Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Advocare Rehydrate- Red Raspberry 14 Pouches


Advocare Rehydrate- Red Raspberry 14 Pouches

Water is the most important element for human life after breath.
A person can live for weeks without food, but without water, only for a few days. With 10% reduction in body water, life begins to be in danger. When 20% is lost, it results in death.

The water in the human body varies between 45-70%. The tasks of water in the body are quite high. Food digestion, absorption, control of body temperature, ensuring the lubricity of the joints are the main ones.

Adult people drink an average of 1 liter of food and 1.2 liters of water with food. Since 85-90% of the nutrients such as vegetables and fruits are water, some of the liquid intake is met from these foods. Each person 1 calorie food for 1 gr. should take water. For example, a male fed 2,000 calories on average 2 kg. should take liquid. The human body averages 500 per day via the skin, 300 by lungs, 1500 by urine from the kidneys and 200 ml from the intestines. loses water. These amounts vary according to climatic conditions, disease and sports.

1% decrease in water density in the body causes thirst for us. When the body loses excess water, physical performance decreases, concentration decreases, dizziness occurs. Further losses include dizziness, vomiting, muscle spasm and excessive fatigue.

The cleaning of the water to be used is an important issue. If there is water that we do not know how it comes from, it should be boiled for 3-5 minutes. Otherwise, the microbes in the water can cause serious illness. Closed waters are safer in this sense and should be preferred. Especially if you are a child who drinks water, you need to be more sensitive. The risk of getting sick is higher because they are more open to the microbe.

Some people may not like to drink water alone. These people should definitely prefer a liquid that will taste. This liquid can be drinks such as clear tea, lemonade, herbal teas. Calorie and nutritional value is important in these beverages. For instance, it is inconvenient to drink 1.5 liters of acidic beverages a day to meet the liquid needs. Or ready-made juices are very sugary and painted. Consuming them also causes unnecessary weight gain. No liquid consumed performs the functions of water in the body. The most ideal liquid for us is water. Water is always easier to reach. Small sips can be started and gradually increased.

Abundant consumption of vegetables and fruits is also a good alternative. For example, 95% of watermelon is water. It is both easy and economical to be present at the tables. It is also beneficial to have other vegetables and fruits.

Consumption of buttermilk is especially useful in the summer when blood pressure does not fall. It's okay if it's a little salty. However, excess salt does more harm than good. 2-3 glasses a day is enough. We meet both our calcium needs and liquid needs.

For all these reasons, the daily fluid requirement must be completed. Let us not forget that water is health…


Experts that the reduction in the amount of water in the body threatens health, water should not wait to drink, he said.

Experts, the reduction in the amount of water in the body (dehydration) affects the concentration capacity of a person, reduces energy and normal health of the organs by preventing the functioning of the drews attention to the attention. In order to sustain vital activities, experts noted that the water lost from the body must be replaced during the day and that the best method for this is to drink water.

Loss of water, other drinks, solid nutrients and nutrients in the body of water that consists of burning experts tried to put into place, "People, solid food they eat during the day, while obtaining 4 cups of water in the body during the combustion of nutrients in the body of about a glass of water occurs. Water and other beverages help to meet the remaining needs. In order to sustain the vital activities, the lost water must be put in place during the day.

Although the earliest sign of dehydration is dryness of the mouth and throat, many people do not realize these findings, experts, such a threat to stay under the threat of thirst, before waking up to drink enough water suggests. Experts share the following views on dehydration: "Another important finding is nausea and vomiting. Headache, constant feeling of warmth, dry lips and tongue, sparse or less urination, darkening of urine color, dry skin, pain in the joints and muscles, Other health problems if the body's water needs are not met are inadequate calorie formation, persistent digestive system problems, fatigue, feeling of dizziness and muscle cramps.


Maintaining the balance of water in the body, which makes up more than half of our weight, is of great importance for our health. Experts, the best choice to replace the lost water is drinking water, the specified size of water should be drunk during the day, he said. In addition, experts, a meal with a bowl of soup to start and at least one glass of water should be drunk during the meal. Another point that should be considered is the loss of water in the body during physical activity, hence the need for water to increase the experts, "Therefore, to start the physical activity by drinking water and maintaining the activity of water, water balance in the body is important in terms of deterioration. The water loss of the body must be kept with the person in the car, on the train, on the airplane, in short, on all journeys. It is advisable to drink water or hot water flavored with lemon in order to quickly recover the body's lost water during the journey.

Advocare Rehydrate- Red Raspberry 14 Pouches

Nuun, Drink Tab BlackBerry Citrus, 1.8 Ounce 2 Pack

Why Does a Bodybuilder Need More Water?

Nuun, Drink Tab BlackBerry Citrus, 1.8 Ounce 2 Pack

Very simple. Water is the source of life The… human body ¾ is water. It is needed even in the smallest metabolic events. If you have an intensive training program, the simplest thing you can do for your body; Drink more WATER…
1. You don't drink enough

Soda or coffee never replaces water because many substances, such as caffeine, cause more water to be removed from the body.
2. Provides the elimination of toxins from the body

Water allows toxins and other metabolic wastes to be discharged from the body. If you are taking a high amount of protein, there is a high amount of nitrogen in the body. If you eat too much food to gain weight; your kidneys need more water to perform their tasks.
3. Lets you burn fat

If you don't drink enough water, your kidneys cannot work properly. If your kidneys do not work enough, the kidney will have to do some of the tasks of the liver. The less the liver does its own work, the less fat means to burn. Drinking water can also prevent you from feeling hunger.
4. Gives health to your skin

Drinking water makes your cells healthier, in other words, your skin is softer and smoother and of better quality.
5. Water protects internal organs

If you eat over 4000 kcal per day, you should drink more water to keep your internal organs healthy and regular.
6. If you consume a lot of salt

If you consume a lot of salt, this can be a problem for you. High values ​​of sodium input can disrupt the body's water balance. Reduce salt intake or for more water.
7. Water makes the supplements more useful

The supplements (eg creatine) cause water retention in muscle cells and you need lots of water to function for many products. If you have an intensive training program, you need essential vitamins, and many vitamins need water to work in the body.

Nuun, Drink Tab BlackBerry Citrus, 1.8 Ounce 2 Pack

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Non-GMO/Vegan/Gluten-Free Vitamins, Minerals, 3X Electrolytes - 30 Stick Packs (Acai Berry)

The Importance of Water Before World Water Day

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Non-GMO/Vegan/Gluten-Free Vitamins, Minerals, 3X Electrolytes - 30 Stick Packs (Acai Berry)

Expecting to be thirsty for drinking water, water and tea needs to meet with coffee and tea are among the major health mistakes.
Many people forget to drink water in the hustle and bustle of daily life and the high tempo of business life. However, waiting to be thirsty to drink water, and the need to drink water with tea and coffee are among the important health mistakes by experts. Inadequate fluid intake during the day can cause many discomforts in the body. Memorial Ankara Hospital Department of Internal Medicine. Dr. Serpil Kılınç gave information about the importance of water for human health before Mart 22 March World Water Day ”.

Drink enough water to stay healthy

All living things need water to maintain their life functions. 60-70% of our body is water. It has important tasks in balancing body temperature, cleaning toxins, moisturizing the skin, digestion and circulatory system of internal organs, especially kidneys, dissolving vitamins and minerals, and regular functioning of metabolism. When water is consumed sufficiently, it makes the skin smoother, softer, brighter and more supple. It is involved in saliva and stomach secretion and takes part in the digestion of nutrients. Water increases milk production in lactating women. Water is required for the immune system to function. This feature helps in staying fit and vigorous. Provides lubricity of joints. It helps to protect against various diseases such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections and constipation. As water consumption decreases, the amount of fat stored in the body begins to increase and weight gain occurs.

An average of 1, 5-2, 5 liters of water should be consumed per day.

Although it is known that water forms the basis of life, many people are still unaware of the basic role played by water in almost every organ and functioning of the human body. When total body water is lacking, the body automatically indicates the lack of water and indicates the need to consume water. When the body water is low and the loss cannot be compensated, hid dehydration ”or“ fluid loss gelir occurs. Diarrhea, urine, sweating, such as excessive fluid losses and occurs in cases where the need for this fluid loss can not be met. When there is water loss, a warning is sent to the thirst center in the brain. Generally, when thirst occurs, it is important that everyone receives the appropriate amount of water according to their needs instead of drinking water.
The serious lack of water can go into a coma.

When water is consumed less; Complications such as decrease in skin elasticity, headache, dizziness, nausea, low blood pressure may be seen. Despite these findings, fatal consequences may occur if the required water is not taken.

Do not say “I am consuming a lot of tea and coffee, so I cannot be thirsty”

Two-thirds of the body's main substance, water, is taken through drinking, and the rest is taken by food. However, the consumption of tea, coffee and other beverages is not sufficient to meet the body's water needs. These drinks increase the excretion of fluid from the body due to its diuretic properties and do not contain the beneficial minerals in the water.
Excess water consumption can cause water poisoning

Excessive water consumption is also harmful for the body. Consuming excess water can cause fluid electrolyte imbalance. In particular, the amount of water that should be taken daily by asking the doctors of heart and kidney patients should be adjusted.

To increase water consumption;

1- Every morning when you get up for 1 glass of water.
2- Always keep your table clean and preferably in a glass bottle of water.
3- Tiny papers that remind you to drink water during the day will help you at home, at school and at work.
4- Make sure to drink a glass of water every night before going to bed.
5- It is very useful to have a small bottle of water in your bag in case of an emergency.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Non-GMO/Vegan/Gluten-Free Vitamins, Minerals, 3X Electrolytes - 30 Stick Packs (Acai Berry)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (96)

Do not consume water too little or too much

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (96)

As our body warms up, it sweats and loses water.

Medicana Konya Hospital Nutrition and Dietetics Specialist Merve Sayın stated that the amount of water we drink in summer should be increased in order to increase the water level of our body. In addition, Merve Sayın tea, coffee, fruit juices, herbal and fruit tea, such as some of the liquid drinks from the body will increase the discharge of water to drink just as water, he noted.

Nutrition and Dietetic Specialist Merve Sayın explained the benefits of water and the positive / negative effects on the human body if water is consumed more or less.

It is the most important element after oxygen for human life and is an indispensable part of our diet. When losing 100% of carbohydrates and fat in the human body and 50% of proteins, life is in danger, and only 10% of body water is lost to life. Water accounts for about 50-70% of a person's body weight. Although this ratio varies depending on age, sex, weight, height and the degree of physical activity of the person, it is generally 60% for men, 50% for women and 65-75% for children.

Water, nutrients and drinks are taken into the body. The water taken into the body is absorbed in the digestive system and then passes into the blood. Through the blood circulation, an important part of it comes to the kidneys and is excreted as urine. Some of them are excreted through the skin, respiratory and digestive system.

The daily water requirement of an adult varies between 1-1.5 ml of water per 1 calorie intake. Age, gender, physical activity and seasonal differences also affect this condition. Some of the liquid beverages such as tea, coffee, fruit juices, herbal and fruit teas will increase the discharge of liquid from the body and it is necessary to drink the water as pure water. The intake and discharge of water to the body occurs in a balance. Daily fluid intake should be equal to daily fluid loss to maintain normal fluid volume in the body. When this balance is disturbed, some discomfort occurs.

In hot weather; The body works as a temperature regulator. The point we should pay attention to is the necessity to increase the amount of water we drink in summer. As our body warms up, it sweats and loses water. For this, we need to bring the water level to a sufficient level. The body actively uses water and cannot store it. Therefore, we cannot withstand thirst. The maximum period of time that our bodies can withstand no water is 7 days under the most favorable conditions.

in athletes; the body losing water cannot replace sufficient liquid; by slowing down our metabolism by reacting to it. It tries to prevent the discharge of water. Especially after sports, sweat thrown to replace the water; 15 minutes before exercise and race, 1-1.5 cups, during exercise and race every 10-15 minutes is required to drink 1/2 cup of water.

No liquid beverage completely replaces water.

Benefits of Water to Human Health

It is effective in digestion, absorption and transport of nutrients to cells,
Cells, tissues, organs and systems are responsible for the regular work,
Protects the brain, spinal cord and other organs from external factors,
Moistens body tissues such as mouth, eyes and nose,
Keeps body temperature in balance,
Most of the trace elements that the body needs are met by water,
The skin becomes beautiful,
The immune system is strengthened,
Helps respiration by moistening the air in the lungs,
Accelerates metabolism,
Helps digestion of nutrients and converts them into energy and prevents constipation by providing softening of feces,
Helps the disposal of waste and toxic substances outside the body,
Balances volume and pressure of blood, provides fluidity,
It transports oxygen and nutrients to the cells and ensures the dissolution of the solid substances necessary for the cell to function.
Ensures the balance of muscles,
It plays a role in the removal of edema,
Ensures the lubricity of joints,
It is known to help prevent the formation of cellulite due to its role in regulating the moisture and elasticity of the skin.

When water is consumed less;

The rate of fat in our body increases, when the kidneys do not get enough water, the task of the liver becomes heavier and tries to replace the kidney. It needs to turn the fat tank into energy, disrupts the liver work and slows down the fats. In addition, insufficient water consumption may cause slow metabolism.

Water is consumed a lot;

Consuming more water than necessary can cause poisoning. Excess water in the body; It may cause a decrease in the amount of sodium in the blood (hyponatremia), excessive swelling of the cells by taking excessive water, serious physical problems, brain edema and brain death in severe cases. People who consume excessive water are called 'Potomania'. Potomani generally; Anorexia, alcohol, coffee, smoking and drug consumption is common among people and athletes. Excessive water consumption can cause kidneys to work more than normal and cause mineral loss in the body.

To summarize;

10-12 cups of juice, for dispensing into the day,
Do not wait for thirst to drink water. Keep in mind; our body needs more water than we feel,
15 minutes before each meal for 1-2 glasses of water; Accelerate the formation of this feeling in our brain, which receives saturation message in 20 minutes,
When you come to your workplace every morning, make it a habit for water,
Always keep your table clean and preferably in a glass bottle of water.
Every night before bed to drink a glass of water,
When you wake up in the morning, one of the first things to do should be to drink 1 glass of water,
Always keep the water visible, care should be taken to consume water without feeling thirsty,
In lactating women; water is the most important liquid that increases milk production. Especially ready-made fruit juices with high calorie rates and water instead of gas-making acid drinks should be preferred,
The importance of water increases during pregnancy. The amniotic fluid that the baby is in regenerates every three hours. Since the amniotic amount decreases with insufficient fluid intake, the need for water increases.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Passion Fruit) (96)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 90 Count) Packaging May Vary

How do I know that I drink enough water?

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 90 Count) Packaging May Vary

Water, our source of life, is the most abundant component in our bodies.

Approximately 50% of the total body weight in women,
in men, it forms 60. The water in our bodies every day
changing, renewing itself. Change of body water to the climate
and the physiological state of the individual. Temperate climate
living, immobilized individuals every day the body contains water
5-10% while renewing; long-term strenuous exercise in hot weather
For those who do so, the rate of change may go up to 25% per day. Therefore
water requirement of those who live in hot climate and do intensive activities
probably more. Meeting the water needs
is essential for. Because all the cells needed for life
Biochemical reactions take place in body water. Human
While the body can be tolerated to remain without food for a long time, water
if not, it will be severely depleted within hours.
Human water need for drinking water, drinks, mainly vegetables and fruits
food and metabolism as a result of water.
Daily drinking water with 1.5-2 liters, average of food and drinks 1
liters of water are provided. Also nutrients in the body for the formation of energy
when used, they decompose to carbon dioxide and water. Here
The resulting water is known as metabolic water. 300 milliliters per day
metabolic water occurs.

Saline and High Protein Nutrition Increases Fluid Needs

The amount of water lost per day is at least 2500 milliliters. This water 1400
milliliters with urine, 200 milliliters with stool, 400 milliliters
500 milliliters are excreted through the lungs and skin. Water loss is great
also depends on the degree of sweating. Sweating, such as high temperature
environmental conditions and exercise level. More
sweaters need more fluid. Urine is the fluid taken
amount of water and other ways.
Therefore, the daily amount of urine when fluid intake is insufficient
decreases and the urine color becomes darker. High salty and high
In protein-fed, kidney urine condensation
capacity decreases, so the daily fluid requirement increases.

Getting enough water Important

The European Food Safety Authority
reported that they drank less than necessary. Yet it is appropriate
loss of body water
dehydration table. Inadequate fluid intake
life may seem simple
It affects the quality negatively and triggers the occurrence of serious diseases.
Permanent dehydration impaired cardiovascular function, kidney
failure, urinary tract infection, constipation, weakness, fatigue,
It is associated with headache, nausea and general weakness.
In addition, chronically low levels of fluid
low-level urine
metabolites undergo crystallization. Crystallization in urine,
is the process that leads to the formation of stones in the kidneys. However
fluid intake is as small as 1-2% of body weight.
attention and cognitive focus.
a gradual decrease in their capabilities. At the same time fatigue
and headache symptoms.

How do I know that I have enough water?

Evaluation of hydration status
There are some methods used. Plasma osmolality, plasma volume,
bioelectrical impedance measurements with liquid regulating hormones
complex measurement methods. However, the cost of these methods
high and impractical. However, the hydration status
The most commonly used practical measurement for the determination of body
weight measurement and evaluation of urine color.
Fluid intake measured in the morning of an individual well protected energy balance
body weight value should be constant and
fluctuations should be below 1%. Normal urine color is light Yellow.
If the elderly contain insufficient water

The elderly are at risk of dehydration. in old age
decrease in thirst and kidney function;
side effects such as nausea
reception. Frequent urination and less in the body
total body water is reduced as a result of fluid retention. Seniors Day
should consume at least 2 liters of liquid;
water should be provided. Enough fluid in the elderly group
fresh fruit juices, milk,
Buttermilk and soups are suitable liquid sources for the elderly. Coffee,
drinks containing caffeine such as tea, cola
prefer herbal teas instead of consumed too often because it prevents
It should be.

How much water should you drink daily?

European Food Safety Authority for children aged 1-3 years 1100-1300
milliliters, 1600 milliliters between 4-8 years, for adult women
recommends consuming 2 liters per day, 2.5 liters of water for men.
Exercise or hot environment exposure will increase the need for water
It should be remembered. Also during pregnancy and lactation fluid
requirement will increase. Daily fluid requirement in pregnancy 300
milliliters, 700 ml of spout is recommended to be added. Water
need water, buttermilk, fruit juice, tea, coffee, mineral water, such as non-alcohol
by consuming beverages or with water contained in foods.
affordable. Caffeine-containing drinks have a urinating effect
increase in daily water requirement.
Expected. But moderate intake of caffeinated drinks dehydration
It does not have any effect on. 5 cups of tea per day
up to 2 cups of black tea or coffee can be consumed easily.
Carbonated and non-carbonated drinks containing sugar, body weight
increase and adverse effects on the development of chronic diseases
should not be preferred.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 90 Count) Packaging May Vary

Hydrate Electrolyte + Amino Acids | Ocean Minerals | Real Lemon & Watermelon Juice | No Added Sugar | Non GMO | Clean Recovery Drink- Watermelon Lemonade Natural Flavor

Less water makes you sick

Hydrate Electrolyte + Amino Acids | Ocean Minerals | Real Lemon & Watermelon Juice | No Added Sugar | Non GMO | Clean Recovery Drink- Watermelon Lemonade Natural Flavor

Many people forget to drink water in the hustle and bustle of daily life and the high tempo of business life. However, waiting for thirst to drink water, water and tea needs to meet with experts are among the major health mistakes. Inadequate fluid intake during the day can cause many discomforts in the body.

Upset. Dr. Serpil Kilinc, '' 22 March World Water Day '' before the information about the importance of water for human health.
Drink enough water to stay healthy

All living things need water to maintain their life functions. 60-70% of our body is water. It has important tasks in balancing body temperature, cleaning toxins, moisturizing the skin, digestion and circulatory system of internal organs, especially kidneys, dissolving vitamins and minerals, and regular functioning of metabolism. When water is consumed sufficiently, it makes the skin smoother, softer, brighter and more supple. It is involved in saliva and stomach secretion and takes part in the digestion of nutrients. Water increases milk production in lactating women. Water is required for the immune system to function. With this feature it helps in staying fit and vigorous. Provides lubricity of joints. It helps to protect against various diseases such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections and constipation. As water consumption decreases, the amount of fat stored in the body begins to increase and weight gain occurs.

An average of 1, 5-2, 5 liters of water should be consumed per day.

Although it is known that water forms the basis of life, many people are still unaware of the basic role played by water in almost every organ and functioning of the human body. When total body water is lacking, the body automatically indicates the lack of water and indicates the need to consume water. When the body water is low and the loss cannot be compensated, dehydration occurs. Diarrhea, urine, sweating, such as excessive fluid losses and occurs in cases where the need for this fluid loss can not be met. When there is water loss, a warning is sent to the thirst center in the brain. Generally, when thirst occurs, it is important that everyone receives the appropriate amount of water according to their needs instead of drinking water.

The serious lack of water can go into a coma.

When water is consumed less; Complications such as decrease in skin elasticity, headache, dizziness, nausea, low blood pressure may be seen. Despite these findings, fatal consequences may occur if the required water is not taken.

Don't say '' I'm consuming a lot of tea and coffee, so I'm not thirsty ''

Two-thirds of the body's main substance, water, is taken through drinking, and the rest is taken by food. However, the consumption of tea, coffee and other beverages is not sufficient to meet the body's water needs. These drinks increase the excretion of fluid from the body due to its diuretic properties and do not contain the beneficial minerals in the water.

Excess water consumption can cause water poisoning

Excessive water consumption is also harmful for the body. Consuming excess water can cause fluid electrolyte imbalance. In particular, the amount of water that should be taken daily by asking the doctors of heart and kidney patients should be adjusted.

To increase water consumption;

1- Every morning when you get up for 1 glass of water.

2- Always keep your table clean and preferably in a glass bottle of water.

3- Tiny papers that remind you to drink water during the day will help you at home, at school and at work.

4- Make sure to drink a glass of water every night before going to bed.

5- It is very useful to have a small bottle of water in your bag in case of an emergency.

Hydrate Electrolyte + Amino Acids | Ocean Minerals | Real Lemon & Watermelon Juice | No Added Sugar | Non GMO | Clean Recovery Drink- Watermelon Lemonade Natural Flavor

Kinderlyte | Natural Pediatric Electrolyte Solution | Doctor-Formulated for Rapid Rehydration | No Artificial Sweeteners, Colors or Flavors | Kid-Friendly Taste |1 Bottle, 33.8 oz | Grape

Benefits of Drinking Sufficient Water

Kinderlyte | Natural Pediatric Electrolyte Solution | Doctor-Formulated for Rapid Rehydration | No Artificial Sweeteners, Colors or Flavors | Kid-Friendly Taste |1 Bottle, 33.8 oz | Grape

Although most of us sometimes forget to drink a glass of water during the day, the place and importance of water in our lives is extremely great.

Why is it important to drink enough water?

In order to function properly, our cells and organs require sufficient water. The body needs water at points such as lubricity of joints, protection of spinal cord and other sensitive tissues, and regulation of body temperature. Although needed water; Although water is supplied from foods with high water content, such as vegetables and fruits, the majority of the water we drink is required. The water taken during the day is lost and refreshed by sweating, urinating and even breathing. Renewed and absorbed water plays a key role in performing the functions of the body.
How much water should we drink in a day?

The recommended amount of water for one day varies from person to person, how active or how much sweating they are. But there is a general consensus about the amount needed for health. According to the findings of the Institute of Medicine, 13 glasses (3 liters) of water are required for a man and 9 glasses (2.2 liters) of water for a woman.
So, what are the benefits of drinking water?

Ensures the body's fluid balance: a large part of our body is made up of water and drink enough water; to transfer the nutrients received, to provide heat balance, to help digestion of nutrients in many areas such as taking the role of the fluid balance of our body provides.

Helps in weight control: Many studies show a strong link between the amount of water consumed and weight loss. Because drinking water increases the sense of saturation and accelerates metabolism. Therefore, accelerating metabolism burns more calories.

Makes skin cleaner and healthier: Some toxins in the body cause blackheads and pimples. Drinking water eliminates these toxins and reduces the formation of acne.

Helps the kidneys to function: The kidneys drain the blood daily and dispose of waste as urine. It also requires sufficient liquid to perform this process.

Helps prevent headache: In some individuals, loss of water can cause headaches and migraines. According to research, drinking water in these individuals helps prevent headaches.

It helps the muscles to collect energy: When the muscles cannot collect enough water, they become tired. Hence, you need to provide enough water to the body to provide extra energy.

A few small tips to get enough water;

• To consume liquids such as water, buttermilk, mineral water next to each meal.
• Consume more fruits and vegetables
• Always keep a bottle of water in the bag, in the car, on the desk

Kinderlyte | Natural Pediatric Electrolyte Solution | Doctor-Formulated for Rapid Rehydration | No Artificial Sweeteners, Colors or Flavors | Kid-Friendly Taste |1 Bottle, 33.8 oz | Grape

Keto Chow Electrolyte Drops - Electrolytes for Fasting and ketosis (550ml/18.6 Bottle)

Does tea and coffee replace water?

Keto Chow Electrolyte Drops - Electrolytes for Fasting and ketosis (550ml/18.6 Bottle)

2-2.5 liters of water should be consumed daily for the body to receive sufficient amount of fluid, Berna Ertuğ said, "Without losing the body resistance, the feeling of thirst should be consumed without water.

Dietitian Berna Ertuğ, cucumbers, melons, tomatoes, strawberries, yogurt, watermelon, pepper, zucchini, lettuce and lemon are the nutrients that satisfy the body's water needs, he said.

Dietician Berna Ertuğ from the Department of Nutrition and Diet at Memorial Antalya Hospital gave information about the nutrients that eliminate the need for fluid and thirst.

"Thirst disrupts body balance"

Stating that the protection of water in the human body is vital, Ertuğ said, "Even when there is a 2 percent reduction in water in the body, changes in acid balance occur. A 7 percent change can lead to fatigue and weakness, or even hallucinations in the human body. In some cases, the body needs more fluids, hot weather, movement, consumption of excess protein and salty foods, sweating, and urination cause the body's need for water to increase. water is lost through the intestine, such as the respiratory tract and diarrhea, while the total amount of water lost during the day reaches 2.5 liters, and many people consciously and unconsciously dehydrate the body. cue you to protect the body's water balance is necessary in order to complete their functions, "he said.

"Tea and coffee do not replace water"

2-2.5 liters of water should be consumed daily for the body to get enough amount of fluid, Berna Ertuğ said, "Without losing the body resistance, the feeling of thirst should be consumed without water. Especially in summer, consuming large amounts of acidic beverages, the amount of tea and coffee to be more frequent, It may cause urine and fluid loss.Therefore, healthy drinks such as freshly squeezed fruit juices, homemade lemonade, buttermilk and mineral water should be preferred besides water.It should be paid attention to water consumption while exercising in summer. 1.5 cups, and 10-15 minutes during exercise, half a glass of water should be drunk.

Thirst-removing nutrients

In the summer months to eliminate thirst recommended to eat 10 nutrients Ertug, "Cucumber, contains 95 percent water content. Therefore, it is a very useful vegetable in terms of replacing the liquid lost in summer heat. In addition, A and C vitamins are rich in content. With its 90% water content, it is a good source of potassium and vitamin C. It regulates blood pressure, relieves constipation and keeps satiety.Tomato, thanks to lycopene in its content, strengthens the immune system and prevents circulation to slow down. In addition, the amount of lycopene in tomato increases more when cooked and shredded.Therefore, consumption of tomato juice in summer is quite beneficial for body health.Strawberry, which is very rich in vitamin C It prevents cardiovascular diseases and helps to fight infections. Keeps it full for a long time thanks to its fiber structure Yogurt has 80 percent water. It is also an intestinal regulator with beneficial bacteria. It has a refreshing property and is very useful for bones, teeth, muscles and nerve conductions. Watermelon has a water content of 92 percent. It is also a very rich fruit in terms of beta-carotene, lycopene and vitamin C. Contains B vitamins to help maintain energy during the day. It accelerates blood circulation and prevents the increase of cholesterol levels by keeping harmful substances away from your veins. However, it should be remembered that watermelon, which is consumed most during the summer months and gives coolness, contains a high amount of sugar. Pepper contains plenty of vitamins A and C. Again, the amount of water in the content is more than 90 percent. With the vitamins it contains, it ensures the healthy functioning of the cells. Zucchini stands out with its rich water content. It is one of the vegetables that contain more than 90 percent water in its structure. Therefore, instead of consuming heavy food in the summer heat, many meal options can be prepared with pumpkin. Lettuce has an average of 95 percent water. In this respect, consuming lettuce in the summer significantly prevents the body's loss of water. Lettuce, which is also very rich in vitamin C, contains more water. Lemon, which contains more than 90 percent water in the lemon, can be consumed in the form of sugar-free lemonade in the summer.

Keto Chow Electrolyte Drops - Electrolytes for Fasting and ketosis (550ml/18.6 Bottle)

Nuun Hydration Nuun Active - Lemon and Lime - Case of 8 - 10 Tablets


Nuun Hydration Nuun Active - Lemon and Lime - Case of 8 - 10 Tablets

You know that water is the most important element for human life after oxygen. While you can survive for weeks without eating, you must know that we can only cope with thirst for a few days.

Passing Without Looking

Have you ever thought about why?

We have an organism based on water molecules. 92 percent of the blood, 22 percent of the bones, 75 percent of the brain and muscles are water. In order to remove toxins and maintain the heat balance of the body, we lose 2.5 liters of water per day, 1.5 liters in urine, 500 ml through the skin and 300 ml through the respiratory and intestinal tract.

Although water is among the indispensables of life, the main problem is the inability to develop a culture of drinking water. It should not be forgotten that no liquid beverage can completely replace the water. While beverages such as tea, coffee, juice, herbal and fruit tea are indispensable treats of working life, some have a diuretic effect. It is necessary to drink water as water, since it will not meet the body's need for liquid and will even increase fluid excretion.
Miraculous Effects of Water

ACTIVE AMOUNT: Drinking plenty of water, accelerates metabolism. Drinking water, especially 15-30 minutes before meals, has a great contribution to accelerating metabolism.

FAT FAT: Supports kidney function and allows the liver to complete the task of fat destruction. The liver converts stored fats into energy that the body can use. The kidneys cannot function well if there is not enough water. In this case, the liver takes over their duties and begins to burn less fat.

SLIMMING: Drinking plenty of water increases the secretion of saliva and stomach and plays a role in digestion. It helps you stay full with the feeling of bloating in the stomach, regulates digestion and prevents constipation. It plays a role in all digestive steps and accelerates weight loss.

YOUNG AMOUNT: Provides self-renewal of cells, delays aging.

PROTECTS THE HEART: Provides fluidity of blood and reduces the load on the heart and vessels.

Good posture disorder: drinking plenty of water, even against the hernia is thought to have a great contribution.

SMOOTHES SKIN: Helps skin stay full, smooth and youthful. Prevents skin dryness

NO PROBLEMS OF CONSTITUTION: When enough water is consumed, the intestines work normally. Water provides softening of feces and prevents constipation.

It stops edema and fatigue: The best way to prevent edema in the body, especially in the hands, feet and legs, is to drink plenty of water. Various medications and herbal products used to remove edema are temporary methods.

Prevents sagging after weight loss: Prevents sagging on the body after losing weight and maintains the elasticity of the skin.

PROTECTS HEALTHY WEIGHT: Drinking enough water prevents excessive nutrient intake and helps to maintain weight.
Golden Rule: Drink Water

The proportion of body water in adults is 60 percent. The water rate of the athletes should be five percent higher than the standard persons. It is very important to drink enough water (at least 500 ml) to replace the water lost during exercise and restore balance in the body. However, drinking too much water may cause toxic poisoning in the body. Therefore, if you do not do sports, on average, stay limited to three liters of water per day. Remember, you take liquids from other foods you eat during the day.

Thirst is felt. Physical performance is reduced. Fatigue increases, concentration decreases. Dizziness, feeling of fatigue increases even more. Muscle spasm, cramps, excessive fatigue and decreased renal function occurs.

Nuun Hydration Nuun Active - Lemon and Lime - Case of 8 - 10 Tablets

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)

How should we decide how much water to drink per day?

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)

We hear a lot of claims that drinking a few liters of water per day is good for health, increases energy, beautifies the skin, facilitates weight loss, and even prevents cancer.

In recent years, water consumption has increased in the UK and the USA. People are advised to carry water with them and drink 8 glasses of water during the day.

However, there is no scientific data to confirm this amount. So, what's the source of this information? A misinterpretation of a recommendation probably dating back many years.

In a 1945 statement by a government agency on food research in the United States, people were advised to consume equal amounts of fluids per day.

Accordingly, for example, women who need to take 2,000 calories per day should consume 2 liters, men who should consume 2,500 calories should drink 2.5 liters of water. In addition, water and other beverages included in fruits and vegetables were included in this amount.

Trust a sense of thirst

Water, which constitutes two thirds of our body weight, is important in terms of transport of nutrients and waste materials, regulation of body temperature, lubricity and buffer function in joints and many chemical reactions in the body.

Through sweating, urination and breathing, our bodies constantly lose water. It is necessary to take sufficient fluid to prevent excessive fluid loss and maintain fluid balance.

When we lose 1-2 percent of the body's water, symptoms of excessive fluid loss begin to show up, and these symptoms become severe until fluid is re-taken, and in rare cases may go to death.

Some people argue that when we begin to feel thirst, excessive water loss has begun, but experts say that when we eliminate the feeling of thirst, we don't need to take more of the water we drink.

In other words, human fluid intake control is one of the most advanced features developed through evolution. When water loss begins in a healthy body, the brain immediately activates the feeling of thirst, allowing water to be drunk. It also secretes a hormone and sends a message to the kidneys, allowing the urine to condense and maintain water in the body.

In short, when we listen to our bodies, we know when to drink water.

On the other hand, even though water is the healthiest option because it does not contain calories, tea, coffee, and even alcoholic beverages serve to meet the need for water (although caffeine has a mild diuretic effect).

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Claims about water

Although the body does not feel thirsty, there is not much evidence that drinking water has other benefits than preventing excessive fluid loss.

However, there are some studies suggesting that preventing fluid loss at an early stage strengthens some brain functions such as problem solving.

Professor Barbara Rolls, UCL University in London, claims that more weight can be lost through drinking.

"The belief in losing weight by filling the stomach with water before eating does not have much ground; water is already draining from the stomach rapidly. But if the food you eat contains more water, such as soup, it will remain in the stomach for longer."

Another claim is that water improves the skin… However, it is known that there is no reliable research to prove this.

Is excess water harmful?

There is no harm in drinking 8 glasses of water a day. However, the belief that the body needs to drink more water than it signals can sometimes lead to dangerous situations.

Severe problems can occur when excessive water consumption reduces the level of sodium in the blood. This causes swelling due to excessive water transport to the brain and lungs to maintain sodium levels.

It is known that at least 15 athletes have lost their lives in sports competitions over the last 10 years. It is stated that consuming more water than our own thirst mechanism can cause.

How much water?

Experts say that a person can lose up to two liters of water per sweat in the hottest desert environment.

For this reason, it is stated that the suggestions that we always carry half a liter of water with us in case of excessive water loss during our short trips in cities are not meaningful.

The National Health Service in the UK recommends daily water consumption of 6-8 glasses. This includes skimmed milk, sugar-free drinks, tea and coffee.

However, the risk of dehydration is higher in the elderly since the thirst mechanism loses its sensitivity after 60 years of age. Therefore, fluid consumption should be observed more carefully in the elderly.

In addition, it should be noted that the amount of water to be consumed per day varies according to the age, sex, weight, environment and physical activity level of the person. The rule of 8 glasses of water per day is therefore a simplified statement.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)

RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports and Everyday Electrolytes Beverage, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Citrus Flavor)

Daily Water Requirement Calculator

RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports and Everyday Electrolytes Beverage, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Citrus Flavor)

Enter the weight in kilograms of the person you want to calculate the daily water requirement in the calculation tool below, select the gender and activity type during the day and press the calculate button.

Daily Water Need Calculation Tool
* Required fields.

1. * Weight:.......... kg (Ex. 69)
2. * Gender:
3. * Activity Format:

What is that?

It is a colorless, odorless and tasteless substance consisting of two hydrogen and one oxygen atom, which is a liquid at natural temperature.
What percentage of the human body consists of water?

The weight of the human body is approximately 60% for men and 55% for women.
What are the benefits of water?

Drinking enough water brings some benefits for the body. When taken in sufficient amounts, the symptoms of fatigue are reduced, mood improves, headaches and migraines are treated, good for digestion and constipation, helps to lose weight, removes harmful toxins from the body, regulates body temperature, makes the skin look young and alive, good smell of the mouth and reduces the effects of alcohol.
What are the times when drinking water is beneficial?

After waking up every morning, drinking 2 glasses of water will activate your internal organs and prepare you for the day. Drinking 1 cup approximately 30 minutes before each meal activates your digestive system and allows you to lose weight by consuming less calories in meals. Drinking 1 cup before entering the bathroom will help lower your blood pressure. Drinking 1 glass of water before going to sleep reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.
How many liters of water to drink per day?

If you're wondering how much water I should drink, the daily need varies according to criteria such as lifestyle, climate, weight and gender of the geography. For example, a pregnant or breastfeeding woman needs more water than other women. However, in order to obtain an approximate result, it is sufficient to know the person's gender, daily activity type and weight. In the light of these data, approximate daily needs of a person can be calculated by using special formulas.

RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports and Everyday Electrolytes Beverage, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Citrus Flavor)