Showing posts with label Dietary-Fiber-Supplements. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dietary-Fiber-Supplements. Show all posts

Monday, September 16, 2019

Heather's Tummy Fiber Organic Acacia Senegal for IBS, 16 Ounce Canister

Second brain effecting intestinal microbiology on behavior and mental balance

Heather's Tummy Fiber Organic Acacia Senegal for IBS, 16 Ounce Canister
Gastroenterology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Tanoğlu: - "Negative changes in the intestinal microbiota, Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) causes restless bowel syndrome, autoimmune, allergic diseases, obesity, metabolic disorders and behavioral disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, autism and neurological or psychiatric problems" Health Sciences University Faculty Member Gastroenterology Specialist Assoc. Dr. Alpaslan Tanoglu, negative changes in the intestinal microbiota, autoimmune, allergy, obesity, metabolic diseases, psychiatric and neurological problems, such as many problems, including, "dietary food, probiotic, prebiotic and antibiotics, physical or mental stress microbiota positively or negatively Therefore, the intestines, like the brain, are a second brain that has an effect on behavior and mental balance . " said. Tanoglu, AA correspondent in a statement, the human body, resident and the number of trillions expressed in the presence of a crowded microscopic living community, said that the community "microbiota," he said. 18 different regions of the body and the content of different microbiotic organisms consisting of expressed microbiota Tanoğlu, intestines, the specific content here and the most populous state of the microbiota is told. Assoc. Dr. Alpaslan Tanoğlu, intestinal microbiota during the birth of the mother and the environment consists of bacteria, expressed by expressing the following: " This microbiota is specific to individuals and its content is influenced by many factors, particularly normal birth or caesarean section, and feeding. The effect of intestinal microbiota on immune system, brain development and behavior has been the focus of interest in recent years, and scientific studies have focused on these issues. interactions, especially autoimmune diseases, neurological, psychiatric and metabolic disorders and diseases are thought to cause. With scientific studies based on α and research on experimental animals, there is evidence that there is a strong connection between brain and intestine. This connection begins when the baby is still in the womb and continues to affect all life after birth. " - "Negative changes in the intestinal microbiota invite diseases" Assoc. Dr. "Negative changes in the intestinal microbiota, Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) restless bowel syndrome, autoimmune, allergic diseases, obesity, metabolic disorders and behavioral disorders, schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, autism, such as neurological or psychiatric problems. With probiotics, prebiotics and antibiotics, physical or mental stress affects the microbiota positively or negatively.The microbiota interacts with the brain with the 'Enteric Nervous System', and this interaction affects behaviors. is a second brain found. " he said. Intestinal, brain, the central nervous system that provides the relationship with the " Enteric Nervous System i" in the millions, indicating the presence of nerve fibers called neurons Tanoglu, " Brain-nervous system with similar features Enteric Nervous System, can work independently as well as signals sent to the brain via vagus nerve through, "he said. In order to support the microbiota positively and create a healthy microscopic environment, Tanoğlu added that prebiotics and probiotics that will be taken as diet and supplements are effective in a positive way. "Due to the importance of the human microbiota, in 2008 a study called" Human Microbiome Project "was initiated in the USA and the first step of the study was completed in 2013. With this project, microbiota in different anatomical regions of the human body and their genetic diversity (microbiome) can be understood, "The role of microscopic organisms in microbiota in disease and health has been tried to be determined. This highly costly project, which is still under investigation, shows once again the importance of microbiota." 22AXX
Heather's Tummy Fiber Organic Acacia Senegal for IBS, 16 Ounce Canister

Natrol Juicefestiv Capsules, A Simpler Way to get Your Daily Fruits & Veggies, Also Contains SelenoExcell? for Improved Metabolism, Boosts Energy and Well-Being, 60 Count (Pack of 2)

Food allergies intestinal relationship

Natrol Juicefestiv Capsules, A Simpler Way to get Your Daily Fruits & Veggies, Also Contains SelenoExcell? for Improved Metabolism, Boosts Energy and Well-Being, 60 Count (Pack of 2)
Food allergy is one of the world's ever increasing diseases. There are many theories about what is guilty of this steady rise: over-sterilized home environments, antibiotics and pollution are some of the most widely accepted ... A remarkable new study * published this week by scientists at Boston Children's Hospital * says that the lack of some intestinal bacteria actually causes many food allergies. Right now, of course it's too early to say anything, but these findings can shape the future of food allergy prevention and treatment in children and adults across the globe. How did they know it was the fault of the intestinal bacteria? First, the team at Boston Children's Hospital collected fecal samples from 56 young patients with food allergy problems. They found that the stool of food allergy patients really carried a different bacterium. From there, both groups removed bacteria from the feces and transferred them to mice with egg allergies. This is where the work gets interesting: The team found that mice that were given bacteria from control feces were not exposed to allergic reactions when small doses of chicken egg protein were then administered. Although he used feces from children in this first study, research scientists hope that his findings will also apply to adults with allergies. Talal Chatila, director of the Boston Children's Food Allergy Program, said, "Remember, in adult rats with food allergies, we can suppress their disease by introducing good bacteria, which means that we are likely to treat someone with food allergies and change their immune systems." Of course, before we get too excited, we should not ignore that these are preliminary findings that should be supported by other research. However, if their hypotheses are true, Chatila and her team may have made a tremendous breakthrough: they can treat and prevent food allergies by giving people a special mixture of bacteria. 21AXX
Natrol Juicefestiv Capsules, A Simpler Way to get Your Daily Fruits & Veggies, Also Contains SelenoExcell? for Improved Metabolism, Boosts Energy and Well-Being, 60 Count (Pack of 2)

NOW Supplements, Glucomannan (Amorphophallus konjac)Pure Powder, 8-Ounce

Probiotics for better bowel health

NOW Supplements, Glucomannan (Amorphophallus konjac)Pure Powder, 8-Ounce
A new study on poultry, supported by BBSRC, reveals the effects of the feed additive derived from yeast on the health of the digestive system. According to a study supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the use of a probiotic yeast cascade in nutrition has positive effects on the development of young broiler broilers and the defense of animals against intestinal infections is strengthened. Reducing infectious diseases in the intestines of broiler broilers without the use of antibiotics is an important problem that needs to be overcome for the individual farms and the poultry industry, as well as for animal welfare to reduce the spread of strong bacteria to the antibiotic. A scientist from the University of Nottingham Trent supported and observed 240 broiler chickens each day for 42 days with different doses of a yeast-based feed additive. All other conditions that the chickens are exposed to are the same except for their feeding. Scientists have found that by providing a carbohydrate-containing feed additive found in yeast, they have a stronger organic defense against harmful bacteria found in the intestines of poultry and benefit from the additive of young broiler chickens. This study carried out in partnership with the private sector and the scientific platform was carried out in order to eliminate the questions about the mechanism of action of the feed additive used in broiler breeding. Increased mucin secretion Researcher Harriet Lea said that in the UK, 184 million broiler chickens suffer from digestive-related diseases each year, which in turn adversely affects animal welfare and growth. Noting that there are many non-natural feed additives in the market, Lea said that these things need to understand exactly how they support digestive health in poultry, and that breeders have a better chance to improve efficiency and improve herd health. This will help address antibiotic resistance, which is a serious issue in poultry, and will be a useful move to reduce the need for expensive antibiotic therapy. In the study published in the Journal of Applied Animal Nutrition, the benefits of a feed additive belonging to a company were demonstrated and it was stated that the storage capacity of mucin, which helps to defend against a substance secreted from the intestinal surface and infectious agents, may be related to age in young birds. The natural carbohydrate fraction studied was, in fact, a feed supplement used in some commercial broiler diets, but there was uncertainty about how it worked. Although the additive was able to work with a variety of mechanisms, the findings helped explain how the additive improved the immune system in poultry with modified mucin production. These new findings may lead to a wider use of feed additives derived from yeast to improve digestive health and immunity in broiler feeding. The next stage of the project is to explore the effects of this organic carbohydrate fraction on poultry gene expression in order to investigate whether the feed additive promotes changes in poultry development and digestive health at a molecular level. 20AXX
NOW Supplements, Glucomannan (Amorphophallus konjac)Pure Powder, 8-Ounce

Animal Flex - Turmeric Root Curcumin - Glucosamine Chondroitin - MSM - Hyaluronic Acid - Boswellia - Joint Supplement - Repair and Restore - Complete and Comprehensive - 44 Packs

Importance of Maintaining Intestinal Health in Old Age

Animal Flex - Turmeric Root Curcumin - Glucosamine Chondroitin - MSM - Hyaluronic Acid - Boswellia - Joint Supplement - Repair and Restore - Complete and Comprehensive - 44 Packs
Aging is a natural and immutable process of human life. Some changes occur in the human body in old age. In this period, all the functions in our bodies begin to decrease. Of course, these changes may occur at different rates in each individual due to reasons such as genetic characteristics, lifestyle and diseases. Age-related changes in aging do not normally result in loss of function, but there is a decrease in overall control of organ systems. Here, the digestive system is one of the systems that have changed during the old age . Changes in the digestive system with aging In the elderly , various changes occur in the gastrointestinal tract . In order for the person to have a healthy old age, he / she needs to know which of these changes may occur normally and which diseases may arise from the disease. For example, it is very normal that the feeling of hunger and eating habits decrease in old age. However, as malnutrition may weaken the health of the immune system , a balanced and regular diet must be taken into consideration. In addition, with the aging process, the duration of food emptying from the stomach is prolonged, which can lead to problems such as after-meal gas and bloating. Residual bowel movements are slower; therefore, constipation is one of the problems that may arise. Why is bowel health important in old age? As we mentioned above, these changes in the digestive system may cause various digestive problems and even diseases as the age progresses. Therefore, more importance should be given to healthy nutrition in old age. Maintaining intestinal health is not only important in terms of avoiding such diseases. It should also be noted that intestinal health is closely related to the health of the immune system. Maintaining intestinal health is also very important for having a healthy immune system. How is intestinal health promoted in old age? So what can be done to support intestinal health in old age, what measures can be taken? Here are some measures that can be taken to protect the health of the digestive system, especially intestinal health in old age: Considering that the desire to eat is reduced, care should be taken not to skip meals and a balanced diet. Feeding in 3 main and 3 meals a day helps regulate bowel movements and metabolism. Nutrient rich in pulp and fiber can be beneficial in decreasing bowel movements in old age. In this way, intestinal motility can be increased and possible constipation problem can be prevented. Regular exercise and physical exercise should be done. In this way, food intake can be increased and energy can be gained. In addition, digestive health can be improved by supporting bowel movements. Enough water should be consumed daily. Water is extremely important for the digestion of nutrients. Food variety and consumption of fruits and vegetables are very important in terms of meeting the necessary vitamins and minerals. All this is necessary for the health of the intestine and digestive system. Smoking, alcohol, such as substances should be avoided. All of these causes negative effects on general health, especially intestinal health. As can be seen, it is possible to maintain and support bowel health in old age with some healthy living habits. Remember that all these healthy habits are vital for a healthy digestive system! We wish you healthy days! 19AXX
Animal Flex - Turmeric Root Curcumin - Glucosamine Chondroitin - MSM - Hyaluronic Acid - Boswellia - Joint Supplement - Repair and Restore - Complete and Comprehensive - 44 Packs

Fiber Choice Fruity Bites Daily Prebiotic Fiber Gummies, #1 Gastroenterologist Recommended*, Helps Support Regularity, Gelatin Free, 90 Count Assorted Fruit


Fiber Choice Fruity Bites Daily Prebiotic Fiber Gummies, #1 Gastroenterologist Recommended*, Helps Support Regularity, Gelatin Free, 90 Count Assorted Fruit
"All diseases start from the intestines," said Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine. More than two thousand years after his death, scientific research proves the truth of this theory. Recently, a new disease that is frequently used by doctors and which is said to be the basis of many diseases has been heard. Poor permeability, chronic stress, excessive toxic burden and bacterial imbalance have caused high rates of permeable bowel syndrome. Essentially, permeable bowel symptoms are the result of a failure of intestinal junction areas. These tight junctions are a transition point between your bowels and blood circulation. Tight junctions have a very delicate function. They allow vital nutrients to enter the bloodstream and prevent foreign or harmful compounds from passing through your digestive system into the bloodstream. Having leaking intestines is like breaking the lids between our intestines and our blood circulation. Many of the particles that should never have been or are impossible to enter have now passed through. The majority of your immune system is found in the intestine, and if the intestinal permeability deteriorates, our immune system will suffer great damage. Acute inflammation, which is a normal part of the response of our immune system, which serves to fight infection and disease, is transformed into chronic inflammation at the root of many diseases. Well, what diseases arise as a result of this chronic inflammation; • Stomach ulcer • Chronic diarrhea • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) • Inflammatory bowel diseases (Crohn's colitis, ulcerative colitis) • Celiac disease • Esophageal and colon (colorectal) cancer • Allergies • Respiratory tract infections • Acute inflammation conditions (sepsis, SIRS, multiple organ failure) • Chronic inflammatory conditions (such as arthritis) • Obesity related metabolic diseases (fatty liver, Type II diabetes, heart disease) • Autoimmune disease (lupus, multiple sclerosis, Type I diabetes) • Parkinson's disease • Chronic fatigue syndrome • Obesity PERFORMANCE INTESTINAL SYMPTOMS 1. Food Sensitivities : As the immune system of people with intestinal permeability is damaged by toxins entering the bloodstream, a variety of diseases may occur due to digestion of these foods by making their bodies more sensitive to antigens in certain foods (gluten, milk). 2. Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Studies in patients with ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease have shown a significant deterioration of intestinal permeability. 3. Autoimmune Disease: These diseases include rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, vasculitis and many thyroid diseases, in which the body alienates itself and fights by producing antibodies against its own tissues. The relationship between autoimmune diseases and permeable intestines is explained by a molecule called zonulin. On Zonulin is the only physiological modulator of the tight junction points described so far in the tolerance / immune response balance. When the zonulin pathway is impaired in genetically susceptible individuals, intestinal and extra-intestinal diseases (allergies, joint defects) may result in autoimmune, inflammatory and neoplastic disorders. " Gluten is one of the most disturbing substances in this zonulin pathway. 4. Thyroid Problems: One of the autoimmune diseases that can be directly affected by permeable bowel syndrome is Hashimoto's disease, also known as tir chronic thyroiditis. Bozukluk This disorder is characterized by low thyroid function (hypothyroidism), metabolic disorder, fatigue, depression, weight gain and some other concerns. 5. Inability to absorb food (Malabsorption): Various nutritional deficiencies such as vitamin B12, magnesium and digestive enzymes have been observed in permeable bowel syndrome. Common nutritional deficiencies are that many functional medical practitioners prescribe many foods and multivitamins in addition to probiotics for people with leaking bowel problems. 6. Inflammatory Skin Diseases: The intestinal-skin connection theory was first described 70 years ago and explains that intestinal permeability is caused by acne and psoriasis. Creams and medications with multiple side effects are often prescribed for these skin disorders, but There has been dozens of evidence in recent years that some may exist in the intestines. 7. Mood Problems and Autism: According to a study published in Neuroendocrinology Letters, it has been shown that permeable intestines cause various neurocognitive disorders. For example, intestinal permeability triggers the release of some other chemicals that cause depression. Another recent study has shown that autism is associated with problems in the intestinal flora, particularly in the first year of life. It is critical that you pay attention to how many people are affected by the permeable bowel syndrome, which the majority of the medical community does not know or ignore. The good news is that many functional and integrated medical doctors are more likely to understand this and help you determine and repair whether you are suffering from leaking intestine. How to Repair Leaking Intestine? 1. Removing harmful foods and intestinal damaging factors from the diet 2. Adding healthy foods to the diet for intestinal flora 3. Intestinal repair with special supplements 4. Restoring balance with probiotic foods or probiotics 5. Restoration of tight junction with ONDAMED therapies 6. Fracture of the feeding area of ​​flora causing dysbiosis with ONDAMED 7. Initiation of ONDAMED cellular detox If you are worried that you or your loved ones may have symptoms of permeable bowel syndrome, or if you have one of the symptoms or diseases listed above, you should seek expert help. 18AXX
Fiber Choice Fruity Bites Daily Prebiotic Fiber Gummies, #1 Gastroenterologist Recommended*, Helps Support Regularity, Gelatin Free, 90 Count Assorted Fruit

Garden of Life Raw Organic Superfood Fiber for Constipation Relief, 1.77 lbs (803g) Powder

How does constipation go away? Home Treatment Methods

Garden of Life Raw Organic Superfood Fiber for Constipation Relief, 1.77 lbs (803g) Powder
Constipation is a digestive problem that occurs when our bowels are not working as intended. It is defined as a symptom , not a disease. The presence of 3 or less bowel movements per week indicates constipation. Constipation is more common in women and the elderly. It is very common, especially during pregnancy, but spontaneously passes after pregnancy. Not every constipation is the same, some of them may be very long and chronic . It is usually short-lived and passes spontaneously without any treatment. Some require treatment and may cause severe pain. It decreases the quality of life and can cause a chronic discomfort that makes the person uneasy. Today, it is known that the most common causes of constipation are malnutrition, radical changes in nutrition and life routine, water loss and physical inactivity. Diabetes, genetic factors, severe stress, depression and hormonal disorders can also lead to constipation. For less constipation, we should eat healthy, consume fiber-weighted foods, drink plenty of water and exercise as much as possible. Constipation of whole grains, flax seeds, legumes, leek, spinach, figs, cabbage, pear and kiwi fiber, such as valuable nutrients are good. The most common opinion among our people is the use of laxatives for every constipation. This may deteriorate the flora of the intestine after a while. However, laxatives should be used with the advice of a doctor. If you suffer from severe pain, see blood in the feces and have constipation problems for more than 3 weeks, it is time to see a doctor. Causes Constipation? Constipation is a problem caused by the slow movement of foods in the digestive system . In particular, if the large intestine muscles contract at low strength, the stool moves slowly and begins to accumulate in the intestines after a while. Feces lose water every time they remain in the intestines and after a while it becomes more difficult to move. Constipation is not only caused by weak muscle contraction . Other factors may also cause this problem. For example, it is highly likely that people who are poorly fed in terms of fiber are constipated. Constipation occurs in people who consume meat, dairy products and sugary foods. Inadequate fluid intake is likewise among the first causes of constipation. People who use laxatives all the time make the body forget its main functions and cause bowel laziness. This is one of the causes of constipation. Not exercising and living a physically inactive life also causes constipation. Not to go to the toilet when you come to the toilet or not to go, but also affect bowel movements adversely. Waiting for feces in the intestine causes the feces to lose water and jam. Parkinson's, stroke, MS , spinal cord injury, neurological disorders, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, hypercalcemia, hypothyroidism, colon cancer, metabolic disorders, IBS and bowel diseases can also cause constipation. Pregnancy, old age, stress, depression, anxiety, caffeine and alcohol consumption , changes in eating habits cause constipation. Some medications can also constipate the person. If this is the case, tell your doctor that your new medicine has constipated you. Constipation may occur in young children and even in infants. The most common cause of constipation in infants is poor or overfeeding. Likewise, consuming less liquid causes constipation. Some older children do not want to use the toilet when they go to school, which causes stool to harden and naturally cause constipation. How does constipation resolve? Constipation is not a difficult symptom to treat. Only minor changes to your nutrition and movement routines can help you avoid constipation. If the following recommendations do not work after 3 weeks, consult a doctor. If constipation causes intense pain, you do not need to wait 3 weeks. What you think is constipation may be another health problem. We have listed the treatment methods you can do yourself at home . Liquid: Drink plenty of liquid. Most of this liquid should of course be water. Do not prefer fruit juices too. You can drink 1-2 cups of herbal tea and ayran made from natural yogurt. Drinking too much buttermilk can make constipation, drinking 1 cup a day will have a positive effect. Toilet: Use the toilet regularly. Even if you do not have a very active life, try to go to the toilet every day at the same time. It is normal for you to make stools 3 times a day, some people have a view that more than 1 per day is harmful, but this is superstition. It is recommended that you go to the toilet a few hours after dinner. Be Active: Live an active life and exercise as much as possible. As a result of your work or training, your day at the desk may be over. Even in this case, remember to exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Diet: Add fiber-rich foods to your diet. For example, dried apricots, prunes, dried figs can make a habit of snacking fruits. Do not forget to consume in the setting, otherwise you will have a problem with diarrhea this time. Be sure to consume 1-2 fruit a day, avoid processed foods and reduce red meat consumption. Even until the problem of constipation until you eat red meat instead of fish. When Constipation Is Dangerous? If the simple changes described above do not correct the problem, there may be an emergency. Inspect the stool after a toilet if the stool color is close to black or if blood appears in the stool, this is an important symptom. Painful swelling in the abdomen, weight loss and the fact that the person is constantly feeling sluggish are enough symptoms to go to the doctor. Constipation may include bowel obstruction, swelling or burst of appendicitis, mesenteric ischemia, pancreatitis, or perforation of the stomach or intestine. Prolonged constipation can also physically damage the excretory system. Toilet Position For Constipation You can change your toilet position to make the body more comfortable with constipation. Put a 15-20 centimeter stool under your foot and lift your knees over your level. In this way, bowel movements will be supported. This way you can also do daily exercises. If so, you can take this fetal position for 15 minutes a day. In the meantime, you can trigger bowel movements by breathing deeply. Does Alcohol and Smoking Constipate? Alcohol and smoking make the person constipated. It affects people who are sensitive to constipation more easily. These harmful consumptions are especially dangerous when combined with caffeine and stress. For example, people with Irritable Bowel Syndrome should stop smoking and avoid caffeine and milk. The frequent use of essential oils such as castor oil and cassia causes constipation. Causes Constipation in Infants? How to Troubleshoot The intestines of babies are more sensitive than adults or older children. Therefore, constipation can become a painful problem for babies. To activate their small intestines, first take a warm shower and then gently massage the abdominal area using baby oil. Be sure to take enough breast milk or liquid. Children older than 2 years drink plenty of fluids and fruit to eat. Don't force him to eat, and encourage him to go to the bathroom. When they go to the toilet, the brain will struggle to throw away the feces, albeit late. Every time they don't go to the toilet, the stool loses more water and gets stuck in the intestine. Which Foods Good for Constipation? Beat 100 grams of yogurt with 1 bottle of soda. Squeeze half a lemon and add 1 teaspoon of mint. You can consume it on an empty stomach before breakfast and on condition that it be 2 times a day before bedtime. 250 grams of palm, 100 grams of dried apricots, 100 grams of prunes and 1 liter of water through the robot. Add 1 lemon and 1 teaspoon olive oil to the mixture and mix well. You can drink all day long. You can also adjust the quantities yourself. You should stay in the cupboard for 2-3 days at most, the more fresh you consume, the more useful it will be. In the morning on an empty stomach, you can consume 1 bowl of yogurt mixed with flax seeds. Throw dried figs into 1 tea glass of olive oil and eat them before bedtime. Do not drink olive oil. What Are Herbal Teas That Are Good For Constipation? Add a pinch of coriander, anise, propolis, fennel and cassia to 200 ml of boiled water. He'il be ready for me in 5 minutes. You can consume twice a week in the evening. Do not consume every day. Fennel, chamomile and brewed tea with cauliflower seeds can also consume 3 cups a day. Consume for up to 1 week and then quit. With thyme, propolis, chamomile and rhubarb roots, you can make a tea that is good for constipation. You can also add cassia according to your preference. Drink 1 cup per day. After preparing the apple tea, add the organic cinnamon stick and consume it. It is appropriate to consume 2 glasses a day. Boil 10 sprigs of parsley, 10 cherry stalks, 1 pinch of green tea, 1 lemon and 3 dried apricots in 1 liter of water for 5 minutes. For 1-2 cups per day. If the problem of constipation is severe, boil 10 fresh orange peels in 1 cup of water for 15 minutes. After breakfast for 1 cup. It is not recommended to drink every day, it should be drunk for a maximum of 4 days and then left. What Foods Are Good for Constipation? Beans Pea Lentil Rhubarb Artichoke Chicory Jerusalem artichoke Spinach Brussels sprouts Broccoli Dried plum Mint Fenugreek seeds Fennel rosehip Ginger Dandelion Echinacea Balm Green tea Senna Licorice Marshmallow Root Daisy Coriander Thyme Rolled oats Dried apricots FIG Plum Celery Carrot Onion Cucumber Pumpkin Flax seeds Apple Pear Kiwi Grape Orange Grapefruit Mandarin Cherry Strawberry Cranberry Beet Sweet potato Almond Hazelnut Oat Whole grains Olive oil Thyme Consume olive oil mixed with oregano on an empty stomach will be very effective for constipation. You should choose pure and extra virgin olive oils. Fibrous foods also affect bowel movements positively. Even though cassia is good for constipation , its excessive consumption causes intestinal laziness and may promote or relapse one's constipation. It is not recommended to consume cassia more than 2 times a week. Constipation is also seen in people who eat out all the time and do not have a regular feeding life at home. Even if you eat vegetable dishes outside, you cannot be sure of the freshness of the vegetables. Vegetables that are not fresh are poor in fiber. In addition, restaurants generally use unhealthy and cheap fats, which can damage many of the body's functions, such as our digestive system. If you have to eat out and you can't find a solution, remember to eat at least plenty of salads and fruit. In case of severe constipation, you can eat 5-6 pieces of fruit per day. Still living people can make a habit of eating 5-6 dried apricots or prunes per day. 17AXX
Garden of Life Raw Organic Superfood Fiber for Constipation Relief, 1.77 lbs (803g) Powder

Beet Root 1100mg 200 Veggie caps (Organic, Non-GMO & Gluten Free) - Lower Blood Pressure, Increase Performance, Regulate Insulin Response & Maintain Skin Condition

Prevention against damage to the mucosa and mitigation

Beet Root 1100mg 200 Veggie caps (Organic, Non-GMO & Gluten Free) - Lower Blood Pressure, Increase Performance, Regulate Insulin Response & Maintain Skin Condition
The mucous layer in the digestive system consisting of mouth, nasal, esophagus, stomach and intestine, that is the mucous layer, shows a very sensitive reaction against the harmful effect of cytostatic drugs. Therefore, during a chemotherapy , mucosal inflammation can often occur. Mouth and nasal inflammation of the mucous membranes themselves, blisters, gums and / or wounds are manifested in the form. In addition, difficulty in swallowing, dry mouth and changes in taste sensation are also observed. In the case of inflammation of the stomach and intestines, this may cause vomiting, digestive complaints and diarrhea. Mucosa injury is called mucositis . Since bacteria are present in the mucous membranes in the mouth and intestines, body-specific bacteria can penetrate other parts of the body from wounds and cause serious infections in addition to existing complaints. The damaged mucosal layer is suitable for the formation of virus and fungal infections. The weakness of the body's protection may further increase the risk of infection. Worth to know: It is very important to wash and rinse the patient's mouth with disinfecting fluids regularly and carefully to alleviate mucosal inflammation and take precautions against infection. Injury to the mucous membrane with a hard toothbrush, sharp-edged hard food or hot food and soft drinks should be avoided. It is also recommended to avoid very spicy or sour foods, and even fresh fruit and vegetables for a certain period of time. In this way, it may be possible to avoid unnecessary further stimulation of the mucous layer called mucosa. In case of severe mucositis, the patient is treated with antibiotics or antiviral drugs if necessary. In case of severe swallowing difficulties, it may sometimes not be possible to obtain adequate food by the natural route, ie by mouth. In such a case, it may be necessary to give the patient parenterally over a vein for a long period of time, ie outside the stomach and intestine. If there is diarrhea, depending on the finding, it may be possible not to take food for a while or to take food that will not exhaust the intestines. Where necessary, treatment is supplemented with antibacterial drugs, infusions against fluid and salt loss and a diet. In the case of a diarrhea, antibiotics are used only in rare cases, because antibiotic medications may cause diarrhea themselves. Radiotherapy is similar. However, the unwanted effects of radiotherapy are generally lighter than those mentioned above. They can be treated and controlled more easily, even if radiotherapy takes longer. 16AXX
Beet Root 1100mg 200 Veggie caps (Organic, Non-GMO & Gluten Free) - Lower Blood Pressure, Increase Performance, Regulate Insulin Response & Maintain Skin Condition

SmartyPants Adult Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 DHA/EPA Fish Oil, Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Non-GMO, 180 count (30 Day Supply)

What is Microbiota / Microbioma?

SmartyPants Adult Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 DHA/EPA Fish Oil, Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Non-GMO, 180 count (30 Day Supply)
Did you know that there is a crowded microscopic living population in our bodies that lives with us, expressed in trillions? There are about 100 trillion bacteria in this microorganism called microbiota. Their total weight is around 2-3 kg, which is about 2-3% of our body weight. The number of microbiota bacteria is 10 times more than our own cells. The genetic material of microbiota is called microbioma. However, these two terms are often used in the same sense. The number of genes in the microbiome is 150 times more than the number of genes in the human genome. We do not exaggerate if we say that there are many more bacterial cells and genes in our bodies than our own cells and genes! From this perspective, we can say that we are 10% human and 90% bacterial. Intensive studies are being carried out to decode the genetic information contained in the microbiome, such as decoding the human genome (sequencing all genes in the human). The microbiota is the internal ecosystem of our bodies. Microbiota is found in 18 different places in the body. Our intestines are naturally the most crowded environment. The intestinal microbiota develops while we are in the womb. Bacteria begin to pass from mother to baby during pregnancy. During birth (if normal delivery through the birth canal) and breastfeeding, the newborn continues to receive bacteria from the mother (therefore, babies born by caesarean section and who are not breastfed have some disadvantages of microbioma). When we grow up, we take many bacteria from what we eat, drink, our environment, and the people we contact. The microorganisms taken can sometimes be friendly and sometimes hostile bacteria, sometimes a mixture of both. The number of friendly bacteria predominates in a healthy human body. The ratio of friendly / hostile microorganisms is approximately 80/20. Why is human microbiota important? Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, said 2000 all diseases start in the intestine 2000 2000 years ago. Today's scientific studies show how right he thinks. It is better understood every day that there may be problems with bowel microbioma under many seemingly irrelevant diseases. In other words, the health status of our intestines affects all body systems. The weakening or damage of the intestines may lead to chronic diseases, obesity and aging. This community of microbes that live within us has an indisputable importance in maintaining body functions and staying healthy. Microbiota plays an important role in the fulfillment of various body functions such as digestion of foods, support of the immune system, production of some vitamins, intestinal health, prevention of inflammation, maintenance of ideal body weight, and brain activities. They are an integral part of our bodies. Rapidly increasing studies in recent years give clues that microbiota-related problems may play a role in the following diseases: Asthma Autism Cancer Celiac disease Colitis Diabetes Skin disorders such as eczema, acne, rosacea, urticaria Heart disease Obesity and Weight Increase Sensitive Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Food allergies / sensitivity Common colds, sinusitis, bronchitis Low energy Chronic fatigue Brain diseases (Alzheimer's, autism, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's, migraine, depression, anxiety, thought blur) Autoimmune diseases - can be triggered by systemic inflammation of the intestinal wall (Hashimoto's thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, psoriasis) Candida proliferation Human microbiome is known to have significant effects on our four health-related domains: nutrition, immunity, behavior and chronic diseases. Let's take a closer look at these. Nutrition Human beings have evolved with bacteria on the planet where they live. As a result of this common evolution, the human body cannot perform many functions by itself. In order to carry out these functions in a healthy way, our body is dependent on the bacteria in the microbiota. In other words, human needs microorganisms such as air, water and food for their survival. One of the main tasks of the intestinal microbiota is to ensure that what we eat is digested and that the nutrients are metabolized. Intestinal bacteria help break down complex molecules in meat and vegetables. Microbiota bacteria feed on what we eat. For this reason, it is important for our health that we consume appropriate food (prebiotics) for the survival and multiplication of these bacteria. Without the trillions of bacteria living in us, the food we consume will not be able to digest. As a matter of fact, when the balance of this bacterial population is disrupted, important digestive problems occur. Another nutritional task of microbiota is to maintain the health of the cells of the intestinal wall. It is possible that intestinal bacteria affect the feeling of hunger and satiety by their metabolic activities. The diversity of microbiota is related to the diversity of our diet. The more diverse our food sources and foods are, the more intestinal bacteria gain diversity. On the other hand, it is thought that there may be a relationship between this condition and intestinal microbiota in people with obesity problems and who have difficulty in losing weight. Some research has shown that bacterial imbalances are associated with weight gain, especially in people with high amounts of Firmicutes bacteria. There are studies reporting a decrease in triglyceride levels and other risk factors related to heart disease in people with metabolic syndrome receiving probiotic supplements. Immunity (immune system) The cell wall of the intestines is very thin and there are cells of the immune system right next to it. 75-80% of our immune system is in the intestine! It is not surprising that many immune-related autoimmune diseases may be associated with latent gastrointestinal problems. When the microbiome balance is impaired, the immune system starts to strain. Frequent colds, allergies, joint pain, acne and many more serious disorders may actually be related to the deterioration of the microbiome balance through the immune system. If there were no microorganisms in our body from birth, we would not have adaptive immunity. Adaptive immunity is the part of the immune system that learns how to respond to microbes in their first encounter. Thus, it is possible to establish a faster defense against disease-causing organisms. Brain and Behavior Neuroscience researchers believe that there is a close relationship between the brain and the intestinal microbiota. The microbiota is affecting brain function. Therefore, the intestines are called the “second brain.. It has been observed that there is a relationship between intestinal microbiota and nervous system disorders such as depression and autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). For example, 70% of the neurochemistry called serotonin, which promotes emotional well-being, self-confidence and restful sleep, is produced in the intestines. If your microbiome is in good condition, serotonin and many other neurochemical substances have a higher chance of being normal. Neurochemical equilibrium means for us that we are more calm, balanced, optimistic, self-confident and sleep better. But if your microbiome balance is impaired, neurochemical levels such as serotonin in the intestines are reduced. You may experience depression, anxiety, self-doubt and sleep problems. Although we classify these problems as “brain problems biy, the biochemical substances that affect them are more intense in the intestines than in the brain. Common disorders such as depression and many other brain diseases may actually be “bowel problems er. The microbiota may have the capacity to influence our behavior and mood. With neural signals sent through the nerves that go through the intestine, it is possible to influence our brain by altering sensory receptors, producing toxins that make us feel bad, or by releasing chemical reward molecules that make us feel good. Since the microorganism community in the intestine has a great impact on our thoughts, emotions and temperament, some researchers call them mikro micro-organisms that affect our minds ”. The intestine - brain axis or the connection between our intestines and the brain has recently been a field of study that has been of interest to researchers. For example, there was a relationship between anxiety (anxiety) and depression and low levels of Lactobacillus helveticus and Bifidobacterium longum strains. Laboratory results suggest that brain problems such as anxiety, depression and confusion are frequently encountered in patients with yeast or excessive bacterial proliferation, which supports this intestinal brain connection. In short, for our brain to be healthy, our intestines need to be healthy. Chronic Diseases There are studies showing that the decrease in intestinal microbiota is associated with inflammatory bowel disease, obesity and type 2 diabetes. Again, there may be a link between changes in the species of these bacteria and metabolic syndrome. Nutritional supplements such as nutritional changes, prebiotics, probiotics have been shown to affect risk factors associated with these diseases. Symptoms of Microbiome Imbalance As you can see, your microbiome helps preserve the brain, immunity, intestines and metabolism. When antibiotics or other factors disrupt the microbiome balance, it is reflected in the brain and intestines, the metabolism slows down and the inflammation process begins in your body. Inflammation causes weight gain as well as gas, bloating, reflux, acne and hormonal problems. In summary, microbiome imbalance can produce the following effects: Brain: anxiety, depression, confusion, sleep problems, memory problems Digestive system: gas, bloating, indigestion, constipation / diarrhea, heartburn / reflux – If there are not enough good bacteria to digest foods with pulp, non-digestible pulp foods will cause gas to form in the intestines as fermented Hormones: menstrual and premenstrual problems, perimenopause and menopause symptoms (flushing, skin problems, difficulty sleeping, fluctuation of emotion) Immune system: frequent colds, prolongation of illness, allergies Skin: acne, acne rosacea, eczema, psoriasis Metabolism: excessive desire for sugar and refined carbohydrates (since bad bacteria are fed with sugar, there may be excessive desire for sugary foods if the proportion of bad bacteria increases) General complaints: fatigue, muscle pain, joint pain, weight gain şeker due to excessive consumption of sugar, pesticides and chemicals in processed foods, the toxins accumulated in the system cause damage to the intestinal wall causing increased permeability. If you experience one or some of the above symptoms regularly, this may indicate that your bowels are not working properly. You may need to restore the balance of the intestinal microbioma to prevent more serious health problems. Factors Disrupting Microbiome Balance Your intestines must be healthy for your body to be healthy. When your bowel health deteriorates, your body systems don't work effectively. Since the body cannot get the necessary nutrients, your energy drops, disruptions in healing and repair processes, your immune system deteriorates, metabolism slows down, your mental performance decreases. All this is caused by a change in intestinal permeability resulting from disruption of the microbiome balance and chronic inflammation due to it. In short, healthy intestinal microbiome is indispensable for your health. Modern lifestyle, environmental pollution, chemicals, alcohol and processed foods can adversely affect your intestinal microbiome and change the ratio of good / bad bacteria in favor of the bad. This has a significant impact on your overall health. Improper nutrition, exposure to toxins, insomnia, chronic stress, too much medication (especially antibiotics and proton pump inhibitors) disrupt your microbiome's balance. As a result, problems affecting your entire body, from the digestive system, the immune system, hormones to your thoughts and emotions, can arise. Below is a short list of factors that disrupt the microbiome balance in your daily life; Sweet, starchy foods Unhealthy fats: trans fats, (industrial) vegetable oils sweeteners Stress Insomnia Antibiotics (those taken as medicines and those taken through edible foods) Commonly used drugs; antidepressants, anxiety relievers (anxiolytics), antacids, proton pump inhibitors, pain relievers Foods containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs); corn, soy, sugar beet) Industrial oils; liquid vegetable oils such as canola (rapeseed), sunflower, corn, cotton, and margarines (trans fats) Microbiota and Nutrition The importance of the balanced structure of the bacterial ecosystem within us, called microbiota, has been acknowledged by scientific studies in keeping our bodies healthy and functioning properly. The ideal situation in the human microbiome is that the ratio of good / bad bacteria matches the 80/20 balance. If this balance is disturbed, problems in our intestines may arise, and no other prevention may respond permanently. In addition to the importance of the microbiome balance, it is important to remember that we are responsible for the microbiota. Because how we feed has a tremendous effect on the bacteria that grow in our intestines. An important advantage here is that we know exactly what foods good bacteria like. If you follow the three-stage plan below, your microbiome will be largely near-ideal; Feed on prebiotics! Prebiotics are foods that are a favorite of good bacteria. In addition to providing food to the microbiota, prebiotics provide a favorable environment for them to multiply. When we say prebiotic fiber foods should come to mind. Lift-rich foods (vegetables and fruits) are the most suitable foods for microbiome. Foods rich in polyphenols such as blueberries, coffee and cold pressed olive oil have been shown to play a significant role in protecting against degenerative diseases by improving the microbiome environment. In summary, the power you need for a healthy microbioma is at the tip of your fork! Get probiotic support! Probiotics are “beneficial bacteria yaşayan living in the small and large intestines. If you make your intestines the perfect home for them (by eating plenty of pulp), probiotic bacteria will multiply there and do usefull things. Traditional foods such as kefir, pickles and tarhana are natural probiotic sources. Sometimes bad bacteria multiply in our intestines. These are unwanted guests. By obtaining a quality probiotic supplement, you can give beneficial bacteria the best chance of reproduction and prevent them from replicating in harmful ones. You can consult your doctor or pharmacist when choosing probiotics. Don't kill them! The easiest way to ruin your microbiota is to kill them with antibiotics. Do not use antibiotics unless absolutely necessary and without doctor's advice. Also, since processed foods contain preservatives that damage microbiota bacteria, it is best to avoid any processed foods. Eat full and real foods as much as possible. Do not consume food containing preservatives and additives. Contents of the Intestinal Microbiota and Laboratory Approach to Intestinal Health You can apply to our laboratory and / or get advice from our specialist doctors for “Fecal Flora Screening Test için to reveal your intestinal microbiota content. In case of suspicion of excessive candida colonization in your intestines, özel LTT-Candida test ılan which is studied with advanced methods in our special immunology laboratories is one of our recommended tests. LTT-candida is a test in which your immune cells respond to candida fungi. An increase in intestinal permeability caused by disruption of microbiome balance can be demonstrated by the on Zonulin ”test in the blood and the / LTT-Top 56 (cellular food sensitivity) gelişen test for food allergy / food sensitivity. 15AXX
SmartyPants Adult Complete Daily Gummy Vitamins: Gluten Free, Multivitamin & Omega 3 DHA/EPA Fish Oil, Methyl B12, Vitamin D3, Non-GMO, 180 count (30 Day Supply)

Benefiber Healthy Shape Taste-Free Fiber Supplement Powder, 17.6 Ounce


Benefiber Healthy Shape Taste-Free Fiber Supplement Powder, 17.6 Ounce
OptiFibre ® is a supplementary food containing 100% water soluble fiber. 12 The fiber contained in OptiFibre ® is produced by a controlled enzymatic process (partially hydrolyzed) of guar gum from guar bean seeds. It is 100% vegetative. 100% water soluble. UzdUr aromas. It is easy to use. You can use 1 part spoon Optifibre ® by mixing with solid foods or liquids. OptiFibre ® , with its 100% vegetable fiber , helps to meet the need for fiber that is missing from your daily diet. How does it work? The water-soluble fiber in OptiFibre ® (partially hydrolyzed guar gum) can be used as a source of energy by the large intestine flora. This also promotes the proliferation of beneficial intestinal bacteria. Thus, the functions of the large intestine (in terms of absorption and elimination of nutrients) can be supported naturally. 3,4,14 Nutrient source for our beneficial intestinal bacteria The human intestinal flora consists of billions of bacteria that affect, regulate and promote digestion. Useful intestinal bacteria (probiotics) need nutrients, including fiber, to benefit the body. 5.14 What happens in our intestines? Useful bacteria (probiotics) in our large intestine support the emergence of short-chain fatty acids after fermentation with prebiotics. 3,4 Short chain fatty acids are of great importance in the metabolism of the large intestine mucosa. It is an important source of energy for mucosal cells in the colon. Supports the function of the large intestine mucosa. 9,10,14 how it works In addition, short chain fatty acids reduce the pH in the column and form an acidic environment. This acidic environment creates an unfavorable environment for the reproduction of harmful bacteria for our body. Who is it suitable for? People with functional digestive system problems Persons with little or insufficient physical activity People who do not consume enough fiber Adults and children over 4 years How to use? OptiFibre ® can be mixed into cold / hot liquids or solid foods. a) Liquids: It is recommended to use 1 measuring spoon (5g) for 100 ml. For example, beverages, soups, sauces, orange juice, cocoa milk, etc. can be mixed with. b) Solid foods: It is recommended to use 1 measuring spoon (5g) per 100 g . For example; yogurt, mashed potatoes, mashed apples, etc. can be mixed with. Just mix and dissolve the powder completely. WARNING: For optimal solubility, do not mix with carbonated drinks or soda. product Usage Suggestion: If necessary, you can gradually increase the amount received to reach the maximum daily dose (12.5g). OptiFibre ® is suitable for children and adults over 4 years. It is recommended to use 5g per day in children aged 4 - 10 years. IMPORTANT WARNING: Do not exceed the maximum recommended daily use. Adults can take up to 2.5 measuring spoons (12.5g) per day. It does not replace the food source alone. Ask your doctor if you are pregnant, breastfeeding or taking medication. 14AXX
Benefiber Healthy Shape Taste-Free Fiber Supplement Powder, 17.6 Ounce

NOW Supplements, Glucomannan (Amorphophallus konjac)575 mg, 180 Capsules

Detox Tricks

NOW Supplements, Glucomannan (Amorphophallus konjac)575 mg, 180 Capsules
Detox is increasing interest. However, nasıl how to make a useful detox cure? ”Most of us still do not know. However, detox cures can be done even at home if some simple rules are followed! In short, a “detox clinic” is not necessary for bir effective detox cure.. Also, don't make a recent common mistake of “bowel cleansing için for detox. Neither going to a private detox center or cleansing the intestines with enema for effective detox is of no use. In particular, it has been scientifically proven that bowel cleansing has no contribution to detox. Modern medicine has already used this kind of yapılan enema ”in detox centers for years. It is also known that, besides some medical necessities, colon enema has no benefit and may have serious risks. The risks of colon enema include inflammation of the colon, degradation of bacterial structure and natural biological environment in the intestine, and even perforation of the intestine. So I wouldn't recommend you to accept such a practice just to say “be nice”. WHAT TO DO? In principle, when you decide to “detox ((unless you have a short vacation plan in mind), I suggest you do the first detox sessions at home. If you can pay attention to some basic principles, you can do detox anytime, anywhere. Let your basic principles be: · Your detox period should not be less than three days. · Never use processed foods during detox. · Do not use pills or magic detox solutions. · Remember that even natural things can become toxins if used too much. (Even if you drink excessive amounts of water, it may harm.) · Avoid meat and meat products, milk and dairy products. · Cut or reduce acidic foods. There are a few more important points : · As in all areas of life, “dose det is very important in detox. · Do not drink coffee and tea during detox. Decaf tea and coffees do not demand. · Herbal teas are free, you can drink. · Alcoholic beverages, fruit juice concentrates, fruit liqueurs, carbonated, cola drinks, instant soups and sauces are also prohibited in detox programs. · Do not add salt and sugar to food. · Try to feed as much organic products as possible. THE IMPORTANCE OF DETOKS SO MORE IMPORTANT An important point is that you should not forget that detox is more of a spiritual “thing.. It is useful to stay in a calm environment during the detox period, to increase your pleasant time, to spend time in environments with pleasant and calm sounds, pleasant, calm music. Keep in mind that detox doesn't mean starving yourself. Do not detox fast. Keep in mind that your body is the most powerful detox machine ever developed. Detox does not mean that you consume water, fruits and vegetables without stopping. When consumed more than necessary, even natural vegetable and fruit juices can harm health. Therefore, vegetable-fruit juice cures are not enough for detox. My advice is to use your detox programs in the form of mild detox diet at times of three to five days. In order to get better results from these applications, you should talk to your doctor, medications that you use, and if they will affect your health. What is the limit of survival in premature ? Pregnancy ends with birth at the end of 40 weeks, and babies born before 37 weeks are included in the premature class. Since premature babies do not have time to complete their development in the womb, they are more likely to encounter health problems both at birth and in childhood. The earlier these problems occur, the more they are experienced. We should say that the best incubator is the mother's womb and the mother's womb is the right thing to do until the baby's development is complete. 90 percent of babies up to 28 weeks live, but many may have serious health problems. Every day spent between 24-27 weeks in the womb, the baby's chance of survival increases by 2-4 percent. Babies born before 24 weeks are less likely to survive. DR. Example: ERHAN CANKAT Bacteria army against overweight In recent years, a lot of research has been done about the bacteria living in the intestine (which we call intestinal flora) and their skills. The progress of laboratory techniques not only saves time but also illuminates many unknown points. In this way, we saw that we could only recognize 20 percent of the bowel content twenty years ago! Babies are born with sterile, that is, bacteria-free intestines. Breast milk is their greatest help in creating a high-quality intestinal flora. The immune system is strengthened by the enrichment of the bacterial species. About 400 different kinds of bacteria live in the bowel of an adult. Their number increases over the years and reaches between 100000 and 200000 billion. Of course, the defense of such a crowded army is strong! The proportion of “benign” and “malignant” bacteria is important both for protection from bowel infections and for maintaining the integrity of the bowel wall. Some hormone-like substances have recently been released from the intestine. These fifty substances send various stimuli to the brain and play a role in the activity of some centers. Among these, appetite control has led to new prospects for the treatment of obesity and diabetes. In a recent study, Finnish scientists obtained conclusions that supported the argument that obese could interfere with the intestinal flora and contribute to weight management. This issue, which is still being studied extensively, will support the treatment and follow-up of obesity, which has become a serious life threatening health problem. DR. View Evren's Full Profile More effective when combined with vitamin C and linolenic acid Vitamin C and Linolenic Acid slow down skin aging. According to the results of a recent study, skin aging develops more slowly when high doses of vitamin C and Linolenic Acid are used together. According to the results of a new study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, vitamin C and Linolenic Acid work as besin youth foods (when used together as nutritional supplements (especially when they are administered as a cure with a restricted diet plan from fat and carbohydrates)! So they are literally showing a nutricosmetic effect. The research shows results from more than four thousand women. According to these results, especially in women who are fed vitamin C deficiency and wrinkles due to aging in the skin becomes more pronounced. This finding supports the idea that skin that cannot benefit from the antioxidant power of vitamin C and its effect on collagen production will age prematurely. Linolenic acid is a skin-friendly fatty acid is also supported by this research once again. Linolenic acid strengthens the moisturizing of the skin when taken orally, and when used externally in the form of cream, it can regress skin lesions. If you want to have younger and brighter skin, you can consider taking advantage of these many times proven beneficial effects of Vitamin C and Linolenic Acid. 13AXX
NOW Supplements, Glucomannan (Amorphophallus konjac)575 mg, 180 Capsules

FiberAdvance Gummies, 90 Count

What role does our intestines play in our health?

FiberAdvance Gummies, 90 Count
It has long been known that microorganisms in the intestines play an important role in the health of the digestive system. There is an increasing number of studies showing that intestinal microorganisms can be effective in many metabolic processes such as digestive health, immune system, cognitive functions and body weight control. So how does intestinal microorganisms affect our health? Intestinal Microbiology The human organism is home to a wide variety of microorganisms. Microorganisms live in various parts of the human body, especially in the skin, nose, mouth and intestines. The intestine itself is home to about 100 trillion bacteria cells. This corresponds to an estimated 10 times the total number of cells in the human body. All of the microorganisms living in the intestine are called “intestinal microbiota ken, while the sum of the microbiota genes is called mik microbioma.. The majority of the microorganisms living in the intestine are more than 1000 different types of bacteria. The type and proportion of microorganisms in the intestines of each individual also differ. What are the factors affecting intestinal microbiota? Intestinal microbiota begins to form with birth. The unborn baby is sterile, which means it does not contain germs under any circumstances. The baby passes through the mother's uterus during birth and first meets the bacterial flora there. Babies born by cesarean section are first introduced to the microorganisms in the environment, which may cause some problems in the formation of the normal flora that the baby should have. Thus, the microbiota that begins to form after birth, can change throughout life depending on nutrition, lifestyle, age, drug use, various diseases or many other environmental factors. Intestinal Microbiota and Health Research on human microbiota shows that microorganisms in the intestines affect health. For example, the microbiota of individuals with irritable bowel syndrome or allergic disease has been shown to be different from healthy individuals. However, it is also difficult to say whether a different microflora from healthy individuals is a cause or a consequence of the disease. However, it is not possible to talk about an ideal or healthy intestinal microbiota profile or model. The composition of the intestinal microbiota of healthy individuals is also quite different and variable from each other. Intestinal microorganisms play an important role in the health of the immune system as well as in the health of the digestive system because the immune tissues in the remainder of the digestion constitute the largest and most complex part of the human immune system. The intestinal mucosa is a large surface that covers the intestine and is exposed to pathogenic (disease-causing) and non-pathogenic environmental antigens (substances that trigger the immune system to produce antibodies). Microorganisms in the intestinal lumen are considered to play a critical role in the development of the immune system and the proper functioning of the immune system. Which microorganisms in the intestines help to improve health? There are approximately 1012 bacteria in the bowel of a healthy adult. Bacteroides, Bifidobacterium, Eubacterium, Clostridium, Peptecoccus Escherichia, Enterecoccus, Klebsiella, Lactobacillus are shown among these different species of bacteria. In the early nineteenth century, Russian scientist Eli Metchnikoff reported that the long life of Bulgarian peasants depended on their excessive consumption of fermented dairy products, and the existence of beneficial bacteria was scientifically discussed for the first time. Bacteria Useful for Human Health: Probiotics Probiotic means 'suitable for life'. Probiotics are defined as living microorganisms that have benefits to human health when taken in sufficient amounts with food and drinks. Probiotic foods can be defined as nutrients that can contain these live probiotic microorganisms which are beneficial for human health. Probiotic bacteria live in the digestive tract where they multiply temporarily, so a nutritional and lifestyle that can help these beneficial bacteria grow in the intestines can help promote health. The nutrients of these beneficial bacteria in the intestine are besin prebiotic ve and are indigestible nutrients. Probiotics live and multiply by using prebiotics. Therefore, in order to benefit from the health effects of live bacteria in the intestines, prebiotic sources of food must be included in the diet. Vegetables and fruits, cereals and legumes are prebiotic sources. Chicory, artichoke, oats, onions, bananas and asparagus are also among the prebiotic foods. Fermented foods such as yoghurt and kefir, which are lactic acid bacteria, which are useful bacteria, can also be consumed to support the growth of these bacteria in the digestive tract. However, probiotic bacteria need to remain alive in the food and reach the digestive tract alive, so it is important to store probiotic-containing foods in proper conditions. How Does Intestinal Flora Affect Health? An intestinal microflora, in which the number of probiotics, ie the number of beneficial bacteria, is predominantly supports the individual's digestive system health. Numerous studies show that probiotics can prevent diarrhea due to antibiotic use in children and adults, improve immune system functions, reduce allergic inflammatory ulcerative symptoms, such as crowns, and help prevent constipation and prevent elevated blood cholesterol levels. However, each of these health effects is shown to be associated with a different bacterial species or species. At the same time, the amount of probiotic required to support the immune system or to prevent constipation varies. As a result The microorganisms in our intestine undoubtedly play a very important role for our health. The number of research in this area continues to increase and deepen. A diet that includes probiotics and prebiotics, which are their nutrients, can help promote health. An active lifestyle with a diet where probiotic foods such as yogurt, kefir, vegetables and fruits and whole grains and legumes are consumed adequately and balanced can help increase the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal microflora and support health. 12AXX
FiberAdvance Gummies, 90 Count

Nature Made CholestOff Original Caplets

Charming intestine - Concrete facts

Nature Made CholestOff Original Caplets
The intestine is the largest organ of man. This organ is eight meters long and consists of millions of villas. The villi are thin, finger-shaped protrusions that form an impressive bowel surface within our abdominal cavity, two tennis courts wide (about 400 m²). Thus the intestine has the largest contact area with the outside world of the body. Each human body has 100 trillion bacteria, the majority of which live in our intestinal wall. The number of bacteria living in our intestine is 10 times more than the number of cells in our body. The microbes in our gut can weigh up to 2 kilograms. During our lives, approximately 30 tons of food and 50,000 liters of liquid are processed by our intestines. It is supported by more than 500 bacterial species during intestinal activities. 80% of our immune system is located in the intestine. Our digestive system contains more than 100 million nerve cells, more than what is found in the spinal cord, and is often referred to as the "abdominal brain". More than 20 hormones are produced in the intestine, including the happiness hormone serotonin and the sleeping hormone melatonin. Our health starts in the intestine However, when digestion occurs well, we feel completely good. Because the intestine is a delicate neural network and manages 80% of the metabolic processes in our body. For this reason, the intestine is also called the "happiness center". The intestinal flora is composed of trillions of hard-working bacteria that perform various tasks every day: Food breakdown Absorption of vitamins and minerals Production of vital vitamins, enzymes, amino acids Disposal of "bad" food ingredients Producing 80% of our immune cells Production of proteins ("immunoglobulins") that kill viruses and bacteria Defense against pathogens and toxic substances The tree takes its power from its roots, the human from its gut. If the bowel becomes unstable Our intestinal wall needs a strong protective barrier to perform many tasks. Billions of beneficial bacteria work to prevent harmful microorganisms from settling in our bodies. The sensitive microorganism balance of our intestine may be disrupted for the following reasons: Permanent physical and emotional stress that can cause inflammation in the intestine Incorrect eating habits and inadequate movement Drugs such as antibiotics that destroy pathogenic organisms as well as beneficial bacteria in the intestine Deterioration of the intestinal flora may have a number of effects on our physical and psychological health. In the event of an uncomfortable condition in the gut microorganisms, the following complaints may occur: Intestinal disorders such as diarrhea, constipation, bloating, abdominal pain Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis Irritable bowel syndrome Food intolerances such as celiac Allergy development Psychological problems Intestinal bacteria When the bowel is distorted, there is no pain or rumbling in the intestines, and nobody feels very well. Feeling good is closely related to healthy bowel function. Our intestine and the universe that lives here are truly fascinating, a symbiosis with a great impact on our health. Promoting bowel health The health of our intestine depends largely on our lifestyle. Adequate movement, abundant fluid intake, a fiber-rich and healthy diet, as well as avoiding unnecessary medication support the intestine during its activities. However, if inflammation has occurred in the intestine, it is important to treat them effectively and regenerate a strong protective shield against harmful microorganisms and allergens. Certain active bacterial strains that can be used in the form of synbiotics to cleanse the intestine from disease-causing toxic substances and decaying microorganisms play a decisive role. The power of synbiotics Synbiotics help healthy bacteria to settle and eliminate harmful bacteria in the intestine. High-quality synbiotics are composed of bacterial nutrients (prebiotics) and billions of bacteria (probiotics) that are natural, capable of reproduction. High-dose synbiotics are increasingly used for the maintenance and restoration of a healthy intestinal ecosystem. Their effectiveness has been proven in many studies and scientifically confirmed. When used at high concentrations, they support the regeneration and health of the intestine so that our digestion is restored and the intestine becomes the "center of health". 11AXX
Nature Made CholestOff Original Caplets

Fibercon (140-Count Caplets) Fiber Therapy for Regularity with Calcium Polycarbophil

How is bowel cleansing done? What to do for clean intestines ?

Fibercon (140-Count Caplets) Fiber Therapy for Regularity with Calcium Polycarbophil
Intestines are one of the most important organs of the body. Intestines, which are referred to as the second brain and are a sensitive, genetically dependent organ, are very important for human health. It collects all the wastes in the body and provides cleaning of these wastes. However, it is very important that the bowels are clean. If they are not, complaints like diarrhea or constipation begin to show. This is very troublesome for people. According to this; How is bowel cleansing done? Here are the details .. Intestines, which are seen as the basis of the immune system, are very important for health. Intestines are directly proportional to the nervous system, especially stress and unhealthy foods should be avoided. Not only is it healthy enough, but also the intestines need to stay clean. According to this; How is bowel cleansing done? Here are the details .. WHAT ARE THE NATURAL WAYS OF CLEANING OUR INTESTURES? SOME HERBAL SOLUTIONS CLEANING INTESTINALS: Thanks to these recipes, both your intestines will be cleaned and your digestive system will increase your working speed. All you have to do is to change your daily eating and drinking habits a little… It may surprise you if they are the result of this diet; thicker intestines mean cleaner kidneys and liver. One of the best recipes to clean the intestines is two oranges, seven strawberries and three peaches. We mix them into a fruit juice and consume. This drink naturally cleanses your intestines and strengthens your respiratory system. This beverage has also proven to be good for depression. You can consume before breakfast for nine days without a break. About an hour after drinking it, you can have your breakfast as usual. Cascara Sagrada: Popularly known as the name "Holy Crust." Found in the 16th century by Northern Aborigines, this recipe contains some components called anthraquinone. These components are known to accelerate bowel movements and shorten the time to go to the toilet. It also plays an important role in reducing digestive system sensitivity. Plantago Psyllium: It is also known as cauliflower. Karnıyır grass is a plant native to India and Iran. It is a source full of fiber. In general, it increases intestinal health. Althaea officinalis: marshmallow plant known by this name in Turkey. Although the motherland is in China, it can grow anywhere in the temperate climate. Sugar molecules contained in the intestine have a relaxation effect on mucous tissue. Cinnamomum Cassia: Perhaps one of the most well-known herbs for constipation in Turkey, we know him as senna. The effects on the digestive system are incredible. It maintains tissue health and improves intestinal activity. What to do for the intestines that are constantly clean? You should eat between 8 and 10 servings of fruit per week. It is essential to consume more fibrous ones of these fruits. Whole-grain carbohydrate production should be increased to 2 or 3 times a week. It is necessary to turn daily eating habits into fibrous and protein-rich foods. Sugar and fat should be avoided. Flaxseeds are important, even if you sprinkle the food occasionally you can see the effect. Exercise is a must. Walking at least half an hour a day ... However, during the day to consume plenty of water is essential. 10AXX
Fibercon (140-Count Caplets) Fiber Therapy for Regularity with Calcium Polycarbophil

Amazon Brand - Solimo Fiber 4g, 90 Gummies (2 Gummies per Serving)

10 Important Tips for a Healthy Bowel Order

Amazon Brand - Solimo Fiber 4g, 90 Gummies (2 Gummies per Serving)
The so-called irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), which is commonly referred to as restless bowel syndrome, can cause bowel to run too fast or too slow. This problem affects the working order of the intestines; Constipation, diarrhea or variable bowel habits can occur. Nutritional and lifestyle changes play an important role in the treatment of IBS. Memorial Diyarbakır Hospital Gastroenterology Department Assoc. Dr. Dr. Mustafa Yakut, gave information about irritable bowel syndrome. Social life is negatively affected IBS is not a lifestyle and the patient should not have to live with it. Although there is no risk of turning into important diseases such as cancer, it is a health problem that affects the quality of life negatively and can turn social life into a nightmare. At home, at work, in public transport, in social settings, the patient may suddenly need to go to the toilet. This leads to both physiological and psychological problems. IBS has periods of stagnation and exacerbation. During the pause, the disease does not show any symptoms, only mild diarrhea or constipation occurs. However, during exacerbation, the patient experiences all symptoms such as nausea, diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain, bloating, tension and becomes unable to perform daily living activities. The aim of treatment is to return the disease to a pause. Watch out for constipation During constipation, oats and flaxseeds are good sources of soluble fiber and significantly reduce the risk of constipation. It also helps to eliminate bloating and gas complaints. Consumption of at least 8 glasses of water per day should not be neglected. In order to maintain a regular bowel habit, the day should be started in a regular rhythm, the breakfast time should be kept constant and the habit of going to the toilet should be gained after half an hour of breakfast. Lifestyle under doctor control Although the exact cause of irritable bowel syndrome is not known, abnormalities in the intestines of these patient groups and impaired conduction between muscles and nerves in the intestinal wall have been identified. Complaints may vary from person to person. Since the disease is a problem with the digestive system, nutrition is of great importance. However, it should be remembered that some foods will trigger the problem. Therefore, it is essential that patients determine their lifestyle under the control of a gastroenterologist. Consider these suggestions to improve your quality of life Smaller portions should be preferred during meals and meals should not be skipped. Feeding habits should be abandoned at night. Donuts should be chewed well and consumed slowly. Nutrients should be consumed sitting down and should not be swallowed until thoroughly consumed. Regular exercise and sports are important factors against disease. It is important that the patient devote time to himself and avoid stress. In the morning, care should be taken to wake the male. Plenty of liquid should be consumed. Carbonated and caffeine-containing drinks should be avoided or limited daily. Especially in the period of exacerbation, the fruit and vegetables should be consumed by peeling. 9AXX
Amazon Brand - Solimo Fiber 4g, 90 Gummies (2 Gummies per Serving)

Vitafusion Fiber Well Fit Gummies

What is Rota virus that causes stomach-intestinal infection?

Vitafusion Fiber Well Fit Gummies
How to deal with the route virus that occurs in autumn and winter and affects children, especially infants? In order to protect children and babies from the virus that causes stomach, intestinal infection, Batıgöz Health Group Pediatric Specialist. Fikret İşbilir gave information and warned… Rota virus is one of the most common viruses in autumn and winter, which causes gastrointestinal infection in children, especially in infants. In some cases, this virus can be confused with adeno virus or amoebic dysentery. Rota virus from Batıgöz Health Group, which causes panic in families due to symptoms and goes to death in case of delayed treatment, is a disease which should be taken seriously and can be confused with different diseases due to some similarities in symptoms. However, it can be easily detected by looking at the antigen in the stool test. In general, severe abdominal pain, vomiting, fever, weakness, bloodless but watery diarrhea (repeated 10-15 times a day) manifested route virus, infants and children with electrolyte loss due to excessive water loss can lead to death or even into a coma can lead to death. Rota vaccine is a protective vaccine that should be given in infants before the age of 6 months. However, for the time being, it is not necessarily one of the routine vaccinations made by the state. But because it is medically necessary, we do great efforts to be routine by physicians. VACCINATION IN ADULTS There are 2 different types of this vaccine, which is provided by families. These are oral or oral vaccines. The effect of vaccines administered in two or three doses will be reduced if the baby is 6 months of age. In adults, the vaccine is completely ineffective. If the baby has been infected with the virus before vaccination and there is an infection that is present; fluid loss control is done to stabilize the electrolyte balance. If necessary, serum is inserted and followed by hospitalization. Probiotic and zinc treatment is supported. No antibiotics are given. Routine vaccination can be given after the baby survives. HANDS MUST WASH Child Health and Diseases Specialist Fikret İşbilir explained the route of transmission of the route virus: Contaminated water can be transmitted by well-washed foods, swimming pools, hand-in-hand contact. However, breastfeeding is very rare. A breastfeeding mother can continue breastfeeding even if she is infected with the route virus. Although the route virus is mostly seen in infants and children, it is also found in adult individuals, but the symptoms and course of the disease in adults are much more mildly overlooked than a baby. Infants and children are more likely to get into shock or coma due to severe symptoms and have no time to treat. Vaccine is the primary method of protection against rotavirus diarrhea. For this reason, it is highly recommended by our physicians to make a route vaccination before the first 6 months of life. DOOR HANDLES Hygiene needs to be very careful. The route virus can be easily transmitted to other people around by a wide range of tools such as door handles, telephone, elevator button, toys, cups that the person touches. Only pasteurized milk and bottled juice should be given to children, fresh fruit and vegetables should be washed with plenty of water before eating, meat, fish and seafood should be cooked well, before and after eating, after the toilet and after changing the baby's hands should be washed thoroughly. Rota virus can survive on dry surfaces for up to 2 months. For protection, clean water should be drunk. 8AXX
Vitafusion Fiber Well Fit Gummies

Metamucil Fiber, 3-in-1 Psyllium Capsule Fiber Supplement, 300 ct Capsules

Useful Foods for Cleansing the Intestines

Metamucil Fiber, 3-in-1 Psyllium Capsule Fiber Supplement, 300 ct Capsules
The colon, known as the large intestine, is vital for your entire digestive system to work properly and expel harmful substances. In this article, we will talk about the foods you can consume to clean the intestines . Toxins are disease-causing substances, so it is necessary to clean the intestines and purify the body from toxins. However, lack of exercise, malnutrition and insufficient water consumption can lead to toxin accumulation in the body. Try to avoid sugar, fat, alcohol and caffeine. These foods have antioxidant and diuretic properties because they consume plenty of fruits and vegetables instead. Below are the foods you need to consume in order to cleanse your intestines in natural and healthy ways . Useful Foods for Cleansing the Intestines and Purifying Toxins Orange Orange is known for its vitamin C properties as well as increasing the resistance to infection. It also contains sodium, potassium and magnesium, which strengthen the orange muscles. It is a natural treatment tool to strengthen your memory, prevent stomach and skin cancer, keep stress under control , regulate blood pressure and keep the nervous system stable. It is one of the most useful fruits you can consume to clean the intestines. Eating oranges every day reduces the signs of old age . Grape Grape cleans blood and intestines, diuretic and relieving constipation. It contains a high amount of vitamin C and is a challenge to deal with problems such as migraine, cardiovascular disease and cancer. In addition, grapes are a great source of potassium and fiber. Artichoke Artichoke is the most recommended vegetable for removing excess liquid and detoxifying the body. Used to relieve digestive problems, sensitive intestinal problems , flatulence, dizziness and nausea. It is also good for anemia, diabetes, rheumatism, gout and gallbladder problems. Celery detox Celery is very beneficial to the body and helps to prevent cancer (especially colon and stomach cancer). It is a great diuretic, lowers blood pressure, is a natural constipation drug, improves digestion and strengthens metabolism. Tomato Tomato helps cleanse the body thanks to its high content of antioxidants and vitamins. It is purifying and strengthens the immune system. Vitamin A in tomato strengthens the eyes, keeps your intestines healthy and protects against constipation and diarrhea. It also protects your skin from sunburn, lowers cholesterol and protects the heart. Lemon Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants and these substances are used to purify the body, strengthen the immune system and protect the gallbladder. Apple apple Apples help lower the rate of bad cholesterol. It also has antioxidant and cleansing properties. It regulates the digestive system and protects the brain against Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases. Due to its relaxing effect, it is recommended to eat plenty of apples during menopause and against anxiety. Apple gives a feeling of satiety. It also reduces constipation and prevents colon cancer and hemorrhoids that can occur if the toxins cannot be removed from the body . Onion Onion acts as an antibacterial in the body and protects the digestive system, improves blood circulation, is a great source of fiber. It contains vitamin C, prevents cancer, has low calories, does not contain cholesterol and contains little sodium. Green tea cleanse the bowels Green tea contains plenty of antioxidants, provides protection against flu, migraine and mental fatigue is perfect against. It is diuretic and prevents ulcer formation. Reduces tumors and protects against colon, lung and skin cancers. Important: It is actually very easy to clean the intestines and purify the body from toxins. Eat linseed and oats every day, drink plenty of water. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables, exercise and avoid foods that do more harm to your body. 7AXX
Metamucil Fiber, 3-in-1 Psyllium Capsule Fiber Supplement, 300 ct Capsules

Benefiber Fiber Supplement Powder Stick Packs for Digestive Health, 28 sticks, 3.92 ounces

Sertap Erener's disease for years! What is Colitis? Why and what are the symptoms?

Benefiber Fiber Supplement Powder Stick Packs for Digestive Health, 28 sticks, 3.92 ounces
Sertap Erener recently mentioned the illness he experienced years ago in his concert. Speaking about the disease for the first time in years, Erener said that his large intestine was taken. Erener admits to having colitis. explained that he had continuous surgery. So what is colitis? Why and what are the symptoms? We have searched for you everything about colitis, which is a serious digestive disease that reduces the quality of life for you. Colitis is caused by inflammation of the inner lining of the large intestine as a result of microbes. Colitis is also called general inflammation of the intestines. It often occurs in the damage of the intestines. Stress and depression, such as triggering in mental illnesses as a result of a decrease in the function of the intestines and decomposition feature of food waste remains in the inside. Colitis, which is caused by inflammation of the intestinal membrane from this deposit, is a serious digestive problem. Equal discomfort in men and women can be experienced regardless of the average age. Especially the risk of living with triggering conditions increases. In some studies, it is emphasized by experts that the metabolism, which slows down after 25 years of age, can be triggered. Unhealthy diet, excessive consumption of nicotine and caffeine also cause colitis. SERTAP ERENER'S DISEASE FOR YEARS! Last day, singer Sertap Erener, during the concert with his fans suffered from colitis disease and said he had struggled with this disease for years. Erener, who is being treated in America, announced that he does not have a large intestine. He said that the disease had not disappeared for years and this inflammation was recurring. The singer, who suffers from this, explained that he lived with the small intestine and had a negative impact on his quality of life. WHY IS COLLITE? Solid liquid separation of nutrients passes through the large intestine and intestinal colon, whereby the muscles are mobilized and the task is completed after defecation or urine. However, in some of the substances contained in nutrients and in some cases hereditary contraction is not contracted in the person's constipation or diarrhea problem arises. Colitis can be caused by intestinal bacteria and colon viruses. It also causes colitis in areas such as bacteria in the blood, stress, depression, drugs, genetic predisposition and environmental factors as well as toilets. This disorder causes all organs from the intestines to the esophagus to receive severe deformations for a short time. WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF THE COLLIT? - The most common symptom constipation and diarrhea - Severe abdominal pain - Sweating or chills due to sudden changing body temperature - Deformation and loss of skin - Inflammation and edema accumulation in and around the eye - It is manifested by symptoms such as loss of appetite. SCIENTIFIC AND HERBAL TREATMENT METHOD OF COLLITE There are many varieties, as they arise in many ways. Blood and fecal analysis is performed. The body's absorption of vitamins is examined. If the body has lost a large amount of vitamins and minerals, defecation is checked for colitis, and when the vitamins that the body needs to absorb are found, the doctor develops treatment accordingly. For this disease, which is also a herbal treatment method, foods that are high in antioxidants should be consumed. Probiotic yogurt, lentils, fruits and greens are effective foods. TURMERIC Turmeric, which is consumed both in meals and as tea, is the best natural food effective in the treatment of choline. Those who experience bowel problems can consume tea of ​​this food under expert control during the day. ALOE VERA GEL After peeling the outer skin of the aloe vera plant, remove the gel. Mix this gel with a glass of warm water and consume. You can consume 2 glasses of this mixture until the symptoms disappear. SAUERKRAUT Homemade sauerkraut has a full probiotic effect. This pickle, prepared naturally, allows the deformed cells in digestion to regain their former health. Increases intestinal flora. In addition, the beneficial acids contained in the intestines prevent the accumulation of food waste. So experts recommend regular consumption. POTATO JUICE Potatoes are consumed in normal alkaline substance does not have an effect on the body. However, when boiled, this substance is activated by heat. This increases the alkali in boiling water. Water thoroughly cleans the stomach and intestines. The substance also prevents the accumulation of gas in the intestines. So it eliminates all situations that will cause colitis. 6AXX
Benefiber Fiber Supplement Powder Stick Packs for Digestive Health, 28 sticks, 3.92 ounces