Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Non-GMO/Vegan/Gluten-Free Vitamins, Minerals, 3X Electrolytes - 30 Stick Packs (Acai Berry)

The Importance of Water Before World Water Day

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Non-GMO/Vegan/Gluten-Free Vitamins, Minerals, 3X Electrolytes - 30 Stick Packs (Acai Berry)

Expecting to be thirsty for drinking water, water and tea needs to meet with coffee and tea are among the major health mistakes.
Many people forget to drink water in the hustle and bustle of daily life and the high tempo of business life. However, waiting to be thirsty to drink water, and the need to drink water with tea and coffee are among the important health mistakes by experts. Inadequate fluid intake during the day can cause many discomforts in the body. Memorial Ankara Hospital Department of Internal Medicine. Dr. Serpil Kılınç gave information about the importance of water for human health before Mart 22 March World Water Day ”.

Drink enough water to stay healthy

All living things need water to maintain their life functions. 60-70% of our body is water. It has important tasks in balancing body temperature, cleaning toxins, moisturizing the skin, digestion and circulatory system of internal organs, especially kidneys, dissolving vitamins and minerals, and regular functioning of metabolism. When water is consumed sufficiently, it makes the skin smoother, softer, brighter and more supple. It is involved in saliva and stomach secretion and takes part in the digestion of nutrients. Water increases milk production in lactating women. Water is required for the immune system to function. This feature helps in staying fit and vigorous. Provides lubricity of joints. It helps to protect against various diseases such as kidney stones, urinary tract infections and constipation. As water consumption decreases, the amount of fat stored in the body begins to increase and weight gain occurs.

An average of 1, 5-2, 5 liters of water should be consumed per day.

Although it is known that water forms the basis of life, many people are still unaware of the basic role played by water in almost every organ and functioning of the human body. When total body water is lacking, the body automatically indicates the lack of water and indicates the need to consume water. When the body water is low and the loss cannot be compensated, hid dehydration ”or“ fluid loss gelir occurs. Diarrhea, urine, sweating, such as excessive fluid losses and occurs in cases where the need for this fluid loss can not be met. When there is water loss, a warning is sent to the thirst center in the brain. Generally, when thirst occurs, it is important that everyone receives the appropriate amount of water according to their needs instead of drinking water.
The serious lack of water can go into a coma.

When water is consumed less; Complications such as decrease in skin elasticity, headache, dizziness, nausea, low blood pressure may be seen. Despite these findings, fatal consequences may occur if the required water is not taken.

Do not say “I am consuming a lot of tea and coffee, so I cannot be thirsty”

Two-thirds of the body's main substance, water, is taken through drinking, and the rest is taken by food. However, the consumption of tea, coffee and other beverages is not sufficient to meet the body's water needs. These drinks increase the excretion of fluid from the body due to its diuretic properties and do not contain the beneficial minerals in the water.
Excess water consumption can cause water poisoning

Excessive water consumption is also harmful for the body. Consuming excess water can cause fluid electrolyte imbalance. In particular, the amount of water that should be taken daily by asking the doctors of heart and kidney patients should be adjusted.

To increase water consumption;

1- Every morning when you get up for 1 glass of water.
2- Always keep your table clean and preferably in a glass bottle of water.
3- Tiny papers that remind you to drink water during the day will help you at home, at school and at work.
4- Make sure to drink a glass of water every night before going to bed.
5- It is very useful to have a small bottle of water in your bag in case of an emergency.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier Non-GMO/Vegan/Gluten-Free Vitamins, Minerals, 3X Electrolytes - 30 Stick Packs (Acai Berry)