Monday, March 11, 2019

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Bad Blood Circulation | Causes, symptoms and treatment

Poor blood circulation is a problem that affects a large part of the population, the reasons can be very different from an excess in the consumption of salt as well as a lack of hydration. But always an ailment that we must treat due to the serious consequences that it can have. On our page today we wanted to dedicate this article to the Bad Circulation | Causes, symptoms and treatment , knowing all the risks and how to avoid them, is fundamental. Let's start if you lose more time !.

Massage Chair Recliner, Zero Gravity Full Body Shiatsu Luxurious Electric Massage Chair with Stretched mode Heating back and Foot Rollers Massage Therapy (Black)
Massage Chair Recliner, Zero Gravity Full Body Shiatsu Luxurious Electric Massage Chair with Stretched mode Heating back and Foot Rollers Massage Therapy (Black)

What is poor circulation

Perhaps before understanding what is bad circulation we should know what is a correct flow of blood or what we know as good circulation. That the blood flows correctly through the organism is essential, since it is responsible for transporting the nutrients and all the necessary and required substances to the different organs, tissues, muscles, etc.

Then a good blood circulation means having good highways through which to circulate the blood flow. Good blood flow will allow oxygen to better reach cells, muscles, tissues, etc. That our defenses act immediately circulating through channels, wide, wide and clear. This is good circulation.

What happens when due to elements such as cholesterol, dehydration, etc. the walls of our arteries and veins begin to narrow , the answer you know, poor blood circulation and therefore, neither our cells will receive the necessary oxygen supply nor our defenses reach the place of infection in time.

Therefore, poor blood circulation can lead to serious health problems, it is considered one of the main causes of deaths worldwide.

Causes of poor circulation

Poor circulation is largely due to a poor diet, high-fat meals, junk food so fast to prepare and so much trouble. The consumption of fats can cause the cholesterol ends by closing the pathways where the blood flows even cutting the total flow. Free radicals and cell destruction cause serious damage when the body is weak enough to fight against these effects.

A good diet is as important as performing some kind of physical activity, a simple walk of 30 minutes a day is a simple and pleasant way to get our blood circulation in shape. The lack of physical activity will suppose a deterioration of the circulatory system.

Poor blood circulation can have serious consequences for the organism, as we have already mentioned, cardiovascular problems that can cause cardiac arrest, diabetes, stroke, arthritis, hypertension, besides being affected all the organs that intervene in these failures such as the kidneys, pancreas , etc.

We could conclude by saying that bad circulation will weaken and extinguish the energy of each organ , will do it little by little, until we decide to remedy because otherwise they will end up going out.

Symptoms of poor circulation

It is important to be alert to the first symptoms that can indicate that our circulation is deficient and therefore our organs are possibly suffering. Knowing what the symptoms are and being alert to them may save your life.

  1.     The members become inflamed . When poor circulation has reached the kidneys, the first obvious symptoms are the extremities especially hand and feet swollen.
  2.     Blue color on the skin . It is called cyanosis and it is a bluish hue that acquires the skin. The blood circulation is responsible for oxygenate all parts of the body, when the concentration of oxygen in blood decreases, it does not reach well to the skin cells, so it adopts this bluish color especially at the tips of the fingers, lips and feet.

  •     Cold extremities. Bad circulation sends us different notices that something is not right, one of them is the cooling of the extremities. When the circulation works properly, the blood arrives with a constant flow, helping our body maintain its natural warmth. With poor blood circulation, certain parts of the body, where there are more nerve endings such as the hands and feet, can lose heat due to the difficulty of the blood reaching the endings.
  •     Nails and brittle hair. When we notice that the nails and hair have become more brittle, it will be a sign that the nutrients are not coming in properly, which causes breakage and weakening.
  •     Wounds. Strange injuries may appear, as if they were chafing on the legs, feet and ankles. These wounds are caused by the dryness of the skin, if the blood does not reach the superficial layers of the skin, it flakes off producing the spots or wounds that we have just commented. Something similar happens to smokers, the effects of nicotine cause the blood endings to become thinner, providing less oxygen to the upper layers of the skin.

    Varicose veins. Varicose veins can appear for different reasons, but without a doubt this is one of them, bad circulation. With the valves of the weak heart, the blood that pumps out accumulates in the veins, so they bulge and often hurt.

These we can say are the obvious and remarkable symptoms, but there are other symptoms that are not seen and those are:

    Failure in the immune system. When a lot of apparent reason you get sick and this happens every so often or if the wounds take a long time to heal, are all symptoms that the white blood cells are taking too long to arrive, the blood is unable to transport them at a speed due. Our defenses can not arrive in time so that viruses, bacteria and any other microorganism, can attack us almost if resistance.

    Fatigue. Move a little and already be suffocated, this is a symptom of lack of nutrients. The reason is always the same, the blood is unable to pump fast so nutrients, oxygen, salts, vitamins, etc. They are slower to reach the muscles or tissues, causing exhaustion.
    Tingle. Certain parts of our body can feel a tingling sensation similar to the one we feel when we are in a certain position for a long time, the lack of oxygen, as always is responsible.

  •     Memory loss. It may be difficult for you to concentrate and you often lose your attention, your movements are slower than usual and if you also lose memory, it may be a symptom that the blood is not reaching the brain correctly. Most memory losses refer to short-term memory but also, if we do not put the remedies, can affect the long-term memory.
  •     Sexual problems Erectile dysfunction is in men in symptom or more usual disorder, being difficult to maintain sexual relations. Regarding women, the main symptomatology is the lack of sexual interest.

Treatment for poor circulation

To end the problems of circulation, there is some other treatment for poor circulation, among which the herbal medicine and supplements for poor circulation.

Phytotherapy for the purpose of improving circulation is based on a series of plants with circulatory, vasotonic and diuretic properties , as well as a series of foods with circulatory benefits. Plants with circulatory purposes stand out for facilitating blood flow, which is why they are formed mainly by fluidifiers that have anticoagulant properties. On the other hand, the plants with vasotonic ends help in the defense of the blood vessels and in their flexibility. Likewise, diuretic plants help in the cleaning and purification of infectious agents (toxins) of our organism and, as a result, achieve a better circulation in terms of purity and fluidity.
Among the different supplements that have benefits in the blood flow, acting as vasodilators, we find the following:

Treatment for poor circulation of wheat germ oil

Wheat germ oil , rich in vitamin E, has antioxidant properties, so it is usually one of the recommended foods to try to increase good cholesterol and improve circulation. To become aware of the power that wheat germ oil can have on our bodies, with only one spoonful included in our diet, we will get 190% of vitamin E recommended by experts. It should be noted that to achieve such results should be consumed cold, just open it. So that the components are not affected, it is recommended to consume it with an ingredient that has antioxidant powers, such as a glass of juice squeezed with water. It is very important that we remember that it should be eaten raw, since any type of cooking could destroy the vitamin properties of this food. Therefore, keep it in the refrigerator during the indicated period.

Treatment for bad circulation horsetail

Horsetail is another diuretic food with antioxidant properties for our body. To achieve the desired effects, we can add 100 grams of horsetail in a liter of water and heat for an estimated time of 30 minutes. This diuretic product is sold in pharmacies and even in large supermarkets.

Cat's claw helps improve blood circulation, thanks to the fluidifying benefits, which helps in the prevention of blood clots. If the doctor detects that your blood is very thick, it is very likely to recommend this diuretic product.

And finally, the black currant helps in strength and capillary elasticity and, as a result, helps to promote blood flow and in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases derived from poor blood circulation.

Home remedies for poor circulation

There are a number of foods that have properties that promote blood circulation . This type of treatment is called home remedies for poor circulation. Among the foods with this type of properties, the following stand out:

Home remedies for poor circulation garlic
Garlic , known scientifically as allium sativum, contains alliin and ajoene, which has antithrombotic properties, that is, it prevents the formation of clots in blood vessels. Therefore, it helps in improving blood circulation. In order to achieve all the benefits, we can incorporate half a gram of garlic into our diet. The important thing is that the product is consumed raw. Some ideas to incorporate this powerful ingredient of flavor can be consumed directly in raw or in salads.

Home remedies for bad ulmar circulation

Another of the food products that work as home remedies for poor circulation is ulmaria , known scientifically as filipendula ulmaria, which helps in the prevention of thrombosis (accumulation of fats in blood vessels) and, in addition, has antioxidant properties. To achieve all the benefits of this product, it is best to consume three herbal infusions per day.

Another of the home remedies for poor circulation is ginko . This extract is one of the most effective remedies for poor circulation, since it dilates blood vessels and allows greater blood circulation. This type of actions, moreover, allows fat to not accumulate in the blood vessels and, therefore, the appearance of thrombosis and other more serious cardiovascular diseases is prevented.

Home remedies for poor circulation ginger

Ginger , a spice that has become popular today, has anticoagulant properties and, as a result, helps in the prevention of thrombi and reduces blood pressure in the arteries. It can be consumed as food and in pills. With a consumption of 3 tablets of 250 mg a day, it improves considerably the blood circulation.

Home remedies for bad circulation lemon and lemon

The lime or lemon , thanks to the contribution in vitamin C, helps reduce cholesterol levels and, therefore, improve blood circulation. Also, these products have antioxidant properties, which helps to eliminate the body's infectious agents from the body. Take a lime or lemon juice twice a day and enjoy the properties of lemon in poor circulation.

Home remedies for bad circulation argan
And, finally, argan is a product with great properties of improving blood circulation. It is not easy to introduce argan in a diet, but we recommend that you consume it raw, so you will not lose the properties. To do this, prepare a salad and add a little argan and enjoy its benefits.

Consequences of poor circulation

The consequences of poor blood circulation can become very serious, since they directly affect the cardiovascular system. Poor blood circulation leads to the accumulation of fat in the arteries ( cholesterol ) and, as a result, can lead to heart attacks (heart attacks ), strokes caused by poor blood circulation, hypertension, diabetes, cancer or arthritis. . If you perceive that some muscular part of your body becomes numb, immediately go to a doctor to assess your case.

Consequences of poor circulation myocardial infarction
The list of consequences of bad circulation is immense since the problems derived from the blood flow affect the whole organism and its functioning . It is very important to remedy the problems of blood circulation, since a bad treatment can cause each of the organs of the body to go out.

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A risk that none of us are safe, poor blood circulation. Stress, bad habits, etc. everything influences us to be candidates. In Demedicina we want this to not happen to us and for this reason we have selected some links that will help you lead a much healthier lifestyle.

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10 foods that improve blood circulation

Maintaining a good flow of blood circulation is vital for the health in general, especially for the heart and the brain. Know the 10 foods that can make the blood lighter and protect you against heart disease and stroke.

The vascular system
It is the network of blood vessels. It includes arteries, veins and capillaries that carry blood. The arteries can swell and become stiff, or a clot can form that blocks the flow of blood and travels through the body, causing serious problems; hence the importance of caring for circulation.

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NURSAL Shiatsu Heated Massage Seat Cushion, 3D Shiatsu Deep Kneading, Pressing, Rolling and Vibrating - Massage Full Back, Upper Back, Lower Back, Sitting Area or Pinpoint Precise Massage Spot

10 foods that improve blood circulation -

1. Apple
Researchers at Florida State University found that apples are truly "miraculous" fruits. In addition to its high fiber content, they contain pectins and polyphenols that protect cardiovascular health, reduce the levels of bad cholesterol and other harmful compounds in the blood.

2. Chiles
They are rich in capsaicin, with analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties, and very beneficial for the heart and circulatory system: it helps reduce cholesterol levels, and blocks the action of a gene related to the narrowing of blood vessels, according to the Chinese University in Hong Kong

Very loved in Mexican cuisine and in almost all of Latin America, these vegetables provide other health benefits. Experts warn that eating chili alone is not a solution to cardiovascular problems, but that it helps, and that it should be part of a balanced diet, avoiding falling into excesses.

3. The orange
A study conducted by the US Department of Agriculture. He showed that the citrus peel, like oranges or tangerines, as well as in the juice of these fruits, contains a substance known as polymethoxylated flavones that reduces the bad cholesterol in the blood.

4. Blueberries and strawberries
Eating three or more servings of blueberries and strawberries a week can help women reduce their risk of heart attack by up to a third, thanks to their flavonoids, which help dilate arteries and provide cardiovascular benefits. Source: Magazine "Circulation".

5. Water
Caring for the circulation and the heart: people who drink more than 5 glasses a day have less risk of dying from heart attacks or heart disease compared to those who only drink 2 glasses, as found in a study at the University of Loma Linda , in California. .

How much should be taken?
Health experts recommend drinking between 1 and 2 liters of water a day to keep the body hydrated and maintain the level necessary for nutrients to be transported to organs and tissues. The body loses water constantly when urinating, sweating and even breathing.

6. Ginger
This popular ingredient of confectionery that we like so much in biscuits, cookies and desserts, is appreciated all over the world. In addition to being tasty, it has been proven to improve circulation by dilating blood vessels and has an anti-cholesterol LDL or "bad" effect preventing the formation of platelets.

7. Garlic
An essential ingredient in Latin cuisine, garlic helps cleanse the blood and prevents the accumulation of plaques. According to Natural Standard, the inhibition of platelets in the blood has been reported with frequent consumption, and there may be cardiovascular benefits, although the evidence is still preliminary.

What are platelets?

They are small fragments of blood cells, their function is to coagulate blood to heal wounds and stop bleeding. Problems arise when you have too few or too many platelets. If the blood contains them in excess, blood clots can form. (National Library of Medicine)

8. Nuts
They have always been linked to good health. Our grandmothers already consumed and recommended it, and the most important and long study on this wonderful dry fruit, carried out by Harvard University and sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, endorsed all its benefits.

Result of the study
People who ate nuts regularly were less likely to die from heart disease, and researchers do not know the cause, but it could be because their unsaturated fatty acids, minerals and other nutrients lower cholesterol and inflammation, and reduce other circulatory problems.

9. The tomato

He recently added a new talent in favor of health: Japanese scientists from Kyoto University discovered that it has a substance that prevents vascular diseases such as arteriosclerosis, a risk factor for stroke, by preventing the formation of fat in the blood.

10. Turmeric

"It has a substance called curcumin, which prevents the accumulation of cholesterol in the arteries, preventing them from becoming narrow and rigid, which would reduce the risk of arteriosclerosis and other problems such as stroke," said Dr. Maria Ramírez, of the University of Granada, in Spain.

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Recommendations to improve poor blood circulation in older people

Poor circulation is a problem that affects the vast majority of elderly people and can cause pathologies such as venous ulcers , which in many cases can be prevented simply by changing the habits of life .

And, as the specialists of Grupo Sanyres indicate , sometimes the heart has to make an extra effort to make everything work well due to bad habits (high cholesterol levels, poor consumption of foods that provide fiber, eat food very salty or drink little liquid).

NURSAL Back and Neck Massager Shiatsu Massage Seat Cushion with Heat Function, Deep Kneading Self-Massager with Vibrations - Office, Home & Car
NURSAL Back and Neck Massager Shiatsu Massage Seat Cushion with Heat Function, Deep Kneading Self-Massager with Vibrations - Office, Home & Car

In addition, this problem can be aggravated when these people suffer mobility difficulties , because the fact of not being able to move accentuates even more the bad circulation

What physical signs and symptoms tell us that we have poor circulation? From Sanyres the following stand out:

  • - Inflammation of the members . Older people may notice bulging limbs, especially the feet and hands.
  • - Cyanosis on the skin . The extremities turn a slight blue coloration. This is because not enough oxygen reaches these areas of the body.
  • - Cold and tingling in the extremities , especially in the hands and feet. It is one of the main symptoms of poor circulation. If the blood has a good path, the body is more easily maintained at a constant temperature. In the hands and feet, however, in which there are many nerve endings, the blood is more difficult to reach, therefore, the heat is lost.
  • - Although in a less direct way, hair and nails also suffer if people have circulation problems. They become brittle because they do not get enough nutrients and vitamins that the body needs.
  • - Wounds on the skin . Scratch-like wounds can appear, for example on the legs, ankles and feet. This, in most cases, is due to dryness: the blood can not reach the most superficial areas of the skin.
  • - Appearance of varicose veins in the legs. Most varicose veins are due to problems in the circulation: veins bulge because blood accumulates in them, especially in people who spend a lot of time in the same position.
  • These symptoms can be seen with the naked eye, but there are others much more difficult to perceive, such as the fact that the immune system does not work properly and exhaustion appears. Falling sick every so often and excessive delay in the healing of wounds can be very clear symptoms.
  • From Sanyres we offer a series of interesting and simple tips that help prevent or improve the possible health problems generated by poor circulation :
  • - A balanced diet : increase the consumption of vegetables (thorns, celery), fruit, (especially those containing lycopene are a good choice, for example watermelon, tomatoes, strawberries and oranges); and garlic and onion. It is also advisable to reduce the amount of salt and increase the amount of fish and cayenne pepper (stimulates and activates the cardiovascular system, helping to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol), as well as conveniently hydrate
  • - Perform massages , which are very effective if done correctly and regularly. A good option is hydrotherapy using strong jets of hot and cold water, alternating, to activate the circulation and that it flows normally.
  • - Raise the legs
  • - Perform foot baths with hot water
  • - And in any case, the easiest way to improve the problems of bad circulation is to walk .

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4 postures to improve blood circulation

Bad circulation is a problem suffered by many people, either by genetics or by unhealthy habits: sedentary lifestyle, high consumption of fats and sugars, etc. If you are one of those people who suffer from poor circulation, you are in luck because we are going to teach you 4 yoga postures to relieve congestion and improve circulation.

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Gideon Shiatsu Neck and Back Massage Seat Cushion with Six Programs and Heat Deep Kneading Back Massager for Car, Home or Office Chair Use

Bad circulation is a problem suffered by many people, either by genetics or by unhealthy habits: sedentary lifestyle, high consumption of fats and sugars, etc. If you are one of those people who suffer from poor circulation, you are in luck because we are going to teach you 4 yoga postures to relieve congestion and improve circulation. You will see what lighter and more defined legs are going to develop ...

1-. VIPARITA KARANI (Simple inverted posture)

We can start with this simple and relaxing posture to feel how the legs begin to lighten. Lying on the floor, bring your buttocks as close as possible to the wall and raise your legs supporting them. Keep this asana between 5-10 minutes and allow the whole body to relax: head, face, shoulders, back, chest ...

2-. HALASANA (Plow Pose)

From there, where you are, bring your legs to the head, and if you see that the feet do not touch the ground, place your hands on the lower back so there is no unnecessary overload. Halasana is an excellent posture to also improve intestinal transit and relieve tension in the lower back. eye! If you have any neck injury, this position does not suit you.

3-. GARUDASANA (Posture of the eagle)

Do not be scared by the complexity at a glance of this position, balance is a fundamental quality to move through life with control and feeling our coordinated movements, allowing us not to overload the weakest areas and giving lightness to our body. When crossing one leg over the other, a stimulating massage is exercised in the calves, favoring the flow of fresh blood towards the legs and ankles.

4-.SUPTA PADANGUSTHASANA (Posture of hand to the big toe in supine position)

Finally, after having passed through the previous asanas, we have our legs ready to give them the last circulatory stimulus. You will notice how the tendons of the popliteal socket stretch and how the heat radiates from the entire leg, from the toes to the hips. If your flexibility is still limited and you do not get to grasp the big toe, do not suffer, you can grab the twin, the knee or even the thigh.

We hope that the circulation in your legs will be reactivated and you will feel a total lightness in each step.

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Combats poor blood circulation and water retention in summer

Follow the tips that will help you combat poor circulation and water retention in summer.

Who does not like summer? It is the favorite season of many people because it is synonymous with holidays, free time, it's time to travel and enjoy the good weather, ... but for others it means having to deal with the eternal feeling of tired legs , tingling and various itching, varicose veins, swelling and fluid retention in feet and legs , pain and discomfort. The high summer temperatures do not get along well with circulatory problems, which manifest themselves more moderately the rest of the year but worsen significantly at this time of year.

Fight bad circulation These discomforts affect women more often than men and are due to problems in the return blood circulation , in which the veins carry blood from the organs and tissues to the heart. During the summer the symptoms get worse because the higher temperatures provoke the dilatation of the walls of the veins. In the event that these walls are not elastic enough, the return circulation will become slower and more problematic, giving rise to the annoyances that we have cited.

Naipo Back and Neck Massager Shiatsu Massage Chair Seat Cushion with Heat Rolling Kneading Vibration for Pin-Point Full Body at Office, Home & Car
Naipo Back and Neck Massager Shiatsu Massage Chair Seat Cushion with Heat Rolling Kneading Vibration for Pin-Point Full Body at Office, Home & Car

The causes are diverse and may be due to hereditary factors, hormonal changes, overweight, lack of exercise, spending a lot of time in the same position, either standing or sitting, a poor diet with excess sodium, sugar and fat, lack of vitamin E , abuse toxic substances such as alcohol and tobacco and even wear tight clothes or uncomfortable shoes with a high heel.

Here are some tips that will help reduce the discomfort caused by poor circulation in summer, especially fluid retention.

  •     Avoid sitting or standing for many hours in a row. Our workday forces us to spend many hours sitting in the same position in front of the computer or to be standing all day. It is advisable to change your posture with some regularity, take a short walk and move your legs. It is not advisable to cross the legs while sitting because this position hinders circulation.
  •     Fight bad circulation Drink 2 liters of water a day.
  •     Control salt intake because it increases fluid retention. Caffeinated beverages are also not recommended because their excess also causes that effect. Substitute coffee for green tea, which is a powerful antioxidant and natural diuretic.
  •     Do not expose your legs directly to the sun and avoid the hottest hours. If we do not want to give up sunbathing on the beach or in the pool try to cool your legs often, even cover them with a sarong.
  •     Avoid tobacco Tobacco is extremely harmful to the organism, and directly influences the deterioration of the circulatory system. Your circulatory discomfort will improve greatly if you decide to quit this habit. If you decide to continue smoking, try to minimize the number of cigarettes consumed throughout the day, delay as much as you can the time of the first cigarette of the day and stop associating it with the table and take it with other potentially addictive substances such as coffee and alcohol..
  •     Fight bad circulation Move. As tired as we feel we have to make an effort and practice some kind of moderate intensity exercise that forces us to move our legs: bicycle, elliptical, walking at a good pace ... It is not necessary to train for a marathon, you just have to put on March and move your legs regularly. Soon we will notice how our circulation improves and the discomfort decreases.
  •     Avoid tight clothing and uncomfortable shoes. Very tight clothing, shoes with heels or very tight strips can be very fashionable, but they hinder circulation and increase fluid retention by pressing tissues. In these cases it is better to opt for comfort
  •     Sleep and rest with your legs up, supported on a cushion to facilitate the return of blood to the heart.
  •     Fight bad circulation Finish the shower with a cold water massage on the legs , directing the water jet with ascending movements starting with the feet. In the market we will find gels and special lotions for tired legs, with refreshing formulas and stimulants of circulation. A massage with any of these products after the shower, upon arrival from work or before going to sleep will provide relief and rest. If we keep the lotion in the refrigerator the feeling of relief will increase.
  •     Consume foods rich in antioxidants , such as tomatoes and green leafy vegetables, and also in polyunsaturated fatty acids , which will help make blood more fluid and reduce the risk of thrombus formation. A great source of these fatty acids is flax oil, which we can incorporate into our diet to dress our dishes, but always cold, because if it is heated it loses its beneficial properties. Blue fish and nuts are also a good source of fatty acids. We must also give priority in our pantry to foods with diuretic properties, such as asparagus, artichokes, cucumber, cabbage, apples and pineapple.
  •     Fight bad circulation In addition to adopting these measures we can also resort to natural food supplements to improve these discomforts. Among the plants that stand out for their beneficial qualities we highlight:
  •         Ginkgo Biloba: Its flavonoid content makes it a powerful vasodilator. Stimulates circulation and improves coagulation. It reduces the risk of thrombus formation and contributes to greater oxygenation of the brain, which is why it is also used in treatments against arteriosclerosis, senile dementia, concentration difficulties and headaches caused by poor circulation .. It is particularly indicated in the case of swelling of legs, reduces cramps, and its vasodilator effect is also useful to relieve menstrual discomfort, as long as the menstruation is not excessively abundant, since this plant fluidifies the consistency of the blood and that would increase the bleeding. For this reason it is recommended to consult a specialist before taking it if he has hemophilia or is being treated with anticoagulants. Gingko Biloba is also present in topical treatments, such as anti-hemorrhoidal creams or those formulated to relieve discomfort caused by varicose veins.
  •         Fight bad circulation Red vine combined with Ginkgo: Another plant rich in flavonoids, with vasodilating, hemostatic and venotonic properties. Due to its vitamin P content it strengthens the walls of the capillaries and decreases the permeability of the veins, which prevents the formation of painful edemas and considerably relieves the feeling of tired legs and improves the appearance of cellulite. Another of its effects is to favor the muscular contraction of the blood vessels, which facilitates the return of blood accumulated in the legs to the heart. It is very suitable in the treatment of circulatory problems: varicose veins, hemorrhoids, poor circulation in legs and feet, arteriosclerosis, phlebitis ...
  •         Horsetail: We often confuse fluid retention caused by poor circulation with overweight. The clothes squeeze us, the shoes leave a mark and the rings resist to leave, we feel swollen and with a huge sensation of discomfort. But possibly it is not an increase in real weight, but accumulation of fluids in the tissues. The horsetail is our great ally, since it is one of the most diuretic plants that exist, increasing diuresis up to 30%. Its consumption reduces fluid retention and provides noticeable relief to tired and swollen legs, helping to feel lighter. Its flavor in infusion is not particularly pleasant, so taking it in tablets may be the best option.

Gideon Shiatsu Back Massage Chair Seat Cushion with Six Programs and Heat Deep Kneading Back Massager for Car, Home or Office Use

Ways to Increase blood Circulation to the Scalp

Improve capillary circulation naturally is one of the main ways to promote healthy hair growth and ensure that your hair receives all the nutrients necessary to stay healthy and strong.

In addition, improving capillary circulation naturally helps prevent dandruff, psoriasis and other serious health problems that attack the scalp.


Consume foods that stimulate circulation .- Certain foods, especially those with a high content of zinc and iron, promote circulation. Therefore, it is necessary that you feed with vasodilators such as spinach, lettuce, beet, etc. these foods cause the veins to expand and the irrigation to the hair fiber is greater.

Gideon Shiatsu Back Massage Chair Seat Cushion with Six Programs and Heat Deep Kneading Back Massager for Car, Home or Office Use
Gideon Shiatsu Back Massage Chair Seat Cushion with Six Programs and Heat Deep Kneading Back Massager for Car, Home or Office Use

Cleans the scalp. - Dry skin and too tight skin causes blood circulation to decrease in this area.

To avoid this you should use natural cleansers such as vinegar and tea tree oil, they are ideal to clean the scalp very well and promote blood circulation in the area.

Take a cold shower. - Believe it or not, the cold water on the scalp is really beneficial for the mane. Many stylists tend to wipe and wash their hair with cold water after applying a hair treatment.

Brush your hair with a comb or massager brush. Brushing the hair not only stimulates hair growth, but also promotes blood circulation in the scalp. Even brushing your hair moderately will make the nutrients reach your head.

Do breathing exercises. - The breathing exercises and the practice of yoga, even other similar disciplines, not only improve the oxygenation of the system, but some positions and positions make the blood reach the scalp very easily.

Massage the scalp . Massaging the scalp is one of the most effective ways to improve and increase capillary circulation naturally. This has to be done gently, but you should feel your fingers.


The secret lies in minerals and vitamins that do not leave plaque buildup. In addition, they are important to dilate blood vessels safely, and keep blood clean.

Citrus If you consume foods that are rich in vitamin C such as tangerines, oranges, grapefruit, you will get rid of excess cholesterol in the blood, because vitamin C acts as a diluent.

Then you should try to regularly consume these delicious fruits to avoid the buildup of plaque and poor circulation of blood in the scalp.

Broccoli This food gives the hair follicle vitamins and its oils give the hair shine. Broccoli also contains vitamin C, even more than oranges.

Sunflower seeds Sunflower seeds have a large amount of vitamin E and antioxidants that prevent the formation of blood clots. If you do not like these seeds, you can change them for pumpkin seeds.

Watermelon Watermelon contains lycopene, an antioxidant that helps very well to increase blood circulation in the scalp, and as a result your hair will grow healthy and strong.

Garlic Garlic is really a 100% natural antibiotic, good enough to fight infections, strengthen the immune system and preserve the block plate of blood vessels.

Home Tips to Enhance Hair Growth

Potato water One of the best home remedies found in the group of natural hair treatments is potato water, it is a home remedy that helps to promote hair growth.

When cooking potatoes do not boil the water, rather store it and then apply it to your hair as a rinse.

The potatoes contain in their composition starch, a very effective ingredient for hair growth, and also adds volume to the hair.

Onion The onion does not have a rich smell, but it has sulfur components that help hair growth and nutrition.

To use it you should do the following: dice a small onion and throw it to your usual shampoo. Save the shampoo for fifteen days and then use it as a treatment.

Rosemary infusion The properties that you can find in the rosemary, are great to nourish and strengthen the hair, helping it to grow healthy. So, it is one of the ingredients for used in the cosmetic industry to make hair treatments.

To make rosemary infusion you should do this: throw a handful of fresh rosemary leaves in a bowl of boiling water, then turn off the heat and let it cool. Then use the liquid obtained to rinse your hair daily.

Ginger to make the hair grow. This remedy is extraordinary to increase circulation and promote hair growth. You can use it to get rid of a bad cut or to make your hair grow faster.

To use the ginger in the hair you must follow these steps: peel a piece of ginger very well and use a fork to scratch it until the piece of ginger becomes moist. Then use the piece of ginger to rub it on the scalp, especially in the areas where you want the hair to grow.

If you want this treatment to be more effective you should do the following: peel and grind the ginger with a little water, then use the mixture to apply it on the scalp with the help of a brush.

Supplement with Ginkgo Biloba. This is a traditional Chinese natural plant, which is very good to promote and improve blood circulation, not only of the scalp, but also of the whole organism.

Important : Water is a very important liquid in the health of the human body, not only it removes the thirst or serves to bathe, but it is also effective to have a healthy and radiant hair.

At least, during the day each person has to drink two liters of water, this way the organism will work properly and the hair will grow healthy.

Frequent questions

1.- How to take care of the health of the scalp?

When we want to have strong, long and healthy hair, we must start by taking good care of the scalp. In this case it is recommended to use natural masks that help you eliminate all types of toxins and stimulate blood circulation.

It is necessary that you apply a very thorough washing on your capillary leather, this only two or three times a week. Make use of a good conditioner and apply moisturizing masks.

2.- How to do Hair Massage?

Hair massages are unique to stimulate hair growth, through the hair follicles. To begin doing the massages, you must start relaxing your scalp.

You move through the hair leather from the top down, with your fingers together without moving them apart.

Add a few drops of natural oils to stimulate blood circulation.

3.- What benefits does ginger bring to the hair?

One of the main benefits of ginger for hair is that it helps to stimulate blood circulation.

A ginger treatment is ideal for growing hair, only applying it in the form of a mask with a little lemon.

4.- How does rosemary help to care for hair?

To take care of the hair with rosemary oil it is necessary that you do it with totally dry hair. In this case, you can apply a mask based on rosemary oil and honey. When this list, you apply on all your hair from the root to the tips, let it stand for 30 minutes and then rinse with enough cold water.

Rosemary oil along with honey, will give your hair more shine, strength, and a lot of softness.

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15 best home remedies to improve blood circulation

Poor circulation is a health problem that afflicts many of us. It can have side effects ranging from lower hands and cold feet to more serious ailments, such as leg pain or irregular heartbeat. If you let it go long enough without treatment, poor circulation can cause some serious health problems.

So, what can you do for a poor circulation treatment? Fortunately, there are non-invasive treatments of poor circulation available that can help improve blood circulation naturally. As an added benefit, most of these home remedies of poor circulation are easy to make.

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SNAILAX Full Back Massager with Heat - Massage Chair Pad with 2D/3D Shiatsu Style & Adjustable Intensity, Electric Body Massager for Neck and Back Shoulder to Relieve Muscle Pain, for Home or Office

Most of these low circulation natural remedies can be made from the comfort of your home, and without the negative side effects of surgery or prescription medications.

1. Hydrotherapy

Hydrotherapy is simply a more elegant way of saying a good soak. Taking a hot bath, a hot tub, a steam bath and the like can help dilate the blood vessels, which promotes blood circulation.

2. Cayenne

Cayenne can help promote blood circulation due to its active ingredient called capsaicin. It has been discovered that capsaicin stimulates blood flow and strengthens arteries and capillaries. You can try to consume it in several mixtures. One of those mixes includes half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper powder, two tablespoons of organic apple cider vinegar and one tablespoon of blackstrap molasses in a cup of water. Drinking this mixture twice a day could help your circulation problem. Pregnant women, however, should avoid cayenne.

3. Ginger

Ginger is a highly reputable home remedy for a number of different ailments, but it could also help with poor circulation. Ginger contains antioxidant compounds, gingerols and zingerone, which reportedly have a warming effect on the body that helps promote blood circulation. The good thing about ginger is that it is easy to consume. You can drink it in ginger tea, chew a slice or two, or simply add it to your kitchen. If the idea of ​​chewing raw ginger is not too attractive, you may be able to find it in pill form at many natural food stores.

4. Garlic

Another common ingredient in many home remedies, garlic can help deficient blood circulation, as well as prevent platelet aggregation and lower blood pressure . Like ginger, garlic is very easy to consume, since it can easily be added to many recipes, but it can also be eaten raw (one or two raw cloves a day are suggested). If you can not handle the taste of garlic, it is available as a pill.

5. Massage with essential oils

The use of essential oils for massage therapy can not only help promote circulation, but can also relieve symptoms of poor circulation, such as sore muscles. The essential oils recommended are rosemary, eucalyptus and lavender. Massaging with these oils will help to heat the tissue and keep the skin soft, which will help promote circulation.

6. Stretching

It may seem unusual, but simply stretching the limbs that experience poor circulation problems can help. In this sense, you may want to consider yoga, since the ancient Hindu practice has to do with stretching and movement. Yoga also has the added benefit of a low impact exercise. If you sit for long periods of time, remember to get up, stretch and move a little. Sitting too long can affect your circulation.

7. Exercise

Regular exercise, especially activities that help strengthen the circulatory system (such as cardio), can help promote blood flow. Simply walking for 30 minutes, five days a week can make a difference. Regular exercise will benefit your body as a whole as a healthy side effect. Remember to stretch before exercising not only to avoid injury, but also to maximize the benefits for your circulatory system.

8. Green tea

The antioxidants in green tea may help relax the arteries and promote blood flow. It can also help increase the levels of nitric oxide in the blood. This compound can help widen blood vessels, which could also increase blood flow.

9. Stop smoking

If you are a smoker, resign. Cigarettes contain numerous ingredients that are disastrous to your health, but several of them revolve around the heart and circulatory system. The nicotine found in cigarettes is particularly bad for blood circulation.

10. Avoid alcohol

There is a bit of warning about this. You want to avoid alcohol in excess because alcohol abuse can cause several health problems that affect the heart, which could also cause problems with circulation. Remember to drink always in moderation and try to avoid alcohols with a high sugar content. Red wine is a better choice for a drink or two, as it contains a series of antioxidants that can help the circulation and the overall health of the heart.

11. Watermelon

Adding watermelon to your diet can also help your lower circulation because it contains lycopene, the powerful pigment of the plant responsible for its bright red hue. Lycopene can help prevent plaque from building up in the walls of the arteries, which in turn will facilitate the flow of blood through your body.

12. Dark Chocolate

According to the Journal of the American Heart Association , dark chocolate (we are talking about chocolate that is 70% cocoa or darker) can help improve blood flow in the legs, as it can help the arteries to widen.

13. Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice often used to add a little heat to food dishes from around the world. It is also a spice that contains the chemical compound curcumin, which could help prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries and prevent blood platelets from forming clots. Both things could help with blood circulation. Turmeric can be added to various recipes, but you can also consume it as a beverage. Add a teaspoon of turmeric to a cup of milk and a little honey to taste. Drinking this brew can help with poor circulation.

14. Coconut oil

Coconut oil can help your poor circulation problems due to the triglycerides and healthy fats found inside. These properties can help relieve inflammation of the arteries, allowing for better blood flow throughout the body. Two or three tablespoons of extra virgin coconut oil are recommended once a day for maximum effectiveness.

15. Relax

This will be one of the most difficult things to do on this list for many people. Relaxation and stress relief can help to dilate blood vessels, leading to better circulation. How you relax depends on you and your preferences, but meditation is a historically effective way to clear your mind of the tensions of life and the world. Yoga is a good way to combine relaxation and exercise. Or maybe all you need to do is sit down with some soothing melodies while you rest on the couch. The key, however, is to relax and let those blood vessels dilate.

It can improve poor blood circulation

As a result, you can try many home remedies to improve poor circulation, most of which can not only help with poor circulation, but can also improve your heart and your overall health. If you think you may have poor circulation, you can take additional measures to improve the situation before the most serious effects take root or damage occurs. Most of our remedies are easily manufactured with ingredients that are easily acquired or activities that are easily performed. However, as many of these remedies include natural plants and herbs, it is important to know the allergies or sensitivities you may have. As always, check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking any herbal remedies.

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7 tips to improve blood circulation of your legs

There are several genetic factors, accidents and traumas, as well as dietary causes and lifestyle habits that affect your legs , but you can make some changes to improve circulation , such as taking into account the following recommendations.

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Snailax Shiatsu Massage Seat Cushion with Heat and 4 Rolling Nodes, Back and Neck Massager, Massage Chair Pad for Home Office use SL261-

In an interview for Salud180 , Karin Hernández, coach of Spot City , gives you the following recommendations:

1. Frequent physical activity
. It is best to perform some type of exercise , such as walking, running, cycling or swimming, where the muscles of the legs are exercised to improve circulation .

2. Manual lymphatic drainage. You can make or go to that you perform this special massage , which helps eliminate excess fluid in the body and improve circulation in your legs .

3. Exercises at home or office
. There are certain exercises that are very easy to perform that will help you improve your circulation , such as walking on your toes, moving your fingers, resting alternately on your heels and toes, moving the tips of your feet outwards and inwards, lying down and elevate the feet.

4. Dress and shoes. Wear comfortable clothing that does not oppress you, do not wear very high heels and, if you must stand a long time, try to wear socks or stockings that serve to improve circulation .

5. Food. The blood circulates better if you consume foods rich in potassium, such as nuts and some fruits (bananas). Do not eat too much meat, since fat does not promote blood circulation . Include fiber in your diet, as well as foods rich in vitamin B and C.

6. High temperatures. Avoid direct heat on the legs , stoves, sun, waxing with hot wax, will help improve circulation in your legs .

7. Showers .
When you take a bath, try to insert cold and hot water in (always ending with the cold), which will help stimulate blood circulation. You can have very good results also in a bathtub.

If you want to prevent many and future problems in your legs , it is important that you have a healthy lifestyle and correct those habits that do not help improve blood circulation , both in your legs , as in the rest of the body, to see and feel very well.

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How to improve blood circulation?

Pregnancy involves physical changes that affect blood circulation and have typical discomforts, such as leg cramps, swelling of varicose veins, etc. Physical exercises can help you improve blood circulation.

Pregnancy involves physical changes that affect blood circulation and have typical discomforts, such as cramps in the legs, swelling of varicose veins. Physical exercises can help you improve blood circulation.

The body of the pregnant woman needs anatomical, physiological and chemical modifications to guarantee the baby the best conditions for its development. In this sense, the changes tend to cause slight discomfort, such as deficiency of blood circulation.

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Shiatsu Back Massager by Gideon Deep Kneading Seat Cushion Dual Motor Design with Heat Settings for Full, Mid and Lower Back and You’re Bottom Too. Includes Control Panel for Precision Control

During pregnancy, the mother's blood, in addition to meeting the needs of her body, must supply the necessary substances for the development of her child and collect the waste to eliminate them. The process of substance exchange, in both directions, is carried out through the placenta.

The blood vessels of the mother dilate from the beginning of pregnancy, increasing the volume of maternal blood by approximately one and a half liter. Due to the increase in volume of the uterus, the blood return from the legs is difficult and usually produces inflammation, a feeling of heaviness and, in some cases, causes the appearance of varicose veins. Meanwhile, the discomfort increases if the uterus, on the right side, compresses the vena cava that is responsible for returning blood to the heart.

During the second and third trimesters, the mother is likely to experience leg cramps, especially while sleeping. Cramps occur when muscles suddenly tense for different reasons: lack of fluids, injury, muscle strain or staying in the same position for a prolonged period. Problems with blood circulation or pressure in the nerves of the spine can also cause pain similar to leg cramps.

To prevent these discomforts, it is advisable to carry out an active pregnancy, through the practice of physical exercises, controlled by a professional specialized in Physical Education for pregnant women. Some ideal physical practices to perform during pregnancy, which improve blood circulation, are swimming, aqua-gym and outdoor walks.

If the chosen modality is gymnastics, the routine should be practiced on a firm surface and should take into account some care. Start the exercises slowly and gradually; if you feel pain or fatigue, the intensity of the exercise decreases; and always try to breathe normally.

Below, you will find some exercises that can help you avoid or mitigate the deficiency of the blood circulation.

Stretching legs and feet: Sit with your back straight and your legs extended in front. Place your hands on the floor, near your hips, to support your weight. Bend the knee slowly and then straighten it. I repeated the exercise with the other leg. This will tone the muscles of the calf and thigh, and will also help relieve cramps.

Relaxation: Sit with your legs on a chair or bed, but as your belly volume increases, avoid doing it on your back for too long. It may help to have the shoulders slightly raised with pillows so as not to get dizzy. This will help relieve swelling of the ankles and feet. If you choose to lie completely on the floor, stand on your side with a pillow under your head. Flex the upper arm and leg and place a pillow under the knee. I kept the other leg stretched. Close your eyes and concentrate on your breathing. This position relieves pressure on the large blood vessels and abdomen. Also, it is advisable not to stand for a long time, or sitting or standing in the same position for a prolonged period. Also, avoid sitting in a position that limits blood flow (such as sitting cross-legged for a long time). It is also advisable to rest a few times during the day and sleep with slightly elevated legs.

Finally, the normal changes that occur in the blood circulation during pregnancy represent an additional effort for the heart, so a woman who is pregnant or considering being pregnant should tell her doctor if she has or has ever had a heart disease

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How to improve blood circulation in feet and hands

One of the main causes of poor blood circulation may be due to some disease, but there are many ways and exercises in which we can improve our circulation.

Many people are not aware that fatigue is often due to poor circulation throughout the body. Most people tend to use their hands and legs more than other parts of their body, but they are also the parts of the body that require additional attention and more relief from everyday stress.

There are many different ways in which people can learn to improve circulation in their feet and hands. The best part is that some of these techniques only require a few minutes a day. You can practice these techniques throughout the day, either when you take a break at work or when you get home at night and perform these exercises before you go to sleep.

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Zyllion Shiatsu Neck and Back Massager Cushion with Soothing Heat Function - Fits Perfectly on Chair - 3 Massage Styles - Rolling, Spot, and Kneading - (Black) One Year Warranty - ZMA-14

How to improve circulation in our feet

Take short walks

One way where people can practice circulation techniques on their feet is to go for a walk during the day. Since many people have sedentary jobs where they barely move, this is a great way to take a break from the daily routine and get those feet to move.

Researchers at the American Academy of Podiatry Sports Medicine said: "For people with poor circulation in the arms and legs, walking can increase the size and improve the efficiency of blood vessels."

Massages on the feet

A foot massage is an excellent way to help improve circulation in the feet. This is because the massage therapist uses different massage techniques that vary in pressure. This process helps to release cell debris and other toxins into the body. Performing a massage on your feet is an excellent way to calm the tension throughout the body.

Foot massage also helps improve blood flow in a part of the body that is being massaged. This helps increase oxygen flow and is ideal for relaxing tense muscles and overworked nerves, such as those in the feet.

Circular movements

You do not have time to separate yourself from your job, take a short break of 5 minutes and sit in your chair. Extend the legs, turn each foot clockwise and counterclockwise one 10 times in each of the senses just discussed.

You can also flex each foot forward and backward. You can also do this exercise hands or less about ten times each on each foot. This will increase the flexibility and blood flow in the feet. Instantly you will feel that the circulation improves and the feet will feel more flexible. This helps release tension in the feet.

  • improve circulation in the feet
  • How to improve circulation in our hands
  • The mini massage for hands

One way to improve our circulation in the hands is to use perfumed lotions, such as vanilla and lavender, which are great perfumes that induce relaxation. Rub all the inside and outside of the hands.

Take the thumb in the opposite hand and take turns rubbing it in circular movements clockwise and counterclockwise on the inside of your hand. This will increase the circulation in your hands and will calm them from any stiffness or fatigue.

Perform exercises on the fingers, hands and wrists

Exercise with fingers and hands - Take each hand, extend the fingers outwards so that they are all extended. Then close your fingers and press hard for a few seconds and stretch your fingers out again. This will improve circulation in our hands and fingers and prevent us from having cramps and better circulation.

Wrist exercise - Put each doll completely relaxed, then begin to perform circular movements with the dolls, we can alternate between movements in a clockwise and counterclockwise. Do the circular movements in each direction plus or minus one minute.

How to improve circulation in hands and feet

Drink plenty of water

Doctors say that certain people will experience fatigue throughout the day or they will feel drained. Water has a series of benefits that help solve these problems.

Drinking water also helps strengthen the immune system, while helping to remove toxins in the body, such as viruses that can cause common constipation.

  • improve circulation in joints
  • Alternate between cold and heat temperatures

The specialists affirm that, "alternating between cold and hot temperatures stimulates the flow of blood through our bloodstream".

The use of this technique helps the blood to move throughout the body, which is essential for flexibility and also prevents the hands from feeling overworked and strained, and notice that feeling of swelling. The research suggests reducing the intake of beverages with a high content of caffeine, alcoholic beverages and nicotine. This is because these substances tend to narrow the blood vessels, which causes poor blood circulation.

They also suggest increasing the consumption of vitamin C and vitamin E. These 2 vitamins help improve blood circulation throughout the body. Garlic also has excellent benefits to improve blood circulation. This is because garlic helps prevent the buildup of plaques in the blood vessels.


There are many different techniques to help improve circulation in our feet and hands. Many of these improvement techniques only need a few minutes a day of your time and many of these techniques can even be applied in the office during any break. Dedicating part of your time, in this case a few minutes, to improve your circulation in the feet and hands will help you with the accumulated fatigue of the day and the tension experienced in our hands and feet. With these little help, you can improve your health. If you are also interested in expanding information about the circulatory system,

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How to improve blood circulation?

Having a correct blood circulation allows the body to keep the muscles in optimal functioning, practice a high intensity exercise can also cause the legs to swell and blood circulation is restricted .

The blood circulation has a main objective that is to transport oxygen and some minerals to any cell of our body , this is commanded by our heart that pumps every second.

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SNAILAX Vibration Massage Seat Cushion with Heat 6 Vibrating Motors and 3 Therapy Heating Pad, Back Massager, Massage Chair Pad for Home Office Car use

Blood circulation plays a vital role in eliminating muscle cramps.

How can cyclists improve their blood circulation?

Use understanding

It is a very efficient way to improve our blood circulation, at this point the cyclist works against the natural laws of gravity, that is, helps the blood to return to the heart. In this way it helps to accelerate the circulation of blood, not only stimulates muscle recovery, but also reduces the accumulation of lactic acid. That is, it minimizes muscle fatigue and allows the cyclist to prevent muscle injuries.
  It allows having a muscle recovery is less time.


This vegetable is a well-known nitrate in cycling for helping improve performance and increase oxygen in the blood, thus improving muscle performance. One ability is to prolong muscular endurance, taking a beet shake before training can increase your resistance level.
  The beet has great benefits for the heart, improves the lymphatic system and prevents blockage in the blood stream of the arteries.

Omega 3

The omega three can help prevent muscle inflammation, in general issues allows to maintain blood vessels in optimal performance, it is an oil very easy to get. However, many people choose to consume it from a source of fish, we recommend using the derivatives of nuts and seeds, such as flaxseed, also hemp can provide omega three, six and 9.
  It is advisable to consume the direct omega 3 seeds, provides optimal energy.

Raise your legs

Keeping the legs elevated can allow the cyclist to have an optimal recovery, adapting this position during a training session can develop the strength, endurance and ability that we need. Sometimes when we return tired of riding a bike and it is difficult to know how to take advantage of this type of exercise, this simple exercise can help you recover your overall development, prevent the accumulation of blood and allow the muscles to recover.