Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Clean Electrolyte Tablets, no Common Fillers no Silica, Magnesium Stearate or Silicon Dioxide - Rapid Rehydration, Muscle Cramping, Hangover Recovery and Keto Diet Support– Hydration Pack on a Pill

Why we drink less water: Inadequate water intake damages the body

Clean Electrolyte Tablets, no Common Fillers no Silica, Magnesium Stearate or Silicon Dioxide - Rapid Rehydration, Muscle Cramping, Hangover Recovery and Keto Diet Support– Hydration Pack on a Pill

Water is the main component of your vital organs such as your brain, liver and heart. It is a vital fluid for the gaps between your bones and even your cells. Therefore, not drinking enough water can cause a variety of damage from your skin to the basic organs of the body.

Remember that about 60 percent of our bodies are made up of water and that organs may need water. The body loses water through sweating, urine, and even breathing. In order for the vital activities to continue, the lost water must be replaced. Everyone's water needs vary according to weight and mobility. The amount of drinking water per kilo should be 30-40 ml. Failure to meet the daily enough water needs causes many problems from the kidneys to the skin. No water can have fatal consequences. Acıbadem Bakırköy Hospital Nutrition and

Diet Expert Ayça Güleryüz, warned how important it is to drink water.
Balances blood pressure

90 percent of the blood is water. Drinking water directly affects blood volume and blood pressure. In case of insufficient water, blood pressure balance cannot be adjusted and may cause an increase in blood pressure.
Three-quarters of the brain is water

75 percent of the brain consists of water. Mild levels of thirst can cause deterioration in mood and cognitive functions. While the concentration decreases as a result of thirst, the performance of cognitive function such as short-term memory decreases significantly. As hand-eye motor coordination can be impaired, it is difficult to perform delicate or detailed work and security weakness may occur.
Water against asthma attacks

When water consumption is reduced, the airways are restricted by the body to minimize water loss, potentially causing asthma and allergies to worsen. Adequate water consumption is important for the removal of microbes in our body in a short time. Water consumption is crucial, especially in cases of high fever and diarrhea.
Cramps can be seen

Sweating is an important cooling mechanism for the body. Helps cool skin On the other hand, as we sweat, we lose salt and some minerals. If sweat losses are not compensated by fluid intake, regulation of body temperature cannot be achieved, and blood pressure to muscles can be reduced and muscle cramps and muscle contractions can be observed.

The intestines also need water to function properly. If you consume less water, digestive problems and constipation can become a problem. Insufficient water consumption can cause heartburn. Thirst can create an extremely acidic stomach that can promote the development of ulcers.
Kidney stone paving the ground

The kidneys need water for filtration of waste from the bloodstream and for urinary excretion. The kidneys dilute and dispose of harmful wastes (urea, creatinine, uric acid) that occur every day in our body. People who take less fluid than their daily needs can easily develop urinary tract inflammation and stones because urine flow will slow down. Insufficient water consumption can lead to renal failure in the long term.
For flexible skin

About 30 percent of our skin is water. Water is necessary to maintain skin moisture and give the skin cells the necessary nutrients. It renews the skin texture and increases its elasticity. This helps to delay the appearance of aging, such as wrinkles and fine lines. When less water is consumed, skin disorders and wrinkles are encountered earlier.
Important even for your joints

The cartilage in the joints and discs of the spine contains about 80 percent water. When drinking water is sufficient, cartilages work better and the well-lubricated spine can move more easily. Friction on the smoother spine is less affected. When thirst increases, it can cause degeneration and damage, causing severe pain.
Extends the duration of migraine attacks

Thirst can also cause headaches. Some observational studies say that drinking insufficient water can prolong migraine durations. We attribute the cause of the headache during the day to stress, fatigue, insomnia or illness. However, if you often suffer from headaches during the day and the unrelenting headaches turn into migraine, the main reason for this is that you do not drink water.

Clean Electrolyte Tablets, no Common Fillers no Silica, Magnesium Stearate or Silicon Dioxide - Rapid Rehydration, Muscle Cramping, Hangover Recovery and Keto Diet Support– Hydration Pack on a Pill