Tuesday, September 10, 2019

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 30 Stick Packs)

In winter to immersed in water

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 30 Stick Packs)

Most people think that they should drink plenty of water in summer and in winter they don't need it much. Contrary to popular belief, the body doesn't make any difference in summer and winter, it needs water at the same rate in every season. Drinking water relaxes and moisturizes the cold-drying skin; it also helps to control weight, which can become more difficult in winter. Anadolu Health Center Nutrition and Diet Specialist Ece Köprülü told about the requirements of drinking water in winter.

When was the last time you drank blood? The answer to this question is different for everyone, of course, but when you say k drinking water to blood birçok, the image that comes to the mind of many people probably belongs to the summer months. It is a fact that water consumption increases because the body sweats more in summer compared to all other seasons. What if we tell you that in the summer or in the winter it makes no difference to the body and that it needs water at the same rate in all seasons?

Before coming to the necessity of consuming water in winter, let's look at the importance of water for the body. Water is essential for all functions of the body. Even though its consumption seems to be ordinary, drinking water is vital for our lives and health. Considering that 60 percent of the body is water, water is really an essential drink that should be consumed; All systems of the body are connected to water. First of all, it is the only liquid that enables the digestion, absorption and transport of nutrients to the cells. Therefore, it is effective in the operation of the digestive and excretory system in general. However, since it provides a moist environment to the ears, nose and throat, the water consumed regularly every day helps strengthen the immune system and thus protects against diseases. It has a preventive effect especially in upper respiratory infections, influenza infections and urinary tract infections. Some kind of natural medicine for water. When sufficient water is not consumed, especially liver and kidney functions may be impaired; which in the long run makes us have to deal with serious illnesses.

However, especially during the transition periods of the season, the body becomes more tired and immunity weakens more easily. In order to prevent this and keep your daily energy high, you must consume water.

Consume as much water in summer as in winter

What is possible not to drink water in a scorching summer, especially in hot summers? Even those who say, içmek I never think of drinking water koş run into water in such periods. In winter, when we do not sweat much, drinking water often does not occur to us. However, for the body, it doesn't make any difference in summer or winter, it needs water at the same rate. So, how to adjust the amount of water consumption? On a normal day, if we move too much or not, the person needs to consume at least 8-10 glasses of water. This ratio actually varies from person to person; for example, a 30-year-old, 160 cm tall woman weighing 50 kilograms should consume 8 glasses of water per day; A 40-year-old man, 190 cm tall and weighing 90 kilograms is recommended to consume 12 glasses of water per day. On average, consuming 2-3 liters of water per day is essential for the overall health of individuals. However, it should be remembered that consuming more than 5 liters of water per day and not urinating at the appropriate rate can have extremely dangerous consequences.

For even more radiant skin in winter…

Dryness is a major problem for many skin types. Especially in the winter months ... Many skin experts, the first place in skin care is to moisturize. In winter, with the cooling of the air indoors, the air conditioner or other heaters become hotter, so there are many changes in body temperature. When it suddenly enters the heat from cold air, the skin loses its moisture and begins to dry and even crack as a result of excessive drying. Therefore, maintaining water consumption in winter as well as in summer is a point that those who take care of their skin should not forget. Either we should take water in the place we go, or we should carry a bottle of water with us.

The fact that the moisture balance of the skin deteriorates and wrinkles more quickly in people who do not drink enough water is proven by various experiments. So drinking water is indispensable for the beauty of the skin. As we get older and come across with external factors, the skin becomes worn out over time, losing its elasticity and examining it; this is a very normal process. However, before protecting the skin with cosmetic materials, it is necessary to give importance to water consumption in order to make it healthier. An unhealthy-looking skin is a skin that has lost moisture and becomes dull. Such skin will certainly wrinkle faster and look older. Therefore, instead of relying on cosmetic materials alone and exposing our skin to tons of chemicals, it is a much healthier way to take care to regulate our daily water consumption first.

Does drinking water support weight control?

Water is a panacea. In addition to rejuvenating and rejuvenating the skin, it is also an important support in maintaining weight balance. Water is a calorie-free beverage that is effective in weight loss and preservation programs because it creates a feeling of saturation when drunk. As soon as you wake up in the morning, a glass of water on an empty stomach awakens the metabolism that sleeps during the night and activates the inactive intestines during the night to clean it. One or two glasses of water, which is drunk 30 minutes before meals, gives us a feeling of satiety, which helps us eat less. You may feel hungry when you do not drink water between meals; this is called “emotional hunger.. With this feeling, you can direct yourself to a snack. However, if you drink a large glass of water instead, you will know that your stomach is full and only your body is thirsty. This pure drink, which is also effective in the study of metabolism, makes the digestive system work. By doing this, it also helps the intestines to function regularly; thus preventing a possible constipation. Various toxic and acidic wastes are produced by oxidation in the body during digestion. In particular, these harmful wastes accumulated in the kidneys are thrown from the body thanks to water.

In addition, water plays a critical role in balancing body temperature. In winter, in cold weather the body narrows the diameter of the vessels to prevent heat loss. As a result, blood flow from deep tissues to the skin surface decreases; therefore the body gets more cold. If we do not drink enough water, we will slow down the blood circulation even further, thus drinking a small amount of water lowers the body temperature. In order to prevent heat loss, it is very important that we consume the amount of water required for our body.

Recommended for those who do not like to drink water…

People who don't like to consume water can make the water drink more enjoyable by putting fresh fruits and vegetables such as lemon, cinnamon, mint leaves, apple and grapefruit in the jug where the water is located. Since these are more remarkable in terms of their color, especially when taken into consideration, they will attract one's attention and encourage him to drink more water.

Can I have tea and coffee instead of water?

For some, with no liquid consumption, water consumption is equivalent. Many of us turn to drinks such as tea, coffee and cola when we are thirsty. However, drinks such as tea and coffee do not meet the body's water needs. However, they meet the daily fluid need. To explain this issue in a little more detail; water, a beverage containing natural minerals in itself. The calorie value is zero and the drink is closest to the body's pH (acid-base balance). If we consider that 60 percent of the body is water, we can say that all of its systems are connected to water. Therefore, more acidic beverages such as tea and coffee do not provide the same effect to the body. The amount of water a person should take daily is different from the amount of liquid. It is the amount of water taken from tea, coffee, soup, vegetables and salads. The amount of water is taken from pure drinking water. Especially when we consume soups with high content of coffee and tea or salt, the body meets the need for liquid and actually holds the existing water. Because we don't drink enough water while consuming them, there is not enough water in the body to remove salt or acidic waste. For this reason, the swelling of the body occurs more edema formation. For these reasons, beverages such as tea and coffee should never be replaced with water, and we should drink as much water as we consume.

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 30 Stick Packs)