Tuesday, September 10, 2019

RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports and Everyday Electrolytes Beverage, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Blood Orange)

Dehydration, excessive drinking

RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports and Everyday Electrolytes Beverage, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Blood Orange)

Especially on hot summer days, our bodies are almost full of water and we consume plenty of water. Do we know where this water supply comes from?

Besides, do we know that much water has benefits as well as damages? We learned these and more from Nutrition and Diet Specialist Banu Eroğuz Demirözü. Dermatologist Ömür Monopoly told us which water should we drink and why.

We all like water and drinking water. Water, 60-70 percent of our body constitutes the main ingredient. Have you ever wondered why we need water so much? Because water:

- Throws toxins - Carries nutrients to cells - Balances blood pressure, - Keeps body temperature under control - Protects joints and organs - Provides moist environment for ear, nose and throat.

The amount of water that should be consumed during the day is: - Weight - Environment (temperature, humidity, height) - Physical activity - Sweating level - If any diseases (fever, vomiting, diarrhea increases the need for water) - Pressure change (air travel) - Caffeine used and depending on the alcohol. After all, caffeine and alcohol cause more water to be removed from the body than usual. For this reason, beverages containing caffeine (some carbonated drinks and all energy drinks) never replace water. Even when these beverages are consumed, the amount of water should be increased.

Memorizing information

Are you ready to learn the facts that will fundamentally shake what is known about water? Here:

- How does one know that they need water, what symptoms appear in the body?

The reason for the need for water is that the body regularly loses water. When calculating the amount of fluid we need to drink, the fluid lost from the body is taken into consideration. A healthy person loses approximately 2.5 liters of fluid, 1.5 liters through urine, 1 liter through breathing, sweating and joint movements. 20 percent of the lost liquid is covered by what we eat during the day. The water content of some fruits and vegetables such as watermelon and tomato is close to 90 percent. We need to drink water for the remaining 2 liters. So we can replace the lost fluid. In this case, you will not experience intense thirst, the color of your urine becomes clear and light yellow. The feeling of thirst and dark urine are indicative of insufficient water consumption and that your body is becoming dehydrated. Therefore, you should have drunk water before the feeling of thirst. Especially as you age, the body's capacity to detect thirst decreases and sends less stimulation to the brain. Thus, thirst occurs too late. Elderly people should pay attention to water consumption for this reason. Thirst is a condition that negatively affects the brain's work and has fatal consequences, it must be taken seriously.

- Do you mind if you drink more water than you need?

Could be. In case of excessive water consumption, an intense loss of electrolyte occurs in the body. This disrupts the balance of intracellular and extracellular fluids, leading to serious health problems. However, if too much physical activity is carried out, if there is more water loss than normal due to the temperature and humidity of the environment, daily water consumption should be increased. In addition to water, it is essential to take liquids with rich mineral content. After all, we lose some minerals when we sweat. Like sodium. An excessive sweating cannot replace sodium by drinking water. Losing excess sodium also causes life-threatening hyponatremia. Also, be careful not to drink too much water during the meal. This habit dilutes stomach acid so that it can lead to digestive problems.

- Is there a need for more fluid / water intake?

Sometimes it can be a sign of other diseases. Among these, diabetes and absorption problems of the large intestine come to mind first. In the presence of these conditions, the physician should be consulted.

Can kill excess fluid

Does taking too much liquid create a fatal outcome?

People with heart, high blood pressure and edema should not exaggerate the amount of water. Otherwise there is a risk of life-threatening. Drinking too much water means too much water. This leads to excess mineral loss from the body. Also; Even if it is healthy, more water dilutes the blood. Blood increases in volume, which puts extra strain on the circulatory system, vessels, and heart. Kidneys trying to relax the circulatory system by throwing excess water are also tired when they have to work excessively. Excess water also causes payment in the body; body swells. If this swelling occurs in the brain, the pressure builds up, causing headaches, hypertension, cerebral hemorrhage, and a series of disorders leading to death.

- Does fluid need change according to age, weight and gender?

The amount of water the child needs varies with age. In the first 6 months, water needs of infants should be met with appropriate doses if breast milk or breast milk is not sufficient. After six months, a dose of water that does not affect milk intake can be started. In this period, when additional nutrients are started, not giving enough liquid to the baby may cause serious constipation. The daily water requirement increases, increasing to 1.5 liters at the age of 12. Young people and adults should drink 1.5-2.0 liters of water per day.

- Does water affect weight loss?

Water is believed to lose weight. So dieters can get into the psychology of drinking excess water. But water cannot replace food. Skipping meals with water can cause serious nutritional problems.

- What should dieters have to do with water?

Of course, drinking water helps to lose weight by providing toxins. Especially 2 cups of water to be drunk half an hour before the meal, creates a feeling of satiety during the meal time, leading to a more calm meal. But that's all. Like I said, water can't replace food.

Water in a glass bottle

Dermatologist Ömür Monopoly: How much water should we consume in the regional thinning program, why?

Thinning programs aim at making the metabolism, especially free fatty acids, which can activate the stored fat tissues possible. The average consumption of 2 liters of water per day is required in all slimming programs. When you combine proper nutrition and healthy exercises with intermittent drinking, there is no reason not to lose weight. One of the most important reasons why our body cannot melt excess fat and weight is insufficient water consumption. If there is not enough water in the kidneys, the process of accumulating and neutralizing waste materials in the body is interrupted. Since these harmful substances also include fats, the body cannot break down the fats properly, which is reflected in us as excess weight.

- City water or carboy water or water in a glass bottle? Why should we choose what?

Nowadays, there are advanced treatment methods for city water. The consumption of water obtained in this way is healthy. There are too many variables about carboy water. It is not healthy to drink water from the carboy that has waited in the sun for a long time. Because of the sun because of plastic hormone-like compounds can be released into the water. To do this, it is necessary to pay attention to the number printed on the bottle which serves to determine the quality of the plastic. If this number is 6 or more, it is healthy. The water in the pet bottle should be consumed in a year. Glass bottle of the most healthy water storage container. However, with the returnable and recyclable systems, the same bottle can be sterilized and reused. Cleaning agents can also leave residues. Be careful about this when choosing a brand. pH indicates the acid and base status of water. The permissible pH is between 5.5-8.5. If the pH in the water is outside these values, it will have a negative effect on health.

- Can boiled city water be drinkable? Does the nutritional value disappear?

Water contains calcium, magnesium, iron, nitrate, fluorine, zinc, sodium. The amount of these minerals varies according to the source of water. Each of these minerals has a different benefit to the body. However, boiling city water is not recommended because it can contain heavy metals and even cyanide. Used to clean chlorine and fluoride are also harmful. They are not removed by boiling. Especially in the summer months, water should be boiled and suspected against infectious diseases.

- Does the water in the apartment warehouses pose a risk of illness?

He's in danger. The amount and variety of bacteria increases in the water waiting for a long time. However, with the recirculation system used in some apartments, these waters can remain cleaner.

RECOV?R 180 Hydration Drink for Functional Performance, Sports and Everyday Electrolytes Beverage, 16 Ounce (12 Pack, Blood Orange)