Tuesday, July 2, 2019

High Absorption Magnesium for Leg Cramps and Sore Muscles, Restless Leg Syndrome Relief (RLS), Muscle Relaxer with Vitamin B6, D and E, 380mg Magnesium Oxide Monohydrate, 60 Servings

High Absorption Magnesium for Leg Cramps and Sore Muscles, Restless Leg Syndrome Relief (RLS), Muscle Relaxer with Vitamin B6, D and E, 380mg Magnesium Oxide Monohydrate, 60 Servings
High Absorption Magnesium for Leg Cramps and Sore Muscles, Restless Leg Syndrome Relief (RLS), Muscle Relaxer with Vitamin B6, D and E, 380mg Magnesium Oxide Monohydrate, 60 Servings

The role of magnesium in the human body

Surely many have heard how important mineral magnesium (Mg) is for the heart to work. But myocardial health is not limited to its role. This macro element is the basis of the flesh of all living things, so it belongs to the nutrient minerals.

Science treats magnesium dependence on most biochemical processes by the fact that in the era of the initial birth of life, the environment of the world ocean had a chloride-magnesium chemical composition. Only after millennia, it gradually turned into sodium chloride, but Mg is still present in the composition of sea salt (0.13%). Therefore, the biological need for a valuable substance for the Earth’s fauna and flora has been preserved.

The metal was obtained in the 19th century from white magnesia, known to pharmacists much earlier as laxative salt. Since ancient times it was obtained by simple drying of mineral water. And in 1695 he gave the world pure magnesia, isolated by an Englishman from the waters of a mineral spring near the city of Epsom, known as Epsom salt. Magnesium metal received the name due to spectacular burning.

Mineral magnesium compounds accumulate in animal tissues (bones, internal organs, blood) and plant organisms (chlorophyll). Used in metabolic reactions, protein production, energy supply of cells, the work of nerves, muscles, blood vessels.
What is the role of the element magnesium for the human body

Inside the human body, magnesium is responsible for a lot of vital tasks and reactions. Its share in the cellular space is inferior only to potassium. Magnesium compounds, together with sodium, calcium and potassium, make up the main group of macronutrients in our body.

Man satisfies the natural need for magnesium compounds with food and drink. Once inside, Mg is bound by protein molecules, then it is deposited in bones, kidneys, brain, liver, and blood.

The physiological role of magnesium is to provide:

enzymatic reactions;
cell division;
energy supply;
assimilation of glucose, vitamins;
building protein molecules, their transport;
growth of bone tissue, muscle corset;
neural communication;
flow of metabolism;
output of decay products;
myocardial work;
normalization of pressure on the vascular wall.

Magnesium promotes bowel emptying, muscle relaxation, removal of vascular spasms, respiratory tract, and smooth muscles. Normalizes blood pressure, heart rate.
The positive effect of magnesium compounds on the body

Organic magnesium is an indispensable part of biochemical, neurochemical and electrolytic reactions that occur continuously inside our body. The mineral element is actively involved in the regulation of virtually all metabolic, regenerative, cellular and intercellular processes, as well as for the functioning of internal organs and systems.

Thanks to the magnesium mineral, our body receives:

growth, formation, strength of the bone skeleton;
adequate rate of myocardial contraction;
muscle work;
healthy metabolism;
sufficient production of protein;
optimal absorption of nutrients, energy;
cell growth, regeneration;
nervous activity;
brain support;
normal vascular tone;
regulation of blood formation, blood coagulation;
work digestion.

Organic matter helps break down, absorb, transform vitamins, then integrate them into the body's work.
Magnesium daily intake

The element magnesium in natural formulas is partially absorbed by our body, at 40% of the intake from food and water, provided that vitamin D is adequate. Therefore, it is important to have a diet saturated with magnesium salts to cover the physiological norm.

Magnesium daily rate

WHO indicates the specific amount of magnesium element (mg / day) that a person needs, as well as the upper tolerable level:

male sex - from 400 to 420 (770);
female sex - from 310 to 320 (670);
a pregnant woman - from 350 to 400 (750);
breastfeeding women - from 310 to 360 (710);
young man - 410 (760);
girlfriend - 360 (710);
teenager - 240 (590);
child - from 80 to 130 (240);
baby - from 30 to 75.

The weighted average need for a mineral is 0.05% of body weight, and its normal level in the blood of a healthy person ranges from 0.7 to 1.2 mmol / l. The total mass of accumulated magnesium is close to 25 grams, of which 60% are Mg 2+ cations, the rest is magnesium salts associated with protein molecules.
Natural Sources of Magnesium

Nature has provided an external and internal way to saturate the body with organic magnesium. External sources - minerals (bischofite), waters of the seas, oceans, lakes, thermal, mineral springs. Domestic - food and drinking liquid, especially mineral water.

Magnesium minerals externally penetrate through the skin, then they are carried by the bloodstream. Baths, rubbing, saline compresses, powders contribute to this. Internal magnesium compounds, once ingested, are absorbed and incorporated into cellular structures, mobilized from stores as needed.

Most enriched with magnesium element:

dried fruits, especially raisins, dried apricots, dried apricots;
green vegetables (such as spinach);
whole grains;
milk, yoghurts and dairy products.

Food, dominated by fat, calcium or phytin, reduces the bioavailability of magnesium mineral. A similar picture occurs with a deficiency of vitamin D - only with its sufficient level the element is absorbed by our body. Therefore, the lack of valuable substances is quite common among the modern population of the planet.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency

Especially a city dweller is prone to magnesium deficiency - his symptoms are felt by a third of urbanized people who absorb refined products, semi-finished products, where the element is represented by a negligible amount.

A person who is experiencing a deficiency of an organic mineral is piled on by a bunch of health problems:

accelerated heartbeat;
cardiovascular failure;
pressure surges;
vomiting, nausea;
weakening of immunity;
sore joints;
cramps, spasms, tics;

Problems of mental concentration, control over emotions, irritability, nervous and muscular tremors are added. If the magnesium level is critically low, serious pathologies develop that require treatment. The fall of the required amount of the mineral by more than half ends in death.
Indications for use of magnesium preparations

Modern medicine is actively using magnesium preparations for several purposes - treatment of deficiency states, as part of the treatment of minerals reducing the level of ailments, filling the shortage of magnesium elements, plus prevention, when the demand for magnesium is increased.

Magnesium readings

Organic or chemical magnesium salts are used - citrate, sulphate, orotat, aspartate, malate, lactate, and also a duet with vitamin D. Magnesium preparations have different forms - solution, tablets, powder, capsules, external powder.

The indications for taking magnesium in 1 target point are:

swelling, including the brain;
risk of preterm delivery;
cramps, spasms;
fractures, tremors;
bronchial asthma;
increased acidity;
painful menstruation;

Indications for use of the mineral in paragraph 2:

thyroid pathology;
hormonal changes;
chronic alcoholism.

Appointments for an item in 3 points:

nutrition poor in magnesium foods;
treatment with drugs incompatible with magnesium;
food that is low in vitamin D;
symptoms of initial Mg deficiency;
diet with a predominance of fat, fitin, calcium;
soft drinking water, slightly saturated with mineral salts.

Reasons for prescribing magnesium for 4 points (preparations of magnesium salts or mineral complex products):

period of child growth;
sports, hard physical labor.

Magnesium based products soothe, relax, remove edema, reduce pulse and pressure, facilitate breathing, digestion, sleep.
Overdose and contraindications for magnesium intake

Mineral magnesium is hard to overdo it - the body does not accumulate it, but will bring it out with urine. Overdose occurs during intensive therapy with Mg salts when increased doses are prescribed. However, it is difficult to recognize it by laboratory and clinical methods.

Magnesium contraindications

The most characteristic signs of a glut of magnesium mineral:

hot flushes;
drop in tone;
rare pulse.

Contraindications for the reception of organic or chemical magnesium are also available. This hypotension, bradycardia, intolerance to the components of the drug, kidney damage, prenatal condition.
Interaction of magnesium with other drugs

Extremely caution should be combined organic or chemical compounds of magnesium with other medicines, so as not to disrupt the mineral balance.

Druzhat as vitamins D and group B satellites of magnesium, increasing the total effect.

Compete with magnesium or diuretics, laxative, calcium, fats, phytin interfere with its absorption.

Medical control requires a combination of minerals, including magnesium compounds, with cardiac glycosides, antihypertensive drugs, antidepressants.

Prophylactic use and reasonable doses of vitamin-mineral supplements with magnesium are considered safe.
The table of applicability of drugs with magnesium

384 mg / day
Magnesium supplements reduce the number of diagnosed cases of arrhythmia.
Chronic heart failure
300 mg / day under medical supervision
Mineral deficiency can adversely affect the body and lead to manifestations of arrhythmia.
360 mg / day
Magnesium helps muscles to relax, including the muscles of the uterus.
Gestational hypertension
300 mg / day
Taking magnesium can prevent gestational hypertension or reduce the severity of its course.
Stones in the kidneys
1600 mg / day potassium citrate, 500 mg / day magnesium citrate
Supplements in the form of a combination of potassium citrate and magnesium citrate can reduce the frequency of recurrence of kidney stones.
Headache (migraine)
360-600 mg / day
It has been found that in people with frequent migraine attacks, the levels of magnesium in the body are understood, so supplements with magnesium can reduce the frequency of migraines and relieve symptoms.
Mitral valve prolapse (PMK)
If magnesium deficiency is found - 500 mg / day
Magnesium deficiency can be one of the causes of the symptoms that arise in connection with the PMK. In one study, people taking magnesium experienced a significant reduction in weakness, chest pain, anxiety, shortness of breath, and palpitations.
200-600 mg / day
Patients with type 2 diabetes often have a reduced level of magnesium in the body. Taking supplements with magnesium, there is the likelihood of hearing glucose control in the body. Which in turn can reduce the risk of developing or slow the progression of neuropathy.
Type 1 diabetes
200-600 mg / day
Patients with type 1 diabetes usually have low levels of magnesium. Supplements with magnesium can reduce the risk of diabetes complications such as eye damage and neuropathy.
Diabetes type 2
200-600 mg / day
Patients with type 2 diabetes usually have low levels of magnesium. Magnesium supplements can improve insulin production.
Urinary incontinence
150 mg twice daily
In a double-blind study, women with incontinence after taking supplements with magnesium showed improvements.
Angina pectoris
365 mg twice daily
Receiving magnesium reduces the risk of unpleasant pain in the chest during physical exertion.
300-400 mg / day
People with asthma often have low levels of magnesium. Supplements with magnesium can help prevent asthma attacks, because magnesium can prevent bronchial cramps.
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
With magnesium deficiency: 200 mg / day
Some children with ADHD have low levels of magnesium. In one study, children with ADHD and low magnesium levels were given dietary supplements with magnesium and as a result, a significant reduction in hyperactive behavior was found.
Celiac disease
On the recommendation of a doctor
Malabsorption, which occurs with celiac disease, can lead to multiple nutritional deficiencies. Including magnesium deficiency, with the ensuing problems.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
On the recommendation of a doctor
In a number of studies, it was found that in patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, the level of magnesium in the body is reduced.
252 mg 1-4 times a day
According to statistics, the intake of dietary supplements with magnesium in patients with epilepsy decreases the frequency of attacks by an average of 49% over the observation period from 3 to 12 months.
350-500 mg / day
Receiving magnesium supplements can lower blood pressure, especially in patients taking diuretics.
Adults: 250-750 mg / day; girls: 150 mg / day
Taking magnesium can help stop bone loss and increase bone mass in patients diagnosed with osteoporosis.
Leg cramps in pregnant women and after childbirth
100 mg 3 times a day, course 4 weeks
The effectiveness of this treatment has not been proven, however, there is an opinion on the effectiveness of magnesium intake in case of leg cramps caused by pregnancy or after a generic condition.
Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)
200-400 mg / day
Supplements with magnesium can reduce the risk of mood swings, abdominal distention, breast tenderness, headaches, and other PMS symptoms.
7.2 mg per 1 kg of body weight per day
It has been found that patients with thalassemia usually have low levels of magnesium.
Heart attack
On the recommendation of a doctor
Supplements with magnesium can reduce the risk of a heart attack.
High cholesterol
On the recommendation of a doctor
During the preliminary study, magnesium supplements lowered total cholesterol and increased HDL ("good") cholesterol.
Alcohol addiction
On the recommendation of a doctor
Alcoholics sometimes have magnesium deficiency in the body, and some researchers believe that withdrawal symptoms can to some extent be associated with this.
On the recommendation of a doctor
Many years ago, magnesium was used as a drug to treat anxiety. Some doctors recommend taking a hot bath containing crystals of magnesium sulfate (English salt).
On the recommendation of a doctor
Magnesium deficiency can reduce physical performance and promote muscle cramps. Studies show that taking magnesium can improve body performance.
On the recommendation of a doctor
Some researchers believe that vitamin B6 is effective in treating autism (with a course of at least 3 months). And taking vitamin B6 in combination with magnesium significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
On the recommendation of a doctor
Medications prescribed for the treatment of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease often lead to low levels of magnesium in the body. Thus, patients with COPD need to be given medication with magnesium to eliminate the deficiency of this important mineral.
Cluster headaches
On the recommendation of a doctor
Patients with cluster headaches often have low levels of magnesium in the body and need to be given medications with magnesium.
On the recommendation of a doctor
Preliminary testing has shown that a combination of magnesium and malic acid can reduce muscle pain in patients with fibromyalgia.
On the recommendation of a doctor
In one study, supplementing magnesium improved vision in people with glaucoma, apparently by increasing blood flow to the eyes.
On the recommendation of a doctor
Studies have shown that supplements with magnesium can prevent blood sugar levels from falling too fast in patients with hypoglycemia.
On the recommendation of a doctor
People with restless leg syndrome often have trouble sleeping. Magnesium helps relieve muscle tension and in one trial, in patients with insomnia, sleep quality improved significantly after a course of magnesium.
Insulin Resistance Syndrome
On the recommendation of a doctor
Magnesium deficiency can reduce insulin sensitivity, and low levels of magnesium are associated with greater insulin resistance in people without diabetes, some doctors believe that supplements with magnesium can improve SIR.
Intermittent claudication
On the recommendation of a doctor
Magnesium can increase blood flow by promoting blood vessel dilation. In one study, it was found that taking magnesium can increase the mobility of patients with intermittent claudication.
250-500 mg / day
In one study, it was found that supplements with magnesium helped women with symptoms of menopause after breast cancer treatment.
Multiple sclerosis
According to the recommendation of a physician In patients with multiple sclerosis,
magnesium deficiency is often found. In one study, it was found that the combination of magnesium, fish oil and calcium reduced the level of magnesium, reportedly to be low in people with cf. in one trial, the combination of magnesium, fish oil and calcium reduced the syptoma of multiple sclerosis.
On the recommendation of a doctor,
Magnesium reduces the incidence of pre-eclampsia in women at risk.
Raynaud's disease
On the recommendation of a doctor
Disorders of magnesium absorption have been reported in people with Raynaud's disease. The results of magnesium deficiency in the blood - vasospasm. Thus, patients with Raynaud's disease require supplementation with magnesium.
Restless Legs Syndrome
As recommended by a doctor,
Magnesium Supplements may help relieve insomnia in people with restless legs syndrome.
According to a doctor's recommendation.
Low levels of magnesium in the body are considered a risk factor for the development of retinopathy in white people diagnosed with diabetes.
On the advice of a doctor.
It is known that magnesium is effective in lowering high blood pressure, which in turn can lead to a stroke.
As recommended by the physician
During the preliminary study, magnesium supplementation resulted in a statistically significant improvement in symptoms in adult patients with tinnitus.

Background: green - scientifically proven, orange - insufficient evidence, White - no studies have been performed
