Monday, September 16, 2019

FiberAdvance Gummies, 90 Count

What role does our intestines play in our health?

FiberAdvance Gummies, 90 Count
It has long been known that microorganisms in the intestines play an important role in the health of the digestive system. There is an increasing number of studies showing that intestinal microorganisms can be effective in many metabolic processes such as digestive health, immune system, cognitive functions and body weight control. So how does intestinal microorganisms affect our health? Intestinal Microbiology The human organism is home to a wide variety of microorganisms. Microorganisms live in various parts of the human body, especially in the skin, nose, mouth and intestines. The intestine itself is home to about 100 trillion bacteria cells. This corresponds to an estimated 10 times the total number of cells in the human body. All of the microorganisms living in the intestine are called “intestinal microbiota ken, while the sum of the microbiota genes is called mik microbioma.. The majority of the microorganisms living in the intestine are more than 1000 different types of bacteria. The type and proportion of microorganisms in the intestines of each individual also differ. What are the factors affecting intestinal microbiota? Intestinal microbiota begins to form with birth. The unborn baby is sterile, which means it does not contain germs under any circumstances. The baby passes through the mother's uterus during birth and first meets the bacterial flora there. Babies born by cesarean section are first introduced to the microorganisms in the environment, which may cause some problems in the formation of the normal flora that the baby should have. Thus, the microbiota that begins to form after birth, can change throughout life depending on nutrition, lifestyle, age, drug use, various diseases or many other environmental factors. Intestinal Microbiota and Health Research on human microbiota shows that microorganisms in the intestines affect health. For example, the microbiota of individuals with irritable bowel syndrome or allergic disease has been shown to be different from healthy individuals. However, it is also difficult to say whether a different microflora from healthy individuals is a cause or a consequence of the disease. However, it is not possible to talk about an ideal or healthy intestinal microbiota profile or model. The composition of the intestinal microbiota of healthy individuals is also quite different and variable from each other. Intestinal microorganisms play an important role in the health of the immune system as well as in the health of the digestive system because the immune tissues in the remainder of the digestion constitute the largest and most complex part of the human immune system. The intestinal mucosa is a large surface that covers the intestine and is exposed to pathogenic (disease-causing) and non-pathogenic environmental antigens (substances that trigger the immune system to produce antibodies). Microorganisms in the intestinal lumen are considered to play a critical role in the development of the immune system and the proper functioning of the immune system. Which microorganisms in the intestines help to improve health? There are approximately 1012 bacteria in the bowel of a healthy adult. Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, Clostridium, Peptecoccus Escherichia, Enterecoccus, Klebsiella, Lactobacillus are shown among these different species of bacteria. In the early nineteenth century, Russian scientist Eli Metchnikoff reported that the long life of Bulgarian peasants depended on their excessive consumption of fermented dairy products, and the existence of beneficial bacteria was scientifically discussed for the first time. Bacteria Useful for Human Health: Probiotics Probiotic means 'suitable for life'. Probiotics are defined as living microorganisms that have benefits to human health when taken in sufficient amounts with food and drinks. Probiotic foods can be defined as nutrients that can contain these live probiotic microorganisms which are beneficial for human health. Probiotic bacteria live in the digestive tract where they multiply temporarily, so a nutritional and lifestyle that can help these beneficial bacteria grow in the intestines can help promote health. The nutrients of these beneficial bacteria in the intestine are besin prebiotic ve and are indigestible nutrients. Probiotics live and multiply by using prebiotics. Therefore, in order to benefit from the health effects of live bacteria in the intestines, prebiotic sources of food must be included in the diet. Vegetables and fruits, cereals and legumes are prebiotic sources. Chicory, artichoke, oats, onions, bananas and asparagus are also among the prebiotic foods. Fermented foods such as yoghurt and kefir, which are lactic acid bacteria, which are useful bacteria, can also be consumed to support the growth of these bacteria in the digestive tract. However, probiotic bacteria need to remain alive in the food and reach the digestive tract alive, so it is important to store probiotic-containing foods in proper conditions. How Does Intestinal Flora Affect Health? An intestinal microflora, in which the number of probiotics, ie the number of beneficial bacteria, is predominantly supports the individual's digestive system health. Numerous studies show that probiotics can prevent diarrhea due to antibiotic use in children and adults, improve immune system functions, reduce allergic inflammatory ulcerative symptoms, such as crowns, and help prevent constipation and prevent elevated blood cholesterol levels. However, each of these health effects is shown to be associated with a different bacterial species or species. At the same time, the amount of probiotic required to support the immune system or to prevent constipation varies. As a result The microorganisms in our intestine undoubtedly play a very important role for our health. The number of research in this area continues to increase and deepen. A diet that includes probiotics and prebiotics, which are their nutrients, can help promote health. An active lifestyle with a diet where probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir, vegetables and fruits and whole grains and legumes are consumed adequately and balanced can help increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora and support health. 12AXX
FiberAdvance Gummies, 90 Count

Nature Made CholestOff Original Caplets

Charming intestine - Concrete facts

Nature Made CholestOff Original Caplets
The intestine is the largest organ of man. This organ is eight meters long and consists of millions of villas. The villi are thin, finger-shaped protrusions that form an impressive bowel surface within our abdominal cavity, two tennis courts wide (about 400 m²). Thus the intestine has the largest contact area with the outside world of the body. Each human body has 100 trillion bacteria, the majority of which live in our intestinal wall. The number of bacteria living in our intestine is 10 times more than the number of cells in our body. The microbes in our gut can weigh up to 2 kilograms. During our lives, approximately 30 tons of food and 50,000 liters of liquid are processed by our intestines. It is supported by more than 500 bacterial species during intestinal activities. 80% of our immune system is located in the intestine. Our digestive system contains more than 100 million nerve cells, more than what is found in the spinal cord, and is often referred to as the "abdominal brain". More than 20 hormones are produced in the intestine, including the happiness hormone serotonin and the sleeping hormone melatonin. Our health starts in the intestine However, when digestion occurs well, we feel completely good. Because the intestine is a delicate neural network and manages 80% of the metabolic processes in our body. For this reason, the intestine is also called the "happiness center". The intestinal flora is composed of trillions of hard-working bacteria that perform various tasks every day: Food breakdown Absorption of vitamins and minerals Production of vital vitamins, enzymes, amino acids Disposal of "bad" food ingredients Producing 80% of our immune cells Production of proteins ("immunoglobulins") that kill viruses and bacteria Defense against pathogens and toxic substances The tree takes its power from its roots, the human from its gut. If the bowel becomes unstable Our intestinal wall needs a strong protective barrier to perform many tasks. Billions of beneficial bacteria work to prevent harmful microorganisms from settling in our bodies. The sensitive microorganism balance of our intestine may be disrupted for the following reasons: Permanent physical and emotional stress that can cause inflammation in the intestine Incorrect eating habits and inadequate movement Drugs such as antibiotics that destroy pathogenic organisms as well as beneficial bacteria in the intestine Deterioration of the intestinal flora may have a number of effects on our physical and psychological health. In the event of an uncomfortable condition in the gut microorganisms, the following complaints may occur: Intestinal disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis Irritable bowel syndrome Food intolerances such as celiac Allergy development Psychological problems Intestinal bacteria When the bowel is distorted, there is no pain or rumbling in the intestines, and nobody feels very well. Feeling good is closely related to healthy bowel function. Our intestine and the universe that lives here are truly fascinating, a symbiosis with a great impact on our health. Promoting bowel health The health of our intestine depends largely on our lifestyle. Adequate movement, abundant fluid intake, a fiber-rich and healthy diet, as well as avoiding unnecessary medication support the intestine during its activities. However, if inflammation has occurred in the intestine, it is important to treat them effectively and regenerate a strong protective shield against harmful microorganisms and allergens. Certain active bacterial strains that can be used in the form of synbiotics to cleanse the intestine from disease-causing toxic substances and decaying microorganisms play a decisive role. The power of synbiotics Synbiotics help healthy bacteria to settle and eliminate harmful bacteria in the intestine. High-quality synbiotics are composed of bacterial nutrients (prebiotics) and billions of bacteria (probiotics) that are natural, capable of reproduction. High-dose synbiotics are increasingly used for the maintenance and restoration of a healthy intestinal ecosystem. Their effectiveness has been proven in many studies and scientifically confirmed. When used at high concentrations, they support the regeneration and health of the intestine so that our digestion is restored and the intestine becomes the "center of health". 11AXX
Nature Made CholestOff Original Caplets

Fibercon (140-Count Caplets) Fiber Therapy for Regularity with Calcium Polycarbophil

How is bowel cleansing done? What to do for clean intestines ?

Fibercon (140-Count Caplets) Fiber Therapy for Regularity with Calcium Polycarbophil
Intestines are one of the most important organs of the body. Intestines, which are referred to as the second brain and are a sensitive, genetically dependent organ, are very important for human health. It collects all the wastes in the body and provides cleaning of these wastes. However, it is very important that the bowels are clean. If they are not, complaints like diarrhea or constipation begin to show. This is very troublesome for people. According to this; How is bowel cleansing done? Here are the details .. Intestines, which are seen as the basis of the immune system, are very important for health. Intestines are directly proportional to the nervous system, especially stress and unhealthy foods should be avoided. Not only is it healthy enough, but also the intestines need to stay clean. According to this; How is bowel cleansing done? Here are the details .. WHAT ARE THE NATURAL WAYS OF CLEANING OUR INTESTURES? SOME HERBAL SOLUTIONS CLEANING INTESTINALS: Thanks to these recipes, both your intestines will be cleaned and your digestive system will increase your working speed. All you have to do is to change your daily eating and drinking habits a little… It may surprise you if they are the result of this diet; thicker intestines mean cleaner kidneys and liver. One of the best recipes to clean the intestines is two oranges, seven strawberries and three peaches. We mix them into a fruit juice and consume. This drink naturally cleanses your intestines and strengthens your respiratory system. This beverage has also proven to be good for depression. You can consume before breakfast for nine days without a break. About an hour after drinking it, you can have your breakfast as usual. Cascara Sagrada: Popularly known as the name "Holy Crust." Found in the 16th century by Northern Aborigines, this recipe contains some components called anthraquinone. These components are known to accelerate bowel movements and shorten the time to go to the toilet. It also plays an important role in reducing digestive system sensitivity. Plantago Psyllium: It is also known as cauliflower. Karnıyır grass is a plant native to India and Iran. It is a source full of fiber. In general, it increases intestinal health. Althaea officinalis: marshmallow plant known by this name in Turkey. Although the motherland is in China, it can grow anywhere in the temperate climate. Sugar molecules contained in the intestine have a relaxation effect on mucous tissue. Cinnamomum Cassia: Perhaps one of the most well-known herbs for constipation in Turkey, we know him as senna. The effects on the digestive system are incredible. It maintains tissue health and improves intestinal activity. What to do for the intestines that are constantly clean? You should eat between 8 and 10 servings of fruit per week. It is essential to consume more fibrous ones of these fruits. Whole-grain carbohydrate production should be increased to 2 or 3 times a week. It is necessary to turn daily eating habits into fibrous and protein-rich foods. Sugar and fat should be avoided. Flaxseeds are important, even if you sprinkle the food occasionally you can see the effect. Exercise is a must. Walking at least half an hour a day ... However, during the day to consume plenty of water is essential. 10AXX
Fibercon (140-Count Caplets) Fiber Therapy for Regularity with Calcium Polycarbophil

Amazon Brand - Solimo Fiber 4g, 90 Gummies (2 Gummies per Serving)

10 Important Tips for a Healthy Bowel Order

Amazon Brand - Solimo Fiber 4g, 90 Gummies (2 Gummies per Serving)
The so-called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is commonly referred to as restless bowel syndrome, can cause bowel to run too fast or too slow. This problem affects the working order of the intestines; Constipation, diarrhea or variable bowel habits can occur. Nutritional and lifestyle changes play an important role in the treatment of IBS. Memorial Diyarbakır Hospital Gastroenterology Department Assoc. Dr. Dr. Mustafa Yakut, gave information about irritable bowel syndrome. Social life is negatively affected IBS is not a lifestyle and the patient should not have to live with it. Although there is no risk of turning into important diseases such as cancer, it is a health problem that affects the quality of life negatively and can turn social life into a nightmare. At home, at work, in public transport, in social settings, the patient may suddenly need to go to the toilet. This leads to both physiological and psychological problems. IBS has periods of stagnation and exacerbation. During the pause, the disease does not show any symptoms, only mild diarrhea or constipation occurs. However, during exacerbation, the patient experiences all symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, bloating, tension and becomes unable to perform daily living activities. The aim of treatment is to return the disease to a pause. Watch out for constipation During constipation, oats and flaxseeds are good sources of soluble fiber and significantly reduce the risk of constipation. It also helps to eliminate bloating and gas complaints. Consumption of at least 8 glasses of water per day should not be neglected. In order to maintain a regular bowel habit, the day should be started in a regular rhythm, the breakfast time should be kept constant and the habit of going to the toilet should be gained after half an hour of breakfast. Lifestyle under doctor control Although the exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not known, abnormalities in the intestines of these patient groups and impaired conduction between muscles and nerves in the intestinal wall have been identified. Complaints may vary from person to person. Since the disease is a problem with the digestive system, nutrition is of great importance. However, it should be remembered that some foods will trigger the problem. Therefore, it is essential that patients determine their lifestyle under the control of a gastroenterologist. Consider these suggestions to improve your quality of life Smaller portions should be preferred during meals and meals should not be skipped. Feeding habits should be abandoned at night. Donuts should be chewed well and consumed slowly. Nutrients should be consumed sitting down and should not be swallowed until thoroughly consumed. Regular exercise and sports are important factors against disease. It is important that the patient devote time to himself and avoid stress. In the morning, care should be taken to wake the male. Plenty of liquid should be consumed. Carbonated and caffeine-containing drinks should be avoided or limited daily. Especially in the period of exacerbation, the fruit and vegetables should be consumed by peeling. 9AXX
Amazon Brand - Solimo Fiber 4g, 90 Gummies (2 Gummies per Serving)

Vitafusion Fiber Well Fit Gummies

What is Rota virus that causes stomach-intestinal infection?

Vitafusion Fiber Well Fit Gummies
How to deal with the route virus that occurs in autumn and winter and affects children, especially infants? In order to protect children and babies from the virus that causes stomach, intestinal infection, Batıgöz Health Group Pediatric Specialist. Fikret İşbilir gave information and warned… Rota virus is one of the most common viruses in autumn and winter, which causes gastrointestinal infection in children, especially in infants. In some cases, this virus can be confused with adeno virus or amoebic dysentery. Rota virus from Batıgöz Health Group, which causes panic in families due to symptoms and goes to death in case of delayed treatment, is a disease which should be taken seriously and can be confused with different diseases due to some similarities in symptoms. However, it can be easily detected by looking at the antigen in the stool test. In general, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, weakness, bloodless but watery diarrhea (repeated 10-15 times a day) manifested route virus, infants and children with electrolyte loss due to excessive water loss can lead to death or even into a coma can lead to death. Rota vaccine is a protective vaccine that should be given in infants before the age of 6 months. However, for the time being, it is not necessarily one of the routine vaccinations made by the state. But because it is medically necessary, we do great efforts to be routine by physicians. VACCINATION IN ADULTS There are 2 different types of this vaccine, which is provided by families. These are oral or oral vaccines. The effect of vaccines administered in two or three doses will be reduced if the baby is 6 months of age. In adults, the vaccine is completely ineffective. If the baby has been infected with the virus before vaccination and there is an infection that is present; fluid loss control is done to stabilize the electrolyte balance. If necessary, serum is inserted and followed by hospitalization. Probiotic and zinc treatment is supported. No antibiotics are given. Routine vaccination can be given after the baby survives. HANDS MUST WASH Child Health and Diseases Specialist Fikret İşbilir explained the route of transmission of the route virus: Contaminated water can be transmitted by well-washed foods, swimming pools, hand-in-hand contact. However, breastfeeding is very rare. A breastfeeding mother can continue breastfeeding even if she is infected with the route virus. Although the route virus is mostly seen in infants and children, it is also found in adult individuals, but the symptoms and course of the disease in adults are much more mildly overlooked than a baby. Infants and children are more likely to get into shock or coma due to severe symptoms and have no time to treat. Vaccine is the primary method of protection against rotavirus diarrhea. For this reason, it is highly recommended by our physicians to make a route vaccination before the first 6 months of life. DOOR HANDLES Hygiene needs to be very careful. The route virus can be easily transmitted to other people around by a wide range of tools such as door handles, telephone, elevator button, toys, cups that the person touches. Only pasteurized milk and bottled juice should be given to children, fresh fruit and vegetables should be washed with plenty of water before eating, meat, fish and seafood should be cooked well, before and after eating, after the toilet and after changing the baby's hands should be washed thoroughly. Rota virus can survive on dry surfaces for up to 2 months. For protection, clean water should be drunk. 8AXX
Vitafusion Fiber Well Fit Gummies

Metamucil Fiber, 3-in-1 Psyllium Capsule Fiber Supplement, 300 ct Capsules

Useful Foods for Cleansing the Intestines

Metamucil Fiber, 3-in-1 Psyllium Capsule Fiber Supplement, 300 ct Capsules
The colon, known as the large intestine, is vital for your entire digestive system to work properly and expel harmful substances. In this article, we will talk about the foods you can consume to clean the intestines . Toxins are disease-causing substances, so it is necessary to clean the intestines and purify the body from toxins. However, lack of exercise, malnutrition and insufficient water consumption can lead to toxin accumulation in the body. Try to avoid sugar, fat, alcohol and caffeine. These foods have antioxidant and diuretic properties because they consume plenty of fruits and vegetables instead. Below are the foods you need to consume in order to cleanse your intestines in natural and healthy ways . Useful Foods for Cleansing the Intestines and Purifying Toxins Orange Orange is known for its vitamin C properties as well as increasing the resistance to infection. It also contains sodium, potassium and magnesium, which strengthen the orange muscles. It is a natural treatment tool to strengthen your memory, prevent stomach and skin cancer, keep stress under control , regulate blood pressure and keep the nervous system stable. It is one of the most useful fruits you can consume to clean the intestines. Eating oranges every day reduces the signs of old age . Grape Grape cleans blood and intestines, diuretic and relieving constipation. It contains a high amount of vitamin C and is a challenge to deal with problems such as migraine, cardiovascular disease and cancer. In addition, grapes are a great source of potassium and fiber. Artichoke Artichoke is the most recommended vegetable for removing excess liquid and detoxifying the body. Used to relieve digestive problems, sensitive intestinal problems , flatulence, dizziness and nausea. It is also good for anemia, diabetes, rheumatism, gout and gallbladder problems. Celery detox Celery is very beneficial to the body and helps to prevent cancer (especially colon and stomach cancer). It is a great diuretic, lowers blood pressure, is a natural constipation drug, improves digestion and strengthens metabolism. Tomato Tomato helps cleanse the body thanks to its high content of antioxidants and vitamins. It is purifying and strengthens the immune system. Vitamin A in tomato strengthens the eyes, keeps your intestines healthy and protects against constipation and diarrhea. It also protects your skin from sunburn, lowers cholesterol and protects the heart. Lemon Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants and these substances are used to purify the body, strengthen the immune system and protect the gallbladder. Apple apple Apples help lower the rate of bad cholesterol. It also has antioxidant and cleansing properties. It regulates the digestive system and protects the brain against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Due to its relaxing effect, it is recommended to eat plenty of apples during menopause and against anxiety. Apple gives a feeling of satiety. It also reduces constipation and prevents colon cancer and hemorrhoids that can occur if the toxins cannot be removed from the body . Onion Onion acts as an antibacterial in the body and protects the digestive system, improves blood circulation, is a great source of fiber. It contains vitamin C, prevents cancer, has low calories, does not contain cholesterol and contains little sodium. Green tea cleanse the bowels Green tea contains plenty of antioxidants, provides protection against flu, migraine and mental fatigue is perfect against. It is diuretic and prevents ulcer formation. Reduces tumors and protects against colon, lung and skin cancers. Important: It is actually very easy to clean the intestines and purify the body from toxins. Eat linseed and oats every day, drink plenty of water. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise and avoid foods that do more harm to your body. 7AXX
Metamucil Fiber, 3-in-1 Psyllium Capsule Fiber Supplement, 300 ct Capsules

Benefiber Fiber Supplement Powder Stick Packs for Digestive Health, 28 sticks, 3.92 ounces

Sertap Erener's disease for years! What is Colitis? Why and what are the symptoms?

Benefiber Fiber Supplement Powder Stick Packs for Digestive Health, 28 sticks, 3.92 ounces
Sertap Erener recently mentioned the illness he experienced years ago in his concert. Speaking about the disease for the first time in years, Erener said that his large intestine was taken. Erener admits to having colitis. explained that he had continuous surgery. So what is colitis? Why and what are the symptoms? We have searched for you everything about colitis, which is a serious digestive disease that reduces the quality of life for you. Colitis is caused by inflammation of the inner lining of the large intestine as a result of microbes. Colitis is also called general inflammation of the intestines. It often occurs in the damage of the intestines. Stress and depression, such as triggering in mental illnesses as a result of a decrease in the function of the intestines and decomposition feature of food waste remains in the inside. Colitis, which is caused by inflammation of the intestinal membrane from this deposit, is a serious digestive problem. Equal discomfort in men and women can be experienced regardless of the average age. Especially the risk of living with triggering conditions increases. In some studies, it is emphasized by experts that the metabolism, which slows down after 25 years of age, can be triggered. Unhealthy diet, excessive consumption of nicotine and caffeine also cause colitis. SERTAP ERENER'S DISEASE FOR YEARS! Last day, singer Sertap Erener, during the concert with his fans suffered from colitis disease and said he had struggled with this disease for years. Erener, who is being treated in America, announced that he does not have a large intestine. He said that the disease had not disappeared for years and this inflammation was recurring. The singer, who suffers from this, explained that he lived with the small intestine and had a negative impact on his quality of life. WHY IS COLLITE? Solid liquid separation of nutrients passes through the large intestine and intestinal colon, whereby the muscles are mobilized and the task is completed after defecation or urine. However, in some of the substances contained in nutrients and in some cases hereditary contraction is not contracted in the person's constipation or diarrhea problem arises. Colitis can be caused by intestinal bacteria and colon viruses. It also causes colitis in areas such as bacteria in the blood, stress, depression, drugs, genetic predisposition and environmental factors as well as toilets. This disorder causes all organs from the intestines to the esophagus to receive severe deformations for a short time. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF THE COLLIT? - The most common symptom constipation and diarrhea - Severe abdominal pain - Sweating or chills due to sudden changing body temperature - Deformation and loss of skin - Inflammation and edema accumulation in and around the eye - It is manifested by symptoms such as loss of appetite. SCIENTIFIC AND HERBAL TREATMENT METHOD OF COLLITE There are many varieties, as they arise in many ways. Blood and fecal analysis is performed. The body's absorption of vitamins is examined. If the body has lost a large amount of vitamins and minerals, defecation is checked for colitis, and when the vitamins that the body needs to absorb are found, the doctor develops treatment accordingly. For this disease, which is also a herbal treatment method, foods that are high in antioxidants should be consumed. Probiotic yogurt, lentils, fruits and greens are effective foods. TURMERIC Turmeric, which is consumed both in meals and as tea, is the best natural food effective in the treatment of choline. Those who experience bowel problems can consume tea of ​​this food under expert control during the day. ALOE VERA GEL After peeling the outer skin of the aloe vera plant, remove the gel. Mix this gel with a glass of warm water and consume. You can consume 2 glasses of this mixture until the symptoms disappear. SAUERKRAUT Homemade sauerkraut has a full probiotic effect. This pickle, prepared naturally, allows the deformed cells in digestion to regain their former health. Increases intestinal flora. In addition, the beneficial acids contained in the intestines prevent the accumulation of food waste. So experts recommend regular consumption. POTATO JUICE Potatoes are consumed in normal alkaline substance does not have an effect on the body. However, when boiled, this substance is activated by heat. This increases the alkali in boiling water. Water thoroughly cleans the stomach and intestines. The substance also prevents the accumulation of gas in the intestines. So it eliminates all situations that will cause colitis. 6AXX
Benefiber Fiber Supplement Powder Stick Packs for Digestive Health, 28 sticks, 3.92 ounces

L'il Critters Kids Fiber Gummy Bears Supplement, 90 Count

Anxiety May Affect The Large Intestine Bacteria!

L'il Critters Kids Fiber Gummy Bears Supplement, 90 Count
The research by Hoban et al, published in the open access journal, Microbiome , clarifies new findings on how large intestinal bacteria affect anxiety-like behavior. Researchers at the APC Microbiome Institute, established by the University of Cork , supported by the Science Foundation of Ireland , have established a link between biological molecules called miRNA (micro RNA) in the brain and brain tissue. and as a result of their studies, the brain tissue of mice without bacteria found that a significant number of miRNA molecules have changed. Mice included in the study were housed in special cages that provided a germ-free environment (Germ-free, GF) and typically exhibited abnormal anxiety, socialization deficits, memory deficits, and marked depression-like behavior. The author of the article is Dr. Gerard Clarke commented: Large intestinal bacteria appear to affect the prefrontal cortex and amygdala parts of the brain tissue . This is important because physiological processes involved in the functioning of the central nervous system and brain sections such as the amygdala and prefrontal cortex can affect these miRNA molecules. Micro RNA molecules are very short nucleotide ( DNA and structural units of DNA ) sequences that are responsible for controlling the expression of genes. It is thought that misregulation or loss of function of micro RNA molecules is the main reason for shaping neurodegenerative diseases, neural developmental disorders and stress-like psychiatric disorders. In particular, it is stated that miRNA changes in brain tissue take place in anxiety-like situations. Dr. Clarke said: Although it is possible to adjust miRNA molecules in brain tissue for the treatment of psychiatric disorders, research in this area faces some serious obstacles. For example, it is possible to find a safe and stable molecule capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier and to ensure that the molecule works as intended in the target region. Our study has shown that some of the barriers to the therapeutic use of miRNA molecules can be overcome by targeting the large intestinal microbiota. In their study, the researchers found 103 levels of miRNA molecules in the amygdala region and 31 in the prefrontal cortex region in the brains of micro-purified mice (GF mice) when compared to normal mice. At this point, it should also be taken into account that the colonization of the colon normalizes some differences in miRNA levels later in the animal. The findings of the study suggest that for proper regulation of miRNA molecules in brain tissue, a healthy microbiota must be present in the large intestine. According to the researchers, the present study demonstrated the relationship between miRNA levels in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex regions of the brain tissue and the small intestine microbiota for the first time, showing the relationship between distorting (intentional replacement) of intestinal bacteria and anxiety-like behaviors. The researchers used experimental groups containing 10 to 12 mice in each group. These groups were the control group consisting of normal mice with normal large intestinal microbiota, the fully bacterium-free GF group, the GF mice, the ex-GF group maintained under the same conditions as the control group, and the grown-up mouse group that had been killed by excessive antibiotic and large intestinal microbiota. Using new generation sequencing (NGS) methods in brain tissue samples of these groups, it was determined which miRNA molecules were present in the amygdala and prefrontal cortex regions. As a result, as in GF mice, adult mice that have cleared the large intestinal microbiota with antibiotics have been found to alter some miRNA molecules in brain tissue. According to the researchers, even though the organism is a healthy large intestinal microbiota in the early stages of life, changes that may occur over time cause differences in miRNA levels in brain tissue, leading to the emergence of anxiety-like behaviors. As the researchers put it, the exact mechanism by which large intestine bacteria affect miRNA molecules in brain tissue is unknown. Although the effect of large intestinal microbiota on miRNA levels has been demonstrated in more than one species (mouse and rat), further studies are needed to elucidate the relationship between large intestinal microbiota, miRNA levels, and anxiety-like behaviors for clinical applicability of the findings. are needed. About the result Clarke said: Although this is an early study, it is an exciting possibility that large intestinal bacteria, such as ob psychobiotics, hedef are targeted to achieve the desired changes in miRNA levels in specific regions of brain tissue. 5AXX
L'il Critters Kids Fiber Gummy Bears Supplement, 90 Count

Pure for Men - The Original Vegan Cleanliness Fiber Supplement - Proven Proprietary Formula (120 Capsules with Aloe)

Colon Hydrotherapy - Natur-Med Purification

Pure for Men - The Original Vegan Cleanliness Fiber Supplement - Proven Proprietary Formula (120 Capsules with Aloe)
Intestinal cleansing is a purification method used by human beings for thousands of years to treat their diseases. For example, the teaching of yoga, which has a history of more than 4000 years, emphasizes the importance of bowel cleansing for general health. Basti yoga teaches bowel cleansing, Jala Basti is the name of intestinal enema performed for this purpose. Throughout history, various forms of intestinal cleansing have been used to remove poisons in the body and treat chronic diseases. As written in Egyptian papyrus of pre-Christ times, human beings sought healing from time to time by giving natural foods such as horse milk, donkey milk, honey, vinegar, olive oil and garlic. Colon hydrotherapy is the most modern and effective form of bowel cleansing that has been known for thousands of years. Although the concept of bowel cleansing in the 20th century was used in all medicine, including universities, under the name “bowel bath bağırsak, the bowel bath began to be forgotten after World War II. In the 1970s, when chronic diseases such as sugar, weight, blood pressure, depression, rheumatic diseases, asthma and skin diseases increased, intestinal cleansing became the main treatment again. In the early 1980s, the concept of bowel bath was developed and started to be applied under the name of colon hydrotherapy. The large intestine is the channel through which solid wastes are discarded. Today, there is no discussion in the medical literature that there is a need for a clean intestine for the absorption of nutrients and the disposal of waste. A healthy working intestine is also a prerequisite for a healthy purification. It is normal to go to the toilet 1-2 times a day, but it does not indicate that the person does not need colon hydrotherapy and purification. An unhealthy diet and an unhealthy lifestyle weakens the large intestine, wastes begin to accumulate on the colon walls, causing unhealthy bacteria to grow. When the colon is filled with waste - feces, bacteria, fungi, viruses, parasites and dead cellular materials - the result is that the intestine absorbs its own poison. This causes inflammation and swelling of the colon surface, and normal absorption of nutrients, secretory function and normal contraction functions of the colon are impaired. These also create an environment for other health problems. Colon hydrotherapy, accompanied by an experienced and knowledgeable therapist, is a very comfortable and effective application in purification programs. It provides the removal of mucoid plaque in the intestines. Colon hydrotherapy can be applied daily even during the purification program. If your bowels are not working well, their work will be on the other purifying organs. For example, some skin problems may be caused by this problem. Itching and redness of the skin in purification programs may also indicate that the body is experiencing an intensive purification process. In order to increase the effect of colon hydrotherapy, a large bowel massage is applied during the application. Thus, the water is reached to the deep folds of the intestine, and the emptying of the intestine is supported. People who have colon hydrotherapy find it more comfortable and comfortable than a simple enema. Because, in this method, the person does not need to be pushed or contracted and the intestine is automatically emptied with the hose system. Application of colon hydrotherapy In a colon hydrotherapy session, a tube is connected rectally to the person laid on a stretcher. This tube is combined with a device that adjusts the temperature, volume and delivery frequency of the water, and the person's gut is filled and emptied several times for about 30-35 minutes. Colon hydrotherapy is a comfortable application with disposable consumables and in a highly hygienic environment. Bowel washing is usually done with 37-38 degrees of water and occasionally with 25 degrees of water given for short periods of time. In this way, the intestine is stimulated to prevent flattening and swelling, as well as increasing the circulation of the intestine, increasing the contractile strength. Colon hydrotherapy with the collected water in the intestinal folds of waste materials are emptied and cleaned. Thus, a medium is prepared for the formation of a healthy intestinal flora. The colon is completely cleared by hydrotherapy. Applications such as Enema, only sigmoid cleans the colon, which is the first 20-30 centimeters of the intestine. Before colon hydrotherapy, it is recommended to eat light and less. Ideally, colon hydrotherapy should be administered during the Natur-Med purification diet. After the session, it is recommended to drink nutritious foods and beverages - vegetable soup, fruit and grape juice. In order to increase the effect of colon hydrotherapy, it is recommended that ozone therapy, massage, exercise, magnetic field therapy be applied together. Colon hydrotherapy is used not only in intestinal diseases but also for purification and for strengthening the immune system. Other than conditions such as digestive problems, gas and swelling, constipation or irregular defecation, which are directly related to the intestine, colitis ulcerosis, crown disease, infectious and non-infectious colitis, noninflammatory diverticulums are highly benefited from colon hydrotherapy. In cases of frequent infection, headache, migraine and depression, colon hydrotherapy is an important supportive treatment. According to a scientific study conducted in the USA, intestinal dysfunction has been identified as the leading cause of depression. All kinds of allergic conditions, skin diseases such as psoriasis, eczema, acne, liver fats and liver dysfunction, allergic asthma bronchial, rheumatic diseases, calcification (arthroses) benefit greatly from colon hydrotherapy. A bowel loaded with toxic wastes and not working properly can be the cause of many diseases. Colon hydrotherapy, which is used to relieve chronic acidosis and maintain acid-base balance, provides significant benefits in combination with other natural therapies such as movement treatments, healthy nutrition programs and ozone oxygen administration in the fight against obesity. In addition, alcohol, drugs and nicotine dependence in the intestine by reducing the receptors in the intestinal dependency contributes to get rid of. Cases where colon-hydrotherapy is applied Colon hydrotherapy is used both as a preventive treatment and for the treatment of certain conditions. Colon hydrotherapy alone cannot be sufficient for purification, nor can it be mentioned without colon hydrotherapy. Colon hydrotherapy has many benefits, both physically and mentally. A person without any discomfort, as a purification application, can take colon hydrotherapy to take advantage of the following effects: In particular, animal, floury, sugary and additive product mainly consists of fed and non-digestible waste accumulation by cleaning the column functions are restored. Thus, it performs an important purification function by preventing toxin accumulation in the body. It makes the digestive system work more effectively. Increases physical and mental energy. Revitalizes, beautifies the skin. Increases concentration. Vitamins increase the absorption of minerals and essential fatty acids. Supports weight loss program. Provides a healthier sleep. It is an important purification and cleansing application for drug, alcohol and smokers. It feels good by giving the person a feeling of lightness, vitality and comfort. Frequently asked questions about colon hydrotherapy: Is preparation necessary before treatment? As with any purification application, it is necessary to know how and for what purpose colon hydrotherapy is applied. It is recommended that you be on a cleansing diet to increase the benefit from colon hydrotherapy and for real purification. On the day before and on the day of therapy it is useful to eat light. Manual massage or vacuum massage before colon hydrotherapy will increase the effect of colon hydrotherapy. Another factor that increases the effect of colon hydrotherapy sessions is that it is taken in the same cure period as oxygen-ozone therapy. How long does a colon hydrotherapy session last? About 30-35 minutes. Water is given to the intestine several times and accompanied by abdominal massage. Does colon hydrotherapy harm the intestinal flora? A healthy flora is firmly attached to the intestinal wall and is largely unaffected by water. However, flora in the feces and free intestine decreases. This is intended. Colon hydrotherapy is performed to clean the already unhealthy intestinal flora and prepare the environment for the formation of a healthy flora. What side effects can occur during colon hydrotherapy? Colon hydrotherapy is generally a relaxing and refreshing practice, but the process of clearing toxic deposits can cause a temporary "recovery crisis" as in the fasting of purification. Just like fasting, there may be pain in the head and joints at first. This is due to the mobilization and reabsorption of metabolic residues. In this case, the second session the next day to eliminate complaints. Mild abdominal pain may occur during application. Another complication is almost impossible. How many sessions are performed in colon hydrotherapy? Usually 5-6 sessions. Depending on the individual's general health status can be done up to 10 sessions. In a cure program, the frequency is 2-3. What are the conditions where colon hydrotherapy cannot be applied? Advanced inguinal hernia Over 6 months of intestinal surgery Severe cardiac arrhythmia Pregnancy Significant and inflamed diverticulum Crown disease Spasm of muscles surrounding prostate Tumor of the large intestine or rectum 4AXX
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All you need to know about bowel cancer

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Changes in your bowel habits, blood in the stool, weight loss, fatigue, abdominal or back pain, are among the symptoms of the disease If it is detected at an early stage, the information and symptoms of bowel cancer, which is a completely curable type of cancer, should be kept in mind. What is bowel cancer? Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, affects the large intestine. The large intestine consists of colon and rectum. When cells in the body begin to divide and multiply in an uncontrolled manner, this causes cancer to occur. Bowel cancer is more common in the large intestine than in the small intestine. The small intestine consists of the intestine, the part of the intestine, the duodenum and the part of the intestine, which is connected to the large intestine. When cells in the large intestine get cancer, they can spread to other parts of the body, such as the liver or lungs. It's called advanced bowel cancer. What are the symptoms? Bowel cancer, a change in your intestinal habits, blood in the stool, weight loss, abdominal or back pain, fatigue, such as symptoms are. Bowel cancer can also cause bowel obstruction. In this case, feces or gas can or cannot pass through the intestine more difficult than usual. A person experiencing bowel obstruction may experience cramping, constipation or nausea. If you think you have bowel obstruction, you should see your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately. According to the UK National Health System, symptoms of bowel cancer such as abdominal discomfort and constipation may not necessarily indicate bowel cancer. How many people? In the UK, an average of 42,000 people are diagnosed with bowel cancer each year. This equals about 115 new cases of bowel cancer each day. Nine out of 10 cases are seen in people over the age of 50, and 6 in people over the age of 70. However, bowel cancer can affect people of any age. The disease is more common in men than in women. One in 15 men is likely to be diagnosed with bowel cancer. This rate corresponds to one in 18 women. How to test? In the bowel cancer test, your doctor first finds out if your family has a history of bowel cancer. Then rectal examination is done. On the other hand, people with bowel cancer may experience iron deficiency due to bleeding in their blood, so the patient's blood is undergoing iron deficiency screening. If the tests show that you may have bowel cancer, you are referred to the hospital for a flexible sigmoidoscopy. During the flexible sigmoidoscopy examination, a long, thin tube with a camera and light called sigmoidoscope is inserted into the rectum and the lower part of the large intestine. Colonoscopy can also be performed. Colonoscopy is similar to flexible sigmoidoscopy, but the entire large intestine is examined here. Another test used to diagnose bowel cancer is computed colon tomography. This test uses computed tomography scans to examine the colon and rectum. How is it treated? The methods used to treat bowel cancer may vary depending on which part of the intestine is affected. The most common treatment of bowel cancer is surgical procedure. This is supported by chemotherapy, radiotherapy or biological treatments. If bowel cancer is detected at an early stage, it can be treated completely. However, treatment may not be possible if the cancerous tumor cannot be removed completely by surgery. 3AXX
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What are bowel diseases ? Is there any treatment of intestinal diseases, what are the symptoms?

SmartyPants Kids Formula & Fiber Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 Fish Oil (DHA/EPA), Fiber, Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Vitamin B6, 120 Count (30 Day Supply) - Packaging May Vary
Gastrointestinal diseases that occur in the stomach and intestines that carry the risk of infection are called intestinal diseases . Intestinal diseases that cause problems in the stomach and intestine regions of our body and then affect the whole body fall into the serious problem group. The most important problem that increases the likelihood of developing this disease group is adverse weather conditions and low immune system. The underlying cause of each disease is the low immune system. The most important factor for protection from diseases; is the strengthening of the immune system. According to this; What are intestinal diseases? How is it treated? What are bowel diseases? Is there any treatment of intestinal diseases, what are the symptoms? Inflammatory wall bowel diseases are caused by inflammatory reasons and if not taken into consideration, they fall into dangerous group. Although the cause is not known, immune system problems, hereditary causes and environmental factors are the causes of these diseases. Intestinal diseases are also divided into various groups. According to this; What are intestinal diseases? What are the treatment methods? What are the symptoms? SYMPTOMS OF INTESTINAL DISEASES Intestinal diseases have symptoms such as viral and bacterial. Constipation and diarrhea status Swelling Pain in the stomach Nausea and vomiting Bleeding Fire and cold cramps Headache TREATMENT OF INTESTINAL DISEASES In order to be able to confirm the condition of the sensitive intestinal syndrome, all other investigations should be made as well as the symptoms. In such cases, the doctor should examine the disorders well and make the necessary tests and tests and then diagnose the condition. The main treatment of the disease begins with eliminating the person's symptoms. In order to eliminate diarrhea and constipation, which is one of the symptoms in the person, arrangements are made for the nutrition of the person. Especially for diarrhea, fiber foods are added to the diet list and the diet list. In these cases, fiber foods, cereals, pulses and fruits are very ideal. For constipation, more juicy foods and medications should be added where necessary. In bowel diseases, it is necessary to avoid heavy meals. Since heavy foods exhaust the stomach and intestines, one should avoid these foods as much as possible. Apart from this, one has to remove himself / herself from stress and the things that cause stress. Apart from these, one should stay away from things that harm the body such as cigarettes and alcohol. Exercises to be recommended by the doctor will help the person to relax and make their health more organized in the long term. Symptoms of bowel diseases may be in cancer. In such cases, however, it is essential that people apply to an expert before panicking. In particular, blood in the feces can be considered as important symptoms. Of course, this does not mean that cancer occurs every time a blood occurs. In bowel diseases, it is also very important that the person meets the need for vitamin D and calcium in the body. In intestinal diseases, if there is no serious situation or if there is no serious progress, the lifestyle of the people can be improved greatly after regulating their diet. CROHN'S DISEASE It is described as an inflammatory bowel disease that can involve all parts of the digestive system between the oral cavity and the large intestine. This disease is often known to involve the last part of the small intestine (ileum) and the initial part of the large intestine (cecum or blind intestine). ULSERATIVE COLLITE Ulcerative colitis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the lining of the large intestine. Approximately 95 percent of the cases show involvement of the rectum, the last part of the large intestine. Ulcerative colitis often spreads from the rectum upwards through the large intestine. DIAGNOSIS METHODS In the diagnosis of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, various blood tests (leukocyte, albumin, cholesterol, magnesium, test CRP, etc.) can be requested for imaging purposes (medicated bowel x-ray, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, gastroscopy, etc.). The definitive diagnosis of both diseases; colonoscopy. TREATMENT METHODS Anal / perianal problems that may develop in Crohn's and ulcerative colitis patients may complicate the problems of the patient with complications, if not fatal. In this patient group, all kinds of interventions, especially surgical interventions, have a special feature. Surgical sphincter (muscle controlling breech) mechanism to be selected in inflammatory bowel patients can create a loss of function. Surgical interventions should be evaluated very well due to wound healing and immune system disorders in IBD patients. In addition, if surgical treatment is to be applied, the active inflammatory condition in the rectum must be removed first. 2AXX
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