Tuesday, July 2, 2019

KAL? Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | Extra Value Size | 100 Servings | 200 Tablets

KAL? Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | Extra Value Size | 100 Servings | 200 Tablets
KAL? Magnesium Glycinate 400 mg | Vegan, Chelated, Non-GMO, Soy, Dairy, and Gluten Free | Extra Value Size | 100 Servings | 200 Tablets

Magnesium during pregnancy, its role, lack of magnesium

Pregnancy - perhaps the most important period in the life of any woman. From the moment of pregnancy, the expectant mother is responsible not only for her life, but also for the health of the unborn baby. At this stage, the main task of the future mother is to create such conditions for the development of the child so that he does not feel the lack of any elements, since the lack of certain substances may adversely affect the formation of organs and systems of the little man growing inside her. Magnesium during pregnancy is one of the most important trace elements, the lack of which can cause late toxicosis, which is dangerous for life and health of both mother and child.
The role of magnesium

During childbirth, the body's need for magnesium increases one and a half times, as well as in the subsequent lactation period. During pregnancy it is necessary to increase the amount of all the vitamins and minerals entering the body, but in this article we will focus on Mg, as one of the most important trace elements.

It takes part in metabolic processes, helps in the formation of the skeleton, muscles, immune and nervous system. The element is also important for the normalization of the process of transmission of nerve impulses to the muscle tissue, for relaxing the muscles, relieving their tension. Invaluable effect of Mg on the activity of the nervous system.

Scientists have proven that this mineral helps in the transfer of genetic material from parents to children and is involved in the formation of the DNA molecule. That is why the reception of the mineral can be assigned to a woman before conception.

Even after the appearance of the embryo in the uterus, the action of magnesium is aimed at ensuring the normal functioning of the placenta, through which throughout the pregnancy the baby receives the necessary elements from the mother's body.

Other functions of Mg, which are important not only for pregnant girls, but also for children, women and men of all ages, experts call:

obstruction of the formation of sand and stones in the kidneys and gall bladder;
does not allow blood clots to form;
removal of toxins, cholesterol, bile and slags;
acceleration of tissue renewal processes;
excretion of the hormone adrenaline, intensively produced in stressful situations;
strengthening the nervous system;
stimulation of muscle growth;
activation of the bowels;
blood glucose control.

In addition, magnesium normalizes blood pressure, strengthens the immune system, stimulates the heart muscle.

In the body of an adult, the concentration of the element can reach 29 grams, depending on body weight. Its greatest amount is contained inside the cells, in the bone tissue and teeth. The acute need for it is experienced by the cells of the brain, liver, kidneys, heart.
Magnesium deficiency during pregnancy

Magnesium deficiency in the body is expressed by a number of symptoms. You can not talk about the presence of hypomagnesemia (lack of Mg) in the presence of only one of the signs of pathology. Diagnosis is possible only on the basis of analyzes and the overall clinical picture.

Mineral deficiency can be expressed by the following symptoms:

regularly rising blood pressure;
cramps and muscle spasms;
fragility, brittle nails and hair;
deterioration of the teeth;
hormonal disruptions and disorders in the functioning of the endocrine system in women, painful PMS;
heart failure, pain and seizures;
pains appearing in the joints and muscles during an abrupt change in the weather.

Most of all, the lack of Mg is reflected in the normal functioning of the nervous system. A person suffering from hypomagnesemia, complains of depressive and anxiety, insomnia, headaches, loss of concentration, memory impairment, nervousness, irritability, fatigue, irascibility.

For women who are in an interesting position, pathology is more dangerous several times. The presence of such a diagnosis can provoke serious violations in the development of the fetus and, in the early stages, cause pathological changes in the formation of the heart and the musculoskeletal system. Also, a lack of Mg can trigger a miscarriage or cause premature labor.

If an insufficient amount of a mineral enters the body, then the body begins to fill the deficit as it can, taking the element from those organs where it is located most of all. These are bones and teeth. As a result, they become brittle and fragile. Therefore, often pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers, complain of tooth decay.

In the later stages of pregnancy, 30-40 weeks, hypomagnesemia can lead to preeclampsia. This complication can manifest itself in the form of high blood pressure, loss of protein during urination, edema, seizures.

Also, magnesium deficiency can cause complications in the process of delivery, as it has a negative effect on muscle activity. Muscles become less elastic, their normal contraction is disturbed, and therefore the risk of injuries during childbirth for both mother and child increases.
How to determine magnesium deficiency during pregnancy

During pregnancy, hypomagnesemia is manifested by abnormalities in the work of many organs and body systems.

Muscle cramps . This symptom often occurs in expectant mothers. It is expressed in pains in the lumbar region and legs, especially cramps in the calf muscles. As a rule, they occur at night, when a woman’s legs are in one position for a long time. Also not excluded complaints of discomfort in the cervical spine. In addition, involuntary contraction of the uterus muscles is possible, which is accompanied by lower abdominal pain. Increased uterine tone can lead to abortion in early pregnancy and premature delivery in the later stages.
Disorders of the nervous system . Mood swings are peculiar to any girl while the baby is waiting. This is due to changes in the hormonal background and experiences about the life and health of the child. Against the background of a lack of Mg, the psycho-emotional state of a woman is changing for the worse. Nervousness and tearfulness appear, working capacity decreases, memory and concentration deteriorates, sleep is disturbed.
Changes in the cardiovascular system . With a lack of Mg during pregnancy, problems such as high blood pressure, headaches and dizziness arise. Against this background, the fluid is retained in the body of the expectant mother, and swelling of the legs appears. Arrhythmias and soreness in the heart area are also possible. It is not excluded the violation of the vessels, as a result of which the blood flow to the extremities slows down.
Effects on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract . Hypomagnesemia is almost always accompanied by disorders in the digestive system. Therefore, problems with the chair and flatulence - constant satellites are pathologies.

During pregnancy, the element plays a large role in the body of the future mother. In addition, he is involved in the formation of the placenta, Mg is necessary for the structure of protein structures in the body of the baby, the creation of its nervous system. Mineral increases the stress resistance of the woman herself and participates in the regulation of uterine tone.

Consequences of hypomagnesemia may be premature maturation of the placenta, gestational diabetes mellitus, disturbances in the process of childbirth, the threat of miscarriage and premature birth.

During pregnancy, the uterus and placenta become the organs with the highest magnesium content.
Daily dose of magnesium for pregnant women

Depending on the age, a person needs a different dose of magnesium. For adult women and men, the daily dosage is 300-350mg of the element. A pregnant woman, as mentioned above, the need for a trace element increases by half. That is, the expectant mother should receive 450-500 mg of the substance daily. Mothers who are breastfeeding need the same amount.
Ways to get magnesium

The expectant mother should receive most of the necessary substances during pregnancy from natural products, that is, from water and food.

The leader among products with a high content of Mg is food of plant origin. But women carrying a child should be careful about using them. Some of them can lead to disruptions in the digestive system. In addition, they all contain a large number of calories. This can lead to weight gain, which will be difficult to get rid of after the birth of a child. Also, some products are not recommended for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Pumpkin and sunflower seeds.
Wheat bran.
Roasted sesame seeds.
Peanuts and nuts (almonds, cashews, pine nuts, hazelnuts).
Oat and cornflakes.
Cocoa powder.
Sea Kale
Bitter chocolate.
Brown rice
Red caviar

When consuming foods with a high content of trace elements, it is worth remembering that excess Mg is also harmful to the body, as well as its lack. Therefore, you need to be careful and at least approximately control the amount of incoming substance.
Magnesium mineral water

This element is contained in any mineral water, but in different quantities. In any case, ordinary mineral waters, regardless of whether they are medicinal, medicinal or table, contain Mg in a fairly low concentration. To compensate for the lack of minerals in the body, such water is indispensable.

But recently mineral water of the newest development “Magnium” appeared on the Russian market. The uniqueness of its composition lies in the emphasis on magnesium. It is produced in accordance with GOST and has all the necessary certificates of conformity. The main component of water is magnesium citrate. Clinical studies have shown that this is the most digestible form of the substance. Once in the body, citrate Mg decomposes into water and carbon dioxide, providing better absorption of the beneficial trace element.

The positive effects of receiving such water experts include:

absorption of vitamin B and calcium;
normalization of the nervous system;
help with the breakdown of glucose and insulin absorption;
blood pressure regulation;
reduction of pain during menstruation;
removal of toxins, slags, cholesterol;
relief of menopause.

An adult to take a daily dosage of magnesium should be consumed 2-3 bottles per day. In a pregnant woman, the need increases to 4 bottles of Magnium water. But it is worth remembering that women in the position is not recommended to use more than 1.5 liters of water per day, this can cause edema. Therefore, the intake of water "Magnium" during pregnancy should be combined with the use in food of products enriched with mineral.

Mineral water "Magnium" has no contraindications with the exception of hypermagnesia, that is, the excessive content of the considered element in the body.
Mineral Complexes

Most often, doctors, after identifying the pathology of hypomagnesemia, prescribe vitamin and mineral supplementation. The reason for this is the presence in the complex of a certain set of elements that are also necessary for a pregnant woman in the process of carrying a child.

But the intake of such drugs can not be permanent, since their prolonged use can trigger the appearance of an excess in the body of a substance.

Magne B6 is prescribed to increase the concentration of Mg in the body. But, like any such means, it has contraindications. These are sensitivity to the drug and its components, renal failure, fructose intolerance, lactation period, age up to 1 year. In addition, Magne B6 has possible side effects: abdominal pain, bowel disorder, allergic reaction.

All methods of obtaining magnesium have their pros and cons, indications and contraindications. The most safe method of saturation of the body with this substance is the use of water "Magnium" in combination with natural products enriched with this mineral.
