Friday, February 1, 2019

BulkSupplements Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) Powder (50 grams)

The Benefits of Antioxidants

It is possible that recently you have read or heard that antioxidants are related to good health or that they are a good way to avoid diseases. Antioxidants have been very well publicized lately, and with good reason. But what is an antioxidant? What do they do inside our body? How can we get more?

Well, first of all we have to define what an anoxidant is. Have you seen the fish in the bottom of the fish tank that absorb all the toxic waste from the fish? Also, imagine that antioxidants are "free radical scavengers" of molecular size in the "fish tank" or your body.

BulkSupplements Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) Powder (50 grams)
BulkSupplements Coenzyme Q10 (COQ10) Powder (50 grams)


When an antioxidant manages to enter the body, mainly through what we eat, it slows down or even prevents the oxidation of other molecules. When molecules in the body are oxidized, they create free radicals or cellular byproducts. It is very normal to have free radicals in the body, but in excess they can ruin our cellular structures.

What are the free radicals?

Free radicals create a destructive process in our cells, causing the molecules inside the cells to be destabilized. They may even play an important role in the formation of cancer cells due to a "chain reaction" effect that causes other cells to be damaged. Given the inherent instability of free radicals, they try to attack healthy cells to balance themselves. This causes healthy cells to react in the same way, attacking others in an endless attempt to achieve cell stability.


In short, free radicals attack everything that crosses their path and cause cells to behave the same. As with most conflicts, the results are "free radical waste products" made from broken, damaged and deformed cells. If our cells are weak it is natural that the organs, tissues and skin of the body also weaken.

As you can imagine, oxidative damage plays an immense role in many modern diseases such as muscle and tissue degeneration, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, as well as other health problems. You are exposed to free radicals because they are a normal by-product of the body's regular processes, such as breaking down the food we eat, taking toxic drugs, as in the case of exposure to pollutants. In addition, over-exposure to the sun (burns) and smoking can also increase your body's need to oxidize and create free radicals. Antioxidants stop this cell chain reaction which is oxidation by neutralizing free radicals.

Many plants and animals have large amounts of reserve antioxidants, due to their role in preventing cell damage, as well as their ability to repair damaged cells. Studies have shown that antioxidants play a role (in English) in reducing cell damage from free radicals.

In addition, the National Cancer Institute has said that preliminary studies in laboratory animals show that "antioxidants serve to prevent the damage of free radicals that is related to cancer." Many experts believe that greater amounts of antioxidants in the body can slow down the aging process and even increase the longevity.

How can you get more antioxidants in your body?

The secret of consuming more antioxidants is simple: Eat more organic and fresh fruits and vegetables.

The simplest and most effective way to expose yourself to more antioxidants is through your diet. Incorporating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day into your diet can help your body reduce your chances of having a heart condition, neurological diseases, cancer and a reduced immune system.

So enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables every day! Especially because studies show that it is more effective to take antioxidants through your diet than through supplements.

Some examples of common antioxidants include glutathione, beta-carotene, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Selenium, alpha-lipoic acid, melatonin and Vitamin E. A few important antioxidant enzymes in the body naturally produce superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and glutathione peroxidase . However, for the body to produce this, zinc, manganese, copper and selenium are required.

List of Foods with Antioxidants

The following is a short list of foods rich in antioxidants. Try to incorporate as many of them into your daily diet. And remember, the organic, raw, fresh and locally grown is always the best:

  •     Corn
  •     Lime
  •     Kale
  •     Lemon
  •     Dates
  •     Chilies
  •     Nails
  •     Garlic
  •     grapes
  •     Plums
  •     Mangoes
  •     pumpkin
  •     Son
  •     Almonds
  •     Raw Nuts and Seeds
  •     Berries
  •     Carrots
  •     Peppers
  •     Oregano
  •     Spinach
  •     Chabacanos
  •     Broccoli
  •     Cinnamon
  •     Tomatoes
  •     Olive oil
  •     Artichoke
  •     Green Tea
  •     Pineapple
  •     Betabel Red
  •     Integral rice
  •     Goji Berries
  •     Acai cherry
  •     Coconut oil
  •     Pinto beans
  •     Broad beans
  •     Wheat Germ
  •     Grenades
  •     Hemp oil
  •     Barley and Rye
  •     Currant
  •     Blood orange
  •     Sweet potatoes

2 High Antioxidant Supplements

I use these three supplements daily and I highly recommend them to anyone who wants to supplement their diet with antioxidants

  •     Intramax - 100% Organic Liquid Multivitamin
  •     Megahydrate - Powerful antioxidant supplement

† Results may vary. Information and statements made for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your doctor. Global Healing Center does not dispense medical advice, prescribe, or diagnose illness. The views and nutritional advice expressed by Global Healing Center are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition or health concern, see your doctor.