Friday, February 1, 2019

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Antioxidant and anti-aging water

Antioxidants and Health


Our HEALTH is the balance between OXIDATION and ANTIOXIDANTS

If free radicals tip the balance towards oxidation, oxidative stress occurs, which is the cause of most diseases and premature aging.

Drinking hydrogenated water helps to lower the level of oxidation of our body, tilting the balance on the side of health.

Bronson CoQ10 100mg (CoEnzyme Q-10), 300 Softgels
Bronson CoQ10 100mg (CoEnzyme Q-10), 300 Softgels

  • FREE RADICALS appear because part of the oxygen we breathe becomes REACTIVE OXYGEN that oxidizes us.
  • Oxidation is the cause of AGING and most DISEASES .
  • Hydrogenated water is ANTIOXIDANT and reduces oxidation.

Free radicals
Our cells need oxygen to convert food into energy. In this process some oxygen molecules lose an electron, which they try to recover by stealing it from our cells, oxidizing them. We call this reactive oxygen free radicals. When a cell is oxidized by free radicals it can die or reproduce with defects, leading to premature aging and diseases.

They cede electrons to free radicals and neutralize them. Our team injects electrons to water, by means of hydrogen, making it antioxidant. The electrons have a negative charge and the sum of all of them is what the antioxidant potential meter (ORP) indicates , which is measured in millivolts (mV) . The electrons stay in the water "MOUNTED" on the hydrogen atoms.

We generate excess free radicals due to:

  •     Bad diet
  •     Pollution
  •     Stress
  •     Preservatives and chemical colorants
  •     Tobacco
  •     Alcoholic drinks
  •     Side effects of medications
  •     Viral and bacterial infections
  •     Sun and other ultraviolet rays
  •     Age, since we generate less antioxidant enzymes

The hydrogen dissolved in the water is harmless . More than half of our body is hydrogen. When hydrogen has no electrons, it is attracted by oxygen and thanks to this, water (H2O) is formed.
When we give hydrogen its own electrons, it separates itself from oxygen and ceases to be water. It stays mixed with water, with its own electrons . Hydrogen is a gas and tends to evaporate. When it evaporates, it carries its electrons with it. Then the water stops being an antioxidant and has a negative electric charge.

What are free radicals

They are unstable molecules of oxygen, which lack an electron, which steal from our cells, causing diseases and premature aging .

Hydrogen® injects electrons into the water by injecting hydrogen, giving it an antioxidant electric charge . Water enriched with hydrogen donates its electrons and neutralizes free radicals .

Antioxidant juices | benefits of juices.

The benefits offered by antioxidant juices are many and varied and all positive to help our health is in perfect condition, antioxidants are essential to preserve our health and help us in the fight against free radicals, they are famous for cause premature aging and certain types of diseases. To stock up on this type of fuel, fruit juices are a very smart decision.
Our body naturally produces free radicals, and this phenomenon is a vital defense, these natural compounds accelerate the aging of our cells and even sometimes are the cause of serious illness if they are in excess in our body. To try to counteract the devastating effects caused by free radicals, we must do so with the antioxidants that nature offers, fruits and vegetables are possessing large amounts of natural antioxidants. Why not put an antioxidant juice in our diet?
The fruits that contain the largest number of antioxidants are exotic fruits or red fruits. So we can eat unrestricted fruits of the type of kiwi, guava, mango, orange, pink grapefruit, lychee or pineapple, this was said by Dr. Serge Rafal, author of the book "antioxidant power" in general we must choose the ripe fruit This being ripe will be easier for us to digest, we told what was previously said by Dr. Serge Nadal, we would add the red fruits, these fruits are full of lycopene, this component is what gives this color so characteristic to these fruits, fruits Like the pomegranate, the raspberry or the blueberries, they contribute to our organism a powerful amount of antioxidants, the lycopene is the greatest natural antioxidant of which there is evidence.

The best 5 antioxidant juices

If you are wondering which are the fruits with more antioxidant power we present the five antioxidant juices that we think have more antioxidant power, by adding these good foods to our diet we will be giving an extra boost of antioxidants to our body.

Strawberry antioxidant juice:

By taking a strawberry juice, we will be adding to our body a high antioxidant capacity, strawberries contain a large amount of anthocyanin, this is a unique flavonoid that acts potently against inflammatory conditions, (asthma, atherosclerosis, arthritis ...).
The composition of the strawberry also adds large amounts of potassium, this acts to improve diuresis and helps us to detoxify the body, helps improve blood pressure and acts directly on our muscles.
The strawberries contain large amounts of folic acid, this acid helps us to keep our memory in good condition since the consumption of this juice will help us to improve our
concentration and help our brain process information.

Antioxidant juice of green tea:

The juice of green tea is a juice that contains a large amount of antioxidant compounds that are very beneficial to fight against free radicals and thus fight against premature aging.
The active principles responsible for the antioxidant activity of this plant are polyphenolic compounds (more than 3% of its composition), we find three types: flavonoids, catechins and tannins.
Among the flavonoids we find Kemferol and myricetol,
Green tea has a great and well-deserved fame in traditional medicine, this is thanks to its extensive chemical composition, many studies have revealed that the most frequent polyphenols found in green tea catechins, are even more potent than vitamins of type C E In the fight against free radicals, this helps us to stop the advance of premature aging and some degenerative diseases that are associated with aging.

Carrot antioxidant juice:

The carrot is known the great power it has to help us tan in summer and it is very helpful to keep our eyes in perfect condition, but what most people do not know is the high amount of benefits that the consumption of Carrots contributes to our body.
The usual consumption of carrots will provide a large amount of vitamins (A, B, C and E), minerals and what we are treated in this post a great compound of antioxidants such as lutein, lycopene, carotenes, zeaxanthin and xanthophyll.
These compounds help our body in different facets, including reducing arthritis or keeping our eye system in top condition.

Blueberry antioxidant juice:

Surely you have heard about the innumerable antioxidant properties that cranberry juice offers us, this is due to the high concentrations of flavonoids that we find in this fruit, especially those found in greater quantities in blueberries (many more than reds). ), this gives astringent properties due to the high concentration of tannins found in this fruit, this gives them antidiarrheal, antiseptic or hypoglycemic effects.
As for the nutritional composition of cranberry, these do not contain fat, sodium, or cholesterol, on the contrary are rich in vitamins and fiber, a good source of potassium, provitamin A, magnesium and only gives us 30 calories per 100 grams of fresh cranberry.

Pomegranate antioxidant juice:

For the end we leave the juice of pomegranate , the juice of this fruit is the juice that more antioxidant properties gives us, this is thanks to its composition, it is worth mentioning two compounds:
Punicalagina: punicalagina are large molecules found in pomegranates, they have a great antioxidant capacity, this capacity is increased when metabolized with other compounds (urolitins, ellagic acid), the antioxidant value of these compounds is up to three times more than red wine or green tea.
Punic acid: this acid is also known as Omega 5, is an acid that is only obtained by cold pressing the seeds of the pomegranate, omega 5 is a type of conjugated linoleic acid, the word conjugate has to do with the disposition of the double bonds in the fatty acid molecule.
The punicalagins found in pomegranate juice have been shown in different studies that help reduce inflammation, this is one of the main causes of many deadly diseases.
In different studies there is preliminary evidence that the action of pomegranate juice can be very useful for men who may suffer from prostate cancer, since according to these studies the consumption of pomegranate juice can inhibit the growth of cancer.
© Campo de Elche
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Antioxidants work: diseases that help prevent

They are one of the most researched substances by science due to the enormous potential they have to help our body fight against diseases that can be, in some cases, very serious

We listen to it daily and we have learned to relate it to something good. But that's where our knowledge about these compounds ends. We can try to decipher it through the name: anti means against and oxidize .. it means that, oxidize, which we assume is bad. But why is it bad? Oxygen , although absolutely necessary for life, is a very reactive element (hence its great energetic potential to be one of our 'fuels'). After completing its energetic function, oxygen can form substances such as peroxides (such as hydrogen peroxide) or free radicals (molecules with unpaired electrons that are reactive and unstable). These two compounds have harmful potential for all parts of the cell, from the proteins that form the structures to the lipids, or even for the DNA itself.

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"There is an inversely proportional relationship between antioxidants and the risk of chronic diseases"

To avoid these damages, the body of all species (including humans) that live on oxygen have devised defense and repair mechanisms : antioxidants . These molecules have the peculiarity of 'wishing' to join those dangerous compounds, canceling out their effects and preventing damage. When there is a negative imbalance between the amount or effectiveness of antioxidants present in the body and the amount of harmful substances, the cells are exposed to damage, sometimes irreversible .

This is the reason why, in recent decades, science has focused so much attention on research on these substances. Not all its effects and mechanisms have been discovered, but you begin to have an idea of ​​what its potential utility is and what antioxidants we consume, or what we should consume .

The most famous of all is vitamin C , also known as ascorbic acid, which is a monosaccharide (yes, a 'version' of sugar), but it is not the only one. The most common, and which has been responsible for our protection against oxidizing agents for thousands of years, is glutathione , a peptide (a union of several amino acids that does not become a protein) generated by the cells themselves. But the list is much higher: melatonin , tocopherols , tocotyrene , carotenoids or polyphenols (within each category are dozens of different compounds).

Representation of how an antioxidant neutralizes a free radical. (iStock) Representation of how an antioxidant neutralizes a free radical. (iStock)

The foods that stand out for their antioxidant content are:

  •     Vitamin C Guava, currant, pepper, kiwi, broccoli, orange, lemon or pineapple.
  •     Melatonin Nuts, banana, tomatoes, cherries or rice.
  •     Tocopherols and vitamin E Hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, olive oil or spirulina.
  •     Carotenoids Tomato (very rich in lycopene), pumpkin, carrot, papaya, mango, peach, chard or spinach.
  •     Polyphenols Almonds, nuts, pistachios or mushrooms

But the risks of oxidizing agents and oxidative stress and the benefits and 'potential healing' of antioxidants go beyond a couple of damaged cells. These are some of the diseases (really serious) that are related to oxidative damage and for which, in theory, antioxidants could play a beneficial role:

  •     Alzheimer's disease In a study published by the researcher Yves Christen , of the Fondation Ipsen in Paris, in ' The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ' (one of the most reputable publications in this field), the relationship was established " between Alzheimer's disease and free radicals , which is based on the susceptibility of neurons to damage by these compounds, many antioxidants such as vitamin E or selegiline have shown promising results in relation to Alzheimer's. "
  •     Parkinson . In a study published by the researchers Wood-Kaczmar A , Ghandi S and Wood NW , of the Institute of Neurology of the National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery in London , "the relationship between oxidative stress and the 'substantia nigra' (an area of of the brain) characteristic of patients with Parkinson's, which puts the spotlight in that it is possible that treatments with antioxidants are beneficial to avoid the neurodegeneration characteristic of the disease ".
  •     Diabetes Italian researchers Davi G , Falco A and Patron C , from the University of Chieti , Italy, conducted a study entitled 'Lipid peroxidation in diabetes mellitus'. It analyzed the relationship between certain oxidizing agents such as F2-isoprostanes and the ailment: "The F2 -iso- are important transducers of the effects of metabolic abnormalities, which increases the cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients". This study also assesses the potential that some antioxidants (such as vitamin supplements) could have in the prevention of the disease. And this is not the only study that supports this relationship. In another published by Giuliano D , Ceriello A and Paolisso G , from the Second University of Naples , indicated that "the generation of reactive oxygen species that cause oxidative stress could play an important role in the etiology of medical complications to which diabetics are prone. "

"The presence of ingested antioxidants has been shown to prevent oxidative damage associated with the development of cancer"

    Rheumatoid arthritis Researchers Carol A Hitchon and Hani S El-Gabalawy , from the University of Manitoba in Canada, established in a study published in 2004 that "oxygen metabolism plays an important role in the onset of rheumatoid arthritis, because the species Oxygen reactants occur during the course of oxidative phosphorylation, and these may have inflammatory effects on the synovial membranes . " In a more accessible language, what they say in this study is that joint cellular respiration releases large amounts of free radicals, which promotes a worsening of the synovial membrane and therefore of the disease.
    Cancer If all the research regarding oxidative damage and the benefits of antioxidants is very cautious when it comes to drawing conclusions, in the case of cancer, much more. In a document published by the National Cancer Institute of the United States , the state of research was evaluated with respect to the effects of antioxidants to prevent oxidative damage that is considered to play a role in the onset of cancer. In this document it was explained that "in laboratory and animal studies, the presence of ingested antioxidants has been shown to prevent oxidative damage associated with the development of cancer ". Of course, observational studies (longitudinal and control cases) dedicated to investigate the relationship between antioxidant intake and cancer "have shown mixed, inconclusive results." Anyway, studies that relate more and more antioxidants with the prevention of this disease, as published by A. Venket Rao and Sanjiv Agarwal of the University of Toronto . It establishes "an inversely proportional relationship between the consumption of lycopene and the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases."

Despite the caution shown by the scientific world regarding the benefits of antioxidants, one thing is clear: it is one of the most promising nutrients for our health, because they are the only ones capable of stopping the feet of the mortal, and at the same time vital , oxygen.


Antioxidants are able to activate our immune system to help fight infections and protect the skin from premature aging. All this, through foods such as spinach or strawberries. In addition, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, it is found in citrus fruits and helps us to prevent and reduce the likelihood of having colds.

Likewise, a diet rich in antioxidants can help us prevent heart disease. For this, we can consume foods rich in omega-3, such as sardines or salmon. Also, we can find antioxidants in fruits and vegetables that help us reduce the risk of suffering from diseases such as cancer. These are beta-carotene (which contains watermelon or grapefruit) and selenium (which can be found in vegetables and nuts).

Ideas for our body to absorb antioxidants:

A fresh and nutritious drink: tomato sorbet

The main benefits of tomato are to avoid cardiovascular diseases and reduce the risk of heart attack. In addition, they help prevent some types of cancer, as well as other diseases. In summer, enjoy it as a fresh drink in tomato sorbet!

The star dish of this season: antioxidant salad

To the classic salad we can add different foods, which make it become an antioxidant salad ready to drink. For example: carrot, soy, tomato, nuts and soy sauce. They will help prevent degenerative diseases and tumors.

Antioxidant pleasure: chocolate dice to cardamom

Cocoa is a highly antioxidant food that can help us reduce diseases associated with aging, such as some degenerative and cardiovascular diseases. We encourage you to try the chocolate dice to the cardamom.

There are many more recipes to help protect our body from various diseases and keep it well cared for. Any of the antioxidant foods can be turned into a delicious and healthy dish.

We encourage you to try our recipes and share yours in the comments of this article.

Start taking care of your health!

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Benefits of antioxidants

The function of an antioxidant is to stop the aging process and the decomposition of the cells.

  • Do you know what your antioxidant levels are?
  • Do you know how technology and beauty are combined?

To answer these questions, a novel scanner, a non-invasive tool that uses laser technology to provide an immediate reading of antioxidant activity in the body, arrived in Mexico.

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Pure CoQ10 (400mg Max Strength, 100 Capsules) - High Absorption Coenzyme Q10 Ubiquinone Supplement Pills, Extra Antioxidant CO Q-10 Enzyme Vitamin Tablets, Coq 10 for Healthy Heart & Blood Pressure

The process is simple, simply place the palm of your hand in front of a small blue panel of low energy; The scanner measures the existence and level of beneficial antioxidant nutrients called carotenoids, so that the result of the body's defense level is immediately obtained.

The function of an antioxidant is to stop the process of aging and the decomposition of cells and, its main task is to inhibit free radicals.

Free radicals are unstable molecules; that is, they lost an electron; They are also highly reactive and their mission is to remove the electron they need, using the molecules that are around them to obtain their stability.

Among the consequences of the lack of antioxidants are some disorders: spots on the skin, rough skin and weak and brittle hair.

In recent years, antioxidants have been investigated in relation to their role in diseases of maximum impact in the West.

Of the above, cardiovascular diseases, numerous types of cancer, AIDS and even others associated directly with the aging process are called Alzheimer's, cataracts or nervous system alterations.

Free radicals and "oxidation". Breathing is essential in life and produces molecules, free radicals, which in the long run have negative effects on health, through their ability to alter DNA -the genes-, proteins and lipids or fats- " oxidation"-. In our body there are cells that are renewed continuously -of the skin, of the intestine- and others that do not - cells of the liver, neurons ...-.

Over the years, free radicals can produce a genetic alteration, increasing the risk of cancer, or reducing the functionality of the mitochondria, which is characteristic of aging. Excessive exercise, environmental pollution, smoking, high-fat diets and overexposure to sunlight generate more free radicals.

But what are antioxidants?
There is a group of vitamins, minerals, natural dyes and other plant compounds and enzymes called "antioxidants", which block the damaging effect of "free radicals".

Most of the antioxidants are in fruits, vegetables, vegetables, and whole grains. Studies on antioxidants focus on vitamin C and E, beta carotene, flavonoids, selenium and zinc.

Vitamin C: You should consume guava, kiwi, mango, pineapple, citrus, melon, strawberries, blackberries, peppers, tomatoes, brassicas - vegetables of the family of cabbage, fruits and vegetables.

Vitamin E -tocopherol-: It is contained in olive and soybean oils, wheat germ, cereals, green leafy vegetables and nuts.

Beta-carotene: Found in green, red-orange-yellowish vegetables and certain fruits-chabacanos, cherries, melon and peach.

Flavonoids: It is recommended to consume green leafy vegetables, red fruits, purple fruits and citrus fruits.

Selenium: It is present in meat, fish, seafood, cereals, eggs, fruits and vegetables.

Zinc: Meats, organ meats, fish, eggs, whole grains and legumes contain it.

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Benefits of antioxidants in women's health

Due to differences in body composition between men and women, it has been shown that women need to consume fewer calories than men to maintain a healthy weight; However, due to hormonal differences, they need to consume a greater variety of nutrients than men, for example: antioxidants.

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In order to understand the benefits that antioxidants provide, the Kellogg Institute of Nutrition and Health, through the Nutriologist Carmen Haro, provides us with some elements that contribute to the well-being and health of women.

What are antioxidants?

Antioxidants are compounds that come from some foods and that diminish or significantly prevent the damage caused to our cells by free radicals. Free radicals are molecules that are produced in our body by oxygen or by exposure to environmental factors such as sun, cigarette smoke, alcohol and pollution.

Some of the foods that have a high content of antioxidant substances (vitamins A, C and E, beta carotenes, lutein, lycopene and selenium) are:

1. Fruits and vegetables. Include abundant amounts of fruits and vegetables in your diet, not only provide antioxidants, but also fiber, iron and magnesium. The following describes the benefits that each one provides:

• Fiber It will help maintain a healthy weight and decrease constipation.

• Iron It will help to replace the losses that occurred during menstruation.

• Magnesium Involved in the absorption of calcium .

Some fruits and vegetables that provide antioxidants are: cherries, strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, apples, papaya, plums, pears, melon, kiwi, apricot, artichokes, asparagus, broccoli, spinach, peas, etc.

2. Oilseeds. In addition to providing you with antioxidants, they provide healthy fats, such as omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids, which can help: Protect the health of your heart; decrease some of the premenstrual symptoms such as colic ; maintain a good mood during the day; during menopause they can help reduce hot flashes. Some examples are: almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts, pistachios, peanuts, etc.

3. Legumes. The recommendation is that you consume legumes as a source of protein replacing meat at least once a week (it is proven that the excessive consumption of protein of animal origin, in women, can affect the absorption of calcium, increasing the chances of suffer from osteoporosis). Some examples of legumes are: beans, beans, lentils, etc.

4. Products of animal origin. Within this group the foods that give you antioxidants are: Beef (preferably lean cuts or without visible fat); fish. It provides omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids; egg (in addition to antioxidants it provides vitamin D, which favors the absorption of calcium) ; dairy products (milk, cheese, etc.). It prefers low-fat versions and fortified with vitamin D.

5. Cereals Preferably look for whole grain cereals to increase your fiber intake. Some cereals that give you antioxidants are: corn, wheat and rice.

The key to healthy eating is to include the greatest possible variety of foods to obtain not only the antioxidants your body needs, but all the nutrients that will help you stay healthy. Keep in mind that no matter what your age, a healthy diet can help you to see yourself and feel better.


The content shown is the responsibility of the author and reflects his point of view, but not the ideology of

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What are antioxidants?

Natural or manufactured substances that help prevent or delay some types of damage to cells are called antioxidants . They can be presented as food components (in fruits and vegetables), or, as a dietary supplement .

One of the damages that can be produced to the cells is that caused by the so-called free radicals , molecules that get their stability by modifying the surrounding molecules, which causes a chain reaction that ends up damaging many cells.

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Healthy Origins CoQ10 (Kaneka Q10) 100 mg, 150 Softgels

In this case, antioxidants are responsible for stabilizing free radicals and inhibit their oxidation to protect organs and systems that may be affected.

A nutrient has antioxidant properties when it is able to neutralize these radicals without losing their own stability. However, in many cases, it is not able to combat them due to an excess of the same, caused by air pollution , tobacco smoke , herbicides , certain fats and other external factors.

This excess of free radicals, since it can not be eliminated by the body, damages the membranes of the cells and facilitates the development of various types of diseases.
Types of antioxidants

Antioxidants are divided into endogenous , manufactured by the cell itself, and exogenous or those that enter the body through diet or supplements.

A broader classification of these exogenous compounds is as follows:

Vitamin E

Set of phenolic compounds known as tocopherols , which have a greater vitamin action, and tocotrienols .

This antioxidant is found in cell membranes and has a process of absorption and transport closely linked to that of lipids, as well as being considered the most important protector of lipid molecules .

This vitamin is essential for humans since a lack of it can cause malabsorption of fats or even some chronic liver diseases .

Its most important source are vegetable oils, seed oils, wheat and corn germ, almonds, hazelnuts, sunflower or walnut.

Vitamin C or ascorbic acid

It is a water-soluble antioxidant that acts by enhancing the effect of other antioxidants. It is not synthesized by the organism, so it is necessary that it be included in the diet.

One of the main consequences of vitamin C deficiency is scurvy , a rare disease in Western countries since their diets usually contain the minimum amount necessary to avoid this disease.

Its main source within vegetables is lemon, lime, orange, mango, kiwi or strawberry and, in the case of vegetables, include tomato, green leafy vegetables, cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli.


They are the precursors of vitamin A and its deficiency can cause keratosis , night blindness , ocular dryness or Bitot spot (white deposits of epithelium in the sclera), in addition to a lower resistance of the organism to infections.


They are natural pigments present in vegetables and protect the body from damage caused by oxidizing elements such as ultraviolet rays , environmental pollution and harmful substances present in food.

It is present in fruits, vegetables and drinks such as black tea and green tea.

In the case of endogenous antioxidants, these are the most important:


It is found in the cytoplasm of cells and consists of three amino acids : cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid.

Coenzyme Q 10

It is a powerful lipid-soluble antioxidant that comes from the diet and is found in all cell membranes, mainly in the mitochondria , where it participates in the aerobic breathing chain.

Thioctic acid

Also called alpha lipoic acid, it is a fatty acid that favors cellular rejuvenation in the transformation of glucose into energy.

Foods with more antioxidants

Within the diet, it is necessary to include foods that have a large proportion of antioxidants. Within that list, those that contain more antioxidants are:

The beans

They have a powerful antioxidant capacity since they are a source of vitamin C , phenolic acids and flavonoids .

In addition, thanks to the omega-3 fatty acids it contains, it entails extensive benefits for cardiovascular health.

The artichokes

This type of vegetables include a large amount of water, carbohydrates and vitamins B1 , E and B3 . In the case of the first, it intervenes in the use of hydrates, fats and proteins and in the balance of the nervous system.

Its most abundant mineral is potassium , although it is one of the vegetables that contains the most magnesium , phosphorus and calcium .

The potatoes

It is one of the most present products in the Spanish diet due to the large amount of nutrients it contains, such as phenolic compounds .

It includes, approximately, a third of the calories of the bread, whenever they are consumed boiled or baked, quantity that increases if they take frits.


The most remarkable aspect of this food, from the nutritional point of view, is its vitamin A content and its low level of calories.

They are a source of beta-carotene that acts as provitamin A and that is converted into vitamin A within the body. Other nutrients present in carrots are carbohydrates , folic acid , magnesium , manganese and phosphorus .

Fruits of the forest

One of the fruits that contains more antioxidants are blueberries that imply numerous health benefits.

Cranberries have a low sugar content compared to other fruits, and contain some of the most powerful antioxidant properties of all fruits and vegetables.

In addition to preventing heart disease and other diseases, they slow down the aging process, especially in the brain.

The Apple

It contains the essential vitamins and antioxidants recommended in a good diet, especially in the case of red apples.

The bitter chocolate

In addition to being an optimal source of antioxidants, dark chocolate contains compounds indicated for lowering blood pressure .

Even so, this type of products is important to consume them in moderation, being the recommended amount between 20 and 30 grams daily .

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Are antioxidants really good for us?

Antioxidants seem to be everywhere; in superfoods and in skin care products, including chocolate and red wine. Products that contain antioxidants are marketed as essential for good health, with promises to fight diseases and reverse aging. But are they really as good to us as they make us believe?

What are antioxidants?

The term antioxidant covers a wide range of molecules - atoms linked by chemical bonds - that protect other molecules from a chemical process called oxidation.

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That's fine, because oxidation can damage vital molecules in our cells, including DNA and proteins, which are responsible for many bodily processes. In fact, molecules, such as DNA, are necessary for the proper functioning of cells; So, if too many are damaged, the cell may malfunction or die. Antioxidants can prevent or reduce this damage.

In our body, the oxidation process usually occurs because of other types of molecules that are highly reactive: free radicals.

Not all oxidation is bad

Oxidation is a common chemical reaction in which electrons are transferred from one molecule to another. And electrons are one of the subatomic particles - smaller than an atom - that make up practically everything. As the electrons move during an oxidation reaction, their bonds can break and the structure of the molecules changes.

Not all oxidation reactions are bad. Some are essential for life and are involved in many other important processes. In cellular respiration , for example, glucose is oxidized by oxygen, producing carbon dioxide, water and energy to nourish our body. And, in another area, domestic bleach act by oxidizing color stains in colorless molecules.

Other less desirable oxidation reactions are metals and food spoilage.
And, free radicals?

Free radicals are simply molecules with one or more odd electrons. Electrons like to be in pairs, so odd electrons can result in unstable and highly reactive molecules.

To stabilize, the free radical must steal an electron from another molecule (or give one). When a molecule loses an electron, it oxidizes and becomes a free radical. This new free radical can steal an electron from another molecule and start a chain reaction. This process permanently changes the structure of the molecules and triggers irreversible damage.

But if there is an antioxidant present, you can donate an electron to the free radical, stabilizing it and stopping the chain reaction. The antioxidant is sacrificed and oxidized in place of the other molecule, becoming a free radical. Unlike most molecules, the antioxidant is able to stabilize the unpaired electron and does not become highly reactive. This process deactivates the antioxidant.

Free radicals are not always bad for us. The immune system uses its highly reactive and destructive nature. Certain white blood cells, called phagocytes , can wrap foreign particles, such as bacteria, then seal them and release free radicals to destroy them.

Free radicals are naturally generated by our body, but can be multiplied by lifestyle factors such as stress, poor diet, pollution, smoking and alcohol. Our bodies can handle some free radicals, but forming too many can overwhelm the body's normal defenses.

It is believed that the damage of free radicals is one of the causes of aging and contributes to various diseases. For example, the damage of free radicals to DNA can cause genetic mutations and promote cancer.

So, antioxidants are good, right? It is not so simple

If free radicals are dangerous and cause aging and diseases, and antioxidants can neutralize them, then getting more antioxidants should be good, right? Unfortunately, it's not as simple as that. Yes, high antioxidant levels and low oxidative stress are associated with good health , but not all antioxidants are the same.

Antioxidants come from many sources. Some occur naturally in the body and some occur naturally in the food we eat. Antioxidants - natural or synthetic - can also be added to foods that do not normally contain them, either because of their (presumed) value for health or to preserve food (antioxidants also prevent oxidation in foods).

A healthy diet is the most effective way to get the antioxidants your body needs. Fruits, vegetables, grains, eggs and nuts are all useful sources of antioxidants. Despite the marketing exaggeration, the antioxidants found in so-called superfoods are no more effective than those of common fruits and vegetables, so it's better to save money.

But it's a different story when it comes to antioxidant supplements. Research has found that antioxidant supplements can cause more harm than good. A 2012 meta-analysis of more than 70 trials found that antioxidant supplements are ineffective or even detrimental to health. The reasons are not clear, but it is likely that the additional nutritional benefits derived from the consumption of antioxidants in a healthy diet contribute to this. In addition, high concentrations of antioxidants associated with the use of supplements can cause problems.

Too much of a good thing

There are a number of reasons why high concentrations of antioxidants can be harmful. In high concentrations, antioxidants can:

  • - Act as pro-oxidants , increasing oxidation
  • - Protect healthy cells, but also dangerous ones, such as cancer cells
  • - Reduce the benefits of exercise for health
  • - Having unwanted side effects, such as nausea and headaches , or even reaching toxic levels

There is no magic pill, although a healthy diet can provide all the antioxidants you need to fight the damage caused by free radicals.

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Antioxidants provide great benefits in our body. Best of all: incorporating them daily is easier than we think.

Flavonoids, lycopenes, carotenoids are some of the elements that we should include daily in our table. Strange names? It may be, but as we elucidate, they should become allies of our nutrition. To begin we can say that they are all antioxidants and that common foods such as carrots, tomatoes, oranges, tea, cocoa, red wine, legumes, olive oil and soy, among others, are sources important of them.

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MaryRuth's Vegan CoQ10 Gummy Plant-Based Non-GMO Paleo Friendly Antioxidant Gluten Free Metabolism Dietary Supplement for Men, Women & Children 60-Count 120mg per Serving (2 Gummies)

Another clue: antioxidants are vitamins, minerals and various compounds present in food, which play a key role in our body. It is that while we have some antioxidants in the blood naturally, different situations such as environmental pollution, sun exposure, smoking and poor diet produce oxidation in our body greater than that occurs naturally. Hence the importance that daily include in our diet a good dose of antioxidants, which help to counteract this process.

"Oxidation processes generate the production of free radicals, responsible for premature aging and certain diseases. We, in a natural way, are always exposed to cellular oxidation and we have the necessary antioxidants to counteract them; However, it is important that we also receive an extra contribution from food, to prevent free radicals from having a negative effect on health, "warns Dr. Ada Cuevas, of the Center for Nutrition and Obesity at Clínica Las Condes.

The supplements

Some may wonder, then, that if antioxidants are so important and the current hectic lifestyle does not always favor proper nutrition, is it possible to achieve its benefits through the intake of supplements, for example, in the form of tablets? According to what the nutritionist explains, the real benefits of obtaining them via supplements have not been scientifically proven so far. "It happens that there are many different types of antioxidants, and the benefits are achieved by the combination of them. Not because vitamin C is a potent antioxidant means that its intake in the form of tablets can replace the consumption of fresh fruits. "

Pure health

On the other hand, there are numerous scientific studies that do indicate the action of antioxidants as factors that contribute to both prevention and relief of various diseases. Among the most important we can highlight:

  •     Prevention of cardiovascular diseases: free radicals and their oxidative action of lipoproteins contribute to atherogenesis (formation of atheromas or plaques). Both the cholesterol and the phospholipids of these lipoproteins are protected from oxidation by antioxidants such as vitamins E, B and C.
  •     Prevention of cancer: the intake of antioxidant agents would decrease the risk of acquiring different types of cancers. The main protective agent in this regard is beta-carotene.
  •     Prevention of premature aging: many of the antioxidant agents participate through different mechanisms reverting or slowing the processes of cellular aging (both the physical appearance of our skin, and our internal organs). It should also consider its indirect action in the prevention of various diseases associated with age, such as lack of memory, for example, as well as in the strengthening of the immune system in general.

Incorporate them on the table

Some simple tips to incorporate more antioxidants in our diet are:

  •     Put color in your diet: the more colors there are on your plate, the greater the amount of antioxidants to be consumed. Ideally there should be at least three different colors.
  •     Start the day with a cup of grain coffee and drink a daily cup of green, red or white tea.
  •     Consume two to three servings of fruit per day: as much as possible, choose the seasonal ones that are neither too green nor too ripe.
  •     Include salads at lunch and lunch, making them as varied as possible. A healthy suggestion is to incorporate legumes such as beans or lentils, which increase the supply of antioxidants.
  •     Consume fish two to three times per week.
  •     Season the foods with parsley, dill, turmeric, ginger, oregano or curry, as they are antioxidant foods that provide good flavor to your dishes.
  •     When you feel the need to eat something sweet, prefer a piece of dark chocolate (without milk), which provides a good dose of natural antioxidants.

Antioxidants     Food where they are     Function in our organism

  • Vitamin A (beta-carotene)     Pumpkin, carrot, apricots, mangoes     High antioxidant power, it is also essential for vision and to keep the skin and tissues in good condition.
  • Vitamin C     Strawberries, melon, kiwis, citrus fruits, peppers, broccoli, cauliflower     High antioxidant power, also helps the absorption of iron preventing anemia and helps wound healing.
  • Vitamin E     Vegetable oils such as sunflower, soy, corn, sesame, wheat germ and mainly olive oil, especially extra virgin first cold pressure     Powerful antioxidant action, stimulates the immune system and helps prevent cardiovascular diseases.
  • Copper     Chicken, turkey, fish, seafood, oysters, organ meats (liver, kidneys), whole cereals, mushrooms, potatoes, nuts, sunflower seeds, raisins, legumes     It boosts the immune system, participates in the formation of enzymes, proteins and neuro-transmitters in the brain and is an anti-inflammatory and anti-infective agent.
  • Zinc     Dried fruits (nuts, almonds, peanuts, hazelnuts), whole grains, dark parts of chicken and oysters     It improves our defenses and helps maintain the elasticity of the skin.
  • Manganese     Sesame seeds, bran and wheat germ, egg yolk and tea.     Necessary for the growth and formation of healthy cartilage and bones and intervenes in blood coagulation phenomena.
  • Magnesium     Nuts, especially almonds, hazelnuts, pine nuts, peanuts, nuts, green leaves     It helps the absorption of calcium and is a muscle relaxant.
  • Selenium     Nuts, garlic, fish, beef and chicken     Mineral with antioxidant function, which helps strengthen the immune system.
  • Lycopene     Tomato, watermelon     Powerful antioxidant, protects against prostate cancer.
  • Flavonoids     Tea, red wine, soy     Powerful antioxidant, in addition to enhancing memory, enhance the activity of vitamin C, prevent the formation of blood clots and enhance the immune system.

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Antioxidants: what they are, functions and best foods rich in antioxidants

What are antioxidants?
When we talk about dietary antioxidants, these are substances that are part of everyday foods that can prevent the adverse effects of oxidative stress that damages or kills the normal cells of human beings, thus fighting diseases.

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The micronutrients and substances with antioxidant action are:

  • Vitamins A, E, C
  • Minerals such as selenium, zinc, copper, manganese, iron, coenzyme Q
  • Flavonoids
  • In this first article we are going to focus on the first group, the antioxidants of vitamins.

Antioxidants from a chemical perspective, are molecules capable of retarding or preventing oxidation (chemical process of transformation of molecules by the action of oxygen) of an oxidizable substrate (molecules where enzymes act, these are proteins that regulate chemical processes).

There are two ways by which the body is protected from the action of free radicals, those oxygen molecules with electrical charge that have high potential to cause irreversible damage at the cellular level:

The endogenous or enzymatic pathway (antioxidants are synthesized by the body), which requires support from the exogenous pathway.
The exogenous pathway, where we will find non-enzymatic antioxidants (those provided by the daily diet) whose role is relevant, as we will discuss later.

What are antioxidants for? Functions of antioxidants
For decades, the functions of antioxidants and their role in health have been investigated. Currently it is a tendency to consume these products in the market, considered as functional foods, which in addition to providing nutrients have other bioactive components.

The incorporation of foods rich in antioxidants are related to multiple benefits in the body, the most relevant are:

  • * Researchers have shown that diets rich in antioxidant levels and with a caloric reduction improve the immune system which translates into good health and longevity.

In the aging process, antioxidant protection decreases, that is, the natural defenses of our body against oxidative processes becomes less effective, and there is age-specific cellular destruction. Apart there are degenerative changes of the immune system, which can lead to the onset of diseases, such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's or cardiovascular problems, due to this a diet rich in antioxidant foods is recommended as a preventive measure.

  • * They have a beneficial effect on the cellular repair of the liver and gastric mucosa produced by excessive alcohol intake.
  • * Reduce oxidative stress during physical exercise, as oxygen consumption increases, causing more free radicals in our body and muscle fatigue. For this reason it is recommended to include foods with a high content of antioxidants in the diet of athletes and athletes.
  • * Antioxidants are related to the elimination of carcinogens and repair of damage to DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). Damage caused by free radicals that can cause mutations tending to become cancer cells.
  • * The consumption of antioxidants has shown that they can modify human genes related to oxidative stress in the case of breast cancer. However, keep in mind that not all people react the same and antioxidants will not always be effective.
  • * They have anti-inflammatory effects, decreasing the production and inhibition of inflammatory mediators (such as reducing cyclo-oxygenase, complement activation and immobilization of leukocytes, among others).
  • * It has been shown to reduce blood pressure, specifically the consumption of garlic as one of the best antioxidants. The WHO (world health organization) recommends its use to prevent high blood pressure. Read also The 15 best infusions to lower high blood pressure.
  • * They have antibiotic activity. Associated with allicin and related compounds (thiosulfonate) which can be obtained in crushed garlic and onion.
  • * It has been shown that antioxidants have an antithrombotic effect, inhibiting platelet aggregation, thus reducing the formation of thrombi in atherosclerotic vessels, in addition to reducing cholesterol levels, mainly LDL, preventing cardiovascular diseases.

Not all antioxidants produce the same benefits, some will work better in eye health as those that contain vitamin A, while other antioxidants are better for the heart, it is important that you know which will contribute better to your health.

When the antioxidant response is deficient, illnesses are triggered in the organism, so its contribution in meals is important, so to ensure that you get enough, a varied diet is suggested.

The best foods with antioxidants

It is important to note that the concentration of antioxidants in the diet of each individual will depend on the correct balance of the diet, the preparation and the level of nutrients contained in the food when ingested.

The best antioxidants and most important are vitamin C in citrus fruits, vitamin E in sprouted seeds, nuts and vegetable oils, β-carotene in carrots, lycopene in tomatoes, epigallocatechin galate (EGCG) in green tea, sulfoxides and polysulfoxides in allium ( is the genus of onions, garlic, leeks or garlic and onions or their extracts.)

In the following tables you can see the antioxidant content in mg per 100 grams of food:

Sources of Vitamin C:
  • Guava 400-500
  • Oranges or grapefruit 30-50
  • Kiwi 26
  • Pineapple, papaya, red cabbage, tomatoes 25-30
  • Spinach, cabbage, pepper or chili peppers 18-25
  • Potato or potato 15-20
  • Apples 8-10
  • Blueberries 9


Sources of vitamin A (Beta-carotenes):
  • Carrot 9500
  • Spinach 7800
  • Pumpkin or squash 7100
  • Papaya 3500
  • Berza, broccoli 3000
  • Chiles or peppers 3000
  • Avocado or avocado 900


The vegetables should be consumed together with the fats, since in general they are soluble in this one and thus the passage in the membranes of the intestine is facilitated thus favoring their absorption and use by our organism.


Sources of vitamin E:
  • Sunflower oil 75
  • Soybean or soybean oil 68
  • Olive oil 30
  • Wheat germ 30
  • Almonds 29
  • Hazelnuts 26
  • Coco 20
  • Peanut or peanut 19
  • Sunflower seeds 18
  • Pine nuts 10
  • Butter 3
  • Eggs 1
  • Whole milk 0.1


Some spices are also an important source of antioxidants:

  • Turmeric
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Rosemary
  • Oregano
  • Coriander
  • Thyme
  • Sage
  • Cumin
  • Cardamom
  • Clove
  • Parsley

They are used, not only in gastronomy in cooking recipes, but also in home and natural remedies for their multiple benefits.

The foods, mainly the vegetables described above, contain several very important nutrients to maintain good health. But it should not be abused in its consumption since it has been demonstrated that both deficient and excessively high levels of antioxidants increase the risk of diseases.

Nutrition is an important factor in the modulation of disease and health. A balanced diet is recommended without drastic caloric restrictions, rich in antioxidant foods, with fruits and vegetables, such as the Mediterranean, which includes 3-5 servings of vegetables and 2-4 of fruits a day.

For better results, the beneficial effects of the best antioxidant foods should be combined with changes in lifestyle such as: physical exercise, refraining from smoking and drinking alcohol, exposure to toxic substances or radiation, control of body weight and thus reducing the risk of suffering from many pathologies related to free radicals.

Although antioxidant foods help our health by cleaning free radicals, providing the many benefits described, are not proven to treat any disease, you should always consult your doctor.

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The Benefits of Antioxidants

It is possible that recently you have read or heard that antioxidants are related to good health or that they are a good way to avoid diseases. Antioxidants have been very well publicized lately, and with good reason. But what is an antioxidant? What do they do inside our body? How can we get more?

Well, first of all we have to define what an anoxidant is. Have you seen the fish in the bottom of the fish tank that absorb all the toxic waste from the fish? Also, imagine that antioxidants are "free radical scavengers" of molecular size in the "fish tank" or your body.

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When an antioxidant manages to enter the body, mainly through what we eat, it slows down or even prevents the oxidation of other molecules. When molecules in the body are oxidized, they create free radicals or cellular byproducts. It is very normal to have free radicals in the body, but in excess they can ruin our cellular structures.

What are the free radicals?

Free radicals create a destructive process in our cells, causing the molecules inside the cells to be destabilized. They may even play an important role in the formation of cancer cells due to a "chain reaction" effect that causes other cells to be damaged. Given the inherent instability of free radicals, they try to attack healthy cells to balance themselves. This causes healthy cells to react in the same way, attacking others in an endless attempt to achieve cell stability.


In short, free radicals attack everything that crosses their path and cause cells to behave the same. As with most conflicts, the results are "free radical waste products" made from broken, damaged and deformed cells. If our cells are weak it is natural that the organs, tissues and skin of the body also weaken.

As you can imagine, oxidative damage plays an immense role in many modern diseases such as muscle and tissue degeneration, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, as well as other health problems. You are exposed to free radicals because they are a normal by-product of the body's regular processes, such as breaking down the food we eat, taking toxic drugs, as in the case of exposure to pollutants. In addition, over-exposure to the sun (burns) and smoking can also increase your body's need to oxidize and create free radicals. Antioxidants stop this cell chain reaction which is oxidation by neutralizing free radicals.

Many plants and animals have large amounts of reserve antioxidants, due to their role in preventing cell damage, as well as their ability to repair damaged cells. Studies have shown that antioxidants play a role (in English) in reducing cell damage from free radicals.

In addition, the National Cancer Institute has said that preliminary studies in laboratory animals show that "antioxidants serve to prevent the damage of free radicals that is related to cancer." Many experts believe that greater amounts of antioxidants in the body can slow down the aging process and even increase the longevity.

How can you get more antioxidants in your body?

The secret of consuming more antioxidants is simple: Eat more organic and fresh fruits and vegetables.

The simplest and most effective way to expose yourself to more antioxidants is through your diet. Incorporating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day into your diet can help your body reduce your chances of having a heart condition, neurological diseases, cancer and a reduced immune system.

So enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables every day! Especially because studies show that it is more effective to take antioxidants through your diet than through supplements.

Some examples of common antioxidants include glutathione, beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Selenium, alpha-lipoic acid, melatonin and Vitamin E. A few important antioxidant enzymes in the body naturally produce superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione peroxidase . However, for the body to produce this, zinc, manganese, copper and selenium are required.

List of Foods with Antioxidants

The following is a short list of foods rich in antioxidants. Try to incorporate as many of them into your daily diet. And remember, the organic, raw, fresh and locally grown is always the best:

  •     Corn
  •     Lime
  •     Kale
  •     Lemon
  •     Dates
  •     Chilies
  •     Nails
  •     Garlic
  •     grapes
  •     Plums
  •     Mangoes
  •     pumpkin
  •     Son
  •     Almonds
  •     Raw Nuts and Seeds
  •     Berries
  •     Carrots
  •     Peppers
  •     Oregano
  •     Spinach
  •     Chabacanos
  •     Broccoli
  •     Cinnamon
  •     Tomatoes
  •     Olive oil
  •     Artichoke
  •     Green Tea
  •     Pineapple
  •     Betabel Red
  •     Integral rice
  •     Goji Berries
  •     Acai cherry
  •     Coconut oil
  •     Pinto beans
  •     Broad beans
  •     Wheat Germ
  •     Grenades
  •     Hemp oil
  •     Barley and Rye
  •     Currant
  •     Blood orange
  •     Sweet potatoes

2 High Antioxidant Supplements

I use these three supplements daily and I highly recommend them to anyone who wants to supplement their diet with antioxidants

  •     Intramax - 100% Organic Liquid Multivitamin
  •     Megahydrate - Powerful antioxidant supplement

† Results may vary. Information and statements made for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Global Healing Center does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Global Healing Center are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your doctor.

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What are the benefits of consuming antioxidants?

Antioxidants are substances that help prevent the damaging effects of oxidation on cells throughout your body and are present in many foods, especially fruits and vegetables. Because there are great benefit interactions between antioxidants and other food components, health authorities indicate that antioxidants in foods may offer greater health benefits than supplements. Do you want to know what benefits our antioxidants have on our bodies? CasaVerde Gourmet informs you some of them.

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EZ Melts D3 as Cholecalciferol, 5,000 IU, Sublingual Vitamins, Vegetarian, Zero Sugar, Natural Apple Flavor, 90 Fast Dissolve Tablets

Anti-inflammatory effects of antioxidants

What are the benefits of consuming antioxidants?

The antioxidants present in coffee or morning tea can help prevent heart disease, according to the Family Health Guide of the Harvart School of Medicine. Also, a study published in the 2012 edition of the "International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology" found that the polyphenol antioxidants present in coffee and tea prevent the oxidation of fats, a process that generates generalized inflammation and may increase the risk of suffering from heart disease and diabetes. Lightly roasted coffee can provide up to four times the antioxidant activity of tea, say doctors Roseane M. Santos and Darcy R. Lima, coauthors of the book "An Unashamed Dafense of Coffee: 101 Reasons to Drink Coffee Without Guilt".

However, well roasted coffee may not retain any antioxidant that the raw coffee beans contain.

Benefits of antioxidants in berries

What are the benefits of consuming antioxidants?

Berries, which are known for their broad health-promoting qualities because they contain antioxidants, potentially provide greater health benefits than the same antioxidants found in supplements, according to the Department of Food Science and Technology of the State University of California. Oregon. Fiber and other components have a synergistic effect when combined with antioxidants.

Combination of antioxidant foods

What are the benefits of consuming antioxidants?

A study published in the September issue of the "Journal of Medicinal Food" in 2012 found that certain combinations of foods rich in antioxidants offer particular benefits that food alone can not offer.

When the antioxidants present in blueberries, strawberries and spinach are combined, they protect the nervous system by inhibiting an enzyme that may be related to certain neurological disorders, which include autism, depression and schizophrenia.

Immunological benefits of antioxidants

What are the benefits of consuming antioxidants?

Antioxidants in foods, including vitamin A, C and E, polyphenols and certain minerals such as selenium improve immune function by eliminating free radicals, which are highly reactive compounds that are formed as byproducts of normal processes in the body or enter in it by means of the environment, as indicated by the State University of Pennsylvania.

By neutralizing these harmful components, antioxidants help prevent some forms of cancer and can strengthen the immune system for the management of HIV infection. In an animal study published in October 2012 in the issue of the journal "Carcinogenesis" it was discovered that vitamin C increased the activity of important antioxidant enzymes that help prevent breast cancer.

Antioxidants and their anti-aging effects

Antioxidants in foods, such as vitamins E and C, can help delay the aging process and prevent or even reverse memory loss, according to a study published in the December issue of the journal "Age" in 2008. Animal studies found that cranberry-rich diets improved the ability of brain cells to maintain long-term communication and establish strong connections.

After knowing the important health benefits of antioxidants, it is time to include foods that contain this substance in our daily diet. For this CasaVerde gourmet offers you a wide variety of healthy and nutritious products that will contribute to your goal of maintaining a healthier life.

What are the benefits of consuming antioxidants?

Therefore we present our cranberry vinaigrette , made from this delicious antioxidant fruit, combined with ingredients of a vinaigrette such as sunflower oil, sugar, wine vinegar, salt, onion, starch, xanthan gum and spices, which in Together they will highlight the flavor of your salads and other dishes. Do you dare to try it? Acquire this product in our CasaVerde stores in Lima and Trujillo.

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The benefits of antioxidant foods

You have probably heard about antioxidant foods. However, do you really know what they are? Know here your benefits and what foods fall into this category.

As everything in life must be balanced, to neutralize free radicals we have a defense system, whose characteristic are the compounds called antioxidants:

The endogenous antioxidants: produced by our organism. They are enzymes made up of proteins that bind to metals such as zinc, iron, magnesium, selenium, copper to act. The most important are catalase, super oxide dismutase, glutathione peroxidase and others such as glutathione, urates and ubiquinol.

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Doctor's Best High Absorption CoQ10 with BioPerine, Gluten Free, Naturally Fermented, Heart Health, Energy Production,100 mg 120 Softgels

The exogenous antioxidants: that must be contributed by a balanced diet. Among them are vitamin C, vitamin E, carotenoids, and polyphenols, Zinc, Selenium and Manganese.

When there is an imbalance between the production of free radicals and the antioxidant system we are facing what we call oxidative stress, which is necessary to avoid. This is the biochemical mechanism of chronic damage that is related to aging, cancer, immune damage and chronic diseases. Therefore, the proper choice of food is a great preventive tool, especially if accompanied by physical activity and concern for mental health.

Foods that contain antioxidants have multiple benefits for health and our body. Below we list the diseases or pathologies that these elements help combat:

  •     Cancer: Antioxidant foods contain flavonoids, which protect from oxidizing agents such as UV rays, environmental pollution, preventing different types of cancer.
  •     Cardiovascular diseases: Antioxidant foods contain phytosterols, which block the absorption of cholesterol at the intestinal level and act on the cells involved in the narrowing of the arteries.
  •     Prevent or improve neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's or Parkinson's.

What foods that give us antioxidants?

There are various foods that we can incorporate into our daily diet, which provide us with antioxidants. Here we give you some of them to start consuming them:

  •     Citrus, vegetables and raw fruits: These foods contain vitamin C, and they help in the formation of collagen and in the transmission of the nervous impulse to the muscles and organs. They also protect lipids, DNA and help regenerate the vitamin E that has been consumed.
  •     Red, yellow and green vegetables: All these foods contain antioxidants such as lutein that helps maintain good vision and beta-carotene, which in the intestine is transformed into vitamin A (helps improve the immune response), among others.
  •     Nuts, olive oil, cereals and grease vegetables (avocado): Contain vitamin E, which reduces LDL (bad) cholesterol, decrease the risk of coronary heart disease and protect unsaturated fatty acids from oxidation.
  •     Fruits and vegetables: Their main benefit is that they contain polyphenols, antioxidants that become part of the blood and protect the cells.