Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Re:Play Hydration Recovery Drink Powder, Tropical Breeze - 436g tub, 30 Servings

How Much Water Should We Drink, How Many LT Does Daily Water Need?

Re:Play Hydration Recovery Drink Powder, Tropical Breeze - 436g tub, 30 Servings

There is an issue where everyone approaches with different data and it is difficult to reach the right result, which is how many liters of water a person should drink per day for his health. The most important point to know here is that there are multiple factors that affect daily water demand. If you provide a water consumption that suits your age, climate and lifestyle, you can benefit from the benefits of water to the human body.

Baby and children

When a human being is born, the water content in his body is around 90%. This rate decreases a little more each day. As you get closer to childhood, the proportion of water in the body decreases to 70% and as you can imagine, it decreases with age. That is, a person should consume more water as he grows up or ages.

Differences according to climate and health

Every person's need to drink water may vary according to the climatic conditions. Experts say that on average 8-9 glasses of water should be drunk. But climatic conditions may require you to consume more water. In general, doctors think that a person living in a temperate climate should drink 8-9 glasses of water per day. You should not forget that there is no harm, but you have to balance well.

How much water do you lose

When a person moves enough to meet their basic needs for a day, he loses about 1 liter of water. In order to end the day in a healthy way, this lost water must be returned to the body. When you do not replace the water lost by the body with breathing, sweating and bowel movements, dehydration starts in the body and the door opens to various health problems with long-term effects.

Factors affecting water demand

Water requirements may vary from day to day. This is because of the differences you experience with your activities, weather and health during the day. The amount of exercise you make during the day plays a decisive role in your water needs. When determining your daily water needs, you also need to pay attention to environmental factors. Hot and humid weather will create the need for extra water. Living in a high place likewise increases the need for water. The daily water requirement is considered to be 8-9 glasses, but especially in the summer months, drinking as much water as you can will be a healthy and correct decision in every respect.

Re:Play Hydration Recovery Drink Powder, Tropical Breeze - 436g tub, 30 Servings