Tuesday, May 28, 2019

ORGANIC INDIA Natural Turmeric Curcumin Supplement, USDA Certified Organic, High Bioavailability Formula, 180 Veg Capsules

ORGANIC INDIA Natural Turmeric Curcumin Supplement, USDA Certified Organic, High Bioavailability Formula, 180 Veg Capsules
ORGANIC INDIA Natural Turmeric Curcumin Supplement, USDA Certified Organic, High Bioavailability Formula, 180 Veg Capsules

Turmeric and curcumin for health and slimming

A pinch of turmeric added to the tortillas of yeast dough, rice or broth will beautifully color the dish in gold color. According to scientists, her extract can withstand Alzheimer's disease.

1. Turmeric. Properties, application, use or harm

Hindus have been using turmeric for thousands of years, and scientists have become interested in it very recently, noticing the link between the low incidence of Alzheimer's disease in India and their diet. It was suspected that the solution lies in the spices used by Hindus. Indeed, an active component of turmeric-curcumin was soon discovered. It is this natural substance, located in the roots of the plant, stimulates the immune system for the destruction of protein, the deposition of which makes it difficult to hold signals of nerve cells responsible for memory, attention, behavior or mood.

Turmeric is a plant from the family of ginger, has up to 70 species. Originates from India and Asia, this "spice of life" is used by the healers of Ayurvedic medicine, the oldest medical system in the world. According to Ayurveda, all diseases are taken from toxins-undigested food products remaining in the system. And turmeric has a good effect on digestion, provides the body with vital components. It contains curcumin and its derivatives have strong antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal effect-can they ever become an alternative to antibiotics?

Turmeric Properties

Turmeric reduces cholesterol and glucose, prevents the appearance of cancerous tumors, eliminates indigestion. Because of the anti-inflammatory properties used in the treatment of acne and other skin diseases. The indication for its use are also constipation and bloating, and extract from the rhizomes of the plant on the basis of alcohol is used in the inflammation of the gall bladder and bile ducts, gallstones and digestive disorders. Science strives to enable the properties of turmeric to be used for the prevention and treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and diabetes.

Hindus believe that food is God's gift-dishes should be prepared and consumed with respect and gratitude for this gift. Cooking and food is a kind of prayer, conscious activity. No home in India without turmeric in the kitchen, it is also used in cosmetics and as a precious medicine, in particular, accelerating the healing of wounds. In Russia is still little known and used mainly as a dye for oils, salads or rice. In America is more common-it is added to omelets, mayonnaise and cheeses, because it paints dishes, as well as saffron, in gold color.

The use and harm of turmeric

Turmeric is famous for its cytotoxic properties, it has a toxic effect on cancer cells. Recent studies show that curcumin (a component of turmeric) is not enough to destroy cancer cells, but it sends a signal that triggers the process of self-destruction of cancer (cancer fights itself!). Other research findings suggest that turmeric can protect against melanoma (skin cancer).

In addition, turmeric purifies the blood and has anti-inflammatory effect. It is an excellent addition to meat products, as it promotes digestion of proteins and prevents the formation of toxins in the human body. It works well at bloating, stimulates liver work. Beneficial effect on the emergence of digestive juices and bile.

It is worth adding that most of the spices used in Indian cuisine help with stomach pains and regulate the metabolism in the body. The list of these spices includes: coriander, cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, fennel, or asafafida (all can be obtained in stores with products from around the world). Both cinnamon and ginger have a strong bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.

Turmeric though does not actually cause any side effects, yet should be cautious, because large doses taken over time can cause liver damage. It is not recommended to take turmeric in case of gall bladder allergies.

Slimming and turmeric

Turmeric promotes weight loss because it accelerates digestion. Improves metabolism. It is because of these properties that it is worth adding it to food. Of course, turmeric is not worth eating to lose weight. You can only add it to food.

Curcumin has a rolestable properties. The leptin resistance is directly related to adipose tissue in the body. In addition, curcumin increases the level of adiponektin. Which in turn regulates the insulin content in cells. And that, in turn, burns fat cells. Turmeric for weight loss works just like green tea. A person who eats fatty foods should drink green tea. In this case, a person using turmeric for weight loss has less chance of fat deposition.

Curcumin restricts the development of adocytes. That is fat cells. And on the other hand promotes their apoptosis. Or destruction.
Turmeric can be added to many dishes. And, of course, it will enrich the taste of this dish.
Kurkumu is most often found in curry.

In addition, turmeric for weight loss, reduces the level of "bad" cholesterol. The dishes of this seasoning should be added by persons with diabetes mellitus. Because it hinders the development of diabetes mellitus II degree.

In Russia, weight loss turmeric is not so popular. Because it's a typical oriental spice. In our region is more popular, pepper, marjoram, etc. that is, traditional spices. It should be noted that the turmeric for slimming strengthens the immune system of the body.

Turmeric Mask

Making a mask from turmeric is very simple-take two tablespoons of turmeric, mix with a small amount of honey and whey (or other product containing lactic acid) in a dense paste. Depending on the needs of the skin, we can add other ingredients-for example, coconut oil, cereal porridge, a few drops of hyaluronic acid, etc. The finished mask is applied to the face and washed away after 20-40 minutes. The mask is best done every day.

There is only one problem-this mask paints. All. The mould in which it is cooked. Sink. Towel. And, unfortunately, the face too. The yellow tone on the skin lasts for several hours. If you will do the mask in the evening, even after two washing procedures your skin will be further slightly yellowish. In the morning, usually the yellow tone descends. Washing the face with a cotton swab, moistened buttermilk also helps.

Unfortunately, all these inconveniences make the application of the mask of turmeric not common-but in my opinion, should "force themselves" and spend a month of treatment. Because of problems with colouring the mask can be made only in the evening. When we apply such treatment, stains almost disappear before the eyes. If its application did not create such a problem, I would like to do it all the time.

Who do I highly recommend the course of turmeric treatment? People who have problems with:

Scars after Acne
Small wrinkles
Devoid of shine and life with skin

Turmeric for skin.

If you have swelling and dark skin under your eyes, mix a tablespoon of whole milk, 1/8 teaspoon of turmeric and a teaspoon of almond oil. Apply the paste on the skin under the eyes, wait for 10 minutes, then carefully remove the mask with fleece soaked in milk.
Dry and devoid of elasticity skin smear a mask of 2 tablespoons of honey, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric and half of the crushed banana. Mix the ingredients, apply the mask to the face and rinse in 10 minutes with warm boiled water.
Skin, devoid of shine, will acquire a healthy look after applying a mask of 1 teaspoon of flour, 1/4 teaspoon turmeric, 1/2 teaspoon of olive oil, 1/2 teaspoon of milk and 4-5 drops of lemon juice. This mixture is put on the face and leave no more than 30 minutes.
The mask with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric and 2 tablespoons of natural yogurt will help to lighten the pigment spots and align the skin color.
The mixture of sesame oil and the curcumin on the gums (5-10 minutes) has antibacterial effect and reduces swelling.
Small wounds and scars faster and better heal after placing on a sore place of a paste from turmeric and aloe-gel.
The dried skin of the legs will bring relief mask of turmeric, honey, olive oil and lemon juice.

Medicinal properties of turmeric

Due to bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric helps protect the liver, promotes digestion and supports natural detoxification mechanisms.

Curcumin has a antitumor effect. It was found that this compound leads to apoptosis, that is the natural process of programmed death of worn or damaged cells, which could become a source of carcinogenesis.

Studies have been conducted that show that curcumin can prevent the progressive degeneration of brain cells, shown in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Extract rhizomes turmeric is able to penetrate the blood-brain barrier and prevent the occurrence of pathological clusters of damaged proteins, which are one of the causes of neurodegenerative diseases.


In Indian cuisine turmeric is most often used for dishes from rice, vegetables (especially beans), and also for home baking. It can be used to dye hard-boiled eggs, omelets, sauces, salads, rice, soups, creams, crabs, oysters and shellfish. Added in a small amount, has a mild taste and smell (in large quantities gives the food an intense taste-it is better to add less than to overdo with the quantity). Just put from 1/8 to 1 teaspoon of turmeric for four servings of omelet, vegetables, soup or rice.

It is necessary to mix turmeric with pepper. In combination with pepper its absorption increases in 2000 times.

It is better to buy turmeric separately, as in a mix of a curry it is small (only 20%).


Curcumin in Bas has a convenient form of application (capsule) and has a general healing and toning effect on the body. It is a part of a known spice which can be added to various dishes. Especially active root turmeric used in eastern countries. For athletes and people who are watching the figure, curcumin is valued for the proven anti-catabolic effect. This substance reduces the synthesis of estrogen and increases the amount of testosterone, which allows you to actively gain muscle mass and recover faster after strength training.

Curcumin's difference from turmeric

Badys curcumin by their effectiveness differ from the root of turmeric, in which the active substance is contained in a small amount. Using ready-made means, it is possible to achieve certain sports purposes. When using the root turmeric is difficult to achieve anticatabolic effect. For this will have to use a large number of spices, which can negatively affect the state of the digestive tract and taste preferences.

Useful properties of curcumin

Among athletes Kurkumin applied with the main goal-to slow down the destruction of muscle tissues against the backdrop of intense power loads. Additionally, the tools are used to accelerate recovery against the backdrop of active workouts.

Additional useful properties of curcumin:

Reduction of pain in muscles and joints after intensive sports exercises;
expressed anti-inflammatory effect;
Strengthening of the beneficial properties of insulin;
Reduction of the rate of destruction of muscular protein;
Prevention of muscle atrophy on the background of active weight loss;
Antioxidant action, protection against early aging;
Increase in testosterone levels, which is responsible for protein synthesis, body weight gain rate, libido and overall male health.

The use of curcumin is proved by the results of numerous studies. This material supports a high level of testosterone, which allows to significantly improve the athletic performance and the overall standard of living of men.


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Qunol Liquid Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1000mg, Anti-Inflammatory, Dietary Supplement, Extra Strength, 60 Servings
Qunol Liquid Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1000mg, Anti-Inflammatory, Dietary Supplement, Extra Strength, 60 Servings

Turmeric in pregnancy: experts called unexpected benefits, but there are nuances

Scientists have proven the benefits of turmeric during pregnancy
Turmeric in pregnancy: experts called unexpected benefits, but there are nuances
Turmeric contains the following substances: starch, essential oil, curcumin and many other useful substances. This plant is used as a spice, dye, medicine. It has a mass of healing properties.

Turmeric is not for nothing called the queen spice - it brings many health benefits. But for pregnant women and mothers who breastfeed, there are nuances. Reported by Clutch.

It used to be that even small doses of turmeric for pregnant and lactating mothers are strictly forbidden, because this spice can cause uterine contraction, which in turn can even lead to miscarriage.

But recent studies have shown that in small doses, turmeric can bring many benefits - of course, if your doctor approves.

Benefits of turmeric during pregnancy

Purifies the liver and blood
Relieves inflammation in the joints and reduces pain
A positive effect on the work of the intestine, stimulates digestion, prevents constipation, helps reproduction of beneficial bacteria
Increases immunity
Helps maintain normal blood sugar levels
The mask of turmeric and starter helps to nourish the skin with beneficial substances and prevent stretch marks.
The benefits of turmeric during breastfeeding

Reduces the risk of mastitis
Relieves inflammation and reduces nipple pain
Stimulates digestion
Improves brain function
Increases lactation, increases the amount of breast milk.
Lowers blood cholesterol
Improves blood circulation.

And according to research from the Institute of Delhi (India), turmeric dilutes blood and lowers heart pressure, which is very useful for hypertensive patients. It reduces excess blood sugar, has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, helps with Alzheimer's disease.

Turmeric is very similar in its properties to ginger. She even has a second name - yellow ginger. Especially this plant is very useful for women, because it is used for cosmetic purposes to treat skin diseases. But its most important advantage - turmeric is useful for losing weight.


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BE HERBAL Organic Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg - The Most Potent Turmeric Curcumin Supplement with 95% Standardized Curcuminoids - Enhanced with Ginger Extract - 120 Veg Capsules
BE HERBAL Organic Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg - The Most Potent Turmeric Curcumin Supplement with 95% Standardized Curcuminoids - Enhanced with Ginger Extract - 120 Veg Capsules

Turmeric useful properties. The use of turmeric for medicinal purposes.

What is turmeric, and what is it like?

What is a turmeric? In fact, it is a plant that can be classified as a spice because it belongs to the Ginger family. Both in appearance, and on taste qualities the plant resembles a saffron – therefore one time it was even called "Indian Saffron". The fact is that the trees of turmeric are in south-east India-and when a few centuries ago the seasoning first came to Europe, the merchants gave it such a name to attract the attention of buyers.

In the "Wild" form of turmeric is a tree capable of reaching two meters in height. It can be found on oval long leaves of green color and very beautiful purple flowers. However, its main value lies in the roots-it is the tubers of the plant are subjected to special treatment, which results in a spice.

However, turmeric is not only a spice, but also a dye, and quite strong. The powder from tubers of a plant possesses not only the expressed pleasant aroma, but also saturated red-orange colour. That is why turmeric plays a dual role in cooking – it gives the dish a spicy spicy taste and can simultaneously tint it, providing the product with an unusual appearance.

At the moment, turmeric is not a culinary rarity-the plant is grown in many countries of the world, not only in India, but also in South America, the Philippines, Taiwan. So the spice is quite inexpensive.

It is possible to find turmeric in shops and on the markets in two kinds — it is sold as its one-piece root, and already crushed powder. What is the best choice? It depends on your goals, preferences and culinary abilities-if you intend to use the seasoning in cooking.

However, if you decide to buy the root turmeric, then make sure that it is fresh enough. It is useless to look at this color-pronounced yellow-orange shade of a tuber of a plant does not change practically under any circumstances. About the quality of the root will tell its density-fresh tuber must be firm, rigid and without any external defects.

It is better to use the bought root as soon as possible-while it still retains freshness. But the finished powder is kept for quite a long time-a specific period is indicated on the package, and it is to look at it when buying a ground tool. But usually the shelf life is not less than two years.

That during all this time the ground seasoning remained as it is possible tastier and sated, it is recommended to store it not in a store packing, and in a separate bank under a lid-so the smell of seasoning will not be weathered and will not mix with other aromas.

Useful properties and areas of application

Of course, its popularity seasoning owes not only to the original spicy taste. It is also very useful – therefore it is actively used in cosmetology and medical purposes.

The composition of turmeric includes the most necessary for human health vitamins and trace elements. It is iron and calcium, phosphorus and iodine, vitamins B and C-and also quite rare vitamin K. Regular use of this spice improves the complexion, beneficially affects the intestines, restores the normal balance of sugar in the blood. Like many other spices, seasoning has a "warming" effect on the body-improves blood circulation and accelerates metabolism.

What diseases should be included in the permanent diet?

First of all, it is diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It should be noted that the seasoning affects the body quite carefully-its use does not lead to the fact that in place of one cured disease immediately occur several others.
Turmeric is a antiholesterinovoe and dietary remedy. It can and should be used in diabetes and overweight problems, metabolic disorders. Seasoning helps to establish a quick withdrawal of toxins and slags from the body.
Seasoning is recommended for use with a variety of colds and viruses. It relieves inflammatory processes and fights against temperature, effectively strengthening immunity.
Anti-inflammatory properties of seasoning help to significantly alleviate the condition of arthritis and arthrosis. In addition, a very useful plant will also be for those who suffer from gum disease-it strengthens tissues, eliminates bleeding, does not allow to develop infections.

Doctors recognize that turmeric and its extracts provide effective assistance in the treatment of oncological diseases. Of course, the root of turmeric alone is incapable of coping with cancer — but it has a noticeable positive effect on the overall condition of the body, prevents the spread of the affected cells, facilitates and activates the rehabilitation process after Chemotherapy procedures.

Contraindications to the use of spices

Like any other means, turmeric has certain contraindications. Let's list the main ones.

Individual allergy. If previously you did not have to try turmeric, do not hurry to generously add it to the prepared dish-first take a very small portion and check that your body will not react to the seasoning negatively.
Gastrointestinal diseases are chronic and in a state of exacerbation. Gastritis, gastritis, ulcers of duodenum and stomach, pancreatitis — all these illnesses are characterized by hypersensitivity of the organism to irritating substances. And the spicy seasoning, certainly, belongs to such category. Kurkumu is better to use in poorly expressed disorders and short-term ailments.
Problems with bile and gallstones. Seasoning is a fairly potent bile agent. Such its property will be useful for a healthy person — but in a chronic patient the use of seasoning can lead to the movement of stones, blockage of biliary canals and strong pain.
Tachycardia. Since turmeric "accelerates" circulation, the presence of this spice in food can cause increased heartbeat.

In addition, turmeric in any case is not recommended to eat in the evening-most likely, spicy and spicy dinner will prevent you to sleep quietly. It should also be remembered that turmeric is better not to "mix" with drugs-with one of them it can enter into conflict, and the action of others will multiply, which does not benefit the body. If you, taking medications, would like to include in your diet turmeric, it will be very good to consult with your doctor.

How to use the seasoning in cooking?

So we found out that regular use of turmeric in food brings undoubted benefits to the body. But how exactly is the plant used in cooking?

A very important point must be stressed immediately. Turmeric is not an independent dish-it always acts as a seasoning, spice, spices. It should be added to food in the most minimal quantities-literally a pinch of ground powder per serving, calculated for the whole family.

Unlike some other plants from the family of ginger, this seasoning is used as an additive to the first and second dishes-to baking and desserts do not add it. But vegetables, meat and soups with turmeric acquire piquant taste, appetizing smell and pleasant golden color.

Especially often turmeric serves as a seasoning for tender and juicy chicken meat. Golden Shade looks especially nice on white chicken breasts and fillet-turmeric in some or other quantities contains almost any ready seasoning for chicken, sold in stores. But by acquiring ground turmeric, you can only use this spice in cooking-and do not interrupt its taste and aroma with other spices.
Kurkumu is used in the preparation of vegetable dishes and complex garnars. The additive will give a juicy golden color to the baked potato, would be appropriate in dishes with boiled or stewed cabbage, legumes and lentils. Kurkumu can be added to pilaf-it will color yellow as rice, and pieces of meat.
Finally, a small amount of turmeric can be put in the soup. Probably, each mistress dreams to learn to prepare soups with a pleasant golden shade of broth-one sight on such dish already awakens appetite. Seasoning will give the soup the desired color-as well as juicy aroma and interesting taste.

Speaking about the use of turmeric in cookery, it is necessary to mention its dietary qualities. What are they?

Of course, there is no "diet on turmeric" in nature. But regular addition of spices in the usual dishes really promotes weight loss, and here is why:

First, this spice reduces appetite-and consequently, from the observance of the diet you do not distract the constant feeling of hunger;
Secondly, it significantly accelerates the metabolism-therefore, the body quickly removed slag and more efficiently split fats;
and thirdly, it simply makes the most delicious boring dietary dishes — therefore, the strict regime of food ceases to be perceived as torment, and the risk of so-called "breakdowns" from the diet disappears.

How is turmeric used in cosmetology?

We have examined, in what illnesses the plant can have useful influence-and also have learnt, where and how it apply in cookery. It remains to touch another area of use of this seasoning-cosmetology.

Turmeric is actively used in masks for the face-moisturizing, cleansing, rejuvenating. Useful substances that are part of the root of this plant, have a wonderful effect on the skin, not only in the internal use of turmeric, but also in the external application of it on the face.

However, it is necessary to remember that seasoning remains quite strong dye. Therefore, its content in any mask should be minimal-and the remedy is always combined with other natural drugs.

What masks of turmeric are most popular?

Turmeric with tea tree oil. This mask will help to cope with acne rash on the face. A pinch of powder is mixed with 8 – 10 drops of essential oil, stirred to a homogeneous condition and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes.
Turmeric with curd and sandalwood powder. This mask also has a cleansing and antiseptic effect, helping to fight acne and acne. Half a teaspoon of sandalwood powder mixed with a pinch of seasoning, the mixture is added two large spoons of low-fat curd-and the mixed agent is applied to the face, also no more than 15 minutes.
Turmeric with dry milk and water. This mask will be useful for excessively dry skin. The ingredients are taken in the proportion of teaspoon to the tablespoon, diluted with liquid to viscous condition.
Turmeric with lemon juice and egg yolk. A pinch of powder seasoning is blended with a teaspoon of lemon juice and a raw yolk and stirred to a homogeneous condition. This mask refreshes the skin of the face, softens it and makes it firmer.

Masks using a small amount of turmeric are suitable for almost all types of skin-normal, dry and oily. The substance well relieves irritation and inflammation, normalizes the work of sebaceous glands, accelerates the process of cell renewal-due to which the face becomes younger and disappear fine wrinkles. The plant powder, mixed with cream, improves the complexion, returning it a healthy hue.

Finally, turmeric is an effective means to whiten teeth at home. Yellow powder of this plant does not darken the teeth, and vice versa-returns them a healthy and natural color. How to use the seasoning for such purposes?

First, you can prepare a special pasta from turmeric. It is usually added to it and coconut oil-also a good natural bleach. Turmeric powder take quite a bit-a quarter of a teaspoon, then add a few drops of oil and stir to the consistency of the paste. Further paste is applied on a brush or directly on a teeth, carefully rubbed-and is left for some minutes. After that the mouth is rinsed with warm water-and according to the reviews, the difference becomes noticeable after the first or second cleansing.
Secondly, it is possible to prepare a mix for rinsing-for this purpose half of a small spoon of a powder turmeric add in a glass, half filled with water. The resulting mixture must rinse the mouth after each brushing teeth.
And thirdly, turmeric can be just chewed. This will require no more powder, and a fresh root-to chew it for a couple of minutes, and then spit out.

Turmeric not only eliminates plaque that gives teeth the gall, but also helps to fight the problem gums. In periodontitis and periodontal rinse the mouth with a solution of turmeric disinfect the mouth cavity, strengthen the gums, eliminate bad breath and relieve pain.

Turmeric useful properties. The use of turmeric for medicinal purposes.

Turmeric useful properties, application, treatment, that's exactly what we will talk about today. Today the useful properties of turmeric are recognized all over the world. Turmeric is a plant. And from its root do here such spicy spice, in fact, turmeric is one of kinds of ginger. The composition of turmeric includes essential oil, tolerant, dye curcumin (soluble in fats and alcohol, not soluble in water), vitamins in, B1, B2, B2, B6, В9, E, C, K, iron, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, sodium, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese. In 100 grams of turmeric contains about 350 kcal.

Turmeric is such a yellow, you can say a solar seasoning, which gives not only the aroma of dishes, but also a unique color. Use this spice in cooking, in cosmetology, in folk medicine. Turmeric is a stimulating, aromatic plant that has a lot of useful properties. Has turmeric anti-inflammatory, ansepticaschimi, disinfectant, antioxidant properties. Perhaps the most important thing is that turmeric is a natural antibiotic, and what are the natural antibiotics and how to apply them, with this information can be found in my article "natural antibiotics and their use." But let's look at useful Properties of turmeric details.

Turmeric Useful properties

Turmeric cleans the blood well.
It is a tonic.
Turmeric supports normal intestinal microflora.
Stimulates digestion processes.
Turmeric protects our vessels from atherosclerosis.
Removes turmeric toxins from the liver.
Turmeric reduces the level of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood.
Turmeric is useful in constipation.
Turmeric calms the cough.
Will apply turmeric in the treatment of respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, sore throat.
Turmeric normalizes blood composition and improves its circulation, stimulates the formation of red blood cells.
Turmeric reduces the acidity of gastric juice.
Turmeric can be added to food rich in protein, it improves digestion processes and also prevents the formation of gases.
Kurkumu used in bruises, abrasions, traumatic tumors, has an antiseptic and healing properties.
The turmeric with cholocystite is useful, it possesses zhelchegonnym and bile-forming properties.
Turmeric strengthens the heart muscle, is useful for the work of the heart.
Turmeric reduces headaches.
Turmeric strengthens immunity.
Turmeric helps to remove toxins from our body.
Turmeric is a strong antiseptic.
Turmeric helps in the treatment of diabetes mellitus.
Turmeric stops bleeding and heals wounds.
Turmeric reduces pain and inflammatory processes in arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis.
Turmeric helps in the fight against cancer, as it is a potent antioxidant.
Turmeric relieves inflammation of gums, strengthens gums, reduces bleeding gums.
Turmeric is a good way to preserve youth and beauty.
Turmeric helps with eye inflammation.
Turmeric promotes good metabolism.
It is indispensable for skin diseases and burns.
Turmeric is rich in iron, so it is not replaceable in case of anemia.
Turmeric is added to food at poisoning, as it removes chemicals from the body.
Turmeric protects the liver from the harmful effects of drugs.
Turmeric fever.
Turmeric reduces blood sugar.
Turmeric relieves pain associated with arthritis.
Turmeric helps the body to split fatty foods.
Turmeric increases appetite.

Turmeric as a spice is recommended to include in the diet of the family, the most optimal is 1 teaspoon turmeric per day. But remember, turmeric is not recommended for children under 6 years of age.


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Turmeric Curcumin 2000 mg 180 Capsules - with 95% Standardized Curcuminoids and Bioperine. Pain Relief and Joint Support Non-GMO, Gluten Free, Turmeric Root Supplement Pills by Carlyle

Useful properties of turmeric. Recipe and recipe with turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most useful spices, as it has strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-aging properties. This fantastic spice can be of great help in the treatment of many different diseases.
The main component responsible for all these benefits is curcumin. Its amazing properties have been proven in more than 7,000 published peer-reviewed scientific articles.

Thus, turmeric water is one of the most healing drinks. In order to prepare such water, it is enough to add turmeric powder to the pre-heated water and mix well.

Drinking such water is very healthy:

Relieves arthritis symptoms.

Curcumin has a stronger activity than diclofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, in the treatment of pain and swelling of the joints.

Suspends type 2 diabetes.

A study at Auburn University found that turmeric supplements can be of great help in reversing diabetes.

Fights inflammation.

Numerous diseases are the result of chronic inflammation. However, this spice has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and fights inflammation even better than some anti-inflammatory drugs.

Improves digestion.

Regular consumption of turmeric improves digestion, as it stimulates bile secretion.

Protects the liver.

This spice is also good for a healthy liver. It prevents the liver from toxic damage and restores the affected liver cells.

Promotes a healthy brain.

Studies have shown that there is a close relationship between cognitive disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and a decrease in the growth rate of a certain type of hormone, known as neurotrophic brain factor. However, experts also found that curcumin has a beneficial effect on the level of this hormone, so it can affect some brain diseases or reduce the functions of the brain due to aging.

"Alkaline" the body.

This spice is quite alkaline, so it has a positive effect on the body. Namely, the alkaline environment of the body is not suitable for the development of cancer, as it succeeds only in acidic environments.

Strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, prevents blood clots.

Extends lifespan and prevents aging.

Curcumin successfully inhibits the activity of free radicals and prevents inflammation, which are two of the most important factors of aging.

It has anti-cancer properties.

Curcumin is an incredibly strong antioxidant, so it prevents cell damage due to unstable molecules.

Turmeric is one of the most versatile natural ingredients that can be used to treat various diseases and promote health. Therefore, try to use it regularly, and your body will be more than grateful!

My review of turmeric from my own experience

To eat turmeric every day in food, there is no need to constantly think of where to add it.
I'm having problems with my stomach and digestion. Severity in the stomach, gas, belching, and sometimes gallstones with vomiting. Doctors only gave pills for stomach irritation.
Therefore, I had to organize my own diet, in which I wanted to include turmeric.
Thinking about what I eat every day, first of all it occurred to me to jam, which I really use constantly to coffee and tea.

And although turmeric seemed unusual to me at first and even made me feel nauseous, I believed that I would get used to it.
I make jam every summer a lot. Mostly red and black currants. But there are cherry, cherry, chokeberry and other original platter.
Jam eat constantly, every day. Without fruit I can not. Don't make jam very sweet. These are just canned fruits. I sometimes eat 800 gr. can for 3-4 days.
Can just turmeric and helps reduce unwanted excess acid. Black pepper greatly increases the beneficial properties of turmeric. Black pepper must be added, otherwise you drink turmeric, but it is not absorbed by the body. And in the water, black pepper with turmeric, you will not stir.
In the jam, you will stir the turmeric powder and pepper, leave it at room temperature overnight and the turmeric will dissolve. This is like a tincture, really a cure. With hot tea, drink no cold, sore throat and flu you will not have.
Black pepper helps to warm the body and improve digestion, and it also has a lot of vitamins.

A teaspoon on the floor liter jar of jam - enough. Improving properties of a turmeric will increase several times if you add black pepper with it. Try to put a small amount of black pepper on the tip of a teaspoon, stir well the jam and leave overnight at room temperature. The next day, jam can be applied. Turmeric and pepper is almost not felt, and then you will really like this bouquet of taste and you can still add turmeric and pepper at your discretion.
To improve the work of the stomach, I also use kefir with buckwheat porridge and coconut oil in the mornings - a teaspoon after a meal.
The severity of the stomach and the bile attacks are gone, other unpleasant signs have decreased or completely disappeared - gas, rumbling, constipation, pain in the liver.
At the same time, immunity is strengthened, the throat does not hurt, there is no cold in a wet, cool autumn.


Nature's Way Standardized Turmeric; 95% Curcuminoids; TRU-ID Certified; Vegetarian, 120 Tablets

Nature's Way Standardized Turmeric; 95% Curcuminoids; TRU-ID Certified; Vegetarian, 120 Tablets
Nature's Way Standardized Turmeric; 95% Curcuminoids; TRU-ID Certified; Vegetarian, 120 Tablets

How to use turmeric to get rid of joint pain and cholesterol

Turmeric, black pepper and coconut oil will provide us with many health benefits on their own, but these ingredients are even better when combined together, because they increase each other's effectiveness many times, writes bonnylady.

You only need about 10 minutes to prepare a paste from this super-trio, which can be stored for up to two weeks in the fridge.

Another good thing about this mix is ​​that you can add a couple of teaspoons to any of your meals, since it goes with literally every dish.

But before sharing the recipe, we’d like to remind you of the health benefits of the ingredients:

Turmeric is a very popular Asian-Indian spice, which is part of the ginger family. It has many health benefits, mainly due to the active ingredient called curcumin (a substance that gives it a yellow color). Curcumin has the ability to block pathogens associated with inflammation.

Many studies have shown that it is more effective than some strong anti-inflammatory drugs (such as hydrocortisone) without causing any side effects.

Black pepper is used as a spice and seasoning. Many studies have shown that black pepper contributes to weight loss as a result of its ability to burn fat and stimulate metabolism. In addition, it also works as a natural anti-depressant that helps improve mood!

This spice is actually the key to the effectiveness of this paste due to its component, called piperine, which has the ability to increase the absorption of curcumin up to 1000 times.

Coconut oil consists of more than 90% saturated fat, which is rich in medium chain triglycerides (which give it strong antimicrobial properties) and help increase the absorption of turmeric. In addition to this, coconut oil is also an excellent source of protein.

You will also like - Turmeric - the most powerful tool for rejuvenation

Health Benefits of Turmeric, Pepper and Butter Paste:

Natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic
Immunity booster
Balances cholesterol levels
Detoxifies the liver
Improved digestion
Increases metabolism
Promotes weight loss
Enhances memory and brain function
Reduces high blood pressure
Reduces inflammation and stiffness of joints
Lowers triglycerides



1/4 cup turmeric powder

1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

1 tsp coconut oil or olive

1/2 cup water

Mix all the ingredients in a stainless steel saucepan and cook over medium heat, stirring often. When the mixture starts to bubble (after 4 minutes), reduce the heat and continue mixing to prevent it from burning. As soon as it thickens to a paste (about 8 minutes in total), remove from heat.

Allow the mixture to cool, then place it in a glass jar and store in the refrigerator. You can use the paste for 2 weeks.

The recommended intake is 2 teaspoons per day. You can also add a couple of teaspoons to your meal or to your morning cocktail.


Organic Tumeric Curcumin with BioPerine, 95% Standardized Curcuminoids, 1960mg per Serving, 120 Veggie Caps, Non-GMO,Gluten Dairy & Soy Free, Anti-Inflammatory,Pain Relief & Joint Support

Organic Tumeric Curcumin with BioPerine, 95% Standardized Curcuminoids, 1960mg per Serving, 120 Veggie Caps, Non-GMO,Gluten Dairy & Soy Free, Anti-Inflammatory,Pain Relief & Joint Support
Organic Tumeric Curcumin with BioPerine, 95% Standardized Curcuminoids, 1960mg per Serving, 120 Veggie Caps, Non-GMO,Gluten Dairy & Soy Free, Anti-Inflammatory,Pain Relief & Joint Support

Fantastic spice - Turmeric - rejuvenates and treats many diseases

Turmeric is one of the most useful spices, as it has strong anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and anti-aging properties. This fantastic spice can be of great help in the treatment of many different diseases.

The main component responsible for all these benefits is curcumin. Its amazing properties have been proven in more than 7,000 published peer-reviewed scientific articles.

Thus, turmeric water is one of the most healing drinks. In order to prepare such water, it is enough to add turmeric powder to the pre-heated water and mix well.

Drinking such water is very healthy:

Relieves arthritis symptoms.

Curcumin has a stronger activity than diclofenac, which is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug, in the treatment of pain and swelling of the joints.

Suspends type 2 diabetes.

A study at Auburn University found that turmeric supplements can be of great help in reversing diabetes.

Fights inflammation.

Numerous diseases are the result of chronic inflammation. However, this spice has powerful anti-inflammatory properties and fights inflammation even better than some anti-inflammatory drugs.

Improves digestion.

Regular consumption of turmeric improves digestion, because it stimulates the secretion of bile.

Protects the liver.

This spice is also good for a healthy liver. It prevents the liver from toxic damage and restores the affected liver cells.

Promotes a healthy brain.

Studies have shown that there is a close relationship between cognitive disorders, such as dementia and Alzheimer's disease, and a decrease in the growth rate of a certain type of hormone, known as neurotrophic brain factor. However, experts also found that curcumin has a beneficial effect on the level of this hormone, so it can affect some brain diseases or reduce the functions of the brain due to aging.

"Alkaline" the body.

This spice is quite alkaline, so it has a positive effect on the body. Namely, the alkaline environment of the body is not suitable for the development of cancer, as it succeeds only in an acidic environment.

Strengthens the cardiovascular system.

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, prevents blood clots.

Extends lifespan and prevents aging.

Curcumin successfully inhibits the activity of free radicals and prevents inflammation, which are two of the most important factors of aging.

It has anti-cancer properties.

Curcumin is an incredibly strong antioxidant, so it prevents cell damage due to unstable molecules.


Turmeric Supreme Gaia Herbs 60 VCaps

Turmeric Supreme Gaia Herbs 60 VCaps
Turmeric Supreme Gaia Herbs 60 VCaps

Turmeric and hypothyroidism

Thyroid Turmeric - Prevention and Treatment
Turmeric for thyroid gland - prevention and treatment of thyroiditis, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, nodes, goiter and cancer

Turmeric can be used for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the thyroid gland. Spice has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is effective in all diseases of the thyroid gland: goiter, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, autoimmune thyroiditis, and even reduces the risk of cancer.
Thyroid Hormones

The hormones secreted by the body’s “principal conductor” regulate the metabolism and activity of other hormones. The main hormones are triiodothyronine, thyroxin and calcitonin. The first two hormones control the growth and rate at which the body burns calories. Calcitonin controls the level of calcium in the body.

The thyroid gland is controlled by the pituitary gland , which is considered the "main gland" of the endocrine system. 1 out of 20 people at a certain stage of life suffer from thyroid dysfunction. Diseases of the thyroid gland:

• Thyroiditis: inflammation and swelling of the thyroid gland
• Hypothyroidism: reduced thyroid hormone production
• Hyperthyroidism: increased thyroid hormone production
• Nodes in the thyroid gland
• Thyroid cancer
• Goiter: enlargement of the thyroid gland

Treatment of the thyroid gland includes taking thyroxin in the case of hypothyroidism and drugs to reduce activity in the case of hyperthyroidism. When treatment does not help, a part or whole of the gland can be removed surgically.
Thyroid cancer and nodules are treated by surgical removal or radioactive iodine. Traditional medicine and naturopathy offer remedies for thyroid disease.
7 Benefits of Turmeric in Thyroid Disease

Spice has antioxidant properties.
1. Anti-inflammatory

Curcumin (the active ingredient in turmeric) exhibits natural anti-inflammatory properties. It is useful for thyroiditis, goiter and thyroid cancer.

Curcumin acts on pro-inflammatory enzymes, such as COX and LOX, to control the spread of inflammation. Unlike conventional NSAIDs, which act only on the COX enzyme, curcumin acts on both enzymes without any side effects (from the stomach and liver).

Curcumin regulates and inhibits the activity of key players in inflammation (TNF-alpha and nuclear factor-kappa B). Acting on these proteins, as well as other biochemical targets and inflammatory pathways, turmeric reduces inflammation.
2. Antioxidant

Turmeric is a strong antioxidant, its action is comparable with vitamins C and E.

In laboratory studies, scientists have demonstrated that turmeric counteracts oxidative stress caused by elevated levels of triiodothyronine.

As an antioxidant, curcumin promotes thyroid health and the balance of its hormone levels.
3. Turmeric with hyperthyroidism

Hyperthyroidism is caused by elevated levels of thyroid hormones. Hyperthyroidism causes oxidative stress in the brain. Scientists have proven that curcumin regulates antioxidant enzyme levels and eliminates oxidative stress in the brain due to hyperthyroidism.

Hyperthyroidism affects liver enzyme levels. It disrupts her work. The combination of curcumin and vitamin E restores liver function.
Curcumin also restores kidney function due to damage caused by hyperthyroidism.
4. Turmeric with hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism occurs when the thyroid does not produce enough hormones.
In an animal model of hypothyroidism, treatment with turmeric extract has been shown to reduce atrophy (decrease in size) of the thyroid and prevent its hormone levels from decreasing. Spice also reduces high cholesterol caused by hypothyroidism.

Turmeric helps stimulate thyroid hormone production in hypothyroidism.
5. The inclusion of turmeric in the diet reduces the risk of goiter

Indian scientists have studied the role of dietary turmeric in the development of goiter.
2335 people were interviewed on the history of the disease and were screened for goiter. The population had an endemic goiter and a high prevalence of hyperthyroidism was observed. But goiter was less common in those people who consumed milk, ghee, spices, chili and turmeric.

Scientists stressed that the use of turmeric was associated with a decrease in the development of goiter. They recommended to include turmeric in the diet with goiter.
6. Turmeric has an immunomodulatory effect.

Autoimmune thyroid disease is a disease of Graves and Hashimoto's disease. They are characterized by abnormal hormone levels, increase the risk of goiter.

In autoimmune diseases, antibodies produced to fight infection begin to attack body tissues, pave the way for inflammation and damage to various organs.

Spice has immunomodulatory activity. This substance regulates immune responses. It regulates the activity of immune cells, as well as cytokines (chemicals secreted by cells), which play an important role in autoimmune reactions.

Turmeric is effective in autoimmune thyroid disease.
7. Turmeric protects against thyroid cancer

Curcumin is a natural anti-cancer substance.

Curcumin inhibits the growth of tumors and thereby contributes to the treatment of cancer.

Curcumin potentiates the antitumor and anticancer effects of sorafenib and docetaxel (an anticancer drug) in the treatment of thyroid cancer.

Curcumin sensitizes thyroid cancer cells to the action of radioactive iodine, which is used in the treatment of thyroid.

Turmeric also affects a number of biochemical pathways to suppress cancer metastases.
Dose of turmeric

Turmeric reduces the risk of thyroid disease and is effective in treating them. A good way to use turmeric is the “gold paste”, which consists of butter and black pepper to enhance the absorption of turmeric.

Take 0.25-0.5 tsp. per day for a week and if there are no side effects, increase the dose. The recommended dose is 1 tsp. 2-3 times a day.

A person should choose the optimal dose for himself.

Before using turmeric, consult your doctor.

Turmeric is safe, but should not be used by the following persons:
• Women during pregnancy and lactation,
• With obstruction of the gallbladder
• When bleeding
• Do not take before surgery

If you suffer from gout or urolithiasis, limit the use of turmeric as a spice.

Avoid fasting turmeric to avoid the symptoms of acid reflux.

If you suffer from bleeding, small doses of turmeric in the diet are safe, but it is better to consult a doctor before taking turmeric.

Turmeric can interact with drugs that reduce gastric acid, antidepressants, and hypoglycemic drugs. Curcumin, found in turmeric, is known to interfere with drug metabolism. Do not take turmeric along with any other medicine.


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Premium Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg - Extra Strength Pain Relief & Joint Support with 95% Curcuminoids - Dietary Supplement, Non-GMO, Vegetarian Capsule with Black Pepper
Premium Turmeric Curcumin with Bioperine 1500mg - Extra Strength Pain Relief & Joint Support with 95% Curcuminoids - Dietary Supplement, Non-GMO, Vegetarian Capsule with Black Pepper

Turmeric beneficial properties and contraindications

Turmeric is one of the healthiest spices in the world. It is primarily known for its strong antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric is also an excellent weapon against cancer and Alzheimer's disease. However, this is not all.

How else does turmeric affect health, and how exactly does the spice use?

The homeland of turmeric is Southeast Asia, and the tradition of its cultivation has been going on for about 2 thousand years. In India, turmeric is treated not only as an ingredient in food, medicine and dye, for example, there it is one of the most important elements of an Indian wedding.
The plant is very beautiful, with large green leaves and a beautiful flower. And turmeric is “mined” from the root of this plant, having previously dried it and ground into a powder. In India and Asia, this is a huge plantation and very large-scale production.

Turmeric - Medicinal Ingredients

The most famous active ingredient in turmeric is curcumin, which is responsible for the orange color of the rhizome.
Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant and, therefore, protects the body from free radicals that harm cells and can speed up the aging process and increase the risk of cancer. Curcumin also acts as a natural antibiotic - has anti-bacterial properties, but also antiviral and anti-inflammatory. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Among the most active compounds is also worth noting the presence of essential oils in turmeric, which stimulate the secretion of bile and prevent bloating, and also contain vitamin C and minerals.
How exactly do these compounds affect the body? Discover the most important healing properties of turmeric.

Turmeric improves brain function

A study by German scientists from the Institute of Medicine and Neurophysiology suggests that the essential oils of turmeric accelerate the regenerative processes in the brain. Experiments have also shown that the compound stimulates neural stem cells.
The beneficial effects of curcumin on the brain, however, are much wider. It turns out that the products with the addition of spices improve mental abilities. A study at the University of California, Los Angeles showed that curcumin stimulates the body to destroy proteins that are responsible for Alzheimer's disease (protein deposits cause memory deterioration, and can even contribute to the death of nerve cells).

Turmeric helps the gastrointestinal tract

Essential oils found in the rhizome of turmeric can prevent flatulence and other unpleasant symptoms of digestion. Many experiments have confirmed that turmeric has anti-ulcer activity (stimulates the secretion of mucin, which forms a mucous protective membrane), and also inhibits the secretion of gastric acid.

Turmeric supports liver

The active ingredient in turmeric, curcumin and including essential oils, stimulate secretion
bile, which is necessary for the digestion of fat (bile is one of the main assistants of the liver). Turmeric protects liver cells and promotes its regeneration.

Turmeric strengthens the immune system

This function of turmeric due to the presence of curcumin, which helps the body in the destruction of many pathogenic bacteria (including purulent), viruses and fungi (including as a result of candidiasis). According to the researchers, curcumin raises the level of a peptide that protects the body from infection. Essential oils also support curcumin action - they also have antibacterial properties.
According to many followers of Ayurveda during infection of the upper respiratory tract or a cold, you should eat products with turmeric, drink herbal tea with turmeric (it is worth to enrich it with lemon or ginger).

Ancient Indian Medicine Ayurveda Pro Turmeric

1. use turmeric, if your hands or feet are often cold. Tea or milk with turmeric is a wonderful warming drink that will also disperse your blood through your body;
2. if you have been bitten by some kind of insect, dilute turmeric with water to make a paste and apply to the bite site;
3. perfectly align and enliven the complexion of the mask with turmeric;
4. Drink turmeric if you suffer from allergies. Turmeric perfectly cleanses the body. Even if you are allergic to milk, prepare “golden milk” not from cow's milk, but from coconut milk;
5. reduce itching and inflammation with dermatitis and eczema paste with turmeric (turmeric is simply diluted with boiled water to a creamy thickness and applied to the affected area);
6. If you have a fever (chills, fever ...), - make a strong tea of ​​turmeric. Try adding ginger to taste and cayenne pepper to improve curcumin availability. Sweeten with honey and drink;
7. Turmeric paste whitens teeth (“At first it scared me, because after applying the paste on the teeth, they became bright yellow .... But I finished the experiment. I held it for 10 minutes and rinsed my mouth, cleaned the rest of the turmeric with a toothbrush. !!!);
8. turmeric paste heals wounds and regenerates the skin after injury;
9. Eat more turmeric if you have very heavy and painful periods.
Important information: studies conducted in various institutes of official medicine claim that - for the fact that curcumin has become more accessible to the body
TURKUMU should be taken along with the black pepper !!!
What does this mean? This means that if you want effective curcumin effects on your health:
• add a pinch of pepper to turmeric tea;
• add a pinch of black pepper to golden milk from turmeric,
• When adding turmeric as a seasoning in any dish, be sure to add a little black pepper.
For the treatment and prevention of turmeric is used in the form of:
1. tea
2. milk with turmeric (it is called “golden milk”),
3. additives to regular food.

Turmeric - contraindications and harm

Turmeric has a very strong effect on the body. Therefore, if you are taking any medications in parallel with its intake, it is best to consult with your doctor to avoid adverse effects. The advice of doctors should also be resorted to by people suffering from a chronic disease and consuming turmeric or any spices of strong effect.
Turmeric is contraindicated if you have gallstones or biliary tract are clogged.
Remember that everything is good in moderation. And if in small quantities turmeric can bring you a lot of benefits, then overdose can cause adverse effects.
Turmeric during pregnancy
Can turmeric be pregnant?
Turmeric, when added in small quantities to food, possibly in conjunction with other spices, has a beneficial effect on the body's digestive system. Also, this spice contains an impressive amount of vitamin C, which accounts for the success of its use in colds and infectious diseases. Natural antiseptic turmeric promotes wound healing and cleansing.
Turmeric will be useful for use in the prevention and treatment of colds. Also, the consumption of this spice will help to improve the digestion of those who suffer from heaviness in the stomach and non-digestion of food. After 37 weeks, the use of the plant as a seasoning for your favorite dishes is justified due to the fact that during this period natural and timely delivery is possible.
Given that some scientists talk about the safety of turmeric during pregnancy, it should be clarified that the plant still can not be called absolutely harmless. Due to the fact that the spice in large quantities contributes to the reduction of the uterus, it can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy. Caution should be eaten at a later date. Some experts advise to abstain in the period of waiting for the child to use turmeric for medicinal purposes. Reducing spice consumption to a moderate amount in a mixture of other seasonings is one of the recommended precautions.
There are not many reasons why eating turmeric is undesirable: a tendency to allergic reactions, a short duration of pregnancy. In the first case, abstinence from spices will simply simply make life easier for the expectant mother during pregnancy, while in the second version, we are already talking about the safety of the child. It is worth noting that during the studies conducted on animals, it was possible to establish the safety of the spice in relation to the development of various intrauterine defects in the fetus.


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Puritan's Pride Turmeric Curcumin 500 mg-180 Capsules
Puritan's Pride Turmeric Curcumin 500 mg-180 Capsules

30 beneficial properties of turmeric

Let's talk about turmeric.
In their homeland - in Indonesia and South India - the plant has been harvested and used for more than five thousand years, which has left a noticeable mark on many eastern cultures. The ancient Greeks called turmeric “yellow ginger”. The root contains yellow pigment curcumin, essential oil, alkaloid, lactone and alcohol, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, vitamins C, Bl, B2, OZ.
But why is this plant so useful and how can it be used?
In their homeland - in Indonesia and South India - the plant has been harvested and used for more than five thousand years, which has left a noticeable mark on many eastern cultures. The ancient Greeks called turmeric “yellow ginger”.

The root contains yellow pigment curcumin, essential oil, alkaloid, lactone and alcohol, calcium, iron, phosphorus, iodine, vitamins C, Bl, B2, OZ.

Turmeric root contains:

Curcumin is a substance that suppresses the growth of cancer cells, especially in tumors of the skin, mouth, esophagus, stomach, small intestine and mammary gland, reduces the amount of harmful cholesterol in the body and reduces the risk of atherosclerosis, which prevents the formation of stones in the liver, kidneys and urinary the bubble

Curcumour, inhibiting the growth of malignant tumors of the skin, uterus and breast.

Zineol, beneficial effect on the work of the stomach, destroying parasites.

Tumeron, which has antiparasitic action and inhibits the growth of pathogenic bacteria

Bioflavonoid vitamin P is involved in the restoration of blood vessels that improve the cardiovascular system, helps in the treatment of asthma, sclerosis, dermatitis and psoriasis.

From the point of view of Ayurveda, turmeric is suitable for people of all types of constitutions, it has several tastes - a sharp, bitter, astringent - and it has a warming, light and dry effect on the body.

Useful properties of turmeric:

Turmeric cleans the blood well
It is a tonic
Maintains normal intestinal microflora, stimulates digestion
Protects our vessels from atherosclerosis
Being a detox product removes toxins from the body
Reduces the level of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood
Useful in all forms of constipation.
Soothes and softens cough
Successfully used turmeric in the treatment of respiratory diseases, tonsillitis and sore throat
Normalizes blood composition and improves its circulation, stimulates the formation of red blood cells
Turmeric can be added to protein-rich foods, because it improves the digestive processes and prevents the formation of gases.
It is used for bruises, abrasions, traumatic tumors - it has an antiseptic and healing properties
Turmeric is useful for cholecystitis, it has a choleretic and cholereating effect.
Turmeric strengthens the heart muscle, is good for the heart.
Reduces various headaches
Strengthens the immune system
Turmeric is a powerful antiseptic.
Helps in the treatment of diabetes
Stops bleeding and heals wounds.
Reduces pain and inflammation in arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis
It helps in the fight against cancer, as it is a powerful antioxidant
Relieves inflammation of the gums, strengthens and reduces their bleeding
It is an excellent way to preserve youth and beauty.
Helps with eye inflammation
Promotes good metabolism
It is irreplaceable in case of skin diseases and burns.
Turmeric is rich in iron, therefore indispensable for anemia.
It is added to food for poisoning, as it removes toxic substances from the body.
Turmeric protects the liver from the harmful effects of drugs
This magic spine is an ideal antipyretic.
We advise you to use the highest quality turmeric from TM MASALE.

Be healthy!

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Vitafusion Turmeric Curcumin Gummy Supplement, 60 ct
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How is turmeric useful? Medicinal properties of turmeric

Turmeric has beneficial properties, use, treatment, and that is what will be discussed today. To date, the beneficial properties of turmeric are recognized worldwide. Turmeric is a plant. And from its root make just such a spicy spice, in fact, turmeric is one of the types of ginger. The composition of turmeric includes essential oil, terpinoids, dye curcumin (soluble in fats and alcohol, insoluble in water), vitamins B, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, E, C, K, iron, iodine, phosphorus, calcium , magnesium, sodium, copper, selenium, zinc, manganese. 100 grams of turmeric contains about 350 kcal. Turmeric is so yellow, you can say sunny seasoning, which gives not only the flavor of dishes, but also a unique color.

Use this spice in cooking, in cosmetology, in traditional medicine. Turmeric is a stimulating, aromatic plant that has so many beneficial properties. Turmeric has anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, disinfecting, antioxidant properties. Probably the most important thing is that turmeric is a natural antibiotic, and what other natural antibiotics are and how to use them can be found in my article “Natural antibiotics and their use”. But let's look at the beneficial properties of turmeric in more detail.

Turmeric useful properties.

Turmeric cleans the blood well.

It is a tonic.

Turmeric supports normal intestinal microflora.

Stimulates digestion.

Turmeric protects our vessels from atherosclerosis.

Removes turmeric toxins from the liver.

Turmeric reduces the level of "harmful" cholesterol in the blood.

Turmeric is useful for constipation.

Turmeric soothes cough.

Use turmeric in the treatment of respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, sore throat.

Turmeric normalizes the composition of blood and improves its circulation, stimulates the formation of red blood cells.

Turmeric reduces the acidity of gastric juice.

Turmeric can be added to protein-rich foods, it improves digestion, and also prevents the formation of gases.

Turmeric is used for bruises, abrasions, traumatic tumors, has antiseptic and healing properties.

Turmeric is useful for cholecystitis, it has choleretic and bile-forming properties.

Turmeric strengthens the heart muscle, is good for the heart. Turmeric reduces headaches.

Turmeric strengthens the immune system.

Turmeric helps remove toxins from our body.

Turmeric is a strong antiseptic.

Turmeric helps in the treatment of diabetes.

Turmeric stops bleeding and heals wounds.

Turmeric reduces pain and inflammation in arthritis, rheumatism, arthrosis.

Turmeric helps in the fight against cancer, as it is a powerful antioxidant.

Turmeric relieves inflammation of the gums, strengthens the gums, reduces bleeding gums. Turmeric is a good way to preserve youth and beauty.

Turmeric helps with eye inflammation.

Turmeric promotes good metabolism. It is irreplaceable in case of skin diseases and burns. Turmeric is rich in iron, so it is not replaceable with anemia.

Turmeric is added to food for poisoning, as it removes chemicals from the body.

Turmeric protects the liver from the harmful effects of drugs.

Turmeric antipyretic.

Turmeric reduces blood sugar. Turmeric relieves pain associated with arthritis.

Turmeric helps the body break down fatty foods.

Turmeric increases appetite.

Turmeric as a spice is recommended to include in the family's diet, the most optimal is 1 teaspoon of turmeric per day. But remember, turmeric is not recommended for children under 6 years old.

Contraindications turmeric.

Do not use turmeric for people with allergies.

With jaundice.

With cholelithiasis and blockage of the biliary tract.

With gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.

Do not eat high doses of turmeric during pregnancy.

If you are using medications at the same time, advise your doctor about the consumption of turmeric.

Now let's take a look at how to use turmeric for various diseases.

The use of turmeric for medicinal purposes. When sore throat. Prepare a gargle for throat using turmeric, take half a teaspoon of turmeric, and half a teaspoon of salt, pour it all into a glass and pour a full glass of warm, boiled water and mix well. Turmeric relieves inflammation, sore throat and is a natural antibiotic and antiseptic.

When abrasions, bruises, traumatic tumors. Apply the paste, cooked from turmeric to abrasions, bruises. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric and a pinch of salt and a little boiled water. When this paste is applied to the affected areas, the swelling and pain pass quickly.

With anemia. Take a quarter of a teaspoon of turmeric and mix it with a teaspoon of natural honey. Take this mixture in the morning on an empty stomach, turmeric will provide the body with iron.

With diabetes. You need to eat a third of a teaspoon of turmeric powder and drink it with plenty of water, eat three times a day, before eating.

When tissue swelling associated with stretching. Prepare pasta, mix lemon juice, salt, turmeric (1: 1: 1) and apply this paste to the affected area.

With asthma. Mix a half teaspoon of turmeric in half a glass of hot milk and take two, three times a day on an empty stomach.

Turmeric with urticaria. The disease goes faster if turmeric as a seasoning is added to the dishes that you eat.

With a cold, sinusitis. Prepare a solution for rinsing the nose and rinse the nose with a cold, sinus, the nasopharyngeal cavity is disinfected and mucus comes out. Four hundred grams of warm boiled water contains a teaspoon of salt and half a teaspoon of turmeric.

Burns It is necessary to mix aloe and turmeric mix in equal proportions, to get a thick gruel and put on the place of the burn, such a mixture disinfects, relieves pain, reduces inflammation.

With boils, pustules. Mix turmeric with ghee, apply this paste on an abscess or abscess.

With eye inflammation. Take two teaspoons of turmeric, pour half a liter of water, put on the fire and boil until the water is evaporated by half. Then cool and strain, instilled a drop in each eye, the procedure is carried out three times a day.

To cleanse the body. It is very useful at night to drink a glass of warm milk with a spoon of natural honey and a pinch of turmeric.

The use of turmeric in cosmetology.

Since turmeric has a number of useful properties, it will be used in cosmetology as masks. Turmeric improves the complexion, relieves inflammation, reduces fine wrinkles, when applying masks from turmeric, blood flows to the skin.

Mask for fading skin. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric, a teaspoon of honey, a teaspoon of cream. All the ingredients are mixed and applied to the face for ten minutes, then rinse with warm water. When applying masks, use a special brush or wear gloves, make the mask better at night. Mask to do in a day, the skin will become smooth, and the complexion is radiant and healthy.

Mask for dry skin. Mix a teaspoon of turmeric with a teaspoon of aloe juice. Apply the mask for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water. But before applying the mask, check if you are allergic to its components. The use of turmeric in cooking.

In cooking, turmeric powder is most often used in cooking. The taste of turmeric is slightly bitter, spicy, and the flavor is spicy, close to ginger, the color of turmeric is yellow, close to lemon.

Use turmeric to give dishes an islandish taste and spicy aroma. Most often, turmeric is added to soups, sauces, main dishes, egg dishes, rice dishes, meat, beverages, confectionery.

The rate of use of 1 teaspoon of turmeric for 6 servings, if you put more turmeric in the dish, it will give the dish a rich yellow color and a bitter taste.

Turmeric is also used as a dye for chips, hard cheeses. Be careful, stains from turmeric are badly displayed.

If the kitchen board is stained with turmeric, the paint will quickly fade under the influence of the sun's rays. Store turmeric in a tightly closed container, away from sunlight. Turmeric, beneficial properties, application, application of turmeric for medicinal purposes, is now known to you. But before applying turmeric for the treatment of diseases, consult with your doctor.

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Turmeric and skin health

When I studied spices, I was very interested in turmeric as a cosmetologist.
This amazing spice is very popular in the east - due to its many-sided properties, it is widely used both in cooking and in medicine. In our article Turmeric you can learn a lot of interesting things about this spice. Today, I want to highlight only one facet of many-sided turmeric - its effect on the skin.
Turmeric has many names in Sanskrit, and they all speak for themselves.
Haridra is the name for turmeric you will most often come across. It translates as "improving the color and cleansing the skin."
Kachani means "golden."
Niche - "beautiful as the stars at midnight."
The name Yoshitpriv has a very interesting meaning - “women like it”.
Varavarnini-so in Sanskrit sounds "gives a gorgeous skin color."

Perhaps no spice or plant has so many names that are associated with female beauty and skin. In India, natural skin-based products based on ayurvedic turmeric are extremely popular; these are fragrant massage oils, orange-golden masks for skin whitening, and anti-aging creams. Let's see: why?

1. Turmeric is an excellent wound healing agent.

With the help of this natural and safe antibiotic, wounds and cuts heal quickly - bleeding stops, swelling and pain disappear, inflammation subsides. It is enough to wash the wound and quickly apply turmeric in powder form.

Or you can make just such a medical paste:

Recipe: 1 tbsp. aloe juice, 1 tsp turmeric
Preparation: Mix the ingredients until they have a uniform consistency.
Application: apply paste on a wound or cut. Can be used for burns.

2. Turmeric effectively cleanses the skin, evens out its color, eliminates inflammation.
For these purposes, you can make an ubtan - a traditional Ayurvedic preparation that performs the function of a cleansing agent, a scrub, and also a mask. Ubtan is a paste of finely ground ingredients: flours of various kinds (from chickpeas, peas, rice, oatmeal, etc.), plants, seeds, nuts, vegetable and essential oils. There is a huge amount of recipes - there are simple and versatile, and you can make complex compositions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the skin. This tool can be used for deep cleansing of the skin, as well as comprehensive body care. Using ubtan in the bath will give you a wonderful glowing skin and good mood.

Here is the recipe for the simplest ubtana that suits almost everyone:

Recipe: 3 tbsp. chickpeas flour, 1/2 - 1/4 tsp. turmeric, 1 tbsp. sesame oil.
Preparation: Mix the ingredients by adding the required amount of warm water. It should make a smooth paste that is easy to apply to the skin.
Application: Apply the paste on the face and / or body. You can leave for 5-10 minutes, after which, with gentle circular motions, perform a cleansing. Rinse thoroughly with water and then use the final means to moisturize or nourish the skin.

3. Turmeric is often used in the composition of medical masks.
Since the spice has a pronounced cleansing, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action, it is successfully used for the care of oily skin, skin with comedones and inflammatory elements.
Turmeric improves the complexion, helps to remove age spots.
It is irreplaceable for rejuvenating procedures, as well as reducing stretch marks. All this is possible due to the fact that turmeric is a powerful antioxidant and stimulates tissue regeneration.

Here is an example of a simple mask:

Recipe: 1 tsp. honey, 1/2 tsp turmeric, 1 tsp whole milk or natural yogurt.
Preparation: Mix the ingredients to a smooth consistency. The mask should be easily applied to the skin, but not flow. If the mask is too thin, you can add a little chickpea or oatmeal.
Application: apply a mask on well cleansed face and / or body skin. Leave for 15-20 minutes, then rinse with warm water and then use skin care products.
Attention! Remember that turmeric is a wonderful dye. Be very careful when using home remedies with this bright spice. And yet .. do not exceed the recommended dosages of turmeric, otherwise your image will perfectly fit into the words of the well-known children's song: “Orange sky, orange sea, orange greens ...”)))))

4. Turmeric is effective for allergies.
Turmeric has a fairly pronounced antihistamine effect - can be used for allergic manifestations on the skin. Spice eliminates irritation, itching and inflammation. In some cases, it is used as a first aid. For this, turmeric powder is taken orally in fairly high dosages - up to 2-3 teaspoons per reception. Turmeric should be mixed with honey (if there are no contraindications), eat and drink with warm water. For a good therapeutic effect, the quality of the spice must be very high.

5. There is another unusual property in turmeric ...
In India, women have used spice powder for centuries to remove unwanted facial hair and slow their growth.

6. From the rhizomes of turmeric get valuable essential oil.
Its properties are as multifaceted as the effects on the organism of the spice itself. As for skin problems, the essential oil of turmeric is used to treat cuts and wounds, acne and eczema. It helps eliminate pigment spots, and is especially effective if the cause of their appearance is associated with diseases of the liver and gallbladder. Aroma oil also contributes to the resorption of hematomas. Rejuvenates the skin. Oil can be added to any natural products - oils and scrubs, creams and masks.
