Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Cardiovascular Research Magnesium Taurate Capsules, 180 Count

Cardiovascular Research Magnesium Taurate Capsules, 180 Count
Cardiovascular Research Magnesium Taurate Capsules, 180 Count

Magnesium is one remedy for many diseases.

During my work, I had a fairly clear understanding that most of the acquired cardiac pathology is related to magnesium deficiency.
In foreign countries, serious studies of the role of magnesium in thousands of patients have been carried out; governments (for example, Finland) have implemented magnesium deficiency prevention programs, the implementation of which has given a very serious decrease in the incidence (the number of heart attacks in Finland has halved in the 15 years of the program); pharmaceutical companies are producing more and more different products containing this metal. Unfortunately, in the Russian national recommendations on cardiology, the use of magnesium is specified in only a few cases.
At present, it is scientifically proven that a very wide range of pathological conditions is caused precisely by a magnesium deficiency in the body. I will try to outline this circle:
Cardiology : high blood pressure, rapid or irregular heartbeat, high cholesterol and atherosclerosis (and, as a result, coronary heart disease with its terrible complication - heart attack), tendency to thrombosis, pain in the heart (cardialgia), mitral valve prolapse.
Psychoneurology: irritability, poor sleep, impaired thinking, depression, fatigue, vascular dystonia (including panic attacks and hyperventilation syndrome), muscle cramps and spasms (including nocturnal cramps and women muscles), risk of muscle cramps (including women with cramps, women), risk of a spasm of muscles (including nocturnal cramps and women,), a risk of muscle spasms (including night cramps and women with a panic syndrome), risk of muscle cramps brain feeding vessels.
Pulmonology: bronchospasm (difficulty breathing out).
Gastroenterology: constipation or diarrhea, nausea, abdominal pain due to impaired gastrointestinal motility.
Urology: oxalate kidney stones or a tendency to stone formation.
Gynecology and obstetrics: premenstrual syndrome, miscarriage, increased pressure and convulsions during pregnancy.
Endocrinology: hyperaldosteronism (fluid retention in the body).
Rheumatology, cosmetology : connective tissue diseases and skin aging as problems of collagen metabolism.
Oncology (although the information is still scarce and poorly verified): - magnesium deficiency leads to an increase in the number of cancer.
Narcology: a very significant part of the origin of the "hangover syndrome" is due to the fact that alcohol expels magnesium from the body. Hence the use of magnesium preparations for the prevention and treatment of withdrawal symptoms.
Accordingly, all these states are corrected (understandably, in different degrees and at different times) by saturating the body with magnesium.
The need for magnesium increases significantly during physical and emotional stress, alcohol abuse, pregnancy and feeding, chronic fatigue syndrome, eating certain foods (coffee), and taking medicines.
[Magnesium deficiency can occur with diarrhea, kidney disease, diuretic treatment, with estrogen and contraceptives, folic acid. The adrenaline released during stress increases the excretion of magnesium through the kidneys. Low levels of magnesium in the blood can also be observed during fasting, toxicosis, and diabetes. Since then, magnesium is excreted from the body in insignificant amounts, although with excessive sweating, losses can increase significantly]
Is magnesium deficiency determined by blood tests?
99% of magnesium in the human body is inside the cells, so the content of metal ions in the blood plasma reflects the state of the remaining one percent. The blood test in this case has a much lower accuracy than your state of health. I will quote from the official website of the Invitro Laboratory: "The level of magnesium in serum can be maintained within normal limits even with a decrease in the total amount of magnesium in the body by 80%." The determination of magnesium in red blood cells, as well as in hair and nails, is considered more reliable. Accordingly, if in the blood test the content of magnesium is below normal, then its real deficiency in the body is huge.
How does the body get the right amount of magnesium?
Daily requirements for magnesium in the literature are 350 mg for women and 450 mg for men. Tables of magnesium content in food products are widely represented on the Internet. The only problem is that far from all the magnesium contained in food is perceived by the body, and, according to the general opinion of the doctors dealing with this issue, it is practically impossible to “eat” the normal amount of magnesium. Accordingly, it is necessary to provide the body with well-digestible magnesium in adequate quantities.
[Most magnesium in wheat bran and wheat grains. Quite a lot of magnesium in buckwheat, legumes: beans and peas. Magnesium is plentiful in hazelnuts, peanuts, cashews and almonds.
Modern food processing methods reduce magnesium content. Even from magnesium-rich foods, it is lost if the products are soaked in water, but do not use broths or infusions for food. Due to the abundant use of chemicals in agriculture, magnesium is worse absorbed by plants, especially on calcareous soils. Fat and fiber foods interfere with the absorption of magnesium].

Can magnesium be poisoned?
It is possible, if a patient with severe kidney pathology who is on hemodialysis, EXTREMELY magnesium is infused. In other cases, the excess magnesium intake of IN will be removed by the intestine (by varying the degree of relaxation of the chair). Specialists working in the field of stopping binge drinking, according to the standard scheme, inject patients intramuscularly to a gram of magnesium, and everything superfluous is eliminated by the kidneys during the day. So our attempts to poison the body with a maximum of five hundred milligrams INSIDE will never be successful.
What magnesium preparations are on the Russian market?
Let's see what is sold in pharmacies. I do not consider network marketing products, as well as drugs of particularly “shy” (or boorish?) Russian producers that do not print the amount of magnesium in instructions, for example, Motherwort Forte, Sea Calcium or Calcid Magnesium ( You do not need to know, “lope hang in grams?”, And these show great “respect” to you).
Dear authors dealing with the absorption of magnesium, note that calcium significantly impairs the absorption of magnesium, so I dismiss all combinations of magnesium and calcium for myself. In addition, different salts have a different degree of digestibility: maximum - citrate, smaller - organic salts (lactate, pidolat, asparaginate), minimum - inorganic compounds (oxide, sulfate). It is also described that tablet preparations are absorbed by 60 percent at best.
Therefore, a little about the "liquid" drugs that are absorbed much better. There are only three of them (without calcium): Magnesium Plus, Magne B6 in ampoules, Natural Calm. Now I describe my personal feelings and conclusions. Magnesium Plus - I haven’t tried it personally yet, with four tablets (glasses of solution), in principle, you can get an almost full daily dose. I didn’t like Magne B6 with the sweet caramel obsession and the need to take four ampoules a day. And one drug is taken as a hot solution (half a glass in the morning and evening), which speeds up and improves absorption.
As a result, Natural Calm and MagneV6 Forte preparations of citrate of magnesium are suitable for serious saturation, for an average saturation with minimal expenditures of money - Doppelherz actives: Magnesium + B vitamins and Magnesium + Potassium. Everything else is a matter of taste.
[Natural Calm - powder containing magnesium carbonate (extracted from the ocean) and citrate (obtained from beets).
From reviews about the Natural Calm supplement, the liquid form of magnesium (citrate) is well absorbed, but it is difficult to find the right dosage. Half a teaspoon of powder already causes diarrhea. The normal single dose is about a quarter of a teaspoon.
It is expensive: with delivery - about $ 30 for 453 g:
In the case of a single dose of magnesium, it is better to take magnesium in the evening (sleep will improve).
How long to take magnesium preparations?
If you feel the effect of the reception and the drug does not cause you side effects - you can (and should) take LIFE. Some breaks are possible, but after about a week the state of magnesium balance in the body returns to its original state (as before taking the medications).
Let me remind you that the excess magnesium intake is rapidly excreted by the body, and it is almost impossible to “eat up” the normal concentration. So it’s up to you to choose which “pay tribute” pharmaceutical company to improve your condition.
You have every right to say that the doctor is trying to "plant" you to take magnesium. I agree, but you have long and firmly sit on the "needle" of water, oxygen, food, salt and other delights. Magnesium is not a drug, I assure you.
Magnesium is the most important mineral on the diet against hypertension
Source: http://lechenie-gipertonii.info/lechenie-gipertoni...o-li-obojtis-bez-lekarstv.html
Physicians should prescribe medicines and dietary supplements containing magnesium to each patient with hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases. Unfortunately, due to their ignorance, they still rarely do it. If you have hypertension, then you lack magnesium with a probability of 80-90%. In order to bring your blood pressure to normal, be sure to fill this gap. Eliminating magnesium deficiency in your body is a simple and effective measure to reduce blood pressure and significantly improve your well-being.
Magnesium on a diet for hypertension
Magnesium plays a huge role in the human body, it is useful not only for the heart. For example, magnesium maintains salts in the urine in a dissolved state, prevents them from precipitating and thus prevents the formation of sand and kidney stones.
Magnesium relieves vasospasm and relaxes the central nervous system, so for hypertensive crises, patients often receive magnesia injections — a solution of magnesium sulfate. These injections quickly alleviate the condition of patients. Doctors have successfully used magnesium to relieve hypertensive crises, but, unfortunately, they are not yet used to using it in “regular” therapy for hypertension. Few people know that magnesium preparations can be considered natural analogues of drugs for hypertension of the calcium channel blocker group, but without their harmful side effects.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency in the body:
high blood pressure
cardiac arrhythmia
muscle cramps and cramps
chronic fatigue
in women - severe premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
A diet for hypertension should include foods rich in magnesium. These include: black bread, legumes (beans, peas), cereals, bran, nuts, beets, parsley, dried apricots, sesame. The daily intake of magnesium for an adult is 300-600 mg. To get this amount of magnesium from food is almost impossible. For this, I would have to eat 1.5-2 kg of meat or drink 3-4 liters of milk.
Magnesium Deficiency and Hypertension
If potassium preparations can be used only in extreme cases and under strict medical supervision, then with magnesium it is the opposite. Nutritional supplements and pharmacy magnesium preparations are excellent sources of this mineral. They effectively lower blood pressure, and as “side effects” they will relieve you of other manifestations of magnesium deficiency, which we have listed above.
To eliminate the magnesium deficiency in the body, you do not need to contact the manufacturers of dubious food additives. It is likely that in the nearest pharmacy you will find magnesium preparations that are produced by large and reputable pharmaceutical companies. Ask the pharmacy Magnicum, Magvit or Magne-B6. These are excellent preparations that contain magnesium in easily digestible form, as well as vitamin B6.

Add a few words for patients who already have severe renal failure. They usually already know that they should be wary of any new pills, including to reduce the pressure. However, they can also try to take magnesium, but only under the supervision of a physician. It is best to do this in a hospital, where you will be continuously monitored for biochemical blood parameters and kidney function, and in the event of a crisis, they will quickly and effectively take action.
From comments:
"Look ... you are 31 years old, the systolic pressure, as you write, does not rise above 140. In such a situation, I would crawl out of my skin, if only I did not have to“ sit down ”on beta-blockers from my youth. If you do not have additional health problems !!! (for example, diabetes, kidney failure, heart disease), then I suggest you do the following. With your input data (31 years old, pressure not higher than 140), if you postpone taking a beta-blocker for 3 weeks, then nothing bad will happen .
If you have any of the above complications, then without a doctor’s control, don’t do what I’m writing about below.
It is highly likely that you will be able to cure hypertension without medication. I recommend you to do the following. Do not swallow the beta blocker yet. Instead, go to the pharmacy and buy 3 boxes of any of the magnesium preparations that are discussed in the article. That is, Magnicum, Magvit or Magne B-6. They are all the same in essence - take the one that is cheaper. Each of them contains 48 mg of magnesium and 5 mg of vitamin B6 in one tablet; you will read about this in the instructions.
The daily intake of magnesium for an adult is 300-600 mg. Take 8 tablets per day in 3 doses. This will be 8 * 48 = 394 mg of magnesium and 40 mg of vitamin B6 per day. Before meals or after - as you like. The main thing - 8 tablets per day, no less. It is completely harmless, on the contrary is very useful. A lower dose may not work quickly.
If you add fish oil and / or taurine here, it will be good, but it is not necessary. These are food additives “for perspective”, they do not give effect immediately. And I hope you will feel the normalization of pressure from significant doses of magnesium quickly.
3 * 50 = 150 tablets. Taking them 8 pieces a day is 19 days. During this period, along with the intake of magnesium should be the maximum limit salt in the diet, as well as sweets and baking.
And let us hope that you will quickly see how the indicators of the tonometer tend to go down to 120/80, as well as experience an improvement in your well-being.
If everything turned out, then you will no longer need beta blockers :), but you will need the following packages of medicines containing magnesium and everything else that we are talking about here. If it didn’t work out, it means you don’t lose that much.
What can be side effects? First, magnesium enhances intestinal peristalsis. If there is diarrhea - the dose of magnesium will have to be reduced, then you cannot get anywhere. But if you have constipation, then it turns out an extra bonus :). Secondly, vitamin B6 in this dosage can cause mild numbness in the fingertips. For it to pass, you need to take other B vitamins together with B6, or reduce the dose of B6. If this numbness starts, please do not reduce the number of tablets per day, take 3 packs of the drug for 19 days. Normalization of blood pressure is worth it to suffer this numbness. Try not to pay attention to him.
Divide the daily dose of magnesium by 2-3 times.
If suddenly you take calcium supplements, it is better to do it separately from magnesium. It is believed that calcium and magnesium impair the absorption of each other. Try, for example, calcium for the night, and magnesium in the morning and at lunch. Just in case, I specify that calcium, for all its merits, does not help from hypertension.

Pro magnesium deficiency and how to deal with it

We do with our own hands a nutritious magnesium solution, cheap and cheerful :-)
As a child, I remember that I was "found" to have an irregular heart rhythm, at night I had cramped muscles in my legs. Our valiant orthodox medicine treated me in the hospital, stabbing me with penicillin. Because they couldn’t think anything smarter :-), although only then I learned from other doctors that the whole thing was a deficiency of magnesium in the body. How simple! This is due to the fact that I, like many others, eat “peeled”, “civilized” - white sugar, white flour, white pasta, polished rice, boiled potatoes, meat, etc. In general, the products are poor in trace elements, and they are contained in the peel, bran. Soft Moscow water is also poor in magnesium.
Magnesium deficiency may be due to the following factors:
• Inadequate food intake: poor nutrition, low-calorie diet, drinking alcohol, eating soft water, chronic or prolonged diarrhea, eating refined foods — white sugar, polished rice, white flour, etc.
• Increased need: for example, during growth, pregnancy, breastfeeding; with intense physical exertion, in situations of stress and increased mental stress; during the period of rehabilitation after serious illnesses and injuries.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency:
The first symptom is usually fatigue, a tendency to depression. Other manifestations include twitching of the eyelids, feeling of tension, memory impairment, disturbed sleep or insomnia, night cramps, sometimes numbness, dizziness, irritability, palpitations, "interruptions" in the heart, feeling short of breath, "lump" in the throat. When magnesium deficiency can occur a vicious circle: the lack of this mineral contributes to the development of stress, which in turn increases its insufficiency. A more pronounced lack of magnesium can lead to the development of cardiovascular (arrhythmia) and gastrointestinal disorders.
Therefore, the question arose of replenishing the magnesium deficiency in the body. Rummaged through the Internet, well-known magnesium preparations, which I found, were expensive for long-term use:
Magnerot - in a package of 20 tablets of 0.5 g of magnesium orotate, in which the active substance of magnesium is only 32.8 mg here - http://www.voed.ru/magnerot.htm Therefore, it is recommended to take 2 tablets three times per day, and it can be calculated that the packaging of Magnerot, costing 130-160 rubles, "leaves" in 3-4 days. In the month it costs almost a thousand and a half wooden.
Magne B6 - 50 tablets per pack. The active ingredient is magnesium lactate (48 mg of pure magnesium), with a price of 330 rubles. per pack. Recalculating the cost, we get about 1200 rubles per month.
Asparkam is a combination of magnesium and potassium asparaginate at 0.175 g. The disadvantage of the drug is that when it is low in magnesium, it is necessary to use it in large quantities in order to get the required daily dose of 350 mg, which at the same amount of potassium in this drug can lead to hyperkalemia - potassium poisoning.
Magnesium Plus - 10 effervescent tablets, each containing 15% of the daily dose of magnesium, that is, you need to take 7 tablets per day, which approximately costs 60 rubles. per day or 1800 rubles. per month.
I concluded that replenishing the magnesium deficiency, based on the recommended daily need of 350 mg http://www.kwd.ru/magnii.htm costs more than 1000 rubles per month per person, which in terms of the whole family turns out decently. Therefore, magnesium preparations decided to do CAM.
The basis was taken sold everywhere in the pharmacy "magnesium sulphate" powder. Package 25 g (or 10 g) package price - 5 (five!) Rubles. The chemical formula MgSO4 * 7H2O, recalculating the atomic masses of the elements, we find that 25 grams bag of magnesium sulfate contains ~ 11% or about 2.6 g of pure magnesium, which is almost 8 full daily doses. That is, the monthly dose will cost less than 20 rubles per person.
It is known that inorganic magnesium compounds are poorly absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract, and magnesium sulfate is not absorbed at all and therefore is officially used as a laxative.
Organic magnesium compounds are well absorbed, and some organic salt, such as citrate (citric acid salt) or acetate (acetic acid salt) of magnesium, must be obtained from sulfate. But magnesium sulphate does not react with citric acid or vinegar. And you have a little "pokoldovat", remembering chemistry.
1. Pour in a completely cleaned enameled small pan two glasses of water, put it on the stove, bring to a boil and add 2 full teaspoons of baking soda with a hill (NaHCO3). Boil a minute or two, stirring well, until the bubbles come out. Soda (sodium bicarbonate) is decomposed with the release of carbon dioxide and sodium carbonate. NaHCO3 -> Na2CO3 + CO2 + H2O
2. Separately, in a glass of hot water, dissolve 2 teaspoons full with a slide of magnesium sulfate powder purchased at the pharmacy, stir until completely dissolved.
3. Slowly pour this solution out of the glass into a pot of soda boiling on the stove and stir. The solution will become white as milk, and bubbles of carbon dioxide will flow again. We continue to boil the solution, stirring well with a spoon, for another couple of minutes.
4. Remove the pan from the stove and pour it into a liter bottle (we care about the white precipitate formed). Add boiled water to the full bottle and set for an hour, so that the sediment settles on the bottom. Then, carefully pour the clear solution, it is possible through a tube, so as not to lose the precipitate. And topping up the bottle again to the top with clean boiled water, and again let it settle, drain the water from the sediment. We washed the precipitate.
5. Now we have at the bottom of the bottle a white purified milk thin slurry of magnesium carbonate basic MgCO3 (OH) 2. Now we add a glass of hot water there and start to add 6% of vinegar in a tablespoon of apple table vinegar and stir vigorously, wait a minute until the gases come out. The precipitate will begin to dissolve with each new spoon of vinegar and the solution will brighten. We try periodically to taste - the solution should be only slightly sour, and transparent, the precipitate dissolves. Vinegar leaves a few tablespoons.
Done!Now you end up with a bottle of about one-third filled with a clear solution of a slightly sour taste. This is a solution of magnesium acetate with a slight excess of unreacted vinegar.
If we need magnesium citrate (the best digestible magnesium compound!), We should add an aqueous solution of edible citric acid or just lemon juice instead of apple cider vinegar to the white precipitate obtained in paragraph 5. Apple cider vinegar was taken because it contains many micronutrients, (besides acetic acid), which is so necessary for our body and is useful in itself.
