Saturday, December 22, 2018

These are the vitamins needed to stimulate hair growth

These are the vitamins needed to stimulate hair growth

1. Biotin It is recognized for its encouragement to develop hair and make it grow faster. It is one of the best vitamins to recompose the ends of the hair and also when it becomes brittle, helping to improve the texture and quality of it.

It contributes to the increase of the thickness and the amount of hair. Its action with respect to hair cells makes it a great ally.

Biotin 10000mcg Hair Skin & Nails Vitamins for Women - Promotes Cells Regenerations - Supports Blood Glucose Level Supports Hair Growth, Skin Glow & Nail Strength by Ladyme - 90 Capsules
Biotin 10000mcg Hair Skin & Nails Vitamins for Women - Promotes Cells Regenerations - Supports Blood Glucose Level Supports Hair Growth, Skin Glow & Nail Strength by Ladyme - 90 Capsules

Due to its benefits, the consumption of biotin influences the following:

• Increase in the rate of development of your hair
• Gain thicker and thicker hair to a large extent
• Smoothed hair

2. Vitamin A. It also plays an important role in hair growth. It keeps your hair black and shiny. Vitamin A contains antioxidants that hydrate the scalp and prevent hair from drying out. Vitamin A helps strengthen and thicken hair.

3. Vitamin E. It is essential for hair growth because it eliminates the problems of dry and rough hair. Blocks moisture and protects your hair from drying, and keeps it shiny. Apart from this, it also keeps the scalp healthy and promotes blood circulation.

4. Vitamin B12. This is another vitamin of the B complex. And it can be a great help to prevent hair loss. This helps so that the iron can be absorbed more effectively in the body, without which you could lose hair if you suffer from deficiency.

5. Folic acid. This is another miraculous component of the vitamin B group, or "vitamins for hair." This vitamin plays an important role in making your hair thicker and brighter, while increasing the humidity. It also helps in the fight against hair graying.

6. Vitamin C. Contributes to hair growth, has the ability to cure premature graying and dryness of hair efficiently. The daily intake of vitamin C through food or supplements is necessary to maintain the health of your hair.

7. Iron Researchers have found that conditions such as alopecia, severe hair loss and breakage are caused due to iron deficiency. An adequate amount of iron every day regulates blood circulation and increases the level of hemoglobin in the body. Not only that, it will certainly also help the re-growth of the hair.

What can I do to make my hair grow faster (and what is a scam)

What can I do to make my hair grow faster (and what is a scam)

Indisputable canon of beauty, imperishable and universal, long hair never goes out of style. The more centimeters, the better. The infinite, abundant and well-groomed mane, liked as much in the Renaissance as now. From this passion for having a good hair, there is evidence in art, music and literature, confirming that hair length has always played a prominent role in both primitive and modern societies. Symbol of health, fertility, social status or the most exuberant sensuality, "go pelazo tienes" is one of the compliments that we are most pleased to hear. The XL hair, strong and bright appearance, is still the object of desire of millions of people (especially women) who, challenging the genetics and time, are given an eternal struggle to get it. They try everything: from the most extravagant home remedies, to very expensive aesthetic treatments or products that, in spite of not having any study behind that sustains their promises, are for sale. But the reality is that in matters of hair there are no miracles that are worth the scientific facts we refer.

Biotin for Hair Growth 10000mcg [High Potency] Hair Skin and Nails Formula; Enhance Your Beauty Naturally with Dr. Formulated Biotin Supplement, Biotin Hair Growth Vitamins 60 Veggie Capsules
Biotin for Hair Growth 10000mcg [High Potency] Hair Skin and Nails Formula; Enhance Your Beauty Naturally with Dr. Formulated Biotin Supplement, Biotin Hair Growth Vitamins 60 Veggie Capsules

Hair grows 0.4 millimeters a day

In order to understand that miracles do not exist, it is important to know that our capillary cycle is not synchronized and that it is renewed uninterruptedly; that is, our scalp always has a majority of hair (approximately 80%) that are in a phase of growth (anagen) and a minority, in transition phase (catagen) and resting (telogen). Growth is a phase that lasts longer than the others (between 2 and 5 years, although it depends on age) and depends on the final length of our hair; the longer it lasts, the more it will grow. "The average hair growth on the scalp is approximately 11.4 cm per month, an average of 0.4 mm per day, and it does so at a faster rate between 16 and 46 years, clearly decreasing from the 50. This speed of growth is influenced by multiple factors: genetic, hormonal, nutritional and even seasonal, since both men and women have an annual hair cycle with more fall in the fall, "explains Dr. Sergio Vañó, dermatologist and trichologist , coordinator of the Unit of Trichology and study of Alopecias of the Ramón y Cajal Hospital (Madrid).

Every day new hairs grow, while others fall (between 50 and 100 on average). Its fall and subsequent replacement is normal. As long as there are no problems, healthy hair grows, rests and falls to make room for a new one. "For a person's hair to remain in the growth phase for 6 years and for another 2 to depend on genetics, if the daily growth measure is multiplied by the duration in days of the growth phase, the maximum length will be the maximum that reaches the hair of a subject, "explains Dr. Eduardo López Bran, Head of Dermatology at the San Carlos Clinical Hospital , director and founder of Imema and a member of Top Doctors . For example, if your growth phase lasts, say, 3 years (1095 days), at a rate of 0.40 mm per day, it means that if you do not go through the hairdresser your hair will grow 43.8 cm (two hands of a hand half). But it will not grow anymore: it will enter a phase of rest and subsequent fall.

The power of a shampoo is limited

Hairs that are growing are the most metabolically active, and are very sensitive to changes in our diet or any chemical damage, so that their progression may stop earlier than expected. Dr. Jeni Thomas, senior scientist at Pantene , says: "Genetics defines the length of our hair, but assuming nothing interferes with that growth, such as poor health or damaged hair, your state of health will determine that what you carry in the genetic code is fulfilled.If you have deficiencies in your organism, the most likely thing is that it can not dedicate the great amount of energy that is needed for hair growth ". A hormonal change, a bad diet, illness or stress affect, but also smoothing or dyeing processes that end up breaking the hair. This is where cosmetics play an important role. "It is much more common that we do not grow hair because of hair damage that disease, so it should be taken care of a lot.A good shampoo will not make it grow more, but it will help to not break the growth phase," says the doctor.

A couple of years ago, a shampoo called FAST was popularized, especially in the United Kingdom, which, according to the clinical tests carried out by the Canadian scientists who created it, increased the growth rate of hair up to 5 cm per month (to 30 euros the boat). Dr. Eduardo López Bran is skeptical about it and recalls that although everything depends on genetic predisposition, there are very small variations between some individuals and others. Dr. Thomas says: "It is true that there are studies that show that certain medical treatments can change the amount of growing hair, but there is no record of any that increases the pace." More quantity, yes; more length, impossible.

Home remedies do not work

Another product that caused a furore, also in Spain, after being marketed by Mercadona, due to its economic price and its promises of long hair, was the shampoo for horses. The sales success was due to word of mouth (there was no beauty forum that did not talk about its virtues) and, above all, because Jennifer Aniston and Sarah Jessica Parker said they used it. The Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (AEDV) was quick to throw away the myth of this shampoo, whose main ingredient was biotin, a B group vitamin essential to nourish the skin, also the scalp, and promote circulation so that the keratin forms. It is true that gave some volume and consumers were 'like crazy' recommended in social networks, but the specialists explained that being a product designed for animals and with a high content of salt, it was like when we left to take a bath in the sea , that the hair curls and seems to increase in volume, but it is an effect that lasts little. Dr. Sergio Vañó adds: "Biotin is a vitamin that is not absorbed topically, that is, it will never reach the root of the hair follicle, which is buried four or five millimeters deep inside the leather. scalp ".

There is something that works: getting pregnant. "There are different hormonal factors that influence hair growth, both sex hormones and pituitary, thyroid and adrenal hormones.In pregnancy it is true that the hair grows with greater intensity and vigor due to the hormonal situation that the same pregnancy produces in the woman (the inhibition of male hormones, which are the cause of androgenic alopecia), "says Dr. Vanó. Because of this hormonal factor, someone might come up with another of the most popular homemade tricks (for being a fiasco) recommended by the Network for rapid hair growth. The idea was to crush contraceptive pills, dump them in a shampoo bottle and apply them in each wash rubbing the scalp well as if the estrogens were going to penetrate it. The specialists define it as outrageous, like rubbing with an onion, cutting your hair with a full moon or brushing 100 times a day. "There is no evidence that any of these factors positively influence hair growth, in the same way that cutting your hair more often does not make you grow faster," says Dr. Vañó.

In the pharmacy, there is hope

"For the hair to grow properly, it is necessary that the body has a minimum of raw material based on trace elements such as cystine, iron or some vitamins, however, the extra contribution without a specific deficit has not been shown to improve or increase the speed of hair growth, "says doctor Sergio Vano. Dr. David Munoz, a specialist in Corporación Capilar, is a supporter of supplementation, but always as a complementary treatment. "Vitamins, amino acids, trace elements ... All of them intervene in cellular exchange processes, from favoring the permeability of the cell membrane, to acting as precursors of proteins such as collagen, which structures the hair follicle. apply both in capillary mesotherapy techniques, as orally, but its use is limited in time and its effects are mostly proven to prevent seasonal hair loss or emotional stress, "he says.

So, is there something that works? The trichologist Sergio Vañó says that now there are new treatments that are in the clinical trial phase and that will stimulate capital growth, but of the already existing and whose effectiveness has been proven highlights a drug, Minoxidil. "It is a vasodilator that is applied locally in the form of liquid, spray or foam, allows the hair to enter the growth phase (anagen phase), so it will grow thicker and faster, however, Minoxidil is a medical treatment that requires a correct assessment by a specialist to see if its use is appropriate for that particular patient and, in addition, its effect is limited in time, "explains Vañó. The same applies to the other drug of scientifically proven efficacy, Finasteride, which needs to be prescribed by a dermatologist and is not recommended to women, since being a competitive inhibitor of the enzyme 5alphareductase type II, it can have side effects.

Biotin for hair growth: treatments and doses

Biotin for hair growth: treatments and doses

How to make our hair look healthy and strong? Biotin, a vitamin with extra benefits for hair health.

Hair loss can be more than an aesthetic problem. Loss that can be motivated by stress, hormonal changes, vitamin deficiencies or the use of certain products with chemical components. Hair needs care to look strong and healthy for longer. Habits such as following a healthy and varied diet or practicing exercise on a regular basis also have an impact on your good health. And also, nowadays, we have some extra allies, like biotin. A vitamin, also known as vitamin H or B7 or vitamin B8 (vitamin B complex), which intervenes in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids and in the transformation of glucose into energy for the cells of tissues such as hair, skin or nails. Its lack causes the loss of elasticity of the hair and its fall.

Advanced Biotin with Keratin (2-Pack) | 10000 mcg Biotin – 100 mg Keratin – Promotes Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails - Helps Convert Food Into Energy - Time Released – 120 Tablets
Advanced Biotin with Keratin (2-Pack) | 10000 mcg Biotin – 100 mg Keratin – Promotes Healthy Hair, Skin & Nails - Helps Convert Food Into Energy - Time Released – 120 Tablets

Benefits biotin
The benefits attributed to biotin include promoting healthy hair growth, avoiding dryness, preventing hair weakness and becoming brittle, recovering shine and strengthening its elasticity. Biotin is a vitamin found naturally in foods such as bananas, eggs, salmon, chicken meat, brewer's yeast, whole grains or nuts (hazelnuts, almonds).

Biotin for hair dose
To promote hair health, hair treatments with biotin have become one of the most innovative solutions. The most common is based on biotin supplements (or a combination of biotin with other vitamins such as folic acid or vitamins A, C, D). The dose varies according to weight and age, although the recommended average dose will be 30 micrograms for adults over 18 years of age. To begin to notice the effects it is advisable to take biotin for a minimum of 3 to 6 months.

Another alternative is to use biotin shampoo for hair, a solution to strengthen the hair and to eliminate dandruff problems.


Biotin (vitamin B7) has become known for its role in the health and beauty of hair, skin and nails. Since biotin is natural, it can be found in beans, breads, cauliflower, egg yolks, fish, kidney, legumes, liver, meat, dairy products, nuts, oatmeal, oysters, peanut butter, poultry and whole grains. . This water-soluble B vitamin is essential for healthy hair growth and also protects against dryness. In addition to maintaining existing hair growth, biotin many other benefits for hair, including the ability to increase the elasticity of the hair cortex, thus preventing breakage.

In addition to biotin, there are other nutrients that can promote healthy hair like hydrolyzed collagen with strengthening of amino acids, MSM for vitality, and the boost of Horsetail and silica.

Supplements containing these nutrients, such as Hairfinity Healthy Hair Vitamins, can fill gaps in your diet to give your hair the nutrition it needs to be healthier. However, it is also very important to properly take care of your hair so that it does not break. The prevention of breakage is the most important step when trying to grow a healthier hair. The break can limit the maximum length of your hair, no matter how fast your hair is growing. Why? Well think about it this way, if your hair grew an inch per month (which is very fast), but I was cutting it an inch per month, would you notice any difference in length? The answer is no. You may notice an increase in thickness, but no change in length, since you would be cutting as fast as you would be growing. Now, think about the increase in your hair growth if you eliminate the breakage. Taking proper care of your hair and ensuring that you have a nutritionally healthy diet are essential elements for healthy hair.

What are the best vitamins for hair growth?

What are the best vitamins for hair growth?

If your hair is dull and dull, these vitamins are what you need to get it back.

Having abundant, bright and strong hair is the dream of many. To achieve this, sometimes we resort to the use of chemical products, hair dryer, iron or invasive treatments that in the long term can cause hair loss or slow down its growth.

The properties of nature are endless and give for everything. There are vitamins that promote hair growth and we get them in food for daily consumption, we present the most popular:

Amazon Elements Biotin 5000 mcg, Vegan, 130 Capsules, 4 month supply
Amazon Elements Biotin 5000 mcg, Vegan, 130 Capsules, 4 month supply

Biotin: We get it in foods such as peanuts, hazelnuts and other nuts.

Vitamin B12: Fish, eggs, seafood and beef are some of the foods that contain it the most.

Vitamin E: Vegetable oil, carrots, tomatoes, avocado and Swiss chard are rich in vitamin E.

To restore shine and abundance to your hair you can also try one of these supplements made from the vitamins mentioned above.

1. Sugar Bear Hair Gummies

Vegetarian gummy bears with biotin, zinc, vitamins and minerals. It has a nice sweet taste given by coconut oil and sugar. Ideal for people who have trouble taking pills.

These gummies not only stimulate growth and strengthen the hair, their ingredients provide general well-being and act by strengthening the nails and increasing the defenses. With more than 2300 reviews, this product is a Best Seller on Amazon .

2. Hairfluence Multivitamin

Premium supplement for the strengthening of damaged and brittle hair. It has more than 6 types of vitamins such as folate, biotin, calcium, bamboo extract and keratin.

Achieve a longer, healthy and stronger hair with the daily intake of this supplement, made 100% with natural ingredients , which provide the nutrients that will complement your diet and stimulate the scalp so that you see the results in a few weeks.

3. HairAnew Supplement

Vitamins for the growth of hair and nails with biotin, ginkgo biloba, calcium and zinc. Recommended dose of 2 capsules daily.

Stress and poor diet can cause the loss of essential nutrients that stimulate the scalp, and this supplement replenishes those deficiencies. More than 5000 customer reviews certify the effectiveness of the product.

4. Hair Rush Suplememto

Stop waking up seeing how you leave your hair on the pillow. This product contains a mixture of more than 20 vitamins, herbs and minerals plus solubilized keratin. It is effective in both men and women.

The solubilized keratin increases the growth and thickness of the hair , combined with the other ingredients, this supplement repairs damaged hair follicles and prevents hair loss.

Biotin For Hair Loss and Hair Growth

Biotin For Hair Loss and Hair Growth

Biotin for hair Hair loss is a frustrating part of aging that affects almost everyone.

There are several factors that accelerate hair loss, such as stress, hormonal fluctuations, vitamin deficiency, strong chemical treatments, and a frequent style using hot tools.

It is important to try to take care of your hair and live a healthy lifestyle in order to prevent hair loss. There are several ways to prevent hair loss , including eating nutrient-rich foods, exercising regularly, balancing hormone levels, and reducing stress.

Biotin for hair is a beneficial vitamin for hair loss, helping to metabolize fatty acids, carbohydrates and proteins.

Country Life - Biotin High Potency, 10 mg - 120 Vegan Capsules
Country Life - Biotin High Potency, 10 mg - 120 Vegan Capsules

How does biotin work for hair?
How biotin works for hair

Biotin, also known as vitamin H or vitamin B7, is a type of vitamin B complex that is essential in the production of energy and the metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Benefits of biotin for hair

  •     Biotin promotes the growth of healthy hair and prevents the hair from drying out.
  •     Biotin for hair increases hair elasticity
  •     Prevents and minimizes hair breakage and helps strengthen and thicken hair.
  •     It also stimulates the growth of hair and skin cells.

There is not enough evidence to evaluate the effectiveness of biotin for hair in the treatment of hair loss, however, a deficiency of biotin, contributes to thinning hair and baldness. Eliminating this deficiency can help treat hair loss in some cases.

How to consume Biotin for hair loss

Biotin deficiencies are rare, but occur more in people with nutrient absorption problems or who drink excessive amounts of alcohol. Hair loss is a common symptom of biotin deficiency. Fortunately, biotin for hair is available in many different forms.

Biotin supplements, including certain B vitamins, is a beneficial way to incorporate biotin into your daily diet and reap its benefits.

The proper dosage depends largely on age and weight, but in general they recommend doses of biotin of approximately 30 mcg for adults over 18 years of age.

  •     25 mcg for young people aged 14-18 years
  •     30 mcg for adults over 18 years

However for people looking to increase hair growth, a daily board of 300mcg is recommended. Similarly, it is best to consult with a specialist to determine the exact dose.

Interesting: Effective Solution, Platelet Rich Plasma for Alopecia

Biotin for hair and accelerate growth

There is also biotin shampoo for hair , which can help promote hair growth.

Foods that contain Biotin:

Biotin is found naturally in a series of foods such as:

  •     Eggs,
  •     Whole grains,
  •     Chicken,
  •     Salmon, and
  •     The bananas.

Biotin for hair loss, when to go to the doctor

If your hair is falling at an alarming rate, especially if it is happening ahead of time, it may be time to see a doctor.

As stated earlier, things like stress, hormonal fluctuations and harsh hair treatments accelerate hair loss. Seeing a doctor is also recommended before starting a regimen of biotin supplements in order to determine the proper and safe dose.

Hair loss is unfortunately a natural part of aging, and can be accelerated by things like excessive stress and vitamin deficiencies. However, there are several ways to help prevent hair loss to strengthen hair and stimulate growth.

The consumption of foods rich in biotin or taking biotin for hair in supplement, can be useful to strengthen and prevent the fall. The methods of natural prevention of hair loss also count on the consumption of a balanced diet, reducing stress and staying hydrated.

These hair loss prevention tips are natural, cost effective and can be easily done at home.

Biotin for hair has positive benefits in your hair, so you should consider it as a complement to the treatment you are taking to see improvements in your hair.

Biotin contributes to the growth of your hair

Biotin contributes to the growth of your hair

Hair is very sensitive to the nutritional status of the whole body, so that a low level of vitamins or minerals manifests itself in weak , brittle hair with little volume.

Therefore, providing vitamins and minerals continuously can help you maintain good hair health . Biotin , in particular, is one of the vitamins that contributes the most to hair growth .

The most important vitamins for the metabolic processes of the hair are those of group B , especially pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5, and biotin . Known as the "vitamin of skin, hair and nails", biotin also receives the names of vitamin H and vitamin B8 .

Biotin 5000 mcg Vitamins + Organic Coconut Oil by Hair Thickness Maximizer. Hair Growth Vitamin Supplement for Women + Men. Made in USA. Combats Hair Loss + Thinning Hair. 60 Pills
Biotin 5000 mcg Vitamins + Organic Coconut Oil by Hair Thickness Maximizer. Hair Growth Vitamin Supplement for Women + Men. Made in USA. Combats Hair Loss + Thinning Hair. 60 Pills

Biotin strengthens hair

The most important vitamins for the metabolic processes of the hair are those of group B , especially pantothenic acid, or vitamin B5, and biotin . Known as the "vitamin of skin, hair and nails", biotin also receives the names of vitamin H and vitamin B8 .

Biotin exerts a coenzyme function, stimulating the action of some essential enzymes in cell duplication processes. That is, it favors the growth of rapidly reproducing tissues, such as skin and hair . In addition, it intervenes in the metabolism of fats. In the scalp, this translates into more elasticity and less breakage of the hair , resulting in greater protection against hair loss.

On the other hand, the B vitamins stimulate blood circulation, allowing the arrival of nutrients to the hair root . A well-nourished hair root is synonymous with good hair health.

Biotin can be obtained naturally through our intestinal flora, which is able to synthesize it. It can also be incorporated directly through foods, such as legumes, vegetables, meats and fish, but at low concentrations. Therefore it is advisable to strengthen the health of your hair with a supplementary contribution of biotin in the form of capsules, even more so when periods of greater capillary refill , such as autumn, are approaching.

How to grow hair with biotin?

How to grow hair with biotin?

If you wonder what is the secret to having a long and strong hair that does not break and also that it can be healthy, here we give you a solution called Biotin, many times we use many chemicals, or products that guarantee hair growth, but we must be careful in which to use because a great majority do not have adequate results. This time we will talk about the Biotin that it is, how it can be used and more details that you probably did not know.

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin, present in the body . Its action in the body is very important because it is closely related in cell growth, besides having a fundamental role in the metabolism of fatty acids, carbohydrates and amino acids.

Natrol Biotin Maximum Strength Tablets, 10,000mcg , 100 Count (pack of 2) ( Pack May Vary )
Natrol Biotin Maximum Strength Tablets, 10,000mcg , 100 Count (pack of 2) ( Pack May Vary )

Specifically, this vitamin is responsible for transforming the glucose that is received from food into energy for the cells, helping in the cellular regeneration of the skin, nails and hair . Therefore, it is important to have adequate biotin levels in the body, because it is essential to maintain many of their structures healthy and for certain metabolic reactions.

How does Biotin help us for hair?

Biotin is a fundamental vitamin to show strong, shiny and healthy hair , since one of its main actions is to help the continuous regeneration of hair cells. An adequate supply of this vitamin will cause hair to grow stronger and look much healthier.

On the other hand, a considerable lack of biotin in the organism will cause the opposite effect, that is, the hair (next to the nails and the skin) will be visibly affected, showing a much drier, dull appearance, with brittle tips and even in cases where the deficiency is very marked, partial hair loss may occur.

Therefore, it is important to maintain adequate levels of biotin in the body, especially if you want the hair to grow healthily, with greater thickness, speed and shine.

It should also be noted that it does not help to fight alopecia , but you can try to prevent it if you keep a hair care, strong and healthy. In addition, it is difficult to present a picture of excess biotin in the body because, being a water-soluble vitamin, it is eliminated in the urine.

How is Biotin applied?

There is a great diversity of hair treatments that include this vitamin in their formulas, such as shampoos, conditioners and masks. In fact, one of the most popular is the shampoo horse, with a high content of biotin, the bad thing about this shampoo is that it dries the hair a lot.

It is recommended that, apart from using specific treatments for the hair that are applied to the hair, biotin intake is increased, either through greater consumption of foods containing this vitamin, or by ingestion of biotin capsules .

A hair that has an adequate supply of all the nutrients it needs will be looked after and healthy and, in addition, will grow stronger and brighter. Biotin is an essential vitamin to achieve this result in the hair.

In addition to Biotin, there are "growth promoters" that are products that   guarantee faster growth while reinforcing the vitality of the hair.

We recommend a treatment with very good results from a brand that specializes in hair problems: REELANCE is a Mexican brand, and have the treatment for alopecia for women and men which have as an active ingredient Minoxidil , a substance that helps and stimulates the hair grow faster, stronger and healthier in addition to natural ingredients to achieve the return of hair in a very natural way.

This treatment has shampoo and anti-drop lotion , to have an even faster and better effect. These products are clinically proven and approved by the FDA for the stimulation of new hair growth.

The shampoo has been created with the intention of cleaning and removing all possible residues from the scalp , thus allowing the lotion to be absorbed much better. In addition, the ph will be neutralized and the follicle will be detoxified.

With this intensive treatment the diameter of each strand of hair will be increased and will provide a more dense appearance to the hair. In addition, it prevents the fall due to breakage and provides hydration to the scalp.

Reelance is a very good option if you want your hair to grow fast, healthy and strong.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Is Biotin the Answer to Grow Hair?

Is Biotin the Answer to Grow Hair?

Like other B vitamins, biotin is an almost inexplicably important essential nutrient. It helps the body to break down proteins, fats and carbohydrates. [ 1 ] It is a cofactor in many metabolic reactions driven by enzymes. [ 2 ] And, because biotin deficiency can lead to hair loss (and other effects such as depression or a swollen rash on the face), the use of biotin for hair growth has been associated in a way natural. [ 3 ]

You may have noticed that the labels of many shampoo and conditioner brands boast added vitamins and nutrients, including biotin. It is true that biotin is essential for hair, but biotin is not absorbed through hair or skin in a way that benefits the cells in the body. This means that a shampoo or conditioner with added vitamins will not make your hair grow faster, healthier or thicker. Vitamins must be taken orally to have an effect. In addition, there is still no clear scientific consensus about whether biotin can help or not grow more hair to people with normal levels of biotin.

Amplixin Advanced+ Biotin Supplement - Hair Vitamins for Faster Hair Growth, Stronger Nails & Clearer Skin -...
Amplixin Advanced+ Biotin Supplement - Hair Vitamins for Faster Hair Growth, Stronger Nails & Clearer Skin -...

The Role of Biotin for Hair Growth

All biological processes are complex and hair growth is no exception. Biotin plays a role in the infrastructure of keratin, the protein that makes up hair, skin and nails. [ 4 ] Visible hair, in fact, are cells that have been keratinized, organized in the form of laces [ 5 ] and pushed out of the hair follicle. While they are pushed out of the scalp, they dry, harden and, in fact, die [ 6 ] since, as they move away from the follicle, they no longer have access to the flow of blood and the nutrients it carries. [ 7 ]

Therefore, inside the hair follicle is where the cells are alive and active and where the hair is formed; Adding biotin to hair care products will not benefit those cells. Each hair has three layers: the medulla (the nucleus), the cortex and the cuticle. [ 8 ] Healthy hair is not produced from the outside, but from the inside out. That's why biotin added to shampoo or conditioner is just a commercial term to add more substance to the label.

The health of hair, nails and skin are major indicators of nutritional status. Often, strong, shiny hair is seen as a physical representation of health and youth; No wonder everyone loves it. [ 9 ] On the contrary, fine hair is not only seen by some as an indication of poor nutritional status but, in some cases, may be true. [ 10 ] Inadequate biotin levels have been linked to hair loss [ 11 ] and the increase in hair loss is actually considered a symptom of biotin deficiency. Hair follicles divide more quickly than other cells and hair loss due to a biotin deficiency can manifest as fast as a week. [ 12 ] [ 13 ]

What does the research say?

Thinning and hair loss are worrying disorders that can cause embarrassment and affect self-esteem. [ 14 ] An average person loses 50-100 hairs per day and not everyone will replace lost hairs. [ 15 ] Although biotin deficiency is rare, [ 16 ] the evidence suggests that when inadequate biotin levels are responsible for hair loss, biotin supplementation can help stop the problem and strengthen the keratin infrastructure . [ 4 ] [ 11 ]

In an interesting study, women with temporary hair loss who were given a nutritional supplement with biotin experienced a 52% increase in hair growth density over the course of 3-6 months of continuous use. [ 16 ]
Other Ways to Maintain a Healthy Looking Hair

There are other steps you can take to encourage bright, healthy-looking hair.

  •     Wash your hair with mild products to avoid extracting your natural oils.
  •     Dry your hair at low temperature.
  •     Avoid dying or whitening your hair to prevent it from breaking or drying so much.
  •     Follow a well-balanced diet to achieve full-spectrum nutrition and make the hair look and feel good.

How much Biotin should I take?

At this time, there is no scientific consensus for the daily needs of biotin. Estimates range from 30 micrograms [ 3 ] to 300 micrograms for adults. [ 17 ] Biotin is soluble in water and excess amounts are eliminated from the body. [ 18 ]

It is also important to keep in mind that even if you are getting enough biotin in your diet , your body may not be absorbing enough biotin because certain health and food conditions may impede the absorption of this micronutrient. [ 19 ] In addition, biotin does not operate in vacuum on its own. It is one of the many important nutrients that work together to not only keep the hair healthy, but to take care of the good in general. [ 20 ]

Global Healing Center's biotin supplement will help you make sure you get all the biotin you need. It is formulated with sources of vegetable origin, highly bioavailable, of this essential B vitamin. If you think you are not getting enough biotin, talk to your trusted health professional about your diet and nutritional intake. Together they can find out what their shortcomings are and address them appropriately.

Do you have any other advice to maintain strong and healthy hair? Tell us about it in the comments!

How to grow hair with biotin

How to grow hair with biotin

The care of the hair so that it has a healthy aspect and is well nourished, from the root to the tips, along with its growth in a healthy way, are two esthetic concerns very present today. To have a long and shiny mane, or to be able to enjoy the sun and the beach in summer without the hair suffering the consequences, you have to know how to nourish the hair.

A hair that has an adequate supply of all the nutrients it needs will be looked after and healthy and, in addition, will grow stronger and brighter. One of the vitamins that are closely related to hair growth, in addition to nails and skin, is biotin. To clarify the doubts about its use, in a COMO we explain how to grow the hair with biotin.

Vitamin B Complex 100 Supplement With Vitamin B12, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 Biotin & B9 Folic Acid 400mcg -...
Vitamin B Complex 100 Supplement With Vitamin B12, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7 Biotin & B9 Folic Acid 400mcg -...

What is biotin?

Biotin is a water-soluble vitamin , present in the body, which also receives other names such as vitamin H, B7 and B8. Its action in the body is very important because it is closely related in cell growth , besides having a fundamental role in the metabolism of fatty acids, carbohydrates and amino acids.

Specifically, this vitamin is responsible for transforming the glucose that is received from food into energy for the cells, helping in the cellular regeneration of the skin, nails and hair. Therefore, it is important to have adequate biotin levels in the body, because it is essential to maintain many of their structures healthy and for certain metabolic reactions.

Benefits of biotin for hair

In particular, biotin is a fundamental vitamin to show strong, shiny and healthy hair, since one of its main actions is to help the continuous regeneration of hair cells. An adequate supply of this vitamin will cause hair to grow stronger and look much healthier.

On the other hand, a considerable lack of biotin in the organism will cause the opposite effect, that is, the hair (next to the nails and the skin) will be visibly affected, showing a much drier, dull appearance, with brittle tips and even in cases where the deficiency is very marked, partial hair loss may occur.

Therefore, it is important to maintain adequate levels of biotin in the body, especially if you want the hair to grow healthily , with greater thickness, speed and shine. It should also be noted that it does not help to fight alopecia , but you can try to prevent it if you keep a hair care, strong and healthy. In addition, it is difficult to present a picture of excess biotin in the body because, being a water-soluble vitamin, it is eliminated in the urine.

  • You can expand this information by consulting our article Benefits of biotin for hair .
  • How to grow hair with biotin - Benefits of biotin for hair
  • How to grow hair by taking biotin

Given the characteristics and benefits of biotin for hair growth, there is a wide variety of hair treatments that include this vitamin in their formulas, such as shampoos, conditioners and masks. In fact, one of the most popular is horse shampoo, with a high content of biotin. In the first place, many experts argue about the effects of this type of cosmetics, while others say that they bring more growth and shine to the hair. Second, professionals advise that, in case of opting for the use of shampoos with biotin, always use those specially formulated for humans. The use of shampoos for horses can cause allergies and in the long term the hair will dry out.

Many experts recommend that, apart from using specific treatments for the hair that are applied to the hair, biotin intake is increased , either through greater consumption of foods containing this vitamin , or by ingestion of biotin capsules. If you choose to increase the presence of products with vitamin H in the daily diet, it is convenient to know that those with a higher content of this nutrient are the egg yolk, the viscera, the blue fish and the brewer's yeast. .

In case you want to supplement with the use of biotin capsules , you should first consult a doctor or nutritionist. They can be purchased at any herbalist or parapharmacy.
How to grow hair with biotin - How to grow hair by taking biotin

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Vitamin B7 (Biotin): What it is, Benefits, Side Effects and more

Vitamin B7 (Biotin): What it is, Benefits, Side Effects and more

What is Vitamin B7?

Vitamin B7, more commonly known as biotin, is a water-soluble nutrient that is part of the vitamin B family. B vitamins help maintain adrenal function, help calm and maintain a healthy nervous system and are necessary for the key metabolic processes. Biotin is essential for the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.

What is the chemical name of vitamin B7?
Biotin is a cofactor of water soluble enzyme present in minimal amounts in each living cell. It is produced mainly bound to proteins or polypeptides and is abundant in liver, kidney, pancreas, yeast and milk.

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Biotin With 10,000 MCG - Max Strength Vitamin B Supplement for Men & Women, Vitamin B7 Biotin Pills to...

Why is it necessary?

Biotin has vital metabolic functions. Without biotin as a cofactor, many enzymes do not work properly and serious complications can occur, such as various diseases of the skin, intestinal tract and nervous system.

Biotin can help control high blood glucose levels in people with type 2 diabetes and can be helpful in keeping hair and nails healthy, decreasing insulin resistance and improving glucose tolerance, and possibly preventing the birth defects.

It plays a role in energy metabolism and has been used to treat alopecia, cancer, Crohn's disease, hair loss, Parkinson's disease, peripheral neuropathy, Rett syndrome, seborrheic dermatitis and vaginal candidiasis. .


Biotin has a range of possible benefits.

1-Metabolism of the macronutrients.

Biotin is important for the production of energy. For example, several enzymes need it to function properly.

These enzymes are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins. They initiate critical steps in the metabolic processes of these nutrients.

Biotin plays a role in:

Gluconeogenesis: this metabolic pathway allows the production of glucose from sources other than carbohydrates, such as amino acids. Enzymes that contain biotin help start this process.

Synthesis of fatty acids: biotin helps enzymes that activate important reactions for the production of fatty acids.

The decomposition of amino acids: enzymes that contain biotin are involved in the metabolism of several important amino acids, including leucine.

  Biotin helps in the production of energy. It is compatible with a series of enzymes involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins.

2-Fragile nails

Brittle nails are weak and easily splinter, split or crack.

It is a common condition, estimated to affect around 20 percent of the world's population.

Biotin can benefit brittle nails.

In one study, 8 people with brittle nails received 2.5 mg of biotin per day for 6 to 15 months. The thickness of the nail improved by 25% in the 8 participants. The division of the nails was also reduced.

Another study of 35 people with brittle nails found that 2.5 mg of biotin per day for 1.5 to 7 months improved symptoms in 67% of participants.

However, these studies were small and more research is needed.

Fragile nails are fragile and break or crack easily. Biotin supplements can help strengthen the nails.

3-Hair health

Biotin is often associated with greater hair growth and healthier and stronger hair.

There is very little evidence to support this.

However, a deficiency in biotin can lead to hair loss, indicating that the vitamin is important for hair (2, 10).

While it is often marketed as an alternative treatment for hair loss, only people with a real biotin deficiency get a significant benefit from supplementation.

It is recommended that people with biotin deficiency take 30 to 100 micrograms (mcg) per day. Babies would need a lower dose of 10 to 30 mcg.

It has not yet been determined if it improves hair growth in healthy people.

It is claimed that biotin promotes hair growth and healthy hair, but the evidence is weak. However, the deficiency has been linked to hair loss, and those who are really deficient can benefit from supplementation.

4-Pregnancy and lactation.

Biotin is important during pregnancy and lactation. These stages of life have been associated with a greater requirement of this vitamin.

In fact, it has been estimated that up to 50% of pregnant women can develop a mild biotin deficiency. This means that it may begin to slightly affect your well-being, but it is not serious enough to cause noticeable symptoms.

It is believed that deficiencies occur due to the faster breakdown of biotin in the body during pregnancy.

In addition, an important cause for concern is that studies in animals have found that a biotin deficiency during pregnancy can cause birth defects.

However, remember to always consult your doctor or nutritionist / nutritionist before taking supplements during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

If you are pregnant or breastfeeding, your biotin requirements may increase. Up to 50% of women can get less of this vitamin than they need during pregnancy.

5-Reduction of blood sugar in people with diabetes.

Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease. It is characterized by high levels of blood sugar and altered insulin function.

Researchers have studied how biotin supplements affect blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics.

Some tests show that biotin concentrations in the blood may be lower in people with diabetes, compared to healthy people.

Studies in diabetics given biotin alone have yielded mixed results.

However, several controlled studies indicate that biotin supplements, combined with chromium mineral, can lower blood sugar levels in some people with type 2 diabetes.

When combined with chromium, biotin can help lower blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

6-Skin health

The role of biotin in skin health is not well understood. However, it is known that you may have red and scaly skin rashes if you have deficiency.

Some studies also suggest that biotin deficiency can sometimes cause a skin disorder called seborrheic dermatitis, also known as cradle cap.

The role of biotin in skin health may be related to its effect on the metabolism of fats, which is important for the skin and may be affected when biotin is lacking.

There is no evidence to show that biotin improves skin health in people who are not deficient in this vitamin.

People with biotin deficiency may experience skin problems. However, there is no evidence that the vitamin has benefits for the skin in people who are not deficient.

7-Multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease. In MS, the protective covering of nerve fibers in the brain, spinal cord and eyes is damaged or destroyed.

This protective sheath is called myelin and it is believed that biotin is an important factor in producing it.

A pilot study in 23 people with progressive MS tested the use of high doses of biotin. More than 90% of the participants had some degree of clinical improvement.

Although this finding needs much more study, at least two randomized controlled trials have been carried out in people with progressive MS. The final results have not been published, but the preliminary results are promising.

High doses of biotin are promising for the treatment of multiple sclerosis, a serious disease that affects the central nervous system.

Biotin is found in a wide variety of foods, so a real deficiency is rare.

Foods that are particularly good sources include:

  •     Organ meats, such as liver and kidney.
  •     Yeast
  •     Egg yolks
  •     cheese
  •     Vegetables, such as soybeans and peanuts.
  •     Green leafy vegetables
  •     Cauliflower
  •     Mushrooms
  •     Nuts and butters

In addition, your intestinal bacteria produce a certain amount of biotin. It is also available as a supplement, either on its own or as a component of mixed vitamin supplements.

Many foods contain significant amounts of biotin, and it is also available as a supplement. Your intestinal bacteria can also produce it.

What are the signs of a vitamin B7 deficiency?

Biotin deficiency is rare. Daily requirements are relatively small, biotin food sources are plentiful and the body efficiently recycles much of the biotin it has already used.

However, prolonged use of certain anticonvulsant medications, prolonged use of oral antibiotics, intestinal malabsorption, intravenous feeding, and the consumption of raw egg whites on a regular basis may lead to a biotin deficiency.

Symptoms of biotin deficiency include seborrheic dermatitis, dry skin, brittle hair / hair loss, fatigue, intestinal tract problems, muscle aches and nervous system problems.

How much vitamin B7 does an adult need?

The US Food and Nutrition Board UU The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences recommends an adequate daily intake (AI) of 30 mcg in adults 19 years of age or older. The recommended daily AI for pregnant women is 30 mcg and 35 mcg for breastfeeding women.

How much does a child need?

The US Food and Nutrition Board UU The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences recommends a daily AI of 5 mcg per day for babies from 0 to 6 months; 6 mcg per day for babies from 7 to 12 months; 8 mcg per day for children from 1 to 3 years of age.

12 mcg per day for children from 4 to 8 years old; 20 mcg per day for children aged 9-13 years; and 25 mcg for teenagers. Dr. Weil recommends 40 mcg as part of the daily multivitamin for children, but you should always check with your pediatrician before beginning any supplement.

How do you get enough vitamin B7 from your food?

Most healthy people who are not pregnant get adequate amounts of biotin through the diet. Foods rich in biotin include organ meats, barley, brewer's yeast, fortified cereals, corn, egg yolks, milk, royal jelly, soy, and wheat bran.

Avocado, bread, broccoli, cauliflower, cheeses, chicken, fish, legumes, mushrooms, nuts, pork, potatoes and spinach also provide biotin. Find more information about foods with vitamin B in our infographic.

Are there risks associated with too much vitamin B7?

No toxicity has been reported with the intake of biotin.

Are there other special considerations?

Vitamin B7 levels can be affected when taking anticonvulsant medications; Broad spectrum oral antibiotics can alter the normal intestinal bacteria that produce biotin.

Isotretinoin (Accutane) can reduce the activity of biotinidase, an enzyme that processes biotin. High doses of pantothenic acid can also decrease biotin levels in the body.


Biotin is considered very safe. Even mega doses of up to 300 milligrams (mg) per day to treat multiple sclerosis have not caused adverse side effects.

To put this in perspective, 300 milligrams is 10,000 times the commonly recommended dose of 30 micrograms for adults.

Because it is a water soluble vitamin, excessive amounts are excreted in the urine.

However, there have been some reports of high doses of biotin that cause strange results in thyroid tests, so consult a doctor before use if you are currently taking thyroid medication.

Biotin seems very safe, even in extremely high doses. There are no known side effects of biotin supplementation.

Side effects

Biotin is probably safe for most people when taken orally in an adequate manner or when applied to the skin as cosmetic products containing 0.0001% to 0.6% biotin. Biotin is well tolerated when used in the recommended doses. It is possibly safe when administered as a shot.

Special precautions and warnings

Pregnancy and lactation: Biotin is possibly safe when used in the recommended amounts during pregnancy and lactation.

Children: biotin IS POSSIBLY SAFE when taken orally and properly.

A hereditary condition in which the body can not process biotin (biotinidase deficiency): people with this condition may need additional biotin.

Kidney dialysis : people receiving renal dialysis may need additional biotin. Check with your health care provider.

Smoking : people who smoke may have low levels of biotin and may need a biotin supplement.

Laboratory tests: Taking biotin supplements may interfere with the results of many different blood lab tests. Biotin can cause falsely high or falsely low test results. This could lead to lost or incorrect diagnoses.

Tell your doctor if you are taking biotin supplements, especially if you have laboratory tests, as you may need to stop taking them before your blood test.

Most multivitamins contain low doses of biotin, which probably will not interfere with blood tests, but talk to your doctor to be sure.

Biotin for hair - What is

Biotin for hair - What is

In this post we are going to talk about biotin and its incidence in hair . We tell you what it is and everything related to it. We already advanced that biotin is a vitamin B group, very important for hair to grow strong and healthy, hence the use of biotin for hair is very well considered.

What is biotin?

Biotin is a vitamin belonging to group B, also known as vitamin B7, B8 or vitamin H.

What is the function of biotin?

Biotin acts as a coenzyme, accelerating chemical reactions that occur in certain situations of the body and are essential to synthesize fatty acids, in gluconeogenesis (synthesis of new glucose) and in the metabolism of leucine.

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Healthy Natural Systems - Biotin Chews Berry 5000 mcg. - 30 Chews

In its role of coenzyme it acts in the transfer of carbon dioxide in numerous enzymes. All these enzymes are fundamental in the development of cell duplication.

For this reason, due to the lack of biotin, these enzymes are not produced and, as this does not happen, cell duplication is not carried out. The lack of cell duplication initially affects the tissues of rapid reproduction (skin, hair, axonal coating cells)

Hence, biotin is used to improve hair, skin and nails.

Biotin also relieves muscle aches, skin problems and helps fight depression and drowsiness.

    "In the absence of biotin, there would be no cell duplication, which would directly affect the skin, hair and axonal coating cells." GINKGO Store .

Biotin for hair - Importance

One of the symptoms due to lack of biotin is hair loss . In these situations an intake of this vitamin makes recover lost hair , as well as get back the desired brightness and strength.

Biotin for hair can be consumed topically (shampoos) or by ingesting the vitamin itself (food supplements or foods that contain it)

People who have used biotin for their hair assure and match the changes that occur in their hair, appreciating faster growth, stronger hair and with greater shine.

Benefits that are attributed to biotin for hair :

  •     Strengthens hair follicles and stems.
  •     Brightens hair
  •     Promotes the rapid growth of hair.
  •     It is considered an anti seborrheic.
  •     Biotin for hair helps fight hair loss.

Just as many benefits are assigned to the consumption of biotin or the use of shampoos with biotin for hair loss , it should be noted that there is no scientific evidence (that is, no scientific studies have been carried out) that may indicate that the consumption of this vitamin and when the organism has an optimal level of it , these benefits for the hair are produced.

It should be noted that the lack of biotin in our body would be strange since our body is able to synthesize up to 50% of daily needs.
Biotin - Contraindications, Side effects, Interactions

There are some situations in which the intake of biotin is not recommended. These cases could be pregnancy, when you are taking medications regularly (eg biotin could interact with cholesterol medications weakening the effects of these) , also some medications can lower biotin levels.

To date, no side effects have been discovered due to excessive intake of biotin. Biotin is a group B water-soluble vitamin (being water-soluble it is easier to eliminate from the body), which when it is presented in the body in higher quantities than its optimum level is eliminated in the urine.

    "Sometimes, the intake of biotin is not recommended. For example, in the case of pregnancy, when you are under certain medical treatments, etc. " GINKGO Store .

The intake of raw egg whites, with a consumption of two whites per day, for example, can interact with biotin, in a way that causes a deficit of this vitamin. In these cases it will be advisable to take them cooked.

Foods that contain biotin

Biotin is present in many foods , such as the ones presented below:

Chard, spinach, nuts (pistachios, almonds, peanuts), liver and organ meats, berries and fruits, milk and dairy products, meat, brewer's yeast, whole grains, fish, cauliflower, soybeans, mushrooms, egg (egg yolk), potato, avocado, peas, royal jelly.

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Biotin and its incidence on hair. We tell you what it is and everything related to it and hair. We already advanced that biotin is a group B vitamin, very important for hair to grow strong and healthy.