Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (96)

Water and Health

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (96)


At the UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the United Nations General Assembly decided to celebrate March 22 as “World Water Day her each year due to the increasing importance of water in the world. Since 1995, World Water Day is celebrated every year with a different theme emphasis. In this article, we will emphasize the theme of “Water and Health..


Water is the most important element after oxygen for human life. Although people can survive for weeks without taking food; can live only a few days without water.

The water content of the human body varies between 42 and 71% of body pain by age and sex. The children's body has a high proportion of water, and as age gets older, water is being replaced by fat. On average, 59% of the adult human body is water. On average, 60% of the body water is in the cell and 40% is in the extracellular fluid.

Among the main tasks of water,
• Digestion, absorption and transport of food into cells;
• Disposal of the nutrients in the cells, which are formed as a result of the metabolism of the nutrients, to the lungs and kidneys for disposal
• Control of body temperature,
• Ensuring the lubricity of joints,
• Transportation of electrolytes,
• Humidification of body tissues such as mouth, eyes and nose,
• The presence of body fluids such as blood, gastric fluid, saliva, urine in the body,
• Preventing constipation by softening the stool,
• Regulation of body temperature is involved.

All elements of the human body except the bones, skin, connective tissues and lipids are in solution in water. Reactions in the cells occur in this solution. The heat generated in the body is thrown out with sweat. Evaporating about 1 liter of water by evaporating sweat eliminates 600 calories of heat.

Water Requirement and Resources

Human, water needs generally; metabolism, nutrients and beverages. Water is formed as a result of metabolism of nutrients. The amount of metabolic water varies according to the composition of the diet. According to the protein content of the diet high carbohydrate and fat, increases the amount of metabolic water.

The body needs a constant supply of water for regular body functions. During intensive work outside, especially on hot and humid days, water is lost from the body. Only 0.5-1 kilograms of water loss from the body, creates a sense of thirst. A little more loss results in reductions in strength and strength. There is a risk of heatstroke or heat shock in people who experience high temperature loss of fluid for a long time. When a person loses all of the carbohydrates and fat in his body, half of the proteins and 10% of body water, his life is in danger. A 20% decrease in body water results in death. An adult person receives an average of 1 liter of water per day for drinks and 1.2 liters of water for food. 1 mL (1 gram) of water should be taken for every 1 kcal of energy taken from the diet. This amount is 1.5 mL (1.5 grams) in infants. In adults, an average of 2.5 liters (about 10 cups) of water per day is lost with sweat (even when we sit down), urine, feces and respiration. On average, 500 mL of water is lost from the human body daily through the skin, 300 mL from the lungs, 1500 mL from the urine from the kidneys and 200 mL from the intestines. These amounts vary according to climate and working conditions, diseases, composition of diet and body's hormone balance. Unlike other nutrients, the body does not store water and does not provide an extra source when the need arises. In order to prevent loss of water and to maintain normal functioning of the body, the lost fluid must be replaced.

Excessive water loss is caused by sweating or evaporating through the skin during heavy work or exercise. You can start with 8 cups of water per day to meet your daily water needs. Depending on the increase in the duration and intensity of physical activity, it is useful to drink as much as 1-3 cups per hour.

Caffeine-containing tea, coffee and some non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages cause an increase in urine and cause loss of water from the body.

After the reactions in the body, the maximum amount of water per 1 gram is formed by the reaction of the fat, followed by carbohydrate and protein, respectively. Lots of protein and salt in the diet increases water loss from the kidneys. On the other hand, high carbohydrate diet reduces water requirement.

In kidney diseases, as a result of the deterioration of the filtration function of the kidney, water accumulation in the body or excessive water loss occurs. The need for water increases in all diseases and functional disorders that cause water loss and diarrhea from the intestines. In cases of fever, diarrhea and vomiting, water loss is high. During pregnancy and lactation women need fluid. During long-term air travel or exposure to heat, water evaporates from the skin. For example, excessive water loss occurs as a result of air travel.

Why drink water?

First of all, water does not contain calories. This is really an advantage if you avoid taking extra calories. Normal soft drinks and alcoholic beverages contain calories. The amount of sodium in water is also low and does not contain fat and cholesterol. Also, unlike water, coffee, tea and some other beverages, it does not contain caffeine.

For Water For Health !!!

It is helpful to consume enough water (8-12 cups) throughout the day to keep your body's water level at normal levels. If you need to increase your water consumption during the day,
• It is recommended that you give arası water break öner instead of “coffee break”. If you want to eat something in your subconscious, having a mug of water on your desk will help to increase your water consumption.
• Pay attention to water in your meals and snacks. Complementing your food with water, milk or juice also helps in water consumption. In addition, sometimes starting your meals with soup will help you increase water consumption.
• Carrying 1 bottle of water with you while traveling or outside will make your water consumption easier.
• It is important for your health to drink water before, during and after physical activity, especially in hot weather. It is recommended that you consume 125-250 mL of water every 15-20 minutes during exercise. It is important that you consume water without waiting for thirst.

Water Cleaning

Finding clean water is one of the most important problems in developing countries.

If you are in doubt about providing safe water, it is better not to drink. Instead, it is safer for your health to take various measures to obtain purified water from bacteria that cause the spread of infectious diseases. For this,
• Report any doubts to your local public health department or water company, which can test your water in private laboratories.
• If you are using wells or spring water, have them tested regularly because you are responsible for their safety.
• To clean drinking water, it is necessary to boil the city water for at least 1 minute. Then place the boiled water in a sterile container.
• You can use iodine and chlorine tablets carefully to follow the instructions on the packages to clean the water.

The use of bottled water has become widespread in recent years. Today there are a wide variety of waters on the market shelves: these are artesian water, mineral water, soda, pure water and spring water. Artesian water is a kind of well water. Mineral water is water containing dissolved solids and minerals in standard proportions. Pure water or demineralized water is obtained by removing minerals from water in various ways. Soda is a kind of water with foaming properties. Spring water is a natural water from underground.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (96)