Friday, February 1, 2019

BRI Nutrition COQ10 Ubiquinone - 2.6X Higher Total Coenzyme Q10 COQSOL? Absorption Than Normal COQ10-100mg Maximum Strength Supplement - 120 Softgels

Antioxidants work: diseases that help prevent

They are one of the most researched substances by science due to the enormous potential they have to help our body fight against diseases that can be, in some cases, very serious

We listen to it daily and we have learned to relate it to something good. But that's where our knowledge about these compounds ends. We can try to decipher it through the name: anti means against and oxidize .. it means that, oxidize, which we assume is bad. But why is it bad? Oxygen , although absolutely necessary for life, is a very reactive element (hence its great energetic potential to be one of our 'fuels'). After completing its energetic function, oxygen can form substances such as peroxides (such as hydrogen peroxide) or free radicals (molecules with unpaired electrons that are reactive and unstable). These two compounds have harmful potential for all parts of the cell, from the proteins that form the structures to the lipids, or even for the DNA itself.

BRI Nutrition COQ10 Ubiquinone - 2.6X Higher Total Coenzyme Q10 COQSOL? Absorption Than Normal COQ10-100mg Maximum Strength Supplement - 120 Softgels
BRI Nutrition COQ10 Ubiquinone - 2.6X Higher Total Coenzyme Q10 COQSOL? Absorption Than Normal COQ10-100mg Maximum Strength Supplement - 120 Softgels

"There is an inversely proportional relationship between antioxidants and the risk of chronic diseases"

To avoid these damages, the body of all species (including humans) that live on oxygen have devised defense and repair mechanisms : antioxidants . These molecules have the peculiarity of 'wishing' to join those dangerous compounds, canceling out their effects and preventing damage. When there is a negative imbalance between the amount or effectiveness of antioxidants present in the body and the amount of harmful substances, the cells are exposed to damage, sometimes irreversible .

This is the reason why, in recent decades, science has focused so much attention on research on these substances. Not all its effects and mechanisms have been discovered, but you begin to have an idea of ​​what its potential utility is and what antioxidants we consume, or what we should consume .

The most famous of all is vitamin C , also known as ascorbic acid, which is a monosaccharide (yes, a 'version' of sugar), but it is not the only one. The most common, and which has been responsible for our protection against oxidizing agents for thousands of years, is glutathione , a peptide (a union of several amino acids that does not become a protein) generated by the cells themselves. But the list is much higher: melatonin , tocopherols , tocotyrene , carotenoids or polyphenols (within each category are dozens of different compounds).

Representation of how an antioxidant neutralizes a free radical. (iStock) Representation of how an antioxidant neutralizes a free radical. (iStock)

The foods that stand out for their antioxidant content are:

  •     Vitamin C Guava, currant, pepper, kiwi, broccoli, orange, lemon or pineapple.
  •     Melatonin Nuts, banana, tomatoes, cherries or rice.
  •     Tocopherols and vitamin E Hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, olive oil or spirulina.
  •     Carotenoids Tomato (very rich in lycopene), pumpkin, carrot, papaya, mango, peach, chard or spinach.
  •     Polyphenols Almonds, nuts, pistachios or mushrooms

But the risks of oxidizing agents and oxidative stress and the benefits and 'potential healing' of antioxidants go beyond a couple of damaged cells. These are some of the diseases (really serious) that are related to oxidative damage and for which, in theory, antioxidants could play a beneficial role:

  •     Alzheimer's disease In a study published by the researcher Yves Christen , of the Fondation Ipsen in Paris, in ' The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition ' (one of the most reputable publications in this field), the relationship was established " between Alzheimer's disease and free radicals , which is based on the susceptibility of neurons to damage by these compounds, many antioxidants such as vitamin E or selegiline have shown promising results in relation to Alzheimer's. "
  •     Parkinson . In a study published by the researchers Wood-Kaczmar A , Ghandi S and Wood NW , of the Institute of Neurology of the National Hospital of Neurology and Neurosurgery in London , "the relationship between oxidative stress and the 'substantia nigra' (an area of of the brain) characteristic of patients with Parkinson's, which puts the spotlight in that it is possible that treatments with antioxidants are beneficial to avoid the neurodegeneration characteristic of the disease ".
  •     Diabetes Italian researchers Davi G , Falco A and Patron C , from the University of Chieti , Italy, conducted a study entitled 'Lipid peroxidation in diabetes mellitus'. It analyzed the relationship between certain oxidizing agents such as F2-isoprostanes and the ailment: "The F2 -iso- are important transducers of the effects of metabolic abnormalities, which increases the cardiovascular risk in diabetic patients". This study also assesses the potential that some antioxidants (such as vitamin supplements) could have in the prevention of the disease. And this is not the only study that supports this relationship. In another published by Giuliano D , Ceriello A and Paolisso G , from the Second University of Naples , indicated that "the generation of reactive oxygen species that cause oxidative stress could play an important role in the etiology of medical complications to which diabetics are prone. "

"The presence of ingested antioxidants has been shown to prevent oxidative damage associated with the development of cancer"

    Rheumatoid arthritis Researchers Carol A Hitchon and Hani S El-Gabalawy , from the University of Manitoba in Canada, established in a study published in 2004 that "oxygen metabolism plays an important role in the onset of rheumatoid arthritis, because the species Oxygen reactants occur during the course of oxidative phosphorylation, and these may have inflammatory effects on the synovial membranes . " In a more accessible language, what they say in this study is that joint cellular respiration releases large amounts of free radicals, which promotes a worsening of the synovial membrane and therefore of the disease.
    Cancer If all the research regarding oxidative damage and the benefits of antioxidants is very cautious when it comes to drawing conclusions, in the case of cancer, much more. In a document published by the National Cancer Institute of the United States , the state of research was evaluated with respect to the effects of antioxidants to prevent oxidative damage that is considered to play a role in the onset of cancer. In this document it was explained that "in laboratory and animal studies, the presence of ingested antioxidants has been shown to prevent oxidative damage associated with the development of cancer ". Of course, observational studies (longitudinal and control cases) dedicated to investigate the relationship between antioxidant intake and cancer "have shown mixed, inconclusive results." Anyway, studies that relate more and more antioxidants with the prevention of this disease, as published by A. Venket Rao and Sanjiv Agarwal of the University of Toronto . It establishes "an inversely proportional relationship between the consumption of lycopene and the risk of chronic diseases such as cancer or cardiovascular diseases."

Despite the caution shown by the scientific world regarding the benefits of antioxidants, one thing is clear: it is one of the most promising nutrients for our health, because they are the only ones capable of stopping the feet of the mortal, and at the same time vital , oxygen.


Antioxidants are able to activate our immune system to help fight infections and protect the skin from premature aging. All this, through foods such as spinach or strawberries. In addition, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, it is found in citrus fruits and helps us to prevent and reduce the likelihood of having colds.

Likewise, a diet rich in antioxidants can help us prevent heart disease. For this, we can consume foods rich in omega-3, such as sardines or salmon. Also, we can find antioxidants in fruits and vegetables that help us reduce the risk of suffering from diseases such as cancer. These are beta-carotene (which contains watermelon or grapefruit) and selenium (which can be found in vegetables and nuts).

Ideas for our body to absorb antioxidants:

A fresh and nutritious drink: tomato sorbet

The main benefits of tomato are to avoid cardiovascular diseases and reduce the risk of heart attack. In addition, they help prevent some types of cancer, as well as other diseases. In summer, enjoy it as a fresh drink in tomato sorbet!

The star dish of this season: antioxidant salad

To the classic salad we can add different foods, which make it become an antioxidant salad ready to drink. For example: carrot, soy, tomato, nuts and soy sauce. They will help prevent degenerative diseases and tumors.

Antioxidant pleasure: chocolate dice to cardamom

Cocoa is a highly antioxidant food that can help us reduce diseases associated with aging, such as some degenerative and cardiovascular diseases. We encourage you to try the chocolate dice to the cardamom.

There are many more recipes to help protect our body from various diseases and keep it well cared for. Any of the antioxidant foods can be turned into a delicious and healthy dish.

We encourage you to try our recipes and share yours in the comments of this article.

Start taking care of your health!