Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Nuun Sport + Caffeine: Electrolyte-Rich Sports Drink Tablets with caffeine, Cherry Limeade, 1 Tube (10 servings), Sports Drink for Replenishment of Essential Electrolytes Lost Through Sweat

What if you didn't drink water?

Nuun Sport + Caffeine: Electrolyte-Rich Sports Drink Tablets with caffeine, Cherry Limeade, 1 Tube (10 servings), Sports Drink for Replenishment of Essential Electrolytes Lost Through Sweat

We know that we cannot live without drinking water, and that the aging process starts with a decrease in the rate of water in the body. We recognize the importance of water for a healthy life; because today there are many discomforts caused by thirst, triggered and even caused by itself.

There are many scientists who are researching what and how to survive in a healthy, long, happy, peaceful and balanced way. Many issues that experts cannot fully understand and cannot reach a common decision are still being discussed. However, there are some common points that are assured and agreed. For example; The importance of breathing for our lives is indisputable as we can only live a few minutes without breathing.

Another source of life that we need as much as breath is “water.. We know that we cannot live without drinking water, and that the aging process starts with a decrease in the rate of water in the body. We recognize the importance of water for a healthy life; because today there are many discomforts caused by thirst, triggered and even caused by itself. Let's look at some of the side effects that thirst can cause:


Many people today suffer from constipation. Although there are many reasons for this, thirst has a great effect on constipation. Thirst is not only the lack of habit of drinking water. Water is not consumed in foods with high content and also diuretic (such as caffeinated) to consume more food causes thirst. For example; Imagine someone drinking coffee and tea with sugar all day, eating sandwiches and tea for breakfast, returning for lunch, buttermilk, dessert and eating meat, pasta, yoghurt for dinner. Let's assume that the same person drinks 8 glasses of water a day, does regular sports and has an intense work tempo. This person's constipation is triggered in many ways:

It does not consume foods with high water content.
Diuretic fluids are consumed too much and they lose extra water.
It needs extra water to digest sugary foods that are consumed too much.
Exercise and intensive work loses a significant amount of water during the process.

With this example, we can easily understand why someone who drinks 8 glasses of water a day is constipated. Each metabolism is different and some are good for some, while others are good for green tea. Therefore, it is useful to review our habits, to make sure that we have enough water and fluids, and to determine the fluid intake that our body needs.


Today's constipation is as common a disorder as depression. In fact, constipation also triggers depression. Our second brain does not work well in the intestines triggers depression. In addition, depression can be seen due to stress in the dehydrated body. All internal organs need water. In the case of insufficient water, the most vital organs are dehydrated. Thirst is the most important cause of dryness in the skin. With the organs dehydrated, problems begin to form in the body. This supports depression and may even be a direct cause of chronic thirst. Thirst is one of the factors leading to depression.

Loss of energy

Our fuel is water. When the fuel turns into energy, our mechanism works. We always hear “We can live without water for 3 days”. This means that you are dehydrated without consuming anything. Otherwise, when we continue our daily life without drinking water, we can get our water needs from foods containing water. Eat foods containing water; it helps us to provide enough water to survive, although not enough; however, the same amount of energy loss occurs with water loss. It has been found that a 1% loss of water in the body can cause an energy loss of about 10%. We know how thirst can affect energy loss, especially from professional athletes. For example; If the fluid lost in a long run is not replaced, the athlete may suffer loss of performance. Even fainting can be seen in later stages.

Difficulties in remembering and weakening of reflexes can be seen with loss of energy. Adverse thirst and side effects continue to be seen. A loss of 10% can sometimes lead to the end of life.

Get old

enough amount of water-icer avoid

In the womb we almost consist of water. When we are born, our water content in the body is still very high. As time goes on and the age starts to get wet, the rate of water in our body starts to decrease. Therefore, aging can be explained as a decrease in the amount of water in the body. In addition to the decreasing amount of water as the age progresses, consuming less water as well as consuming less water in periods when the body water ratio is not very low (middle age) accelerates the aging process. As mentioned above; the dehydrated body provides less water to the organs where water is least needed. As our skin becomes dehydrated, it causes the traces of aging to accelerate.

On the internet, there is a pre-post picture of many people who have achieved skin health by drinking water. The most popular of these is Miss Sarah, who regularly drinks water for four weeks and has visibly become a few years younger.

Getting fat

Feelings of hunger and thirst are controlled from the same center in the brain. For this reason, we sometimes eat, thinking that we are hungry, even though we are thirsty. Sometimes we even eat when we know we're full. This can cause weight gain. Drinking water regularly reduces the feeling of hunger. This will create a feeling of eating less and will help to control weight.


1. Dry mouth : Many people know dry mouth as a sign of the onset of thirst. Unfortunately, when the mouth is dry, thirst is advanced. So, you need to drink water urgently.

2. Headache: 80% of the brain, our control mechanism, consists of water. The water content is very high, it has tasks like controlling the whole body of the organ. In case of the slightest loss of water, many discomforts begin to show. Some studies suggest that even a 2% loss may lead to a decline in intelligence. Headache is one of the most important symptoms of thirst. Sometimes the painkiller is drunk to relieve the headache and the pain goes away. Here, the benefit of water taken with painkillers is more effective than painkillers. For this reason, it is recommended that you drink a large glass of water first if you have a headache.

3. Skin dryness: Our skin is in a way like a reflection of our internal organs. It gives us many tips about our overall health. Thirst is one of the most important causes of skin drying and premature aging. When the daily water requirement is insufficient, on behalf of vital organs to work; water to less important organs is sent in a restricted manner. Our skin is also less important than organs like the heart and brain.

By applying a pinch test, you can see if your skin is dry. With this test you can observe how dry your skin is. Pinch the skin on your hand and release. Observe the skin until it is restored. The faster this process is, the younger your skin is.

4. Darkness and odor in the color of urine: Our color of urine indicates whether we drink enough water. Being dark usually means that you drink insufficient water. Some supplements and medicines have the ability to darken the urine color, and if this is not the case and your urine color is dark yellow, you should accept that you drink insufficient water. It is also normal for dark yellow urine to smell and give a burning sensation. If you review your nutrition and water intake rate and follow your urine color, you can easily observe the difference.

Nuun Sport + Caffeine: Electrolyte-Rich Sports Drink Tablets with caffeine, Cherry Limeade, 1 Tube (10 servings), Sports Drink for Replenishment of Essential Electrolytes Lost Through Sweat