Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)

How should we decide how much water to drink per day?

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)

We hear a lot of claims that drinking a few liters of water per day is good for health, increases energy, beautifies the skin, facilitates weight loss, and even prevents cancer.

In recent years, water consumption has increased in the UK and the USA. People are advised to carry water with them and drink 8 glasses of water during the day.

However, there is no scientific data to confirm this amount. So, what's the source of this information? A misinterpretation of a recommendation probably dating back many years.

In a 1945 statement by a government agency on food research in the United States, people were advised to consume equal amounts of fluids per day.

Accordingly, for example, women who need to take 2,000 calories per day should consume 2 liters, men who should consume 2,500 calories should drink 2.5 liters of water. In addition, water and other beverages included in fruits and vegetables were included in this amount.

Trust a sense of thirst

Water, which constitutes two thirds of our body weight, is important in terms of transport of nutrients and waste materials, regulation of body temperature, lubricity and buffer function in joints and many chemical reactions in the body.

Through sweating, urination and breathing, our bodies constantly lose water. It is necessary to take sufficient fluid to prevent excessive fluid loss and maintain fluid balance.

When we lose 1-2 percent of the body's water, symptoms of excessive fluid loss begin to show up, and these symptoms become severe until fluid is re-taken, and in rare cases may go to death.

Some people argue that when we begin to feel thirst, excessive water loss has begun, but experts say that when we eliminate the feeling of thirst, we don't need to take more of the water we drink.

In other words, human fluid intake control is one of the most advanced features developed through evolution. When water loss begins in a healthy body, the brain immediately activates the feeling of thirst, allowing water to be drunk. It also secretes a hormone and sends a message to the kidneys, allowing the urine to condense and maintain water in the body.

In short, when we listen to our bodies, we know when to drink water.

On the other hand, even though water is the healthiest option because it does not contain calories, tea, coffee, and even alcoholic beverages serve to meet the need for water (although caffeine has a mild diuretic effect).

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Claims about water

Although the body does not feel thirsty, there is not much evidence that drinking water has other benefits than preventing excessive fluid loss.

However, there are some studies suggesting that preventing fluid loss at an early stage strengthens some brain functions such as problem solving.

Professor Barbara Rolls, UCL University in London, claims that more weight can be lost through drinking.

"The belief in losing weight by filling the stomach with water before eating does not have much ground; water is already draining from the stomach rapidly. But if the food you eat contains more water, such as soup, it will remain in the stomach for longer."

Another claim is that water improves the skin… However, it is known that there is no reliable research to prove this.

Is excess water harmful?

There is no harm in drinking 8 glasses of water a day. However, the belief that the body needs to drink more water than it signals can sometimes lead to dangerous situations.

Severe problems can occur when excessive water consumption reduces the level of sodium in the blood. This causes swelling due to excessive water transport to the brain and lungs to maintain sodium levels.

It is known that at least 15 athletes have lost their lives in sports competitions over the last 10 years. It is stated that consuming more water than our own thirst mechanism can cause.

How much water?

Experts say that a person can lose up to two liters of water per sweat in the hottest desert environment.

For this reason, it is stated that the suggestions that we always carry half a liter of water with us in case of excessive water loss during our short trips in cities are not meaningful.

The National Health Service in the UK recommends daily water consumption of 6-8 glasses. This includes skimmed milk, sugar-free drinks, tea and coffee.

However, the risk of dehydration is higher in the elderly since the thirst mechanism loses its sensitivity after 60 years of age. Therefore, fluid consumption should be observed more carefully in the elderly.

In addition, it should be noted that the amount of water to be consumed per day varies according to the age, sex, weight, environment and physical activity level of the person. The rule of 8 glasses of water per day is therefore a simplified statement.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)