporated into cellular structures, mobilized from stores as needed.

Most enriched with magnesium element:

dried fruits, especially raisins, dried apricots, dried apricots;
green vegetables (such as spinach);
whole grains;
milk, yoghurts and dairy products.

Food, dominated by fat, calcium or phytin, reduces the bioavailability of magnesium mineral. A similar picture occurs with a deficiency of vitamin D - only with its sufficient level the element is absorbed by our body. Therefore, the lack of valuable substances is quite common among the modern population of the planet.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Especially a city dweller is prone to magnesium deficiency - his symptoms are felt by a third of urbanized people who absorb refined products, semi-finished products, where the element is represented by a negligible amount.

A person who is experiencing a deficiency of an organic mineral is piled on by a bunch of health problems:

accelerated heartbeat;
cardiovascular failure;
pressure surges;
vomiting, nausea;
weakening of immunity;
sore joints;
cramps, spasms, tics;

Problems of mental concentration, control over emotions, irritability, nervous and muscular tremors are added. If the magnesium level is critically low, serious pathologies develop that require treatment. The fall of the required amount of the mineral by more than half ends in death.
Indications for use of magnesium preparations

Modern medicine is actively using magnesium preparations for several purposes - treatment of deficiency states, as part of the treatment of minerals reducing the level of ailments, filling the shortage of magnesium elements, plus prevention, when the demand for magnesium is increased.

Magnesium readings

Organic or chemical magnesium salts are used - citrate, sulphate, orotat, aspartate, malate, lactate, and also a duet with vitamin D. Magnesium preparations have different forms - solution, tablets, powder, capsules, external powder.

The indications for taking magnesium in 1 target point are:

swelling, including the brain;
risk of preterm delivery;
cramps, spasms;
fractures, tremors;
bronchial asthma;
increased acidity;
painful menstruation;

Indications for use of the mineral in paragraph 2:

thyroid pathology;
hormonal changes;
chronic alcoholism.

Appointments for an item in 3 points:

nutrition poor in magnesium foods;
treatment with drugs incompatible with magnesium;
food that is low in vitamin D;
symptoms of initial Mg deficiency;
diet with a predominance of fat, fitin, calcium;
soft drinking water, slightly saturated with mineral salts.

Reasons for prescribing magnesium for 4 points (preparations of magnesium salts or mineral complex products):

period of child growth;
sports, hard physical labor.

Magnesium based products soothe, relax, remove edema, reduce pulse and pressure, facilitate breathing, digestion, sleep.
Overdose and contraindications for magnesium intake

Mineral magnesium is hard to overdo it - the body does not accumulate it, but will bring it out with urine. Overdose occurs during intensive therapy with Mg salts when increased doses are prescribed. However, it is difficult to recognize it by laboratory and clinical methods.

Magnesium contraindications

The most characteristic signs of a glut of magnesium mineral:

hot flushes;
drop in tone;
rare pulse.

Contraindications for the reception of organic or chemical magnesium are also available. This hypotension, bradycardia, intolerance to the components of the drug, kidney damage, prenatal condition.
Interaction of magnesium with other drugs

Extremely caution should be combined organic or chemical compounds of magnesium with other medicines, so as not to disrupt the mineral balance.

Druzhat as vitamins D and group B satellites of magnesium, increasing the total effect.

Compete with magnesium or diuretics, laxative, calcium, fats, phytin interfere with its absorption.

Medical control requires a combination of minerals, including magnesium compounds, with cardiac glycosides, antihypertensive drugs, antidepressants.

Prophylactic use and reasonable doses of vitamin-mineral supplements with magnesium are considered safe.
The table of applicability of drugs with magnesium

384 mg / day
Magnesium supplements reduce the number of diagnosed cases of arrhythmia.
Chronic heart failure
300 mg / day under medical supervision
Mineral deficiency can adversely affect the body and lead to manifestations of arrhythmia.
360 mg / day
Magnesium helps muscles to relax, including the muscles of the uterus.
Gestational hypertension
300 mg / day
Taking magnesium can prevent gestational hypertension or reduce the severity of its course.
Stones in the kidneys
1600 mg / day potassium citrate, 500 mg / day magnesium citrate
Supplements in the form of a combination of potassium citrate and magnesium citrate can reduce the frequency of recurrence of kidney stones.
Headache (migraine)
360-600 mg / day
It has been found that in people with frequent migraine attacks, the levels of magnesium in the body are understood, so supplements with magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraines and relieve symptoms.
Mitral valve prolapse (PMK)
If magnesium deficiency is found - 500 mg / day
Magnesium deficiency can be one of the causes of the symptoms that arise in connection with the PMK. In one study, people taking magnesium experienced a significant reduction in weakness, chest pain, anxiety, shortness of breath, and palpitations.
200-600 mg / day
Patients with type 2 diabetes often have a reduced level of magnesium in the body. Taking supplements with magnesium, there is the likelihood of hearing glucose control in the body. Which in turn can reduce the risk of developing or slow the progression of neuropathy.
Type 1 diabetes
200-600 mg / day
Patients with type 1 diabetes usually have low levels of magnesium. Supplements with magnesium can reduce the risk of diabetes complications such as eye damage and neuropathy.
Diabetes type 2
200-600 mg / day
Patients with type 2 diabetes usually have low levels of magnesium. Magnesium supplements can improve insulin production.
Urinary incontinence
150 mg twice daily
In a double-blind study, women with incontinence after taking supplements with magnesium showed improvements.
Angina pectoris
365 mg twice daily
Receiving magnesium reduces the risk of unpleasant pain in the chest during physical exertion.
300-400 mg / day
People with asthma often have low levels of magnesium. Supplements with magnesium can help prevent asthma attacks, because magnesium can prevent bronchial cramps.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
With magnesium deficiency: 200 mg / day
Some children with ADHD have low levels of magnesium. In one study, children with ADHD and low magnesium levels were given dietary supplements with magnesium and as a result, a significant reduction in hyperactive behavior was found.
Celiac disease
On the recommendation of a doctor
Malabsorption, which occurs with celiac disease, can lead to multiple nutritional deficiencies. Including magnesium deficiency, with the ensuing problems.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
On the recommendation of a doctor
In a number of studies, it was found that in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the level of magnesium in the body is reduced.
252 mg 1-4 times a day
According to statistics, the intake of dietary supplements with magnesium in patients with epilepsy decreases the frequency of attacks by an average of 49% over the observation period from 3 to 12 months.
350-500 mg / day
Receiving magnesium supplements can lower blood pressure, especially in patients taking diuretics.
Adults: 250-750 mg / day; girls: 150 mg / day
Taking magnesium can help stop bone loss and increase bone mass in patients diagnosed with osteoporosis.
Leg cramps in pregnant women and after childbirth
100 mg 3 times a day, course 4 weeks
The effectiveness of this treatment has not been proven, however, there is an opinion on the effectiveness of magnesium intake in case of leg cramps caused by pregnancy or after a generic condition.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
200-400 mg / day
Supplements with magnesium can reduce the risk of mood swings, abdominal distention, breast tenderness, headaches, and other PMS symptoms.
7.2 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day
It has been found that patients with thalassemia usually have low levels of magnesium.
Heart attack
On the recommendation of a doctor
Supplements with magnesium can reduce the risk of a heart attack.
High cholesterol
On the recommendation of a doctor
During the preliminary study, magnesium supplements lowered total cholesterol and increased HDL ("good") cholesterol.
Alcohol addiction
On the recommendation of a doctor
Alcoholics sometimes have magnesium deficiency in the body, and some researchers believe that withdrawal symptoms can to some extent be associated with this.
On the recommendation of a doctor
Many years ago, magnesium was used as a drug to treat anxiety. Some doctors recommend taking a hot bath containing crystals of magnesium sulfate (English salt).
On the recommendation of a doctor
Magnesium deficiency can reduce physical performance and promote muscle cramps. Studies show that taking magnesium can improve body performance.
On the recommendation of a doctor
Some researchers believe that vitamin B6 is effective in treating autism (with a course of at least 3 months). And taking vitamin B6 in combination with magnesium significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
On the recommendation of a doctor
Medications prescribed for the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease often lead to low levels of magnesium in the body. Thus, patients with COPD need to be given medication with magnesium to eliminate the deficiency of this important mineral.
Cluster headaches
On the recommendation of a doctor
Patients with cluster headaches often have low levels of magnesium in the body and need to be given medications with magnesium.
On the recommendation of a doctor
Preliminary testing has shown that a combination of magnesium and malic acid can reduce muscle pain in patients with fibromyalgia.
On the recommendation of a doctor
In one study, supplementing magnesium improved vision in people with glaucoma, apparently by increasing blood flow to the eyes.
On the recommendation of a doctor
Studies have shown that supplements with magnesium can prevent blood sugar levels from falling too fast in patients with hypoglycemia.
On the recommendation of a doctor
People with restless leg syndrome often have trouble sleeping. Magnesium helps relieve muscle tension and in one trial, in patients with insomnia, sleep quality improved significantly after a course of magnesium.
Insulin Resistance Syndrome
On the recommendation of a doctor
Magnesium deficiency can reduce insulin sensitivity, and low levels of magnesium are associated with greater insulin resistance in people without diabetes, some doctors believe that supplements with magnesium can improve SIR.
Intermittent claudication
On the recommendation of a doctor
Magnesium can increase blood flow by promoting blood vessel dilation. In one study, it was found that taking magnesium can increase the mobility of patients with intermittent claudication.
250-500 mg / day
In one study, it was found that supplements with magnesium helped women with symptoms of menopause after breast cancer treatment.
Multiple sclerosis
According to the recommendation of a physician In patients with multiple sclerosis,
magnesium deficiency is often found. In one study, it was found that the combination of magnesium, fish oil and calcium reduced the level of magnesium, reportedly to be low in people with cf. in one trial, the combination of magnesium, fish oil and calcium reduced the syptoma of multiple sclerosis.
On the recommendation of a doctor,
Magnesium reduces the incidence of pre-eclampsia in women at risk.
Raynaud's disease
On the recommendation of a doctor
Disorders of magnesium absorption have been reported in people with Raynaud's disease. The results of magnesium deficiency in the blood - vasospasm. Thus, patients with Raynaud's disease require supplementation with magnesium.
Restless Legs Syndrome
As recommended by a doctor,
Magnesium Supplements may help relieve insomnia in people with restless legs syndrome.
According to a doctor's recommendation.
Low levels of magnesium in the body are considered a risk factor for the development of retinopathy in white people diagnosed with diabetes.
On the advice of a doctor.
It is known that magnesium is effective in lowering high blood pressure, which in turn can lead to a stroke.
As recommended by the physician
During the preliminary study, magnesium supplementation resulted in a statistically significant improvement in symptoms in adult patients with tinnitus.

Background: green - scientifically proven, orange - insufficient evidence, White - no studies have been performed


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Magnesium during pregnancy

This trace element is very important for the human body. Magnesium is especially important during pregnancy, because at this time, complex physiological processes occur in the body of both the mother and the fetus. In our article you will read why the need for magnesium increases during pregnancy, and how to eliminate the lack of magnesium.

Why is magnesium so necessary during pregnancy?

Magnesium is actively involved in the formation of bones and, thus, plays an important role at all stages of human growth. The work of the nervous system also depends on magnesium, since this mineral acts as an intermediary between nerves and individual muscles, controls the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles, and is responsible for ensuring that the muscles not only tighten, but also relax. In addition, magnesium is an important participant in many metabolic processes. It serves as a catalyst for many enzymes and is involved in the regulation of insulin and blood sugar.
During pregnancy, the need for magnesium increases by about 35%.
Since the second trimester of pregnancy, the need for magnesium increases significantly for a number of reasons:

Hormonal changes during pregnancy lead to the fact that magnesium is excreted in the urine. Its level in the urine increases by about 25%.
When nervous tension and stress develops, the body needs a lot of magnesium. Due to the physical and psychological stress of the expectant mother, the need for magnesium during pregnancy increases significantly.
The body of a pregnant woman (like the child’s body) is constantly growing, and magnesium helps the body build and repair tissues and bones, which is another reason for the increased need for magnesium during pregnancy.

How does magnesium deficiency occur during pregnancy?

Magnesium is involved in many processes in the body, so its lack may manifest itself in different ways:
Magnesium deficiency affects the body

Muscles As a rule, the first signs of magnesium deficiency are muscle spasms, cramps, abdominal pain. Sometimes there is a strong muscular tension in the neck, shoulders and back, twitching or trembling, heart palpitations or arrhythmia. Since the uterus is mainly composed of muscle tissue, it is also susceptible to seizures with magnesium deficiency, and this, in turn, can lead to premature birth, in exceptional cases - to miscarriage.
Nervous system. A lack of magnesium in the body can cause a nervous tremor in the arms and legs, tingling or numbness of the limbs.
Mind. Magnesium deficiency can manifest itself in some mental problems. For example, a person may experience increased nervousness, irritability, and depressive moods.
Arterial pressure. Acute magnesium deficiency can lead to high blood pressure and dizziness. In this case, it is necessary to report the symptoms to the doctor and follow all the instructions.

Magnesium replenishment with nutrition

Since magnesium is not produced in humans, this mineral must come from food. During pregnancy, the daily dose is about 400-500 mg. This amount can only be obtained from products rich in magnesium.
Foods high in magnesium:

Seeds (pumpkin and sunflower), cashews, almonds and unpeeled wheat germ.
Legumes, especially beans and soybeans, products from unrefined grains, oats or brown rice.
Milk and dairy products.
Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale.
Some fruits, mainly bananas, kiwi, grapes, dried fruits.


Drink high magnesium water regularly. In this way, you can partially compensate for the body's daily need for magnesium.
Are mineral supplements magnesium necessary during pregnancy?

Not always the need for magnesium can be met with nutrition. In this case, the doctor prescribes mineral supplements. They are available in various forms: soluble granules, effervescent tablets or capsules. However, not all supplements are completely safe. Therefore, during pregnancy you should not start taking mineral supplements at your own risk, you should first consult with your doctor or pharmacist. An incorrectly calculated amount of magnesium can cause premature contractions.

If you are taking iron supplements, then at least two hours should pass between taking these drugs and magnesium preparations so that they do not interfere with each other's absorption. In addition, it is undesirable to take magnesium between meals, as this can cause diarrhea and abdominal pain.
Digestive problems

Many pregnant women suffer from digestive problems. The occurrence of constipation is mainly associated with an increase in the amount of estrogen and the hormone of the yellow body. Taking magnesium during pregnancy will help improve digestion, as it has a mild weakening effect. But first, be sure to discuss the exact dosage with your gynecologist.


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Magnesium deficiency in children and adolescents involved in various sports, and its correction

The high level of modern sports requires an in-depth individual approach based on a comprehensive study of the morpho-functional capabilities of an athlete, the development of which to the greatest extent contributes to the achievement of high sports results.

One of the main directions for solving the problem of maintaining health is the appropriate metabolic support. It has been established that the athlete's body needs adequate replenishment of the whole complex of macro- and micronutrients, which are intensively spent in conditions of physical and emotional stress. The imbalance of trace elements in the human body plays a significant role in the pathogenesis of somatic diseases, manifesting itself in the form of biochemical, clinical and morphological signs.

Biochemical analysis of the blood serum of an athlete is an essential part of a comprehensive diagnosis, because according to this method one can judge the functional capabilities of the body of athletes.

Surveyed 332 athletes aged 14-17 years, engaged in swimming, hockey, tennis, football, artistic gymnastics, martial arts. Sports experience ranged from 5 to 11 years. Sports qualifications - from 1 grade and above - 188 teenagers.

Biochemical parameters were determined using an automatic biochemical analyzer DxC800 (Beckman Coulter, USA) on an empty stomach, after a workout time was at least 12 hours. Biochemical examination of blood in our observed athletes in 32% of observations revealed a decrease in an important trace element - magnesium.

The main reasons for the development of magnesium deficiency in athletes include the following: fluctuations in body weight, high-intensity physical and emotional stress, overexertion, the need for adaptation (urgent and long-term), injury, the need for rapid recovery.

In athletes, the symptoms of magnesium deficiency (Mg) are manifested by various clinical manifestations. All clinical manifestations of magnesium deficiency in the body of athletes differ little from children and adolescents who are not involved in sports. They can be divided into cardiovascular: angiospasm, arterial hypertension, myocardial dystrophy, tachycardia, arrhythmias, prolonged QT interval, tendency to thrombosis; neurological: chronic fatigue syndrome, autonomic dysfunction, loss of attention, depression, fear, anxiety, dizziness, migraine, sleep disorders; visceral: bronchospasm, laryngospasm, hyperkinetic diarrhea, spastic constipation, pylorospasm, nausea, vomiting, biliary dyskinesia and cholelithiasis, diffuse abdominal pain, the formation of kidney stones; muscle: convulsions of skeletal muscles (muscle cramps in the neck, back, face, parasthesia of the extremities, convulsions of the calf muscles, soles, feet).

I would like to emphasize the important point that magnesium ions are part of the main substance of connective tissue, participate in the activation of collagen synthesis. Magnesium deficiency causes a chaotic arrangement of collagen fibers, which is the main morphological feature of connective tissue dysplasia.

One of the signs of DST of the cardiovascular system are prolapses of the heart valves. We in 15% of cases revealed mitral valve prolapse (MVP) of 1 degree without regurgitation.
Like many authors, we note the association of magnesium deficiency with polymorphism and severity of clinical symptoms in patients with MVP. In athletes in 10-15% of PMK, as a rule, heart rhythm disturbance is accompanied, primarily, in the form of ventricular premature beats, impaired myocardial repolarization processes.

In the case of MVP in adolescents, the drug of choice is magnesium orotat (magnerot). It was shown that after three to six months of regular intake of the organic magnesium drug, not only was the heart rate and blood pressure normalized, the number of episodes of rhythm disturbances decreased, but the tremor and depth of the mitral valve prolapse decreased significantly.

The high efficacy of this drug was confirmed by echocardiographic studies. Thus, in 50% of cases a complete restoration of the normal rhythm was recorded, the number of parasystoles, atrial extrasystoles decreased in a number of patients, including the blocked extrasystoles and ventricular rhythm episodes disappeared.

A crucial role in the occurrence of magnesium deficiency is played by an imbalance of vegetative regulation - the predominance of sympathoadrenal effects.

It is known that the violation of the vegetative regulation of the cardiovascular system is an early sign of failure of the athlete's body to adapt to stress and leads to a decrease in efficiency. In children with various functional changes in the cardiovascular system, for example, when myocardial repolarization processes are disrupted, sympathicotonic BP is detected up to 60%, which is important to consider when choosing the tactics of metabolic correction. That is, against the background of magnesium deficiency, electrical instability of the myocardium develops, in the presence of which it is advisable to correct the magnesium deficiency, even in the absence of laboratory confirmation of them.

With the correction of deep magnesium deficiency is difficult to do only diet and often require pharmacotherapy. Treatment is more effective if both magnesium and magnesium fixer are administered simultaneously (vitamins B6, B1, Glycine). Among the drugs used for the correction of magnesium deficiency, the drug Magne B6 has permission for use in pediatrics.

The second group of diseases is caused by the participation of magnesium in the enzymes for the maintenance of energy reactions - the exchange of carbohydrates and ATP. Therefore, a lack of magnesium is accompanied by fatigue.

The third group of violations of magnesium functions is associated with its structure-forming role in mediator metabolism. This group of causes leads to depression, impaired coordination, attention, memory, mood. We found that at high values ​​of stability and concentration of attention in 44% of athletes, an unbalance of nervous processes with a predominance of arousal force is determined. Much less often - in 10% of cases, an imbalance of nervous processes is revealed with a predominance of inhibition force. In 10-15% of observations, a destructive relationship with comrades, trainers, poorly developed emotional and volitional quality, a high level of anxiety, a high level of rigidity, a low desire to train

In identifying such psychological problems, it is necessary to consult a children's sports psychologist, trainings, and work with the coaching staff. At the same time, in order to optimize the psychological status, if necessary, we assign MagneB6.

Thus, one of the preventive directions for improving the current monitoring of the health of athletes should be monitoring their mineral metabolism and its timely replenishment. To maintain an optimal balance of magnesium in the body of children and adolescents involved in sports throughout the training and competitive cycles, it is necessary to take metabolic drugs.

Timely correction of magnesium deficiency is the most important means of preventing injuries and irregularities in the work of the heart in athletes under conditions of the use of intense training and competitive loads.


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Potassium and magnesium. What is the disadvantage and how to fill it.

Minerals necessary for the body

An important role in the human body play potassium and magnesium. Magnesium is one of the main participants in the process of bone formation, energy and carbohydrate metabolism, regulation of the nervous tissue. Potassium regulates the acid-base balance of the blood and is actively involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. Magnesium and potassium activate the muscular work of the heart and are part of a number of enzymes.

The quality of blood supply to the heart muscle depends on the amount of magnesium. In many important bioprocesses, magnesium is a calcium antagonist, so its excess impairs calcium absorption. The optimal ratio of calcium and magnesium is 10: 7 and the average diet is able to maintain this balance.

Professional bodybuilders appreciate magnesium because it enhances metabolic processes and for its important role in protein synthesis. Together with potassium, magnesium provides relaxation of muscle fibers and regulates glycolysis. Reception of magnesium positively affects the performance of training. And potassium ensures the emergence of electrical potential in nerve cells and muscle fibers, thereby regulating muscle contraction. The recommended level of magnesium is calculated by the following formula: 4 mg of the trace element per 1 kg of its own weight.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Cases of tingling, itching, crawling, chills, numbness, painful cold - are signals of the body about violations of sensitivity - paresthesia. This is the main symptom of magnesium deficiency.

The characteristic pathological condition with typical convulsive syndrome and increased neuromuscular excitability is hidden or overt tetany, another sign of magnesium deficiency.

Among other signs of a magnesium deficiency, fatigue, insomnia or nightmares, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or vice versa, constipation are observed.
Lack of magnesium in the body, effects

Magnesium deficiency is considered one of the most common types of mineral deficiency and occurs due to minimal magnesium intake from the outside.

Disturbed exchange of this macro can occur with intensive growth, recovery, during pregnancy, constant stressful situations, excessive sweating, in cases of chronic alcoholism. Magnesium deficiency can also be caused by prolonged use of diuretics, antibiotics, anticancer and other drugs.

The consequences of magnesium deficiency are expressed in disorders of the adrenal glands, diseases of the cardiovascular system, the development of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, as well as the initial stages of diabetes mellitus. Magnesium deficiency can provoke an immunodeficiency condition that increases the risk of developing cancer.
What foods contain magnesium?

About 50% of the daily requirement of magnesium is found in such cereal and cereals as oatmeal, barley, buckwheat, rice porridge. A large amount of magnesium is found in various types of fish (carp, flounder, sea bass, mackerel, cod), legumes, nuts, leafy vegetables and berries.

Many athletes make up their diet based on seasonal conditions. In winter, the menu is rich in honey, raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates, nuts, cocoa and porridge: oatmeal, wheat, buckwheat, pearl barley. In the spring, must be mandatory greens: parsley, dill, spinach and green salad. In the summer they use cherries, black currants and legumes. In the fall, meals include watermelons, carrots and beets.
Symptoms of potassium deficiency

Symptoms of potassium deficiency manifested in cramps and spasms of the lower extremities. Muscle strength decreases and the body experiences dehydration. Depression, fatigue, weakness in muscles, brittle hair and dry skin are all essential companions of potassium deficiency in the body.

Lack of potassium increases the risk of reduced immune protection, deterioration of the kidneys and adrenal glands, the occurrence of cardiovascular disorders, impaired lung function, nausea, vomiting, peptic ulcer, erosive gastritis. For women, potassium deficiency is fraught with reproductive disorders such as infertility and cervical erosion.
Lack of potassium in the body, the consequences

Potassium deficiency occurs with large fluid losses. Any stress, with an excessive release of adrenocorticotropic hormone, leads to an increased excretion of potassium from the body along with urine. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to diagnose a violation of potassium metabolism, because its level in blood serum is not at all an indicator of its level in the whole body.

Even with an impressive loss of potassium, the level of trace elements in the blood may well be normal or even elevated. Hypokalemia, or lack of potassium in the body is fraught with rapid energy losses and the subsequent development of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Potassium containing foods

In order to maintain the required level of potassium in the body, athletes saturate their diets with food of animal origin with a high potassium content: beef, fish and milk.

Potato-enriched plant foods include potatoes, onions, carrots, cabbage, peas, red beets, horseradish, nettles. Apples, grapes, bananas, dried fruits, stone fruits, nuts are also rich in potassium.

To replenish the potassium balance, it is advised to diversify the menu of buckwheat, oatmeal and millet cereals. Champions in potassium content are undoubtedly legumes: soybeans, beans and peas.
Food supplements containing potassium and magnesium

According to generally accepted norms, an adult needs from 2 to 5 g of potassium per day for normal body functioning. The use of more of this trace element is highly undesirable because it impairs the work of the cardiovascular system.

Bodybuilders take nutritional supplements with potassium necessarily in conjunction with magnesium, without it, the cells are not able to permanently hold up potassium. The intake of nutritional supplements containing potassium and magnesium is extremely important for nerve conduction and muscle contraction. One of the most affordable, cheap and high-quality tools to replenish the above minerals is considered "Asparkam."
Style Summary

Mineral elements are of great importance for the normal functioning of the body. If their stocks are spent and not replenished, the livelihoods and performance of the human body is put at risk. Maintaining a balance of potassium and magnesium in the norm is extremely important for highly effective training and real results.
