Showing posts with label Hydration. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hydration. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Re:Play Hydration Recovery Drink Powder, Tropical Breeze - 436g tub, 30 Servings

How Much Water Should We Drink, How Many LT Does Daily Water Need?

Re:Play Hydration Recovery Drink Powder, Tropical Breeze - 436g tub, 30 Servings

There is an issue where everyone approaches with different data and it is difficult to reach the right result, which is how many liters of water a person should drink per day for his health. The most important point to know here is that there are multiple factors that affect daily water demand. If you provide a water consumption that suits your age, climate and lifestyle, you can benefit from the benefits of water to the human body.

Baby and children

When a human being is born, the water content in his body is around 90%. This rate decreases a little more each day. As you get closer to childhood, the proportion of water in the body decreases to 70% and as you can imagine, it decreases with age. That is, a person should consume more water as he grows up or ages.

Differences according to climate and health

Every person's need to drink water may vary according to the climatic conditions. Experts say that on average 8-9 glasses of water should be drunk. But climatic conditions may require you to consume more water. In general, doctors think that a person living in a temperate climate should drink 8-9 glasses of water per day. You should not forget that there is no harm, but you have to balance well.

How much water do you lose

When a person moves enough to meet their basic needs for a day, he loses about 1 liter of water. In order to end the day in a healthy way, this lost water must be returned to the body. When you do not replace the water lost by the body with breathing, sweating and bowel movements, dehydration starts in the body and the door opens to various health problems with long-term effects.

Factors affecting water demand

Water requirements may vary from day to day. This is because of the differences you experience with your activities, weather and health during the day. The amount of exercise you make during the day plays a decisive role in your water needs. When determining your daily water needs, you also need to pay attention to environmental factors. Hot and humid weather will create the need for extra water. Living in a high place likewise increases the need for water. The daily water requirement is considered to be 8-9 glasses, but especially in the summer months, drinking as much water as you can will be a healthy and correct decision in every respect.

Re:Play Hydration Recovery Drink Powder, Tropical Breeze - 436g tub, 30 Servings

Electrolyte Stamina Power Pak Watermelon Flavor 30 Packets

8 Signs on Your Body When You Not Drinking Enough Water

Electrolyte Stamina Power Pak Watermelon Flavor 30 Packets

We all need water to survive. No one can live without water. Water also keeps the inner workings of our body at the highest level.

Water should be regularly drunk to keep the body healthy. Because water helps to regulate body temperature and improves digestion. Water also helps to remove all toxins from the body and produces the necessary body fluids.

However, one of the most important features of water is that water is an excellent separator. This means that many chemical reactions that support vitality take place in the aquatic environment.

Failure to drink enough water after reading all of these can cause serious complications. At this point, it is important for you to know that juices, tea, energy drinks and coffee do not count as the body's need for water. You should also remember that energy drinks and coffee are rich in caffeine and caffeine leaves the body dehydrated.

Our bodies usually tell us when we need water. However, in this article, you will read some of the signs your body sends you that you don't consume enough water.

1- Frequency of urine

A healthy person peeds about 6-7 times a day. This figure is different in every person because not everyone drinks the same amount of water. Those who urinate 2-3 times a day or who did not urinate in a few hours should consume more water. That way your body tells you you don't consume enough water. Your kidneys may have many difficulties because you do not consume enough water. This means that your kidneys cannot filter out all impurities in your body. Therefore, if you want your body to function properly, you should drink the right amount of water per day.

2- Dry skin

Your skin needs water to be bright and smooth. Your skin always needs water to stay healthy. When you consume regular water, your skin will not be dry and soft enough to touch. If you have dry skin, your skin is dehydrated. Another indication that your body is deprived of water is that it needs water if your skin continues to dry after applying lotions or wax creams to your skin. Therefore, if you want to meet the water needs of your body, you should drink a few glasses of water every hour. So your skin will be healthy and surprisingly soft and smooth.

3- Headache

Maybe you didn't know that, but a lot of headaches are caused by thirst. Headache due to dehydration is slightly different from normal headaches. Because this type of headache is the worst in any fast movement. This means that when you try to take something, move quickly, or move up and down the ladder, the pain becomes worse. If you have this type of headache, it means your body is deprived of water. Usually, this type of headache occurs when you do not drink enough liquid or if you are very sweaty. Therefore, you can consume plenty of water when you feel this type of headache. However, remember to take fluids slowly and easily.

4- Dry mouth

Reduction of saliva in the mouth causes dry mouth. If you experience constant dry mouth, you may suffer permanent damage to your throat and mouth. Dry mouth is usually caused by a lack of water in your body. However, taking a large amount of medication can also prevent the production of saliva in your mouth. Therefore, if the mouth continues to dry, you should carry a bottle of water with you.

5- Urine color

A dark discoloration in your urine may indicate a significant condition. Urine color should be clear. If your urine color continues to darken, you should immediately begin to consume more water, and slowly drink water to allow your body to move water slowly to the necessary organs.

6- Hunger

Did you feel hungry even though you had just eaten? Probably the aperitifs were not the solution either. But this is not the case. This is the signal that your body is dehydrated to you. You feel hunger because often your body can confuse hunger with thirst. So when you feel hungry after another meal, try drinking water instead of snacks. Water will satisfy your hunger. Because you're not hungry, you're dehydrated.

7- Dizziness

Sometimes when you feel light in your head, you don't need to panic, because it probably means your body has lost too much fluid and is dehydrated. You should be aware that the accumulation of fluid in the inner ear can also cause dizziness. When you feel dizzy, all you have to do is drink a glass of water. You should also know that this is very common among athletes who stay in the sun for a long time.

8- Symptoms of chronic dehydration

You should also know that there are some symptoms that indicate a chronic fluid loss. Also, it is very important to you that any of these symptoms appear due to fluid loss and should not be ignored.

These symptoms include:

Urinary tract infections
Early aging
Confusion / Anxiety
High cholesterol

Electrolyte Stamina Power Pak Watermelon Flavor 30 Packets

RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports, Hangover Cure and Everyday Beverage, 3X More Electrolytes, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Flavor) (Acai Berry)


RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports, Hangover Cure and Everyday Beverage, 3X More Electrolytes, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Flavor) (Acai Berry)

The miracle from nature: What are the benefits of thermal water to the body?

The thermal waters, which provide us with minerals from the source of thermal waters, are good for many diseases and reduce the effects of diseases.

It provides the minerals from the source of thermal waters to us, to heal the ailments caused by many diseases. Thermal waters with different properties provide healing effects for different diseases. It warms you up in winter with its warm water and it is quite good for your physical and mental fatigue.

What are the benefits of thermal water?

Thermal water should be a stopover point for everyone especially during the season passes and winter months. This mineral water is extremely beneficial to health, even healthy bodies need.

If you want to get an effective result from Thermal Waters, we recommend you to visit Armas Thermal frequently.

The benefits of thermal are not limited to counting, but the strong minerals it contains are what make thermal water special. Thanks to the minerals in the thermal water, it is easily absorbed on the body side in contact with the skin. With this feature, rich mineral thermal waters are the source of healing for us.

Thermal Water: Regulates and accelerates metabolism.

The slowing down of the metabolism is a condition that makes you feel physically negative and complains. The time spent in the healing thermal water accelerates human metabolism.

Spa water is good for people who have indigestion problems. In addition, human metabolism is accelerated by the exercises performed in the spa water.

Thermal Water: Relieves and heals the pain of rheumatism.

Rheumatic pains adversely affect people's daily lives. Thanks to the spa waters, rheumatism pains create relaxation in people.

The severity of the pain in the problematic area is reduced by the minerals contained in the hot water. Hot spring water, joint pain or low back pain is also good.

Thermal Water: Refreshes your skin and reduces your skin problems.

Skin diseases, such as allergies and eczema, which adversely affect both your body and your mental health, are healed by thermal waters. When minerals are processed into the skin, itching occurs in the problem areas or areas of the skin, suggesting that allergy zones have healed after thermal water treatment.

It has a calming effect on your body by reducing tension and stress. It's also good for your soul.

Thermal water as well as psychological benefits to your body is very much psychological. With its thermal water relaxation feature, it will help to relax the body and soul, especially during the time spent in the thermal water temperature on stressful and intense paced days. Thermal waters that provide relief of swelling in the body are literally like a therapy in every aspect.


Armas Thermal contains high mineral, high temperature healing water. Rheumatic and orthopedic patients see our thermal water as a treatment method and frequently visit our hotel. Our hot and rich mineral water has a well-deserved reputation for drinking cures.

RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports, Hangover Cure and Everyday Beverage, 3X More Electrolytes, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Flavor) (Acai Berry)

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 10 Stick Packs)

How Many Liters of Water Should You Drink?

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 10 Stick Packs)

We hear everywhere için For water, for water ””, için For at least 1,5 liters per day ”, için For 8 glasses of water per day”… Again, it is a confusing subject. Let's look at this first; Why drink water? Women, men, large, small, everyone should drink water. Water plays a vital role in cell health by carrying vitamins, minerals and glucose to the cells. We need water for chemical and metabolic reactions in our bodies. The use of nutrients in the body and excretion from the body occurs with water. Water also plays a role in regulating body temperature. 90% of a developing embryo, 75-80% of a newborn baby, 60-70% of adults and 50-60% of the elderly are water. Two-thirds of this water is found in the cells, the remainder in the inter-tissue fluid and blood.

So how much water should we drink? There is no absolute answer to this question. Some drink 3 cups, some 3 liters. There are many decisive criteria here; for example, the climate of the place where the person lives. The water needs of a person living in the South East and the water needs of a person living in Central Anatolia are not the same. Another criterion is daily activities. One who works all day at a desk and someone who works in the field under the sun is not the one who needs water. A person who does sports and a sedentary does not need the same amount of water. And another important criterion is diet. Anyone who eats plenty of fruit and vegetables needs to drink less water. On the contrary, someone who is fed dry should drink more water. A protein-rich diet leads to the formation of urea, which in turn leads to an increase in water loss as the amount of urine increases. In this case you need to drink more water. If you're not sure you're drinking enough water, maybe you should pay attention to these 2 points; 1. Is your urine dark or light? 2. Do you want to eat junk food, or eat often?

Your urine should be light. And you have to urinate 8-10 times a day.

If you want to eat often, your body needs to get water from the food, you did not drink enough water.

The question is more valuable than the amount of water;

1. When should I drink water? As soon as you wake up in the morning, the water you drink is necessary for the body to cleanse itself, because the body does not eat all night and has entered the detoxification process. Drinking water at the latest 15 minutes before meals and at the earliest 1 hour after meals and not to drink water during meals are important times for effective completion of digestion.

2. Where should I drink the water? Unfortunately, almost everyone in Turkey from plastic bottles, are drinking water from plastic bottles. These bottles contain many health-threatening chemicals, particularly BPA. For example, BPA has been proven to cause many problems such as growth disorders, congenital problems, heart diseases, increased risk of diabetes and cancer. Especially in contact with heat, plastic bottles are much more dangerous. It is not possible to drink because the tap water contains many chemical wastes. In this case, use a scientifically proven filter, filter tap water or plastic bottle water and drink. Only the reliability of the filter is very important here.

GoHydrate Electrolyte Hydration Drink Mix - A Naturally Flavored, Sugar Free, Maximum & Instant Hydration Powder (Mixed Flavors, 10 Stick Packs)

RecoverORS Clinical Electrolytes | Hydration for Hangover, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Diarrhea for Adults | Oral Rehydration Solution ORS

The amazing benefits of drinking water, how much water should you drink a day?

RecoverORS Clinical Electrolytes | Hydration for Hangover, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Diarrhea for Adults | Oral Rehydration Solution ORS

Proper amount of water consumption is vital for all organs, especially kidneys, heart and liver. Upset. Dr. Mahmut Demirci, gave information about the benefits of water.

Many people do not consume enough water during the day due to their intensity, forgetfulness or frequent consumption of different liquids. However, proper water consumption is vital for all organs, especially the kidneys, heart and liver. Drinking less water can lead to many negative conditions, from weight gain to serious illnesses. Upset. Dr. Mahmut Demirci, gave information about the benefits of water.


Water, which is vital for living beings, maintains all biological life and activities. Only 3% of the earth's water is fresh water. The vast majority of these fresh water resources are located in glaciers. Water, which is a biological solvent, provides the transport and dissolution of vitamins and minerals in the body. Inadequate and healthy water consumption, especially kidneys, heart, liver, such as organs can lead to vital negativities, body temperature imbalances, skin dryness, indigestion, headache and forgetfulness can cause.

Do not prefer other drinks to water

In order to carry out vital functions in a healthy way, sufficient water must be consumed. Consuming 8-9 cups or 2-2.5 liters of water per day meets the body's need for water. Those who do not like the taste of water or who experience nausea; they can sweeten the juice in sliced ​​fruit slices or vegetables such as pond and celery. Drinks such as tea and coffee should not be replaced by water as it increases the discharge of water from the body.

Feed your kidneys with water

While you can live without food for days, you can live without water but for a few days. The most important effect of not consuming enough water is seen in water-fed kidneys. The harmful substances such as urea, creatine and uric acid formed in the body are diluted with water and excreted from the kidneys. Since the lack of sufficient water slows down the urinary flow, urinary tract inflammation and kidney stones may progress to renal failure. In countries where access to clean water resources such as Africa is difficult, kidney diseases are the most common discomfort.

Protect from heart disease with water

Heart diseases, especially heart attacks, are closely related to water. Researches; There is a significant difference in heart attack between those who pay attention to daily water consumption and those who do not. It is known that in the dehydrated body, the blood thickens and the tendency to coagulate increases. As a result, blood pressure imbalances, palpitations, arrhythmia and heart failure can be seen. The inability of the heart to function properly may have negative consequences in the liver and lung.

Keep water out of your life against infectious diseases

Water has an important place in daily hygiene. When the amount of water consumed for nutrition is combined with the hygiene of the body and nutrients, one needs about 20 liters of clean water per day. Just cleaning the hands with soap and water is a shield against many infectious diseases. Diseases such as typhoid fever and diarrhea have fatal consequences in countries where clean water resources are not available. Water consumption is also important to create body resistance to infectious diseases such as influenza.

Water for shimmering skin

The largest organ of the body is proportional to the size of the skin's need for water. In cases where the circulatory system cannot bring enough water to the skin, that is, not enough water is consumed, the intracellular water decreases and the repair rate of the skin decreases. Daily water consumption should be considered for a healthy, soft, moisturized skin without aging effects.

Water increases metabolic rate

The idea of ​​throwing fat in the urine by drinking water does not reflect the truth. However, regular water consumption accelerates metabolism. Regular consumption of water, which is “0 düzenli calories, can result in less food. Drinking water when you wake up in the morning and in the evening creates a feeling of satiety and can indirectly help to lose weight. In addition, saliva and gastric secretion of water is involved in the digestion of nutrients.

In addition, not enough water is consumed;

• Forgetfulness and concentration disorder
• Headache
• Constipation
• Hair loss and dandruff
• Lack of milk in lactating women
• It may cause problems such as muscle cramps.

RecoverORS Clinical Electrolytes | Hydration for Hangover, Diarrhea, Vomiting, Diarrhea for Adults | Oral Rehydration Solution ORS

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (96)

Water and Health

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (96)


At the UN Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, the United Nations General Assembly decided to celebrate March 22 as “World Water Day her each year due to the increasing importance of water in the world. Since 1995, World Water Day is celebrated every year with a different theme emphasis. In this article, we will emphasize the theme of “Water and Health..


Water is the most important element after oxygen for human life. Although people can survive for weeks without taking food; can live only a few days without water.

The water content of the human body varies between 42 and 71% of body pain by age and sex. The children's body has a high proportion of water, and as age gets older, water is being replaced by fat. On average, 59% of the adult human body is water. On average, 60% of the body water is in the cell and 40% is in the extracellular fluid.

Among the main tasks of water,
• Digestion, absorption and transport of food into cells;
• Disposal of the nutrients in the cells, which are formed as a result of the metabolism of the nutrients, to the lungs and kidneys for disposal
• Control of body temperature,
• Ensuring the lubricity of joints,
• Transportation of electrolytes,
• Humidification of body tissues such as mouth, eyes and nose,
• The presence of body fluids such as blood, gastric fluid, saliva, urine in the body,
• Preventing constipation by softening the stool,
• Regulation of body temperature is involved.

All elements of the human body except the bones, skin, connective tissues and lipids are in solution in water. Reactions in the cells occur in this solution. The heat generated in the body is thrown out with sweat. Evaporating about 1 liter of water by evaporating sweat eliminates 600 calories of heat.

Water Requirement and Resources

Human, water needs generally; metabolism, nutrients and beverages. Water is formed as a result of metabolism of nutrients. The amount of metabolic water varies according to the composition of the diet. According to the protein content of the diet high carbohydrate and fat, increases the amount of metabolic water.

The body needs a constant supply of water for regular body functions. During intensive work outside, especially on hot and humid days, water is lost from the body. Only 0.5-1 kilograms of water loss from the body, creates a sense of thirst. A little more loss results in reductions in strength and strength. There is a risk of heatstroke or heat shock in people who experience high temperature loss of fluid for a long time. When a person loses all of the carbohydrates and fat in his body, half of the proteins and 10% of body water, his life is in danger. A 20% decrease in body water results in death. An adult person receives an average of 1 liter of water per day for drinks and 1.2 liters of water for food. 1 mL (1 gram) of water should be taken for every 1 kcal of energy taken from the diet. This amount is 1.5 mL (1.5 grams) in infants. In adults, an average of 2.5 liters (about 10 cups) of water per day is lost with sweat (even when we sit down), urine, feces and respiration. On average, 500 mL of water is lost from the human body daily through the skin, 300 mL from the lungs, 1500 mL from the urine from the kidneys and 200 mL from the intestines. These amounts vary according to climate and working conditions, diseases, composition of diet and body's hormone balance. Unlike other nutrients, the body does not store water and does not provide an extra source when the need arises. In order to prevent loss of water and to maintain normal functioning of the body, the lost fluid must be replaced.

Excessive water loss is caused by sweating or evaporating through the skin during heavy work or exercise. You can start with 8 cups of water per day to meet your daily water needs. Depending on the increase in the duration and intensity of physical activity, it is useful to drink as much as 1-3 cups per hour.

Caffeine-containing tea, coffee and some non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages cause an increase in urine and cause loss of water from the body.

After the reactions in the body, the maximum amount of water per 1 gram is formed by the reaction of the fat, followed by carbohydrate and protein, respectively. Lots of protein and salt in the diet increases water loss from the kidneys. On the other hand, high carbohydrate diet reduces water requirement.

In kidney diseases, as a result of the deterioration of the filtration function of the kidney, water accumulation in the body or excessive water loss occurs. The need for water increases in all diseases and functional disorders that cause water loss and diarrhea from the intestines. In cases of fever, diarrhea and vomiting, water loss is high. During pregnancy and lactation women need fluid. During long-term air travel or exposure to heat, water evaporates from the skin. For example, excessive water loss occurs as a result of air travel.

Why drink water?

First of all, water does not contain calories. This is really an advantage if you avoid taking extra calories. Normal soft drinks and alcoholic beverages contain calories. The amount of sodium in water is also low and does not contain fat and cholesterol. Also, unlike water, coffee, tea and some other beverages, it does not contain caffeine.

For Water For Health !!!

It is helpful to consume enough water (8-12 cups) throughout the day to keep your body's water level at normal levels. If you need to increase your water consumption during the day,
• It is recommended that you give arası water break öner instead of “coffee break”. If you want to eat something in your subconscious, having a mug of water on your desk will help to increase your water consumption.
• Pay attention to water in your meals and snacks. Complementing your food with water, milk or juice also helps in water consumption. In addition, sometimes starting your meals with soup will help you increase water consumption.
• Carrying 1 bottle of water with you while traveling or outside will make your water consumption easier.
• It is important for your health to drink water before, during and after physical activity, especially in hot weather. It is recommended that you consume 125-250 mL of water every 15-20 minutes during exercise. It is important that you consume water without waiting for thirst.

Water Cleaning

Finding clean water is one of the most important problems in developing countries.

If you are in doubt about providing safe water, it is better not to drink. Instead, it is safer for your health to take various measures to obtain purified water from bacteria that cause the spread of infectious diseases. For this,
• Report any doubts to your local public health department or water company, which can test your water in private laboratories.
• If you are using wells or spring water, have them tested regularly because you are responsible for their safety.
• To clean drinking water, it is necessary to boil the city water for at least 1 minute. Then place the boiled water in a sterile container.
• You can use iodine and chlorine tablets carefully to follow the instructions on the packages to clean the water.

The use of bottled water has become widespread in recent years. Today there are a wide variety of waters on the market shelves: these are artesian water, mineral water, soda, pure water and spring water. Artesian water is a kind of well water. Mineral water is water containing dissolved solids and minerals in standard proportions. Pure water or demineralized water is obtained by removing minerals from water in various ways. Soda is a kind of water with foaming properties. Spring water is a natural water from underground.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Acai Berry) (96)

Oral Rehydration Salts ORS (50, One Liter Packets/Box) World Health Organization (WHO) New Formula for Food Poisoning, Hangovers, Diarrhea, Electrolyte Replacement


Oral Rehydration Salts ORS (50, One Liter Packets/Box) World Health Organization (WHO) New Formula for Food Poisoning, Hangovers, Diarrhea, Electrolyte Replacement

The leading actor of all the physical and chemical transformations in the world, “water olan which is the source of life, is the most important substance that comes after oxygen which can be called a must for humanity.

Although it varies according to various age groups, there is an average of 50-70% water in the human body.

Although this ratio varies depending on age, sex, weight, height and degree of physical activity and health status, it is generally 60% in adult men, 50% in women and 65-75% in children . As the age progresses, the proportion of fat in the body increases and the rate of water decreases.


95% 80% 75% 70% 50%

2/3 of the water in our body is inside the cells; the rest is found in veins, tissues, digestive system and body cavities. Body fluids include blood, gastric secretion, saliva, amniotic fluid (during pregnancy) and most of the urine is water


75% 85% 22% 75% 96% 90% 80% 80% 8%


Water is taken directly into the body with the food or drinks consumed. After taking a series of tasks in the blood and cells, the water level in the body is transmitted to the brain by hormones. Sensing and stimulating brain cells give the necessary commands according to the water level in the body. To drink water should not wait to be thirsty.

The daily water requirement of an adult is approximately 2500 ml . One way to understand our body's need for water is to eat 1 ml of water per 1 kcal by calculating the calories of the foods we eat. Thus, despite the vital changes such as age, weight, sports activity and health status, we regulate the amount of water to be consumed correctly.

How much water should my child drink?

Compared to adults, children lose more water in proportion to evaporation because their bodies have a larger area than surface mass ratio. Sweating abilities and kidney functions are less developed. During games or exercises in warm environments, they tolerate heat less than adults, produce more metabolic heat than their weight, are less susceptible to thirst, and may not understand that they need more water. Although studies in this area show that children develop thirst at a similar rate as adults, it is more important for adults to take adequate fluids because the body temperatures rise faster than adults.

The fluid requirement of children varies with age. Starting from the newborn, we can say that as the milk intake decreases, the water taken with the drinks becomes more and more important. While breast milk is the best source of liquid at the age of 0-1, water and complementary nutrients (formula, fruit, vegetable juice) form the source of liquid as a supplement to breast milk. After 1 year, the best source of liquid is water.

Fluids may vary depending on the child's age, size, activity level and medical history. The simplest method for determining fluid needs is “Holiday-Segar Calculation.. This method is based on the weight of the child. Accordingly, the amount of water to be consumed is 100 ml per kg of body weight for the first 10 kg of weight, 50 ml per kg of body weight for the next 10 kg, and per kg of body weight for each weight above 20 kg. 20 ml. For example, a child weighing 10 kg needs 1000 ml of water, a child weighing 15 kg needs 1250 ml of water, and a child weighing 25 kg needs 1600 ml of water.

In cases of sickness such as vomiting, diarrhea, prolonged exposure to the sun or excessive sweating, children should consume more water before and after physical activity.

Another way you can keep track of your child's fluid consumption is to monitor how much he has urinated and the color of his urine. Babies wet their diapers at least 4-8 times a day, and children urinate 4-8 times a day. However, you can calculate how much fluid your child needs to take and keep track of the fluids they receive during the day to ensure that they get enough water.

Water; carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals together with an important nutrient.

70-80% of the total liquid intake is supplied from drinking water and other beverages, and the rest is supplied through food. Liquids taken with drinks other than water also help meet the water needs of our body.

The main source of fluid for children is primarily water, as in adults. Fruit and vegetable juices with water; beverages such as milk, buttermilk, kefir; homemade lemonades, fruit and herbal teas; soups, vegetables and fruits are other important sources of fluid intake.

In particular, children consume milk, buttermilk, kefir; Supports development because it contains calcium and protein. Fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as vegetable and fruit juices derived from them, are also good sources of liquid. However, the point that should be considered in fruit juices is that consumption should be limited because it contains high amount of sugar. Eating the fruit itself allows us to get less calories than consuming its juice, and it helps to feel satiety because of its fiber content. Damage to teeth due to sugar and acidic content is minimized.

Acidic beverages, which are popular because of their taste, may seem more appealing to children, but cannot replace water in any way . This group of drinks with high caffeine and sugar content is also harmful for teeth with high acid content. They prepare the ground for childhood obesity due to high glycemic index.

Drinking and used water should be colorless, odorless and water taste. As a good solvent, the natural chemical content of water should contain some essential elements (calcium, magnesium, sodium, etc.) that the body needs. On the other hand, nitrite and nitrate derivatives, organic and chemical substances, heavy metals and microbes that can be found in water are harmful substances for human health . The quality of drinking water is very important in terms of its usefulness to the body.


It dissolves, digests and absorbs the food we eat.
It provides the body structure by dissolving the solid substances that the cells need to perform their functions.
Makes the intestines work, prevents constipation.
Provides blood circulation. It carries nutrients and oxygen to the cells. It fulfills the task of moving to the places that hormones need in the body.
Adjusts body temperature.
Provides support to joints. It converts the spine discs into ”shock-absorbing water pads..
It takes the waste material from the cells and transmits it to the organ.
It reduces toxin and kidney burden by removing toxins.
Adjusts body temperature. It helps to cool the body by providing sweating and evaporation in the body especially in hot weather.
It gives us power and electrical energy for all brain functions, especially for thinking. Indispensable for hormones produced by the brain.
Integrates mind and body functions. Increases the ability to make decisions and set goals.
Helps alleviate stress, tension and depression. It regulates sleep and is effective in relieving fatigue.
Drinking enough water ensures that the metabolism in the body works regularly.
The risk of developing colds, urinary tract infections and bladder cancer is reduced.
It helps to reduce the feeling of hunger. When we drink water, we can distinguish between thirst and hunger.
Leaves skin healthy & supple
When enough water is consumed, most of the body's trace elements are met, the skin becomes beautiful and the immune system is strengthened.
Urinary tract infections, kidney stones and the risk is reduced.


Excessive water consumption during the day can also lead to some important health problems in the body, such as low water consumption. Daily fluid intake should be equal to daily fluid loss to maintain normal fluid volume in the body. When this balance is disturbed, some discomfort occurs. WHO has proven that water consumption of more than 5 liters causes health problems. If the water is healthy, drinking water can have harmful effects. Drinking too much water brings with it too much water, which again leads to loss of minerals from the body and thus to electrolyte imbalance. When excessive water is drunk, the blood is irrigated, increases in volume and places an extra burden on the circulatory system, vessels and especially the heart. The kidneys, which have to drain more fluid for excretion, get tired.

Also, too much thirst may be a sign of some discomfort.

The first thing that comes to mind are diabetes and absorption problems of the large intestine . In the presence of these conditions, a physician should be consulted.

People with heart disease, high blood pressure disease and edema should limit the amount of water to drink to a maximum of 3 liters. Fluids above the daily intake can be life-threatening.

The concentration of minerals inside and outside the cells varies . In order to achieve sodium balance, fluid transfer from the blood to the cells begins, causing the cells to swell and make edema. If this swelling occurs in the brain, a series of discomforts leading to headache, hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage and death due to increased pressure will occur.

Encouraging children to play in warm weather and exercise is not only sufficient to drink water, but also needs to be followed. As a result of physical activity in hot weather, children may develop water loss rapidly. This is vital.

Symptoms such as mild thirst, frequent thirst, and yellow urine are manifested; more severe thirst causes symptoms such as dryness of the skin, mouth and tongue, collapse of the eyes, gray skin color, flushing of the skin, temperature and laxity, lack of tears, and decrease in urine output .

If adequate water intake is not achieved, mental performance and learning ability of children are adversely affected. It causes fatigue, dizziness, headache and fatigue, as well as a 10% reduction in attention and concentration ability.

In pilot school studies on drinking water, teachers reported that meeting water needs contributes to an efficient learning environment and helps to instill good habits.

It can also cause health problems such as thirst, urinary tract infection, bedwetting and constipation in children. 1% of boys and 3% of girls experience urinary tract infection in the first 10 years of life.

If 10% of the water in the body disappears, circulatory and renal failure is seen, and 20% of water loss causes death.

Günlük Water poisoning ”may occur when daily water intake is greater than daily water discharge. Some substances and minerals such as salt, protein, urea and sugar are present in the water in our body at a certain concentration. Decreasing this concentration with excessive water consumption, salt imbalance in the blood and decreasing the amount of sodium may adversely affect our vital organs such as heart, kidney and brain.

Health Tips in Water Consumption

Start the day with at least 1 glass of water every day. Putting a jug of water where you can see reminds you to consume water during the day. Always have a bottle of water with you in your car.
It increases the metabolism of the water taken 30 or 15 minutes before meals and creates a volume in the stomach and seriously prevents the intake of excess nutrients in the meal.
Make sure that the water you consume during the day is at room temperature.
Feel free to drink water when you wake up at night. 1 glass of water in your bedside can be the key to solving the disorder.
For reliable sources of water. Excessively filtered water has no benefit to the body and may have lost mineral during filtration.
As the age gets older, the capacity of our body to perceive “thirst azal decreases, so the desire for water is becoming more and more late. More attention should be paid to water consumption in older ages.
To benefit from water, the habit of drinking water should be gained from an early age.

Water is life! We wish healthy days where children all over the world have access to adequate water.

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Experts Explain How Many Liters Of Water We Should Drink Per Day

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A new study showing that drinking too much water is “useless tı has started a discussion about the water-health relationship. Drinking two liters a day, eight glasses of water per day, there is no evidence that it is sağlık beneficial sağlık in terms of health.
Dr. Dan Negoianu and Dr. Stanley Goldfarb says that the idea of ​​drinking eight glasses of water a day is a myth. According to US experts, “Water beautifies the skin, helps to lose weight and toxins from the body, those who do not drink enough water gets sick” statements such as “completely bragging” P So what do our experts say?

“An adult loses 10 glasses of water a day günde

Dr. Çağatay Demir (Nutrition and diet specialist-Anadolu Medical Center)
Water is the most important element after oxygen for human life. Although people can survive for weeks without food, they can only live without water for a few days.
Water is the ideal alternative to lose weight and not to take it again. Suppresses appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fats. According to research, the amount of water stored in the body begins to increase when the amount of fat is reduced.
An adult loses 10 glasses of water a day. This lost liquid should be replaced with 8-12 glasses of water consumed daily.
Overweight individuals need more water. Because they have more metabolic load. If you are exercising or if the weather is hot and / or dry, the amount of water consumed should be increased again.

Amak We shouldn't exaggerate, we shouldn't go over three liters ”

Dilara Koçak (Nutrition and diet specialist)
Two-thirds of our bodies consist of water. Instead of taking people away from water, we should encourage them to drink water.
Eight cups of water a day can't help. Water is needed for healthy functioning of kidneys, protection of body temperature and proper functioning of circulatory system. Without drinking water, the body cannot be free of toxins, and body functions cannot fully fulfill its functions for body cleansing. Therefore, I strongly support drinking about eight glasses of water a day.
Fluid limitation may be performed in some kidney patients. But healthy people should drink eight glasses of water, about two liters of water each day, so that the metabolism can work properly and waste can be removed from the body.
However, drinking water should not be exaggerated. No more than three liters. There's no such thing as drinking a lot of water and getting thinner. Squeeze lemon into the water, drink hot, drink lukewarm, such as drinking three liters of things very meaningless. People who want to lose weight should consume water sensibly. About eight glasses are enough.
Sometimes more water is needed. For example, a Formula 1 racer loses four liters of water in the race. Of course he needs to drink more water. Or a person working in the oven, sweating and losing a lot of liquid should consume more.
Not when thirsty, I suggest drinking water without thirst. When you're thirsty, the body has lost 1 percent of its fluid. There is a danger to life if the body fluid decreases by 10 percent. A reduction of 20 percent results in death. When you are thirsty, the body has really lost water. Therefore, I am in favor of drinking water without waiting for thirst.

“Three months later, research from the US comes the opposite way”

Dr. Ender Saraç (Family physician)
The body definitely needs fluid. Such news is a good excuse not to drink water to Turkish people who do not drink healthy water and do not consume enough liquid. Three months later, an opposite study emerges from America , and six months later, another research comes from Japan . That's how it goes.
Drinking plenty of water helps to lose weight, especially healthy. In addition, plenty of water, city life and stress as a result of the toxins in the body is useful in the removal.
Genel Eight glasses genel is not correct to make a generalization. Sometimes people drink two glasses a day. Apart from water, liquids such as green tea and black mulberry juice meet the body's fluid needs. Just different from dark tea, dark coffee. They expel most of the fluid out of the body.
In addition to water, soup, buttermilk, tzatziki, freshly squeezed fruit juices, herbal teas, especially green tea, soda, juicy meals, juicy fruits, milk also meets the need for liquid. About 90 percent of these foods are already water.
Such news in the press further deteriorates the health of people. People should not rely on this kind of research, but on the physicians whose treatment is successful.

“There are people who go into a sugar coma because they drink less water”

Professor Dr. Kubilay Karşıdağ (Department of Internal Medicine, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine)
Especially diabetes patients should drink seven to eight glasses of water a day. Because water is the best thing to reduce sugar. High sugar in the blood is excreted with water from the body. Elderly patients in summer, the biggest cause of high sugar intake is less water. We even have patients who fall into a sugar coma because they drink little water.
In addition to diabetes, kidney stone diseases, urinary tract inflammation should also drink plenty of water. Heart and kidney patients should consume balanced water. Some kidney patients should drink a lot of water, while others should stay away from water. These patients should consult their doctor about how much water drinks. We advise our patients to consume different amounts of water in summer and different amounts in winter.
Eight glasses of water don't help us. We have all kinds of research. There are hundreds of studies showing the opposite. Such generalizations are not correct, health and treatment issues should be determined by the person. Eight glasses of water do not help, saying that if diabetes patients stop drinking water would be a disaster for us.

“You need to fill the tank before the petrol light turns on”

Professor Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu (Internal Medicine Specialist)
Water is important to drink, but instead apple, pear, open tea, watermelon , oranges, such as plenty of foods can be consumed. The important thing is not to drink plenty of water, but the amount of fluid the body receives in general.
Our body is also losing fluid through sweating, urine and respiration. This liquid must also be replaced. It is not only necessary to drink water, but liquefied foods are also useful. However, for example, the water you buy with coffee does not meet your liquid needs. Because caffeine makes diuretic and more than necessary to get rid of the body. Water taken with alcohol is also useless. We recommend natural fruit juices, herbal teas such as linden, chamomile and homemade soups.
Some waters have more minerals like magnesium and calcium. They obviously waters more valuable and useful.
When you want thirst, you can drink water from the thirst. However, before the car's “out of gas” light comes on, it is always useful to fill the tank.
Water helps you control your weight. It has been proven scientific. However, you cannot lose more weight or be healthier by drinking too much water. No need to walk around with a water bottle. But if you enjoy it visually it is separate.

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The importance and benefits of water for health! What should be the daily water consumption?

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Water is a must for our bodies. There are 85% water in the brain, 80% in the blood and 70% in the muscles. The benefits of water do not stop counting. In addition to preventing kidney stone formation, it also reduces the risk of colon cancer by 45%. During the day, sweating, exhale, urine to lose about 10 glasses of water indicating that Dietician Dilara Ismailoglu, stresses the need to drink more than 8 glasses of water per day and the benefits of water as follows: Everyone needs to drink 8 glasses of water per day. Normally, we spend 2000 calories a day. For every 15 calories burned, we lose one tablespoon of water through the digestion and through the metabolism. This replaces an average of 8 glasses of water per day. That's how we get back the water we lost from our daily activities.

If you are doing body exercises or doing sports, you should drink more water every day. Other drinks do not replace water. Don't think that you can meet your water needs with tea and caffeinated drinks. These drinks are diuretic, they cause water loss in the body. When there is a need for excess water in a healthy body and this situation is not resolved, the amount of fluid in the blood is reduced, some hormones act and transmit the situation to the brain. When we do not quench our thirst, our tongue and throat dry, our tonsils are slightly swollen. The rate of salt in our body increases and the antidiuretic hormone is secreted. This hormone, controlled by the kidneys, tries to keep water in the body.

The importance and benefits of water for health! What should be the daily water consumption?
Category: Nutrition and Diet , Healthy Living Print
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benefits and importance of water Water is a must for our bodies. There are 85% water in the brain, 80% in the blood and 70% in the muscles. The benefits of water do not stop counting. In addition to preventing kidney stone formation, it also reduces the risk of colon cancer by 45%. During the day, sweating, exhale, urine to lose about 10 glasses of water indicating that Dietician Dilara Ismailoglu, stresses the need to drink more than 8 glasses of water per day and the benefits of water as follows: Everyone needs to drink 8 glasses of water per day. Normally, we spend 2000 calories a day. For every 15 calories burned, we lose one tablespoon of water through the digestion and through the metabolism. This replaces an average of 8 glasses of water per day. That's how we get back the water we lost from our daily activities.

If you are doing body exercises or doing sports, you should drink more water every day. Other drinks do not replace water. Don't think that you can meet your water needs with tea and caffeinated drinks. These drinks are diuretic, they cause water loss in the body. When there is a need for excess water in a healthy body and this situation is not resolved, the amount of fluid in the blood is reduced, some hormones act and transmit the situation to the brain. When we do not quench our thirst, our tongue and throat dry, our tonsils are slightly swollen. The rate of salt in our body increases and the antidiuretic hormone is secreted. This hormone, controlled by the kidneys, tries to keep water in the body.
Benefits of water

Beautifies the skin
Adjusts body temperature
Provides the removal of harmful substances accumulated in the body
Carries nutrients and oxygen to cells
Supports joints
Prevents constipation
Reduces the burden of kidney and liver by removing some toxins
Helps dissolve vitamins, minerals and other nutrients

Duties and benefits of water in the body:

It dissolves, digests and absorbs the food we eat.
Adjusts body temperature. It affects the body's cooling by providing sweating and evaporation in the body, especially in hot weather.
It allows the disposal of waste materials from the body.
It carries the substances needed by the cells to the cell.
It helps to dissolve the solids needed for the cells to function.
Provides blood circulation.
It protects the brain, spinal cord and similar organs from external factors.
It has the task of transporting nutrients and hormones to the places it needs in the body.
Adjusts the body's heat balance.
Drinking enough water ensures that the metabolism in the body works regularly.
It helps to reduce the feeling of hunger.
It plays a role in the removal of waste materials from the body due to the energy deficit created during slimming and the burning of fats.
Leaves skin healthy & supple

Benefits of water: Prevent stress acne with water

Although water protects the skin from acne, drinking water generally does not provide relief from chronic acne. Acne is a problem with genetics and hormones. It occurs as a result of the closing of the pores. However, water can prevent the formation of acne caused by stress, hormone balance in the body allows to return to normal. Stress hormone production is accelerated if your body is markedly dehydrated at a time when you have skin problems due to hormone imbalance. This is harmful for acne.

Drinking plenty of water also moisturizes dry skin. Under normal conditions, drinking water does not moisten the skin. For the skin to benefit directly from water, it is necessary to apply moisturizer after the bath when the skin is wet. When the body is completely dehydrated, the skin dries and begins to crack. The dehydration of the body can also make the existing purple rings become more pronounced. When the cells in the lower part of the skin become dehydrated, the eyes appear to have escaped into the pit.
Benefits of water: 30 minutes before meals for water

Start the day with 1 glass of water every day. Put a pitcher of water where you can see that reminds you to consume water. Always have a bottle of water with you in your car. Especially in winter, water consumption is very low. To increase the antioxidant content of water, you can ensure that it is particularly protective against the flu. For this, you can add lemon, ginger and fresh mint. Thus, those who do not like the taste of water can be easier to drink. Do not wait for thirst to drink water. 3.7 lt for men, 2.7 lt for women should be liquid intake. Water taken 30 or 15 minutes before meals has accelerated metabolism and creates a volume in the stomach to prevent excess nutrient intake in the name of benefits can not be ignored.
Benefits of water: Don't wait to thirst to drink water

A healthy person loses about 2.5 liters of fluid, 1.5 liters through urine, close to 1 liter through breathing, sweating and joint movements. Nearly 20% of the lost liquid is covered by what we eat throughout the day. The water content of some fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and tomato is close to 90%. After the food for the remaining 2 liters of water we have lost when we replace the liquid. In this case, we do not experience intense thirst, and the color of our urine becomes clear and light yellow.

Thirst, dark urine; It is an indication that your water consumption is insufficient and that your body is starting to dehydrate, that is, there is not the amount of water needed to function properly. Therefore, water should be drunk before the feeling of thirst. Especially as you get older, the body's capacity to sense dehydration decreases and sends less stimulation to the brain so that the desire to thirst occurs too late. Elderly people should pay attention to water consumption for this reason.
Benefits of water: Constipation

Water is the best remedy for constipation. During the lack of water, the body draws water from its internal tissues, causing the stool to harden, thereby causing constipation. If enough water is consumed, bowel function is normal and constipation is prevented. Fatigue, attention difficulties and memory disorders may also occur in those who drink less water. Even a small decrease of 2% in body fluid causes slight fatigue, slight deterioration in near memory, difficulty concentrating and focusing on the task. As with everything else, drinking too much water can be harmful.

In case of excessive water consumption, an intense loss of electrolyte occurs in the body. This causes serious health problems by disturbing the balance of intracellular and extracellular fluids. In case of excessive sweating, drinking water is not enough to complete the minerals lost, especially sodium. Losing excess sodium causes life-threatening hyponatremia. In addition, drinking too much water during meals can dilute stomach acid and cause digestive problems.
Excessive water consumption is also dangerous

Too much thirst may be a sign of some discomfort. These include diabetes and absorption problems of the large intestine. In the presence of these conditions, a physician should be consulted. People with heart disease, high blood pressure disease and edema should not exaggerate the amount of water they drink. Fluids above the daily intake can be life-threatening. If the water is healthy, drinking water can have harmful effects. Drinking too much water will lead to excessive water discharge, leading to loss of more minerals from the body and thus to electrolyte imbalance.

When excessive water is drunk, the blood is irrigated and increases in volume, which places an extra burden on the circulatory system, vessels and especially the heart. Kidneys trying to relieve the circulatory system by throwing excess water are also tired because they have to work excessively. The concentration of minerals inside and outside the cells also varies. In order to achieve sodium balance, fluid transfer from the blood to the cells begins, causing the cells to swell and make edema. If this swelling occurs in the brain, a series of discomforts leading to headache, hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage and death due to increased pressure will occur.
How can you tell how much fluid your child needs?

In particular, if your child does not consume enough fluids by mouth or does not take enough fluids due to insufficient thirst? The easiest way to do this is to keep track of how much urine the child produces. Babies wet their diapers at least 4-8 times a day, and children urinate 4-8 times a day. However, you can calculate how much fluid your child needs to take and monitor the hydration during the day to ensure the hydration.

Fluids may vary depending on the child's age, size, activity level and medical history. The simplest method for determining fluid needs is Holiday-Segar Calculation. This method is based on the weight of the child. Accordingly, it is 100 ml per kg of body weight for the first 10 kg of weight, 50 ml per kg of body weight for the next 10 kg, and 20 ml per kg of body weight for each weight above 20 kg. For example, 1000 ml for a 10 kg child, 1250 ml for a 15 kg child, 1600 ml for a 25 kg child.

70-80% of the total liquid intake is supplied from drinking water and other beverages, and the rest is supplied through food. The main source of fluid for children is primarily water, as in adults. Fruit and vegetable juices along with water, beverages such as milk, buttermilk, kefir, homemade lemonades, fruit and herbal teas, soups, vegetables and fruits are other important sources of liquid intake. Water; carbohydrate, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals together with an important nutrient. However, many children do not drink enough water to suit their age or activity level.

Especially on school days less water can be drunk compared to the weekend. Here, reasons such as lack of access to water or not to use school toilets can play a role. It is important that the child is able to reach sufficient water throughout the day and at school, for example by adding water to the lunch box or by encouraging the use of water dispensers in schools by parents and teachers, and taking interesting water flasks and drinking water to help children drink more water.
Water drinking habit should be gained at an early age

Because children have a larger surface area than body mass ratio compared to adults, they lose more water by evaporation. Sweating abilities and kidney functions are less developed. During games or exercises in warm environments, they are less tolerant of heat than adults, produce more metabolic heat than their weight, are less susceptible to thirst, and may not realize that they need more water. Although studies in this field show that children develop dehydration at a similar rate as adults, it is more important for adults to take adequate fluid because the body temperature of children increases faster than adults.

Children playing in warm weather and exercising are not only encouraged to drink water, they need to be monitored. As a result of physical activity in hot weather, children can easily develop dehydration, which is not only serious but also life-threatening.

Generally, mild dehydration is manifested by symptoms such as frequent thirst and yellow urine, while more severe dehydration causes symptoms such as dryness of the skin, mouth and tongue, dehydration of the eyes, graying skin color, flushing of the skin, temperature and laxity, lack of tears, and decrease in urine output .

Failure to hydrate adversely affects the child's mental performance and learning ability. It causes weakness, dizziness, headaches and fatigue formation as well as reduced ability to pay attention and concentration. When thirst is felt, mental performance factors such as memory, attention and concentration are reduced by 10%. Thirst is usually felt when 0.8-2% of body weight is lost by dehydration. This ratio is equivalent to 1-2 glasses of water (300ml) for a 10-year-old child weighing 30 kg.

In the meantime, drinking water has an immediate warning and revitalization effect. In pilot school studies on drinking water, teachers reported that meeting water needs contributes to an efficient learning environment and helps to instill good habits. It can also cause health problems such as dehydration, urinary tract infection , bedwetting and constipation in children. 1% of boys and 3% of girls experience urinary tract infection in the first 10 years of life. Good hydration is important in the prevention of urinary tract infections.

The fluid requirement of children varies with age. As milk intake decreases, water taken with drinks becomes increasingly important. Breast milk is the best source of liquid at the age of 0-1. From the 6th month onwards, water and complementary nutrients (formula, fruit, vegetable juice) are the source of liquid in support of breast milk. After 1 year, the best source of liquid is water.
The recommended daily fluid intake for hydration by age groups is as follows:

0.9 liters for 1-3 years,

1.2 liters for 4-8 years,

1.6 liters for girls aged 9-13 years, 1.8 liters for boys,

It is 1.8 liters for girls aged 14-18 and 2.6 liters for boys.

These amounts should be increased for children with vomiting, diarrhea, excessive sweating, exposure to very high temperatures and exercising. Beverages such as milk, buttermilk, kefir to be consumed as liquid other than water also support bone health with calcium contents. Fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as vegetable and fruit juices derived from them, are also good sources of liquid. However, the point that should be considered in fruit juices is that fruit juices contain important vitamins and minerals and they contain high levels of sugar. Consuming juice rather than eating the fruit itself causes both more calories and less satisfaction.

In addition, some juices are acidic and can damage teeth when consumed with sugary drinks such as soda. Therefore, the fruits themselves should be consumed rather than their water, since they will support the intake of liquids in food. Acidic beverages, which are popular because of their taste, may seem more appealing to children, but never replace water. This group of drinks with high caffeine content is also harmful to teeth with high acid contents and they prepare the ground for childhood obesity due to their high calories.

According to a study, 15% of preschool children receive almost half of their recommended daily energy intake from sugary drinks. These drinks are nutritionally deprived and reduce appetite, preventing mealtime children from eating nutrients. In addition, sugary drinks do not cause thirst as much as water can cause children to drink less. Homemade lemonades can be used as an alternative to these acidic beverages, especially in hot weather. For children who don't like the taste of water, squeezing lemon into the water or adding fruit and vegetables are the applications that make the water more attractive.

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Dehydration, excessive drinking

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Especially on hot summer days, our bodies are almost full of water and we consume plenty of water. Do we know where this water supply comes from?

Besides, do we know that much water has benefits as well as damages? We learned these and more from Nutrition and Diet Specialist Banu Eroğuz Demirözü. Dermatologist Ömür Monopoly told us which water should we drink and why.

We all like water and drinking water. Water, 60-70 percent of our body constitutes the main ingredient. Have you ever wondered why we need water so much? Because water:

- Throws toxins - Carries nutrients to cells - Balances blood pressure, - Keeps body temperature under control - Protects joints and organs - Provides moist environment for ear, nose and throat.

The amount of water that should be consumed during the day is: - Weight - Environment (temperature, humidity, height) - Physical activity - Sweating level - If any diseases (fever, vomiting, diarrhea increases the need for water) - Pressure change (air travel) - Caffeine used and depending on the alcohol. After all, caffeine and alcohol cause more water to be removed from the body than usual. For this reason, beverages containing caffeine (some carbonated drinks and all energy drinks) never replace water. Even when these beverages are consumed, the amount of water should be increased.

Memorizing information

Are you ready to learn the facts that will fundamentally shake what is known about water? Here:

- How does one know that they need water, what symptoms appear in the body?

The reason for the need for water is that the body regularly loses water. When calculating the amount of fluid we need to drink, the fluid lost from the body is taken into consideration. A healthy person loses approximately 2.5 liters of fluid, 1.5 liters through urine, 1 liter through breathing, sweating and joint movements. 20 percent of the lost liquid is covered by what we eat during the day. The water content of some fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and tomato is close to 90 percent. We need to drink water for the remaining 2 liters. So we can replace the lost fluid. In this case, you will not experience intense thirst, the color of your urine becomes clear and light yellow. The feeling of thirst and dark urine are indicative of insufficient water consumption and that your body is becoming dehydrated. Therefore, you should have drunk water before the feeling of thirst. Especially as you age, the body's capacity to detect thirst decreases and sends less stimulation to the brain. Thus, thirst occurs too late. Elderly people should pay attention to water consumption for this reason. Thirst is a condition that negatively affects the brain's work and has fatal consequences, it must be taken seriously.

- Do you mind if you drink more water than you need?

Could be. In case of excessive water consumption, an intense loss of electrolyte occurs in the body. This disrupts the balance of intracellular and extracellular fluids, leading to serious health problems. However, if too much physical activity is carried out, if there is more water loss than normal due to the temperature and humidity of the environment, daily water consumption should be increased. In addition to water, it is essential to take liquids with rich mineral content. After all, we lose some minerals when we sweat. Like sodium. An excessive sweating cannot replace sodium by drinking water. Losing excess sodium also causes life-threatening hyponatremia. Also, be careful not to drink too much water during the meal. This habit dilutes stomach acid so that it can lead to digestive problems.

- Is there a need for more fluid / water intake?

Sometimes it can be a sign of other diseases. Among these, diabetes and absorption problems of the large intestine come to mind first. In the presence of these conditions, the physician should be consulted.

Can kill excess fluid

Does taking too much liquid create a fatal outcome?

People with heart, high blood pressure and edema should not exaggerate the amount of water. Otherwise there is a risk of life-threatening. Drinking too much water means too much water. This leads to excess mineral loss from the body. Also; Even if it is healthy, more water dilutes the blood. Blood increases in volume, which puts extra strain on the circulatory system, vessels, and heart. Kidneys trying to relax the circulatory system by throwing excess water are also tired when they have to work excessively. Excess water also causes payment in the body; body swells. If this swelling occurs in the brain, the pressure builds up, causing headaches, hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage, and a series of disorders leading to death.

- Does fluid need change according to age, weight and gender?

The amount of water the child needs varies with age. In the first 6 months, water needs of infants should be met with appropriate doses if breast milk or breast milk is not sufficient. After six months, a dose of water that does not affect milk intake can be started. In this period, when additional nutrients are started, not giving enough liquid to the baby may cause serious constipation. The daily water requirement increases, increasing to 1.5 liters at the age of 12. Young people and adults should drink 1.5-2.0 liters of water per day.

- Does water affect weight loss?

Water is believed to lose weight. So dieters can get into the psychology of drinking excess water. But water cannot replace food. Skipping meals with water can cause serious nutritional problems.

- What should dieters have to do with water?

Of course, drinking water helps to lose weight by providing toxins. Especially 2 cups of water to be drunk half an hour before the meal, creates a feeling of satiety during the meal time, leading to a more calm meal. But that's all. Like I said, water can't replace food.

Water in a glass bottle

Dermatologist Ömür Monopoly: How much water should we consume in the regional thinning program, why?

Thinning programs aim at making the metabolism, especially free fatty acids, which can activate the stored fat tissues possible. The average consumption of 2 liters of water per day is required in all slimming programs. When you combine proper nutrition and healthy exercises with intermittent drinking, there is no reason not to lose weight. One of the most important reasons why our body cannot melt excess fat and weight is insufficient water consumption. If there is not enough water in the kidneys, the process of accumulating and neutralizing waste materials in the body is interrupted. Since these harmful substances also include fats, the body cannot break down the fats properly, which is reflected in us as excess weight.

- City water or carboy water or water in a glass bottle? Why should we choose what?

Nowadays, there are advanced treatment methods for city water. The consumption of water obtained in this way is healthy. There are too many variables about carboy water. It is not healthy to drink water from the carboy that has waited in the sun for a long time. Because of the sun because of plastic hormone-like compounds can be released into the water. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to the number printed on the bottle which serves to determine the quality of the plastic. If this number is 6 or more, it is healthy. The water in the pet bottle should be consumed in a year. Glass bottle of the most healthy water storage container. However, with the returnable and recyclable systems, the same bottle can be sterilized and reused. Cleaning agents can also leave residues. Be careful about this when choosing a brand. pH indicates the acid and base status of water. The permissible pH is between 5.5-8.5. If the pH in the water is outside these values, it will have a negative effect on health.

- Can boiled city water be drinkable? Does the nutritional value disappear?

Water contains calcium, magnesium, iron, nitrate, fluorine, zinc, sodium. The amount of these minerals varies according to the source of water. Each of these minerals has a different benefit to the body. However, boiling city water is not recommended because it can contain heavy metals and even cyanide. Used to clean chlorine and fluoride are also harmful. They are not removed by boiling. Especially in the summer months, water should be boiled and suspected against infectious diseases.

- Does the water in the apartment warehouses pose a risk of illness?

He's in danger. The amount and variety of bacteria increases in the water waiting for a long time. However, with the recirculation system used in some apartments, these waters can remain cleaner.

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Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)

Water Consumption, Daily Water Needs and Dehydration

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)

Water is vital for human life. Our body needs water to perform many vital functions. Water accounts for 60-70% (2/3) of an adult's body weight.

Water Consumption The water that we get from the drinks and nutrients to our body through digestion; It is excreted through the digestive, respiratory systems and skin. To maintain water balance in the body, daily water intake should equal water loss. An adult person needs 2-3 liters of water per day to be supplied with food.

When water is not consumed at the rate required by the body, water balance in the body is disrupted and the body cannot fulfill its functions. A person can live for weeks without eating, but only for days without drinking water.
Daily Water Requirement

60-70% (3/2) of an adult human body weight is water. This ratio varies according to age, sex and weight. For example, the rate of water in the body of newborn babies is 75%. In the first 5 days of life, the rate of water, which decreases to 70%, gradually decreases and approaches the adult water at the end of one year. The proportion of water in men is higher than in women and the fat ones are more than the weak ones. A decrease in body water is seen with age.

Water is also taken into the body through digestion with nutrients and drinks. The water taken into the body is absorbed in the digestive system and then passes into the blood. It circulates through the bloodstream and exits the capillaries and forms the tissue fluid. After participating in some chemical reactions inside the cell, it exits again and turns into tissue fluid again. It participates in blood circulation from tissues. Through the blood circulation, an important part of it comes to the kidneys and is excreted as urine. The other part is used by the skin, respiratory and digestive system and excreted from the body.

The average daily water requirement of an adult is about 2-3 liters. The intake and excretion of water occurs in a balance. Daily fluid intake should be equal to daily fluid loss to maintain normal fluid volume in the body. Diseases occur when this balance is broken. They can live for months without eating, but they can last only a few weeks without water. There are centers and systems that regulate the water balance in the human body.
Benefits and tasks of water

Water is necessary for breathing,
Carries nutrients and oxygen to all cells,
Regulates body temperature,
Balances the volume of blood,
Helps convert food into energy,
Helps digest nutrients,
Provides the excretion of the waste substances formed as a result of metabolic activities in the cells to the excretory organs (kidney, lung, skin, digestive canal) and excretion in the body,
Water is a biological solvent and in this role it provides both the transport and dissolution of vitamins and minerals in the body,
Protects vital organs by acting as pillows,
Allows the movement of joints.

water glass
What is Dehydration?

The water taken from the body is excreted from the kidneys in the urine, lungs with respiratory air, skin through sweating and stools and intestines out of the body. To meet the body's daily loss of water, experts say that a normal person should drink 6-8 glasses of water per day.
It is stated that the results of water loss as a percentage of body weight may be:

1%: Feeling of thirst, deterioration of heat order, decreased performance
3%: Thorough deterioration of body heat order, excessive thirst,
4%: 20-30% decrease in physical performance,
5%: Headache, fatigue,
6%: Fatigue, chills,
7%: If physical activity persists, fainting,
10%: Unconsciousness,
11%: Body resistance, possible death,
12%: 97% death,
15%: 100% death.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)


Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)

What is the role of water in our lives?

About 60% of the human body consists of water. The proper functioning of all cell and organ systems in our bodies is water-dependent. Water; It plays a role in regulation of body temperature, transport of nutrients to cells and removal of residual products formed as a result of metabolism.

How much water do we need?

All day long; We lose water through respiration, sweating, urine and intestines. Therefore, environmental and physical factors determine our water need and the water need varies from person to person. For example, the need for water will be less than in the summer as sweating will decrease in winter. Although there are different opinions about the daily water requirement, it is generally recommended to consume 2-2.5 liters of water per day.

What are the symptoms when there is insufficient water?

The first symptom that occurs when there is not enough water is thirst. The need for water intake may not be noticed due to the weakening of the sense of thirst in the elderly and the lack of water in the body can easily develop. In cases of reduced body water, a table called dehydration occurs. In this case, there are various symptoms: headache, weakness, fatigue, lack of concentration, dry mouth and nose, urine color darkening and hallucination and blurred consciousness in the advanced stage.

What are the factors that increase our daily water need?

The amount of fluid to be taken in one day depends on how active you are, the temperature of your environment and your general health. If you are exercising or if you are in an activity that will cause you to sweat, you will need more water. 400-600 ml of extra water will be needed for a short-term moderate exercise. This requirement increases with longer duration and intensity exercises. Hot and humid environment will increase the need for water by increasing sweating. Except those; In cases such as fever, diarrhea and vomiting, water loss will increase and there will be a need to drink more water. Pregnancy and breastfeeding periods are also situations in which water intake should be increased. Therefore; It is recommended that pregnant women consume 2.5 liters per day and lactating mothers consume 3 liters per day.

In which situations should you drink a lot of water? Are there any harm to drinking too much water?

In cases where the body loses water (fever, diarrhea, vomiting) it is important to replace it. Apart from these conditions, people who need to increase water intake are patients with kidney stones. In order to prevent the formation of new stones and facilitate the excretion of 2.5-3 liters of water should be taken so that the daily urine amount is not less than 2 liters. In people prone to kidney stone formation, drinking less water facilitates kidney stone formation. However; In chronic renal failure patients, consuming excessive amounts of water is a harm and may cause a dangerous condition called hyponatremia that can cause brain edema. The same applies to patients with heart failure.

What is the effect of drinking less water on the kidneys?

Kidneys are organs that provide water and electrolyte balance in our body, regulate blood pressure and secrete various hormones. Water is important for kidney function. Sufficient water should be taken to remove urine from the body. Drinking less water will facilitate urinary tract infections, kidney stone formation and the development of electrolyte disorders.

Liquid I.V. Hydration Multiplier, Electrolyte Powder, Easy Open Packets, Supplement Drink Mix (Lemon Lime, 6 Count)

Oral Rehydration Salts ORS (100, One Liter Packets/Box) World Health Organization (WHO) New Formula for Electrolyte Replacement and Dehydration

What are the benefits of water? How much water should you drink a day?

Oral Rehydration Salts ORS (100, One Liter Packets/Box) World Health Organization (WHO) New Formula for Electrolyte Replacement and Dehydration

Two liters of water per day is good for the skin, helps to lose weight and toxins from the body; In addition, those who do not drink enough water can face health problems. Citizens also want to know what other benefits of water. So, what are the benefits of water? How much water should you drink a day?

It is often mentioned that drinking more water creates a feeling of satiety and helps to lose weight, and drinking too much water makes the skin more beautiful. Especially consumed more during the summer months, citizens are curious about the benefits of water, which is an integral part of our lives, is researching the issue. Here are the countless benefits of water ...


Experts regularly accelerate fat burning, toxins from the body and maintain the ideal weight daily to maintain 2-25. draws attention to the need to drink liter of water. Almost 60 percent of the body is water and water has much more important and different tasks than you might think: maintaining body temperature, transporting oxygen and nutrients to cells, maintaining kidney and intestinal function, moistening of body tissues and skin, joint slippery and much more. . Here, the benefits of water ...

SKIN-FREE: Reduces skin roughness, blackheads and wrinkles as much as possible AND fights against pimples. Water slows aging because it accelerates the elimination of toxins from the body. By repairing skin cells, it increases the elasticity of the skin, resulting in a brighter and more vibrant appearance of the skin.

ACCELERATING BLOOD CIRCULATION: It is possible to deliver nutrients and oxygen to tissues and organs through blood circulation. Water makes your blood circulation easier and helps you to be healthier.

REGULATING THE INTESTINAL HEALTH: Under digestion problems such as constipation, bowel laziness, not drinking enough water, so water consumption also regulates bowel health.

PASTE INCREASES: Balances the body temperature and helps to eliminate edema, which causes great distress in people.

ACCELERATING WEIGHT LOSS: People who diet and want to lose weight must drink water. Water works more metabolism. So you burn more calories . Warm water also helps to break down the fats in the body.

HAIR STRENGTHEN: Soft and shiny hair to get water. Water activates nerve endings in hair follicles. It also helps to prolong.

REGULATING THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM: When you start drinking water regularly, your digestive system starts to heal. Water helps break down the nutrients you eat, making your digestive system work perfectly.


Professor Dr. Osman Müftüoğlu, 'How much water a day should drink?' answers the question;

"How many glasses of water should we drink a day?" to answer the question is not as easy as they think. Experts say different things about it! But they still have some common values. One of the main factors determining our water needs is the amount of energy we use. One adult weighs 1-1.5 ml per calorie of energy expenditure. needs water. If you spend 1500-2000 calories a day, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day. Most of us drink water, other juicy drinks, liquid, even solid foods with this amount to our body easily gain. In other words, if there is no special situation, there is no serious lack of water. If you are doing heavy exercises, if your work requires strong physical activity, you are facing severe temperature changes, if you have abnormal conditions such as fever, diarrhea, vomiting, if you use diuretic pills or laxatives you need water. "

Oral Rehydration Salts ORS (100, One Liter Packets/Box) World Health Organization (WHO) New Formula for Electrolyte Replacement and Dehydration

Nuun Sport + Caffeine: Electrolyte-Rich Sports Drink Tablets with caffeine, Cherry Limeade, 1 Tube (10 servings), Sports Drink for Replenishment of Essential Electrolytes Lost Through Sweat

What if you didn't drink water?

Nuun Sport + Caffeine: Electrolyte-Rich Sports Drink Tablets with caffeine, Cherry Limeade, 1 Tube (10 servings), Sports Drink for Replenishment of Essential Electrolytes Lost Through Sweat

We know that we cannot live without drinking water, and that the aging process starts with a decrease in the rate of water in the body. We recognize the importance of water for a healthy life; because today there are many discomforts caused by thirst, triggered and even caused by itself.

There are many scientists who are researching what and how to survive in a healthy, long, happy, peaceful and balanced way. Many issues that experts cannot fully understand and cannot reach a common decision are still being discussed. However, there are some common points that are assured and agreed. For example; The importance of breathing for our lives is indisputable as we can only live a few minutes without breathing.

Another source of life that we need as much as breath is “water.. We know that we cannot live without drinking water, and that the aging process starts with a decrease in the rate of water in the body. We recognize the importance of water for a healthy life; because today there are many discomforts caused by thirst, triggered and even caused by itself. Let's look at some of the side effects that thirst can cause:


Many people today suffer from constipation. Although there are many reasons for this, thirst has a great effect on constipation. Thirst is not only the lack of habit of drinking water. Water is not consumed in foods with high content and also diuretic (such as caffeinated) to consume more food causes thirst. For example; Imagine someone drinking coffee and tea with sugar all day, eating sandwiches and tea for breakfast, returning for lunch, buttermilk, dessert and eating meat, pasta, yoghurt for dinner. Let's assume that the same person drinks 8 glasses of water a day, does regular sports and has an intense work tempo. This person's constipation is triggered in many ways:

It does not consume foods with high water content.
Diuretic fluids are consumed too much and they lose extra water.
It needs extra water to digest sugary foods that are consumed too much.
Exercise and intensive work loses a significant amount of water during the process.

With this example, we can easily understand why someone who drinks 8 glasses of water a day is constipated. Each metabolism is different and some are good for some, while others are good for green tea. Therefore, it is useful to review our habits, to make sure that we have enough water and fluids, and to determine the fluid intake that our body needs.


Today's constipation is as common a disorder as depression. In fact, constipation also triggers depression. Our second brain does not work well in the intestines triggers depression. In addition, depression can be seen due to stress in the dehydrated body. All internal organs need water. In the case of insufficient water, the most vital organs are dehydrated. Thirst is the most important cause of dryness in the skin. With the organs dehydrated, problems begin to form in the body. This supports depression and may even be a direct cause of chronic thirst. Thirst is one of the factors leading to depression.

Loss of energy

Our fuel is water. When the fuel turns into energy, our mechanism works. We always hear “We can live without water for 3 days”. This means that you are dehydrated without consuming anything. Otherwise, when we continue our daily life without drinking water, we can get our water needs from foods containing water. Eat foods containing water; it helps us to provide enough water to survive, although not enough; however, the same amount of energy loss occurs with water loss. It has been found that a 1% loss of water in the body can cause an energy loss of about 10%. We know how thirst can affect energy loss, especially from professional athletes. For example; If the fluid lost in a long run is not replaced, the athlete may suffer loss of performance. Even fainting can be seen in later stages.

Difficulties in remembering and weakening of reflexes can be seen with loss of energy. Adverse thirst and side effects continue to be seen. A loss of 10% can sometimes lead to the end of life.

Get old

enough amount of water-icer avoid

In the womb we almost consist of water. When we are born, our water content in the body is still very high. As time goes on and the age starts to get wet, the rate of water in our body starts to decrease. Therefore, aging can be explained as a decrease in the amount of water in the body. In addition to the decreasing amount of water as the age progresses, consuming less water as well as consuming less water in periods when the body water ratio is not very low (middle age) accelerates the aging process. As mentioned above; the dehydrated body provides less water to the organs where water is least needed. As our skin becomes dehydrated, it causes the traces of aging to accelerate.

On the internet, there is a pre-post picture of many people who have achieved skin health by drinking water. The most popular of these is Miss Sarah, who regularly drinks water for four weeks and has visibly become a few years younger.

Getting fat

Feelings of hunger and thirst are controlled from the same center in the brain. For this reason, we sometimes eat, thinking that we are hungry, even though we are thirsty. Sometimes we even eat when we know we're full. This can cause weight gain. Drinking water regularly reduces the feeling of hunger. This will create a feeling of eating less and will help to control weight.


1. Dry mouth : Many people know dry mouth as a sign of the onset of thirst. Unfortunately, when the mouth is dry, thirst is advanced. So, you need to drink water urgently.

2. Headache: 80% of the brain, our control mechanism, consists of water. The water content is very high, it has tasks like controlling the whole body of the organ. In case of the slightest loss of water, many discomforts begin to show. Some studies suggest that even a 2% loss may lead to a decline in intelligence. Headache is one of the most important symptoms of thirst. Sometimes the painkiller is drunk to relieve the headache and the pain goes away. Here, the benefit of water taken with painkillers is more effective than painkillers. For this reason, it is recommended that you drink a large glass of water first if you have a headache.

3. Skin dryness: Our skin is in a way like a reflection of our internal organs. It gives us many tips about our overall health. Thirst is one of the most important causes of skin drying and premature aging. When the daily water requirement is insufficient, on behalf of vital organs to work; water to less important organs is sent in a restricted manner. Our skin is also less important than organs like the heart and brain.

By applying a pinch test, you can see if your skin is dry. With this test you can observe how dry your skin is. Pinch the skin on your hand and release. Observe the skin until it is restored. The faster this process is, the younger your skin is.

4. Darkness and odor in the color of urine: Our color of urine indicates whether we drink enough water. Being dark usually means that you drink insufficient water. Some supplements and medicines have the ability to darken the urine color, and if this is not the case and your urine color is dark yellow, you should accept that you drink insufficient water. It is also normal for dark yellow urine to smell and give a burning sensation. If you review your nutrition and water intake rate and follow your urine color, you can easily observe the difference.

Nuun Sport + Caffeine: Electrolyte-Rich Sports Drink Tablets with caffeine, Cherry Limeade, 1 Tube (10 servings), Sports Drink for Replenishment of Essential Electrolytes Lost Through Sweat