Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Electrolyte Stamina Power Pak Watermelon Flavor 30 Packets

8 Signs on Your Body When You Not Drinking Enough Water

Electrolyte Stamina Power Pak Watermelon Flavor 30 Packets

We all need water to survive. No one can live without water. Water also keeps the inner workings of our body at the highest level.

Water should be regularly drunk to keep the body healthy. Because water helps to regulate body temperature and improves digestion. Water also helps to remove all toxins from the body and produces the necessary body fluids.

However, one of the most important features of water is that water is an excellent separator. This means that many chemical reactions that support vitality take place in the aquatic environment.

Failure to drink enough water after reading all of these can cause serious complications. At this point, it is important for you to know that juices, tea, energy drinks and coffee do not count as the body's need for water. You should also remember that energy drinks and coffee are rich in caffeine and caffeine leaves the body dehydrated.

Our bodies usually tell us when we need water. However, in this article, you will read some of the signs your body sends you that you don't consume enough water.

1- Frequency of urine

A healthy person peeds about 6-7 times a day. This figure is different in every person because not everyone drinks the same amount of water. Those who urinate 2-3 times a day or who did not urinate in a few hours should consume more water. That way your body tells you you don't consume enough water. Your kidneys may have many difficulties because you do not consume enough water. This means that your kidneys cannot filter out all impurities in your body. Therefore, if you want your body to function properly, you should drink the right amount of water per day.

2- Dry skin

Your skin needs water to be bright and smooth. Your skin always needs water to stay healthy. When you consume regular water, your skin will not be dry and soft enough to touch. If you have dry skin, your skin is dehydrated. Another indication that your body is deprived of water is that it needs water if your skin continues to dry after applying lotions or wax creams to your skin. Therefore, if you want to meet the water needs of your body, you should drink a few glasses of water every hour. So your skin will be healthy and surprisingly soft and smooth.

3- Headache

Maybe you didn't know that, but a lot of headaches are caused by thirst. Headache due to dehydration is slightly different from normal headaches. Because this type of headache is the worst in any fast movement. This means that when you try to take something, move quickly, or move up and down the ladder, the pain becomes worse. If you have this type of headache, it means your body is deprived of water. Usually, this type of headache occurs when you do not drink enough liquid or if you are very sweaty. Therefore, you can consume plenty of water when you feel this type of headache. However, remember to take fluids slowly and easily.

4- Dry mouth

Reduction of saliva in the mouth causes dry mouth. If you experience constant dry mouth, you may suffer permanent damage to your throat and mouth. Dry mouth is usually caused by a lack of water in your body. However, taking a large amount of medication can also prevent the production of saliva in your mouth. Therefore, if the mouth continues to dry, you should carry a bottle of water with you.

5- Urine color

A dark discoloration in your urine may indicate a significant condition. Urine color should be clear. If your urine color continues to darken, you should immediately begin to consume more water, and slowly drink water to allow your body to move water slowly to the necessary organs.

6- Hunger

Did you feel hungry even though you had just eaten? Probably the aperitifs were not the solution either. But this is not the case. This is the signal that your body is dehydrated to you. You feel hunger because often your body can confuse hunger with thirst. So when you feel hungry after another meal, try drinking water instead of snacks. Water will satisfy your hunger. Because you're not hungry, you're dehydrated.

7- Dizziness

Sometimes when you feel light in your head, you don't need to panic, because it probably means your body has lost too much fluid and is dehydrated. You should be aware that the accumulation of fluid in the inner ear can also cause dizziness. When you feel dizzy, all you have to do is drink a glass of water. You should also know that this is very common among athletes who stay in the sun for a long time.

8- Symptoms of chronic dehydration

You should also know that there are some symptoms that indicate a chronic fluid loss. Also, it is very important to you that any of these symptoms appear due to fluid loss and should not be ignored.

These symptoms include:

Urinary tract infections
Early aging
Confusion / Anxiety
High cholesterol

Electrolyte Stamina Power Pak Watermelon Flavor 30 Packets