Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Clean Electrolyte Tablets, no Common Fillers no Silica, Magnesium Stearate or Silicon Dioxide - Rapid Rehydration, Muscle Cramping, Hangover Recovery and Keto Diet Support– Hydration Pack on a Pill

Why we drink less water: Inadequate water intake damages the body

Clean Electrolyte Tablets, no Common Fillers no Silica, Magnesium Stearate or Silicon Dioxide - Rapid Rehydration, Muscle Cramping, Hangover Recovery and Keto Diet Support– Hydration Pack on a Pill

Water is the main component of your vital organs such as your brain, liver and heart. It is a vital fluid for the gaps between your bones and even your cells. Therefore, not drinking enough water can cause a variety of damage from your skin to the basic organs of the body.

Remember that about 60 percent of our bodies are made up of water and that organs may need water. The body loses water through sweating, urine, and even breathing. In order for the vital activities to continue, the lost water must be replaced. Everyone's water needs vary according to weight and mobility. The amount of drinking water per kilo should be 30-40 ml. Failure to meet the daily enough water needs causes many problems from the kidneys to the skin. No water can have fatal consequences. Acıbadem Bakırköy Hospital Nutrition and

Diet Expert Ayça Güleryüz, warned how important it is to drink water.
Balances blood pressure

90 percent of the blood is water. Drinking water directly affects blood volume and blood pressure. In case of insufficient water, blood pressure balance cannot be adjusted and may cause an increase in blood pressure.
Three-quarters of the brain is water

75 percent of the brain consists of water. Mild levels of thirst can cause deterioration in mood and cognitive functions. While the concentration decreases as a result of thirst, the performance of cognitive function such as short-term memory decreases significantly. As hand-eye motor coordination can be impaired, it is difficult to perform delicate or detailed work and security weakness may occur.
Water against asthma attacks

When water consumption is reduced, the airways are restricted by the body to minimize water loss, potentially causing asthma and allergies to worsen. Adequate water consumption is important for the removal of microbes in our body in a short time. Water consumption is crucial, especially in cases of high fever and diarrhea.
Cramps can be seen

Sweating is an important cooling mechanism for the body. Helps cool skin On the other hand, as we sweat, we lose salt and some minerals. If sweat losses are not compensated by fluid intake, regulation of body temperature cannot be achieved, and blood pressure to muscles can be reduced and muscle cramps and muscle contractions can be observed.

The intestines also need water to function properly. If you consume less water, digestive problems and constipation can become a problem. Insufficient water consumption can cause heartburn. Thirst can create an extremely acidic stomach that can promote the development of ulcers.
Kidney stone paving the ground

The kidneys need water for filtration of waste from the bloodstream and for urinary excretion. The kidneys dilute and dispose of harmful wastes (urea, creatinine, uric acid) that occur every day in our body. People who take less fluid than their daily needs can easily develop urinary tract inflammation and stones because urine flow will slow down. Insufficient water consumption can lead to renal failure in the long term.
For flexible skin

About 30 percent of our skin is water. Water is necessary to maintain skin moisture and give the skin cells the necessary nutrients. It renews the skin texture and increases its elasticity. This helps to delay the appearance of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. When less water is consumed, skin disorders and wrinkles are encountered earlier.
Important even for your joints

The cartilage in the joints and discs of the spine contains about 80 percent water. When drinking water is sufficient, cartilages work better and the well-lubricated spine can move more easily. Friction on the smoother spine is less affected. When thirst increases, it can cause degeneration and damage, causing severe pain.
Extends the duration of migraine attacks

Thirst can also cause headaches. Some observational studies say that drinking insufficient water can prolong migraine durations. We attribute the cause of the headache during the day to stress, fatigue, insomnia or illness. However, if you often suffer from headaches during the day and the unrelenting headaches turn into migraine, the main reason for this is that you do not drink water.

Clean Electrolyte Tablets, no Common Fillers no Silica, Magnesium Stearate or Silicon Dioxide - Rapid Rehydration, Muscle Cramping, Hangover Recovery and Keto Diet Support– Hydration Pack on a Pill

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 30 Stick Packs)

In winter to immersed in water

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 30 Stick Packs)

Most people think that they should drink plenty of water in summer and in winter they don't need it much. Contrary to popular belief, the body doesn't make any difference in summer and winter, it needs water at the same rate in every season. Drinking water relaxes and moisturizes the cold-drying skin; it also helps to control weight, which can become more difficult in winter. Anadolu Health Center Nutrition and Diet Specialist Ece Köprülü told about the requirements of drinking water in winter.

When was the last time you drank blood? The answer to this question is different for everyone, of course, but when you say k drinking water to blood birçok, the image that comes to the mind of many people probably belongs to the summer months. It is a fact that water consumption increases because the body sweats more in summer compared to all other seasons. What if we tell you that in the summer or in the winter it makes no difference to the body and that it needs water at the same rate in all seasons?

Before coming to the necessity of consuming water in winter, let's look at the importance of water for the body. Water is essential for all functions of the body. Even though its consumption seems to be ordinary, drinking water is vital for our lives and health. Considering that 60 percent of the body is water, water is really an essential drink that should be consumed; All systems of the body are connected to water. First of all, it is the only liquid that enables the digestion, absorption and transport of nutrients to the cells. Therefore, it is effective in the operation of the digestive and excretory system in general. However, since it provides a moist environment to the ears, nose and throat, the water consumed regularly every day helps strengthen the immune system and thus protects against diseases. It has a preventive effect especially in upper respiratory infections, influenza infections and urinary tract infections. Some kind of natural medicine for water. When sufficient water is not consumed, especially liver and kidney functions may be impaired; which in the long run makes us have to deal with serious illnesses.

However, especially during the transition periods of the season, the body becomes more tired and immunity weakens more easily. In order to prevent this and keep your daily energy high, you must consume water.

Consume as much water in summer as in winter

What is possible not to drink water in a scorching summer, especially in hot summers? Even those who say, içmek I never think of drinking water koş run into water in such periods. In winter, when we do not sweat much, drinking water often does not occur to us. However, for the body, it doesn't make any difference in summer or winter, it needs water at the same rate. So, how to adjust the amount of water consumption? On a normal day, if we move too much or not, the person needs to consume at least 8-10 glasses of water. This ratio actually varies from person to person; for example, a 30-year-old, 160 cm tall woman weighing 50 kilograms should consume 8 glasses of water per day; A 40-year-old man, 190 cm tall and weighing 90 kilograms is recommended to consume 12 glasses of water per day. On average, consuming 2-3 liters of water per day is essential for the overall health of individuals. However, it should be remembered that consuming more than 5 liters of water per day and not urinating at the appropriate rate can have extremely dangerous consequences.

For even more radiant skin in winter…

Dryness is a major problem for many skin types. Especially in the winter months ... Many skin experts, the first place in skin care is to moisturize. In winter, with the cooling of the air indoors, the air conditioner or other heaters become hotter, so there are many changes in body temperature. When it suddenly enters the heat from cold air, the skin loses its moisture and begins to dry and even crack as a result of excessive drying. Therefore, maintaining water consumption in winter as well as in summer is a point that those who take care of their skin should not forget. Either we should take water in the place we go, or we should carry a bottle of water with us.

The fact that the moisture balance of the skin deteriorates and wrinkles more quickly in people who do not drink enough water is proven by various experiments. So drinking water is indispensable for the beauty of the skin. As we get older and come across with external factors, the skin becomes worn out over time, losing its elasticity and examining it; this is a very normal process. However, before protecting the skin with cosmetic materials, it is necessary to give importance to water consumption in order to make it healthier. An unhealthy-looking skin is a skin that has lost moisture and becomes dull. Such skin will certainly wrinkle faster and look older. Therefore, instead of relying on cosmetic materials alone and exposing our skin to tons of chemicals, it is a much healthier way to take care to regulate our daily water consumption first.

Does drinking water support weight control?

Water is a panacea. In addition to rejuvenating and rejuvenating the skin, it is also an important support in maintaining weight balance. Water is a calorie-free beverage that is effective in weight loss and preservation programs because it creates a feeling of saturation when drunk. As soon as you wake up in the morning, a glass of water on an empty stomach awakens the metabolism that sleeps during the night and activates the inactive intestines during the night to clean it. One or two glasses of water, which is drunk 30 minutes before meals, gives us a feeling of satiety, which helps us eat less. You may feel hungry when you do not drink water between meals; this is called “emotional hunger.. With this feeling, you can direct yourself to a snack. However, if you drink a large glass of water instead, you will know that your stomach is full and only your body is thirsty. This pure drink, which is also effective in the study of metabolism, makes the digestive system work. By doing this, it also helps the intestines to function regularly; thus preventing a possible constipation. Various toxic and acidic wastes are produced by oxidation in the body during digestion. In particular, these harmful wastes accumulated in the kidneys are thrown from the body thanks to water.

In addition, water plays a critical role in balancing body temperature. In winter, in cold weather the body narrows the diameter of the vessels to prevent heat loss. As a result, blood flow from deep tissues to the skin surface decreases; therefore the body gets more cold. If we do not drink enough water, we will slow down the blood circulation even further, thus drinking a small amount of water lowers the body temperature. In order to prevent heat loss, it is very important that we consume the amount of water required for our body.

Recommended for those who do not like to drink water…

People who don't like to consume water can make the water drink more enjoyable by putting fresh fruits and vegetables such as lemon, cinnamon, mint leaves, apple and grapefruit in the jug where the water is located. Since these are more remarkable in terms of their color, especially when taken into consideration, they will attract one's attention and encourage him to drink more water.

Can I have tea and coffee instead of water?

For some, with no liquid consumption, water consumption is equivalent. Many of us turn to drinks such as tea, coffee and cola when we are thirsty. However, drinks such as tea and coffee do not meet the body's water needs. However, they meet the daily fluid need. To explain this issue in a little more detail; water, a beverage containing natural minerals in itself. The calorie value is zero and the drink is closest to the body's pH (acid-base balance). If we consider that 60 percent of the body is water, we can say that all of its systems are connected to water. Therefore, more acidic beverages such as tea and coffee do not provide the same effect to the body. The amount of water a person should take daily is different from the amount of liquid. It is the amount of water taken from tea, coffee, soup, vegetables and salads. The amount of water is taken from pure drinking water. Especially when we consume soups with high content of coffee and tea or salt, the body meets the need for liquid and actually holds the existing water. Because we don't drink enough water while consuming them, there is not enough water in the body to remove salt or acidic waste. For this reason, the swelling of the body occurs more edema formation. For these reasons, beverages such as tea and coffee should never be replaced with water, and we should drink as much water as we consume.

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 30 Stick Packs)

Precision Hydration SweatSalts - 15 Blister Packed (Waterproof) Electrolyte/Salt Capsules - Combat Cramp - All Natural Digestion-Friendly Formula - Gluten Free, Vegan/Vegetarian Friendly

Frequently Asked Questions About Water

Precision Hydration SweatSalts - 15 Blister Packed (Waterproof) Electrolyte/Salt Capsules - Combat Cramp - All Natural Digestion-Friendly Formula - Gluten Free, Vegan/Vegetarian Friendly

How much water should we drink a day?

Water is lost from our body through digestion, sweating and breathing. As a basic principle we can say the following: The amount of water lost must be replaced.

We should take at least 1/36 of our body weight in approximately one day. For example, 72 kg. The water requirement of a person weighing at least 2 liters per day. Even if we assume that part of this need is taken through various foods, an adult should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day. This amount is the minimum recommended for adults by nutritionists.
What is the importance of water in human life?

Water is vital in human life. Water is not only an object necessary for life but actually life itself. It is the place where the first life began, and the nature that surrounds us is a very valuable element that has no substitutes for the life of the mother and creatures. In the case of abundance, its value is incomprehensible, whereas in its absence, it is synonymous with death.

Indeed, the human body is largely composed of water. The proportion of water in our bodies varies throughout our life. While 75% of the body weight of a newborn baby consists of water, this rate is 70% in children, 60% in adults and 50% in the elderly. An adult person needs 2-3 liters of water per day to be supplied with food.

Water has very important functions in the human body. The main ones are as follows:

a) Water is a biological solvent and, with its role as solvent, provides both the transport and dissolution of vitamins and minerals in the body,
b) Water plays a very important role in regulating body temperature,
c) Undertakes a basic task in moisturizing the skin, removing toxins and cleansing the body,
d) Facilitates the functioning of the kidneys,
e) Ensures the proper functioning of many organs as it is a lubricant.
The Role of Water in our Body - In summary;

75% of the brain water / moderate dehydration can cause headache and dizziness.
Water is necessary for breathing.
Regulates body temperature.
It carries nutrients and oxygen to all cells.
92% of the blood is water.
Moisturizes oxygen to breathe.
Their vital organs serve as choirs and pillows.
Helps convert food into energy.
Helps absorption of nutrients.
Removes waste.
22% of the bones are water.
75% of the muscles are water.
It relaxes the joints, the pillows.

Effects of water on human body

To meet the body's daily loss of water, experts say that a normal person should drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. [2] It is stated that the results of water loss as a percentage of body weight may be:

1%: feeling of thirst, deterioration of heat scheme, decreased performance
2%: heat increase, increased thirst sensation
3%: thoroughly deterioration of body heat order, feeling of excessive thirst,
4%: 20-30% decrease in physical performance
5%: headache, fatigue
6%: weakness, tremor
7%: fainting if physical activity persists
10%: loss of consciousness
11%: possible death

Precision Hydration SweatSalts - 15 Blister Packed (Waterproof) Electrolyte/Salt Capsules - Combat Cramp - All Natural Digestion-Friendly Formula - Gluten Free, Vegan/Vegetarian Friendly

Advocare Rehydrate Electrolyte Replacement Drink Mix - Berry Lemon Ice

How much water does your body need?

Advocare Rehydrate Electrolyte Replacement Drink Mix - Berry Lemon Ice

'8-10 glasses of water per day' sentence is engraved in your brain, although the fact that the need for water varies from person to person, and in fact, the cause of many health problems did you know that our body to leave without water?

Hospital Derindere Internal Medicine Specialist We talked with Ergün Kasapoğlu about the importance of water in our bodies…

55-75% of your body weight is water

Water accounts for about 83% of blood, 73% of muscles, 25% of body fat, and 22% of bones.
The first sign that you don't meet your fluid needs is thirst!
Thirst is one of the first warning signals you may be dehydrated; but it is not the only signal. Other early symptoms include fatigue, reddened skin, faster breathing, increased pulse rate, and difficulty exercising. Less common symptoms are weakness and dizziness. If you think you are dehydrated, sit in a cool place and meet your fluid needs by consuming slowly. Drinking fluids at a time can stimulate urination, causing your body to retain less water.

'For at least 8 glasses of water per day' Is it true? Is that wrong?

Although there is no evidence to support this, you should not ignore the need to drink water. Men should consume approximately 2.5-3 liters of water per day and women should consume 2-2.5 liters of water; however, this requirement also includes water from all food and beverages. Unless most people are exposed to heat for a long time or are not very active, the amount of fluid consumed daily is sufficient.

20% of your water needs from food

People receive about 20% of their water needs from food during the day. 84% of apples, 74% of bananas and 91% of broccoli are water. Even foods that you consider not to contain water contain about 30% water. For example, 30% of a simple bagel is 55% of ground beef.

Exercising in hot and humid weather increases your water requirement

Therefore, do not exercise outdoors when the weather is very hot and humid. If you need to exercise, take longer breaks, reduce your training intensity and wear suitable for your sport. Take a break from sports to drink water every 20 minutes on average.
Your body determines your water needs.

• Age: Children lose fluid more easily than adults. Therefore, they need plenty of fluids. Older people may need more fluids because they tend to lose their sense of thirst and because of health problems.
• Gender: Men need more fluids than women. Especially pregnant women should have more fluid consumption.
• Weight: Heavier people need more water.
• Health: People with diabetes, cystic fibrosis, and kidney disease have more fluid needs than other people.
• Environment: You need more fluids in extreme hot, cold or humid weather conditions and high altitudes.

Adults lose about 10 glasses of water a day.

Your body, which has lost water while performing functions such as breathing, sweating and urinating, compensates for this loss with food and drinks.
The color of your urine indicates your need for water.

An easy way to monitor your fluid loss level is to check the color of your urine. If your urine is dark, you are dehydrated. Consume enough fluid to keep your urine lighter. Other practical ways to monitor your fluid status include considering your body weight (losing weight when you lose water) and sweating (the more you sweat, the more water you lose).

You can also meet your water needs with sodium-containing beverages

Sodium is one of the electrolytes that your body loses during exercise, and your body needs it. That's why sports drinks are usually rich in sodium. Alcoholic beverages and snacks can also trigger thirst and help keep liquids. But too much salt can increase your blood pressure and in some people can worsen heart disease.

Fluid consumption does not only quench your thirst!

Every cell, tissue and organ in your body has water. Fluid consumption helps to transport nutrients, get rid of toxins, keep your temperature at the right level, lubricate joints, moisturize your skin and many other things.

Advocare Rehydrate Electrolyte Replacement Drink Mix - Berry Lemon Ice

AdvoCare Rehydrate Berry Lemon Ice Single-Serving 14-Pouches 0.42 oz


AdvoCare Rehydrate Berry Lemon Ice Single-Serving 14-Pouches 0.42 oz

Most of us don't give enough attention to water. Usually we focus on calories and we don't fall on it because water has no calorie value. We all realize that water is vital to our lives. Does this change when it comes to sports? No. The importance of water in sports is great. When it comes to sports, water is the most important compound for our health and performance. As athletes, this is even more critical for us because we consume more resources.

Duties of Water

Water plays a role in cellular activities, removing toxin substances from the body, increasing oxygen to the blood, regulating body temperature, being used in digestion and fat metabolism.
To Burn Fat For Water

Water is also of great importance for burning fat. The kidneys need water to remove harmful substances from the body. If there is not enough water, the kidneys cannot perform this task properly, so the liver comes into play. Our liver is responsible for turning stored fat into energy that can be used for the brain and body. But because it helps the kidneys can not perform this task effectively. Therefore, paying attention to our water intake is also very important for us to burn fat .
How do we know that we drink enough water?

Water intake varies depending on the person, temperature, clothing and activity. In a study, it was found that there was a performance loss of up to 19% in water loss of 3% in anaerobic muscle strength. [1] So we have to replace the lost water. The easiest way we can use to understand that we drink enough water is to follow our urine color. A light yellow urine indicates that we have had enough water. If this color is dark yellow, it means that we should drink more water. At the same time, dry mouth, dizziness, feeling weak, heat stroke, muscle spasms are indications that we are dehydrated, and we should drink water before taking these precautions.
Suggestions for drinking enough water

Having a bottle of water with us during the day will make it easier for us to drink enough water. Since caffeinated drinks will cause water loss, we should not consume it to quench our thirst. We can keep a bottle of water with us and drink with small sips during the training. Isotonic sports drink (with similar content to salt and sugar concentration in the body) can be used in long, strenuous and fluid loss trainings, matches and competitions beyond 1 hour [2]. These beverages also contain 3% carbohydrate and sodium, thus helping to prevent mineral loss.
Isotonic beverage sample:

- 250 ml concentrated orange juice

- 750 ml of water

- 1 teaspoon of salt

Starting to drink water 2 hours before the training will prevent us from starting without training will reduce water loss.

During Ramadan:
While fasting during Ramadan, water has the same importance for us. Therefore, we should not reduce our daily water intake. We should consume 3-4 liters of water (depending on the person) from iftar to sahur, especially if we are doing intensive training.

AdvoCare Rehydrate Berry Lemon Ice Single-Serving 14-Pouches 0.42 oz

Re:Play Hydration Recovery Drink Powder, Tropical Breeze - 436g tub, 30 Servings

How Much Water Should We Drink, How Many LT Does Daily Water Need?

Re:Play Hydration Recovery Drink Powder, Tropical Breeze - 436g tub, 30 Servings

There is an issue where everyone approaches with different data and it is difficult to reach the right result, which is how many liters of water a person should drink per day for his health. The most important point to know here is that there are multiple factors that affect daily water demand. If you provide a water consumption that suits your age, climate and lifestyle, you can benefit from the benefits of water to the human body.

Baby and children

When a human being is born, the water content in his body is around 90%. This rate decreases a little more each day. As you get closer to childhood, the proportion of water in the body decreases to 70% and as you can imagine, it decreases with age. That is, a person should consume more water as he grows up or ages.

Differences according to climate and health

Every person's need to drink water may vary according to the climatic conditions. Experts say that on average 8-9 glasses of water should be drunk. But climatic conditions may require you to consume more water. In general, doctors think that a person living in a temperate climate should drink 8-9 glasses of water per day. You should not forget that there is no harm, but you have to balance well.

How much water do you lose

When a person moves enough to meet their basic needs for a day, he loses about 1 liter of water. In order to end the day in a healthy way, this lost water must be returned to the body. When you do not replace the water lost by the body with breathing, sweating and bowel movements, dehydration starts in the body and the door opens to various health problems with long-term effects.

Factors affecting water demand

Water requirements may vary from day to day. This is because of the differences you experience with your activities, weather and health during the day. The amount of exercise you make during the day plays a decisive role in your water needs. When determining your daily water needs, you also need to pay attention to environmental factors. Hot and humid weather will create the need for extra water. Living in a high place likewise increases the need for water. The daily water requirement is considered to be 8-9 glasses, but especially in the summer months, drinking as much water as you can will be a healthy and correct decision in every respect.

Re:Play Hydration Recovery Drink Powder, Tropical Breeze - 436g tub, 30 Servings

Electrolyte Stamina Power Pak Watermelon Flavor 30 Packets

8 Signs on Your Body When You Not Drinking Enough Water

Electrolyte Stamina Power Pak Watermelon Flavor 30 Packets

We all need water to survive. No one can live without water. Water also keeps the inner workings of our body at the highest level.

Water should be regularly drunk to keep the body healthy. Because water helps to regulate body temperature and improves digestion. Water also helps to remove all toxins from the body and produces the necessary body fluids.

However, one of the most important features of water is that water is an excellent separator. This means that many chemical reactions that support vitality take place in the aquatic environment.

Failure to drink enough water after reading all of these can cause serious complications. At this point, it is important for you to know that juices, tea, energy drinks and coffee do not count as the body's need for water. You should also remember that energy drinks and coffee are rich in caffeine and caffeine leaves the body dehydrated.

Our bodies usually tell us when we need water. However, in this article, you will read some of the signs your body sends you that you don't consume enough water.

1- Frequency of urine

A healthy person peeds about 6-7 times a day. This figure is different in every person because not everyone drinks the same amount of water. Those who urinate 2-3 times a day or who did not urinate in a few hours should consume more water. That way your body tells you you don't consume enough water. Your kidneys may have many difficulties because you do not consume enough water. This means that your kidneys cannot filter out all impurities in your body. Therefore, if you want your body to function properly, you should drink the right amount of water per day.

2- Dry skin

Your skin needs water to be bright and smooth. Your skin always needs water to stay healthy. When you consume regular water, your skin will not be dry and soft enough to touch. If you have dry skin, your skin is dehydrated. Another indication that your body is deprived of water is that it needs water if your skin continues to dry after applying lotions or wax creams to your skin. Therefore, if you want to meet the water needs of your body, you should drink a few glasses of water every hour. So your skin will be healthy and surprisingly soft and smooth.

3- Headache

Maybe you didn't know that, but a lot of headaches are caused by thirst. Headache due to dehydration is slightly different from normal headaches. Because this type of headache is the worst in any fast movement. This means that when you try to take something, move quickly, or move up and down the ladder, the pain becomes worse. If you have this type of headache, it means your body is deprived of water. Usually, this type of headache occurs when you do not drink enough liquid or if you are very sweaty. Therefore, you can consume plenty of water when you feel this type of headache. However, remember to take fluids slowly and easily.

4- Dry mouth

Reduction of saliva in the mouth causes dry mouth. If you experience constant dry mouth, you may suffer permanent damage to your throat and mouth. Dry mouth is usually caused by a lack of water in your body. However, taking a large amount of medication can also prevent the production of saliva in your mouth. Therefore, if the mouth continues to dry, you should carry a bottle of water with you.

5- Urine color

A dark discoloration in your urine may indicate a significant condition. Urine color should be clear. If your urine color continues to darken, you should immediately begin to consume more water, and slowly drink water to allow your body to move water slowly to the necessary organs.

6- Hunger

Did you feel hungry even though you had just eaten? Probably the aperitifs were not the solution either. But this is not the case. This is the signal that your body is dehydrated to you. You feel hunger because often your body can confuse hunger with thirst. So when you feel hungry after another meal, try drinking water instead of snacks. Water will satisfy your hunger. Because you're not hungry, you're dehydrated.

7- Dizziness

Sometimes when you feel light in your head, you don't need to panic, because it probably means your body has lost too much fluid and is dehydrated. You should be aware that the accumulation of fluid in the inner ear can also cause dizziness. When you feel dizzy, all you have to do is drink a glass of water. You should also know that this is very common among athletes who stay in the sun for a long time.

8- Symptoms of chronic dehydration

You should also know that there are some symptoms that indicate a chronic fluid loss. Also, it is very important to you that any of these symptoms appear due to fluid loss and should not be ignored.

These symptoms include:

Urinary tract infections
Early aging
Confusion / Anxiety
High cholesterol

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RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports, Hangover Cure and Everyday Beverage, 3X More Electrolytes, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Flavor) (Acai Berry)


RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports, Hangover Cure and Everyday Beverage, 3X More Electrolytes, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Flavor) (Acai Berry)

The miracle from nature: What are the benefits of thermal water to the body?

The thermal waters, which provide us with minerals from the source of thermal waters, are good for many diseases and reduce the effects of diseases.

It provides the minerals from the source of thermal waters to us, to heal the ailments caused by many diseases. Thermal waters with different properties provide healing effects for different diseases. It warms you up in winter with its warm water and it is quite good for your physical and mental fatigue.

What are the benefits of thermal water?

Thermal water should be a stopover point for everyone especially during the season passes and winter months. This mineral water is extremely beneficial to health, even healthy bodies need.

If you want to get an effective result from Thermal Waters, we recommend you to visit Armas Thermal frequently.

The benefits of thermal are not limited to counting, but the strong minerals it contains are what make thermal water special. Thanks to the minerals in the thermal water, it is easily absorbed on the body side in contact with the skin. With this feature, rich mineral thermal waters are the source of healing for us.

Thermal Water: Regulates and accelerates metabolism.

The slowing down of the metabolism is a condition that makes you feel physically negative and complains. The time spent in the healing thermal water accelerates human metabolism.

Spa water is good for people who have indigestion problems. In addition, human metabolism is accelerated by the exercises performed in the spa water.

Thermal Water: Relieves and heals the pain of rheumatism.

Rheumatic pains adversely affect people's daily lives. Thanks to the spa waters, rheumatism pains create relaxation in people.

The severity of the pain in the problematic area is reduced by the minerals contained in the hot water. Hot spring water, joint pain or low back pain is also good.

Thermal Water: Refreshes your skin and reduces your skin problems.

Skin diseases, such as allergies and eczema, which adversely affect both your body and your mental health, are healed by thermal waters. When minerals are processed into the skin, itching occurs in the problem areas or areas of the skin, suggesting that allergy zones have healed after thermal water treatment.

It has a calming effect on your body by reducing tension and stress. It's also good for your soul.

Thermal water as well as psychological benefits to your body is very much psychological. With its thermal water relaxation feature, it will help to relax the body and soul, especially during the time spent in the thermal water temperature on stressful and intense paced days. Thermal waters that provide relief of swelling in the body are literally like a therapy in every aspect.


Armas Thermal contains high mineral, high temperature healing water. Rheumatic and orthopedic patients see our thermal water as a treatment method and frequently visit our hotel. Our hot and rich mineral water has a well-deserved reputation for drinking cures.

RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports, Hangover Cure and Everyday Beverage, 3X More Electrolytes, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Flavor) (Acai Berry)

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 10 Stick Packs)

How Many Liters of Water Should You Drink?

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 10 Stick Packs)

We hear everywhere için For water, for water ””, için For at least 1,5 liters per day ”, için For 8 glasses of water per day”… Again, it is a confusing subject. Let's look at this first; Why drink water? Women, men, large, small, everyone should drink water. Water plays a vital role in cell health by carrying vitamins, minerals and glucose to the cells. We need water for chemical and metabolic reactions in our bodies. The use of nutrients in the body and excretion from the body occurs with water. Water also plays a role in regulating body temperature. 90% of a developing embryo, 75-80% of a newborn baby, 60-70% of adults and 50-60% of the elderly are water. Two-thirds of this water is found in the cells, the remainder in the inter-tissue fluid and blood.

So how much water should we drink? There is no absolute answer to this question. Some drink 3 cups, some 3 liters. There are many decisive criteria here; for example, the climate of the place where the person lives. The water needs of a person living in the South East and the water needs of a person living in Central Anatolia are not the same. Another criterion is daily activities. One who works all day at a desk and someone who works in the field under the sun is not the one who needs water. A person who does sports and a sedentary does not need the same amount of water. And another important criterion is diet. Anyone who eats plenty of fruit and vegetables needs to drink less water. On the contrary, someone who is fed dry should drink more water. A protein-rich diet leads to the formation of urea, which in turn leads to an increase in water loss as the amount of urine increases. In this case you need to drink more water. If you're not sure you're drinking enough water, maybe you should pay attention to these 2 points; 1. Is your urine dark or light? 2. Do you want to eat junk food, or eat often?

Your urine should be light. And you have to urinate 8-10 times a day.

If you want to eat often, your body needs to get water from the food, you did not drink enough water.

The question is more valuable than the amount of water;

1. When should I drink water? As soon as you wake up in the morning, the water you drink is necessary for the body to cleanse itself, because the body does not eat all night and has entered the detoxification process. Drinking water at the latest 15 minutes before meals and at the earliest 1 hour after meals and not to drink water during meals are important times for effective completion of digestion.

2. Where should I drink the water? Unfortunately, almost everyone in Turkey from plastic bottles, are drinking water from plastic bottles. These bottles contain many health-threatening chemicals, particularly BPA. For example, BPA has been proven to cause many problems such as growth disorders, congenital problems, heart diseases, increased risk of diabetes and cancer. Especially in contact with heat, plastic bottles are much more dangerous. It is not possible to drink because the tap water contains many chemical wastes. In this case, use a scientifically proven filter, filter tap water or plastic bottle water and drink. Only the reliability of the filter is very important here.

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 10 Stick Packs)

RecoverORS Clinical Electrolytes | Hydration for Hangover, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Diarrhea for Adults | Oral Rehydration Solution ORS

The amazing benefits of drinking water, how much water should you drink a day?

RecoverORS Clinical Electrolytes | Hydration for Hangover, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Diarrhea for Adults | Oral Rehydration Solution ORS

Proper amount of water consumption is vital for all organs, especially kidneys, heart and liver. Upset. Dr. Mahmut Demirci, gave information about the benefits of water.

Many people do not consume enough water during the day due to their intensity, forgetfulness or frequent consumption of different liquids. However, proper water consumption is vital for all organs, especially the kidneys, heart and liver. Drinking less water can lead to many negative conditions, from weight gain to serious illnesses. Upset. Dr. Mahmut Demirci, gave information about the benefits of water.


Water, which is vital for living beings, maintains all biological life and activities. Only 3% of the earth's water is fresh water. The vast majority of these fresh water resources are located in glaciers. Water, which is a biological solvent, provides the transport and dissolution of vitamins and minerals in the body. Inadequate and healthy water consumption, especially kidneys, heart, liver, such as organs can lead to vital negativities, body temperature imbalances, skin dryness, indigestion, headache and forgetfulness can cause.

Do not prefer other drinks to water

In order to carry out vital functions in a healthy way, sufficient water must be consumed. Consuming 8-9 cups or 2-2.5 liters of water per day meets the body's need for water. Those who do not like the taste of water or who experience nausea; they can sweeten the juice in sliced ​​fruit slices or vegetables such as pond and celery. Drinks such as tea and coffee should not be replaced by water as it increases the discharge of water from the body.

Feed your kidneys with water

While you can live without food for days, you can live without water but for a few days. The most important effect of not consuming enough water is seen in water-fed kidneys. The harmful substances such as urea, creatine and uric acid formed in the body are diluted with water and excreted from the kidneys. Since the lack of sufficient water slows down the urinary flow, urinary tract inflammation and kidney stones may progress to renal failure. In countries where access to clean water resources such as Africa is difficult, kidney diseases are the most common discomfort.

Protect from heart disease with water

Heart diseases, especially heart attacks, are closely related to water. Researches; There is a significant difference in heart attack between those who pay attention to daily water consumption and those who do not. It is known that in the dehydrated body, the blood thickens and the tendency to coagulate increases. As a result, blood pressure imbalances, palpitations, arrhythmia and heart failure can be seen. The inability of the heart to function properly may have negative consequences in the liver and lung.

Keep water out of your life against infectious diseases

Water has an important place in daily hygiene. When the amount of water consumed for nutrition is combined with the hygiene of the body and nutrients, one needs about 20 liters of clean water per day. Just cleaning the hands with soap and water is a shield against many infectious diseases. Diseases such as typhoid fever and diarrhea have fatal consequences in countries where clean water resources are not available. Water consumption is also important to create body resistance to infectious diseases such as influenza.

Water for shimmering skin

The largest organ of the body is proportional to the size of the skin's need for water. In cases where the circulatory system cannot bring enough water to the skin, that is, not enough water is consumed, the intracellular water decreases and the repair rate of the skin decreases. Daily water consumption should be considered for a healthy, soft, moisturized skin without aging effects.

Water increases metabolic rate

The idea of ​​throwing fat in the urine by drinking water does not reflect the truth. However, regular water consumption accelerates metabolism. Regular consumption of water, which is “0 düzenli calories, can result in less food. Drinking water when you wake up in the morning and in the evening creates a feeling of satiety and can indirectly help to lose weight. In addition, saliva and gastric secretion of water is involved in the digestion of nutrients.

In addition, not enough water is consumed;

• Forgetfulness and concentration disorder
• Headache
• Constipation
• Hair loss and dandruff
• Lack of milk in lactating women
• It may cause problems such as muscle cramps.

RecoverORS Clinical Electrolytes | Hydration for Hangover, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Diarrhea for Adults | Oral Rehydration Solution ORS

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (96)

Water and Health

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (96)


At the UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the United Nations General Assembly decided to celebrate March 22 as “World Water Day her each year due to the increasing importance of water in the world. Since 1995, World Water Day is celebrated every year with a different theme emphasis. In this article, we will emphasize the theme of “Water and Health..


Water is the most important element after oxygen for human life. Although people can survive for weeks without taking food; can live only a few days without water.

The water content of the human body varies between 42 and 71% of body pain by age and sex. The children's body has a high proportion of water, and as age gets older, water is being replaced by fat. On average, 59% of the adult human body is water. On average, 60% of the body water is in the cell and 40% is in the extracellular fluid.

Among the main tasks of water,
• Digestion, absorption and transport of food into cells;
• Disposal of the nutrients in the cells, which are formed as a result of the metabolism of the nutrients, to the lungs and kidneys for disposal
• Control of body temperature,
• Ensuring the lubricity of joints,
• Transportation of electrolytes,
• Humidification of body tissues such as mouth, eyes and nose,
• The presence of body fluids such as blood, gastric fluid, saliva, urine in the body,
• Preventing constipation by softening the stool,
• Regulation of body temperature is involved.

All elements of the human body except the bones, skin, connective tissues and lipids are in solution in water. Reactions in the cells occur in this solution. The heat generated in the body is thrown out with sweat. Evaporating about 1 liter of water by evaporating sweat eliminates 600 calories of heat.

Water Requirement and Resources

Human, water needs generally; metabolism, nutrients and beverages. Water is formed as a result of metabolism of nutrients. The amount of metabolic water varies according to the composition of the diet. According to the protein content of the diet high carbohydrate and fat, increases the amount of metabolic water.

The body needs a constant supply of water for regular body functions. During intensive work outside, especially on hot and humid days, water is lost from the body. Only 0.5-1 kilograms of water loss from the body, creates a sense of thirst. A little more loss results in reductions in strength and strength. There is a risk of heatstroke or heat shock in people who experience high temperature loss of fluid for a long time. When a person loses all of the carbohydrates and fat in his body, half of the proteins and 10% of body water, his life is in danger. A 20% decrease in body water results in death. An adult person receives an average of 1 liter of water per day for drinks and 1.2 liters of water for food. 1 mL (1 gram) of water should be taken for every 1 kcal of energy taken from the diet. This amount is 1.5 mL (1.5 grams) in infants. In adults, an average of 2.5 liters (about 10 cups) of water per day is lost with sweat (even when we sit down), urine, feces and respiration. On average, 500 mL of water is lost from the human body daily through the skin, 300 mL from the lungs, 1500 mL from the urine from the kidneys and 200 mL from the intestines. These amounts vary according to climate and working conditions, diseases, composition of diet and body's hormone balance. Unlike other nutrients, the body does not store water and does not provide an extra source when the need arises. In order to prevent loss of water and to maintain normal functioning of the body, the lost fluid must be replaced.

Excessive water loss is caused by sweating or evaporating through the skin during heavy work or exercise. You can start with 8 cups of water per day to meet your daily water needs. Depending on the increase in the duration and intensity of physical activity, it is useful to drink as much as 1-3 cups per hour.

Caffeine-containing tea, coffee and some non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages cause an increase in urine and cause loss of water from the body.

After the reactions in the body, the maximum amount of water per 1 gram is formed by the reaction of the fat, followed by carbohydrate and protein, respectively. Lots of protein and salt in the diet increases water loss from the kidneys. On the other hand, high carbohydrate diet reduces water requirement.

In kidney diseases, as a result of the deterioration of the filtration function of the kidney, water accumulation in the body or excessive water loss occurs. The need for water increases in all diseases and functional disorders that cause water loss and diarrhea from the intestines. In cases of fever, diarrhea and vomiting, water loss is high. During pregnancy and lactation women need fluid. During long-term air travel or exposure to heat, water evaporates from the skin. For example, excessive water loss occurs as a result of air travel.

Why drink water?

First of all, water does not contain calories. This is really an advantage if you avoid taking extra calories. Normal soft drinks and alcoholic beverages contain calories. The amount of sodium in water is also low and does not contain fat and cholesterol. Also, unlike water, coffee, tea and some other beverages, it does not contain caffeine.

For Water For Health !!!

It is helpful to consume enough water (8-12 cups) throughout the day to keep your body's water level at normal levels. If you need to increase your water consumption during the day,
• It is recommended that you give arası water break öner instead of “coffee break”. If you want to eat something in your subconscious, having a mug of water on your desk will help to increase your water consumption.
• Pay attention to water in your meals and snacks. Complementing your food with water, milk or juice also helps in water consumption. In addition, sometimes starting your meals with soup will help you increase water consumption.
• Carrying 1 bottle of water with you while traveling or outside will make your water consumption easier.
• It is important for your health to drink water before, during and after physical activity, especially in hot weather. It is recommended that you consume 125-250 mL of water every 15-20 minutes during exercise. It is important that you consume water without waiting for thirst.

Water Cleaning

Finding clean water is one of the most important problems in developing countries.

If you are in doubt about providing safe water, it is better not to drink. Instead, it is safer for your health to take various measures to obtain purified water from bacteria that cause the spread of infectious diseases. For this,
• Report any doubts to your local public health department or water company, which can test your water in private laboratories.
• If you are using wells or spring water, have them tested regularly because you are responsible for their safety.
• To clean drinking water, it is necessary to boil the city water for at least 1 minute. Then place the boiled water in a sterile container.
• You can use iodine and chlorine tablets carefully to follow the instructions on the packages to clean the water.

The use of bottled water has become widespread in recent years. Today there are a wide variety of waters on the market shelves: these are artesian water, mineral water, soda, pure water and spring water. Artesian water is a kind of well water. Mineral water is water containing dissolved solids and minerals in standard proportions. Pure water or demineralized water is obtained by removing minerals from water in various ways. Soda is a kind of water with foaming properties. Spring water is a natural water from underground.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (96)