Friday, February 1, 2019

Bronson CoQ10 100mg (CoEnzyme Q-10), 300 Softgels

Antioxidant and anti-aging water

Antioxidants and Health


Our HEALTH is the balance between OXIDATION and ANTIOXIDANTS

If free radicals tip the balance towards oxidation, oxidative stress occurs, which is the cause of most diseases and premature aging.

Drinking hydrogenated water helps to lower the level of oxidation of our body, tilting the balance on the side of health.

Bronson CoQ10 100mg (CoEnzyme Q-10), 300 Softgels
Bronson CoQ10 100mg (CoEnzyme Q-10), 300 Softgels

  • FREE RADICALS appear because part of the oxygen we breathe becomes REACTIVE OXYGEN that oxidizes us.
  • Oxidation is the cause of AGING and most DISEASES .
  • Hydrogenated water is ANTIOXIDANT and reduces oxidation.

Free radicals
Our cells need oxygen to convert food into energy. In this process some oxygen molecules lose an electron, which they try to recover by stealing it from our cells, oxidizing them. We call this reactive oxygen free radicals. When a cell is oxidized by free radicals it can die or reproduce with defects, leading to premature aging and diseases.

They cede electrons to free radicals and neutralize them. Our team injects electrons to water, by means of hydrogen, making it antioxidant. The electrons have a negative charge and the sum of all of them is what the antioxidant potential meter (ORP) indicates , which is measured in millivolts (mV) . The electrons stay in the water "MOUNTED" on the hydrogen atoms.

We generate excess free radicals due to:

  •     Bad diet
  •     Pollution
  •     Stress
  •     Preservatives and chemical colorants
  •     Tobacco
  •     Alcoholic drinks
  •     Side effects of medications
  •     Viral and bacterial infections
  •     Sun and other ultraviolet rays
  •     Age, since we generate less antioxidant enzymes

The hydrogen dissolved in the water is harmless . More than half of our body is hydrogen. When hydrogen has no electrons, it is attracted by oxygen and thanks to this, water (H2O) is formed.
When we give hydrogen its own electrons, it separates itself from oxygen and ceases to be water. It stays mixed with water, with its own electrons . Hydrogen is a gas and tends to evaporate. When it evaporates, it carries its electrons with it. Then the water stops being an antioxidant and has a negative electric charge.

What are free radicals

They are unstable molecules of oxygen, which lack an electron, which steal from our cells, causing diseases and premature aging .

Hydrogen® injects electrons into the water by injecting hydrogen, giving it an antioxidant electric charge . Water enriched with hydrogen donates its electrons and neutralizes free radicals .

Antioxidant juices | benefits of juices.

The benefits offered by antioxidant juices are many and varied and all positive to help our health is in perfect condition, antioxidants are essential to preserve our health and help us in the fight against free radicals, they are famous for cause premature aging and certain types of diseases. To stock up on this type of fuel, fruit juices are a very smart decision.
Our body naturally produces free radicals, and this phenomenon is a vital defense, these natural compounds accelerate the aging of our cells and even sometimes are the cause of serious illness if they are in excess in our body. To try to counteract the devastating effects caused by free radicals, we must do so with the antioxidants that nature offers, fruits and vegetables are possessing large amounts of natural antioxidants. Why not put an antioxidant juice in our diet?
The fruits that contain the largest number of antioxidants are exotic fruits or red fruits. So we can eat unrestricted fruits of the type of kiwi, guava, mango, orange, pink grapefruit, lychee or pineapple, this was said by Dr. Serge Rafal, author of the book "antioxidant power" in general we must choose the ripe fruit This being ripe will be easier for us to digest, we told what was previously said by Dr. Serge Nadal, we would add the red fruits, these fruits are full of lycopene, this component is what gives this color so characteristic to these fruits, fruits Like the pomegranate, the raspberry or the blueberries, they contribute to our organism a powerful amount of antioxidants, the lycopene is the greatest natural antioxidant of which there is evidence.

The best 5 antioxidant juices

If you are wondering which are the fruits with more antioxidant power we present the five antioxidant juices that we think have more antioxidant power, by adding these good foods to our diet we will be giving an extra boost of antioxidants to our body.

Strawberry antioxidant juice:

By taking a strawberry juice, we will be adding to our body a high antioxidant capacity, strawberries contain a large amount of anthocyanin, this is a unique flavonoid that acts potently against inflammatory conditions, (asthma, atherosclerosis, arthritis ...).
The composition of the strawberry also adds large amounts of potassium, this acts to improve diuresis and helps us to detoxify the body, helps improve blood pressure and acts directly on our muscles.
The strawberries contain large amounts of folic acid, this acid helps us to keep our memory in good condition since the consumption of this juice will help us to improve our
concentration and help our brain process information.

Antioxidant juice of green tea:

The juice of green tea is a juice that contains a large amount of antioxidant compounds that are very beneficial to fight against free radicals and thus fight against premature aging.
The active principles responsible for the antioxidant activity of this plant are polyphenolic compounds (more than 3% of its composition), we find three types: flavonoids, catechins and tannins.
Among the flavonoids we find Kemferol and myricetol,
Green tea has a great and well-deserved fame in traditional medicine, this is thanks to its extensive chemical composition, many studies have revealed that the most frequent polyphenols found in green tea catechins, are even more potent than vitamins of type C E In the fight against free radicals, this helps us to stop the advance of premature aging and some degenerative diseases that are associated with aging.

Carrot antioxidant juice:

The carrot is known the great power it has to help us tan in summer and it is very helpful to keep our eyes in perfect condition, but what most people do not know is the high amount of benefits that the consumption of Carrots contributes to our body.
The usual consumption of carrots will provide a large amount of vitamins (A, B, C and E), minerals and what we are treated in this post a great compound of antioxidants such as lutein, lycopene, carotenes, zeaxanthin and xanthophyll.
These compounds help our body in different facets, including reducing arthritis or keeping our eye system in top condition.

Blueberry antioxidant juice:

Surely you have heard about the innumerable antioxidant properties that cranberry juice offers us, this is due to the high concentrations of flavonoids that we find in this fruit, especially those found in greater quantities in blueberries (many more than reds). ), this gives astringent properties due to the high concentration of tannins found in this fruit, this gives them antidiarrheal, antiseptic or hypoglycemic effects.
As for the nutritional composition of cranberry, these do not contain fat, sodium, or cholesterol, on the contrary are rich in vitamins and fiber, a good source of potassium, provitamin A, magnesium and only gives us 30 calories per 100 grams of fresh cranberry.

Pomegranate antioxidant juice:

For the end we leave the juice of pomegranate , the juice of this fruit is the juice that more antioxidant properties gives us, this is thanks to its composition, it is worth mentioning two compounds:
Punicalagina: punicalagina are large molecules found in pomegranates, they have a great antioxidant capacity, this capacity is increased when metabolized with other compounds (urolitins, ellagic acid), the antioxidant value of these compounds is up to three times more than red wine or green tea.
Punic acid: this acid is also known as Omega 5, is an acid that is only obtained by cold pressing the seeds of the pomegranate, omega 5 is a type of conjugated linoleic acid, the word conjugate has to do with the disposition of the double bonds in the fatty acid molecule.
The punicalagins found in pomegranate juice have been shown in different studies that help reduce inflammation, this is one of the main causes of many deadly diseases.
In different studies there is preliminary evidence that the action of pomegranate juice can be very useful for men who may suffer from prostate cancer, since according to these studies the consumption of pomegranate juice can inhibit the growth of cancer.
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